Types of worldviews and forms. Historical types of worldview

Since ancient times, people have been interested in the arrangement of the world around them, determined their place in it and their attitude both to each other and to themselves. Such a worldview or attitude determined the life position of a person, his behavior and aspirations. Learn more about what a worldview is in this article.

What is the human mindset?

Man is a rational being, capable of thinking and predicting the consequences of his actions, looking for means to achieve his goals. All this determines his world outlook. Natural instincts, experience, scientific and practical activities form a system of views, assessments and a figurative representation of the world. The functions of the worldview are in the organization, meaningfulness and purposefulness of the individual's activity. That is, the worldview is determined by beliefs, life position and moral and ethical values.

How is a worldview formed?

The general picture of the world is formed in the process of education, training and socialization in society. In general, the formation of a worldview is a very slow and stepwise process and depends on the quality of individual knowledge. Young people with insufficient experience and knowledge have an unstable worldview, which makes them an easy target for various manipulators - politicians, representatives of religion, etc. As they grow older, the system of life values ​​is strengthened, determining the behavior of the individual and acting as a guide to action.

Worldview, its types and forms

There are certain components of worldview:

  1. Knowledge. They can be scientific, professional and practical. This is the first element of any worldview. The larger the circle of knowledge, the firmer the life position.
  2. Feelings. The types of worldview manifest themselves in accordance with the subjective reaction of a person to external stimuli. Depending on the mental state, the reaction can be either positive, and associated with joy and pleasure, or negative, concluded in sadness, grief, fear. There is also a moral aspect - it is duty, responsibility.
  3. Values. The concept of worldview is closely related to values. They can be significant, useful and harmful, but they are perceived through the prism of one's own goals, interests and needs.
  4. deeds- positive and negative. So a person in practice shows his own views and ideas.
  5. Beliefs- firm, strong-willed. This is a combination of personal and public views, which are a kind of engine and the basis of life.
  6. Character- will, faith, doubt. Based on the ability for independent and conscious actions, trust in others and self-criticism, a worldview is formed and developed.

Philosophical worldview

It is defined as system-theoretical. It differs from the mythological worldview in the high role of reason: if the myth uses emotions and feelings as a support, then philosophy uses logic and evidence. This type of attitude studies the forces that rule the world. Philosophy and worldview arose simultaneously in ancient India, China and Greece. At the same time, a worldview can exist outside of philosophy, but philosophy itself forms a worldview. Philosophical knowledge is elitist and not available to everyone. Rare pundits are fond of him.

Religious worldview

It arose on the basis of the mythological and is based on the belief in supernatural forces. As religious movements developed, many mythological features went into oblivion, and rigid dogmatism and a system of moral precepts remained. Worldview types that include piety and holiness imply dependence on higher powers. At the heart of this worldview lies the fear of the unknown. A holistic religious worldview was formed when indisputable systems of dogmas appeared, commandments that determined the sinfulness and holiness of certain thoughts and actions.

Mythological worldview

This type was formed in the conditions of primitive society, when the figurative perception of the world was the basis. Mythology is closely connected with paganism and acts as a set of myths, spiritualizing material objects and phenomena. Such a worldview of a person is implicated in the sacred and profane, but faith is at the core. According to tradition, a follower of such a worldview is able to rise to the level of a god, and all the myths that have developed were useful from a practical point of view and were a guide to action.

Scientific outlook

This worldview arose as the opposite of the mythological and religious. The scientific picture of the world is based on the concepts of law and regularity. The main types of worldview - mythological and religious - are based on fictitious, arbitrary and supernatural reasons, and science develops in the course of complication of work, solving practical problems. Such a progressive worldview provides an opportunity to draw new knowledge from previously acquired knowledge. Rationality, transferred to religion and mythology, gave impetus to the development of philosophy.

Ordinary worldview

Such a worldview is formed by itself in each person and is the core of common sense. Features of the worldview are that partly its development depends on genetic heredity. In the course of upbringing by parents, communication with friends and relatives, contact with the environment, values, priorities and attitudes are formed, which, by puberty, acquire the features of a well-defined worldview. The most important in this process are the features of the native language and the degree of its assimilation, as well as labor and tool activities.

Historical outlook

In history, the types of worldview remain the same - these are mythological, religious and philosophical. For those who are interested in what kind of worldview there is, it is worth saying that the first was a myth - a fictitious plot, a fruit of the people's imagination. Religion is closely related to mythology: both of them presuppose the presence of a mythological system and provide for the basis of myths on faith. Philosophy is a special way of cognition, because what is a worldview is a theory or a science that studies the fundamental principles of being and cognition.

How to change the worldview?

The perception of the world is capable of undergoing changes in the course of a person growing up, acquiring new knowledge. It often happens that after some event people completely change their lives and views on it. Inveterate atheists become church-going people, while experienced businessmen drop everything and retire to some quiet place. The worldview of a person can be improved, strive for moral ideals, learning new things, communicating with different people, traveling. It is necessary to read a lot - psychological, philosophical literature.

The worldview of modern man

During the collapse of the USSR, an ideological crisis arose, which was the result of the collapse of ideals and new ones that did not have time to form. In the era of consumption, characteristic of the present, such moral guidelines as duty, honor, responsibility have lost their meaning. “You deserve it” - everyone hears from the TV screens and strives to match. The modern worldview in the era of globalization is to reduce the importance of national culture and the alienation of its values.

