Adventures of a bunny and his friends. "all the adventures of petit the bunny and his friends" stanislav maltsev, litur publishing house

This book is about the adventures of the bunny Petit and his friends, about the triumph of goodness and justice as a result of mutual assistance and great friendship of forest inhabitants. A book from the series “Learning by Playing”, it contains a lot instructive stories for kids who will learn to understand what friendship is and what is good and what is bad. Contents

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01. How the bunny Petya guarded the carrots
02. How the bunny Petya saved the little crow Borya
03. How the bunny Petya met Teddy Bear
04. How the bunny Petya and the little crow Borya outwitted Liska-Lariska
05. How Teddy Bear feasted on honey
06. How Petya the bunny met Pouf
07. How Liska-Lariska and the cat Vaska shared the fish
08. How Liska-Lariska and the cat Vaska wanted to take revenge on the bunny Petya and what came of it
09. How the bunny Petya caught fish
10. How the bunny Petya almost drowned
11. How the bunny Petya got sick
12. Why do hares have long ears?
13. How the bunny Petya got into trouble
14. How Liska-Lariska ended up in the zoo
15. How the bunny Petya and his friends kicked the cat Vaska out of the forest
16. How winter came to the forest

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Stanislav Vladimirovich Maltsev (born July 18, 1929, Sverdlovsk) - Soviet Russian writer. Prose writer, playwright, journalist. Member of the Union of Writers of Russia since 1985. In 1953 he graduated from the journalism department of the Ural state university. Since 1957 he has lived in Tyumen. He worked as a journalist in the Tyumenskaya Pravda newspaper, then from 1956 as an executive secretary, and from 1964 as a deputy editor. In 1973 he was appointed as a correspondent for the Novosti press agency (since 1991 - RIA Novosti), where he worked until 2000. Stanislav Maltsev gained fame and recognition as a children's writer. Bibliography: On the Trail of a Wolf (1957)
The Mystery of the Blue Cave
About the bunny Petya
Adventures of two friends
We are going to Surgut
Kuzya Shchuchkin - red nose
Chasing the mystery
Mityai and I
Bitter smoke
New adventures of Bunny Petit
New friends of Petya the Bunnies
All the adventures of Bunny Petit
The adventures of Bunny Petit and his friends


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“Once upon a time there lived a little bunny named Petya in a small house under a big Christmas tree. And happened to him different stories and adventures..."
This is how Stanislav Maltsev’s book “Petya the Bunny and His Friends” begins. I myself loved this book very much as a child. My children loved listening to this book. The book is intended for reading by adults to children 3-5 years old. A book about animals and their forest life. The heroes of the book are Bunny Petya and his mom and dad, Teddy Bear, little crow Borya, kitten Poufik, cunning fox Lariska and evil cat Vaska. without asking my mother’s permission, and got lost.
The book teaches you to be friends, help your neighbor, understand what is good and what is bad.
A book from the “Learn by Playing” series, it contains many instructive stories, for example:
- Bunny Petya stirred up an anthill - he offended the ants, and then he himself needed the help of the ants.
- Mom didn’t allow Petya the bunny to swim across the river, but he didn’t listen and almost drowned, she didn’t allow him to go into the forest in the evening because it was damp and cold, but he didn’t listen, went out for a walk and got sick.
And the main moral of the book is - try not to offend the weak, help the kids, always be honest - and you will have many friends! The book has a sequel - “New Adventures of Petya the Bunny and His Friends” and “New Friends of Petya the Bunny”.


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Thanks to Evgeny Ostrovny for voicing such a wonderful children's book!

Today's review is dedicated to books for three-year-olds: what to read when leaving school early age? Something very, very smart for sure! As smart as the antics of the dog Sonya or the everyday affairs of the idol of millions - Petya the Bunny...

Andrey Usachev. Smart dog Sonya

Publisher: Onyx, 2008

Age: from 3 years.

If you throw a stone up -

High, high,

He will fly straight up -

High, high,

Above the rooftops

and bird's nests,

Will fly to the stars



Andrey Usachev, without being in old age, has already become a classic of children's literature. He is unique. Usachev communicates with children in a language they understand, not an invented one. I always want to ask such people: what kind of child were you if you are SUCH an adult?... The characters in his fairy tales, poems, stories and songs are always children, albeit in the guise of animals or fairy-tale creatures. He came up with Uncle Au and “Merry Kwampania”, wrote textbooks for kids (“Reader”, “Zvukarik”, “Rules of Road Respect”) and many, many other wonderful books.

There is a Cat Planet somewhere.

There cats, like people, live:

Reading newspapers in bed

And they drink coffee with cream.

They have apartments and dachas,

Cars and other comforts,

They love to fish

And they take the children to the resort.

They fly to overseas countries,

They find diamonds the size of a fist,

Tulips planted in flower beds

And they even breed dogs.

Luxurious life on the planet

In cats, cats and kittens!

But these strange inhabitants

They are always sad about something.

So many good toys

So many records and books!

It's just that cats don't have cats...

Oh, how sad they are without them!

Andrei Usachev's heroes immediately win a corner in the soul of a reader of any age and make a cozy nest there. They will stir up memories, make you cry, excite you, make you laugh. Adults read Usachev with no less interest, because he writes for them, being an “adult child.”

Smart dog Sonya lives with her owner Ivan Ivanovich. Every day Sonya has new question to life. What's happened electric current, and is it possible to lure him out for some candy? If the water in the pipes comes from the ocean, maybe it will also bring fish? Why do people eat everything tasty in small quantities, and tasteless things in large quantities? The dog Sonya is very persistent in achieving answers to her questions. She catches the plumber in a sack and puts an ad in the newspaper about the disappearance of an entire world; she is ready to give up everything just to satisfy her curiosity. For some reason, they don’t really like the smart dog Sonya. good illustrators. The second edition is already in hand, and the illustrations are still not very well thought out. At least they are in this edition and they are quite nice, but not on every page.

One day the dog Sonya decided to drink tea with jam. She put her favorite cherry jam in a saucer, turned on the samovar and began to wait for the water to boil. She sat and sat and waited and waited. Then I looked at the samovar - and suddenly I saw myself in the samovar!... “Oh-oh! - thought the dog Sonya. “How did I get into the samovar?” She sits in the samovar, looks at herself and cannot understand anything: her paws are swollen, her face is long, and her ears are like two big mugs...

- Oh-oh-oh! - the dog Sonya guessed. - I probably got scalded in the samovar! Then the water began to boil, and steam came out of the samovar...

- Oh-oh-oh! – Sonya screamed in fear. - I can cook! And with all her strength, she jumped out of the samovar! She touched the cord, the samovar fell over, and water gushed out of it. hot water... But Sonya had already jumped to the side. “It’s good that I guessed to jump out in time,” thought the smart dog Sonya, blowing on her scalded tail. “Otherwise I wouldn’t have noticed how cooked I was!”

