Who is Bela? Bella Ogurtsova: I shave my legs so as not to look like the Loch Ness monster

Who is Bella Ogurtsova

Ukrainian and Russian famous radio presenter Bella Ogurtsova, a scandalously popular drag queen diva, was born and received two higher educations in Cherkassy. I studied at 2 faculties at once - practical psychology and foreign literature. After studying, the graduate taught psychology for some time at the Cherkasy Medical College.

Wikipedia about Bella Ogurtsova

They write approximately in this vein about the biography of the leading tabloid. However, it’s no longer a secret that the girl is a man whose name is Pavel Botenko. Now Bella lives in Moscow, hosts the Yo-Show on the popular Russian Radio and the Night Temptations show in nightclubs. She discusses the vital relationships between men and women, friends, colleagues, relatives, etc. Bella began her career in Kyiv as a DJ at the Hollywood nightclub. It was at this time that the idea of ​​creating a drag queen show first appeared. Bella began her career as a radio presenter on the Ukrainian radio "Lux-FM" as the host of a morning show.

Bella, among other things, sings well and records videos about the difficult life of women, marriage, etc. In 2006, fans received the first album with light lyrics and an incendiary tempo. One of Bella's most famous songs is called "Marrying More Expensively."

Pavel says to himself that this is just his stage image and under no circumstances is he going to undergo any gender reassignment surgery or walk the streets of the city in women's clothing. It takes Pavel about two hours to transform. He does not trust his makeup to outside makeup artists.

Those who regularly listen to Russian Radio broadcasts are undoubtedly familiar with this broken person. Of course, because in her “E-show” program she jokes on the verge of a foul. Sometimes vulgar, sometimes too frank, but always funny and talented. High spirits guaranteed! Many are interested in who is hiding behind the pseudonym "Bella Ogurtsova", the biography of this lady is special interest, because working on the radio is not the only thing she does. Bella is willingly invited to host corporate events and parties. In addition, this lady also sings. In her songs, Bella rather harshly makes fun of empty-headed glamorous party girls. By far the most famous hit- “Getting married is more expensive.”

Bella Ogurtsova - biography of a star

Who is hiding behind the image of Bella Ogurtsova? The truth turned out to be somewhat unexpected. As it turned out, her real name is Vladimir. Born future star travesty show in a small mining town in the Donetsk region. After graduation high school went to study in Cherkassy. Got it here higher education in two specialties at once: psychology and foreign literature. Apparently, Vladimir didn’t just sit his pants down during lectures. Immediately after graduation, he is hired to work as a psychology teacher at a medical college. At that time the guy was 22 years old. Let's just say that he immediately realized that teaching was not what he wanted to do in life. One fine morning, being late for lectures, I turned not into the students’ classroom, but into the director’s office. Where did he write the statement “by at will" and left for Kyiv. Into the unknown.

First steps in a new role

Upon arrival in the mother of Russian cities, Vladimir gets a job in night club, although for now I’m still a DJ. This period can be considered the starting point, the moment when the image was born, the biography of Bella Ogurtsova began. After all, it was at this time and in this place that another drag queen star, the incomparable Monroe, began her steps in the world of fashionable parties. Looking at her performances, Vladimir realized that he wanted to try himself in a similar role. True, by his own admission, at first the guy was guided by purely mercantile considerations. The fact is that Monroe and other participants in the show received three times more per performance than the DJ. Without thinking twice, Vladimir offered himself to participate in the show. And it worked. This is how Bella Ogurtsova was born, whose biography is so interesting to us. Soon he became the host of almost all parties organized in this club.

Bella Ogurtsova, " Russian radio", biography, beginning

So Bella would have performed at nightclubs and private parties if Russian Radio had not been looking for equally grandiose presenters for the grand celebration of her birthday. And in the midst of these searches, two workers of the aforementioned radio station wandered into a nightclub, where at that very time Bella Ogurtsova was shining on stage. It must be said that at first it was very difficult for the girls to break through to the “star”, and even when they succeeded, Vladimir did not take the ladies’ story seriously. But he was still generous with the phone number. This moment can be considered the second turning point in the life of Vladimir. The next day the radio station called him back and asked him to come. He was approved for the role of presenter almost immediately. After a grand celebration, where he created a sensation, Vladimir was offered to lead morning show. This is how Bella Ogurtsova appeared, whose biography began with the fact that a regular guy was dissatisfied with the chosen path in life, but did not tolerate it, but began to look for his own path.

