“In order to live honestly, one must be torn, confused, fought, made mistakes ...” (Based on Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”). Lesson notes "To live honestly ...", "Antithesis as the main means of artistic representation in a work" Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy to live honestly

  1. The hero of the epic novel "War in Peace" Pierre Bezukhov.
  2. Moral quest of Bezukhov.
  3. Spiritual and moral formation of Pierre Bezukhov.

Human life is complex and multifaceted. At all times, there were moral values, to step over which meant forever incurring disgrace and contempt. The dignity of a person is manifested in his striving for high goals. I would like to dedicate my essay to the hero of Leo Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace" Pierre Bezukhov. This amazing person cannot but arouse interest. Pierre is focused on his personality, but he is not immersed in himself. He is keenly interested in life around. For him, the question is very acute: “Why live and what am I”? This question is of great importance to him. Bezukhov thinks about the meaninglessness of life and death, that it is impossible to find the meaning of being; about the relativity of all truths. Secular society is alien to Pierre, in empty and meaningless communication he cannot find his truth.

The questions that torment Pierre cannot be solved by mere theoretical reasoning. Even reading books can't help here. Pierre finds answers to his questions only in real life. Human suffering, contradictions, tragedies - these are all integral components of life itself. And Pierre is completely immersed in it. He approaches the truth, being at the epicenter of events, tragic and terrible * The spiritual formation of Bezukhov is somehow affected by war, the fire of Moscow, French captivity, the suffering of people with whom he encounters very closely. Pierre gets the opportunity to come face to face with the life of the people. And this cannot leave him indifferent.

On the way to Mozhaisk, Pierre was overcome by a special feeling: “the deeper he plunged into this sea of ​​troops, the more he was seized by anxiety, anxiety and a new joyful feeling that he had not yet experienced ... He now experienced a pleasant feeling of consciousness that everything that constitutes the happiness of people, the comforts of life, wealth, even life itself, is nonsense, which is pleasant to put aside in comparison with something ... ".

On the Borodino field, Pierre understood “... the whole meaning and all the significance of this war and the upcoming battle ... He understood that hidden (la(enle), as they say in physics, the warmth of patriotism that was in all those people whom he saw , and which explained to him why all these people calmly and, as it were, thoughtlessly prepared for death.

After Pierre was next to the soldiers, imbued with their courage, it began to seem to him the most correct and wise to merge with them, with simple, but wise in their understanding of life, people. It is no coincidence that he says: "To be a soldier, a simple soldier! ... Enter this common life with your whole being, imbue with what makes them so."

Throughout his life, Pierre had many hobbies and disappointments. There was a period when Pierre admired Napoleon; there was also a period of passion for Freemasonry. However, in the process of moral rebirth, Pierre abandons his former hobbies and comes to the ideas of Decembrism. Communication with the common people had a huge impact on his formation. From the very first minutes of meeting Pierre, we understand that we have an outstanding, sincere, open nature. Pierre feels uncomfortable in secular society, and society does not accept him as his own, despite even the rich inheritance that Bezukhov received from his father. He is not like the regulars of secular salons. Pierre is too different from them to be his own.

In the process of communicating with soldiers, mainly with Platon Karataev, Pierre Bezukhov begins to understand life better. Now his thoughts are no longer abstract, speculative. He wishes to direct his forces to real actions that could help others. For example, Bezukhov seeks to help those who suffered from the war. And in the epilogue, he joins the secret society of the Decembrists. This decision was obviously influenced by everything he saw in the process of communicating with ordinary people. Now Bezukhov understands well all the contradictions of life, and, as far as possible, wants to fight them. He says: “There is theft in the courts, in the army there is only one stick: shagistika, settlements - they torment the people, they stifle enlightenment. What is young, honestly, is ruined!

Pierre not only understands and condemns all the contradictions and shortcomings of life. He has already reached that moral and spiritual development, when the intentions to change the existing reality are obvious and necessary: ​​"let there be not only virtue, but independence and activity."

The moral quest of Pierre Bezukhov makes his image especially interesting for us. It is known that the very fate of Pierre served as the basis for the idea of ​​the novel "War and Peace". The fact that the image of Pierre is shown in development speaks of the author's special disposition towards him. In the novel, static images are those that do not call for warm feelings from the writer.

