Wise riddles. Logic riddles for primary grades

What comes first in Russia and second in France?

(Letter "P")

A tin can was placed on the edge of the table, tightly closed with a lid, so that 2/3 of the can hung from the table. After some time, the can fell. What was in the jar?

(Piece of Ice)

There were 90 apples growing on a birch tree. Blown strong wind, and 10 apples fell. How many are left?

(Apples don’t grow on birch trees)

You are competing and have passed the runner in second position. What position do you take now?

(If you answered that you are now first, then you are absolutely wrong. You overtook the second runner and took his place, so you are now in second position)

You passed the last runner, what position are you in now?

(If you answered the penultimate one, you are again absolutely wrong. Think about it. How can you overtake a runner who is running last? If you are running after him, then he is not last. The answer is that it is impossible. It turns out that your use of the brain is not the best strong point)

Do not write anything or use a calculator, and remember - you must answer quickly. Take 1000. Add 40. Add another thousand. Add 30. Another 1000. Plus 20. Plus 1000. And plus 10. What happened?

(The answer is 5000? Wrong again. The correct answer is 4100. Try using a calculator)

Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Chacha 2. Cheche 3. Chichi 4. Chocho.
Question: What is the name of the fifth daughter? Think fast. The answer is just below.

(Chuchu? NO! Of course, her name is Mary. Read the question again)

When a woman lifts her leg, what do you see? Five letters, starts with P and ends with A.

What elongates when you take it in your hands, pass it between your breasts and insert it into the hole?

(Seat belt)

What is on a woman's body, on a Jew's mind, is used in hockey and on the chessboard?


What has a head but no brain?

(Cheese, onion, garlic)

Run, run - you won’t get there,
Fly, fly - not reach.


Little blue fur coat -
Covered the whole world.

Blue field
Silver is strewn.

(Stars in the sky)

Blue scarf,
Red bun
Rolling on a scarf
People smile.

(Sky and sun)

White cat
Climbs through the window.

(Rays of the sun)

Gray boars covered the entire field.

No arms, no legs,
And he opens the gate.

An eagle flies across the blue sky:
Wings spread out
Found the sun.

I'll look out the window:
Long Antoshka is coming.

Red rocker
It hung across the river.

No arms, no legs,
And he can draw.

The tablecloth is white
I dressed the whole world.

It flows, it flows, it won’t flow,
He runs, he runs, but he won’t run out.

Doesn't burn in fire
Doesn't sink in water.

Not the sea, not the land,
Ships don't float
But you can’t walk.

What does half an orange look like?

(To the other half)

When is the best time for a black cat to get into the house?

(When the door is open)

Two nails fell into the water. What is the Georgian's last name?


There are two coins on the table; they add up to 3 rubles. One of them is not 1 ruble. What coins are these?

(2 rubles and 1 ruble. One is not 1 ruble, but the other is 1 ruble)

She was white and gray
A green, young one came.

(Winter and Spring)

Two people approach the river. There is a boat at the shore that can only support one. Both people crossed to the opposite bank. HOW?

(They were on different banks)

What do you drop when you need it and pick it up when you don't?

(Sea anchor)

Two fathers and two sons were walking and found three oranges. They began to divide - everyone got one. How could this be?

(They were grandfather, father and son)

Without work it hangs, while work it stands, after work it is wet.

What is it that is easy to pick up the earth, but difficult to throw it far?

What rocks are not in the sea?

How do day and night end?

(Soft sign)

Who speaks all languages?

There were four birch trees,
each birch has four large branches,
on each large branch there are four small branches,
There are four apples on each small branch.
How many apples are there in total?

(Not a single one. Apples don’t grow on birch trees!)

What is it: blue, big, with a mustache and completely stuffed with bunnies?


Which hand is better to stir tea?

(Which one contains a spoon, and if there is a spoon in both, then which one is more convenient)

In the room there were 12 chickens, 3 rabbits, 5 puppies, 2 cats, 1 rooster and 2 hens. The owner came here with his dog. How many legs are there in the room?

(Two. Animals have paws)

How many steps does it take to put a hippopotamus in the refrigerator?

(Three. Open the refrigerator, place the hippopotamus and close the refrigerator)

How many steps does it take to put a giraffe in the refrigerator?

(Four: open the refrigerator, take out the hippopotamus, plant the giraffe, close the refrigerator)

Now imagine: they organized a race around the Kremlin, a hippopotamus, a giraffe and a turtle are participating. Who will reach the finish line first?

(Hippopotamus, because there is a giraffe in the refrigerator...)

Can an ostrich call itself a bird?

(No, he can't talk.)

How many peas can fit into one glass?

(Not at all, because peas don’t move)

Small, gray, looks like an elephant. Who?

(Baby elephant)

How do day and night end?