Stanislav Maltsev. Bunny Petya and his friends

Publisher: Litur, 2006

Age: from 3 years.

This is what has always surprised me: why has the iconic Bunny Petya, the hero of our childhood, been published by exactly one local publishing house, Litur? Yes, the oldest and famous writer(“The Secret of the Blue Cave”, “The Adventures of Two Friends” about Umnyushkin and Khitryushkin, “Mitya and I”) Stanislav Maltsev is our fellow countryman, he was born and studied in Sverdlovsk, and worked all his life in Tyumen. It’s scary to think that Muscovites and St. Petersburg residents, for example, don’t know Bunny Petya. Irreparable life loss. We should ask on occasion - maybe the mysterious Bunny Petya is the idol of generations only of Siberians and Urals, but all our lives we thought that he was everywhere.

In addition to Bunny Petya, a brave hare who, with Timur’s enthusiasm, helps all the weak animals in the forest, the book contains Teddy Bear, Little Crow Borya, Liska Lariska and Vaska the Cat. Two camps: good and evil, good animals against the bad ones.

The book is written in clear language, it can be read by a two-year-old, if the child is a reader and diligent, there is nothing complicated in the story. It is emotional, not abstruse, and there are teaching moments. Just keep in mind that fairy tales are not short. Let's go back to the beginning: it's a shame that no one publishes Petya the Bunny anymore. Because the drawings in this book are frankly bad: small, absent in places, inexpressive. It is noticeable that the artist did not try to penetrate the mood of the book, to give at least some individuality to the characters; such illustrations could still be drawn 30 years ago, but now it should be a shame.

Bunny Petya and Teddy Bear washed their hands and sat down at the table. Bunny Petya's mother served them red, juicy carrots sprinkled with granulated sugar in small saucers. Bunny Petya began to eat carrots, so much so that they only crunched on his teeth. And Teddy Bear quickly licked all the granulated sugar and sits, looking to see what else tasty things he gets. Then Petya the bunny's mother gave them a glass of milk. This is where Teddy Bear didn’t force himself to ask! He grabbed the glass with both paws and immediately drank all the milk. He drank, licked his lips and looked again - waiting to see what would happen next. He waits and waits, but they don’t give anything else. Then he sighed and said:

- And my mother always gives me honey after dinner for sweets... Oh, and delicious!

Bunny Petya's mother smiled and said:

- We don’t have honey, but I’ll give strawberry jam to the one who drank all the milk.

- I drank! - Teddy Bear said loudly and even turned the glass over so that everyone could see that it was so. – And I also really like strawberry jam. - And he looked at the bunny Petya. But Petya the bunny, it turns out, didn’t drink the milk. He wrinkled his nose and looked into the glass. There was a lot of milk. He blew on it, but the milk did not decrease. Bunny Petya sighed heavily and looked around sadly... But then his mother put a large jar on the table delicious jam, so transparent that every berry is visible. And the bunny Petya drank the milk in one gulp.

- Delicious milk! – he said loudly. - Now give me some jam!

Sven Nordqvist. Trouble in the garden

Publisher: Open World, 2007

Age: from 3 years.

If as a child you were a fan of Moominvalley, Alice in Wonderland and other fairy tales with great, great overtones, to put it modern language– with madness, you will probably like Nordqvist. In his books, animals communicate with the world in a language that matches their intellectual image. The chickens will be stupid, the cows will be curious, the cat will be emotional, humorous and brave. In the middle farm An absolute yogi, Farmer Petson, moves from home to street and back. Nothing surprises him or pisses him off. He simply does his job: he plants crops, celebrates holidays, gives practical advice. His steadfastness is pleasantly set off by the cat Findus, an eccentric creature, something like Shrek’s donkey. He performs various feats, extravagant acts, gets into trouble, remaining an indestructible dreamer. There are a lot of books about Findus and Petson; in addition to these characters, Nordqvist has others, we will turn to them in future reviews.

This book is unlikely to be suitable for children under three years old, although the author's style is easy to understand. And if the child is diligent and thinking, it is quite possible that he will understand earlier. But there are nuances: one book = one fairy tale. It's a long time. And the plot is quite tricky, the humor is not childish (like in the same Moomins - well, what age are they for?), and the story is very sizable. Solid, like everything related to the farm, land, plantings. Views of the harvest. Choice of seeds. Everything is slow.

The illustrations deserve a separate paragraph: they are amazing. Each picture contains several plots, and younger children will find it difficult to understand why several petsons and findus are drawn on one page. Events seem to flow into each other and overlap. The sparkling humor of the illustrator will make you look at each drawing several times, notice previously missed details, and there are a LOT of them.

And the cows still stood calmly and watched with their big eyes at Petson, Findus and the chickens, who suddenly all went to the kitchen together. Then the cows became interested in what was happening there, and they also moved towards the house. Petson and the chickens came out onto the porch very happy.

- Dear ladies! – Petson solemnly addressed the cows. – Let me introduce you: A WANDERING PACKAGE!

The chickens cheered and the cows stared at the paper bag as it came down the steps. The bag slowly wandered into the garden and stopped. The cows looked after him in surprise. They had never seen anything like this before. And suddenly the bag began to ring, just like the bells that hang around the necks of cows. The chickens ran up to the bag and clucked in unison:

- What could it be? Interesting...Who-who-who is that there? - they asked each other, looking at the cows. Burning with curiosity, the cows reached for the package. They were terribly curious why it was moving and ringing. But as soon as they approached, the bag ran away to the other end of the lawn. The cows stopped; they needed to understand what happened first. But as soon as the bell rang, they set off again. Chickens and Petson follow them. The faster the bag moved, the faster the cows ran. Look, he’s already behind the fence... Jing! Here comes the pasture!

When the cows left, Petson repaired the fence. Findus dropped the package and ran home. The cows looked at him and could not understand anything.

“I’ve had enough troubles for today,” said Petson. “I hope nothing else happens.” I went to bed. And tomorrow I’ll go around to all my neighbors and ask them to fix their fences. And then we will try to clean up the garden.

“I think it will be enough to just plant my meatball again.” But only in a pot on the window,” Findus added. – I don’t see anything useful in these vegetables.

The book is thick bound, measuring 167x236 mm. Has 256 pages.

The book is written in simple, understandable language and can be read to children as young as two years old.
Our son is now 2.3 years old, we read a book before bed, the child listens attentively. Easy, no
the sophisticated narration does not let you get bored. The book begins with a saying:

Once upon a time there was a bunny Petya.
He himself was gray, and had a white tail. The ears are long and the eyes are sharp. The whiskers are sharp and the paws are fast. The nose is pink, and the fur is soft. That's what he was like, Petya the bunny!
Petya the bunny lived in a small house under a large Christmas tree with his dad and mom. And different stories and adventures happened to him.
Listen here...