Pierre cannot but delight readers with his kindness, sincerity, and directness. There are moments when his abstract reasoning, isolation from life, seem incomprehensible. But in the process of his development, he overcomes the weaknesses of his nature and moves from the need for reflection to the need for action.

1. Just keep going

"It doesn't matter how slowly you go, as long as you don't stop." If you continue on the right path, you will eventually reach your desired destination. Hard work must be done consistently. A person who achieves success is one who remains committed to the idea and, despite the circumstances, moves towards his goal.

2. Your friends matter

"Never make friends with a person who is no better than yourself." Your friends represent the prophecy of your future. You are heading to where they already are. This is a good reason to look for friends who are moving in the same direction that you have chosen. So surround yourself with people with fire in their hearts!

3. You have to pay for good things.

“It is easy to hate and hard to love. Many things in our lives are based on this. Everything good is hard to achieve, and it is much easier to get something bad.” This explains a lot. It's easier to hate, easier to show negativity, easier to justify. Love, forgiveness, and generosity require a big heart, a big mind, and a lot of effort.

4. Prepare Your Tools First

“Life expectations depend on diligence and diligence. A mechanic who wants to perfect his work must first prepare his tools.” Confucius said, “Success depends on prior preparation, and without such preparation, failure is bound to happen.” Whatever you do in life, if you want to succeed, you must first prepare. Even the biggest failure can speed up the path to success.

5. There's nothing wrong with being wrong

There is nothing wrong with making a mistake if you don't keep remembering it. Don't worry about trifles. Making a mistake is not a great crime. Don't let mistakes ruin your day. Don't let negativity occupy your thoughts. There is nothing wrong with making a mistake! Celebrate your mistakes!

6. Pay attention to the consequences

"When you're angry, think about the consequences." Solomon said: “He who is patient is better than the brave, and he who controls himself is better than the conqueror of the city.” Always remember to keep your composure and think about the consequences.

7. Make adjustments

"If it is clear that the goals cannot be achieved, do not adjust the goals, adjust the actions." If your goals don't seem achievable this year, then now is a good time to agree on your plan to achieve them. Don't take failure as an option, set your sails for success and move smoothly towards your goal.

8. You can learn from everyone

“If I go with two other people, then each of them will act as my teacher. I will imitate the good traits of one of them, and correct in myself the disadvantages of the other. You can and should learn from everyone, be it a crook or a saint. Every life is a story filled with lessons ripe for collection. For example, you can take something good and useful for yourself from Will Smith's 7 life lessons or draw knowledge from Einstein's 10 golden lessons.

9. All or Nothing

"Whatever you do in life, do it with all your heart." Whatever you do, do it with full dedication or don't do it at all. Succeeding in life will require you to give your very best, and then you will live without regrets.

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/52511633_90004504.pdf-img/52511633_90004504.pdf-1.jpg" alt=">"> "To live honestly, one must be torn, confused, fought, made mistakes" ( L. N. Tolstoy)