Man began to see the meaning of life in obtaining pleasure. The connection with the native land, ancestors is lost, relations in marriage, the principles of raising children have become different. At the same time, there is an increasing number of people who are aware of the need for change. The worldview in psychology has become more humanistic. A person wants to be in nature and other people. There are a growing number of temples, charitable foundations and environmental organizations.

Books that change the worldview of a person

  1. Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho. Of particular interest are works titled "Alchemist", "Pilgrimage".
  2. Books that change the worldview are written by many experts in psychology. Among them Louise Hay, which helped many to survive negative emotions, change their thinking and even heal from some ailments, because what is a worldview is a system of values, and it can be changed if it worsens the quality of life.
  3. Another author - Alex Baihou. His labor "The Habit of Being Happy" is a short self-development course that teaches you how to manage your habits in order to achieve the goal of happiness.
  4. In his manuscript "White Book" Viktor Vasiliev gives psychological techniques that provide an opportunity to change oneself as a person, because what a worldview is is your “I”, but if you make only a few strokes to your own, you can change your outlook on life.

Worldview - 1) a set of views, ideas, assessments, norms that determine a person's attitude to the world around him and act as regulators of behavior. 2) this is a general idea, a belief about the world as a whole and about a person's place in this world. 3) a system of views on the world and a person’s place in it, on a person’s attitude to the reality around him and to himself, as well as the basic life positions of people, their ideals, beliefs, principles of cognition of their activities, value orientations conditioned by these views.

Subjects of outlook: - individual person; - groups of people (social, national, professional, religious); - society as a whole.

Worldview solves three main issues: - the attitude of a person to the world as a whole - knowledge and transformation of the world - society as a whole.

The structure of the worldview: knowledge, spiritual values, principles, ideals, beliefs, attitudes, ideas.

Worldview includes components (forms of worldview):

  • 1. Attitude - the emotional experience of people; emotional and psychological side of the worldview at the level of moods, feelings;
  • 2. World perception (emotional and sensual component of the worldview) - the world of images that give visibility to our worldview attitudes;
  • 3. World outlook (the intellectual component of the worldview, represented by scientific ideas at the rational-theoretical level) - the cognitive-intellectual side of the worldview;
  • 4. World attitude (formed on the basis of attitude and world outlook) - a set of a person's value attitudes on certain life issues.
  • 5. Mentality - 1) a specific psychological warehouse that has arisen on the basis of culture, social and personal experience, which is projected onto practical activities; 2) the totality of all the results of knowledge, their assessment on the basis of previous culture and practical activities, national consciousness, personal life experience. The mentality is the result of the development of culture and traditions; to a greater extent than worldview, is associated with thinking.

How does the worldview differ from other elements of the human spiritual world?

A worldview is a view of a person not on a separate side of the world, but on the whole world as a whole.

Worldview reflects the attitude of a person to the world.

What role does worldview play in people's activities?

The worldview provides guidelines and goals for human activity.

The worldview allows you to understand how best to achieve the intended milestones and goals.

A person gets the opportunity to determine the true values ​​of life and culture, to distinguish the important from the illusory.

The emergence of a worldview is associated with the process of formation of the first stable form of human community - the tribal community. Its appearance was a kind of revolution in the spiritual development of man. The worldview singled out man from the animal world.

Worldview types:





Ordinary (elemental):

Source: personal experience or public opinion related to daily activities.

The simplest type of worldview, the basis for the formation of more complex types of worldview

It is specific, accessible, simple, gives clear and understandable answers to everyday questions; (+)

formed in the process of personal practice (+)

develops spontaneously, on the basis of life experience (+)

widespread (+)

has little contact with the experience of other people, the achievements of science and culture, religion (-)

incompleteness, lack of system, untested knowledge (-)

generated by the immediate conditions of life and the transmitted experience of people

the carrier is an average person who has a standard school education and is content with it, and does not develop further. Often this is the man of the crowd.

This worldview should serve as a starting point.

Everyone has their own ordinary worldview, which differs in varying degrees of depth, completeness from the influence of other types of worldview.

For this reason, the everyday worldviews of different people can even be opposite in content and therefore incompatible.

On this basis, people can be divided into believers and non-believers, egoists and altruists, people of good will and people of evil will.

On the basis of an ordinary worldview, myth is historically the first spontaneously born.


The mythological worldview is such a system of views on the world and the place of a person in it, which is based not on theoretical arguments and reasoning, but on the artistic experience of the world or on social illusions.

Causes of occurrence: 1) primitive man has not yet distinguished himself from the environment - natural and social; 2) primitive thinking has not yet clearly separated from the emotional sphere. The consequence of these premises was a naive humanization of the environment. Man transferred his personal properties to the objects of nature, attributing to them life, human feelings. In myth it is impossible to separate the real from the fantastic, the existing from the desired, the spiritual from the material, evil from good, etc.

The mythological worldview is a fantastic idea of ​​the world around us, expressed in the form of fairy tales, traditions, legends and myths, which were passed from mouth to mouth for many years, mainly before the advent of writing. (Descriptativity is the desire to explain events, phenomena in the form of a descriptive story, legend, legend; among the acting figures are heroes and gods in the form of special people.)

It determined the moral position of primitive people, acted as the primary regulator of behavior, a form of socialization, paved the way for the emergence of the next type of worldview.

