Why do nails peel and break?

Every person, regardless of gender and lifestyle, prefers to have well-groomed hands and healthy nails, because they are always in sight. But what to do if the nails exfoliate and break, began to look damaged? The article tells about the main causes of the problem, and also provides 17 recipes for self-treatment of exfoliating nails.

Causes of delamination and brittleness

To begin with, it is worth understanding what is the reason for such changes.

Nails are made up of thin layers of durable protein - keratin, so if the nail exfoliates, it means that there has been a violation of the layered structure of the nail plate.

The most common problem that exfoliates nails is malnutrition. Stratification of the body signals a lack of protein or trace elements. For example, sulfur in the composition of keratin makes the nail plate dense, calcium determines its structure, and magnesium determines the growth of new nails. When there is a deficiency of one of these elements, delamination can occur.

The required amount of protein can be obtained from the daily diet. It is found in meat, fish, eggs and legumes. And the lack of calcium can be replenished by including more dairy products in me. Magnesium can be obtained from nuts, cereals and legumes, sulfur from garlic, onions, cheese and eggs.

Lack of vitamins can also cause delamination, especially vitamin D. In any case, vitamin-mineral complexes will help to quickly eliminate the deficiency of essential substances and gradually return the natural look to the nails.

It would be useful to note that an overdose of calcium is also harmful, so when adjusting the diet and taking vitamins, it is important not to overdo it and always adhere to a known daily allowance.

Diseases of the internal organs

Among other things, the separation of nails may indicate diseases of the internal organs, because any serious health problems affect the appearance. If a person has severe stripes, skin deteriorates and nails exfoliate - this is a signal that you need to visit a doctor as soon as possible and undergo an examination.

Particular attention should be paid to the endocrine, digestive system and thyroid gland.

Stress and overwork

Another reason for delamination of nails is severe stress, overwork resulting from this metabolic and hormonal imbalance. In this case, you should take the necessary measures as soon as possible to return your life to a calm course, otherwise more serious illnesses will begin behind these problems. If hormonal changes are caused by the use of contraceptives, it is wise to look for an alternative to them.

Medical preparations

By the way, other medications can also have a bad effect on the nails - for example, strong antibiotics or drugs that are used for diabetes, hypertension, and thyroid diseases.


Another unpleasant cause of stratification is fungal diseases. If there are noticeable changes in the color, thickness and texture of the nail plate (especially uneven), if itching is present, it is most likely a fungus.


Another reason why your nails exfoliate is their chemical or mechanical damage. For example, frequent use of household chemicals can be very harmful. And even ordinary water can have its effect: from a long stay in water, the nails get soaked, become more fragile and brittle.

It is worth avoiding prolonged exposure to water on the nails, and it is better to refuse the habit of filing them immediately after water procedures.


Does not add health and strength to nails and such a common procedure as. The material for it can be used differently, but in any case, after building up, special nail care is recommended, which should not be neglected.

Psychological reasons

Nails begin to exfoliate for psychological reasons. For example, a bad habit is to constantly gnaw them, knock nails on hard surfaces.

Misuse of manicure products

If the nails began to exfoliate after cosmetic procedures, then pay attention to manicure products:

  • Nail polish remover should be changed to a less aggressive (without acetone) and better quality.
  • Metal nail files are very harmful to nails, just like others are too hard.
  • The abrasiveness index of a file for natural nails should be at least (or better - more than) 180 grit.
  • When processing, keep the file perpendicular to the nail plate.
  • And nail scissors should be sharp enough so as not to damage the nails when cutting.

Basic products for treatment

How to help exfoliating nails, affected by a cleaning agent or beriberi, so that the result is visible right now?

Special funds

The easiest way would be to go to a nail salon or buy special products and oils to strengthen nails.

Olive oil

In addition, there is a good remedy that you can find right in your kitchen - this is olive oil.

It can be mixed with lemon juice (found there). The resulting liquid should be applied to the nails and fingers. This mask should be kept as long as possible so that it has time to absorb.

17 Recipes to Treat a Dissection

You can also cure exfoliating nails at home with the help of folk recipes.