On July 31, singer Yulia Proskuryakova appeared on Bella Ogurtsova’s evening show on New Radio. The long-awaited guest told news about the everyday life of a young mother, expressed her opinion on main topic broadcast "What is more important for modern woman: career or family?”, and also presented her new song.

Yulia Proskuryakova on Bella Ogurtsova's show

Yulia Proskuryakova made an honest confession in live about snoring. Evening show goddess of ether Bella Ogurtsova became the place sincere confession that during pregnancy, there was a period when Yulia snored at night. Unable to withstand this physiological torment, Yulia’s husband, composer Igor Nikolaev, recorded this “musical solo” on a dictaphone and gave it to her to listen to.

Yulia Proskuryakova: - It was my shame, just a night of shame! Apparently it was related to pregnancy! I said, “Igor, I understand everything! Sleep somewhere in the kitchen, and we’ll somehow snore here.”

Recording the broadcast for listening

New radio: Yulia Proskuryakova “Yes, I am a mother!”

The premiere of the song “I am a mother!” performed by the duet of Yulia Proskuryakova and Elena Yesenina took place on the air of “New Radio”. This summer hit is blowing up one radio station after another. In the Internet space and in social networks The flash mob #Yamatyacandance is actively taking place. Dozens of mothers with children, strollers and husbands dance to the fiery track. “New Radio” contributed to the general fun with its video with the participation of singer Yulia Proskuryakova, who had a blast singing her song in the studio to the music.

Very soon the shooting of a video clip for the song “I am a mother!” will take place. with the participation of Maxim Galkin, who raps on behalf of the male half of the population. According to Yulia, they came up with a very interesting idea for the video and will begin its implementation any day now. This will be another step acting for Yulia, who, by the way, is in July entered GITIS, to the directing department.

November 13, 2013

Those who regularly listen to Russian Radio broadcasts are undoubtedly familiar with this broken person. Of course, because in her “E-show” program she jokes on the verge of a foul. Sometimes vulgar, sometimes too frank, but always funny and talented. High spirits guaranteed! Many are interested in who is hiding behind the pseudonym “Bella Ogurtsova”; the biography of this lady is of particular interest, because working on the radio is not the only thing she does. Bella is willingly invited to host corporate events and parties. In addition, this lady also sings. In her songs, Bella rather harshly makes fun of empty-headed glamorous party girls. To date, the most famous hit is “Getting Married More Expensive.”

Bella Ogurtsova - biography of a star

Who is hiding behind the image of Bella Ogurtsova? The truth turned out to be somewhat unexpected. As it turned out, her real name is Vladimir. The future star of the drag queen show was born in a small mining town in the Donetsk region. After graduating from high school, I went to study in Cherkassy. Here he received higher education in two specialties: psychology and foreign literature. Apparently, Vladimir didn’t just sit his pants down during lectures. Immediately after graduation, he is hired to work as a psychology teacher at a medical college. At that time the guy was 22 years old. Let's just say that he immediately realized that teaching was not what he wanted to do in life. One fine morning, being late for lectures, I turned not into the students’ classroom, but into the director’s office. Where he wrote a statement “of his own free will” and left for Kyiv. Into the unknown.

First steps in a new role

Upon arrival in the mother of Russian cities, Vladimir gets a job in a nightclub, though for now as a DJ. This period can be considered the starting point, the moment when the image was born, the biography of Bella Ogurtsova began. After all, it was at this time and in this place that another drag queen star, the incomparable Monroe, began her steps in the world of fashionable parties. Looking at her performances, Vladimir realized that he wanted to try himself in a similar role. True, by his own admission, at first the guy was guided by purely mercantile considerations. The fact is that Monroe and other participants in the show received three times more per performance than the DJ. Without thinking twice, Vladimir offered himself to participate in the show. And it worked. This is how Bella Ogurtsova was born, whose biography is so interesting to us. Soon he became the host of almost all parties organized in this club.

