Peace Day: short, funny and official congratulations in poetry and prose.

There will be peace on the entire planet -
Children will sleep peacefully,
The old people will have peace of mind
People will rejoice!

Take care of the world, men,
Don't fight for no reason
Don't shoot at each other
It’s better to solve everything peacefully!

We celebrate Peace Day
Congratulations to everyone today,
And we wish you live in the world,
Forgive everyone and love everyone!

"May the world be in peace!" shouted before.
And they will always scream.
Everyone would like good luck.
And down, down with war!
I send huge congratulations,
For those who know in advance:
The world is beautiful, honest, modest,
He deserves his honor!

The whole world celebrates Peace Day
And the whole planet rejoices,
Everyone in the world knows this
There is no other day like this.
Congratulate your neighbor, friend, brother,
After all, the world is a great creation,
Let everything be as it should be
And the universe will only get stronger.

Let the sun smile
And the child will laugh boldly.
Let no one flinch from trouble,
And he will save everyone from all hostility.

Happy day peace to all I congratulate you
I wish everyone a life without war.
May our dove fly to you peacefully,
And the bright one brings you our congratulations.

IN international peace day
We wish for enmity, so that the shadow
Didn’t descend to our Earth,
And so that the war does not start.

May peace reign on the planet,
And the dove of peace soars across the sky.
Let the sun shine gently
And may God protect people.

We hear bad news on the news
And sometimes we write black notes.
Someone committed a terrorist attack there,
And the residential house instantly collapsed.
It's so scary for us to live sometimes,
And drag out a period of tragedy.
I urge you to live peacefully in the world,
And nations should be friends with each other.
May the sun caress us all,
The flowers all around are fragrant.
I congratulate everyone on Peace Day,
To violate it is a grave sin.
Of course, I send congratulations to everyone.
Let him involve everyone in a peaceful dialogue.

I wish everyone to live only in peace,
Raise happy children.
So that the sky is clear and blue,
And the sun shone on gold.

Live people, you always live in goodness,
And don’t let war break out.
I send my peaceful congratulations,
Our little dove will bring it to you.

On international peace day,
Let no evil shadow touch the planet,
May all nations and cities be in peace,
Let love and friendship reign in your apartment.
And let there be no war on Earth,
Let the loved ones who are so needed be there!

Peace Day today - the planet rejoices,
And our congratulations turned out to be just right,
People only have an opinion,
That everyone will be apart, as they are now.
In fact, all are friendly people,
They live in understanding, in peace, goodness,
And let it be like this for another hundred centuries
On our beloved planet - Earth.

Gatherings for the whole family
And to the cinema in the evenings,
More happiness, probably
And we don’t need it in our lives.

Don't let the bombs explode
Death lists are wider.
Everyone knows for sure -
The world must live in peace.

Wisdom and Tolerance
Keeping it in my heart,
Everyone must remember
The world needs peace!

How wonderful it is to live under a peaceful sky!
Flowers are blooming around, birds are chirping,
The ringing sound is heard everywhere children's laughter,
The faces of passers-by sparkle with happiness.
How scary it is to live in a terrible hour of war,
See death, merciless wars,
Appreciate the happiness that is in your hands,
No need more wars, drowned in blood.
May peace reign everywhere and always,
Harmony and happiness will be everywhere.
Happy holiday to you all today, friends!
I wish you joy, kindness, comfort.

May the September International Peace Day bring warmth to your homes and warm your hearts! I wish each of you to become kinder! Let anger, resentment and dark thoughts go away forever! Congratulate all your loved ones, friends and even old enemies on this wonderful holiday! Let's start a relay of kindness all over the world!

The planet celebrates peace day,
And this holiday is now international,
And it’s not too lazy to write congratulations to everyone
For those around you - even if only today.
But there will be joy and laughter in the area,
Kindness and kindness will spread across the planet,
Good luck and success awaits everyone,
And good changes are the wind.

The most fragile thing is the world, because it is incredibly easy to destroy. All it takes is one word, a cold look or an unkind gesture. So always remain complacent, reasonable and wise! And also - beloved, faithful, sincere, so that happiness never leaves you!

On Peace Day, shots and explosions
Not to be found on the entire planet!
Let kindness be your impulse
Silence the guns!
Let there be flocks of pigeons everywhere,
Spreading their wings, they will fly,
Bringing joy to all people,
So that you don’t want to fight!