(Soft sign)

As you know, all native Russian female names end in either “a” or “ya”: Anna, Maria, Olga, etc. However, there is only one thing female name, which ends in neither “a” nor “i”. Name it.

The woman is standing on the floor, her hole slightly open.

What is it: the hard is inserted into the soft, and the balls dangle nearby?

What kind of woman first rubs around you and then demands money?

(Conductor on the tram)

Majority famous riddles We have already heard and guessed, which means we remember the correct answer. Children 4-5 years old sometimes like to “guess” the same easy riddles for the hundredth time, but schoolchildren will not get any pleasure from a riddle like “winter and summer in the same color.”
Here is a selection of difficult riddles with answers (so you can test yourself).
When you offer your child a difficult riddle, and after thinking, he gives the answer that is not the one indicated as correct, do not rush to correct it right away. Perhaps the child’s answer also fully corresponds to the conditions of the riddle and can be accepted.
Riddles with a trick are often funny. Well, the answer will definitely make you smile. After all, it is assumed that the answer to such a riddle is not easy to find, and it is not as predictable as it seems. Most often, in trick riddles there is some apparent contradiction in the condition.

  • Without work - it hangs, during work - it stands, after work - it dries. (Umbrella).
  • Although I found her in the forest, I didn’t even look for her.
    And now I’m taking it home because I didn’t get it. (splinter)
  • What has a head but no brain? (Cheese, onion, garlic).
  • Neither sea nor land. And ships don’t float, and you can’t walk. (Swamp).
  • Even a child could lift it from the ground, but not even a strong man could throw it over a fence. (Pooh).
  • She eats quickly, chews finely, does not swallow anything herself and does not give anything to others. (Saw)
  • It is dropped when needed and picked up when not needed. (Anchor).
  • In a competition, a runner overtook another runner in second position. What position does he occupy now? (Second).
  • You have passed the last runner. What position are you in now? (Such an event is not possible, because there is no one to overtake the last runner).
  • What stone can't you find in the sea? (Sukhoi).
  • Who speaks all languages? (Echo)
  • If it is worth it, you can count it on your fingers. But if she lies down, you’ll never count it! (Number 8, if it falls, it will turn into an infinity sign)
  • What allows you to see through walls? (Window)
  • If it breaks out, it will appear new life. And if it is broken inside, for him it is death. What is this? (Egg)
  • A child was sitting in the room. He got up and left, but you cannot take his place. Where was he sitting? (On your lap).
  • What builds castles, tears down mountains, blinds some, helps others see? (Sand)
  • My yesterday is Wednesday's tomorrow. My tomorrow is Sunday's yesterday. What day of the week am I? (Friday)
  • Imagine that you are a driver. The train has eight carriages, each carriage has two conductors, the youngest of them is 25 years old, the eldest is Georgian. How old is the driver?
    Answer. The catch is in the words: imagine that you are a driver. The driver is as old as the person in charge.

Complex logic riddles

  • A tired man wanted to get some sleep. He got ready to go to bed at 8 o'clock in the evening and set the alarm for ten o'clock in the morning. How many hours will he sleep before the bell rings? Answer. Two hours. The alarm clock does not distinguish between morning and evening.
  • Do the math in your head, without a calculator. Take 1000. Add 40. Add another thousand. Add 30. Another 1000. Plus 20. Plus 1000. And plus 10. What happened?
    Answer: 4100. Often the answer is 5000.
  • Two fathers and two sons were walking and found three oranges. They began to divide - everyone got one. How could this be? (They were grandfather, father and son)
  • Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Chacha 2. Cheche 3. Chichi 4. Chocho. Question: What is the name of the fifth daughter? (Mary).
  • Two people approach the river. There is a boat at the shore that can only support one. Both people crossed to the opposite bank. How did they do it? (They were on different banks)
  • There were four birch trees,
    each birch has four large branches,
    on each large branch there are four small branches,
    There are four apples on each small branch.
    How many apples are there in total?
    (Not a single one. Apples don’t grow on birch trees!)
  • How many steps does it take to put a hippopotamus in the refrigerator? (Three. Open the refrigerator, place the hippopotamus and close the refrigerator)
  • How many steps does it take to put a giraffe in the refrigerator? (Four: open the refrigerator, take out the hippopotamus, plant the giraffe, close the refrigerator)
  • Now imagine: a race is organized, a hippopotamus, a giraffe and a turtle are participating. Who will reach the finish line first? (Hippopotamus, because there is a giraffe in the refrigerator...)
  • How many peas can fit into one glass? (Not at all, because peas don’t move)
  • Small, gray, looks like an elephant. Who? (Baby elephant)
  • How do day and night end? (Soft sign)
  • When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open. Popular answer: at night).
  • In what case, looking at the number 2, do we say “ten”? (If we look at a watch and the minute hand is at “2”).
  • Your friends use it more often than you, although it belongs to you. What is this? (Your name).
  • Seven sisters are at the dacha, where each is busy with some kind of business. The first sister reads a book, the second cooks food, the third plays chess, the fourth solves Sudoku, the fifth does laundry, the sixth takes care of plants.
    What does the seventh sister do? (Plays chess with the third sister).
  • What disappears as soon as you name it? (Silence).

