The use of distance learning technologies in teaching. Distance learning technology Distance technologies

Distance learning is a complex of educational services provided with the help of a specialized information and educational environment based on the means of exchanging educational information at a distance (satellite television, radio, computer communications, etc.).

Distance learning is learning at a distance. The distance learning system allows you to acquire the necessary skills and new knowledge using a personal computer and access to the Internet. The location of the computer does not matter, so you can study at home, at work, in the on-line class of one of the distance learning centers, as well as in any other place where there is a PC with an Internet connection. This is the most important advantage of distance learning over traditional forms of learning.

The distance learning system must ensure the following functions:

    delivery to students of the main volume of the studied material with the help of information technology;

    interactive interaction between students and teachers in the learning process;

    providing students with the possibility of independent work on the development of the studied educational material;

    assessment of knowledge and skills of trainees in the learning process .

According to the technology of data transmission at a distance, the following can be distinguished forms of distance learning:

    through interactive TV and videoconferencing;

    via teleconferences, IRC, MOO, MUD (based on the Internet);

    via www.

Today, Internet technology is supplanting other forms.

According to the method of obtaining educational information, there are:

    synchronous learning systems;

    asynchronous learning systems.

Synchronous systems imply simultaneous participation in the process of training sessions of the trainees and the teacher. These systems include:

    interactive TV,


    computer teleconferencing,

Asynchronous systems do not require the simultaneous participation of students and the teacher. The student himself chooses the time and plan of classes. Such systems in distance education include courses based on printed materials, audio / video cassettes, e-mail, WWW, FTP.

Mixed systems that use elements of both synchronous and asynchronous systems.

Distance learning levels:

    global (international and federal) - ("Global Lecture Hall", "University of the World", "International Electronic University");

    regional distance learning systems - within the region;

    local distance learning systems - within the city, university, etc.

The use of distance learning in the organization of the educational process involves the development of three types of technologies:

    case technologies, when educational and methodological materials are completed in a special set (case from the English case) and transferred (sent) to the student for independent study (with periodic consultations with tutors assigned to him);

    TV-technology, which is based on the use of television lectures with consultations from tutors;

    network technology built on the use of the Internet, both to provide the student with educational and methodological material, and for the interactive interaction of the tutor and the student and students among themselves.

For students, case technology should be considered basic, since it is it that can form the set of educational and methodological support (including electronic and traditional textbooks and manuals), which allows the student to be professionally trained in his chosen specialty.

The following learning tools can be effectively used in case technology:

    programs for the study of disciplines with guidelines for the implementation of control, course and final work;

    printed fundamental textbooks and teaching aids for each of the disciplines of the course;

    special printed educational and practical aids with tests for self-control and control;

    review (setting) audio or video lectures on each discipline of the course;

    laboratory workshops;

    computer electronic textbooks and / or computer training programs in all disciplines of the course.

Benefits of distance learning :

    the possibility of remote learning for foreigners, disabled people and people with various disabilities;

    the opportunity to learn at your own pace;

    free access of students to databases, library catalogs and other information resources;

    convenience in the conduct of personal files of students;

    interactivity (the ability to quickly exchange information);

    the ability to take tests in direct access mode.

Flaws :

    lack of personal communication with the teacher;

    the need for strict self-discipline, self-control;

    the need to use special equipment (personal computer, Internet access);

    difficulties with user authentication when checking knowledge;

    lack of practical skills and abilities.

All of the above teaching technologies (or their elements) in one form or another can be used in the educational process of higher education.

Report on the topic « Distance Educational Technologies as a Component of the Formation of a Modern Educational Environment” was prepared and announced at the regional scientific and practical conference “Educational Environment of the Voronezh Region in the Conditions of Modernization of Russian Education” and was included in the collection of articles published following the results of the conference.



MKOU "Vysokinskaya secondary school"

Liskinsky district

Voronezh region

Regional scientific and practical conference

"The educational environment of the Voronezh region in the context of the modernization of Russian education."

Section "Students - participants in the modernization of the educational environment"

«Distance educational technologies

As a component of the formation of modern

educational environment".