A characteristic feature is anthropomorphism, which is manifested in the spiritualization of natural phenomena, the transfer of spiritual and even bodily properties of a person to them, and also in the fact that the mode of their activity is identified with human activity. This personification of various natural and social phenomena and forces makes them closer and more understandable for people of the tribal society, and at the same time more “accessible” to the influence that they tried to exercise with the help of threats, requests, magical actions, etc.

The most important feature is the absence of a line between the sensual image of reality and reality itself, between the deity (as a spiritual principle and essence) and the natural phenomenon with which it was associated. (Syncretism (fusion, indivisibility) of the objective and subjective worlds, which is largely due to anthropomorphism.)

Genetism, the essence of which was to clarify the nature of the world, the origin of the genus, various natural and social phenomena. Any human community is explained through the origin from a common ancestor, and understanding the nature of things is reduced to ideas about their genetic origin.

An equally important role was played by the idea of ​​a universal type of kinship. All nature is presented in mythology as a huge tribal community inhabited by human-type creatures that are in one or another kindred relationship.

The connection with magic is characteristic of a more mature primitive communal consciousness and is expressed in the actions of sorcerers, shamans and other people armed with the rudiments of scientific knowledge about the human body, about animals and plants.

Anti-historical. Time is not understood as a process of progressive development. At best, it is admitted as a reversal: a movement from the golden age to the silver and copper, which in itself expresses the desire to see the world static, constantly reproducing in the same way.

The essence of the mythological worldview is to create such a picture of the world in which man and the world are merged into one imagery, emotionality, non-critical character, thinking by analogy, symbolism, stereotyping.

The mythological worldview is a form of collective consciousness in which a person dissolves in collective ideas, gaining strength not in independent thinking or in independent actions, not in independence of authorities, but in participation in them.

The functions of the mythological worldview: the transformation of chaos into space, or the establishment of an arbitrary, symbolic, illusory order in the world; creating the illusion of security; uniting people around some idea or image.

Causes of occurrence:

  • * lack of knowledge, the desire to explain the occurring phenomena and processes;
  • * development of a person's ability to think abstractly;
  • * Complications of social life associated with the emergence of the state and social inequality.

A great danger, especially in modern conditions, is fundamentalism - religious extremism, fanaticism, sometimes characterized by insufficient attention to the achievements of science, and sometimes ignoring them (-)

Religion is based on a figurative-emotional, sensory-visual form of perception.

The most important attributes of religion are faith and cult. Faith is a way of understanding the world by religious consciousness, a special state of the subject's religious consciousness.

The religious worldview does not offer a logically clear definition of God; ideologists of religion often say that a logically strict definition of God is impossible, that he can be understood metaphorically. The apophatic variant of theology asserts that God can be said to be what he is not, but not what he is.

Religious worldview is represented by the forms of three world religions: 1. Buddhism - 6th-5th centuries. BC. First appeared in ancient India, the founder - the Buddha. In the center is the doctrine of noble truths (Nirvana). In Buddhism there is no soul, there is no God as the creator and supreme being, there is no spirit and history; 2. Christianity - 1st century AD, first appeared in Palestine, a common feature: faith in Jesus Christ as a God-man, the savior of the world. The main source of doctrine is the Bible (Holy Scripture). Three branches of Christianity: Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Protestantism; 3. Islam - 7th century AD, formed in Arabia, founder - Mohammed, the main principles of Islam are set forth in the Koran. The main dogma: worship of the one god Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. The main branches of Islam are Sunnism, Shinnism.

The religious worldview already distinguishes between the natural and the unnatural, it already has limitations.

Religious outlook and religious philosophy are a kind of idealism, i.e. such a direction in the development of social consciousness, in which the original substance, i.e. the basis of the world is Spirit, idea, consciousness.

The opposite of a religious worldview is an atheistic worldview.

Philosophy and religion are close on a number of grounds: - They are close on the subject of reflection. Both are aimed at searching for the meaning of being, expressing the need for harmonization of relations. - They are close in form of reflection. Both of them are the spiritual attitude of a person to reality, expressed in the most general form, for both God and philosophy are certain absolutes. - They are also close in that they are value forms of spiritual activity (their goal is not the scientific truth of specific knowledge, but the formation of a spiritual life concept in accordance with guidelines that are important for a person).

Basis: rationally processed experience; is based on modern achievements of scientific knowledge of the world.

Reasons for the emergence: the scientific worldview matures gradually as a result of the complexity of labor, the solution of practical problems: measurements, calculations, calculations associated with the need to build complex structures (irrigation, palaces, temples, pyramids), engage in trade and exchange, create calendars, engage in navigation, etc. d.

It is conclusive, clear and strict, but does not solve the life problems of a person, strives for complete objectivity, represents a theoretical understanding of the results of scientific activity of people, the generalized results of human cognition:

relies on the achievements of science (+);

includes a scientific picture of the world (+);

summarizes the results of human knowledge (+);

closely related to the practical activities of people (+);

the reality of the goals and ideals contained, the organic connection with the production and social activities of people (+);

the study of the spiritual world of man has not yet taken its rightful place in science (-).

Science is not a worldview, in the strict sense of the word, because:

  • 1. it studies objective reality itself, and not a person’s attitude towards it (namely, this problem is the main issue of any worldview)
  • 2. any worldview is a valuable type of consciousness, while science is the realization of the cognitive sphere of consciousness, the purpose of which is to obtain knowledge about the properties and relationships of various objects in themselves.

Of particular importance for the scientific worldview is its reliance on the knowledge obtained in the historical, social and behavioral sciences, since it is in them that knowledge of the real forms and mechanisms of a person's attitude to reality in all its spheres is accumulated.

