Compass drawing in pencil. Compass program: learning to create three-dimensional images

Remove unnecessary ones; and in general, Bad mood, and like a writer tearing paper, you can throw failed layers into the trash.

Removal methods

Method 1 Hotkey

Traditionally, there is nothing simpler than just pressing a keyboard key.

Hotkeys for deleting a layer: Backspace or Delete.

Method 2 Icon on the palette

If in the first case you need to use the keyboard, then in the second method you can click on the button with the drawn basket. It's at the bottom of the Layers palette.

A dialog box will appear asking Photoshop to confirm your decision to delete the layer. Click Yes. If you do not want this window to appear in the future, check the box Don't show again(Don't show again).

Method 3 By dragging to cart

A slightly improved second method - instead of clicking, you should move the layer to the button in the form of a basket. To do this, left-click on the layer and, without releasing the pressed key, drag the layer onto the trash can icon. Release the mouse button when the icon appears slightly pressed.

Method 4 Context menu

Right-click on the layer, not on the part where the thumbnail is shown, but to the right of it. A context menu will appear in which you need to select a command Delete layer.

As in the second case, a dialog box will appear confirming the action (unless, of course, you previously checked the box Don't show again).

Method 5 Main menu

You can also delete using the command in the main menu of Photoshop: Layers - Delete - Layers. And here you will have to confirm your choice in the window.

Method 6 Removing hidden layers

Please note that in the main menu in the tab Delete there is still a team Hidden layers(Hidden Layers). Here we're talking about that by clicking this button, all layers that are disabled will be deleted from the palette (the eye icon to the left of the thumbnail).

Cancel deletion

If you made a mistake and want to delete it, you can do this using hotkey Ctrl+Z . This operation reverts back your last action in Photoshop. But if you deleted a layer and then did a bunch of other actions, then in this case it will help you. By default, it stores information about the last 15 actions in the program.

Unfortunately, if this was not enough, then it will be impossible to return the layer. Therefore, think carefully before deleting.

If you notice an error in the text, select it and press Ctrl + Enter. Thank you!

If you need to change or completely remove the background part of a picture, check out our article on how to remove the background in Photoshop.

Removing the background is one of the first difficulties that beginners face when working with the Photoshop editor. Let's look at some of the most popular and simple ways, which will help you remove the background of a photo.

Using the eraser

Photoshop has a number of tools whose task is to independently determine the boundaries of selected objects. One such tool is the Magic Eraser. It is available in all versions of Photoshop.

This method is suitable if you need to remove white background images. The eraser does not accept other background fills:

  • Open the Magic Eraser options panel. Check the “Adjacent Pixels” (or Contiguous) option. It should be ticked. The presence of this item in the magic eraser settings allows the tool to select and delete only those sets of pixels that touch each other. This way, other elements of the picture will remain intact. To use the tool again, undo the previous result of removing the background and using the new eraser parameters, remove the background;
  • Adjust the Tolerance option in the eraser settings. The location of this settings item can be seen above in Figure 3. The higher the value of this item, the more likely it is that the eraser will remove more quantity detected background shades. Increase the tolerance parameter and gradually the eraser will stop highlighting the elements of the object in the picture. If for some reason you cannot remove the border using this method, try selecting the “Layer” window in the main menu bar. Then click on “Edge Processing” and select “Remove Border”.

Result of background removal using the described parameters:

Removing the background using the Magic Wand

One more popular tool To remove the background is the “Magic Wand”. This element can be found in most graphic editors, including in Photoshop. To remove won, first open required image How new project in Photoshop. Wait for all toolbar items to load. Now select the Quick Selection option. In the drop-down list you see two available tools. Click on " Magic wand", as shown in Figure 5.

Now all the actions will be the same as if we used the “Magic Eraser”: just move the pointer to the background part of the picture and click on it. Once selected, the background area will have clear boundaries. Press the Backspace button to remove the fragments detected by the wand.

Important! Before you start removing the background with the Magic Wand, make sure you have unlocked the background layer. This is necessary to “unpin” it from the main picture. If a layer is not unlocked, the wand will not be able to select it correctly. Deleting may leave white areas or erase non-background parts of the photo.

To unlock the background, go to the Layers panel. Click on the lock icon to set it to the “Open” position. Only then use the Magic Wand tool.

If the “Magic Eraser” is often used to remove the white background from images, then the “Magic Wand” is more appropriate to use to remove colored parts of the background.

Removing the background inside the picture

Often users need to remove the background, which not only intersects with the boundaries of the main part of the picture, but is also located inside it. This method of background removal is useful if you work with black and white images or scans of drawings.

Rice. 7 – initial view of the drawing

As a result of removing the background, we should get a completely transparent image, with a clearly defined outline of the car. First you need to create a copy of the blue channel of the image. To do this, press the hotkey combination Ctrl–L. The Levels window will appear. Move the sliders until everything is gray colors began to resemble a black shade as much as possible. That is, all those elements of the outline that we want to leave should be painted black, and all parts of the background that will be deleted should become white.

Click on the thumbnail of the channel copy that was created at the very beginning. While clicking, hold down the Ctrl button. As a result, a selected image will appear. Do the inversion by pressing the keyboard shortcut Shift–Ctrl–I. Now press the Backspace button on your keyboard to delete the extra layer. You can create a copy of it by pressing Ctrl–J. After removing the background and adding a new texture instead, this is the result:

Adding another background

Typically, users remove the background to add one picture to another or to change the background color/texture of a photo. Let's look at how you can change the background of a picture whose previous back layer has been removed.