Exercise at home or in a fitness club (and how often)? Advantages and disadvantages. For those who do not know how many times a week you need to do fitness

Before anyone who has decided to improve their lifestyle with physical activity, the question arises: how often do you need to do fitness in a fitness club? How to optimally calculate your rate? The selection of the load depends on what type of activity you want to focus on: strength training or cardio training.

Aiming to create a beautiful muscle relief and gain muscle mass? Then your choice is power training, and the minimum time required to achieve the effect is two hours a week. Needless to say, with a small temporary load, you should not expect quick changes, but who said that quantity is more important than quality? Visiting the fitness center rarely, but aptly, after a few months you will notice an improvement in both physical fitness and metabolism, and overall well-being.

How many times a week do anaerobic exercise? Even if you are an ardent fan of strength training, do not rush to disappear in the gym all day long. Maximum recommended weekly rate - 5-6 hours. In this situation, it is more useful and wiser not to go to the fitness center every day and load the muscles for an hour, but to attend workouts 3-4 times a week and thoroughly work out the desired muscle groups.

It is very important not to lose sight of the fact that loaded muscles need at least 24 hours to recover, and therefore daily pumping, for example, biceps, is not effective either in terms of saving time or in terms of saving energy.

A variation practiced by many is to dedicate these 3 training days to three areas of the body:

  1. shoulders, forearms and arms;
  2. press, back;
  3. buttocks, legs.

the situation is somewhat different. If you do not pursue the goal of losing weight, but are engaged in maintaining the tone of the body and the cardiovascular system, then the required minimum is equal to one hour a week. As in the case of strength training, in cardio, the intensity of the training is at the forefront. The ideal solution is to alternate between interval training and heart rate training.

Can you exercise every day?

Do you want to lose fat and tighten problem areas? Are you ready to go to the fitness club at least every day, but you are not sure if it is safe for your health? Here is the answer: fitness can be practiced every day, provided there are no medical contraindications. However there is no point in spending two hours on the treadmill every day or in aerobics classes: the body needs to be accustomed to the load gradually, and with such a “brazen” approach, you risk running out of steam and getting fed up with fitness.

How often to exercise for the fastest results?

Most a quick and clear result will give you a system of 30-minute classes 5-6 days a week. It is advisable to change the type of load from time to time, try something new, because the body gets used to the load and the usefulness of training gradually decreases. Give yourself a day off or not, decide by listening to yourself. Examples of aerobic activity that you can take note of:

  • Swimming;
  • A ride on the bicycle;
  • Aerobics
    *Step aerobics;
    *Aqua aerobics;
    *Dance aerobics;
    * Jazz aerobics;
    * Pump aerobics.

To achieve the best effect, pay attention to each type of load, focusing on the predominant one.

Giving yourself more cardio or strength training depends on your primary goal. And yes remember: concentration solely on the aerobic sphere is fraught with the fact that not only the hated fat will burn, but also the necessary and useful muscles! And vice versa - the pursuit of muscle volume can turn into clogged and sore muscles that need full stretching and movement.

So, the main principle of the effectiveness of sports is, of course, not in a daily visit to a fitness club, but in its regular visit. Regularity also depends on the mood with which you are engaged. Nothing compares to the feeling of lightness and those pleasant emotions that accompany a person who has found his niche in the vast world of fitness.

Most people start going to the gym to get rid of extra pounds and gain a beautiful figure. But when training does not bring the desired result, disappointment sets in. Newly minted fitness enthusiasts, trying to justify their failures, assure that exercising in the gym does not help to lose weight, because "mass growth begins." This and other myths prevent beginners from reaching their goal and admiring their toned body. How to train properly to lose weight and improve health?

Coaches give 10 life hacks to beginner athletes that will make training effective and help you lose weight.

Coaches note a common mistake of beginners - they practice too often. Daily workouts do not allow the muscles to recover. Instructors advise to do days of complete rest, otherwise the result from going to the gym will be minimal.

To lose weight, you need to exercise 3-4 times a week. But during classes, it is necessary to force the body to actively work.

This is interesting!

Scientists from the University of Alabama conducted an interesting experiment. They divided women who wanted to lose weight into two groups. The subjects from the first group were engaged daily, and from the second - 4 times a week. Women from the second group lost weight 1.5 times faster than their competitors.

Fat burns slowly

Isolated exercises for a specific muscle group will not give the desired effect. To observe stable weight loss, you need to train for at least 40 minutes, giving the body aerobic exercise. At this time, at least 23% of the muscles of the total mass should be involved. If the whole body works during training, fat will be burned much faster. Loads should be light, but long.

The body's usual "fuel" is carbohydrates, and only when they are deficient does it begin to use fat reserves. To enhance the process of fat burning, you need to adjust the diet. Avoid high-calorie foods, especially a few hours before and after your workout.