The scientific worldview is a systematized knowledge that has industry differentiation. Philosophy as a worldview is a prerequisite for the emergence of science.


Base: the mind turned to itself.

It is conclusive, substantiated, holistic, but difficult to access.

In the philosophical worldview, the experience of spiritual and practical development of the world by man is theoretically generalized. In it, philosophy performs the most important function, in fact, being the rational core of the worldview, because it relies on the achievements of the sciences of nature and society.

Philosophy solves the life-meaning tasks of a person by a theoretical method, it answers his need for the meaning of life, tries to find it, relying mainly on thinking and logic.

Philosophy and the worldview based on it: 1. are incompatible with superstitions: it frees a person from the ghosts of consciousness, myths and illusions, 2. seeks to know the truth of being, 3. thanks to it, a person can cultivate inner spiritual freedom, take an independent position, develop courage and ability independent thinking.

Philosophy emerges from mythology and religion and opposes them. If in myth and religion it is necessary to take everything on faith, then in philosophy the principle of evidence is necessary.

In general, the philosophical worldview is based on concepts and categories that are derived by rational thinking and with the help of which the picture of the world is described. And even if the philosophical picture of the world is irrational, it still needs to be rationally substantiated.

The main features of the philosophical worldview are: logic, rationality, theoretical, scientific, reflexive, i.e. focus of thought on itself.

Key problems: the world and man, being and consciousness.

Reflection of the world in the system of concepts

Each philosophical concept is purely individual. Philosophy always orients a person to an independent analysis of certain problems.

The philosophical method of cognition is a mental construction on the basis of existing knowledge and ideas of an extremely generalized model that surpasses the objects mastered by scientific disciplines in terms of the level of systemic relations.

Mankind in the study of the universe and the world around us relies on the philosophical and scientific methods of knowledge. In addition to philosophy and science, religion and esotericism have a great influence on the worldview of civilization. But, neither religious movements nor esoteric trends have clear definitions, methods of cognition, and even more so practical confirmation of the possibilities of studying the world around us.

worldview philosophy religion faith

Hello dear readers! With you Yuri Okunev.

We have already raised the topic of worldview more than once, because it depends on it from what angle we look at everything that happens around us, what goals we set for ourselves and how we achieve them. Today I propose to talk again about the worldview, its types and forms, as this will help you adjust your own line of views and beliefs, choosing the most productive path.

At the very beginning, let's remember what a worldview is. Without going into deep philosophical reasoning about human nature, the term can be described simply as a system of views on the world and oneself in it. It is from the “view of the world” that depends on how we understand good and evil, what principles we lay in relationships with other people, what goals and values ​​we bring to the fore in life.

Worldview, on the one hand, is formed taking into account the traditions that already exist in society. On the other hand, it also depends on our own assessment of what is happening. That is, we can talk about two levels of the system of views on the world - practical and theoretical. In the first case, we are talking about a worldview that is spontaneously formed in the process of accumulating worldly experience. In the second - already about the knowledge that is acquired in the course of training and thoughtful analysis of the world.

I already talked about the structure of the worldview in one of the blog articles.

Looking into it, you can understand how our willingness to act in one way or another is born.

In the same article, I want to focus on another point - varieties of worldview. Ready? Then go ahead!

Classification of "views on the world"

I must say right away that there are a huge number of types of worldviews. But we absolutely do not need such a detailed analysis, because our goal is to understand how certain preferences, life guidelines, values, etc. are formed in us. Therefore, we will only talk about the seven most significant forms.


At the dawn of his formation, a person who does not yet have a sufficient level of knowledge asks questions about various aspects of the existence of the world, the Universe. He is not yet able to give objective, scientific answers to them, so he has no choice but to connect his own feelings, sensations and beliefs.

A person directly depends on nature, and this is expressed in the way he sees it, understands it. So, being much weaker, practically unprotected, he perceives nature as a kind of living being. As a result, bright mythological images appear, corresponding to certain processes occurring in the environment.

It is important to note that the mythological worldview is characteristic not only of primitive, but also of modern man. Some of us successfully overcome this stage, moving on to a more competent, accurate, scientific analysis of reality. And someone so lingers at the stage of the simplest explanatory mechanisms for a much longer period.


Religion can be considered a natural continuation of the mythological stage. Here, to his feelings and beliefs, a person adds a philosophical background, knowledge, logic, and even an ideology that forms an idea of ​​how one can/should behave. A set of rules and ethical norms appears that are mandatory for adherents of a particular religious system.


This worldview is created precisely on the basis of experience and our sensory-emotional perception of the surrounding reality. This is actually our "common sense" and, so to speak, everyday logic, which we follow when making ordinary everyday decisions.

Of great importance in building this system of views is the influence of third-party factors. First of all, traditions, stereotypes and even superstitions inherent in a particular culture, society.

Secondly, the mass media in all their diversity - the Internet, TV, radio, printed matter. The latter have the most powerful "gift" of persuasion, and therefore I strongly recommend learning how to filter this inexhaustible flow of information.


On the border between the ordinary and scientific worldview, there is a philosophical system of views based on knowledge. The sensory factor here goes far into the background, making room for systematicity and logic.

Taking factual data about the world, the Universe, man as a theoretical basis, philosophy analyzes and rethinks them, building interesting cause-and-effect relationships and forming its own conclusions.