Prepared by: I.I. Schneider,

Deputy Director for VR

With. high

year 2012

Don't be afraid of the future. Look into it, don't be deceived by it, but don't be afraid. Yesterday I went up to the captain's bridge and saw waves as huge as mountains and the prow of the ship, which cut them confidently. And I asked myself why the ship conquers the waves, although there are so many of them, and he is alone? And I realized - the reason is that the ship has a purpose, but the waves do not. If we have a goal, we will always get where we want to go.

Winston Churchill.

The modernization of Russian education is aimed at improving its quality, achieving new educational results that are adequate to the requirements of modern society. It is largely due to the fact that the educational process has become less and less consistent with social expectations. The former education system, which successfully trained highly qualified personnel for the country for many decades, today is largely unable to ensure the achievement of the required educational level. Orientation towards new educational results entails significant changes. But, and this is logical,one of the main objects - participants in the modernization of the educational environment, remains the student.

In the educational standards of the new generation, special attention is paid to the need to develop students' meta-skills (general skills that are in demand in different subject areas), to increase the share of independent work, and to form their evaluative independence.First of all, the task of forming the skills of independent cognitive and practical activities of students is being updated. The main goal of the educational process is not only the assimilation of knowledge, but also the mastery of the methods of this assimilation, the development of cognitive needs and the creative potential of students. Achieving personal learning outcomes, developing the motivational resources of students requires the implementation of a student-oriented educational process, the construction of individual educational programs and trajectories for each student.Under these conditions, the widespread use of distance learning technologies in school education is becoming a requirement of the time.

In Russia, the date of the official development of distance learning can be considered May 30, 1997, when order No. 1050 of the Ministry of Education was issued, allowing the experiment of distance learning in the field of education.

As you know, "distance educational technologies are understood as educational technologies implemented mainly with the use of information and telecommunication technologies with indirect (at a distance) or not fully mediated interaction between the student and the teacher."The basis of the educational process in distance education is the purposeful and controlled intensive independent work of the student, who can study in a place convenient for himself, according to an individual schedule, having a set of special teaching aids and an agreed opportunity to contact the teacher.

The purpose of introducing distance learning technologies into the education system is to ensure the availability of quality education for students, regardless of place of residence, social status and health status.

What application can distance learning technologies get in the modernization of school education?

With their help, you can significantly diversify the areas of profile education, giving students the opportunity for a clearer professional orientation. They have a fairly wide choice of specialized areas of study in high school.

Recently, more and more widely in schools, including our school, in grades 10-11, training according to individual programs is becoming more widespread. It is becoming more and more obvious that the class-lesson system that has existed for so long is hindering the intellectual development of a high school student. Conducting 6-7 lessons of 45 minutes each, during which the student must delve into the essence of new knowledge, and then doing homework leaves no chance for an in-depth study of the subject, a more serious study of the problem, an independent search for information to solve this problem. But the formation of skills to work with information is one of the main goals of modern education.

Doctors are sounding the alarm about the health of the younger generation, the workload of high school students gives sad results. But it is quite easy to transfer most of the information material that does not require significant intellectual effort to comprehend it to remote forms, including possible forms of testing, control and necessary consultations. Partial replacement of class-lesson activities with independent activities not only significantly relieves the student’s precious daytime time, but also creates conditions for productive independent creative activity, and gives the teacher the opportunity for additional consultations for those students who need it.

Distance learning solves problems when there are difficulties with the quality provision of students with full-time forms of education. These are children with disabilities, for whom attending a full-time education system causes difficulties, as well as gifted children from rural areas who want to improve their level of knowledge.

As noted above, distance technologies are a tool for implementing the basic principles of a student-centered approach to learning. The system provides for constant communication between students, both among themselves and with the teacher. But it should be a collaboration, not a transfer of knowledge. In this situation, the education system is moving from an authoritarian teacher-student relationship to a collaborative partner-teacher-partner-student relationship. At the same time, it is important to learn how to differentiate learning. This approach involves the intellectual and moral development of the individual, the formation and development of critical and creative thinking, the ability to work with information. Distance learning provides the greatest possible interactivity between the student and the teacher, feedback, and thus the individualization of learning. One of the features of distance education is the ability to refine completed individual tasks. If the student did not complete the task well enough, the teacher can return it for revision, pointing out the errors that need to be corrected. This contributes to the development of critical, productive thinking in the student. However, there may be problems here when students begin to face various kinds of difficulties, technical and psychological, such as low-speed Internet, network failures, inability to carry out independent educational activities, and others. In this case, it is necessary to create a favorable psychological climate, which in turn depends on the professional competence of the teacher, taking into account the psychological characteristics of students, building the educational process on the principles of cooperation and mutual respect.