And then they go short stories, the adventures that the bunny and his friends get into. The stories are not short, each about 6-7 pages. One fairy tale is enough for us before going to bed, and sometimes I finish reading it to myself.))
In addition to the brave bunny Petya, the book also contains the little crow Borya, Teddy Bear, and the cat Poufik - these are Petya's friends. There are also his enemies Liska-Lariska and the cat Vaska.

As in any fairy tale, here, too, good triumphs over evil. There are many teachable moments in the book.
- Try not to offend the weak, help the kids, always be honest - and you will have many friends.

She will teach you to be friends, to help your neighbor, to understand what is good and what is bad.
I really like the book because the main characters are forest animals familiar to the baby from the cradle with simple Russian names, which are also familiar to the child.
The only thing I didn't like about this edition were the illustrations. The artists, frankly speaking, were freeloaders. Firstly, I think that the pictures could be much more interesting and expressive. Secondly, the bunny Petya is everywhere with some kind of evil face, or something. It's a pity, such a book should have excellent illustrations, but here there is one misunderstanding.

I give the book a rating of 5 (I just can’t raise my hand to give it lower), but the illustrations of course spoiled the impression.

More of my reviews of children's books.

The Tale of the Dirty Hare

Once upon a time there lived a hare in the forest. All the hares were like hares: gray in summer, white in winter. And this one was the same color in both winter and summer. And this color was neither white nor gray, but simply dirty, because the hare had never washed his face.
One day he was walking along a path, and a fox met him.
- Who are you? - asks the fox.
“Hare,” answered the hare.
“It can’t be,” the fox shook her head. “I’ve never seen such hares, there are no such scary ones!” Maybe you are a hedgehog?
- Why? – the hare was surprised.
- Because the straw on you is old, the husks from the cones and the wool are all matted, it looks like needles.
The hare was offended, but decided that he would not wash himself anyway. He rolled on the ground, shook off the old straw and husks from the pine cones and moved on. And a wolf meets him.
- Who are you? - asks the wolf.
“Hare,” answered the hare.
“It can’t be,” he sat down on hind legs wolf. – I have never seen such hares, there are no such scary ones! Maybe you're a mole?
- Why a mole? – the hare was surprised.
- Because you are covered in soil, how black you are!
The hare was offended, but decided that he would not wash himself anyway. He rolled around on the grass, shook off the earth and moved on. And a bear meets him.
- Who are you? - asks the bear.
“Hare,” answered the hare.
“It can’t be,” the bear shook her head. – I have never seen such hares, there are no such scary ones! Maybe you're a frog?
- Why? – the hare was surprised.
- Because it's all green!
The hare was offended, but decided that he would not wash himself anyway.
“Well, so what, they didn’t eat it,” he thought and moved on. He sees hares playing in the clearing.
“Hello,” the hare shouted, jumping out to the edge of the forest. - Take me to your place to play.
- Who are you? – the hares asked in unison.
- Like who? Hare!
“It can’t be,” said one of the bunnies playing in the clearing. – You are not at all like us.
- How different? – the dirty hare was upset. – Am I not the same as you?
- No! - the hares shouted in unison. - Let's go to the river, look into the water, compare the reflections.
And they all galloped to the river. The clean hares sat in a row, and the dirty hare sat at the very end. They bent over the water, and there...
All the hares are gray like hares, and next to them is someone so scary!!! The dirty hare screamed in fear and fell into the water. He swam and swam, dived, and jumped ashore.
“Oh,” the hares shouted. - Indeed, you are a hare!
He carefully returned to the river and looked at his reflection.
“How beautiful I am, it turns out,” the hare was surprised and went to play with his new friends. From that day on, every morning he ran with everyone else to the river to wash.

Nikolai Matveevich Gribachev

Magic glasses

The hare Koska was walking through the forest and found glasses. Large, with pink glasses. Their
one girl lost it while picking strawberries.
The hare Koska put on his glasses and was very surprised - everything around him immediately turned pink:
and the road, and the water, and the cloud in the sky. “Probably these are magic glasses,” I thought
He. - No one in the forest has anything like this. Now everyone should be afraid of me."
He pushed his cap back, raised his head higher, and walked on. A
towards him is the fox Lariska. She looked and even sat down in surprise - what
Is this a new beast that has appeared? In appearance he looks like the hare Koska, and his eyes
big like wheels. And he is not afraid of the fox Lariska, he walks straight towards him.
She crawled to the side, peeking out from behind a bush - you never know, she thinks that
can happen. And the hare Koska came very close, sat down on a stump and
- Hello, fox Lariska! Why is your tail shaking? I was afraid that
is it? Didn't recognize me?
“I don’t admit something,” said the fox Lariska politely. - It seems you are not from
our forests.
- So it’s me, Koska the hare!
- Your eyes are somehow different. The hare Koska never has such eyes
- So these are my magic glasses! - Koska the hare became self-important. - I now
I see right through everything and everyone. Tell me, what kind of skin do you have?
- Redhead, what else?
“But she’s not red,” said the hare Koska. - Your skin is pink, that's it.
The fox Lariska got scared - what is this, he thinks, my skin has begun to deteriorate,
what? Oh, no wonder I had a headache yesterday, not good.
“Yes, maybe you’re mistaken,” she said to the hare Koska, to test him.
- Maybe your glasses are wrong?
- Correct, correct! - said Koska. - I not only your skin, but all
I see right through you!
- This can't be.
- Maybe, maybe! Look, I see, you ate two mice for breakfast. I'm in them
I see it in my stomach. One is still moving its paws and scratching your side.
The hare Koska, of course, deceived the fox Lariska, he didn’t have any mice in his stomach
I saw and spied in the morning how the fox Lariska ate them. But she didn't know about
I believed this. And it even seemed to her that something was really scratching inside.
Just in case, she moved even further away and shouted from there:
- What else can your glasses do?
- Everyone can! - said the hare Koska. - Repaint the sky, everything about everyone
learn. Would you like me to tell you who is doing what now? Beaver Borka Dam
builds, the bear Potap drives away a fly from his nose, the hedgehog Kiryukha catches a beetle, the raccoon Erokha
washes his T-shirt in the stream. And the hunter walks along the edge of the forest, looking for your trail, collecting
make a collar from your skin.
“Oh, I’ll run, Koska the hare,” said the fox Lariska. - I started chatting with
you, and I have a lot to do...
“Yes, just run,” agreed the hare Koska. - Just be careful not to be tricky with me.
more, otherwise it will be bad for you.
- What are you, what are you, Koska the hare! I've always respected you for your intelligence and
bravery. And if something was wrong before, forgive me, there was an error.
The fox ran away. And the hare Koska went further. He walks and sees: the badger Groin on
sits near the house, threading a needle. And the needle is small, the thread
it doesn't work at all. He will bring it to his very nose, and push it further away - no, not
“Hello, badger Pakhom,” said the hare Koska. - What are you, fly?
Are you catching it, or what?
- No, what flies! I was about to sew some mittens, but I couldn’t get the thread into the needle.
I won't get it in. Became nearsighted.
- Well, this is us now! - said the hare Koska. He took the thread and aimed at the ear
needles, once - and you're done. Badger Pahom was even surprised:
- You're doing great!
- And these are my magic glasses. They can do anything!
And he moved on. Soon everyone in the forest learned that the hare Koska had magic glasses.
- everyone sees outside and inside, threads are threaded into needles, the sky is repainted, the water
turned into ink. The bear Potap, the squirrel Lenka, and the raccoon came running to the clearing
Erokha, a calf, a fawn, two roe deer. Even the mole Prokop crawled out, although in the sun
didn't see anything. And the hare Koska climbed onto a pine stump, twirled his mustache,
- I see everyone, I see everything! A truck is coming across the river, carrying hay - I see it. IN
The ship is sailing in the ocean, the sailors are washing the deck - I see. A rocket was launched into space
flying towards Mars - I see it!
Of course, Koska the hare didn’t see any of this; he made it all up. Yes indeed
No one could check, but they believed it.
And when things got closer to evening, the hare Koska wanted to eat. He got down from
hemp and went to look for hare cabbage.
I found it, looked, the cabbage looks like cabbage, but for some reason it’s not green,
and pink. “It’s probably spoiled,” thought Koska the hare. “I won’t eat it.”
I’ll look for another one.” I found another one, and it’s also pink. “All the cabbage in the forest got sick,
- he decided. “I’d rather gnaw on an aspen tree.” I found an aspen tree, and it was also pink.
He ran and ran, the sun had already dropped behind the tops of the trees, but not a green
I didn’t find cabbage, green aspen, or green grass. There's an owl on the old
Oak woke up - he sleeps all day, and only gets up at night - he rubbed his eyes,
he sees a hare sitting in a clearing, almost crying.
- Why are you making a fuss here? - asked the eagle owl Semka.
- Yes, I’m hungry, there’s no green cabbage, no green aspen, no green
I can't find any grass. Everything is pink.
“You’re stupid, Koska the hare,” the owl laughed. - You will never find
nothing green because you rose-colored glasses on the nose. They all
repainted. Give them to me.
And the hare Koska is already tired of the glasses and has rubbed his nose. “Well, them,” I thought
he, “they are not magical.”
And he gave away the glasses.
Since then the eagle owl Semka has been wearing them. His eyes are already big, but with glasses on
bicycle wheels have become similar. He sits on an old oak tree at night, screaming
lengthily throughout the forest:
- Oooh-ooh-ooh!
He wants to say: “Wow, what wonderful glasses I have!” But
But he can’t pronounce all the words, so he drags out one letter:
- Oooh!