Expert advice:

Losing weight by constantly overeating will not work. Eat 4-6 times a day, but the portions should be small. Choose the diet that's right for you.

Cardio after strength training

60% of the time allotted for training, give cardio loads. If you want to lose weight, do cardio after strength training. During resistance exercise, carbohydrates are mainly used. Therefore, when you move on to cardio, fat stores will be burned.

Watch the load during continuous movement. To get rid of extra pounds, you need to give all your best, but monitor your pulse - it should be within the fat burning zone (50-65% of the upper value). The calculations are simple: you need to subtract your age from 220 - this is the limit.

For weight loss, interval training is recommended: exercise for a minute in an intensive mode, and then for 1-2 minutes at a more relaxed pace. You can increase the time of intensive training and reduce the recovery pace.

Expert advice:

If you don't have time to go to the gym, do an express workout. Pick up a few multi-joint exercises and "run" them in a circle several times in a high-intensity mode.

Load all muscle groups

Include in your training program exercises that involve the maximum number of muscles. The higher the load, the stronger the blood circulates, respectively, the fat “melts” more actively.

Squats burn more calories than exercise on the mat, as they engage the muscles of the buttocks and thighs at the same time. Running is more effective than an exercise bike or walking - during training, the shoulder girdle works.

Always make sure your back is straight! A beautiful posture motivates you to draw in your stomach and spend an extra “minute of sports”.

Is stability always a sign of mastery?

If you always perform the same set of exercises, you can forget about a good result. Muscles get used to the monotonous load and stop responding to it. To return the "muscle response", you need to urgently take action.

First of all, it is important to regularly increase the load, increase the number of approaches. The body should not get used to the elements of the workout, otherwise calories will be burned very slowly. The trainer will help you choose the optimal load and write out a training plan.

Expert advice:

A series of fitness mistakes can kill the desire to exercise. Don't give up, even if you have to start over!

Should there be muscle pain?

After training, the muscles should be felt, but debilitating pain is an alarming symptom. If the muscles ache for more than two days, it is worth reducing the load. This indicates that they do not have time to recover, resulting in chronic fatigue, irritability, and the desire to train disappears.

To make progress, you need to give the body a rest, and then concentrate on restorative exercises.

Efforts will be most fruitful if you find your training program. Otherwise, in the classroom, you will simply lose time and not one iota get closer to your cherished goal.

Professionals advise to always keep your fitness goals in mind. Then you will quickly achieve the desired result and be proud of your slim and toned figure.

Expert advice:

Pay special attention to the technique of performing exercises - this is the key to a good result.

A mentor will help you get great results

Self-organization is, of course, good. But sometimes it takes a lot of motivation to achieve a goal. You can train with a friend and place a bet - demonstrate a certain result within a set time limit.

Share your intermediate successes, support each other. Encouraging comments are the best motivation.

Enjoy your workout!

If classes in the gym are accompanied by constant stress, the body begins to accumulate fat for a rainy day. Take a few days off and try to revise your schedule.

Reschedule your workouts or diversify your program. You may be pushing yourself too hard and your body is resisting the extra stress. The process of losing weight will be much more active if you enjoy exercising.

After the sauna, metabolic products are removed, muscle pain subsides, and excess fluid “evaporates” from the body. As a result, cellulite becomes less noticeable, body volumes decrease.

You can go to the sauna 2-3 times a day, the temperature should be up to 60 degrees. In this case, it is useful to drink herbal teas or mineral water.

The content of the article:

Most often, the question of whether it is possible to play sports every day is asked by novice athletes. Their desire to achieve the maximum possible result in a short time is quite understandable. At the same time, they often give all their best in the classroom, leaving all their strength in the hall. Quite quickly, their enthusiasm is replaced by amazement at how pro-athletes can train every day. The answer is quite simple, because they have been training for many years, and their body has learned to perceive loads well. This is not typical for beginners, and today we will talk about whether it is possible to play sports every day.

The scientific basis for limiting exercise frequency

First, it is worth finding out the reasons why a person decides to start visiting the gym. Most often this happens in those moments when people want to lose weight or restore their former slim figure. If you started playing sports in order to lose weight, then you should not even talk about whether you can play sports every day.

It should be understood that if you are overweight, then this leads to a sharp increase in the load on the heart muscle and joints. By and large, in such a situation, all body systems work at the limit of their capabilities. It is quite obvious that excessive physical activity in such a situation can lead to serious negative consequences.

If you have previously been involved in sports and now, after a long break, you decide to resume training, then it is important to understand that the body as a whole and the muscles in particular have managed to wean themselves from physical exertion. Thus, you will again experience sharp sharp pain in the muscles after training, which in sports is commonly called krepatura.

It is a consequence of the production of large amounts of lactic acid, which is a metabolite of energy reactions. Do not underestimate this body signal, otherwise you may be forced to stop exercising no longer of your own free will.