Thus, as the practice of teachers who use distance learning technologies in their activities shows, this form of work is very convenient and useful. The advantages of distance learning technologies include:

  1. Learning at an individual pace - the speed of learning is set by the student himself, depending on his personal circumstances and needs.
  1. Freedom and flexibility - the student can choose any of the numerous courses of study, as well as independently plan the time, place and duration of classes.
  2. Accessibility - independence from the geographical and temporal location of the student and educational institution allows you not to limit yourself in educational needs.
  3. Mobility - the effective implementation of feedback between the teacher and the student is one of the main requirements and foundations for the success of the learning process.
  4. Manufacturability - the use in the educational process of the latest achievements of information and telecommunication technologies.
  5. Social equality - equal opportunities for education, regardless of the place of residence, health status, elitism and material security of the student.
  6. Creativity is a comfortable environment for the student's creative self-expression.
  7. Objectivity - as a result of the use of interactive workshops, various forms of testing, knowledge assessment can take place automatically, without the participation of a teacher. This eliminates bias.

There are many more advantages of distance learning, but it should not completely replace regular classroom activities, although it can very effectively complement them.

Despite the many positive aspects of the use of DOT in schools, it is limited by a number of factors. For example:

  1. insufficient motivation of schoolchildren to study, therefore, the need for stricter control than in other cases;
  2. inability, due to age and the corresponding level of development, to organize their work, which requires the teacher to develop a training plan in detail;
  3. the need to test knowledge often in person;
  4. students with poor health need a teacher's visit not only as an element of the actual educational process, but as one of the channels of communication with the outside world, from which they are often cut off.

Yes, time does not stand still. With the development of new technologies, the world develops. Progress comes to all spheres of our life, including education. So, since October 1, 2012, distance learning technologies have “came” to several schools in the Liskinsky district. Classes were equipped with all the necessary equipment installed: Apple computers with OSMacintosh, cameras, microscopes,Wi-Fi Internet connection,interactive board. It seemed that this is happiness.

But for now, everything is just beginning, on the way there are many questions and problems inthe use of distance learning technologies, which we all have to solve.

I would like to finish with the words of V.A.Kanavo: “Distance education allows you to implement two basic principles of modern education - “education for all” and “education through life””, but we must remember that this technology requires careful development, preparation of materials for a very high level and a deliberate approach, since it is a qualified education that provides the basic values ​​for a person in the age of information technology.


  1. Distance learning in the modern world.: INION RAN, 2002
  2. A. Romanov, V. Toroptsev. Distance Learning Technology.: Unity-Dana, 2000
  3. Distance learning tools: BHV-Petersburg, 2003
  4. I. Ibragimov. Information technologies and means of distance learning.: Academy, 2007
  5. Pedagogical technologies of distance learning: a textbook for students of higher education. textbook institutions [Text]// E.S. Polat, M.I. Moiseeva, A.E. Petrov. M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2006. 200 p.
  6. Internet resources.

is a modern type of education that is gaining more and more popularity.

The essence of the distance method is the implementation of the educational process at a distance in real time. The student and the teacher communicate via the Internet, the teacher transmits, and the student receives knowledge and tasks, passes tests. At the same time, the teacher can be removed from the student at any distance, they can live in and on different continents.

Such training became possible thanks to the development of Internet technologies, the spread of electronic means of communication. Distance learning differs from the full-time educational process in the method of conducting classes.

And therefore, it requires methodological changes in the implementation of the education of schoolchildren and students. What distance education technologies are used in modern distance learning? What kind of technologies exist for the use of distance technologies in education?

Distance learning technologies are based on the following methods of information transfer:

  1. Electronic textbooks and reference books: contain and store information.
  2. Internet: sends any form of information (text, graphics, video, photo, sound), two-way communication in the form of seminars, discussions.