Hare Koska and Rodnichok

There lived in our Bryansk forest the hare Koska - gray skin, long ears, eyes
black and squinting everything to the sides. Because Koska was a very young hare and
I tried to find out everything - who, what, and why. He ran through the forests all day and
meadows, bothered everyone with his questions. Mama bunny is worried, it's time for lunch
calls, but he’s not there, he’s looking for something somewhere.
One day the hare Koska Rodnichok found a small hole under a willow tree, and from it
the water flows and murmurs. Koska looked at him for a long time and thought, what could this be?
be? And then he says:
- Listen, let's get acquainted. Who are you?
“I am Rodnichok,” said Rodnichok.
- And I am the hare Koska.
“Well, hello, Koska the hare,” Rodnichok said politely. - Glad to be with you
- Listen, where are you from? Fontana, have you got it? Do you have a house in the ground?
“Yeah,” said Rodnichok.
- What are you going to do?
- Yes, I want to travel. I'll run around and see what's next
further and very far, far away.
- Ha ha! - Koska the hare laughed. - This is how you will travel,
what if you don't have legs?
“Yes, somehow,” said Rodnichok. - I'll try.
- You know what? - said Koska. - Let's race. Who's next?
“Come on,” agreed Rodnichok. - Well, let's run?
And he ducked into the grass. And the hare Koska also skipped - hop and skip. But here he
The reeds came across, so thick that it was impossible to get through. Koska had to take a detour
run. And Rodnichok from the reeds to the lake, from the lake to the willow forest, from the willow forest to the alder forest
- chooses his own path.
The sun has already become hot, the hare Koska is tired, he thinks - well, he’s behind,
Maybe. Spring, where can he and the hare race! But just in case
I decided to check it out and called:
- Hey, Rodnichok, where are you?
“And here I am,” the fontanel purred from the alder thickets. - I'm running!
- Aren’t you tired?
- Not tired.
- And don’t you want to have lunch?
- Don't want.
- Well, then let's run on.
The hare Koska looks - there is a big river ahead. “Well,” thinks Koska, “here
This is probably the end for Rodnichka, the big river will eat him. That's what he needs, there's nothing wrong with
race bunnies! And I’ll go home.” But before going home, I decided
he shout:
- Hey, Rodnichok, where are you?
“And here I am,” answered Rodnichok from the river.
- Where are you if there is a whole river here?
- And I teamed up with other fontanelles. We're running together now. Catch up!
The hare Koska felt terribly offended - how could this be so? The fontanel has no legs, and his
overtaken and still mocking? Well, no, Koska decided, I’ll run all night, but
I'll overtake!
And he ran as fast as he could along the river bank. The evening has come - the night is running
came - runs. And running in the dark is bad. And the skin of the hare on the bushes
I tore it off and wounded my leg with a thorn, and my nose was painfully bruised when it fell into a hole.
Koska was completely exhausted and barely alive. But then the morning came, it began to dawn,
The fog from the river rose, then turned into a cloud. Tried the hare Koska
your voice is hoarse, but it’s okay, you can talk.
- Hey, Rodnichok, where are you? - he shouted.
“And here I am,” a voice was heard from somewhere above.
Koska looked at the vine bush - there was no Rodnichka there, he looked at the top
There is no oak either. Only a cloud floats in the sky.
- Where are you? - Koska was surprised.
“And here I am,” answered the cloud. - During the day the sun warmed me, at dawn I
became a fog, and now has turned into a cloud.
- So you can fly?
- And I can fly. Well, how about we move on?
“I’ll go home,” said the hare Koska. - You have no legs, but you run,
There are no wings, but you fly. I won't race with you!
- Well, then goodbye! - Rodnichok laughed.
“Goodbye,” said the hare Koska. - You’ll fly to unknown lands, I won’t see you
I'm bigger than you.
- You'll see! - Rodnichok promised and flew off like a cloud to distant lands.
And Koska went home. Mother bunny for him severe reprimand did for what
I ran all night, my sister stuck out her tongue, and my brother slapped me on the head. And the hare became
Koska will live and live again, find out about everything - who, what, and why. And when
summer turned to autumn, Koska went to a familiar willow tree - give, he thinks, to
I’ll look at Rodnichkov’s house, it’s empty. He came - and from the hole under the willow tree Rodnichok
runs out. It was as if he had never been anywhere.
- It's you? - Koska the hare was surprised.
“I am,” said Rodnichok. - Hello.
- How did you get back?
“And so he returned,” said Rodnichok. - From a stream to a river, from a river to
fog, from fog to cloud. I flew, I flew, to meadows, fields and forests
I've seen enough, seen different animals. Then it got cold at the top, I turned
in the rain, fell to the ground, washed your fur, Koska the hare, and went home underground.
Now I’ve decided to travel again. Well, how about we run a race?
“No,” said the hare Koska, “I won’t race with you anymore.”
will. I’d better go to the gardens, maybe my aunty forgot her carrots there.
This is how the dispute between the hare Koska and Rodnichok ended. And then winter came.
The koska faded and turned from gray to white. And Rodnichok from the clouds with snow for the second time
returned, for a while, until spring, turned into a snowdrift. So you can't tell the difference
now immediately - where is Rodnichok, and where is Koska the hare.
Both turned white.