A complex logic riddle from the book “The Starry Adventures of Numi and Nika” by Lyuben Dilov

The girl Numi, from the planet Pyrrha, asks the earthly boy Niki a riddle:
One glof and two mulfs weigh as much as one dabel and four laci. In turn, one dabel weighs as much as two laci. One glof and three laci weigh together as much as one dabel, two mulfs and six kraks. One glof weighs as much as two dabels. The question is, how many kraks must be added to one mulfa to get the weight of two dabels and one lazi?
Answer with a hint on the solution:

So, Nikolai Buyanovsky took out a draft notebook from his briefcase, or, as he dubbed it, a notebook on all kinds of knowledge, and a pen, and Numi slowly began to dictate to him the weight of all these mysterious dabels, mulfs, lazi and kraks. And when he, having written everything down in order and swapped a few things around in his mind, composed several short equations, and then, suddenly realizing, brought the weight of all the data to the weight of the same mysterious creatures, the answer seemed to come out by itself. The problem was logical, and in this part Niki Buyan was a god and a king.
“Eight,” he said confidently. “We need to add eight kraks to this mulfa of yours.”

If you have any favorite difficult riddles in mind, write in the comments, and we will try to guess!


Positive psychology 16.01.2018

Dear readers, who among us has not solved funny riddles at holidays or other events, and everyone will probably agree that this makes everyone present laugh like nothing else. And the point is not even to give exactly the correct answer. Individual jokers, shouting out incorrect but witty answers, stage whole performances in this way, causing even more laughter.

Although interesting riddles tricky logic questions can be not only fun and funny, but also complex and serious. You can think about these things, rack your brains, and test yourself for attentiveness and intelligence. And although we have long forgotten about such a pastime, why not sometimes get together with friends and look for the right answers for such logic puzzles?

In a word, riddles with a trick and logic can be chosen for any occasion in order to spend time both fun and useful.

Simple tricky logic riddles with answers

Simple riddles with a trick are perfect for children's matinees and fun walks with children on the weekend.

A and B were sitting on the pipe. A went abroad, B sneezed and went to the hospital. What's left on the pipe?
(Letter B, and I went to the hospital)

How to jump from a ten-meter ladder without breaking?
(Jump off the first step)

There were 3 birch trees.
Each birch has 7 large branches.
Each large branch has 7 small branches.
There are 3 apples on each small branch.
How many apples are there in total?
(Not a single one. Apples don’t grow on birch trees)

The train travels at a speed of 70 km/h. Which direction will the smoke fly?
(The train has no smoke)

Can an ostrich call itself a bird?
(No, ostriches don't talk)

What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from?
(Out of empty)

Where were potatoes first discovered?
(In the ground)

Name five days without naming them by numbers or by the names of the days of the week.
(The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow)

Without what can nothing ever happen?

What do they always talk about in the future tense?
(About tomorrow)

How can you bow your head without lowering it down?
(By cases)

What only a father always gives to his children and what a mother can never give them?

The more you take from it, the bigger it becomes.

Complex logic riddles with a trick and answers

To guess which answer is correct, you need to be able to look at the familiar from an unusual angle. And this good exercise and a test of the ability to expand the boundaries of thinking.

When you see everything, you don’t see her. And when you don’t see anything, you see her.

One brother eats and goes hungry, and the other goes and disappears.
(Fire and smoke)

I am water and I swim on water. Who am I?
(Ice floe)

What cannot be held for even ten minutes, although it is lighter than a feather?

There are roads - you can’t drive, there is land - you can’t plow, there are meadows - you can’t mow, there is no water in the rivers and seas. What is this?
(Geographic map)

What can't a magnifying glass magnify in a triangle?

From birth, everyone is dumb and crooked.
They will stand in a row and start talking!

It can be light or heavy, but it weighs nothing.
It can be fast and slow, but does not walk, does not run, does not fly.
What is this?

Lying on his back - no one needs him.
Lean it against the wall - it will come in handy.

The more there are, the less weight. What is this?

How to put 2 liters of milk in a liter jar?
(Turn it into cottage cheese)

On football match the same person always came. Before the game started, he guessed the score. How did he do it?
(Before the start of the game the score is always 0:0)

To start using it, you need to break it.
(Egg. It is used for cooking)

She can age in just a couple of hours. She benefits people while killing herself. Wind and water can save her from death. What is it?

