Comparative characteristics of Chapaev and Plyushkin. Comparison of Chichikov and Plyushkin essays and term papers

Plushkin's image First of all, dilapidation and devastation are striking on the Plyushkin estate. According to Gogol's description, Plyushkin's estate takes on an ominous character, goosebumps involuntarily run down the back. When I read chapter 6, I had the feeling that some kind of disaster had happened at Plyushkin's estate. Desolation, the spirit of death is emphasized by Gogol, and about Plyushkin's room: "It was impossible to say that a living being lived in this room ...". The picture of the “extinct place” is completed by the “castle-giant”, hanging on the main gate, usually “tightly locked”. What can be said about the Landowner Plyushkin? To begin with, even Chichikov, who was a good psychologist, could not distinguish the gender of "some figure", which turned out to be Plyushkin. Plyushkin's story is very sad. “But there was a time when he was a thrifty owner! He was married and a family man, ”the author begins the story of Plyushkin with these words. “Everything flowed lively and took place at a measured pace.” But due to the death of the mistress, Plyushkin became meaner, more suspicious. And so, gradually, relatives and relatives left his house for various reasons. “Lonely life has given nourishing food for stinginess, which, as you know, has a wolfish hunger and the more it devours, the more insatiable it becomes. All the good feelings of Plyushkin were replaced by stinginess, devastation and suspicion. Because of his constant petty theft from his own subjects, almost all the peasants turned their backs on him. Plyushkin had food reserves for more than 2 of his estate, but he kept them under lock and key anyway. All these food supplies have rotted. Even when Chichikov, according to Plyushkin, Practical gives him money just like that, and for the big stingy Plyushkin this should be just a sensation of happiness, he cannot even rejoice well. There was no joy on his face, just a gleam. This shows us Plyushkin's "Dead Soul", because even the tongue does not dare to call it alive.

The image of Chichikov

Each chapter expands our understanding of Chichikov’s capabilities and leads to the idea of ​​his amazing variability: with Manilov he is cloyingly kind, with Korobochka he is petty, persistent and rude, with Nozdryov he is assertive and cowardly, with Sobakevich he bargains cunningly and relentlessly, Plyushkin conquers with his "generosity". In Chichikov's character there is Manilov's love for the phrase, for the "noble" gesture, and the petty stinginess of Korobochka, and the narcissism of Nozdryov, and the rude stinginess, the cold cynicism of Sobakevich, and the hoarding of Plyushkin. It is easy for Chichikov to be a mirror of any of these interlocutors, because he has all the qualities that form the basis of their characters. And this "versatility" of Chichikov, his kinship with the "dead souls of the landowners" makes it possible to make him the main character of the poem. The characterization of Chichikov is given by the author in the first chapter. His portrait is given very vaguely: “not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat nor too thin; one cannot say that he is old, but it is not so that he is too young either. Gogol pays more attention to his manners: he made an excellent impression on all the guests at the governor's party, showed himself to be an experienced socialite, keeping up the conversation on a variety of topics, skillfully flattered the governor, police chief, officials and made the most flattering opinion about himself. Gogol himself tells us that he did not take a “virtuous person” as a hero, he immediately stipulates that his hero is a scoundrel. "Dark and modest is the origin of our hero." The author tells us that his parents were nobles, but pillar or personal - God knows. Chichikov's face did not resemble his parents. As a child, he had no friend or comrade. His father was ill, and the windows of the little “gorenkoka” did not open either in winter or summer. Gogol says about Chichikov: “At the beginning, life looked at him somehow sourly and uncomfortably, through some kind of muddy, snow-covered window ...” “But in life everything changes quickly and vividly ...” Father brought Pavel to the city and instructed him to go to classes. Of the money that his father gave him, he did not spend a penny, but rather made an increment to them. He learned to speculate from childhood. After leaving the school, he immediately set to work and service. With the help of speculation, he was able to get a promotion from the boss. After the arrival of a new boss, Chichikov moved to another city and began to serve at the customs, which was his dream. “From the instructions he got, by the way, one thing: to petition for the placement of several hundred peasants in the board of trustees.” And then the idea came to his mind to turn one little business, which is discussed in the poem.

