Composition on the theme Images of Alyosha, grandmother, Gypsy and Good deeds in M. Gorky's story “Childhood

The main character of the story is the autobiography of A.M. Gorky "Childhood" is a boy Alyosha Peshkov. Telling about the life of his hero, the writer tells us about his own destiny. The future classic had to grow up in the dark and heavy atmosphere of his grandfather's house. Having experienced all the difficulties and hardships of such a life, he realized that it was impossible to live like this.

The boy's father died early, he had to move with his mother to Nizhny Novgorod, to his grandfather's house. A large family lived there - uncles, cousins, grandfather, grandmother. They earned a living by dyeing fabrics, worked in their workshops. The boy didn't like them.

Alyosha grew up very nimble and curious. At home, he was never beaten, not even slapped in the face. But in his grandfather's house he had to sip in full. Grandfather was cruel, grandchildren received rods for any offense. Alyosha got it too. After grandfather's spanking, he was ill for a long time. When this happened for the first time, he seemed to have matured, became incredibly sensitive to the pain and insults of other people. For him, it became a mental trauma too.

He loved his grandmother, Akulina Ivanovna, very much. She was a large woman with thick black hair. Her movements were smooth, like those of a cat, her smile was kind and snow-white. She was a wise woman, though illiterate. Many went to her for advice. She treated Alyosha well, loved him, pitied him. She told many amazing stories from her life. She also knew many folk tales. She taught the boy, advised him how to act in this or that situation.

Family strife and troubles that now and then occur in the house, the greed and stupidity of relatives, the downtroddenness of their children, very upset and upset Alyosha. On the street, he also could not find friends. The boys there teased the beggars, tortured the animals. Because of this, he often had to fight with them.

Alyosha in the grandfather's family was "different blood, different tribe." He grew up very much like his father. In character, he also differed from the rest of the family. Alyosha is kind, responsive to other people's pain, empathizing with other people's troubles. Surrounding on the contrary, evil, envious, greedy and cowardly. It was hard for him to live in such a society. But thanks to his qualities, the boy managed to find good people. They themselves were drawn to him, feeling his spiritual purity, which is extremely rare in people.

Alyosha was born in a completely different family. There he was loved, and not brought up by beatings. Therefore, he knew that it was possible and necessary to live differently, in love and respect. Living in his grandfather's house, the boy did not become cruel and indifferent, but retained a good attitude towards people. Alyosha remembered the lessons learned in childhood, and this helped him a lot in the future.

Option 2

The writer's work is autobiographical and in it the author tells about his own memories of his distant childhood past.

Alyosha Peshkov is depicted as the protagonist of the story, left an orphan in early childhood and forced to be brought up in the house of his relatives, where a gloomy and heavy atmosphere prevails.

The head of the family is the grandfather, who is distinguished by tyranny and heartlessness, the rest of the family unquestioningly obey the elderly man, since they are characterized by cowardice and greed.

Until the moment he gets to his grandfather's house, Alyosha does not face domestic violence and, only starting to live in his grandfather's family, he sees how evil and unfair a person can be who keeps all family members in fear.

Household members are beaten and corporally punished for any prank or fault, regardless of the presence of guilt, since the grandfather becomes furious for any reason.

The lack of spirituality and greed of the old grandfather creates an atmosphere of anger and humiliation in the house. The boy grows up in constant stress against the background of ridicule and bullying of relatives, forced to endure this situation because of the hopelessness of the situation.

The only dear person for Alyosha in the grandfather's family is the grandmother Akulina Ivanovna, who replaced the baby's mother and became his closest friend. Despite her illiteracy and lack of education, the grandmother is endowed with outstanding artistry and talent, thanks to which she develops in Alyosha a love for creativity, telling numerous fairy tales and myths. Unbridled faith in Jesus Christ, as well as selfless love and kindness, helped the grandmother overcome the hardships of life, the inhumanity of her husband does not harden the character of a woman, but rather makes her stronger in spirit. Alyosha's grandmother turns out to be a decisive person who influenced the development of the boy's inner world and contributed to the disclosure of his best human qualities.