Complex and big logic riddles with a trick

These riddles are like whole stories, but the answers to them are quite simple and logical, once you grasp their essence.

One woman lived in a twelve-room apartment. She had a clock in every room. One Saturday evening in late October, she set all the clocks to winter time and went to bed. When she woke up the next morning, she discovered that only two dials showed the correct time. Explain.

(Ten of the twelve clocks were electronic. There was a power surge at night and the clocks got lost. And only two clocks were mechanical, which is why they showed the correct time the next morning)

In a certain country there are two cities. In one of them live only people who always tell the truth, in the other - only those who always lie. They all go to visit each other, that is, in any of these two cities you can meet both honest man, and a liar.
Let's say you find yourself in one of these cities. How, by asking one single question to the first person you meet, can you determine which city you are in - the city of honest people or the city of liars?

(“Are you in your city?” The answer “yes” will always mean that you are in the city of honest people, no matter who you come across)

According to some information received by the San Francisco police, one could conclude that a theft of the jewels of the millionaire's wife, Mrs. Anderson, was being prepared. Mrs. Anderson lived in one of the first-class hotels. Apparently, the criminal who planned the crime also lived here. A detective was on duty in Mrs. Anderson's room for several days in the hope of capturing the villain, but to no avail. Mrs. Anderson had already begun to make fun of him, when suddenly the following happened. In the evening someone knocked on the door of the room. Then the door opened and a man looked into the room. When he saw Mrs. Anderson, he apologized, saying that he had the wrong door.

“I was absolutely sure that this was my room,” he said embarrassedly. - After all, all the doors are so similar to one another.

Then the detective emerged from the ambush and arrested the stranger. What could convince the detective that there was an intruder in front of him?

(The man knocked. This means he was not going to his room)

The traveler did not sleep for a whole day. Finally he got to the hotel and got a room.

“Please wake me up at seven sharp,” he asked the receptionist.

“Don’t worry,” the receptionist reassured him. “I’ll definitely wake you up, just don’t forget to call me, and I’ll come and knock on your door in an instant.”

“I will be very grateful to you,” the traveler thanked him. “You’ll get twice as much in the morning,” he added, handing the receptionist a tip.

Find the mistake in this story.

(To call the receptionist, the traveler will have to wake up first)

A skyscraper with 230 floors was built in Murom. The higher the floor, the more residents. At the very top (230th floor) 230 people live. Only one lives on the ground floor. Name the most pressed elevator button.

(First floor button)

Eight twin brothers escaped for the weekend in country house, and everyone found something to their liking. The first is busy picking apples, the second goes fishing, the third heats the bathhouse, the fourth plays chess, the fifth cooks dinner, the sixth watches TV series about cops on his laptop all day, the seventh discovered the artist in himself and draws the surrounding landscapes. What is the eighth brother doing at this time?

(Plays chess with fourth brother)

In France, there was a literary worker who hated the Eiffel Tower, especially how terrible it looked. At the same time, when he was hungry, he always visited the catering establishment located on the ground floor of this architectural symbol of Paris. How is this behavior explained?

(Only in this restaurant, looking out the window, he did not see the Eiffel Tower)

Very famous English writer Bernard Shaw once visited a restaurant with his colleague. They were talking to each other and did not want anyone to disturb them. The orchestra conductor comes up to Shaw and asks him: “What should we play in your honor?”

Shaw, of course, did not want any music and responded very wittily, he said: “I would be very grateful to you if you would play ...”

What do you think Bernard Shaw proposed to the orchestra conductor to play?

(He invited the conductor to play a game of chess)

Tricky riddles with a trick and answers

Listen carefully or read the tricky riddles yourself. Indeed, in some of them the answers lie right on the surface.

The pear is hanging - you can’t eat it. Not a light bulb.
(This is someone else's pear)

What is a dietary egg?
(This is an egg laid by a hen on a diet)

Imagine that you are sailing on the sea in a boat. Suddenly the boat starts to sink, you find yourself in the water, and sharks swim up to you. What to do to save yourself from sharks?
(Stop imagining it)

Olga Nikolaevna finally had her dream come true: she bought herself a new bright red car. The next day, going to work, Olga Nikolaevna, moving on the left side of the road, turned left at a red light, not paying attention to the “No Turn” sign, and to top it all off, she did not fasten her seat belt.

The guard standing at the intersection saw all this, but he didn’t even stop Olga Nikolaevna to at least check her driver’s license. Why?

