Salty dumplings with cottage cheese recipe. Dumplings with salted cottage cheese

Step 1: prepare the flour.

Pour the flour into a sieve and sift into a free deep bowl. This must be done in order to get rid of lumps and foreign impurities. Attention: To prepare the dough, you must use premium, finely ground flour and trusted brands.

Step 2: prepare the dough.

Using clean fingers, make a small indentation at the top of the flour mound. Break two eggs here, pour in salt and pour out clean cold water. Attention: According to the ingredients, 2 glasses of water are needed, but you need to focus on the quality of the flour. Therefore, it is better to pour out 1.5 cups of liquid first, and then add more if necessary. The same applies to flour: you can pour out a certain amount and add a little bit to the total mass. So, knead the dough with clean hands until it becomes elastic and stops sticking to your hands.

After that, give it a rounded shape and leave it aside for a while. This dough does not soften or crack in hot water.

Step 3: prepare the cottage cheese.

Place the cottage cheese in a deep, clean bowl, break the remaining two eggs and add salt to taste. Using a tablespoon, thoroughly mix all ingredients until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Step 4: prepare dumplings with salted cottage cheese.

Sprinkle the kitchen counter with a little flour and place a ball of dough on it. Using a rolling pin, roll it out into one large pancake with a thickness of approximately 3 millimeters.

Now, using a round baking dish or a glass with sharp edges, squeeze out the circles. Knead the rest of the dough again, roll it into a pancake with a rolling pin and squeeze circles out of it. We repeat the procedure until we run out of dough. Attention: You can also form a “sausage” from the dough and cut it into pieces of the size we need. We form a ball from each piece with our hands and then roll it out into a round layer.

Using a teaspoon, spread the curd mixture onto the circle. We bend the dough so that we get a crescent. We pinch the edges of the dumpling well with our fingers so that the seam does not come apart during cooking.
Place the molded dumplings on cutting boards sprinkled with a small amount of flour and place in the freezer to freeze. for 2 - 3 hours.

After the allotted time has passed, place a pan of regular cold water on medium heat. When the liquid boils, add salt, stir with a tablespoon and remove the dumplings from the freezer. Carefully place them in boiling water. From time to time, stir everything with a tablespoon or a slotted spoon so that the dough does not stick to the bottom of the container. Cook until the dumplings float to the surface of the pan. Approximate cooking time 20 - 30 minutes, depending on quantity. Immediately after this, turn off the burner and drain the water from the pan through a colander into the sink using oven mitts. Carefully toss the container with dumplings several times so that excess liquid drains out.

Step 5: serve dumplings with salted cottage cheese.

Pour the prepared dumplings with salted cottage cheese into a special deep plate, and place pieces of butter on top of the dish. Serve at the dinner table along with sour cream.
Enjoy your meal!

If you use granular cottage cheese to make dumplings, then it is best to mix it thoroughly with a fork or lightly beat it in a blender bowl at low speed to get a good homogeneous mass with small pieces of cottage cheese;

If you are uncomfortable preparing the dough in a bowl, then you need to mix all the ingredients well with your hands and place the already viscous mass on the kitchen table and continue kneading the dough here, constantly adding a little flour;

After freezing, the formed dumplings can be transferred to a food bag and stored in the freezer for a long time.


Dumplings with salted cottage cheese will appeal to all lovers of cheese and dairy products. In addition, compared to the already low-fat variations of the usual dumplings, these will be as dietary and low-calorie as possible. At the same time, they will remain incredibly tasty and satisfying. Curious, isn't it?

Everyone has tried traditional Ukrainian dumplings with cottage cheese, but few realize that they can be salty. This is exactly the recipe we bring to your attention. Believe me, he deserves it.

Our step-by-step recipe for salted dumplings with cottage cheese with photos of preparation will tell you exactly how to deliciously make such an unusual filling. And then this dish can be safely served for lunch as a main dish. These dumplings will seem very light and milky to you. The main taste will be emphasized by fragrant herbs and spices, which you can add as desired.