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/52511633_90004504.pdf-img/52511633_90004504.pdf-2.jpg" alt=">§ Human life is complex and multifaceted. There have always been moral values ,"> § Человеческая жизнь сложна и многогранна. Во все времена были нравственные ценности, переступить через которые значило навсегда навлечь на себя позор и презрение. Достоинство человека проявляется в его стремлении к высоким целям.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/52511633_90004504.pdf-img/52511633_90004504.pdf-3.jpg" alt="> Dead souls. Chichikov. § In the poem, Gogol typifies the images of Russian landowners , officials"> Мертвые души. Чичиков. § В поэме Гоголь типизирует образы русских помещиков, чиновников и крестьян. Единственный человек, явно выделяющийся из общей картины российской жизни, - это главный герой поэмы, Чичиков. Подобно, Онегину и Печорину, он не похож на толпу, но не исключительностью натуры и не стремлением преобразить мир, а своей активностью, деятельностью и предприимчивостью. Что же за человек Чичиков? В поэме Гоголь показывает, что старая патриархальная дворянская Россия умирает. Неумолимый ход истории порождает людей иной жизненной ориентации, дельцов- предпринимателей. Раскрывая образ главного героя, автор повествует о его происхождении и формировании его характера.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/52511633_90004504.pdf-img/52511633_90004504.pdf-4.jpg" alt=">§ Chichikov is the only character, life story except for Plyushkin which is given in all"> § Чичиков - единственный, за исключением Плюшкина, персонаж, история жизни которого дается во всех деталях. Из одиннадцатой главы поэмы мы узнаем, что Павлуша принадлежал к бедной дворянской семье, чья усадьба перестала быть источником доходов. Отец Чичикова оставил ему в наследство полтину меди да завет старательно учиться, угождать учителям и начальникам и, самое главное, - беречь и копить копейку. В завещании отец ничего не сказал о чести, долге и достоинстве. В отличие от Гринева, Чичиков быстро понял, что все высокие понятия только мешают достижению заветной цели. Вот почему Павлуша пробивает себе дорогу в жизни собственными усилиями, не опираясь ни на чье покровительство. Но благополучие свое он строит за счет других людей: оскорбление, обман, взяточничество, казнокрадство, махинации на таможне - орудия Чичикова.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/52511633_90004504.pdf-img/52511633_90004504.pdf-5.jpg" alt=">§ This is how life works, says Gogol, that it is sincerity, sincerity, disinterestedness - the most"> § Так уж устроена жизнь, говорит Гоголь, что именно душевность, искренность, бескорыстие - самые опасные. Гоголь не случайно выделяет Чичикова из ряда прочих персонажей поэмы, рассказывая о прошлом героя и давая его характер в развитии. Согласно замыслу, автор собирался. Именно с людьми, не окончательно омертвевшими, имеющими хоть какую-то цель, пытался связать автор свои надежды на возрождение России.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/52511633_90004504.pdf-img/52511633_90004504.pdf-6.jpg" alt="> War and Peace. Pierre Bezukhov. § Pierre focuses on his personality , however"> Война и Мир. Пьер Безухов. § Пьер сосредоточен на своей личности, однако он не погружен в себя. Он живо интересуется жизнью вокруг. Для него очень остро стоит вопрос: «Для чего жить и что такое я» ? Этот вопрос имеет для него очень важное, решающее значение. Безухов задумывается о бессмысленности жизни и смерти, о том, что найти смысл бытия невозможно; об относительности всяких правд. Пьеру чуждо светское общество, в пустом и бессмысленном общении он не может найти свою правду.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/52511633_90004504.pdf-img/52511633_90004504.pdf-7.jpg" alt=">§ Throughout his life, Pierre had many hobbies and disappointments. There was a period"> § На протяжении всей жизни у Пьера было много увлечений, разочарований. Был период, когда Пьер восхищался Наполеоном; также был период увлечения масонством. Однако в процессе нравственного перерождения Пьер отказывается от былых увлечений, приходит к идеям декабризма. На его становление огромное влияние оказало общение с простым народом. С самых первых минут знакомства с Пьером мы понимаем, что перед нами незаурядная, искренняя, открытая натура. Пьер неловко себя чувствует в светском обществе, и общество не принимает его за своего, несмотря на даже на богатое наследство, полученное Безуховым от отца. Он непохож на завсегдатаев светских салонов. Пьер слишком сильно от них отличается, чтобы быть стать своим.