(Because she walked to work)

A crow is sitting on a branch. What should be done to saw off a branch without disturbing the crow?
(Wait for her to fly away)

When the ram reaches his eighth year, what will happen?
(The ninth will go)

A wild boar climbed a pine tree with four legs and came down with three. How can this be?
(Boars cannot climb trees)

A child was born into a black family in the Congo: all white, even his teeth were snow-white. What's wrong here?
(Children are born without teeth)

You are sitting on an airplane, there is a horse in front of you, and a car behind you. Where are you located?
(On the carousel)

The word is given with four letters, but it can also be written with three letters.
You can usually write it in six letters and then in five letters.
Originally it contained eight letters, and occasionally consists of seven letters.
(“Given”, “it”, “usually”, “then”, “born”, “occasionally”)

The hunter walked past the clock tower. He took out a gun and fired. Where did he end up?
(To the police)

Which hand should you use to stir tea?
(Tea should be stirred with a spoon, not with your hand)

What does a watchman do when a sparrow sits on his head?

What is the fear of Santa Claus coming called?

What's not in a woman's handbag?

New Year's dinner is being prepared. The housewife prepares the food. What does she throw into the pan before adding food?

3 turtles are crawling.
The first turtle says: “Two turtles are crawling behind me.”
The second turtle says: “One turtle is crawling behind me and one turtle is crawling in front of me.”
And the third turtle: “Two turtles are crawling in front of me and one turtle is crawling behind me.”
How can this be?
(Turtles crawl in a circle)

Mathematical riddles with a trick and answers

And this section contains riddles for those who love and respect mathematics. Be careful!

Which is correct? Is five plus seven "eleven" or "eleven"?

There were 3 rabbits in the cage. Three girls asked to give them one rabbit each. Each girl was given a rabbit. And yet there was only one rabbit left in the cage. How did this happen?
(One girl was given a rabbit along with a cage)

Alice wrote the number 86 on a piece of paper and asked her friend Irishka: “Can you increase this number by 12 and show me the answer without crossing out or adding anything?” Irishka did it. Can you?
(Turn over the paper and you will see 98)

There are 70 sheets of paper on the table. For every 10 seconds you can count 10 sheets.
How many seconds will it take to count 50 sheets?
(20 seconds: 70 - 10 - 10 = 50)

A man bought apples for 5 rubles apiece, but sold them for 3 rubles apiece. After some time, he became a millionaire. How did he do it?
(He was a billionaire)

The professor decided to treat his friends to his signature vegetable salad. For this he needed 3 peppers and the same number of tomatoes; There are fewer cucumbers than tomatoes, but more than radishes.
How many different vegetables did the professor use in the salad?

In the room there were 12 chickens, 3 rabbits, 5 puppies, 2 cats, 1 rooster and 2 hens.
The owner came here with his dog. How many legs are there in the room?
(The owner has two legs - animals have paws)

The geese went to water in single file (one after the other). One goose looked forward - there were 17 heads in front of him. He looked back and there were 42 paws behind him. How many geese went to water?
(39: 17 ahead, 21 behind, plus that goose that was turning its head)

Experienced players Kolya and Seryozha played chess, but in the five games they played, each of them blew exactly five times. How did this happen?
(Kolya and Seryozha played with a third person. Another option was to draw 5 times)

Do not write anything or use a calculator. Take 1000. Add 40. Add another thousand. Add 30. Another 1000. Plus 20. Plus 1000. And plus 10. What happened?
(5000? Incorrect. The correct answer is 4100. Try using a calculator)

How to divide the number l88 in half to get one?
(In order to get one from the number l88, you need to write this number on paper, then draw a straight line exactly in the middle of this number so that it divides the number into upper and lower parts. The result is a fraction: 100 / 100. When divided, this fraction gives unit)

A rich merchant, dying, left his sons an inheritance of a herd of 17 cows. In total, the merchant had 3 sons. The will states that the inheritance should be distributed as follows: the eldest son receives half of the entire herd, the middle son should receive a third of all cows from the herd, youngest son must receive a ninth of the flock. How can brothers divide the herd among themselves according to the terms of the will?
(Very simple, you need to take another cow from your relatives, then the eldest son will receive nine cows, the middle one six and the youngest two cows. So - 9 + 6 + 2 = 17. The remaining cow must be returned to the relatives)

Simple and complex logic riddles with a trick will lift your spirits and help you have fun in any adult company.

What should you do when you see a green man?
(Cross the street)

Not ice, but melting, not a boat, but floating away.

How many programmers does it take to screw in a light bulb?

These three TV stars have been on the screen for a long time. One is called Stepan, the second is Philip. What is the name of the third one?

What's the difference between a priest and a Volga?
(Pop is father, and Volga is mother)

Why did Lenin wear boots and Stalin wear boots?
(On the ground)

He may not have children, but he is still a dad. How is this possible?
(This is the Pope)

What is the difference between a women's dormitory and a men's dormitory?
(In the women's dormitory, dishes are washed after meals, and in the men's dormitory - before)

Before calling a woman a bunny, what should a man check?
(Make sure he has enough "cabbage")

Husband getting ready for work:
- Honey, clean my jacket.
- I've already cleaned it.
- And the trousers?
- I cleaned it too.
- And the boots?
What did the wife answer?
(Do boots have pockets?)