To implement distance education, it is necessary to communicate at a distance in real time. To ensure such communication, technical support is used, which includes the following tools and devices:

  • Information transmission network (Internet). This network assumes the functions of transmitting the image of the faces of the teacher and the student, the provided video information (texts, tables, pictures), verbal information.
  • Devices that receive and send information in real mode. Such devices are tablets, sometimes mobile phones. The device must provide visual and audible contact between the teacher and the student(s).

The operation of modern means of information transmission depends on the availability of electrical transmission devices and communications communications.

Distance learning methods

Traditional teaching of schoolchildren and students includes lectures, practical work, independent research, written assignments and oral surveys.

Distance technologies in education suggest some changes in the methods used:

  1. Lecture or presentation of ready-made information: requires a certain level of self-discipline from the student.
  2. Self-study (abstract): does not change, since in both cases (full-time education or distance education), the student provides the teacher with the result of the search or research that he performs on his own.
  3. Practical work: much more complicated. They require the teacher to develop detailed step-by-step instructions and in-depth consultation on the performance of the work. In some cases, the implementation of practical work remotely becomes impossible.
  4. Completion of tasks: changes in the form of sending text. For the convenience of sending and receiving tasks, tests are used in which the result of lengthy calculations can be indicated by choosing a single number.
  5. Oral questioning: requires self-discipline from the student, since remote questioning allows the use of tips, cheat sheets and other means not allowed in full-time school education.

Traditional teaching methods require changes and additions to organize distance learning.

Benefits of distance learning

The wide spread of distance education is explained by the significant advantages of distance learning:

  • The possibility of organizing lessons in hard-to-reach areas, for disabled and often ill children, the possibility of studying in foreign universities.
  • The possibility of full-fledged distance learning in universities.
  • Ability to practice during epidemics or in difficult weather conditions.
  • Individual approach to teaching each student.
  • Loyal approach to training time.
  • Opportunity, acquisition of a second specialty, additional knowledge.
  • Reduced training costs.
  • Self-discipline and responsibility of the student.
  • Universal accessibility of education (any age, level of education, professional training, anywhere on the planet where there is a communicative connection).

Capital Training Center LLC

Abstract by discipline:

"Information technologies in the management of an educational organization"

On this topic:

« Distance technologies in education »


Rogoza Roman Valentinovich

Full name

Moscow 2018 year



1.What is distance learning technologies?......................…….….….5

2. Classification of distance learning technologies…...…....…...6

3. Models for the implementation of distance learning technologies.……..9

4. Distinctive features and advantages of bunkers…………....……..….…11

Conclusion………………………………………………………………………… 14



Distance learning (DL) - a set of technologies that ensure the delivery of the main volume of the studied material to students, the interactive interaction of students and teachers in the learning process, providing students with the opportunity to work independently to master the material being studied, as well as in the learning process.

remoteeducational technologies (DOT)have already become a reality. They are widely used in the system of higher professional education, and are gradually being introduced in secondary education as well.

Somewhat away from the use of DOT are still schools. This is largely due to the fact that, firstly, teachers are not ready to use these technologies, secondly, the methodological base of DET has not been developed (i.e. there are no ready-made materials that can be used), are not quite ready to switch to the use of bunkers, as they do not have developed skills for independent work.

Modern distance learning is based on the use of the following main elements:

Information transmission media (mail, television, radio, information communication networks);

Methods dependent on the technical environment for information exchange.

The basis of the educational process in distance education is the purposeful and controlled intensive independent work of the student, who can study in a place convenient for himself, according to an individual schedule, having a set of special teaching aids and an agreed opportunity to contact the teacher.

The purpose of introducing distance learning technologies into the education system is to ensure the availability of quality education for students, regardless of place of residence, social status and health status.

What application can distance learning technologies get in the modernization of school education?

With their help, you can significantly diversify the areas of profile education, giving students the opportunity for a clearer professional orientation. They have a fairly wide choice of specialized areas of study in high school.