In its development, the philosophical worldview also went through certain stages characteristic of a particular time.

In addition, in the principles of assessing what is happening, two contradictory approaches are distinguished - materialistic (a thing, an object is the basis of everything) and idealistic (spirit, thought is in the center of the universe).


No matter how important and valuable everything spiritual and emotional-psychological is, one cannot do without objective scientific facts. Therefore, the need and desire to look at the world through the prism of numbers, formulas, hypotheses, theories gradually replaces guesswork, faith, stereotypes.

The scientific worldview is designed to sort through the officially confirmed information that it has about the world. At the same time, the personal attitude to this information is not taken into account. Science only states the facts that it managed to discover based on the current cognitive capabilities of mankind. Everything else doesn't matter.


This type of worldview is not always mentioned, but I still think that it should be singled out in a separate form. Indeed, unlike all the systems of views listed above, only the artistic worldview brings to the fore ideas of beauty and harmony, sensual creativity, as well as empathy as the ability to empathize with what you see, what you create.


Over time, people's perception and understanding of the world change. As a result, we can talk about historical epochs, the socio-cultural features of which left their mark on all aspects of human life.

For example, in the times of Antiquity, people sought to know and bring closer the aesthetic ideal. Beauty, harmony, nature, philosophy were of paramount importance. The principles laid down in those days, evaluation methods (for example, in architecture) are used to this day.

The gloomy and difficult Middle Ages that have come to replace bring religion to the fore, the weight of which takes on truly frightening forms in some regions.

But, thank God, time does not stand still, and the turn of a beautiful and rich in every sense of the word era called "Renaissance" is coming.

Values, canons of antiquity begin to gradually return. Again, the focus is on the person, his needs, features. Behind this, as a logical continuation, comes the New Age, in which His Majesty science acquires key importance.

At the same time, the modern world can be described as “multi-worldview”, and this, perhaps, is one of its main advantages. Man finally got the freedom of choice. Like a juggler in a circus, he can sort through existing belief systems, combine them and transform them at will. What can I say - beauty!

At the end of this section, I would like to emphasize that, despite the traceable timing, it is impossible to give a clear time frame for each form of worldviews. Yes, this is not required, because, as already noted, our goal is to understand what such a phenomenon as a worldview can give us in the context of time management.

pivot table

Let us generalize the above in a compact form.

Worldview types What is it based on What generates
mythological Faith, conjecture, fear, sensory perception of the worldSuperstition.
religious Faith, logic, fear, respect, consistency, knowledgeDogmas, canons.
Ordinary Experience, traditionStereotypes, generally accepted patterns of behavior.
philosophical Cognition, analysisA system of knowledge about the development of the world and society, thinking and knowledge itself as such.
Scientific Objectivity, logic, knowledge, proof, truth, factScientific disciplines; hypotheses, theorems.
artisticBeauty, harmony, ideal, sensualityCreation; works of art.
historical Time, change.Difference of historical epochs in cultural, ethical, social and other plans.

In order to achieve personal harmony, to become a person whose life is full of goals and accomplishments, and also to achieve success in time management, we must understand what worldview we are guided by, what components it consists of. Otherwise, you can rush from one extreme to another, each time deviating from the desired path.

You will find even more information on the topic of the article in the article. Well, practical help, as always, is waiting for you on my copyright. Now is the time to sign up for the program!

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See you again. Yours, Yuri Okunev.

Sources of knowledge.

Who thought about where people's knowledge comes from and how the worldview and consciousness of people are formed and how all this affects the development of our society? Meanwhile, this is the main reason for our life today, good or not. Whoever has a decisive influence on the minds of people rules the World. More precisely: the one who manages the flows of information that form the worldview of people - he rules the World. Consequently, the consciousness and worldview of people, that is, the state of our society - our life, with you, depends on the purity of the sources of information. So let's look into this issue.

The concept of worldview is one of the key concepts in philosophy and in the system of education. It is impossible to do without this concept when studying history, philosophy and such subjects as "Man and Society", "The Spiritual World of Man", "Modern Society", "Science and Religion", etc.

Worldview is a necessary component of human consciousness, knowledge. This is not just one of its elements among many others, but their complex interaction. Diverse blocks of knowledge, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, moods, aspirations, hopes, united in a worldview, appear as a more or less holistic understanding of the world and themselves by people.

The life of people in society has a historical character. Either slowly or rapidly, all the components of the socio-historical process change intensively in time: technical means and the nature of labor, relations between people and the people themselves, their thoughts, feelings, interests. The outlook of human communities, social groups, personalities and tactics is subject to historical changes. It actively captures, refracts large and small, overt and hidden processes of social change. Speaking about the worldview on a large socio-historical scale, they mean the extremely general beliefs prevailing at one or another stage of history, the principles of knowledge, ideals and norms of life, that is, they highlight the common features of the intellectual, emotional, spiritual mood of a particular era.

In reality, the worldview is formed in the minds of specific people and is used by individuals and social groups as life-determining general views. And this means that, in addition to typical, summary features, the worldview of each era lives, acts in a variety of group and individual variants.

The worldview is an integral education. In it, the connection of its components, their alloy, is fundamentally important, and just as in an alloy various combinations of elements, their proportions give different results, so something similar happens with the worldview.

Generalized everyday knowledge, or life-practical, professional, scientific, is included in the composition of the worldview and plays an important role in it. The more solid the stock of knowledge in this or that era, in this or that people or individual, the more serious support can receive the corresponding worldview. A naive, unenlightened consciousness does not have sufficient means for a clear, consistent, rational justification of its views, often referring to fantastic fictions, beliefs, and customs.