What should you do if you get into the car and your feet can’t reach the pedals?
(Move to the driver's seat)

What to do in free time? There are many options for passive relaxation, for example, watching another melodrama or a football match, but it is much more interesting to exercise your ability to think logically. Interesting riddles can be used to diversify an on-duty trip to visit friends; It will also be no less exciting to do this kind of gray cell training in private. This hobby not only helps to pass the time, but also contributes to the development of erudition and logic, and such skills are not superfluous in life. You don't have to start solving the most difficult riddles in the world. You will have to work hard to find answers for them. You can start with something basic, and the result will not be long in coming. Patience and work - and you will be known as a real erudite.

1. There were 25 apples growing on a birch tree. The gardener came and picked 5 of them, the neighbor boys stole 7, then a strong wind blew and 9 more fell. How many apples are left hanging on the tree?

2. Imagine that you are participating in a marathon. Finally, you managed to overtake the second athlete. Where are you now? (Answer immediately, without hesitation).

3. Same race, but now you've overtaken last participant. What place do you currently occupy?

4. The driver was driving the truck. The headlights were off, neither the moon nor the stars were shining. A woman was crossing the road, she was all in black, but the driver still saw her. How could this happen?

5. A certain Mr. Smith, a resident of London, registered his marriage 36 times in one year. However, he did not divorce any of them, and did not become a polygamist. And they got married every time different women, and not the same one. Can this really happen?

Answers. 1. Apples cannot grow on a birch tree.

2. Everyone immediately says that they are on the first. But if you overtook the second one, it means you took his place, and therefore run second, not first.

3. In principle, it is impossible to overtake the last runner, because if someone runs after him, then he cannot be last.

4. It's simple: it was during the day.

5. Easy. Mr Smith works in the registry office. The condition does not say that he himself entered into marriage.

These are the types of riddles with answers: difficult and funny at the same time.

Erudition tasks

There are tasks that cannot be solved without basic knowledge of history. The most difficult riddles with answers are often used in the program "What? Where? When?" However, there is a chance to simply guess using logic. Below are very difficult riddles with answers.

1. The 22nd and 24th Presidents of the United States had common mother and father, but these high-ranking officials were not brothers. How could this happen? (The option of sisters is not suitable, because there were no women among them yet).

2. A hundred years ago in the USA and Great Britain it was widely used in decorating cards, buttons and even jewelry. Its popularity is due to the belief that it consists of light, love, luck and life. Now she is a symbol of evil for the whole world. What is this?

3. John Wycliffe, a prominent theologian of the 14th century, wrote a number of articles in which he sharply criticized the church and the clergy. For this, the Constance court declared him a heretic and ordered him to be burned at the stake. But during the execution, Wycliffe did not feel any pain. Is this possible if he did not suffer from any diseases of the skin or nervous system that could reduce pain?

Answers. 1. It was the same person - Cleveland Stephen Grover, who was elected to the presidency twice with an interval of four years. Since he is not his own brother, then everything is correct.

2. Swastika. Its four rays resembled English letter L, with which the words “light”, “love”, “luck” and “life” began: light, love, luck, life.

3. Wycliffe was burned after his death.

More difficult riddles

Who is not satisfied simple tasks, can be mastered aerobatics. Below are some difficult riddles. It is better not to rush with answers, and also not to say that there is no solution at all, but to think a little.

3. This last letters names of twelve months, starting from January. Therefore, the gap should be “th” (May).

Logical chain of thought

Sometimes, in order to solve some problems, you need to carry out a whole series conclusions. But you always want to make sure that your train of thought is correct. Therefore, in order not to keep the reader in the dark, we will print complex riddles with answers below.

1. Vova and Sasha were playing in a dirty and dark attic. Vova’s face was completely smeared with soot, but Sashino miraculously remained clean. Having gone down, the guys looked at each other in the light of day, but for some reason it was not Vova who went to wash, but Sasha. Why?

2. Three school teachers sat carefree on a bench and talked, and at that time the students decided to joke on them and stuck funny stickers on each of their backs. Then the teachers saw the stickers on the backs of their colleagues and started laughing. But each thought that she herself had nothing on her back. But then one of them stopped laughing, realizing that she herself also had a sticker. How?

Answers. 1. Sasha looked at Vova’s face, and since it was dirty, he thought that he, too, had gotten dirty, and so he went to wash himself. And Vova, who looked at Sasha’s clean face, did not even think that he himself might be grimy.