If you have been exercising for a couple of months and the body has been able to adapt to a certain load, you should not immediately increase the number of classes during the week. The body needs time to recover and it is at this time that muscles grow and fat tissues are actively burned.

If you don't give your body enough time to recover from exercise, you'll end up in a state called overtraining. The most unpleasant thing here is not the fact that this condition negatively affects not only the muscles, but also the nervous system. It is the central nervous system that recovers after physical exertion for the longest possible time and you will have to stop exercising for at least a week or even two.

Of course, the body of each person is a unique mechanism. Some people are able to recover earlier, while for others, this process can be delayed. However, there is a general recommendation that says that between classes you need to rest for at least 24 hours. In most cases, this period of time is enough for the body to restore the work of all systems.

Even if you use cardio loads, and not strength ones, it’s worth at least a day to rest. It should also be remembered that with increasing load it increases and the body needs time to recover. First of all, this applies to large muscle groups: legs and back. It may take up to 72 hours for them to recover.

It is quite difficult for beginners to properly organize their training process. We recommend that you seek the help of an experienced trainer who will draw up an optimal training schedule for you and create an effective training program. If for some reason you cannot do this and decide to do your own training process, then adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not practice more than three times in a week.
  2. After class, you need to rest for at least 24 hours, and after working on the muscles of the legs and back - 48 hours.
  3. If you have problems with blood pressure or the work of the heart muscle, then monitor their performance and, if necessary, consult a doctor.
  4. If you want to increase the frequency of training, then you should turn to a good massage therapist who will help get rid of excess stress.
  5. Divide the workouts of muscle groups over different days, while remembering that small muscles recover faster.

Is it possible for girls to play sports every day?

Most girls visit the weight loss gym and also want to get quick results. They are no less interested in knowing the answer to the question of whether it is possible to play sports every day, in comparison with the guys. If you love fitness so much that you are ready to visit the gym every day, then this is good, but you should be extremely careful with frequent classes. When a girl wants to know if it is possible to play sports every day in order to get rid of excess weight as soon as possible and is ready to exhaust her body for this, the answer will definitely be negative.

Several factors influence the number of sessions per week. First of all, it is the intensity of classes and their type. In addition, the level of preparation of the girl and the goals set for her are important. Let's look at a few examples to answer this question.

The average girl goes in for sports to get rid of excess weight in order to make her figure slim and fit. If the experience of classes does not exceed three or four months, and large weights are not used during the training, then the body will be able to recover in about a day.

In this situation, it is worth training three times a week, using strength training, and in the pauses between anaerobic loads, you can conduct cardio sessions. In such a situation, the body will be able to fully recover, and you will be able to achieve your goal.

If a girl has been training for more than a year, then she uses serious weights and she will need at least two days to recover. If you directly answer the question of whether it is possible to play sports every day, then the answer can be positive. However, there is one caveat that should always be remembered.

We have already talked about this, namely the speed of recovery of large muscle groups. If yesterday you worked on the muscles of the legs or back, then today you can conduct a lesson, paying all attention to small muscles on it. Also in such a situation, a cardio session is allowed, lasting about half an hour. However, at least one or better two days a week should be completely free from training.

If you do not use strength training and prefer to work out in a group under the supervision of an experienced mentor, then again the answer to the question - is it possible to exercise every day, will be positive. But here, too, there is one condition that must be observed - your daily workouts must be of a different nature.

Let's say yesterday you were dancing, and today you can go to yoga. After that, you can hold interval classes, and visit Pilates the next day. This workout schedule can be perfect for fitness-loving girls who are watching their figure.

If you have the opportunity to visit various sections, you can safely do it. When this is not possible, then choose the type of fitness that you prefer. You can try to do it daily, and if you do not feel discomfort or excessive fatigue, then continue to train.

How to play sports correctly?

Now we will give recommendations on the organization of training, which may be useful to those people who decide to start playing sports, but do not know anything about it. First of all, you must be sure that you have no contraindications. To do this, you need to undergo a full medical examination. If chronic diseases have been diagnosed, the doctor will help you choose the sport that will be most useful to you.

Now there are a large number of sports, and you can definitely find something for yourself. It is very important to remember that your workouts should bring physical and emotional satisfaction. If this is not the case, then it is definitely worth changing the sports discipline.

Nutrition is half the success in training. To all people who decide to join the sport, we recommend that you review your nutrition program. Most of us do not eat right, and if you continue in the same spirit, then you will have to wait a very long time for positive results.

First of all, you should switch to fractional meals and eat at least five times a day. At the same time, your diet depends on the goals that you have set for yourself. Nutrition for weight gain and weight loss differs significantly and this is a very extensive topic. We can now say that you should give up alcohol and tobacco, as well as harmful products that have no nutritional value for the body.