How the hare Koska watered the cabbage

It hasn't rained in the forest for a long time. It's hot and hot. A day of heat, two days of heat, a week.
In the hare's garden, the cabbage began to dry out. So the mother bunny says:
- Take a bucket, Koska, and water the beds. Otherwise we won't have any cabbage.
Koska the hare loved cabbage very much and wanted it to grow
high-high, tasty-delicious. He took the bucket, hung it on his left paw,
he waves his right hand as he walks and sings a song:
If it doesn't rain -
Bom, bom! -
The cabbage doesn't grow -
Bom, bom!
To give water to cabbage -
Bom, bom! -
We need to water the beds -
Bom, bom!
The badger Pakhom saw him and asked:
- Why are you, Koska the hare, so cheerful? Are you going to visit?
- No, badger Pakhom, I’m working. Our cabbage is drying, I’ll water it
I walk across the lake on water.
Badger Pakhom was bored. Because of the heat, all the animals were sitting in their homes,
You can’t hear anything interesting in the forest. And he decided to play a joke on the hare Koska:
“Why are you going,” says the badger Pakhom, “with a bucket?”
- Yes, to carry water! How incomprehensible you are.
The badger Pahom laughed:
“You don’t know the current order,” he says. - Everything is in our forest
has changed. Now, when the beds are watered, the water is carried not with a bucket, but with a sieve.
Because the bucket is heavy, but the sieve is light.
Koska the hare had never watered the beds before, he didn’t carry water and immediately
believed. Since it, he thinks, is a lighter sieve, it’s even better. One bad thing - the bucket
it is there, here it is, hanging on its paw, but there is no sieve.
“So I’ll give you a sieve,” says the badger Pakhom. - You will give me the bucket, and
I'm a sieve for you.
The hare Koska gave the bucket to the badger, took the old sieve - in fact, right away
easier. The hare Koska was happy, he goes further and sings:
I don't carry water with a bucket -
Bom, bom! -
I carry water with a sieve -
Bom, bom!
Far, not far -
Bom, bom! -
The sieve is easy to wear -
Bom, bom!
The hare Koska scooped up water from the lake and carried it. Well, there are a lot of holes in the sieve, water
flows out. And Koska is just happy that it’s easy, he sings songs and doesn’t do anything.
notices. By the time I reached the beds, there were only a few drops of water left.
He shook them out into the beds and again to the lake. And the badger Pakhom sits and looks at
He's holding his stomach from laughter.
- Well, Koska the hare, is it good to carry water with a sieve?
- Easily! - Koska is happy. - Thank you for teaching me!
So he carried water with a sieve until the evening. At dinner the mother hare asked
- Well, Koska, how did you water the beds?
- Watered, watered! - said Koska.
In the morning, the mother hare looked at the beds, and they were dry. Completely dies
cabbage. She called Koska and asked angrily:
- Why did you deceive me?
“I didn’t deceive,” said the hare Koska. - I carried water all day.
- What did you wear?
- With a sieve. The badger Pakhom taught me.
“My woe, my woe,” sighed the mother hare. - The badger deceived you,
laughed at you. They carry water in buckets and sift flour with a sieve.
The hare Koska got angry, went to the badger and said:
- On your sieve, give me my bucket! You deceived me, I won’t be with you
be friends.
“So I was joking,” said the badger. - This is science for you - when you take on
The point is, not only listen to others, but also think for yourself.
- Okay, I'll take revenge on you! - said the hare Koska.
And he began to carry water in a bucket. A bucket, of course, is heavier than a sieve; carrying water in
It’s difficult, but it doesn’t leak out. He watered all the beds. Cabbage
I was delighted, the leaves immediately picked up, turned green, and began to grow.
“You’ve done well, Koska,” the mother hare praised. - You know how to work.
And she let the hare Koska go for a walk.