The degree of cognitive saturation, validity, thoughtfulness, internal consistency of one or another worldview is different. But knowledge never fills the entire field of worldview. In addition to knowledge about the world (including the human world), the worldview also comprehends the whole way of human life, expresses certain value systems (ideas of good and evil and others), builds images of the past and projects of the future, receives approval (condemnation) of certain ways of life , behavior.

The worldview is a complex form of consciousness, embracing the most diverse layers of human experience, capable of expanding the narrow framework of everyday life, a specific place and time, correlating a given person with other people, including those who lived before and will live later. The experience of understanding the semantic basis of human life is accumulating in the worldview, all new generations of people join the spiritual world of great-grandfathers, grandfathers, fathers, contemporaries, carefully preserving something, resolutely refusing something. So, worldview is a set of views, assessments, principles that determine the most general vision, understanding of the world.

The essential role of beliefs in the composition of the worldview does not exclude positions that are accepted with less confidence or even mistrust. Doubt is an obligatory moment of an independent, meaningful position in the field of worldview. Fanatic, unconditional acceptance of this or that system of orientations, growing together with it without internal criticism, without own analysis, is called dogmatism.

Life shows that such a position is blind and flawed, does not correspond to the complex, developing reality, moreover, religious, political and other dogmas often turned out to be the cause of serious troubles in history, including the history of Soviet society. That is why, in affirming new thinking today, it is so important to form a clear, open-minded, bold, creative, flexible understanding of real life in all its complexity. An important role in loosening dogmas is played by healthy doubt, thoughtfulness, criticality. But if the measure is violated, they can give rise to another extreme - skepticism, disbelief in anything, loss of ideals, refusal to serve high goals.

Thus, from all of the above, as well as from the course of history, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The worldview of mankind is not permanent, it develops along with the development of mankind and human society.

2. A person's worldview is greatly influenced by the achievements of science, religion, as well as the existing structure of society. The state (state machine) influences the worldview of a person in every way, restrains its development, trying to subordinate it to the interests of the ruling class.

3. In turn, the worldview, developing, has an impact on the development of society. Having accumulated qualitatively (that is, having changed radically) and quantitatively (when a new worldview has taken hold of a sufficiently large mass of people), the worldview leads to a change in the social structure (to revolutions, for example). Developing people's worldview, society ensures its development, inhibiting the development of worldview, society dooms itself to decay and death.

Thus, by influencing the development of the worldview of people, it is possible to influence the development of human society. People have always been dissatisfied with the existing system. But can people with the old worldview build a new society? Obviously not.In order to build a new society, it is necessary to form a new worldview among people, and the role of educators, teachers and teachers in this matter can hardly be overestimated. But in order for the teacher to be able to form a new worldview, he himself must possess it. Therefore, the most important condition for building a new society is the formation of a new worldview among educators and teachers.

But maybe we don't need to change the current state of society, maybe it suits everyone? It seems to me that this question does not require discussion.

We all live in a very complex and contradictory world in which it is easy to lose our bearings. Everyone now agrees that society is in crisis. However, one can often hear the opinion that this crisis has affected only our country, while in the countries of the West everything is in order. Is it really? This opinion is true only if we consider the purely material side of life. If we take its spiritual side, it is not difficult to see that the crisis of the spiritual sphere of human existence has engulfed the whole world, all of humanity.

In all countries of the world, regardless of the social system, such phenomena as alcoholism, drug addiction, crime, moral degradation are growing; the number of suicides associated with disappointment in life is growing, especially among young people. All these phenomena have spread earlier in the countries of the West and in America, that is, in those countries where the material standard of living has been and remains many times higher than ours.

In the last two or three decades, these phenomena have become widespread in our country. Material wealth does not provide a solution to the problem and does not eliminate the crisis, because the reason for it lies in the loss of people's understanding of the meaning of their existence. Figuratively speaking, in recent times, humanity has been reminiscent of train passengers, whose only concern is to get comfortable inside the car, but who have completely forgotten where and why they are going. That is, there was a loss by humanity of the more distant - the spiritual guidelines of their lives.What is the reason? The reason is only in the imperfection of the inner world of man. Man destroys not only himself, but the whole planet. Our planet is seriously ill, and we ourselves are to blame for this. Man destroys his planet not only with his technocratic activities, but also with his perverted thinking.

"Our modern world is a sinking ship. The difference between a sinking ship and the modern world is only that on a sinking ship everyone is already aware of the inevitability of death, while in the modern world many still do not want to admit it ...

The very people who caused its illness are trying to treat the sick world. Those same not personally, but in their worldview, and the means offered for cure are the very ones that laid the foundation for the disease. "(A. Klizovsky "Fundamentals of the worldview of the new era")

The reasons that brought down such a colossus as the Roman Empire still exist today. The main reason must be recognized as the decline in morals, the demoralization of society and the demoralization of the main foundation of statehood - the family, because with the decline of morals and the demoralization of the family, the destruction of any dying world begins.

When every dying world is replaced by a new one, the most important thing is not in the political or social changes that take place, but in the need to change the worldview and all outdated views and views on new ones, the need to change one’s beliefs and, in general, the whole way of life to new ones, because that, really new, that replaces the old world, is new in all respects and never resembles the old.