Most people, having decided to start playing sports, do not pursue the goal of achieving high results. It is quite enough for them to get rid of excess weight or pump up muscles. Contrary to popular belief, training at home can also be effective, but you should have a minimum set of sports equipment and equipment.

In order for home workouts to be effective, you need to pay attention to several factors:

  • Eat properly.
  • Do not overload the body.
  • There are many effective exercises and you do not need to invent new ones. Master the technique of classical movements.
That's all we wanted to tell you about whether you can play sports every day. And more information on this issue in the video below:

Good day, my dear readers! “I'm a beginner, how many times a week should I go to the gym?” - that's the question (via the feedback form) Received in the mail of the project from one of our readers. I thought this topic should be pretty relevant for most people who are active (and not so) attending the gym, and especially for beginners. Therefore, it was decided to give a detailed answer in the form of an article, which, in fact, is in front of you. From this note, we will learn how to properly approach the training process, consider some of the time parameters of classes and how to determine them for ourselves.

In general, take a seat, it will be interesting.

How many times a week you need to go to the gym: theory

In one of our previous notes, in particular in this one, we already talked about what time and what kind of physical activity is best to do during the day. Today we will continue to work in this direction and decide on the answer to an equally important question - how many times a week should you go to the gym?

As you know, the Internet is a fairly popular source (especially among young people) to find answers to a variety of “misunderstandings”. However, the quality of information and its novelty sometimes leaves much to be desired. Something like this is the case with our topic - someone once wrote that it is optimal to walk 3 once a week to the gym / fitness room, and so it went for a walk throughout the network. Wherever you go, everywhere, like a cow, licked it with its tongue - the same numbers and paraphrased calculations - shame on you, comrades! :).

So, I could also write something similar, they say, you need to walk 3 times and that's it. However, such an ill-founded approach disgusts me, and therefore today we will fully deal with this numerical issue.

How many times a week you need to go to the gym: dry statistics

Well, I would like to start with Her Majesty's statistics, which tells us the following (see image).

Yes, most people (approx. 80% ) visit the hall 3 times a week, and I will say even more, these days are Monday / Wednesday / Friday and the time from 18-00 before 21-00 . It is at the specified time that there is the largest influx of people who want to put their bodies in order, and it is at this time that there is nowhere for the apple to fall. Such an emergency is explained in a banal and simple way: a) a habit b) it is most convenient to combine it with work / study.

In fact, if a person is set up for serious results, he should approach the consideration of questions in the style of “how often?” in a slightly different way. and “when is the best time?”. How exactly, we now consider.

All the processes that a person exposes his body during training can be divided into 4 type:

  • work with the cardiovascular system;
  • development of muscle strength;
  • endurance work;
  • development of flexibility.

The main types of training

Let's go through, in general terms, for each type.

No. 1. Cardio activity

Refers to the development of the functionality of organs such as the lungs, veins and arteries, which are responsible for processing and transporting oxygen to the muscles. As you constantly work in this direction, your heart becomes more efficient - able to pump more blood with fewer beats. This implies a decrease in heart rate (heart rate, heart rate). A low heart rate means your flame motor is working easily and efficiently, a high heart rate means the opposite.

Exercises that use oxygen (aerobic) are those that improve cardiovascular health, and this must be kept in mind when drawing up your training plan.

№2. Development of muscle strength and endurance

If you stop using your muscles, they shrink (term "shrinkage"). Muscle strength is necessary for a person when performing movements from everyday life: lifting children, dragging bags, horizontal standing. Endurance allows you to perform certain actions for a longer time without showing signs of fatigue. Both of these qualities are necessary in order to maintain mobility and functionality, especially in old age.

It's also worth saying that muscle tissue uses more calories than "inactive" tissue, which is good news for those who are trying. Resistance training improves muscle strength and endurance.

No. 3. Flexibility

Flexibility is important in training, yet it is often overlooked. But this is the degree of mobility (range of motion) joints. Without it, a person will be unable to easily perform simple tasks. Flexibility helps reduce the chance of injury and the risk of lower back pain. Therefore, such activities as stretching (hitch) and yoga must be present in yours.

From all of the above, the volume of the workout and specific numbers are derived. (how many times, how many per week).

How to build the perfect workout

To answer your own question (namely, this is what I urge you to do, and not listen to any “leftist” advice, it is not clear from anyone) "with how many times a week you need to go to the gym", you need to know some basic principles that will allow you to get the maximum benefit (and safety) from your workouts.

First of all, they concern: frequency, duration (intensity) and “difficulty” of classes.

It is also necessary to remember that the training (or exercises) should include.

Let's dwell on each point in more detail, and in the end we will try to decide on the answer to the main question of today's article.

Stages of training

Warming up (warm-up) and “cooling” (hitch) of muscles

This type of activity can be performed along with your main exercise, only at a less intense level. For example, if you have a plan 45 -minute cardio session (running) on ​​the track, then you can walk on it at a moderate pace.