How the hare Koska caught the fox Lariska

One day the hare Koska found out that the fox Lariska was going to eat him. It's her
Lenka the squirrel confessed: “I can’t reach you, Lenka the squirrel, you’re in the trees.”
you jump. And I’ll definitely eat the hare Koska, he walks on the ground.”
At first the hare Koska was frightened; he sat at home for three days and trembled with fear. A
then I thought: “I’m a smart hare, I’ll soon learn to count to three. I’ll catch it myself.”
fox Lariska!"
How to catch her?
The hare Koska thought and thought and came up with an idea: he would track the fox, find out by what
On the road she goes hunting and digs a hole there. But first he is with the hedgehog Kiryukha
- Hee-hee! - Kiryukha the hedgehog rubbed his paw against his paw. - It’s a good idea, that’s what she, the fox Lariska, needs! Just a deep hole to dig, understand?
“I understand,” said the hare Koska. - What to dig with?
- You should consult with the mole Prokop, he is on such matters chief master V
The hare Koska found out which road the fox Lariska takes to hunt, he saw
a place at the turn for a hole. A very good place, there is no way around it.
Then he went to the mole Prokop and begged for a shovel. And he began to dig. Five minutes
digs - nothing. He digs for ten minutes - it’s difficult, but nothing yet. And through
Fifteen minutes later I was completely tired. “Come on,” thinks Koska the hare, “and so
enough. I will begin to stuff calluses for the sake of the fox Lariska!”
He took the shovel to the mole Prokop and thanked him. Hole on top with dry twigs
abandoned, disguised. And he sat down on the other side of the hole to see how
Fox Lariska will fail.
And then the fox Lariska wanted to eat and went hunting. She reached out for
warming up, fluffed her tail and took only five steps - she sees: the hare Koska under
sitting in a bush. “Yeah,” said the fox Lariska quietly, “now we’ve got a hare,
he won’t run away!” And she wanted to catch him so quickly that every
She forgot caution and ran, not looking at her feet.
Bang! - and the fox Lariska fell into the hole. At first I was scared, I thought
the hunter will come now. And then he sees a very shallow hole, jump out
Can. “Hey,” she guessed, “it must have been the lazy hare Koska who was digging. Well,
I'll deceive you!"
She made herself comfortable in the hole, curled up and began to talk
in a sweet voice:
- Oh, what a wonderful TV here! Color!
The hare Koska heard about the color TV and craned his neck - he was very pleased
it became interesting. And the fox again:
- Oh, what a wonderful program - about a hare who flies into space!
At this point Koska couldn’t resist and took two steps towards the hole. The fox Lariska looked,
she was delighted and said even more sweetly:
- Ah, ah, the hare is flying straight to the stars! Ah, ah, he already has weightlessness!
Koska forgot about the fox, one thing on his mind is to look in color
TV, like a hare flies to the stars and endures weightlessness. And three more steps
he made to the hole. And two more. The fox Lariska has already sharpened her claws. But there's a hedgehog
Kiryukha rolled out onto the path, pointed needles at the hare Koska’s nose, and asked:
-Where are you going?
“Watch color TV in the pit,” says Koska. - Like a hare in
flies in space.
“You’re stupid,” said the hedgehog Kiryukha. - And he dug a shallow hole, and went to the fox himself
You're hitting Lariska in the teeth. Well, did you see the TV while you were digging the hole?
- I didn’t see it.
- So where did he come from?
“I don’t know,” said the hare Koska.
- Run home, Koska the hare, save your skin before it’s too late.
Koska the hare did just that. And the fox Lariska got terribly angry and crawled out of
pits and says:
- I wanted to eat the hare Koska, and you, Kiryukha the hedgehog, prevented me. I'll have to
bite you.
- Well, well, have a bite! - Kiryukha the hedgehog laughed and curled up into a ball.
The fox will come in from one side, and from the other - everywhere only on the thorns
bumps into. Nothing worked out for her, so she went to look for another lunch.
And the hare Koska, because he saved him from the fox Lariska, gave him a gift before the fall
Kiryukha the hedgehog has a big red apple. I especially ran to the village garden. But
only sometimes he still thinks, when he is very bored - what if there, in the pit, on
actually there was a color TV and a hare flew into space?
He's still stupid, this hare Koska!