“An outlandish dream… As if in a realm of shadows, over the entrance to which an unquenchable lamp with the inscription “Dead Souls” flickers, the joker-Satan opened the doors.” Thus begins the poem "The Adventures of Chichikov" by M. A. Bulgakov, written in the years of his literary youth.

But it was not the joker-Satan who opened the door to the “kingdom of shadows”, but N.V. Gogol, challenging literary critics, calling his work “Dead Souls”.

“Dead Souls,” wrote A. I. Herzen, “this title carries something terrifying.”

But only

whether horror? There is also a mystery that is present in the image of the protagonist of Chichikov's poem.

And if we open the door to the “realm of shadows, above the entrance to which an unquenchable lamp with the inscription “Dead Souls” flickers, it will be he who will meet us first. Collegiate Councilor Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, a landowner who came to the City of NN "according to his own needs." We know what those needs are, but for now...

Chichikov is a living hero; he builds some plans, weaves intrigues, conceives moral crimes. At first glance, there is nothing inexplicable in his appearance: “Not handsome, but not bad-looking, not too fat, not too thin; one cannot say that he is old, but he is not so young either.”

But his character needs interpretation. He knows how to guess people and adapt to them. He is like a mirror in which those who communicate with him are reflected. All because in the very character of Chichikov there is a Manilov love for the phrase, and the pettiness of Korobochka, and the pride of Nozdryov, and the cold cynicism of Sobakevich, and the greed of Plyushkin. But still Chichikov is different from them.

What is the secret of Chichikov? Perhaps Chichikov is a magnificent actor, giving every landowner a performance for the sake of his goal? No, perhaps. After all, he could not play the role of "dear Nozdryov." Perhaps Chichikov is a far-sighted psychologist, capable of seeing all the subtleties and twists of the human soul, but then he would not have aroused Korobochka's stingy suspicion, would not have been deceived in Nozdryovo, would not have provoked the jealousy of provincial ladies ... And Pavel Ivanovich's speech over the list of peasants he bought?! How well he guesses the fate, talks about the hard life, admires the courage of Stepan Cork, who died, “falling off the church dome or cross while working,” Uncle Mikhey, who replaced Stepan in this dangerous business, Chichikov reflects on the many peasants of Plyushkin.

Where do these traits come from: mystery, inexplicability, mystery? Where are their origins? Let's remember Chichikov's childhood. Boredom, loneliness, monotonous work and the main order of the father: "You will do everything and break everything in the world with a penny." Pavlusha remembered his father's teachings for a long time: methods of pleasing teachers and bosses, friendship with rich students and the desire to “save and save a penny” were laid in the boy’s soul in early childhood. This kind of upbringing was received by Molchalin, the hero of the comedy A.S., Griboyedov “Woe from Wit”, about which he told Lisa in a fit of frankness: “My father bequeathed to me ... to please all people without exception: the owner, where he will live, the boss, with whom I will serve, a footman, a janitor to avoid evil, a janitor's dog, so that it is affectionate.

Fulfilling his father's will, Chichikov grew up and formed as a typical sycophant and saint. Chichikov's sycophancy, having become one of his most characteristic features, was aimed at acquiring wealth. It arose under the influence of his father's advice: "Take care and save a penny: this thing is the most reliable thing in the world." The obstacles that the hero of the poem has to overcome on the way to wealth are numerous and seemingly insurmountable. But Chichikov inventively and stubbornly goes to his "ideal". Even a fall from an already reached "top" did not make him give up, give up. Yes, this man is vital for Russia.

Chichikov is mysterious not only for readers, but also for the heroes of the poem themselves. And they couldn't figure it out. Is he the kind of person who needs to be apprehended and seized as unintentional, or is he himself free to seize and detain? The assumption that Pavel Ivanovich was a counterfeiter and a robber, having discussed, was discarded because of a “well-intentioned” appearance. And the version that P. I. Chichikov was “a sent official from the office of the Governor-General of the secret investigation” completely failed. There was even an opinion that Chichikov was “Napoleon in disguise”. And no one even thought that Chichikov was just an entrepreneur, a new person who saves a pretty penny for a rainy day.