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/52511633_90004504.pdf-img/52511633_90004504.pdf-8.jpg" alt=">§ Pierre not only understands and condemns all the contradictions and shortcomings of life. He"> § Пьер не просто понимает и осуждает все противоречия и недостатки жизни. Он уже достиг того нравственного и духовного развития, когда очевидными и необходимыми являются намерения изменить существующую действительность: «пусть будет не одна добродетель, но независимость и деятельность» . Нравственные искания Пьера Безухова делают его образ особенно интересным для нас. Известно, что сама судьба Пьера послужила основой замысла романа «Война и мир» . Тот факт, что образ Пьера показан в развитии, говорит об особом расположении к нему автора. В романе статичными являются те образы, которые не взывают у писателя теплых чувств. Пьер не может не восхищать читателей своей добротой, искренностью, прямотой. Бывают моменты, когда его отвлеченные рассуждения, оторванность от жизни, кажутся непонятными. Но в процессе своего развития он преодолевает слабые стороны своей натуры и переходит от необходимости размышлений к необходимости действий.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/52511633_90004504.pdf-img/52511633_90004504.pdf-9.jpg" alt="> "Fathers and Sons" . "What to do?" § Practically all major Russians"> «Отцы и Дети» . «Что делать? » § Практически всех крупных русских писателей волновала судьба передового человека своего времени. Эта тема нашла отражение в романе Тургенева «Отцы и дети» и в романе Чернышевского «Что делать? » Главные герои этих произведений представляют собой новый тип передовой молодежи. По социальному происхождению Базаров, Лопухов, Кирсанов, Вера Павловна – типичные разночинцы. Все они с детства приучены к труду, в жизни они привыкли полагаться только на собственные силы. Так, Чернышевский рассказывает о своих героях: «Лопухов с очень ранней молодости, почти с детства, добывал деньги на свое содержание; Кирсанов с 12 лет помогал отцу в переписывании бумаг, с IV класса гимназии тоже давал уже уроки. Оба грудью, без связей, без знакомств пролагали себе дорогу» . Тургенев ничего не рассказывает о студенческих годах Базарова, но «надо полагать, – писал Герцен, – что то была жизнь бедная, трудовая, тяжелая. Евгений Васильевич содержал себя собственными трудами, перебивался копеечными уроками и в то же время находил возможность готовить себя к будущей деятельности» . Базарову и «новым людям» присуще стремление к образованию, к изучению естественных наук. В романе «Что делать? » не только Лопухов и Кирсанов занимаются медициной, но и Вера Павловна. Базаров также уделяет много времени естественным наукам. Он часами просиживает за своим микроскопом, ставит опыты. Аркадий говорит О Базарове: «Главный предмет его – естественные науки»!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/52511633_90004504.pdf-img/52511633_90004504.pdf-10.jpg" alt=">§ Bazarov's lack of a final goal made his judgments dogmatic. He practically never"> § Отсутствие окончательной цели у Базарова сделало догматичными его суждения. Он практически никогда не отстаивал своей точки зрения, не пытался доказать правильность своих выводов. Свое утверждение он считал неопровержимой истиной, и лишь сама жизнь могла заставить Базарова усомниться в этом. Например, утверждение Базарова: «Мы действуем в силу того, что мы признаем полезным» – выглядит несколько догматично. У «новых людей» оно выражается в теории разумного эгоизма, которую Лопухов излагает Вере Павловне: «Человек действует по необходимости, его действия определяются влияниями, влияния берут верх над другими, когда поступок имеет житейскую важность, эти побуждения называются выводами, игра их в человеке – соображением выгод, поэтому человек всегда действует по расчету выгод» . Отсутствие окончательной цели у Базарова, жизненная несостоятельность его взглядов лишали его будущего!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/52511633_90004504.pdf-img/52511633_90004504.pdf-11.jpg" alt=">§ The author emphasizes this with the help of artistic means. Thus, Bazarov is alone , him"> § Это автор подчеркивает с помощью художественных средств. Так, Базаров одинок, у него нет друзей, которые полностью разделяли бы его взгляды. Нелепая смерть героя также не вытекает из логики романа. Герцен писал, что Тургенев не знал, что делать с Базаровым, и уморил его «тифусом» . Чернышевский же, в отличие от Тургенева, изображает людей, за которыми будущее. Он пишет, что число «новых людей» постоянно растет и что их деятельность уже дает определенные результаты. Такая разница в изображении героев и их взглядов объясняется тем, что Тургенев отразил в своем романе начальный период разночинно демократического движения. Базарову не суждена победа, так как она стоит еще в преддверии будущего, и этим Тургенев объясняет причину его гибели. Чернышевский описывает движение 1860 х гг. , он рисует образы «новых людей» с безоговорочным сочувствием, без тех внутренних противоречий, которые были характерны для отношения к «нигилизму» автора «Отцов и детей» .!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/52511633_90004504.pdf-img/52511633_90004504.pdf-12.jpg" alt=">Conclusion , What"> Вывод § Люди не должны признавать комфорта, и дело не в том, что человек его не достоин, дело в том, что человек духовный всегда будет стремиться к истине, а это состояние не может само по себе быть комфортным, но лишь оно достойно человеческой сути, и лишь так он способен выполнить свое предназначение.!}