You can prepare dumplings with salted cottage cheese at home very simply and quickly. Completely natural and amazingly tasty, they are sure to please your taste.


  • (300 g)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (200 ml)

  • (400 g)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

Cooking steps

    In preparing dumplings, a very important step is to knead the dough correctly, which is what we will do now. To do this, sift the flour onto a clean countertop, form a small mound and break one egg into the center, mix the ingredients thoroughly. Then add water portionwise and continue kneading the dough. Salt to taste. You can also prepare the dough in a deep bowl and only then knead it on the countertop. Form the finished product into a circle, wrap in cling film and let the dough rest.

    While the dough is rising, prepare the filling. In a deep saucepan, mix all the available cottage cheese with the remaining chicken egg. We also finely chop a bunch of greens and place them in a saucepan along with the spices. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste - and the cottage cheese filling for dumplings, not the traditional sweet one, but rather the salty one, is ready.

    Remove the rested dough from the film and divide it into convenient small pieces. We roll them out one by one on a clean, dry countertop, as shown in the photo.

    Select the required shape or glass to cut out equal circles of dough. You can also roll the dough into tubes, cut them and roll out each piece individually.

    Place a teaspoon of filling in the center of the prepared dough circles so that it is convenient to wrap them. We make dumplings, starting from the middle and going down to the edges.

    We put the product blanks in a mold sprinkled with flour and put them in the freezer. Or we cook it right away. To do this, you need to bring the water in the pan to a boil, and then carefully lower the dumplings into it. Cook for 7-10 minutes. Remove the dumplings from the pan and serve with fresh herbs and sour cream. The dish is ready.

    Bon appetit!

It seems that delicious and tender dumplings with cottage cheese cannot be spoiled, but practice proves the opposite. If you don’t know how and how much to boil the product, it can become too dry or turn into a shapeless mess. On average, it takes from 5 to 15 minutes, but you need to understand in which case what time should be followed. In addition, there are several other important points that can affect the quality of the finished dish.

When boiling dumplings with cottage cheese, you need to remember not only how long to keep them in boiling water. You need to keep in mind the universal rules for processing semi-finished products with filling.

  • Take a low and wide pan. Not only is it more convenient to cook the product in it, but the water will also come to a boil much faster.
  • You need to take a lot of liquid, at least two-thirds of the pan. At the same time, there should be some space left so that the broth does not overflow when boiling and seething.
  • Despite the fact that dumplings with cottage cheese are usually made sweet, be sure to add some salt to the water. This component will not only prevent the elements from sticking together, but will also enhance the expression of their taste. Moreover, it is recommended to introduce it at the very beginning of cooking, adding it to still cold water.

Tip: Despite the fact that it is recommended to cook dumplings in boiling water with a small amount of vegetable oil, products with cottage cheese may lose their purity of taste because of this. Therefore, it is better to discard the component, replacing it with frequent stirring of the composition.

  • The product should be immersed in boiling water. After this, you cannot reduce the heat too early; the elements must boil as quickly as possible, otherwise they will begin to limp.

The composition of the filling may affect how long to cook the product. If semolina is used in addition to cottage cheese, the processing time of the semi-finished product may increase by 2-3 minutes.

How to cook delicious dumplings in a saucepan, slow cooker, or microwave?

Like any other dumplings, a product with cottage cheese can be prepared in a variety of ways. The main thing is to take into account some of the nuances of the process and strictly follow the recommendations on how long in which case to withstand products at high temperatures.

  • In a saucepan. Pour water into a container, add salt at the rate of a tablespoon per 4 liters of liquid. Bring it to a boil, then add the semi-finished products. Mix them carefully so as not to stick together. You need to cook the ingredients until they begin to float. Then we try one of the products, if it is ready, we catch the rest with a slotted spoon, let it sit in a bowl under the lid for 5 minutes and serve.