The difficulty is further aggravated by the fact that a person is forced to accept a political or social change by the very course of events, often after an already accomplished fact, while the acceptance or not acceptance of a new worldview, or a new belief and a new way of life, seems to depend on each person personally. In reality, a person has only two ways: either to wisely follow the flow of evolution, or to wait until the developing life throws him overboard, like unnecessary ballast.

"When the Higher Reason and the Higher Forces give impetus and impetus to a new phase of life, to a new stage of evolution, then no human forces can stop this movement. into force and the law of replacing obsolete energies with new ones begins to operate, then everything that does not progress is subject to destruction. (A. Klizovsky "Fundamentals of the worldview of the new era").

Any new construction begins with the destruction of the old, it cannot be otherwise. From a psychological point of view, this moment is the most difficult for people. They do not know that the time has come for mankind to rise to the highest level of knowledge, they do not know either about the Builder or about how the Builder of the new life thinks to carry out his reforms. They see destruction, and the first solution that comes to the mind of the majority is protest and opposition. In fact, they oppose evolution, dooming themselves to all those blows and vicissitudes of fate, with which opposition to cosmic laws is associated.

Ignorance is the main enemy of man and the source of many of his sufferings. Unfortunately, people are lazy and don't like to study. Many people live their whole lives with the knowledge that they acquired in childhood, in elementary school.

In the coming era, such knowledge is needed that should illuminate that area of ​​​​our existence, about which most people have very vague or very perverted ideas, which many are interested in for entertainment or fun, and others for deceit and profit.

The coming era requires knowledge of the cosmic laws of both the visible and invisible worlds. It requires recognition of the invisible world. But the recognition of the invisible world, which, due to its invisibility, has until now been recognized as non-existent, must fundamentally change all the foundations of the existing materialistic worldview, all existing concepts and beliefs.

This state of affairs cannot go on forever.the crown of creation, man, lives without knowing the purpose and meaning of his existence. He must, finally, cognize the foundations of Being, he must cognize the laws of the higher spiritual world, the cosmic laws.

Knowledge of the laws is a necessary condition for life in all human organizations and collectives. Most of the legislative codes of various states begin with the formula: "No one can excuse himself through ignorance of the law. Violation of the law through ignorance does not exempt a person from punishment."

Meanwhile, most people live in Cosmos in complete ignorance of cosmic laws, violating them at every step of their lives, with every deed, word and thought, and are surprised that their life is full of vicissitudes and blows.

Throughout the observable history of mankind, one can trace the desire of people to build a fairly harmonious system of the universe in their minds, determine their place in it and continue to live, focusing on these ideas. For this, many different religions and teachings have been created. All these religions and teachings have a lot in common. For example, they all claim that a person has a soul that does not die, but remains after the death of the physical body and after some time is reincarnated on Earth. Meanwhile, historians have long noticed that all these religions and teachings arose on Earth almost simultaneously (by historical standards) in different parts of the Earth: in Europe, in India, in China, when there was still no communication between these parts of the world. The conclusion suggests itself that all these religions and teachings were given by someone to people.

There are several facts that cannot be refuted. For example, the well-known science of Astrology has existed for many hundreds of years. Astrologers have long been calculating the movement of such planets as Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, but modern science discovered Uranus and Neptune only in the 19th century, and even then based on the calculated data of Astrology, and Pluto was discovered in 1930! Where does this cosmic knowledge of astrologers come from? But modern science cannot explain astrology! But the predictions of astrologers about the fate of people come true! Unless, of course, these are real astrologers.

Scientists have discovered the Dogon tribe in Africa, which is at a very low level of development (according to our concepts), but they have long known that Sirius is a double star and the orbital period of this double star is known. Whereas modern science established this only a few years ago.

Well, how to evaluate the legacy left by the Miami civilization, which disappeared without a trace 600 years before the coming of Christ? Scientists are still puzzling over the mysteries of their cultures and are amazed at their high knowledge of the cosmos. The Miamians knew something we still don't know. And the Egyptian pyramids?

Anyone who is interested in these things begins to understand well that all this rich knowledge was given to people by aliens from outer space. What, they used to give, but now they don't? They are given, and practically without hiding from people! But do people want to receive this knowledge, or are they more interested in the price of vodka? Or maybe people think that the processes taking place in the Cosmos will not affect them? Maybe it is not necessary to know the Laws of the Cosmos? And what is a man, where did he come from and why does he live on Earth? This is the worldview of modern man.

What is a worldview and why is it necessary for a modern person? What is the essence of worldview? Has the worldview and its role in human life changed over the course of history?

In an age when it is enough to press a button and get an answer to any question, is there a need to look inside ourselves in order to give a correct assessment of what we are and how we look at the world?

The worldview of a person determines his behavior, stereotypes of thinking, influences the definition of moral values ​​and personal qualities. This is a person's vision of himself in the world and his perception of the world around him. There is often no distinction between the concepts of "philosophy" and "worldview". Meanwhile, the characteristics of the worldview are much broader.

Philosophy is attitudes, ideas that become the basis for a worldview. The formation of personality and its behavior, the definition of the ideological and psychological framework of people's activities, building criteria for relationships with the world - these are the functions of the worldview.

What and how affects the formation process

A system of closely related values, emotions, ideals and actions forms a complete personality. That is why the concept of worldview has occupied the minds of scientists since ancient times. The worldview of a person is formed from the norms and ideas generally accepted in his circle about life and the world, about people and nature, about science and culture.