2. Let’s call the teachers A, B and C. A thought like this: “B sees C laughing, but she thinks that she herself has nothing on her back. Therefore, if I didn’t have a sticker, then B would be surprised “Why is S laughing, and she would understand that she herself still has it, and would stop laughing. But since this doesn’t happen, it means the guys were making a joke on all of us.” That's why A stopped laughing.

Date related

Such tasks will help you navigate in time space.

1. Misha was seventeen years old the day before yesterday, and next year he will turn twenty. Is this possible?

2. There were two brothers in one family. The first was born in 2010, and the second’s first birthday was celebrated in 1999. How can this be?

Answers. 1. This is possible if such a phrase is said on January 1, taking into account the fact that Misha was born on December 31. Consequently, on December 30 he was still 17, and on the 31st he turned 18. This coming year he will be 19, and next year he will be 20. That’s how fortunately this Misha was born.

2. They were born before our era.

Riddles in the style of Sherlock Holmes

IN recent years this detective has become very popular, and many want to imitate him. Use the following exercises to practice deduction.

1. The director of the company was found in the office with a bullet through his temple and a pistol in his hand. There was a voice recorder on the table, and when Sherlock turned it on, he heard the words: “Please don’t blame anyone for my death,” and after that a shot was heard. Obvious suicide? No. Sherlock immediately guessed that this was a dramatization. Why?

2. In the park they find the body of a woman who was hit on the head with something heavy. Holmes finds her husband's number in her phone, calls him and says: “Trouble has happened. Your wife has been killed. Come here urgently.” When he arrived, Sherlock pointed him out as a murderer and ordered his arrest. How did he understand this?

3. Sherlock caught a taxi and tried to talk to the driver, but he had no time for chatter, and he pointed his hand at his ears and lips, pretending to be deaf and dumb. When the detective got out of the car after arriving at right place, he told the taxi driver that he had seen through his deception. How?

These may not be the most difficult riddles in the world with answers, but they are just right for budding detectives.

Answers. 1. If no one was around, who rewound the recorder to the desired phrase?

2. He did not specify where exactly to come, saying “here,” but the husband arrived right at the crime scene.

3. If the taxi driver was really deaf, how would he understand where Sherlock needs to go and how would he take him to the right place?

Incredible situations

Such riddles are based on seemingly unreal stories. After reading the task, you might think that this could not possibly happen, so you need to use your imagination.

1. A man walked into a bar, approached the bartender and asked for a glass of water. Instead, the bartender pointed the gun at him. After that, the man thanked the bartender and left. Why?

2. A man lived in one house for two months completely alone. Then he turned off the light and left the house. Soon, 50 people died because of this.

Answers. 1. That man got hiccups and asked for a glass of water. The bartender decided to scare him, he succeeded, and the hiccups went away.

2. He lived at the lighthouse.

Perhaps someone can come up with their own puzzles. Well, the one who walks will master the road. You can keep a notebook and write the title: “Riddles about... with complex answers,” inserting an interesting topic between the dots.

There are significant benefits from training logic; it will help you accept sober and right decisions in life, and not be guided only by emotions. In addition, this will improve your intellectual level. Then the question “What to do in your spare time?” will be filmed: of course, try to solve the most difficult riddles in the world. It’s best not to let everyone know the answers to them right away, even if your loved ones are scratching their heads.

For every person the most complex riddle own The one he struggled with for many hours or even days. But in the end I figured it out and found the answer on my own. He will definitely never forget the solution.

But still, among those ever invented, there are those that can confidently be classified as the most intricate. We will talk about them.

First group of riddles: for children

Don't think that any adult can handle them easily. Even not the most difficult riddle in the world can seriously puzzle you. Moreover, there will be a big embarrassment if a child can cope with it, but an adult will find it too tough.

  • Life gives this as a gift twice. You have to pay for the third set. (Teeth.)
  • A birch tree grew in the garden. There were 45 apples hanging on it. The wind blew and 9 of them fell. How many apples are left on it? (Not at all, because apples don’t grow on birch trees.) Note. Although if you come across a person with creative thinking, he can say that nowhere is it said that apples actually grew on the tree. They just hung there. And it is unknown how they were secured, that’s why they fell.

The list of tasks that can be described as “the most difficult riddle” continues.

  • During the race, the athlete overtook the one who was in second position. Where did he end up? (On the second, because he didn’t catch up with the first.)
  • The same athlete in another competition overtook the one who was last. What place did he get? (It is impossible to overtake the last one; if someone was ahead of him, then he was not the last.)
  • This thing is thrown away if it is needed. And when it turns out to be unnecessary, they raise it. What is this? (Sea anchor.)

The second group of riddles: for those who like to count

These tasks will require some math and some reasoning. And then any of the most difficult riddles in the world can be solved.