In addition to his grandmother, Alyosha is also supported by several men living in the house, among whom are the blind master Grigory, who has nobility and compassion, a man nicknamed Good Deed, a disinterested educated person with whom Alyosha spends many hours in conversations, as well as a foundling Gypsy, prone to stealing, but characterized by sincere honesty.

Having learned the harsh truth of life in early childhood and experienced a lot of suffering, humiliation, the author overcame all life's difficulties and was able to become not only an excellent writer, but also an extraordinary person.

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Childhood years for Alyosha Peshkov became a good school of life. Punishments and fights gave way to stormy fun, enmity and betrayal side by side with kindness and mercy. Grandmother was the bearer of all the best and brightest in the house. Alyosha was amazed at the way in which she brought order and peace everywhere with her patience and kindness. Akulina Ivanovna enjoyed great respect, all her family loved her. The kindness of her soul and moral strength played a decisive role in the boy’s life: “Before her, it was as if I was sleeping, brought me to the light, tied everything around me into a continuous thread, weaved everything into multi-colored lace and immediately became a friend for life, the closest to my heart, the most understandable and dear person - it was her disinterested love for the world that enriched me, saturating me with strong strength for a difficult life.

Grandmother made the hero of the story think about the most important questions: what is kindness and faith? What should be a person?

Alyosha really liked the "grandmother's" God, he asked her to tell him about God. We see how grandmother imagined God: “The Lord is sitting on a hill, in the middle of a paradise meadow ... And around the Lord angels fly in multitudes ... It is not given to a person to see God - you will go blind; only the saints look at him with all their eyes. But I saw angels; they show up when the soul is pure.” Alyosha imagined that “everything easily and obediently submits to this God: people, dogs, birds, bees and grasses; he was equally kind to everything on earth, equally close. Grandmother's God was understandable and not terrible for the hero, “but it was impossible to lie in front of him - it's a shame. He caused me only invincible shame, and I never lied to my grandmother. Alyosha remembered the lessons of his grandmother, which contributed to the moral development of the boy. One of these lessons was the case when Alyosha took revenge on the innkeeper.

Grandmother did not like this act: “Do not get confused in the affairs of adults! Adults are corrupt people; they have been tested by God, but you haven’t yet, and live like a child’s mind, wait for the Lord to touch your heart, show you your work, lead you on the path, understand? And who is to blame for what is none of your business. The Lord judge and punish. Him, not us!

Grandfather's God and prayer were different from grandmother's. Grandfathers God is "an omnipresent, omniscient, all-seeing being." He prayed firmly, repeating his lesson exactly, crossing himself frequently, convulsively nodding his head, his voice squealing and sobbing.

Unlike my grandmother’s kind and just God, my grandfather always emphasized in the power of God her cruelty: “... people have sinned and — they are drowned, they have sinned again and — they have been burned, their cities have been destroyed.” “... grandfathers God aroused fear and hostility in me: he did not love anyone, followed everything with a strict eye, he first of all looked for and saw in a person bad, evil, sinful.”

In childhood, during the period of personality formation, the child especially needs moral guidelines in life. "Thoughts and feelings about God were the main food" for Alyosha's soul. God in the boy's soul was associated with the image of his grandmother, which is why he liked him, unlike the God of his grandfather. The first lessons of morality received from my grandmother remained forever with Alyosha: “I could not stand it when the guys played dogs and roosters, tortured cats, chased Jewish goats, mocked drunken beggars and blessed Igosha Death in Pocket." Alyosha ran away from Grigory Ivanovich, who was completely blind and walked the streets begging for alms. He was "unbearably ashamed in front of him", ashamed that grandfather refused the old master in shelter and food.