“An outlandish dream… As if in a realm of shadows, over the entrance to which an unquenchable lamp with the inscription “Dead Souls” flickers, the joker-Satan opened the doors.” Maybe let's go in?

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    it has: lard, bird feathers, serfs. Everything in her house is arranged in the old fashioned way. She keeps her belongings neatly and saves money by putting it in pouches. Everything works for her. In the same chapter, the author pays great attention to the behavior Chichikov , focusing on the fact that Chichikov with Korobochka behaves more simply, more cheekily than with Manilov. This phenomenon is typical of Russian reality, and, proving this, the author gives a lyrical digression about the transformation of Prometheus into a fly. Natura Boxes especially...

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  • Dead and living souls in N.V. Gogol's poem Dead souls

    acquaintance". He himself admires and takes pride in his manners and considers himself an extremely spiritual person and an educated person. However, during his conversation with Chichikov it becomes clear that this person's involvement in culture is just an appearance, the pleasantness of manners smacks of cloying, and behind the flowery phrases there is nothing but stupidity. Chichikov , it turned out that it was not difficult to convince Manilov of the benefits of his enterprise: all he had to do was say that this was done in the public interest and quite consistent ...

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  • abstract

    "a terrible hole in humanity" - Plushkin . The author uses the following artistic means when describing his characters: "speaking surnames", folklore, symbols, stable epithets, zoological comparisons , artistic details (view of the estate, house, interior, appearance of the owner, dinner, talking about dead souls). The descriptions of all the landlords follow the same scenario. The most expressive use of these means is in the description Plushkin . The description of the village is imbued with melancholy...

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  • Literature

    there was no writer in the world who would be as important for his people as Gogol is important for Russia. "N.G. Chernyshevsky N.V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" - the greatest work of world literature. In the deadening of the souls of characters - landowners, officials, Chichikov - the writer sees the tragic mortification of mankind, the dull movement of history in a vicious circle. The writer gives close-up images of the landlords, these masters of Russia, in the poem. Moreover, he depicts not the best enlightened part of the nobility, but those ...

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  • Souls dead and alive in the poem by N.V. Gogol Dead Souls

    In his works, he mercilessly debunked the “masters of life”, who considered themselves the bearers of high historical wisdom and the creators of spiritual values. When publishing “Dead Souls” N. V. Gogol wished to design the title page himself. It featured a stroller. Chichikov , symbolizing the path of Russia, and around - a lot of human skulls. “There is nothing to blame on the mirror if the face is crooked,” says the proverb, taken as an epigraph to the “Inspector General”. The play is this mirror in which the viewer had to look in order to ...

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  • 2012

    above all, it is “pleasantness” and his desire to please everyone. Manilov himself, this "very courteous and courteous landowner," admires and is proud of his manners and considers himself an extremely spiritual and educated person. However, during his conversation with Chichikov it becomes clear that this person's involvement in culture is just an appearance, the pleasantness of manners gives off cloying, and behind the flowery phrases there is nothing but stupidity. The whole way of life of Manilov and his family smacks of vulgar sentimentality...

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  • How I spent summer

    unlike Korobochka, he understands the environment well and understands the time at which he lives, knows people. Unlike other landowners, he immediately understood the essence Chichikov . Sobakevich is a cunning rogue, an impudent businessman who is difficult to deceive. He evaluates everything around him only from the point of view of his own benefit. In his conversation with Chichikov the psychology of the kulak is revealed, who knows how to make the peasants work for themselves and extract the maximum benefit from this. He is straightforward, quite rude and no one cares...

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  • epic pr


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  • Images of landlords in N.V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls"

    not by chance. Starting from Manilov, and ending Plushkin , the author intensifies the bitter accusatory satire, shows the landowners on the principle of everything their stronger impoverishment and moral decline. A dreamer living in the world of his dreams, Manilov is replaced by the "club-headed" Korobochka, the careless liar and sharper Nozdrev - the clumsy economic Sobakevich. Completes this gallery of landlords Plushkin - a greedy miser, "a hole in humanity" - that's what he calls Plushkin Chichikov. …. Manilov Gallery of images of landowners...

    it occupies the imagination of the poet. It is not difficult to see that Zhukovsky wants to say something more intimate, dear to him. The sea seems to him alive, subtly a feeling and thinking being, which is fraught with a "deep secret". Hence the metaphors comparisons , personification: the sea "breathes", it is filled with "confused love, anxious thought." The poet turns to the sea with a question, as if to a person: What moves your immense bosom? How does your tight chest breathe? The poet gives the answer to this question as an assumption ...