Congratulations to the entire planet on the International Day of Peace! Dear, good earthlings! Why should we take away each other’s precious lives! We have nothing more expensive than this! I wish we all stop wishing evil and taking revenge on each other! Let this autumn day be the beginning of our common peaceful, happy, and, most importantly, good life on Earth!

Peace Day today - the planet rejoices,
And our congratulations turned out to be just right,
People only have an opinion,
That everyone will be apart, as they are now.
In fact, all are friendly people,
They live in understanding, in peace, goodness,
And let it be like this for another hundred centuries
On our beloved planet - Earth.

I release a white dove to your window - a dove of peace, joy, happiness. Let troubles, failures, grief bypass your home, and let your house be filled with happy children's laughter, joy, kindness and friendliness!

Let's live peacefully
Resolve all disputes peacefully,
Always be friends with your neighbors
And resolve conflicts.
Let there be peace all over the Earth,
The children will be happy
Peace to the world and no war!
For PEACE on the entire planet!

Congratulations on the International Day of Peace! May the dove of peace fly to every home on this September day with good news! I wish you many years healthy and happy life, may every moment give you joy, may luck lead you by the hand along a bright path! Forget insults and anger, forgive your enemies! Peace to you and your loved ones!

I wish everyone to live only in peace,
Raise happy children.
So that the sky is clear and blue,
And the sun shone on gold.
Live people, you always live in goodness,
And don’t let war break out.
I send my peaceful congratulations,
Our little dove will bring it to you.

Let there be peace always and everywhere - this is very important. Let the flowers bloom and friends smile, let it be light and cozy. Let the fear of war pervade every home on our entire planet! Happy holiday!

Peace Day today! What does this mean?
This means that the dream was calm and quiet,
That the day started off well today,
Without war and the riot of natural elements,
Why did your neighbor smile at you: “S good morning!»,
That they gave you a seat on the subway,
Friends made peace and did it wisely,
God has given us forgiveness from above.
It is impossible without peace, this life basis,
War dooms you to certain death.
Let your deeds and words be peaceful,
Let's take care of the PEACE together!

From pure heart Congratulations on the International Day of Peace! I wish you that this day becomes the beginning of a new life in which there will be no place for sorrows, insults and illnesses! Let the era of love, beauty and harmony begin in your life! Let in your heart will be so filled with happiness that there will be no room for anger!

We hear bad news on the news
And sometimes we write black notes.
Someone committed a terrorist attack there,
And the residential house instantly collapsed.
It's so scary for us to live sometimes,
And drag out a period of tragedy.
I urge you to live peacefully in the world,
And nations should be friends with each other.
May the sun caress us all,
The flowers all around are fragrant.
I congratulate everyone on Peace Day,
To violate it is a grave sin.
Of course, I send congratulations to everyone.
Let him involve everyone in a peaceful dialogue.

They used to say: “The main thing is for peace to reign on the planet.” This is exactly what I wish for you! Enjoy every day, stay happy, appreciate peace, love life in its different forms! Don't despair when things get tough. Don't give in to unkind circumstances. Don't be afraid of obstacles, but boldly transform them into steps for ascent!

May the sky be clear and clean,
And the sun shines bright, radiant.
So that there is no country on the planet,
Feeling the horrors of war.
Let the dove of peace knock on the window
And it will bring us a little joy.
And we will be full of peace,
Upon learning of the end of the war.

On the International Day of Peace, I wish that even the shadow of evil does not touch your homes, a peaceful sky shines blue above your head, and all troubles are resolved! Wish each other well, hug! Let our world become kinder and cleaner! I wish you health, a long and happy life, success in everything and prosperity for many, many years to come!

“Peace to the world!” shouted before.
And they will always scream.
Everyone would like good luck.
And down, down with war!
I send huge congratulations,
For those who know in advance:
The world is beautiful, honest, modest,
He deserves his honor!

The line of the world is incredibly thin: it is easy to cross, but difficult to return back. Therefore, treat your surroundings with warmth and be reasonable! Accept everything that happens with understanding. Respond with warmth to the warmth of your heart. Provide mutual support in difficult circumstances. In general, live fully, mentally, happily!

We wish you happiness and luck,
Good luck and good mood in everything.
Love, reciprocity, warmth,
So that only friends are nearby,
May all your wishes come true
And all worries were forgotten.

We wish you good health for many years to come,
Let all sorrows and adversities pass by,
Let your eyes sparkle with joy and happiness
And only tears sparkle from laughter!