It must be remembered that warming up:

  • increases blood flow to muscles;
  • reduces the chances of muscle and joint injuries;
  • must take place within 5-10 minutes at low intensity.

It must be remembered that cooling:

  • prevents the accumulation of blood in the extremities (for example, in the legs);
  • should take place within 5 minutes with a gradual decrease in the intensity level.


You should stretch your muscles after warming up and cool down. Stretching is very important. it reduces the risk of injury, removes the feeling of muscle stiffness (making them more "viable" for exercise) and also develops flexibility.


A common mistake is stretching the muscles on a “cold” one. You must first warm them up, and only then stretch them. Stretching cold muscles can damage them.

To finally decide what, how and where to warm up / stretch, I recommend that you read the note:.

How many times a week should I go to the gym and how often to exercise

It is recommended to be physically active every day with light aerobic activity three to five times a week. (e.g. brisk walking, cycling, swimming). People who lead a sedentary lifestyle need to “roll into” the training process gradually and start with aerobic exercises. 2 times a week and classes with iron (or fitness) in the amount 2 once a week.

It is most effective to follow the following weekly scheme: Monday - gym training; Tuesday - aerobic; Wednesday - rest; Thursday - gym workout; Friday - aerobic; Saturday / Sunday - rest.

How many times a week you need to go to the gym: how long to train

Scientists have calculated the minimum time interval that an average person should spend on physical activity (exercise) and is 20 minutes (excluding warm-up and cool-down). The maximum interval is 60 minutes. If you are a young beginner, then before going to the gym, you need to bring your time under load with 10 -minutes to 20-25 . It is best to start with simple home exercises:, and press.

The ultimate difficulty of training: determine the level of intensity

Someone in the gym rolls cotton wool or beats bucks, as a result of which their training time increases in an illusory way, someone plows in the sweat of their brow and performs hard voluminous work in record time. Therefore, intensity is an important factor that affects the time and quantity intervals of training.

In order for beginners to qualitatively improve their bodily and functional performance, it is necessary to start with physical activity at a low intensity. Then gradually increase the duration of the workout (total time under load), and only then increase the degree of its intensity.

To determine your current intensity level (i.e. how much you “job out”) you can use the following methods.

No. 1. Subjective method (test observation)

Based on your own feelings, try to determine how hard you worked. If after a workout you:

  • unable to talk without much effort;
  • have difficulty moving limbs upon returning home;
  • experience vomiting;
  • you feel that you would “eat a boar”.

This all suggests that the training was rich and voluminous, and you “invested” in it to the fullest.

No. 2. Voltage scale

You can also rate your workout on a scale of 0 before 20 . Your value must be between 12 (pretty hard) before 16 (hard) .

No. 3. Heart rate

The intensity of the workout can be calculated by yourself. To do this, you need to know your maximum heart rate. (how fast can your heart beat). Maximum heart rate \u003d 220-X (age). Let's let you 20 years, then 200 beats per minute (BPM) - the maximum frequency of contractions.

There are ranges of heart rate zones within which certain tasks (weight loss, muscle building, etc.) solved better (see image).

From the foregoing, the following conclusion can be drawn. To achieve good functional results and noticeable bodily transformations, it is necessary to work towards increasing the frequency, time (duration under load) training and its intensity.


As an example, if you are in the gym for 30 minutes at a comfortable intensity level (50%-60% from MChSS) 1-2 once a week, you will not improve your physical fitness. You need to move in the direction of numbers: 40-60 minutes 3-4 times a week and intensity 70-85% from your maximum heart rate.

What global conclusion can be drawn from all this boltology?

Everything is very simple - you have to figure out for yourself how often and for how long you need to train. This process is plastic enough, and even more so, you have all the necessary tools in your hands. For example, you can work out six days a week at a lower intensity or 3-4 times, but with a higher one. Now you are free to change your training pattern and adjust its “time parameters” to fit your goals and objectives.

As you can see, in order to correctly answer the question - how many times a week you need to go to the gym, you need to analyze all the above parameters in combination and derive something of your own, tied to the nature of your life, work, training activities and body recovery processes.

You can go the simplest way and say that you need to train like everyone else - about an hour, 3 once a week, but then the final results will be template. And all because they do not have your efforts to study and display the numbers for your loved one.

Now consider the physiological side of the issue of training.

How many times a week you need to go to the gym: physiology

In addition to technical information, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of training and the processes that take place in it. In particular, now we will talk about supercompensation, overtraining and recovery.

As you know, muscles do not grow during training, but after it. And in order for this process to proceed as favorably as possible, the body must be given a reasonable period for recovery. According to scientific data, such a weighted average period is 24 - hours. During this time, the body builds new structures (enzymes, mitochondria, muscle fibers) and replenish energy reserves.