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  • epic

    The study of the language of fiction covers a wide range of problems: individualization and typification of language in a work, intonation and speech characteristics, poetic syntax and versification, means of expression, tropes (epithets, comparisons , metaphors). The specificity of the study of Russian literature in the national school is manifested in the approach to each group of concepts. The preparation of students in literature is taken into account: the formation of many concepts can occur in the lessons on this subject ...

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  • Preparation

    they forgot their civic duty to society, their duties to the people - and this, according to N.V. Gogol, is the main evil of socio-political Russian systems. In the system of images of the poem, the peasants do not occupy such a large place according to comparison with images of landlords and officials. Gogol's satire was directed precisely against these social groups, but the theme of the people, the theme of the serfs is organically included in the work. The author reflects on the tragic fate of the people, also exposing...

    - “Adventures Chichikov ". But the adventures, travels, wanderings of Odysseus were described by the great Homer. One of the most striking analogies with Homer's poem is the appearance Chichikov at the box. If Chichikov is Odysseus, wandering around the world, then Korobochka appears before us, albeit in such an unusual form, as the nymph Calypso or the sorceress Circe: “Ah, sir, father, yes, like a hog, your whole back and side are covered in mud . Where did you deign to get salty?” - Korobochka greets with these words Chichikov and so, just...

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  • 11

    SOULS "DEAD AND LIVING" IN I. V. GOGOL'S POEM "DEAD SOULS" Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" was published in 1842. The writer's contemporaries read it under titled "Adventures Chichikov , or Dead Souls. Nikolai Vasilievich was forced to change the name, which seemed blasphemous to the censorship department. “No, I will never allow this: the soul is immortal; there can be no dead soul; the author is arming himself against immortality,” one of the censors was indignant. So there was a headline in which the emphasis ...

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  • culture

    find errors related to the formation and use of degrees comparisons . Write the correct variant. 1. The third story seemed to him funniest. 2. My job was the worst of all. 3. The attitude towards people should be softer, and the outlook on life should be broader. 4. Yesterday you were less cheerful. 5. My uncle is the best and kindest person in the world. Task 6 Form all possible forms of degrees from the following adjectives

  • All essays on literature for grade 9

    Chichikov Plushkin (Based on N. V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls") 40. Khlestakov and Khlestakovism in N. V. Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" 41. Conversation Chichikov with Manilov (based on a poem by N.V. Gogol) 42. What Gogol laughs at and is sad in Dead Souls 43. Meeting Chichikov with Nozdryov in a tavern 44. Collision of carriages (analysis of the episode of the chapter of the 5th first volume of N. V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls") 45. The role of personal digressions in N. V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" 46. Contrast of characters Chichikov and Nozdrev...

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  • “An outlandish dream… As if in the realm of shadows, above the entrance to which an inextinguishable lamp flickers with the inscription “Dead Souls”, the joker-Satan opened the doors.” So begins the poem "The Adventures of Chichikov" by M.A. Bulgakov, written in the years of his literary youth.

    But the door to the "kingdom of shadows" was opened not by a joker-Satan, but by N.V. Gogol, challenging literary critics, calling his work "Dead Souls".

    “Dead souls,” wrote A.I. Herzen, - this title carries something terrifying in itself.

    But is it only horror? There is also a mystery that is present in the image of the protagonist of Chichikov's poem.

    And if we open the door to the “realm of shadows, above the entrance to which an unquenchable lamp with the inscription “Dead Souls” flickers, it will be he who will meet us first. Collegiate Councilor Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, a landowner who came to the City of NN "according to his own needs." We know what those needs are, but for now...

    Chichikov is a living hero; he builds some plans, weaves intrigues, conceives moral crimes. At first glance, there is nothing inexplicable in his appearance: “Not handsome, but not bad-looking, not too fat, not too thin; one cannot say that he is old, but he is not so young either.