Koska the cyclist

The hare Koska thought and thought - where should he go? There was Samson's catfish on the river
I saw it, I was by the lake, I talked to Lenka the squirrel, I was under a big pine tree, I was with a hedgehog
Kiryukhoi argued - which is better, cabbage or mushrooms? And he thought - let me go around
I’ll take a walk in the villages, maybe I’ll meet the little goat Kuzya, if the dogs haven’t eaten him.
But his mother locked the little goat Kuzya in the barn as punishment: he went to the garden in the morning
climbed up and ruined a lot of cucumbers with his hooves. So they didn't let him in
walk. The hare Koska never saw him. But he found it broken
a bicycle that the guys abandoned under the hill.
He dragged the bicycle to his forest. Where on the back, where by dragging, where how.
I was tired, then I was sweating, but I didn’t give up, and I went straight to the bear Potap,
- Fix my bicycle, Potap the bear. You can do everything!
“Um-um-um,” the bear grunted good-naturedly, “everyone can do this if
loves work. Where did you get it?
- Found it in a hole under the hill.
- Well, okay, leave it for now, I’ll fix it tomorrow.
The bear is kind and loves work. In the morning he collected pliers, wire cutters,
adjustable wrenches, nuts, pliers and began to repair the bicycle. And so as not to be bored,
works and sings a song:
I'm fixing a bike
I wipe with oil,
Will he go or not?
I don't know anything.
Two legs and two arms
Everyone in the world has
Only often bruises
Children are stuffing.
To rush past the ditch,
To go down the mountain,
The hare needs first
Learn to ride.
The bear Potap repaired the bicycle, it became as good as new - the steering wheel shines,
the knitting needles shine. The hare took the bike and thanked him politely:
- Thank you, Potap the bear. I'll bring you raspberries.
“Um-um-um,” said the bear Potap. - You better bring me some oats. Raspberries
There’s a lot of me in the garden, I’m tired of it.
The hare Koska took the bicycle out onto the road. And, of course, he doesn’t know how to drive.
He jumped on the bike from the left, stumbled to the right, and got a bruise. Jumped up to the right
stumbled to the left, causing another bruise. He went to the badger Pakhom and the raccoon Erokha,
- Help me get on the bike, then I’ll go on my own. And then you
I'll take you for a ride.
The badger Pakhom took the steering wheel on one side, the raccoon Erokha on the other hand,
hold the bike tightly. The hare Koska sat on the saddle, his hind legs on the pedal
I set it up and grabbed the steering wheel with the front ones. It's working out well!
“Well, now let go,” he shouted, “I’ll go myself!”
The badger and raccoon jumped back and released the steering wheel. The hare Koska passed two steps and
fell again. He realized then that getting on a bike is half the battle;
learn to ride.
“Help me sit down and go,” he asked the badger and the raccoon. - How
I’ll learn, I’ll give you rides from morning to evening, even take you as far as Moscow.
The badger Pakhom and the raccoon Erokha took the wheel again and helped the hare sit down.
Let's go! They drive the bike, don’t let it fall, and the hare Koska turns the pedals.
Nothing, little by little it started to work out. The main thing, the hare understood, is that balance
must be observed, the steering wheel must be used correctly: if the bicycle falls to the left, then
and the steering wheel must be turned to the left, if it turns to the right, then the steering wheel must be turned to the right.
“Well, okay, we’ll go home,” said the badger and the raccoon. - You already know how
a little, then finish your studies yourself. Don’t take us to Moscow, we’re afraid of cars.
The hare Koska began to finish his studies alone. Jumps on a bike and rides a little -
will fall. He gets up, jumps up again, drives a little - and falls again. Skin and
He covered it with grass, and soiled it with earth, and dusted it with sand, but he still studies.
It’s always like this on a bicycle - who is afraid to fall and every bruise causes tears?
smears it on his cheeks, he will never learn to ride.
The hare Koska was not afraid of bruises and did not like to whine. And things went well for him
okay By evening he could sit down and turn the pedals, and even though he still had a steering wheel.
I was wobbling, but I finally reached the river along the road.
Koska the hare slept well at night, did physical exercises in the morning,
washed, had breakfast, put on a checkered cap, wrapped a yellow scarf around his neck and
went for a ride.
And towards us is the fox Lariska. She saw a cyclist heading straight towards her
rushes, the cap is visored at the back of the head, the yellow scarf flutters in the wind.
She got scared, fell into a ditch, and hid. But the hare Koska noticed her,
stopped, one foot on the ground, the other on the pedal.
- Hello, fox Lariska! - he said. - Why are you lying in a ditch?
Did you break your leg or what?
- So it’s you, Koska the hare? - the fox Lariska was surprised.
- I am! - the hare became self-important. - I bought a bike. I'll go to Moscow, I'll
eat ice cream and drink sparkling water.
- Oh, you should take me too, Koska the hare! - the fox Lariska began to ask. - At least
on the trunk. I never ate ice cream, never drank soda water.
- No, I won’t take you, fox Lariska. Because you're a liar, you can't
believe you. Put you on the trunk, and you'll jump on your neck...
And the hare Koska rolled down the hill even faster. Fox Lariska only tongue him
She then showed it in anger. And she went to the wolf Bakula and began to complain that the hare
The moose rides a bicycle all over the forest, there is no passage from it, it can run over.
“It’s time for you, wolf Bakula, to eat the hare Koska,” she said. - And then he
Somehow the wheel will crush your paw.
- I don’t walk on the roads. I'm through the bushes and ravines.
- You would feel sorry for me, we suffered together on the Yellow Hill.
- Come on, that hare Koska! - growled the wolf Bakula. - You say it yourself
he rides a bicycle, you can swallow a spoke or a gear. He bothers you, you
and catch him.
- How can I catch him if I can’t catch him!
- What do I care...
The fox Lariska got angry at the wolf Bakula, but didn’t say anything. I was afraid
and walked away silently. And on her way she came across forty Sofka. She flew from a birch tree to
dry pine branch, jabbered:
- Hello, fox Lariska! I flew not far, not close, I was in the village,
saw sparrow eggs. The stork hatched six chicks, they are sitting in the nest, boogers
eat! The girl was washing her feet in the river, she lost her shoes, the tractor was hauling hay from the meadow,
the asphalt was polluted, the boy Vovka got on a bicycle, wanted to go around the whole world, and
fell into a ditch...
- Stop, stop! - said the fox Lariska. - Now we have the hare Koska too
he rides a bicycle, there is no peace from him. Don't you know how to catch him?
- I fly everywhere, I know everything! - Sofka the magpie began to chatter again. - Like hay
mow, how to carry water, how to chop wood, how to weed carrots, how to fish
catching is like cooking porridge...
“Just stop,” the fox Lariska lost patience. - I don’t need hay
mow, don’t carry water, don’t chop wood, don’t weed carrots. I want a hare Kosku
must be caught.
And again the magpie chattered:
- The forester is building a house, there are chips all around; Steal the board, look for nails, don’t be sorry
labor, stuff it in two rows, put it on the path, lie down under a bush. The hare will run over
The nails are on the nails, the tire of the bicycle gets punctured, and the bicycle itself falls to the ground.
Magpie Sofka thought and added:
- Only it will be hooliganism.
But the fox Lariska no longer listened to her, she went home. And when the sun went down and it was dark
so she ran to the forester’s house and stole the board, then to the village to the blacksmith shop
I went and stole twelve nails and a hammer. In the morning I laid the board on the stump,
I started hammering nails. Well, this was the first time she held a hammer, handled it
I didn’t know how - it would hit a nail once, or a paw once. What can we do? Whine from
pain, licks his paw, and again for his own.
She hammered in the nails, took a board, and chose a convenient place at the turn of the path.
place and put it. She sat down next to her - she thought the hare Koska would run into
board, his tire gets punctured, he flops to the ground, and she grabs him and
will eat
The fox Lariska lay all morning and half the day - there was no hare Koska, according to
I rode other roads. And at noon the song was heard:
I'm never afraid
Be late for lunch.
I won't fall into a ditch
I won't go into a hole.
I'm running all day
ringing the bell,
Far and near.
The wolf won't catch me
And the fox Lariska!
“Aha,” thinks the fox Lariska, “this hare Koska has boasted again. Well,
You don't have much time to put on airs and sing songs, now the tire is going to get punctured,
you will plop down on the road and right into my paws. The end has come for you, hare
Koska, you poor braggart!"
But the hare Koska doesn’t know anything, he rushes downhill and still presses the pedals,
flies like the wind. And now he approaches the board with nails. The fox couldn't resist
Lariska crawled onto the road to immediately rush at the hare.
And he goes and goes. He flew straight, pressed the plank into the ground, the fox's paw and
the tail moved like wheels - and there it was.
The tire didn't burst.
The fox Lariska whined in pain and went to look for the magpie Sofka to scold her
her. But where can you find her if she’s always flying somewhere? Only on the third
or the fourth day the fox met her and began to scold her:
- You are a liar and a liar, you babbling babble! She said that on the tablet with
the nails will puncture the tire, but it is not punctured. The hare Koska crushed me
wheels paw and tail.
- Did you place the nails with the sharp end down or up?
- Yes, down, down! As she scored, so did she place.
“You’re stupid, Lariska the fox,” Sofka the magpie chattered. - Stupid, stupid,
stupid! It was necessary to put the sharp end up, not down. Stupid, stupid!
And she flew to the village to collect gossip.
And the hare Koska took the badger, the raccoon, and the hedgehog Kiryukha for a ride on his bicycle. All
We were very pleased. He wanted to give Leshka a ride, but he said:
- Ugh, your bike smells like machine oil. But come on, you and I
We'll have a competition - who can get to the lake faster?
Koska the hare immediately agreed. He jumped on his bike and rode through the forest
path. And the fawn Leshka already runs very fast, but now he has chosen a path
straight through the forest. And no matter how hard the hare tries, the fawn is still somewhere ahead
- Let's press, twist and turn!
The hare Koska felt offended; he was flying and couldn’t see the road anymore. Jumped out on
shore, and there is an oak stump on the way. The hare Koska ran at him with his front
wheel and hit it so hard that it flew over a vine bush and the bicycle into the lake
- boom, and drowned.
Since then, the hare Koska has been walking again. And in the lake near the bicycle there is a pike
She's made a home for herself - the spokes are shiny, the steering wheel is shiny, she really likes it!