Let the soul never know cold,
Like a warm day, like a garden in bloom,

Greeting kindness with kindness.

Bad weather passes by,
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you well,

I wish you to always be happy,
Kind, sweet, patient.
Always be a little new
Cheerful, healthy.
Stay young longer
And you will not grow old in soul.

Let everything in life be as it is -
Sincerity, warmth, care,
And a happy family pleases,
And also everyday work.
May the sky be clear above you,
Let life be kindly bright,
Live surrounded by friends
And all the best to you, health and warmth!

Let all the good, bright, best,
Will always be your companion,
Let your cherished thoughts come true,
May your soul never hurt!

We wish to have everything in the house,
We wish you to succeed in everything in life,
Maintain health and vigor
And live for many, many years!

May you always be under a lucky star
Fate led you along the road.
In the house so that there is a deep river
Life flowed calmly and peacefully.
Let only friends visit your home,
Bad weather passes by,
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you well,
Long life, health and happiness!

We all wish you anytime
Warmth and happiness, light and goodness,
May there be life!
So that the seed grows,
May Tomorrow be better than Yesterday!

I wish you all the best,
I want you all, my friends,
And remembering the milestones of the past
I will bow them to the ground
Goodness has been instilled in us since childhood
My great homeland
Let only good things await
Her sons and daughters.

Be kind to those who helped you
Who once offered a helping hand.
Be kind to those who could not refuse,
And in a difficult moment he bravely defended.
Let fate bring you together with people,
Ready to do anything for you.
And let it be from evil, from meanness and lies
Protect true friends!

I wish you well.
So that you do not know troubles and evil.
Let your heart radiate joy
And the thrill of happiness awakens.
Learn to be patient with people
Be fair in all matters.
Don't rush to cut from the shoulder,
And draw a conclusion rashly.

Kindness is like light
Kills the darkness.
There is no greater power in the world.
I'm giving it to you.
Let the roads lead to goodness
Unsolved fate.
Let all worries disappear
So that you too become happy!

I wish you well and wide smiles!
Good people and true friends!
And with light hand avoid all mistakes,
And raise healthy children in happiness!
I wish you good luck, great luck
And much, much more!

When a star falls from the sky,
Make a wish soon
So that kindness reigns in the soul,
And so that people become kinder.
I want that in your destiny,
Every wish and dream
Bloomed in the heart and soul
Under the rays eternal goodness!

May your every day be good,
The night is magical, and the evening is warm.
Greet any sunrise with joy,
And believe me: there is nothing impossible in the world!
May God protect you from all illnesses,
Let life become more wonderful
The birds in their cages sing for you too,
And a happy dream is only a dream!

Let the creaking play in your soul,
A smile blooms on your face.
Let life pass quietly,
Without attracting evil.
May goodness be in your destiny
Will become a talisman of days.
And I wish you to meet
Everything that is better in the world.

May everyone respect you
They always understand.
Let conflicts, disputes and quarrels
Will hide the past behind the mountains.
May fate carry you
Along the path of love and kindness.
Let God not judge you
And your family loves you very much!

Become fate's favorite.
Let him protect you
Bright Angel of Kindness.
Let him protect you from troubles.
Let them reign in your soul
Joy, kindness, peace.
Craving for eternal beauty
Will be with you forever!

Do good, don’t let them understand...
Give good - may he not return!
Sow goodness here and there...
Let it touch everyone!
Do good for no reason...
And from heartfelt purity!
And if someone repays evil...
It is not he who is pure before GOD - but you!

What to wish......, now I’ll think,
Of course happiness and love,
Love yourself, love your destiny,
Something happened - ce la vie,
Stay just a person
Houses, trees, children - class,
Let them be proud of our century,
Those who will be born after us!

Wish well to your beloved and goodness will return to you,
Wish your friend well and he will return doubly to you,
Wish your neighbor well and he will return you threefold,
Wish well to your enemy and he will return to you five times,
Wish good to all people, it will come back to you tenfold,
Wish the Earth good and it will return to you a hundred times,
Wish well to the Universe and the Universe will answer,
So all the Good of the Universe will turn into Happiness for you!

We wish you good luck, warmth and kindness,
May all failures burn to the ground!
In order to live - not to grieve - I had to live up to a hundred years.
Let everything that has not yet come true come true!