  • Steam in a slow cooker. To cook the products without drying them out, pour a couple of glasses of boiling water into the multicooker bowl, set out a food basket, and put dumplings in it. Depending on the thickness of the dough, they must be cooked in the “Steam” mode for 10 to 15 minutes.

  • In a slow cooker in water. With this approach, pour boiling water into the bowl in a larger volume. Place the products with cottage cheese directly into the water, wait until the liquid boils again. Then close the lid and cook the product until done. On average, this takes no more than 4-5 minutes.

  • In the microwave. Simply place dumplings with cottage cheese in one layer, fill two-thirds with water, cover with a lid and place in the microwave oven chamber. You need to cook them for no more than 5-6 minutes, using maximum power. If the products have not reached the desired degree of readiness, process them for a few more minutes.

If desired, you can also use a double boiler. In this case, the manipulation is organized in exactly the same way as in the case of steaming components in a multicooker. The only thing is that due to the difference in container volumes and the principle of steam supply, the processing time may increase by 3-5 minutes.

Features of boiling lazy dumplings

Lazy dumplings are a special product, which is presented in a mass consisting of cottage cheese and dough. You also need to cook it in a special way, paying attention to how long to keep the component in boiling water.

  • The product prepared according to the classic recipe is placed in boiling water and cooked for no more than 1-2 minutes. By this time they should begin to float.
  • We also boil the dumplings with the addition of semolina until they float. This takes no more than 3-4 minutes.
  • Very tasty semi-finished products are obtained when using a multicooker or double boiler. In both cases, they are steamed for no longer than 15 minutes.
  • It is better not to boil such products in the microwave, because... It is very difficult to calculate the time.

If you overcook the products, they will become rubbery and lose all nutritional value!

All given indicators apply exclusively to freshly put together products. If you need to cook a frozen semi-finished product, add about 5 minutes to the basic time indicator. Serve the finished dish with jam, sour cream or other favorite gravy.

When it comes to dumplings with cottage cheese, for some reason everyone thinks that they mean a sweet dish. Indeed, such a dish with delicate thin dough and delicious filling with a subtle note of vanilla will appeal to everyone.

But there is another recipe - dumplings with salted cottage cheese. Perhaps for someone such a dish will be a real discovery. It can be recommended to all connoisseurs of young cheese and fans of healthy eating.

We bring to your attention a recipe with a photo of dumplings with salted cottage cheese. They are quite simple to prepare, and the dish has a very fresh and unusual taste.


Cooking dumplings with salted cottage cheese begins with kneading the dough. Most chefs have their own dough recipe - with or without eggs, with kefir, with water, with milk, with the addition of sour cream and vegetable oil, or even small herbs.

All of them have been tested many times in combination with different fillings, but it cannot be said that any option is worse or better. It all depends on individual taste preferences.

Most people still prefer the classic version of the dough for dumplings - ice water with salt and egg.

To prepare it you will need: a glass of cold water, an egg and a pinch of salt, and also high-grade flour - as much as the water takes.

You need to cook it like this: dilute the salt in water, add the egg there and whisk it well. Add flour and knead the dough. Then pour a heap of flour onto the countertop, place the dough on it and continue kneading until it becomes tight and elastic. Afterwards you need to let it rest for 15-20 minutes - under the film in a cool place.

Choosing cottage cheese

The next important step in the recipe for salted dumplings with cottage cheese is the choice of the main ingredient for the filling. The taste of the dish depends on it, so you can’t go wrong.

What kind of cottage cheese should I buy in the store? Or should I go to the market? In fact, both options do not guarantee the purchase of quality products. You can try cottage cheese at the market and make sure that it has normal consistency and taste. But bacteria pose a danger, because sellers prepare their goods in conditions that are far from sterile.

From a health safety point of view, it’s easier with store-bought products; you just need to look at the expiration date. However, you cannot try and you need to choose by appearance. Good cottage cheese is white, soft creamy, without yellowness. Not too liquid, but not crumbly either, with a pleasant aroma without a sour smell. In addition, there is a danger of buying a cottage cheese product instead of real cottage cheese - they look similar, but differ in cost by about two times.