Wire Hare

The hare Koska got up in the morning, washed his eyes with dew, and looked - the weather was good.
The sun is shining, it's warm, the breeze is blowing, bees are buzzing on the flowers, honey
collect. “I’ll go for a walk,” Koska decided. “I’ll go see the hedgehog Kiryukha, he’s been around for a long time.”
I haven't seen it."
The hare Koska is walking and hears birds singing. And I wanted to sing myself. Yes, that's it
Trouble is, he can’t remember a single song, he didn’t study well. I had to do it myself
And I'm walking through the forest
In sight of the trees
And I'm walking through the forest,
Maybe I'll find something!
He walks, sings, doesn’t even look at his feet - so he rejoices in his song. AND
accidentally stepped on a beetle. The beetle pinched his paw and began to curse:
- Are you sleeping on the move? You can’t see anything under your feet, you crushed my hand!
“Sorry,” said Koska. - I did it by accident. I'm composing a song.
“Well, sing,” the beetle asked.
And I'm walking through the forest,
I watch the flowers grow,
How birds fly -
Woodpeckers and tits!
- Nice song, - said the beetle. - Correct. But the nightingale sings better. OK,
Sing too, just don’t step on others’ hands.
But the hare Koska no longer wanted to write. He walks silently. On the bank of the river
Borka saw the beaver - Borka gnaws off a branch of the vine on the other bank and drags it
“Hello, Borka the beaver,” said Koska. - What are you doing?
- Yes, I’m preparing branches, learning how to build a dam.
- Do you have such a school?
“There is such a school,” said the beaver Borka. - We, beavers, have all been
We are studying to become engineers, we need to be able to build dams in order to live better. At home
We learn lessons from a book, and then we do practice.
- So do you have a house? - Koska the hare was surprised. - Something I have never
saw. I thought that you, like fish, live in water.
- Well, I made it up! - Borka laughed. - You would say the same - like fish! We have
you know which one big house under the shore? Three rooms. Only the door is under him
water, you need to dive. Let's come and visit me, shall we?
The hare Koska really wanted to visit the beaver Borka. But he's water
I was afraid, swam poorly, and didn’t know how to dive at all. So he just sighed and
- I don’t have time to visit guests now, Borka the beaver. Kiryukha the hedgehog is waiting for me.
I'll come another time, okay?
“Okay,” the beaver agreed.
And the hare Koska ran skipping further. He got there and saw a hedgehog sitting
Kiryukha is angry under the bush, his needles are bristling and he snorts.
“Hello, Kiryukha the hedgehog,” said Koska. “Are you sick, or what?” I'll tell you
I'm taking your temperature, maybe you have the flu and chicken pox.
“I’m not sick,” answered the hedgehog Kiryukha. - This is me on the fox Lariska
angry, she wanted to eat me.
- So you have thorns! Curl up in a ball and no one will eat you or
will bite.
- It's in a dry place. And if you push me into the water, I’ll immediately turn around to
not to drown, and anyone can grab it with their claws, because I have no stomach
thorns Lisa Lariska wanted to do just that.
And the hedgehog Kiryukha told how he collected snails in the morning near the river
I gape, and the fox Lariska is right there. The hedgehog curled up into a ball and put out his
thorns - don't start. But the fox Lariska is also cunning, she began to slowly
To avoid getting pricked, push Kiryukha the hedgehog towards the water and roll it along the grass.
The hedgehog feels that things are bad for him, he disappears, but he can’t do anything.
He can’t run, the fox will immediately turn him upside down. What should I do? It's good that
There was a sandy slide right in front of the shore, and it helped the hedgehog - the fox would roll him over
halfway, he will try to intercept it with his paws, and he will roll back along the sand.
“Okay,” said the fox Lariska, exhausted, “I’ll take you, Kiryukha the hedgehog, near the water.”
I'll keep watch when you come to drink in the heat. Then I’ll definitely eat it!”
This is the story with the hedgehog Kiryukha - he barely escaped and went home barely alive
“We need to teach the fox Lariska a lesson,” said the hare Koska.
“We must, we must teach the fox Lariska a lesson,” agreed the hedgehog. - How to teach a lesson?
- Yes, how?
“Let’s think,” said the hedgehog Kiryukha.
“Yes, let’s think,” agreed the hare Koska. They sat in the shade under a bush,
so that it would not be so hot, and they began to think. An hour has passed - they think. It's hot at all
it’s time for lunch, and they’re still thinking. Sometimes they say:
- Did you come up with it?
- I didn’t come up with it.
- Well, let's think further.
“We need to have lunch,” says Koska the hare. - And then I’m thinking about the fox Lariska,
but I see all the cabbage.
“No, we won’t go to dinner,” the hedgehog disagreed. - When you eat, you go to sleep
I want to.
And so lunch passed. The sun began to descend completely towards the forest, to the very
the tops of the trees, as if he decided to look - why are the hedgehog and the hare all sitting and
sitting? And very long dark shadows from the fir trees and birches stretched out when the hedgehog
- I came up with it! Near the old partisan pillbox there is a large roll of barbed
the wire lies. Saw?
“I saw it,” said the hare Koska.
- The fox Lariska needs to hit this wire with her stomach. spines
rusty, there are many, many of them. The fox Lariska will squeak!
“Yes,” said the hare Koska, “she won’t hit.” Why does she need the wire?
“And we’ll roll it into the grass under a bush,” said the hedgehog, “and on top of it
Let's fix the bunny ears. Lariska will think that it is you, Koska the hare, under the bush
you sit and he jumps!
“Yes,” said the hare Koska, “where do you get these bunny ears?” My what
will you cut it off? So I won't give it.
- We will make ears from birch bark, roll them in resin, and cover them with hare hair.
How real they will be!
That's what we decided to do. We ran, had lunch and dinner right away, and in the morning
the matter began. Beaver Borka with his sharp teeth made from hare birch bark
made ears, the hedgehog Kiryukha coated them with resin on a pine stump, and the hare Koska with wool
deboned - they have a lot left at home after molting. After that they spend half the day
barbed wire They rolled under a bush and got a little scratched. Well, nothing, everything is fine
it must have worked. They tied the hare's ears to the wire, and the hedgehog lay down below and
moves them. From the outside, if you look, there’s a real live hare in the grass.
Before the evening, the fox Lariska went hunting, thinking - I’ll catch a mouse, I’ll have dinner
before bed. She walks and sees bunny ears sticking out of the grass and moving.
“Yeah,” the fox Lariska laughed quietly, “it’s apparently a stupid hare Koska under
I fell asleep in the bush, only my ears are twitching from mosquitoes. That's how good it is -
I was going to catch a mouse, but now I’ll eat a hare!”
The fox Lariska dived into the grass and stood on her stomach so as not to scare away the hare.
crawl. Closer, closer, closer. Yes, how he will jump, and how he will scream:
- Guard, they are killing!
It was she who hit the barbed wire with her stomach and paws. Hare Koska, who
I was sitting behind the wall of the pillbox and looking, when I heard a scream, I got so scared and
I ran home as fast as I could. And Kiryukha the hedgehog snorted and laughed:
- Yeah, fox Lariska, gotcha! You will know how to hunt hedgehogs and hares
And while the fox was licking his wounds, he also went home for dinner.
The hedgehog Kiryukha and the hare Koska were very pleased that they taught the fox Lariska a lesson.
They told everyone about it and everyone in the forest laughed. And the fox Lariska came
Home tattered - there are scratches on the stomach and paws, a tuft of hair has been torn out of the tail.
- What are you doing, did you fight with whom? - asked her mother.
- No, I caught the wire hare! - the fox Lariska whined.
“You are young and stupid,” said the mother. - No wire hares
It happens. Someone deceived you.
So the hare Koska and the hedgehog Kiryukha took revenge on the fox Lariska. Since then she has been afraid
stood up, saw hare ears above the grass, stopped and thought - what if it
wire hare? And while she stands and thinks, a real live hare will run away!