Be the most cheerful and the happiest,
Nice and gentle and the most beautiful
Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique,
And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let troubles go out of the way into powerlessness.
Let everything you want come true.
Love, faith, hope, goodness to you!

In our world there is shadow and sun,
People laugh and cry.
May life smile on you
And let fate turn around
Your bright side!

Today is your day! Congratulations!
Let it be full of flowers,
Smiles, dreams come true
And the kindest, gentle words!

Everything is thrown at your feet today:
Kind heartfelt greetings,
Best wishes
Pink lace of dawn.

Speak kind words!
Just say it more often...
You will hardly get tired of them,
And heal someone’s soul.
Kind and kind words
Speak and don't wait for a time,
Our life withers like leaves -
Many souls in the world are lonely.
Wise ones, good words
How often are they missing in life...
And without them, love is dead,
Souls without warmth get so cold...

May God give you wisdom in your decisions
And multiplying the best qualities,
Excellent relationship with children
And understanding their eccentricities

May this day
The sun shines brighter for you,
Flowers fall like a carpet under your feet,
We wish you health, happiness, light,
All that is called good.

I wish you the best in everything,
Success and love in the family.
It can be difficult in life, I know
But you always go forward.
Live and know that life is beautiful
And no matter how much evil there is,
Don't hurt people needlessly
Learn to love and be kind!

Goodness is immeasurable, like water
Bottomless well.
Be kind to people and be kind
Will always return to You.

Goodness is immeasurable, like water
Bottomless well.
Be kind to people -
And goodness will always return to you!

We wish you to live well,
I don't know how bad it is
Everything you need to have
Yes, sing songs!

We wish you peace and goodness,
We wish you happiness and love
We wish you everything in the world,
We wish you everything you want.

I wish you a life without worries,
Drive away sorrows beyond the threshold,
I wish you to live, not to lose heart
And don't forget about me.

I wish you health, warmth and goodness,
So that it’s time for troubles and failures to recede,
So that I could live without bothering until I was 100 years old,
Let everything that has not yet come true come true.

We sincerely congratulate you,
We wish you good health,
Eternal vigor,
Kindness of the heart,
Cherished happiness,
Countless wealth!

Let it always be replaced by a happy day
Another - even happier - comes,
Pleasant and beautiful events
Happens as often as possible in life,
Everything always happens as planned
And dear people give tenderness,
Cherished wishes come true!
Let every minute be bright!

Let the soul never know cold,
Like a clear day, like a garden in bloom,
May your heart be forever young
Greeting kindness with kindness!

Let the soul never know cold,
Like a clear day, like a garden in bloom.
May your heart be forever young
Crowning kindness with kindness.

Let everything in life be as before:
Love, confidence, hope,
Movement towards the goal and luck,
And the heart is kind and warm.

Let it be less days bad weather,
Anxiety, grievances, illnesses, troubles.
Health, joy and happiness
We wish you many years to come.

Let the spring rays shine on this day
People and flowers will smile at you,

Goodness, health, happiness and dreams.

Let the spring rays on this day
People and flowers will smile at you,
And may they always go through life with you
Love, health, good dreams!

May sorrows be forgotten on this day,
And let the sun smile in the morning,
And he will wish you affectionately with rays
For many years of goodness.

Let only friends visit your home,
Bad weather passes by,
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you the best,
Long life, health and happiness!

I want to wish you well

May there be no evil on your path,
Let there be no envy and jealousy,
I want to wish you well
May your life be happy!

Let your eyes shine joyfully,
And let the soul sing with happiness,
Let the thunderstorm pass by,
May every year bring you only joy!

I wish you happiness, warmth, kindness, good luck,
Joy, health, beauty,
so that the fire does not go out in the eyes of hot
and the best dreams came true.

What makes people better and kinder?
Of course, love and friendship, good deeds of others!
So let goodness and love surround you!

I will only wish you good things
So that you can reach happiness with your hands,
So that grief does not touch you,
So that joy smiles on you
Faithful and eternal love -
These are my wishes!