Preparing the filling

Today we will prepare dumplings with salted cottage cheese and herbs. Fresh dill or basil will add a very interesting flavor combination to the dish. But in principle, you can take any favorite greens. However, it should be noted right away that not everyone will appreciate dumplings with cottage cheese and green onions.

For the filling you need: cottage cheese 5% or 9% - 0.5 kg, one raw egg, herbs and salt to taste.

The cottage cheese needs to be washed well with a fork, add a raw egg and mix. If after this the filling remains too crumbly, add another egg. Then finely chop the greens, mix with cottage cheese and add salt to taste. The filling is ready!


The next step in preparing dumplings with salted cottage cheese is modeling. For it you will need a convenient surface for rolling out, a rolling pin and a glass of a suitable size.

First of all, you need to roll out the dough so that there is a thin but not tearable layer. You need to focus on the following proportions - in dumplings the ratio of dough and filling is 50/50.

Then take a glass or glass and cut out circles. Their size depends on how the dumplings are supposed to be eaten - they should be either two bites or one. When served in a restaurant, the latter option is always preferred.

Next, put an equal amount of filling on the dough circles and seal them. You can make curly tucks or curls along the edge - this way the dish looks more presentable when served, and the process itself does not take much time.

How to cook and serve?

Dumplings with salted cottage cheese are boiled in salted boiling water. After floating and boiling, they need to be cooked for another 3 minutes to cook the dough and curdle the egg in the filling. If you boil them for too long, they will fall apart, a situation worse than soggy dumplings. With the latter, you can catch the filling and pieces of dough separately on a plate - it won’t look too appetizing, but you can eat it. Boiled dumplings with cottage cheese can only be thrown away, since the filling is evenly mixed with water, and only torn dough bags remain.

After the dumplings are cooked, you need to remove them with a slotted spoon - a few pieces at a time - and carefully place them on a plate. If you take them out carelessly, they may fall apart into separate fragments.

Ready dumplings are served hot. They must be served with sour cream, preferably in a separate container for the sauce. You can also sprinkle the dumplings with small herbs.

Bon appetit!

I admit honestly, this is the first time I’ve prepared a filling with salted cottage cheese, since in the region of my childhood it was not at all customary to mix cottage cheese with salt, and more and more cottage cheese was mixed with sugar. But it's always interesting to try a new taste. For me, salt is definitely inferior to sugar.

For those who cannot consume sugar for some reason, the recipe for dumplings with salted cottage cheese will be perfect. Nothing complicated.

To prepare salted dumplings with cottage cheese, we will need the following products.

Mix water with egg and salt. Lightly beat everything with a fork until combined.

Add flour in parts until the dough can be kneaded. Flour varies, so the quantity is approximate. Knead the dough on the table until it no longer sticks to your hands, but remains soft. Cover it with a towel and leave it for a few minutes.

Finely chop any greens. You can add green onions to the cottage cheese if you have them. These additions will make the filling richer. If greens are not available, then cottage cheese alone will do.

Combine cottage cheese with chopped herbs, salt and pepper, mix well until smooth. And again, at this stage you can sprinkle the cottage cheese with your favorite spices, the smell of which is pleasant to you.

For ease of use, divide the dough into two parts. Leave one under a towel, and make a rope from the second and cut into equal pieces.

Flatten each piece and then roll it into a flat cake. I like this method much better than when you roll out all the dough and cut it out with a glass. I can do it faster and without waste. Place the filling in the middle of the flatbread and cover with dumplings.

If you don’t need to cook all the dumplings at once, then they are frozen on a tray in the freezer, and after freezing they are put in a bag and stored there until needed.

You can only boil a portion or two of dumplings to immediately eat them hot. Place the dumplings in boiling salted water and cook for three to four minutes after floating.

Serve dumplings with salted cottage cheese and sour cream.