Alyosha Peshko-va's childhood became a good school of life. Faced with human malice and cruelty, he had to grow up early. But the boy's heart did not harden, it remained open to love for people. From his grandmother, Alyosha learned to draw strength, learned optimism, selfless love for the world, she revealed to him a bright and kind God. God for a boy is a symbol of all the beauty that surrounds a person. Reflections on "dear friend to all living things" contributed to Alyosha's spiritual and moral development.


Among the books I have read lately, I would note M. Gorky's trilogy "Childhood", "In People" and "My Universities" as the most striking. I was deeply moved by the childhood story of Alyosha Peshkov, a boy who went through so many trials. I especially remember the image of his grandmother. It seems to me that this is one of the most exalted female images of Russian literature. After reading this book, I learned better about the life of people in pre-revolutionary Russia. In "Childhood" Gorky skillfully describes the children's vision of the world, as if he remembered exactly everything that happened to him in childhood. The world around him opens before Alyosha in separate, loosely connected scenes, the meaning and tragic significance of which he still cannot determine and evaluate. Terrible coincidences of circumstances fall upon the little hero: his father dies, and right there, at the coffin of his father, lies a mother in labor. All this from the first pages pierced me with the element of terrible life truth.

Written with such authenticity that I had no doubt: these facts really took place in real life. Probably, this truth of life attracted my attention to Gorky's book more than the biographies of other authors. Perhaps Gorky manages to achieve such powerful artistic power in the work, because he deliberately does not bring an adult understanding of people and his own personal life experience into the images and events. With all this, I could not detect any literary devices in his narration. It is noteworthy that after reading the book, I did not learn much about the fate of the hero: why, for example, the condition of his grandfather worsens, where his mother disappears from time to time, why he suddenly has to move to another house. From the grandmother's stories, something becomes clear, but much remains, as it were, behind the scenes for both the reader and the hero himself. But, oddly enough, such a limited presentation of everyday facts helped me to better see the world through the eyes of a hero.

Books were of great importance in Alyosha's life. They helped him to know the beauty and vastness of the world. I believe that one can learn from the hero Gorky how to read books. Alyosha himself learned to distinguish a good book from a bad one by repeated reading. He trained his mind, was independent of school authorities. So he independently, without prompting, felt that Pushkin was a genius: “Pushkin surprised me so much with the simplicity and music of verse that for a long time prose seemed unnatural to me and it was embarrassing to read it.” Of course, here Alyosha first of all needs to thank his grandmother. She instilled in him a poetic taste. From childhood, he listened to her songs and fairy tales. Grandmother showed Alyosha the beauty of her native language.

It is generally accepted that now is not the time for bookworms. Information is absorbed mainly from TV screens and tape cassettes. But Aksakov, Balzac, Sologub, Boisgobe, Tyutchev, Goncourt and other classics, which the Gorky hero read excitedly, cannot be counted from cassettes. And this is a huge layer of culture.
I like Alyosha and the fact that he read books purposefully: Rocombol taught him to be persistent, Dumas' characters inspired a desire to devote his life to some significant cause. I personally cannot name other works in which the hero, like Alyosha, was influenced by the books he read and which would have so influenced his fate and even the fate of the people around Alyosha. For example, when Alyosha came across Lermontov's "Demon", he read it aloud - and a real miracle happened: in the icon-painting workshop, people were transformed, went shocked by what they heard, and even secretly cried. Inspired Alyosha arranged all sorts of performances. He liked to please people. He, as it were, transformed himself into the hero of the book, with an ardent desire to do good to people.

Of course, I understand that Gorky's hero reads those books that were characteristic of that time, that corresponded to the tastes of those readers distant from us by time. But this circumstance does not in the least make Alyosha a far removed person from us. He is modern in his grasp of life: he catches birds for sale, and his grandmother sells them on market days. The reader feels the labor in the description of Gorky almost physically. The scenes of labor in the bakery and in the icon-painting workshop are detailed and clearly written out.
Gorky's trilogy tells, first of all, how, despite all the insults and disappointments, love and faith in man grew in Alyosha Peshkov. The writer led his hero through severe trials. He began to understand that thoughts about life are no less difficult than life itself. But he does not refuse this burden. Alyosha's path is full of many misconceptions and mistakes. He lives to the point where faith leaves him and he is ready to commit suicide. But by doing this, he only arouses sympathy in me more, because he finds the strength in himself to rise and continue the ascent.