    But his character needs interpretation. He knows how to guess people and adapt to them. He is like a mirror in which those who communicate with him are reflected. All because in the very character of Chichikov there is a Manilov love for the phrase, and the pettiness of Korobochka, and the pride of Nozdryov, and the cold cynicism of Sobakevich, and the greed of Plyushkin. But still Chichikov is different from them.

    What is the secret of Chichikov? Perhaps Chichikov is a magnificent actor, giving every landowner a performance for the sake of his goal? No, perhaps. After all, he could not play the role of "dear Nozdryov." Perhaps Chichikov is a far-sighted psychologist, capable of seeing all the subtleties and twists of the human soul, but then he would not have aroused Korobochka's stingy suspicion, would not have been deceived in Nozdryovo, would not have provoked the jealousy of provincial ladies ... And Pavel Ivanovich's speech over the list of peasants he bought?! How well he guesses the fate, talks about the hard life, admires the courage of Stepan Cork, who died, “falling off the church dome or cross while working,” Uncle Mikhey, who replaced Stepan in this dangerous business, Chichikov reflects on the many peasants of Plyushkin.

    Where do these traits come from: mystery, inexplicability, mystery? Where are their origins? Let's remember Chichikov's childhood. Boredom, loneliness, monotonous work and the main order of the father: "You will do everything and break everything in the world with a penny." Pavlusha remembered his father's teachings for a long time: methods of pleasing teachers and bosses, friendship with wealthy students and the desire to "save and save a penny" were laid in the boy's soul in early childhood. This kind of upbringing was received by Molchalin, the hero of the comedy A.S., Griboyedov “Woe from Wit”, about which he told Lisa in a fit of frankness: “My father bequeathed to me ... to please all people without exception: the owner, where he will live, the boss, with whom I will serve, a footman, a janitor to avoid evil, a janitor's dog, so that it is affectionate.

    Fulfilling his father's will, Chichikov grew up and formed as a typical sycophant and saint. Chichikov's sycophancy, having become one of his most characteristic features, was aimed at acquiring wealth. It arose under the influence of his father's advice: "Take care and save a penny: this thing is the most reliable thing in the world." The obstacles that the hero of the poem has to overcome on the way to wealth are numerous and seemingly insurmountable. But Chichikov inventively and stubbornly goes to his "ideal". Even a fall from an already reached "peak" did not make him give up, give up. Yes, this man is vital for Russia.

    Chichikov is mysterious not only for readers, but also for the heroes of the poem themselves. And they couldn't figure it out. Is he the kind of person who needs to be apprehended and seized as unintentional, or is he himself free to seize and detain? The assumption that Pavel Ivanovich was a counterfeiter and a robber, having discussed, was discarded because of a “well-intentioned” appearance. And the version that P.I. Chichikov - "a sent official from the office of the Governor-General of the secret investigation" and completely failed. There was even an opinion that Chichikov was “Napoleon in disguise”. And no one even thought that Chichikov was just an entrepreneur, a new person who saves a pretty penny for a rainy day.

    “An outlandish dream… As if in the realm of shadows, above the entrance to which an inextinguishable lamp flickers with the inscription “Dead Souls”, the joker-Satan opened the doors.” Maybe let's go in?

    Chichikov's characterization is the topic of this article. What can be said about this hero from the work "Dead Souls"? Belinsky, a well-known Russian critic, noted in 1846 that, as an acquirer, Chichikov is no less, and perhaps more than Pechorin, a hero of our time. He can buy "dead souls", collect donations for various charitable institutions, purchase railroad shares. It doesn't matter what kind of activity people like him are engaged in. Their essence remains unchanged.

    The author's characterization of Chichikov at the beginning of the work

    It is indisputable that Chichikov is an immortal type. You can meet people like him everywhere. This hero belongs to all times and all countries, only takes on different forms, depending on time and place. In the poem "Dead Souls" the action begins with the fact that the reader gets acquainted with the main character. What is the characteristic of Chichikov? This is the "golden mean", neither this nor that. The author, describing him, notes that he is not a handsome man, but not a "bad-looking" person, not very thin, but not too fat, not old, but not young either. Chichikov Pavel Ivanovich - honorable collegiate adviser. Such is the characterization of Chichikov at the beginning of the work.