Composition. "In order to live honestly, one must be torn, confused, fought, made mistakes ..." (L.N. Tolstoy). (According to the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace")

The problems of morality and spirituality have always been the most important in the literature of the 19th century. Writers and their heroes were constantly worried about the deepest and most serious questions: how to live, what is the meaning of human life, how to come to God, how to change for the better not only their lives, but also the lives of other people. It is these thoughts that overwhelm one of the main characters of the novel, L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" by Pierre Bezukhov.
At the beginning of the novel, Pierre appears before us as a completely naive, inexperienced young man who has lived all his youth abroad. He does not know how to behave in a secular society, in the salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer, he causes concern to the hostess and fear: “Although Pierre was indeed somewhat larger than the other men in the room, this fear could only relate to that smart and at the same time timid, observant and natural look that distinguished him from everyone in this living room. Pierre behaves naturally, he is the only one in this environment who does not wear a mask of hypocrisy, he says what he thinks.
Having become the owner of a large inheritance, Pierre, with his honesty and faith in the kindness of people, falls into the nets set by Prince Kuragin. The prince's attempts to seize the inheritance were unsuccessful, so he decided to get the money in another way: to marry Pierre to his daughter Helen. Pierre is attracted by her outward beauty, but he cannot figure out if she is smart or kind. For a long time he does not dare to propose to her, in fact, he does not do it, Prince Kuragin decides everything for him.
After marriage, there comes a turning point in the life of the hero, a period of reflection on his whole life, its meaning. The culmination of these experiences of Pierre was a duel with Dolokhov, Helen's lover. In the good-natured and peaceful Pierre, who learned about the impudent and cynical attitude towards him of Helen and Dolokhov, anger boils, "something terrible and ugly rose in his soul." The duel highlights all the best qualities of Pierre: his courage, the courage of a man who has nothing to lose, his philanthropy, his moral strength. Having wounded Dolokhov, he is waiting for his shot: “Pierre, with a meek smile of regret and remorse, helplessly spreading his legs and arms, stood directly in front of Dolokhov with his broad chest and looked sadly at him.”
The author compares Pierre with Dolokhov in this scene: Pierre does not want to harm him, let alone kill him, and Dolokhov laments that he missed and did not hit Pierre. After the duel, Pierre is tormented by thoughts and feelings: “Such a storm of feelings, thoughts, memories suddenly arose in his soul that he not only could not sleep, but could not sit still and had to jump up from the sofa and walk around the room with quick steps”
He analyzes everything that happened, the relationship with his wife, the duel and understands that he has lost all life values, he does not know how to live on, blames only himself for making this mistake - marrying Helen, reflects on life and death: “Who is right, who is guilty? Nobody. And live - and live: tomorrow you will die, as I could die an hour ago. And is it worth it to suffer when one second remains to live compared to eternity? …What's wrong? What well? What should you love, what should you hate? Why live and what am I? What is life, what is death? What power governs everything? In this state of moral doubt, he meets the freemason Bazdeev at the inn in Torzhok, and the “strict, intelligent and penetrating expression of the gaze” of this man strikes Bezukhov.
Bazdeev sees the cause of Pierre’s misfortune in his disbelief in God: “Pierre, with a sinking heart, looking with shining eyes into the face of a freemason, listened to him, did not interrupt, did not ask him, but with all his heart believed what this stranger told him.” Pierre himself joins the Masonic lodge and tries to live according to the laws of goodness and justice. Having received a vital support in the form of Freemasonry, he gains self-confidence and a purpose in life. Pierre travels around his estates, trying to make life easier for his serfs. He wants to build schools and hospitals for the peasants, but the cunning manager deceives Pierre, and there are no practical results of Pierre's trip. But he himself is full of faith in himself, and during this period of his life he manages to help his friend, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, who is raising his son after the death of his wife.