Among other things, the book opened the writer to me from an unknown side, and I do not regret that I read it.

Images of Alyosha, grandmother, Gypsy and Good deeds in M. Gorky's story "Childhood". "Bright, healthy, creative in Russian life"
1. The story of M. Gorky "Childhood". 2. The image of Alyosha, the main character of the story. Autobiographical character. 3. The image of a grandmother. 4. Gypsies. 5. Good deal.

Russian writer, publicist and public figure Maxim Gorky (Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov) can be called one of the key figures in Soviet literature.

The story "Childhood" was created in the period between two revolutions: after the failed revolution of 1905-1907 and before October. This story is autobiographical, in it the writer offers the reader a description of his own childhood in literary processing. The most important, in our opinion, images in this work are the images of Alyosha, grandmother, Gypsy and Good deed. All of them are united by one thing: positive coloring and warm attitude of the author towards them. Among other things, these heroes influenced the formation of Alyosha's character.

Alyosha, of course, is to a certain extent the prototype of Gorky himself in childhood. At least for this reason, the image of Alyosha needs careful consideration. What he really is?

We meet Alyosha on the pages of the story at a dramatic moment in his life: his father died, and the boy cannot understand what is happening, why his mother, disheveled, is crying, his father is sleeping and seems to be smiling: “... my father is lying, dressed in white and unusually long ... a kind face is dark and frightens me with badly bared teeth.

After the death of his father, Alyosha moved with his mother and grandmother to Novgorod, where his mother's family lives. In his grandfather's house, Alyosha encountered the dark life of a "stupid tribe": "Grandfather's house was filled with a hot fog of mutual enmity between everyone and everyone, it poisoned adults, and even children took an active part in it." Living in my grandfather's house was not easy. Grandfather, a cruel and greedy man, was also domineering and not very happy. Alyosha hardly finds a common language with him. Uncles are senselessly cruel. And it was easy for the boy only with his grandmother.

Grandmother, “round, big-headed, with huge eyes and a funny, loose nose; she is all black, soft and surprisingly interesting, ”attracted the boy to her from the first meeting. He immediately reached out to this kind woman. The appearance of his grandmother made an indelible impression on Alyosha. As he talks about himself, a little one, Gorky: “Before her, it was as if I was sleeping, hidden in the dark, but she appeared, woke me up, brought me to the light, tied everything around me into a continuous thread ... and immediately became a friend for life, the most close to my heart." Grandmother - kind and affectionate - will always help and sympathize. “... She singsongly said:

Lord, Lord! How good everything is! No, you look how good everything is!

It was the cry of her heart, the slogan of her whole life. The master, Gregory, spoke of her like this: “... she does not like lies, she does not understand. She looks like a saint... And Alyosha agreed with this point of view.

Grandmother instilled in the boy a love of folk tales, hope for a good and bright life.

Another important person in the life of the hero is Ivan, nicknamed Gypsy. Gypsy is an apprentice in Alyosha's grandfather's house. This is a "square, broad-chested, with a huge curly head" cheerful guy. The first acquaintance with him as a person happened to Alyosha under dramatic circumstances: his grandfather decided to flog him. Tsyganok, seeing that "grandfather went into a rage", began to put his hand under the rod. Tsyganok admits that he is "roguish". In the perception of Alyosha, Tsyganok was associated with the heroes of Russian folk tales: "I looked at his cheerful face and remembered my grandmother's tales about Ivan Tsarevich, about Ivanushka the Fool." Alyosha learned from his grandmother that Tsyganok was "a foundling, in early spring, on a rainy night, he was found at the gate of the house on a bench."