Also, recovery is directly related to such a phenomenon as supercompensation. This is the post-workout period after which you become “faster, taller, stronger”, i.e. the muscle exceeded the initial level.

This phenomenon looks like this.

It turns out that each subsequent visit to the gym should coincide with the peak of supercompensation - when the muscles rested, got stronger, but did not lose their functional tone.

If you train often (For example, 4 or more times), then the body will not have time to recover. Protein synthesis will decrease, catabolic processes will begin to predominate, and as a result, all this will lead to. Too rare is also bad, because all phases of supercompensation will be wasted, and no significant increase in muscle mass will occur.

Conclusion: you need to look for a middle ground and train different muscle groups on different days, i.e. to separate them (for example: Tuesday - chest, biceps; Thursday - back, triceps, etc.).

It is also necessary to keep in mind that there is a separate category of citizens who visit the gym / fitness rooms - these are people who are overweight and suffer from metabolic disorders. The standard clichés regarding the frequency of training often do not apply to them. Therefore, if you belong to this group, then daily physical activity is almost a duty for you. Scientific evidence says that in order to lose weight, a person needs about 300 minutes of cardiovascular exercise per week, which corresponds to 1 an hour at the gym five days a week.

So, I think I managed to completely confuse you :).

In conclusion, so that you finally decide on your workouts, I will give a classic training cycle that is shown to most average active people.

Of course, you can not bother about all of the above, but then you shouldn’t have asked the question - how many times a week do you need to go to the gym , but just keep walking 3 once a week. However, I still recommend breaking your head and deducing the quantitative indicators of training, taking into account listening to your body and the characteristics of your life.


Arnold Schwarzenegger spat on stereotypes and asked them himself. In particular, he recommended to train every day in the amount 2 once (in the morning and in the evening). I think he knew what he was talking about.

That's all, let's summarize and say goodbye.


In this article, we dealt with the quantitative indicators of training, namely, we found out: who, what and how much. I am sure that now you can easily figure out how much time you need to allocate to building the body of your dreams. The main thing, remember that you shouldn’t adjust the walkers, however, you can’t treat training in a relaxed way either, look for your middle ground. Good luck, friends, may the mass be with you!

PS. Leave your mark on history by unsubscribing a comment under this post!

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network - plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

All those who finally decided to go in for sports or just wanted to work on their figure before the spring season are overcome by the same questions: where is it better to exercise, how often and for how long, what to focus on? Useful tips from Denis Semenikhin - a recognized specialist in fitness and a healthy lifestyle.

The minimum amount of time you need for strength (anaerobic) training is two hours per week. Surprisingly, this is true - even such a short time spent effectively will allow you to see changes in your figure in a few months, speed up your metabolism, and improve your well-being.

These two hours a week should be divided into 3-4 workouts, preferably four - 30 minutes each.

The minimum amount of time you need to devote to cardio training is one hour per week. This time, spent properly, will keep your cardiovascular system in shape. This hour is best broken down into three workouts of 20 minutes each. Two of them should take place at a constant pulse level, and one should be interval.

Let me remind you that for both strength and cardio training this is only the minimum amount of time. If you are already in shape, then this time will be enough for you to just maintain it. Progress will require more time.

The maximum time I recommend for strength training is 5 hours per week. For cardio, the maximum time is 4 hours per week. But in total it makes no sense to spend more than 6 hours. There is no such goal in changing the physical form (we do not take professional sports) that could not be achieved by properly training 4 times a week for an hour and a half.

That is, if you want to focus on the development of the cardiovascular system, you can do four hours of cardio per week and two hours of strength. If you decide to focus on building muscles or correcting proportions by building certain muscles, then 4-5 hours a week will be more than enough for you. Spend the remaining 1-2 hours maintaining a cardio form.

You may ask why you need to work out several times a week instead of working out, say, once, but for a long time. Everything is quite simple: a person’s muscles have time to fully recover in 72 hours, after which muscle atrophy or degradation begins, that is, if a trained muscle is not used in the same mode, it begins to atrophy to the level at which it is used regularly. For example, a person walks every day, carries the weight of his body, the leg muscles receive a certain stable load. But if, due to a fracture, the leg ended up in a cast for two months, then there is no load, and inactive muscles will inevitably atrophy. That is why, after the removal of the cast, the muscles will be much smaller and rehabilitation exercises will be required to re-align the muscle mass of the right and left legs.

Now think about what your lifestyle has been like over the past few years. Are there any muscles in your body that require rehabilitation, as they have been inactive for a very long time, although they were not in a cast? To what extent did all the muscles that should be in shape receive at least a minimal load every 72 hours?

Exercise at home or in a fitness club

If we talk about classes in fitness clubs, then they have both pluses and minuses.