    Visits made by Chichikov in the city

    How does he begin his stay in the city? From numerous visits: to the prosecutor, vice-governor, governor, tax farmer, chief of police, head of local state-owned factories, etc. Chichikov, behaving like a well-intentioned person, knew how to very skillfully flatter everyone in conversations with these rulers. So, for example, he praised the governor for the "velvet roads" in the province subject to him, and Chichikov said something flattering about the city guards to the police chief. He mistakenly called the chairman of the chamber and the vice-governor twice "your excellency." Chichikov made a compliment to the governor's wife, which is decent for a middle-aged man who has not too low, but not too high rank. The citation characteristic of Chichikov will complement the image created by the author. Pavel Ivanovich called himself nothing more than an "insignificant worm", lamenting that he had to experience a lot in his lifetime, endure for the truth in his service, make many enemies who even attempted on his life.

    Ability to hold a conversation

    The characterization of Chichikov ("Dead Souls") can be supplemented by his masterful ability to keep up the conversation. Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol writes that if it was about a horse farm, he spoke about it, but he could also make sensible remarks about good dogs. Moreover, Chichikov did this with "some sort of gravity," he spoke neither softly nor loudly, but exactly as he should, he knew how to behave well. As we see, he learned to wear a mask of imaginary decency and vulgarity masterfully. Under this guise of a completely decent, decent gentleman, the true characterization of Chichikov ("Dead Souls"), the content of his actions and thoughts, was hidden.

    Author's attitude to Chichikov in the first chapter

    The author in the first chapter only allegorically, indirectly expresses his attitude towards Chichikov and his actions. And this hero himself, talking about the world of thick and thin, hints at his true vision of the world around him. He says the fat ones do a better job than the "skinny ones" who mostly do special errands and "wander around." The citation characteristic of Chichikov helps to better understand this image. The main character is referred by Gogol to the world of fat, firmly and securely sitting in their places. Confirming the appearance of who Chichikov seems to be, thus, the author is preparing his exposure, revealing the truth about him.

    First successful deals

    The deal with Manilov is the first success. It strengthens Pavel Ivanovich's confidence in the safety and ease of the scam he conceived. The hero, inspired by the first success, is in a hurry to make new deals. On the way to Sobakevich, Chichikov meets Korobochka, who showed him that the enterprise conceived by him requires caution and subtlety, and not just perseverance. This lesson, however, did not go to Chichikov's future. He hurries to Sobakevich, but unexpectedly meets Nozdryov and decides to go to him.

    Chichikov at Nozdrev

    Among the main properties of Nozdryov, almost the main thing was the passion to "spoil his neighbor", sometimes without any reason. And Pavel Ivanovich involuntarily falls for this bait. Nozdryov finally reveals the true purpose of Chichikov's acquisition of "dead souls". This episode reveals the frivolity and weakness of the hero. Subsequently, of course, Chichikov scolded himself for acting carelessly, talking about such a delicate matter with Nozdryov. As we can see, purposefulness and perseverance in cases where they go too far, turn into a disadvantage.

    Buying "dead souls" from Sobakevich

    Chichikov finally arrives at Sobakevich's. An interesting characterization of Chichikov by other characters. They all have different characters, and they all relate to the main character in their own way. Sobakevich is a persistent and quirky person when it comes to his benefits. He guesses, most likely, why Chichikov needs "dead souls". Sobakevich godlessly bargains, besides, he also praises his dead peasants. He says that Yeremey Sorokoplekhin, who traded in Moscow, brought 500 rubles per quitrent. This is not like the peasants of some Plyushkin.

    Comparative characteristics of Chichikov and Plyushkin

    Let's compare these two characters. Comparative characteristics of Chichikov and Plyushkin are very interesting. After all, Pavel Ivanovich was a service nobleman, and Plyushkin was a landowner. These are the two classes on which tsarist Russia of that time rested. Meanwhile, the lack of understanding of the need for daily work, the inability to do any useful thing makes these heroes related, leading them to a deplorable result. The characterization of Chichikov and Plyushkin is very unattractive. And this is the backbone of the state, the "tables of society"! Curious connections can be found in the work of a comparative description of Chichikov ...