  • A specialist is invited to well-known company for the position of financial analyst. He is offered a starting salary of 10 thousand per month. It can be increased according to two schemes. The first promises an increase of 15 thousand per year. The second guarantees an increase of 5 thousand in six months. Which option will be more profitable? (Second.) Note. You will need to calculate your salary for an arbitrary number of years. Even the first two will be enough. In both cases, the annual salary is the same - 120 thousand. Increase plan for the first scenario: 120 thousand, 135 thousand and so on. The second scenario will give the following breakdown: 60 for the first six months and 65 for the second part of the year, resulting in 125 thousand for the 1st year. Second year: 70 and 75, which will give 145 thousand per year.
  • There is a heavy anchor at the bottom of the boat. She floats on the surface of the water in the pool. What will happen to the water level if the untied anchor is thrown out of the boat? (Will go down.) Note. While the anchor lies in the boat, the part of it immersed in water is much larger than the volume of the anchor itself.

  • How to collect 4 liters of water if only containers of 5 and 3 are available? (Fill 5, pour into 3, empty the second, pour the remaining 2 from the first into it, fill with 5 again, pour 1 liter from it into the three-liter.)

The third group of riddles: to reason

A creative approach is impossible without thinking carefully and moving away from the standards into which society has driven people. Therefore, the most complex logic riddles turn out to be simple after the answer is found.

  • In a large room there is a partition behind which there are three light bulbs. Moreover, they are not visible from the remote control with three switches. It is required to determine which one is from each light bulb. You can only enter the partition once. The solution requires two steps. The first is to turn on one light bulb and turn it off after a few minutes. During this time it will have time to warm up. The second action is to turn on the second light bulb. Now you can take a look. The one that is hot is the first. The other one glows - the second one. And the third is the one that was not touched at all.
  • One hotel has seven floors. The first one accommodated 4 guests. On each subsequent floor their number increases by 3. On which floor is the elevator button pressed most often? (On the first one.)
  • One person only has one match left in the box. He enters a room in which there is a kerosene lamp on the fireplace and a gas stove. What will a person light first? (Match.)

And this is perhaps the most difficult logic riddle.

You need to bake 6 pies. They need to be fried on each side for 5 minutes. Only 4 pies can be placed on the frying pan at a time. How can you fry them in 15 minutes?

The solution consists of the following moves:

  • put 4 pies for 5 minutes;
  • Turn 2 over, remove the others, put two more not yet fried for another 5 minutes;
  • 2 remove (they are already ready), 2 turn over and put those that were previously removed for the remaining 5 minutes.

The fourth group of riddles: ingenuity

They require intelligence. A savvy person will easily solve all the most complex logical riddles.

  • The girl took the ring out of the coffee cup. Why didn't the ring get wet? (Coffee powder, granules or beans.)

  • One businessman bought apples for 6 rubles, and sold them for 4. How did he manage to become a millionaire? (Before this action, he was a billionaire.)
  • The steamer moored to the pier, and the 4 lower steps were in the water. Thickness and height of the steps: 5 and 30 cm. While the ship was at the pier, the tide began, and the water rose by 40 cm every hour. How many steps will be under water 3 hours after the tide starts? (Still 4, the steamer will rise with the water.)

Fifth group of riddles: with a catch

Logic and the ability to count well will not always help in solving such problems. These most difficult riddles have a catch. That is, those in which you need to look for something unusual.

  • There are three tractor drivers working on the collective farm, who have a brother, Sergei. But he has no brothers. How can this be? (They are sisters.)
  • There were 10 candles burning on the candlestick. The owner blew out 3 of them. How many candles will be left by morning? (3: those that are blown out will not burn.)
  • It's 12 o'clock at night. On the street it's raining. How confident can you be that the sun will be shining in 72 hours? (Not at all, it will be night again.)
  • In what situation is it easier for a black cat to enter the house? (When the door is open.)

And a few more mysteries

  • It is impossible to hold it for more than 5-10 minutes. But at the same time it weighs almost nothing (Breathing.)
  • There were so many apples on the plate that there were enough for all the children. How did it happen that all the guys took one, but there was only one left on the plate? (The latter took it along with the plate.)

And here is the most difficult riddle, which has two solutions.

The patient needs to leave for 30 days. The doctor gives him two medications, 30 tablets each. They cannot be distinguished by color, taste, smell, shape or size. The course of treatment cannot be interrupted. Every day you need to take one tablet of each drug. One day a person took 1 tablet out of the first package, and 2 fell out of the second. They got mixed up. How can a patient follow the doctor’s recommendations?

1. Take another tablet from the first one. Cut everything in half and put all the left halves in one direction, and the right halves in the other. It will turn out that there will be one of each type in each pile.

2. Again, take another tablet. Grind everything into powder and divide into two equal parts.