Prince Andrei is disappointed in life after Austerlitz, after the death of the little princess, and Pierre manages to stir him up, arouse interest in his surroundings: “If there is God and there is a future life, then there is truth, there is virtue; and the highest happiness of man is to strive to achieve them. We must live, we must love, we must believe that we do not live today only on this piece of land, but have lived and will live forever there, in everything.
Tolstoy shows us how a period of reflection on one's life can be replaced by complete disappointment and despair, which is what happens to his favorite hero. Pierre loses faith in the teachings of the Freemasons when he sees that they are all busy not with the organization of the world, but with their own careers, prosperity, and the pursuit of power. He returns to secular society and again lives an empty, meaningless life. The only thing he has in life is love for Natasha, but an alliance between them is impossible.
The war with Napoleon gives meaning to Pierre's life: he is present at the Battle of Borodino, he sees the courage and heroism of the Russian soldiers, he is next to them on the Raevsky battery, brings them shells, helps in any way he can. Despite his absurd appearance for battle (he arrived in a green tailcoat and white hat), the soldiers were imbued with sympathy for Pierre for his courage and even gave him the nickname "our master."
The terrible picture of the battle struck Pierre. When he sees that almost everyone on the battery has died, he thinks: “No, now they will leave it, now they will be horrified at what they have done!” After the battle, Pierre reflects on the courage of Russian soldiers: “To be a soldier, just a soldier! To enter this common life with the whole being, to be imbued with what makes them so ... The most difficult thing is to be able to combine the meaning of everything in one's soul .... No, not to connect. You can’t connect thoughts, but to connect all these thoughts - that’s what you need! Yes, you need to match, you need to match!
To match one's life with the life of the people - that's the idea Pierre comes to. Further events in Pierre's life only confirm this idea. An attempt to kill Napoleon in burning Moscow turns into saving the life of a French officer, and saving a girl from a burning house and helping a woman turns into a prisoner. In Moscow, Pierre accomplishes his feat, but for him this is the natural behavior of a person, since he is brave and noble. Probably the most important events in Pierre's life take place in captivity.
Acquaintance with Platon Karataev taught Pierre the necessary wisdom in life, which he lacked. The ability to adapt to any conditions and not lose humanity and kindness at the same time - this was revealed to Pierre by a simple Russian peasant. “For Pierre, as he presented himself on the first night, an incomprehensible, round and eternal personification of the spirit of simplicity and truth, he remained that way forever,” Tolstoy writes about Platon Karataev. In captivity, Pierre begins to feel his unity with the world: “Pierre looked into the sky, into the depths of the departing, playing stars. “And all this is mine, and all this is in me, and all this is me!”
When Pierre is released, when a completely different life begins, full of new problems, everything that he has suffered and felt is preserved in his soul. Everything experienced by Pierre did not pass without a trace, he became a person who knows the meaning of life, its purpose. A happy family life did not make him forget about his destiny. The fact that Pierre enters a secret society, that he is a future Decembrist, is natural for Pierre. He spent his whole life suffering the right to fight for the rights of other people.
Describing the life of his hero, Tolstoy shows us a vivid illustration of the words that he once wrote down in his diary: “To live honestly, you have to tear, get confused, fight, make mistakes, start and quit, and start again, and quit again, and forever fight and lose. And peace is spiritual meanness.