You and I need peace
Clean air on earth
Bird hubbub, children's laughter,
Sun, rain, white snow.
Only war, only war
Not needed on the planet!!!
M. Dzhumaeva

Here it is, the world, in front of us, wide open, huge, boundless. There is no end to it. And here, on this earth, everything is for a person: pain, joy, grief, and happiness. Only here! But who wants to think about torment and grief? Everyone dreams of happiness, strives for it, and sooner or later realizes that it is impossible without peace on the planet.
Every day we go to school, study, do what we love with passion, and have fun. Life seems bright and carefree to us. But how often do we find time to indulge in memories of those people who gave us this cloudless sky above our heads and a serene childhood?
Today I thank fate for the opportunity to touch the difficult life path veterans of the Great Patriotic War, and at the same time remember those who fought with dignity for peace on earth and did not return from the front, including their beloved great-grandfather.
When the war began, I was not yet in the world, and neither were my parents. I was incredibly lucky: I was born in peacetime and I never heard the roar of bombing, or machine gun fire, or the screams of mortally wounded people.
But my grandmother, who was born after the war, knows a lot about her from her grandfather, whom she adored, and sometimes, at my request, she talks about those difficult times. And they appear before my eyes bright pictures her hard life and the military days of her great-grandfather Vasily Maksimovich Kozlov, when it was incredibly difficult, and every minute could be the last, when she had to bury her closest and most reliable comrades and remain in service, overcoming mental and physical pain. My great-grandfather went to war at the age of 28, leaving two little sons Volodya, 5 years old, and Peter, 3 years old, with his wife. He himself fought bravely, was wounded, was hospitalized twice and returned to the front again. According to his grandmother, he was wonderful person and a real soldier, as evidenced by her numerous stories. For many heroic deeds for the benefit of the Motherland Vasily Maksimovich Kozlov was awarded letter of thanks signed by Marshal of the USSR G. Zhukov himself.
You can’t even imagine the feeling of pride I experience every time I carefully pick up my great-grandfather’s already pretty tattered award sheet. I think that touching military relics will not leave anyone indifferent these days: be they letters, diaries, leaflets, posthumous notes, found in cartridge cases, old soldier's triangles with field mail stamps, photos and newspaper clippings, which veterans keep carefully and reverently to this day for their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. And what a wealth of feelings and thoughts they contain! Collected together, they recreate the pages of the heroic past, which has already become history, which does not age with time and always remains alive in the memory of the people and, of course, the younger generation.
War... The Great Patriotic War... How far it is from us, today's schoolchildren! Reading and listening about it, you become spiritually cleansed, the cover of detachment and acquired cynicism disappears and the understanding comes: this should not happen! Not in the past, not in the present, not in the future. “Peace to the world!” - not just a slogan, but one of the basic laws of life, which has often been violated, but must certainly be fulfilled!
When our country is in danger nuclear war, teenagers, along with adults, began to take active action: they decided to create a children's organization to fight for peace and hold a peace march. They came up with the idea of ​​organizing a campaign of children's letters to President Reagan, thereby showing that they not only dream of peaceful life on the ground.
The children of the planet showed solidarity even when the Americans dropped an atomic bomb on Japanese city. A poisonous atomic mushroom turned Hiroshima into a dead city. The Sasaki girl was born when the atomic mushroom had long been gone. But its poisonous particle got into the blood Japanese girls. She became seriously ill, and it was very difficult for the child’s body to fight the disease. And one day she had a dream: if she made 1000 white paper cranes, she would live. The girl began making them every day. And it was far from the cherished figure. The children of Hiroshima found out about this and decided to help her. Moscow schoolchildren also decided to send their paper crane. But the snow-white birds made of paper could not defeat Sasaki’s terrible disease and save her. Upon learning of their friend's death, the Japanese children were saddened. They collected money with which they built a monument to all the children who died from atomic bomb. Adults often stop near him and are silent. And the children bring and bring white cranes to the monument...
Cranes cannot save -
This is clear even to me.
Let people help people
Block the path to war.
If the crane was considered a symbol of the guardian hearth and home, tribal traditions and customs, then here is the most common white dove is the emblem of supporters of the peace movement. Yes, yes, such a bird invisible at first glance. It turns out there is ancient greek legend. The God of War was once unable to go on a campaign because a dove made a nest and hatched chicks in his helmet. Honor and praise to this marvelous creation of nature, which prevented senseless bloodshed.
Peace and happiness. These ideals have long worried humanity, to whose share history has allocated relatively few years of peaceful life. And the first decade of the 21st century showed that the world was again faced with new challenges and threats. Among them are an increase in crime and terrorist attacks. We live in turbulent times, so I and many of my peers dream of peaceful coexistence. Let no one ever see soldiers above the parapets of the trenches or hear the lead shower of machine gun fire. Let there be silence, but not frightening, but enchanting, broken only by the ringing chirping of birds, the rustling of grass, loud voices and the joyful laughter of children. And then the most cherished dream of humanity will come true - everyone will live in peace with themselves and with the people around them.