    Deal with Plushkin

    The enterprise conceived by Chichikov ends with a deal with Plyushkin. With this landowner, even money comes out of the living circulation. He put them in one of the boxes, where, probably, they were destined to lie until his death. Chichikov is now on top. All papers are signed, and he turns into a "millionaire" in the eyes of the townsfolk. This is a magic word that opens all roads and affects both scoundrels and good people.

    The real biography of Chichikov

    Soon, however, Chichikov's triumph ends with the exposure of Nozdrev, who informed the authorities that he was trading in dead souls. Confusion and turmoil begin in the city, as well as in the mind of the reader. The author saved the true biography of his hero for the finale of the work, in which, finally, a complete and true characterization of Chichikov in the poem "Dead Souls" is given. Throughout its entire length, Pavel Ivanovich seemed virtuous and decent, but under this guise, as it turned out, a completely different essence was hidden. The characterization of Chichikov in the poem "Dead Souls", given by the author in the final, is as follows.

    It turned out that this was the son of a half-impoverished nobleman, who did not even look like his mother or father. As a child, he had no friends or comrades. And so the father one fine day decided to send the child to the city school. During parting with him there were no tears, but Chichikov was given one clever and important instruction: to study, not to fool, not to hang out, to please bosses and teachers, to save a penny more than anything, since this thing is the most reliable thing in the world.

    The unsociable and lonely Pavlusha accepted this instruction with all his heart and was guided by it all his life. He quickly grasped the spirit of the authorities in the classrooms of the school and understood what the “correct” behavior should be. Chichikov sat quietly in the classroom and as a result, not possessing special talents and abilities, he received a certificate at graduation, as well as a special book for trustworthy behavior and exemplary diligence. After graduating from college, Pavlusha plunged into reality: his father died, leaving him as a legacy only 4 jerseys, irretrievably worn out, 2 old frock coats and a small amount of money.

    At the same time, which is remarkable, another event occurs that reveals the true qualities of Chichikov, the future swindler. So fond of a humble student, the teacher was fired from the school. He disappeared in a forgotten kennel without a piece of bread. Former arrogant and recalcitrant students raised money for him, and only Pavel Ivanovich limited himself to a penny, while citing his extreme need.

    The means by which Chichikov was promoted

    Chichikov, it should be noted, was not stingy. However, he imagined a future life with prosperity and in all allowances: a well-arranged house, carriages, delicious meals and expensive entertainment. For this, Pavel Ivanovich agreed to starve and selflessly engage in service. He soon realized that honest work would not bring him what he wanted. And Chichikov begins, looking for new opportunities to improve his position, to take care of his boss's daughter. When he finally gets a promotion, he completely forgets about this family. Scams, bribes - this is the path Pavlusha took. He gradually achieves some visible well-being. But now, in the place of his former boss, they appoint a military, strict man, to whom Chichikov could not ingratiate himself. And he is forced to look for other ways to arrange his well-being.

    How Pavel Ivanovich "suffered in the service"

    The protagonist of the poem goes to another city. Here, by a lucky chance, he becomes a customs officer and begins to conduct "commercial" relations with smugglers. This criminal conspiracy was revealed after some time, and all those responsible for it, including Chichikov, were brought to justice. This is how, in reality, Pavel Ivanovich "suffered in the service." Chichikov, taking care of his offspring, decides to commit another scam, which Gogol describes in detail in the poem Dead Souls.

    Chichikov - the hero of our time

    So, Chichikov, who was brought face to face with the usual, traditional order of things, contributes by his actions to the destruction of the existing order. He lays the foundation for the new. Therefore, we can say in this sense that Chichikov is rightfully the hero of our time.

    The characterization of the hero of the work "Dead Souls" (Chichikov) was presented in this article. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol wrote the poem we are interested in in 1842. In it, he was able to talentedly and eloquently depict the perniciousness of the serfdom that existed at that time, its horrific consequences for the entire Russian society. Not just individual people degenerate - the people and the whole state are destroyed along with it. It can be said with certainty that the anti-serf works of Nikolai Vasilyevich played a certain role in bringing about the abolition in our country.