To live honestly, you have to tear, get confused, fight,
make mistakes, start and quit again, and start again and quit again, and forever
fight and lose. And peace is a spiritual meanness.

L.N. Tolstoy.

Who among us at least once in a lifetime
did not ask a difficult question about the meaning of life, did not suffer, looking for an answer to it
and finally did not find it? Of course, we would need not a day or two,
but years, decades, the whole life. Someone found the answer before death,
like, for example, Prince Andrei; someone knew from childhood what to do
strive, what is the meaning of life, like Natasha Rostova; somebody
lived in idleness, realizing that it was impossible to live like this, thought about this question,
tormented, doubted and finally found what was necessary for happiness,
found an answer, albeit incomplete, like Pierre. The thoughts and feelings of the heroes of the epic are close
L.N. Tolstoy. Everything that happened to them in the novel, for sure, experienced
and Lev Nikolaevich himself.

How many disappointments on the path of Prince Andrei!
First, he longs for glory, greatness, achievement, love of all mankind, elevates,
idealizes Napoleon and Toulon. Only Austerlitz and his eternal sky will show the prince
that his desire will turn out to be something not what he dreamed of,
that dreams do not coincide with reality, that they are pride that separates
him from the fate of other people. The sky will say that a heroic feat is a trifle,
bustle. Under the sky of Austerlitz, the value system of Prince Andrei is changing.
In his imagination there is a house, a wife, a son, a father, a sister. But happiness is
simple, family happiness, familiar to Rostov, will not be given to Bolkonsky.
His wife is dying right before our eyes... Andrei remains punished by suffering in a quiet home.
the life he first desired on the field of Austerlitz. All depth
and the significance of this life is not revealed to Andrei. The prince is like heaven. Sky -
cold, detached, fair, and Prince Andrei is looking for perfection in life.
However, he sees the difference between the perfection of the sky and the lowness of the relationship between
people, earthly imperfection. This is the tragedy of the position of Prince Bolkonsky.
But hope remained. “A meeting with Pierre in Bogucharovo was for Prince Andrei
an epoch with which, although in appearance it is the same, but in the inner world
his new life. Now his life is love, love for Natasha. She is in many ways
selfish, only in the end Andrey will understand what love is, love and forgive
Natasha for real, will hope and reject thoughts of life.
“Has the truth of life been revealed to me only so that I could live a lie?” -
asks the prince. And then he says: “Love? What is love? love deprives
of death. Love is life. Everything, everything that I understand, I understand only because
that I love. Everything is connected by her. Love is God, and to die means to me
particle of love, return to the common and true source.

Common source...
L.N. Tolstoy believed that “man is a particle of infinite life. Realizing your
belonging and responsibility to it, contributing to the welfare of people, a person
finds its true place in the endless process of life.

And Natasha?
Who is Natasha? She is life. She had to endure a lot: the death of a loved one
man, the death of Petya's brother, mother's grief. But just the general grief showed
her that "the essence of her life - love - is alive in her. Love woke up, woke up
life". Indeed, love has woken up. Natasha fell in love with Pierre and married him
married. Seven years later, we meet Natasha again and are amazed at that external
change that happened to her. The change is huge. It remains only to wonder
be amazed. You involuntarily ask the question: “What has Natasha become?”
But, on reflection, you answer: “She remained the same as she was. She has changed
only outwardly. She is not interested now in her clothes, hairstyle, but her husband is interested,
children, relatives. From childhood, Natasha knew how unequal a man and a woman were.
And she devoted all her strength, her whole life to her beloved husband, beloved children.
and loved ones.

In parallel with the story of the search for Prince Andrei in the novel, there is
the history of the quest of Pierre Bezukhov. Pierre asks himself the same questions as the prince
Bolkonsky. "What's wrong? What well? Why live, and what am I? What's happened
life, what is death? he asks himself. There was no response to any of these.
questions, except for one, the answer: "if you die, everything will end."

Pierre finds satisfaction in Freemasonry, but is disappointed in it. It strikes him
ritualism, rituality of all the actions of the Masons, the emptiness and aimlessness of life.
All people feel this horror, and life consists in one thing - in "salvation
from life". Only the battle of Borodino, the sight of the murder awakens Pierre, but together
with that, they destroy many of his ideas. "In him, although he did not give himself
report, faith in the improvement of the world, both in human and in one’s own
soul, and into God.

When Pierre meets Karataev,
a soldier who exudes love for life, he feels
that “the previously destroyed world is now with new beauty, on some
new foundations were erected in his soul. Pierre understands that man is created
for happiness and love. Pierre no longer thinks about himself and about Karataev. He sums up
everything lived: “Life is everything. Life is God. Everything moves and moves
and this movement is God. To love life is to love God. The hardest and most blissful of all -
love this life in your suffering, in the innocence of suffering.” And after
release, Pierre exclaims: “I will live. Oh, how nice!

How to live?
Honestly. This is what Tolstoy says. What does it mean to "live honestly"? This means,
that a man should demand nothing from his life but the truth. Image of Pierre
was conceived by Tolstoy as an image of the future Decembrist. He was born to
fight, give happiness to people. And this means that Pierre's life is honest.
Lev Nikolayevich himself remained faithful to the oath given in his youth.

How do the best characters of the novel see the meaning of life? In love. Love is God, life,
probably. Love keeps the world going. Reading the novel, you involuntarily begin to believe in it.
But not only in her one thing. The Bible says the essence of life is the way
to God, cleansing from sins, that every person is given in life to atone for his debt
before God - glorify his deeds and believe in him. The essence of life is faith in God.

The novel shows people who have a definite purpose in life.
They give little thought to questions about the meaning of life. Boris is thinking about a career
Berg - too, Nikolai - about family well-being, about a quiet landowner's life.
But it seems to me that sooner or later they will come to this question and, perhaps,
be able to answer it.

And I want our world to become at least a little
kinder, so that people are more tolerant of each other. After all, it is worth living for. Necessary
just improve yourself.