Bella Ogurtsova, “Russian Radio”, biography, beginning

So Bella would have performed at nightclubs and private parties if Russian Radio had not been looking for equally grandiose presenters for the grand celebration of her birthday. And in the midst of these searches, two workers of the aforementioned radio station wandered into a nightclub, where at that very time Bella Ogurtsova was shining on stage. It must be said that at first it was very difficult for the girls to break through to the “star”, and even when they succeeded, Vladimir did not take the ladies’ story seriously. But he was still generous with the phone number. This moment can be considered the second turning point in Vladimir’s life. The next day the radio station called him back and asked him to come. He was approved for the role of presenter almost immediately. After a grand celebration, where he created a sensation, Vladimir was offered to host a morning program. This is how Bella Ogurtsova appeared, whose biography began with the fact that an ordinary guy was dissatisfied with his chosen path in life, but did not tolerate it, but began to look for his own path.

Source: fb.ru



Who is Bella Ogurtsova? Today many are already familiar with this eccentric lady. Every evening Bella Ogurtsova waits for her listeners on the Yo-show on Russian radio. She is recognized by her unique and completely inimitable broadcasting style. But even this is not the most unusual thing about her; her true uniqueness lies in the fact that Bella real life man. Bella Ogurtsova is just bright image travesty divas.

Bella's activities are not limited to radio programs. In addition, she actively records songs. In 2006, fans could listen to her first album. The music in them is distinguished by the lightness of the lyrics and fiery rhythms, which makes it possible for the compositions to become real hits.

Bella Ogurtsova - You are the most beautiful

Bella's path to show business was very interesting, because this decision It didn’t come to her right away. Initially, she received her education in Cherkassy, ​​and the training took place at two faculties simultaneously: Bella studied psychology and foreign literature. After completing her studies, Bella held a teaching position in Cherkassy at a medical college, where she gave lectures on medical psychology. Ogurtsova very soon became tired of the routine of such a life; besides this, she did not see the development of her active personality in the position she holds. That is why she decides to radically change her life and goes to Kyiv, where there are more opportunities for development. In the capital, the then young man begins to work as a DJ. It is in a nightclub that he encounters a travesty show, which becomes the reason for the birth of thoughts about trying his hand at this genre.

At this time it is created new image, which I liked. Bella skillfully transforms into a drag queen and this work gives her pleasure. This period was marked by collaboration with no less interesting personality- travesty diva Monroe, who is now well known in Ukrainian show business.

Offer to lead entertainment program Bella received a position on Lux FM radio very soon when the station's management was amazed by her artistic talent while celebrating the radio station's birthday. After this, Bella received new proposals for cooperation: now she can be seen as a presenter of television programs.

Bella Ogurtsova herself talks about her real biography

According to some reports, Bella Ogurtsova’s real name is Botenko Pasha. It is worth saying that gender reassignment through surgery is not worth it. life plans Bellas. According to her, bright character named Bella Ogurtsova - this is only an image that is used exclusively for work. IN ordinary life The eccentric Bela is replaced by a simple guy.

Real photos of Bella Ogurtsova

It takes about two hours to transform into the image of Bella. At the same time, Bella does her own makeup. Exactly this image makes it possible to constantly surprise fans and listeners. So bright and unusual girl- this is what makes you different from others, a kind of unique highlight that attracts increased interest in your personality.

One of Bella's most famous songs is called "Marry More Expensively." Bella was inspired to create this song by talking to Ukrainian singer Masha Fokina. Bella decided to highlight the lifestyle of the category of young people, which in society is usually called “golden”, whose lifestyle in to a greater extent comes down to going to parties. At the same time, Bella is very careful when choosing places where she can relax: visiting cheap clubs is not her style.

Bella Ogurtsova - Getting married at a higher price

Bella Ogurtsova is a character who never gets tired, does not sit in one place, and is constantly developing. Therefore, who knows in what new role the viewer will be able to see her in the near future.