  • A fitness club is, first of all, a sports spirit that unites those who work in it. The people around you have the same goals. You plunge into the atmosphere and make an energetic contribution to the common cause with your participation. This is not the case with home workouts. The absence of the necessary atmosphere at home is the main difficulty.
  • The club has all the necessary equipment. Of course, you can also put a small simulator at home, buy dumbbells, a ball and benches. But in the club there will always be more choice, and it will be more convenient to practice.
  • There is an exchange of information in the club. If something is not clear to you, it raises doubts, you can always discuss it, consult with the coaches. And if you yourself have already understood and tried a lot, then there will always be an opportunity to help someone, to support.
  • The club usually has a more prepared environment - ventilation, air conditioning, showers, steam rooms, locker rooms.


  • You have to pay to join the club.
  • You need to get to the club, time is wasted on the road.
  • Not all clubs are located in environmentally friendly places. Every time I tried to choose clubs near parks or outside the city, but this is not always possible.
  • In the club you are surrounded by different people, some of them may be unpleasant, behave strangely, etc.

If you decide to study at home, then also think about the pros and cons. At home, of course, it is more convenient to train if you have the right equipment. You can even exercise a little twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, which will perfectly speed up the metabolism. But there are also important disadvantages. The main one is the lack of a working atmosphere, a sports atmosphere. At home, we are used to feeling more relaxed, resting. It is for this reason that for most people who decide to work out at home, the purchased equipment gathers dust in the corner or turns into an expensive clothes hanger.

If you are still confident in yourself and your discipline, then try to at least find like-minded people who are ready to work with you. By creating such a mini-club, you will be able, like climbers in a bunch, to support each other in difficult times, exchange information, and not allow each other to miss classes.

Differences between training men and women

From my many years of experience in fitness clubs and watching the success of thousands of different clients, I have become convinced that the reasons for success in training men and women do not have a significant difference. At the level of physiology, of course, there are a number of well-known differences, but this does not affect the principles that are applied in training. There are no fundamental differences between the male and female body either in the speed of muscle recovery, or in working capacity, or in the metabolic processes and laws governing them.

I will say more, in practice, I have repeatedly seen that women in fitness are often more disciplined. This results in great results. It is constancy and discipline that bear fruit in this matter.

However, we must remember that women should be more attentive than men to listen to their well-being and sometimes feel sorry for themselves. But this should not be an obstacle to progress. Study yourself.

Denis Semenikhin

I go jogging, try to walk a lot and work out on the simulators a couple of times a week. That's enough for me to keep in great shape.

I didn’t master at home, now I go to the gym

I tried to work out at home, you endure a day or two, and then you give up everything, but in the gyms you have to work out, once you come, you won’t shirk.

Does anyone know if aerobic training can be considered a commute to and from work? Speed ​​approximately 6 km/h, distance - 3.2 km one way. I began to practice regularly at home, in clubs I started and quit a hundred times. I like one thing - you don’t need to catch up with anyone or wait, or measure your achievements, you can adapt to your condition on a particular day or flexibly change your training schedule. I do every other day, it turns out 3 - 4 hours a week. Well, even on foot to work.

switched to home workouts. Not regular, but there are workouts.

Comment on the article "Work out at home or in a fitness club (and how often)? Pros and cons"

In fitness clubs, no one has ever asked about a certificate and whether a child can swim at all. Moreover, if we talk about X-fit, no one even made comments if one of the adults swam without a cap. And there are plenty of such lovers of swimming with long hair without caps ...


Daughter 2 years old went on a subscription to a swimming group - 2 times a week. Since last year, we switched to the sports section in the same pool - 3 times a week. They taught me to swim by subscription, we have the same coaches as the sports groups. Sports group is more efficient, the load is greater. Daughter loves it. We have the same pool, so I can’t say where it’s cleaner. Our only water is not as warm as in the neighboring pools, but the main explanation is the sports school, but the children do not complain.

We are at the fitness club. Clean, safe, great coaches, convenient time. But expensive.
I'm afraid of sports schools, because. there, firstly, unsanitary conditions, tk. they take different children and are poorly funded, and since they take them for free at a sports school, they require discipline and results, as well as inconvenient class times, that is, this is an option for complete dedication for those who choose sports as a profession and who have no other things to do.

Fitness question. Need advice. Weight loss and diets. Girls, what kind of fitness do you do? my family gave me freedom to go to fitness, but of course not as much as I please, I broke my whole head with what I want to do, I decided that dancing ...


I went to Zumba, delight, until now my body is all fiery, so much sweat does not pour from me even in the bath)))))))))))) very fun, not difficult, the load is good, I danced a month in advance. the verdict, the trial lesson was successful, on Thursday I will go to buy a subscription, and into battle. otherwise today I looked in the mirror that the sides were ugly, and the butt somehow sagged not beautifully. gotta fight

Strength training plus a little cardio at the end 3 times a week.