Mix in equal amounts Apple vinegar And water. Dip your fingers in the resulting solution for a few minutes. Immediately after this, gently push back the cuticle. If you do the procedure once a day, then in a few days the nails will become much stronger. Apple cider vinegar contains vitamins, potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron, as well as malic and acetic acid, which strengthen the nail plate and fight infections.

pierce vitamin E capsules and squeeze out the oil they contain. Apply oil to nails before bed. Rub gently for 5 minutes to improve blood circulation. Improving the condition of the nails will come after daily use for one or two weeks. For an additional effect, vitamin E can be taken orally.

Two teaspoons dried horsetail pour into a cup of hot water, cover with a saucer and leave for 10 minutes. Allow to cool, then dip your fingers in the broth for 20 minutes. Dry your nails and rub olive oil into them. Do not rinse. Wear gloves at night for best results. Repeat four times a week. Additionally, you can drink two cups of horsetail tea per day.

mix tea tree oil (a few drops) and vitamin E oil(½ teaspoon). Rub the mixture into each nail and massage. Wait half an hour, rinse, wipe your fingers dry and apply a moisturizing lotion. Repeat twice a day. Tea tree oil is a good antiseptic that fights infections effectively.

Sprinkle two tablespoons coarse sea salt into a small bowl of warm water. Drop two drops of frankincense, myrrh, wheat germ oil and lemon essential oil into it. Dip your fingers in the solution for fifteen minutes. Wash hands in warm water, wipe dry and apply cream. If you follow this recipe three times a week, the results will be noticeable very soon. Sea salt contains many beneficial minerals that strengthen the nail plate, soften cuticles and make nails shiny.

mix lemon juice(one tablespoon) and olive oil(three tablespoons) in a small container. Heat the mixture in the microwave for a few seconds until it is warm. Apply to nails with a cotton pad, put on gloves and leave overnight. Repeat daily for 2 to 3 weeks.

Mix in the same amount fresh lemon juice and argan oil. Dip your fingers in the mixture for 20-25 minutes. Use daily for several weeks, preferably about a month.

Warm up a quarter of a cup olive oil. Mix it with apple cider vinegar (a quarter of a cup) and beer (half a cup). Dip your fingers in the liquid for fifteen minutes. Repeat every four days. Beer contains biotin, selenium, phosphorus and potassium, which help to heal and strengthen nails.

Apply any moisturizer or oil to your nails and rub in thoroughly. The chosen product will moisturize the nail plate and soften the cuticle, while the massage will improve blood flow. As a result, the nails will become healthier and stronger.

Mix 1 teaspoon peppermint and chamomile, pour a cup of boiling water, cover with a saucer and leave for an hour and a half. Then strain the broth. Add olive oil (half a teaspoon) and wheat flour (two tablespoons) to the broth. Beat well - you can in a blender - and apply a mask on your nails. Leave for half an hour, then rinse.

Lubricate nails and cuticles once a day vaseline. This tool helps to moisturize the nail plate.

Whisk egg yolk, add some milk, beat again. Rub the mixture into your nails, then rinse. Repeat regularly until the condition of the nails improves.

warm up Coconut oil and apply on each nail. Massage gently and thoroughly for five minutes. This will improve blood flow and moisturize your nails. Repeat the procedure two to three times a day.

Mix a quarter cup of warm coconut oil and a little lemon juice. Soak your fingers in the mixture for 10 minutes before bed. For best results, wear gloves at night. The procedure is carried out for several weeks until the nails become healthy and strong.

Apply a few drops to each nail fish oil rub into the skin and nail plate. Wash your hands after half an hour. to help make your nails stronger.

Include in your daily diet foods containing biotin such as egg yolk, whole grains, cauliflower, soy, fish, milk, lentils, bananas. And also drink enough water.

Daily intake of 2.5 mg of biotin for 6 months increases the thickness of the nail plate by 25%.

Another useful product for nails is edible gelatin, which is soaked in water at the rate of 2 tablespoons per glass of water and heated until it swells. You need to heat it carefully: if you get carried away and bring the gelatin to a boil, it becomes useless.

The liquid is stirred until completely dissolved, after which it is allowed to cool slightly and baths are made for 15-20 minutes.

Video about the problems of exfoliating nails

Video: 5 more treatments

It is important to remember that cosmetic, medicinal and folk remedies for strengthening nails will not eliminate the reason why they exfoliated, so the treatment must be comprehensive.