The gypsy was indeed a swindler. He stole not out of poverty or greed, but because of the gallant prowess. It was interesting to him, and from the side of Alyosha's grandfather he did not meet with censure. Only Alyoshin's grandmother said that Tsyganok was acting badly, she was afraid that he might be caught and beaten.

The gypsy died, he was crushed with a cross.

Grandmother and Tsyganok were Alyosha's outlet in his grandfather's gloomy and cruel house. These two people helped him learn to love and pity people, to see evil and distinguish it from good. Both kind and affectionate, with an open soul and a kind heart, they greatly facilitated the boy's life with their very existence.

And I would like to tell about one more person who played a role in the formation of Alyosha as a person. Alyosha met a man called Good Deed when his grandfather sold the old house and bought another one. There were many people in the house, but the boy was most interested in the Good Deed. This man got his nickname for the habit, whenever he was invited to drink tea or dine, to say: "Good deal." The Good Deed room was full of books and bottles of colorful liquids. “From morning to evening, he, in a red leather jacket, in gray plaid pants, all smeared with some kind of paint ... melted lead, soldered some copper things ...”. Good deal was a strange man. They did not like him in the house, they called him a sorcerer and a warlock. But Alyosha was interested in this man.

A good deed was engaged in chemical experiments, was smart "and incredibly lonely. A strange friendship struck up between the boy and Good deed. A good deed gave Alyosha advice: "Real strength is in the speed of movement; the faster, the stronger."

Soon Alyosha's grandfather kicked Good Deed out of the house, the boy was upset by this, angry at his grandfather and grandmother. The protagonist spoke of friendship with a Good Deed like this: “Thus ended my friendship with the first person from an endless series of strangers in my native country, her best people.”

So, thanks to the fact that, in addition to evil, greedy and unfortunate people, stagnant in prejudice, Alyosha saw kind, smart, loving people, he was able to become a Man with a capital letter. As a child, he had a very acute perception of evil and injustice, and thanks to the loving people around him, this feeling did not develop into an insult to the whole world around him. Alyosha was able to see that in any circumstances a person can remain a person without bending under a complex and cruel world.

Childhood years for Alyosha Peshkov became a good school of life. Punishments and fights gave way to stormy fun, enmity and side by side with kindness and mercy. Grandmother was the bearer of all the best and brightest in the house. Alyosha was amazed at the way in which she brought order and peace everywhere with her patience and kindness. Akulina Ivanovna enjoyed great respect, all her family loved her. The kindness of her soul and moral strength played a decisive role in the boy’s life: “Before her, I seemed to be sleeping, brought to light, tied everything around me into a continuous thread, weaved everything into multi-colored lace and immediately became a lifelong friend, closest to my heart , the most understandable and dear person - it was her disinterested love for the world that enriched me, saturating me with strong strength for a difficult life.

Grandmother made the hero of the story think about the most important questions: what is kindness and Faith? What should be a person?

Alyosha really liked "grandmother's God, he asked her to tell him about God. We see how grandmother imagined God: “The Lord is sitting on a hill, in the middle of a paradise meadow ... And around the Lord, angels fly in multitudes ... God is not given to a person to see - you will go blind; only the saints look at him with all their eyes. But I saw angels; they are shown when the soul is pure. Alyosha imagined that everything obeys this God easily and obediently: people, dogs, birds, bees and grasses; he was equally kind to everything on earth, equally close. Grandmother's God was understandable and not terrible for the hero, ”but it was impossible to lie in front of him - it’s a shame. He caused me only invincible shame, and I never lied to my grandmother. Alyosha remembered the lessons of his grandmother, which contributed to the moral development of the boy. One of these lessons was the case when Alyosha took revenge on the innkeeper.

Grandmother didn’t like this act: “Don’t get confused in the affairs of adults! Adults are corrupt people; they have been tested by God, but you haven’t yet, and live like a child’s mind, wait for the Lord to touch your heart, show you your work, lead you on the path, understand? And who is to blame for what is none of your business. God judge and punish. Him, not us!