It is possible to identify ways of forming a worldview, i.e. several circles of influence:

  • First of all, this is a family - it is here that a person receives the first definition of who he is and what the world around is like.
  • The second layer of influence is the immediate environment - friends and people with authority, with whom there is direct communication.
  • The third layer is authorities with whom there is no direct communication, but whose opinion and views a person can learn through books, the media, etc.
  • The fourth layer of influence can be attributed to the general ideological norms and principles that exist in his state or accepted in the world as a whole.

We see that the formation of a worldview occurs under the influence of a large number of factors. Each of these layers works to determine and develop personality traits, to form his views, ideals, to his emotional level, creates stereotypes, establishes internal rules and requirements - “clocks” by which a person lives all his life.

Particularly important in the formation of the worldview position of the individual is the period of childhood and adolescence. At a time when the authority of parents and adults is great and unconditional, it is necessary not only to instill in the child everyday skills, but also to explain "what is good and what is bad."

If a child is immersed in a certain ideological environment from childhood, then in the future he will also look for an environment where people live according to the same criteria. If clear worldview principles are not laid down from childhood, in adolescence the child will not be able to make correct and safe decisions, give an adequate assessment of people and events.

Adolescents are very distrustful of the adult world and often assert themselves through the denial of the values ​​that are imposed on them. That is, if the inner circle has not formed stable principles in the personality, then any authoritative leader of the social group in which the person finds himself can influence his worldview position. That is why people end up in sects or other radical groups.

How to protect yourself and loved ones, what you need to know? First of all, let's figure out what the worldview consists of and which of its components are most vulnerable to third-party negative influence.

Components of the worldview that have the greatest influence on the formation of personality:

  • Knowledge acquired by the individual.
  • Emotions, i.e. people's reactions to certain events or environments.
  • Rules that people apply in life.
  • Deeds and actions.

A person acquires knowledge through communication and through reading. These are two important sources of information, which in turn give rise to emotional reactions to the surrounding world and those rules of life that a person accepts and in accordance with which he performs certain actions.

Thus, the basis of everything is knowledge or information. People receive and react to different information in different ways. If a person is placed in an environment where there will be the same type of negative information, the person will change, his behavior and emotions will change, he will become more aggressive, embittered. If a person receives positive information, he will change for the better. Think about what information you receive and what your social circle is.

The story is a lie...

In the course of the development of mankind, several types of worldview have been formed, which are usually associated precisely with historical eras. This approach is not absolutely correct, since in our time you can find all three types and even combinations of them.

Considering the historical types of worldview, we will find differences in the components that make them up.

The first type is mythological. The knowledge that a person with a mythological worldview receives is transmitted orally and is aimed at obtaining a limited and distorted picture of the world. Mythological consciousness assigns secondary importance to human activity.

The main issues in people's lives are decided by the gods or their earthly representatives. At the same time, the emotions and actions of people in relation to the world are clearly regulated - after all, everything is in the hands of the gods. The rules of behavior and actions of the person himself come from the same postulate.

In our time, religious sects can be considered a typical example of mythological consciousness. In them, a person and all his activities are completely subordinate to the leader, who proclaims himself a "god" and sets the norms and rules of behavior, regulates the emotions of his followers and imposes his knowledge of the world on them.

The second type is religious. Unlike the first type, knowledge is contained in religious books, so it seems that a person himself found this knowledge in the process of reading. Thus, their value increases. In addition, in the religious worldview, the world of the earth is clearly separated from the world of the spirit.

Rules and norms, although less rigid, are based on the authority of religious leaders. Adherents of a religious worldview live for the sake of obtaining some benefits not in the earthly world, but in the sacred, the world that will be after death. This type of worldview is present in any religious denomination.

The third type is philosophical or scientific. A person himself seeks and finds knowledge, has the opportunity to analyze and test it in practice. On the basis of the acquired knowledge about the world, he forms his own picture of the world and his idea of ​​a person. The norms of behavior of such a person are based on the principles of humanism. His emotions and actions are subordinated to his knowledge of what is good for the world and humanity.

Unfortunately, the third type is less common than religious or mythological consciousness. After all, it is much more difficult to declare your individuality and find your way in the world.

The main types of worldview in terms of what kind of knowledge it is based on: everyday (based on everyday knowledge), religious (obtained from religious literature), scientific (based on the study of theory and experiments) and humanistic (based on the value of a person).

Crisis - what to do

We see how important it is that the question of what a worldview is and what is the role of a worldview in a person's life does not remain only a topic for scientific discussions. In the activities of people, it is the worldview that becomes the foundation and the fulcrum.

With the destruction of the value system in a person's life, an ideological crisis can occur. It can be short-term or long-term, most often occurring between the ages of 40 and 44. Such periods are characterized, as a rule, by a change in the outlook of the individual or a serious adjustment of it.

The main thing is not to panic. A crisis is an opportunity to reconsider what your hands have not reached for many years, to do what you did not dare to take on and put off for later. Look for what you like, change what you don't like, what bothers you.

Change your social circle, find those who share common interests with you. Protect yourself from any negative information and eternally dissatisfied people - after all, we have come to the conclusion that it is information that is the basis of our worldview system.

However, if the crisis turned out to be deep and you cannot cope with a protracted condition on your own, do not hesitate to seek help, even if you have never done this before. To see the light in relation to oneself is the most important thing in life. And then everything will fall into place. Author: Ruslana Kaplanova