How often do you play sports? How much exercise do you need to do to get good results? Those. How many times a week? I only go to group classes (aerobics, step, taibo, pilates, etc.). Let's say 3 times is enough for 2 hours?


Thank you all very much!
The picture is more or less clear.
We have 2 times an hour x 700 rubles lesson in a group of 4 people. We go for general development, we do not pretend to a professional level. Those. the money is normal and the number of classes too.

2 times a week - 1700 rubles per month.
4 times a week - 3400 rubles per month.
individual is more expensive.
I don’t know how many people in a group, but there are usually about 5 people in a lesson.

summer camp trips, trips to competitions and other delights are for those who are older.
there are all sorts of cups, i.e. this is a pretty solid middle section, with a good start for those who think big.
but we go just for general development

Section: Doctors, polyclinics, diseases (how often you need to deal with a neuropsychologist). Neuropsychologist: Need advice. Moms, did someone turn to a neuropsychologist about a child's inattention? Tell us what they are doing and what is the result?


They went for six months. They did a lot of things. Gymnastics is motor, finger, everything is tied to the left / right, alternately one leg there, the other here, at the same time the hands go left / right. It's all pretty complicated. You have to exercise at home every day. They drew with both hands, with months / days they trained for weeks. For memorization, too, all sorts of exercises, with words, letters. In short, I can't remember. Helped in terms of orientation in space. I had a problem with cells / strips, I didn’t see a damn thing. Well, here's the deal. In order for this to be effective, you need to study with a neuropsychologist for 2-3 hours (we went 3 times a week), plus another road to get to him, plus practice 20-30 minutes daily. And you also need to go to training in parallel, sports are a must. This is 3 times a week for 1.5 hours. We didn't manage to put it together. I have a slow child who does not have time to do homework. Therefore, that year we only went to a neuropsychologist, and this year we go to training. I also see results from training. There was at least some kind of gathering.

05/17/2012 10:56:44 am, I don't remember the reg

Contacted, it helped.

How much exercise do you need to do to get good results? Those. How many times a week? I only go to group classes, I don’t lose weight at all without a diet, although I go in for sports, I went to fitness for six months, I didn’t lose a single kg until the coach told me that in ...


last spring I worked out 3-4 times a week, for 2 (rarely 3) hours ... these were only group classes, I tried first on cardio or a treadmill, and then on strength (hot iron or callanetics)
in short, I lost weight perfectly 3 months before the result I needed, especially without limiting myself in food (I tried not to eat at night, but I practically ate everything), she looked great, not skinny and pulled
now I want to go to the same schedule, it doesn’t work out yet, but it’s a matter of time ...))

3 times a week is ideal for me.

Fitness and sports, group classes in fitness centers and with an instructor, fitness equipment, swimming pool. My one-year contract is coming to an end, so I have to decide whether to continue. With a load 3 times a week for 2 hours ("iron" and an exercise bike or track) and very ...


You have already been told about group lessons. Now for the trainers.
It is better not to approach them without a coach. Briefing as a minimum, a block of individual training as a maximum.
To harm yourself with work with weights is nothing to do if you have never done it. You have to show the technique, paint the program.
Learn more about the rules of the club before the locker room. For example, some come to the hall in flip flops or a short top, or bring children, or come to the pool without a cap, and this, for example, is prohibited by the rules of this club.
It is recommended to take water (to drink), a towel (wipe the simulator, lay it on the bench) with you to the gym.
According to the rules of good manners, you need to clean up your equipment, dumbbells and remove weights from the simulators.
All classes start with a warm-up, end with stretching and a hitch.
If there is a goal - to lose weight, then it is necessary to combine cardio with certain restrictions in the diet.
Immediately tune in to the training regimen that you will be ready to maintain for six months to a year. Those. you should not rush into classes as if into a whirlpool with your head: 6 times a week or for hours in the gym, so at this pace the body will quickly run out of steam.
And most importantly, FORGET the word "shy". You come to the gym to work on yourself, and not to a beauty contest. And the rest come to do business, they have no time to discuss and look at others.
Find your activity type and just enjoy the activity!

Everyone once comes to a fitness club for the first time :-), so you should not be shy at all! If you want to work out in the gym, then it makes sense to take at least one personal training session, the trainer will show you which simulators will be more effective for you, how to pump problem areas, lose weight, and in general, what you should pay attention to:- ). But in general, the lesson is structured as follows: 10 minutes - warm-up (for example, walking at a fast pace on a treadmill), then simulators: first exercises on the press, then bypass the simulators on the lower or upper body, and then go to any of the cardio machines (track, stepper, ellipse, bicycle) lose weight - for 30 minutes. Ideally, you need to practice 3 times a week, then the result will already be visible in a month. After class, it's nice to relax in the jacuzzi, then in the sauna... Good luck!