A world without war.
Imagine, people, for a moment.
Just one day, just one, but without war.
By God's will, by command
Today people must live in peace.
There are big clouds floating in the sky,
And they are not obscured by black smoke.
Funny bunnies are hopping around in the forest,
And the son returned to his mother’s house again.
There is peace and quiet all around:
Neither shots nor bombs are heard.
We always need this silence
But the echoes of war thunder.
Today is such a beautiful day:
Green forest rustles leaves without explosions,
And the sun is shining clearly in the sky,
Can't hear the bitter ones sad tears tears.
Mom will cry just because
That the son, at least for a moment, returned to the house.
Today you can hear laughter all over the planet,
Listen, your children laugh!
Just one day, just one, but without war...
How much he could have done for all of us.
But to achieve this, we all must
To become more human as God intended us to be.
What are you sharing? What are you fighting for?
For a piece of Earth, for air, for people?
Have you ever thought, comrades, about
Why are you destroying children through wars?
Imagine a boy playing in kindergarten.
And a large shell fell on him...
And who will look his mother in the eyes?
And why did the storm start again?
Only rain knows how to cry and love.
He will feel sorry for those who are no longer there.
But people don’t know how to live in peace.
What if one day the dawn doesn't come?
The earth-planet is torn to pieces.
She has been suffering for centuries because of us,
Her sea eyes are full of melancholy;
This is because we are destroying each other.
Nobody thought that once upon a time
One terrible terrible day will come,
When a menacing knock is heard from the sky,
And only a stump will remain on Earth...
And God will ask: “Where is the man?”
Mother Earth will answer: “Not for a long time.”
Probably already the fourth century
No one waits for dawn to come."
God created us, he gave us the right to live.
Why do you need to ruin your life?
How to teach people to love their world?
Tell me, Almighty, what should we do?
While we are still living on Earth,
Come on, people, let's join hands,
Let's all go together to meet the dawn
And we will smile tenderly at each other.
A spark of kindness should ignite in everyone.
Try to become more kind!
You will give everyone a little bit of spiritual purity.
The world will be able to give you more in return.
Everything is in your power, people, you must
Think about your family of origin,
So that children can live in peace WITHOUT war
On this future LIVING land!

Why on Earth
Are these wars necessary?
Let's live in peace
In agreement, in love.
Let the sun shine
And the birds sing
Gone days
They only bring joy.
Let's forget
About evil and war.
And we'll be happy
On our land!!

How hard it is when there is a war,
Soldiers are dying, children are dying,
I don't want her to be
Not on TV, not on the planet.
Let the wars on earth completely freeze
And they will never burn again.
And in every home there will be happiness and comfort,
And people will not be left homeless!
There are medals in my great-grandfather’s box,
And there are photographs hanging on the walls,
And we must admit, we only saw it in the movies,
How a fragmentation shell hits armor.
But in every home they remember Victory Day,
And the songs of the front line are heard again,
And from my grandmother’s stories I understood
How nice it is in the world without war!!!

For friendship, for smiles and for meetings
We inherited the planet.
We are bequeathed to protect this world
And this amazing land!
We will not let you become ashes and cinders
To what is called beauty.
May the sky above the earth be peaceful,
And childhood always laughs loudly!!!

How many of them thundered over our land...
All kinds of wars, small and large.
And behind every war, and behind every war
How many broken human destinies...

How much can a living person withstand?
Who will be fully responsible for the horror?
Let it go forever, let it go forever
This scary word"war".

He who has fallen will not see the bloom of spring
And he can’t hug his beloved.
People must remember, people must remember,
We can no longer raise the dead.

How I want all the wars of my planet
Destroy forever, forever
And in the radiance of days, and in the radiance of days
May the lives of the years continue.

People, please, no war!
let there be no more hostility,
I ask you not to shed blood,
Why do we need to kill ourselves?!

Please, please, don't rush!
and save your soul from malice,
we are people! and we must live together,
so that our dreams come true.

Those dreams that have long been forgotten
so that flowers bloom in your soul!
No need for violence! let the evil disappear
May peace come to earth for a happy life.

We are all people, and this is what we are united with,
we are a big global family.
Territory speech and religion,
It should not serve us as a border.