Recently, more and more widely in schools, including our school, in grades 10-11, training according to individual programs is becoming more widespread. It is becoming more and more obvious that the class-lesson system that has existed for so long is hindering the intellectual development of a high school student. Conducting 6-7 lessons of 45 minutes each, during which the student must delve into the essence of new knowledge, and then doing homework leaves no chance for an in-depth study of the subject, a more serious study of the problem, an independent search for information to solve this problem. But the formation of skills to work with information is one of the main goals of modern education.

I would like to complete the introduction with the words of V.A. Kanavo: “Distance education allows you to implement two basic principles of modern education - “education for all” and “education through life””, but we must remember that this technology requires careful development, preparation of materials for a very high level and a deliberate approach, since it is a qualified education that provides the basic values ​​for a person in the age of information technology.

What is Distance Educational Technologies?

    • Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" dated July 10, 1993 No. 3266-1 (Article 32) provides the following definition: "distance educational technologies (DET) are understood as educational technologies implemented mainly with the use of information and telecommunication technologies with indirect (at a distance) or incompletely mediated interaction between the student and the teacher.

using distance learning technologies” emphasizes that the purpose of using DOT by an educational institution is to provide students with the opportunity to master educational programs directly at the student’s place of residence or his temporary stay (location).

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 23, 2005

803 it is noted that gradually the proportion of the number of graduates

educational institutions that have mastered the educational program using distance learning methods”:

Stage 1: 2006 - 5%, 2007 - 5%

Stage 2: 2008 7 % , year 2009 10 %

Stage 3: 2010 20 %

The main distance educational technologies are :

    case technology,

    internet Technology,

    telecommunication technology.

A combination of the main types of technologies is allowed.

Classification of distance learning technologies

Complex case technologies

This group of technologies is based on the independent study of printed and multimedia educational materials provided to the student in the form of a case, while a significant role is given to face-to-face classes. These classes include introductory lectures, active seminars, training, game forms, as well as consulting and test forms. In many cases, the emphasis is on the active work of students in groups with specially trained tutors.

The technologies of this group use computer networks and modern communications for holding consultations, conferences, correspondence and providing students with educational and other information from electronic libraries, databases and electronic administration systems.

A feature of the educational and methodological materials used in this group of technologies are the following characteristics:

The completeness and integrity of a systematically organized set of materials that allow the student to fully study the course (discipline) in the face of a significant reduction in face-to-face contacts with the teacher and separation from fundamental educational libraries;

Significant interactivity of all materials, suggesting and stimulating active independent work of students;

Significant orientation to the professional activities of trainees (especially for additional professional education).

The following learning tools can be actively used in case technology:

Training programs with guidelines for the implementation of control, course and final work;

Printed fundamental textbooks and teaching aids for each of the disciplines of the course;

Special printed educational and practical aids with tests for self-control and control;

Overview (installation) audio or video lectures on each discipline of the course;

Laboratory workshops;

Computer electronic textbooks and / or computer training programs for all disciplines of the course on CDs.

Another important element of these technologies is face-to-face classes (tutorials), periodically conducted using complex forms designed for the practical application by the trainee of various knowledge and skills acquired in the course of independent study and comprehension of large independent blocks of educational material. A distinctive feature of distance learning in general is the change in the role of the teacher in the educational process, the emergence of a new type of teacher-tutor, as well as the separation of the functions of teachers who develop educational and methodological materials, and teachers who directly supervise the student and conduct most of the classes in full-time education.

Certification and are allowed to work with trainees only after receiving the appropriate certificates. For technologies of this group, the issues of training and methodological support for tutors turned out to be the most developed.

computer network technologies

This group of technologies is characterized by the widespread use of computer training programs and electronic textbooks available to students via the global (Internet) and local (intranet) computer networks. At the same time, the share and role of full-time studies is significantly less than in the previously described group of case technologies.

The creation and organization of distance learning based on these technologies requires the use of developed specialized software tools (shells) that allow you to create and maintain electronic courses, as well as organize the learning process based on them.

Network technology has been developing since 1998 based on the Internet. All training materials are hosted on the server and are available upon conclusion of an agreement for self-study. Through the Internet, it is possible to contact the teacher, take intermediate and final tests. Exams are taken at the nearest training center.

This system contains the following tools:

Bulletin board (seminars), electronic distributed seminars are held in the mode of forums in the allocated time in accordance with the schedule;

Chat designed for discussion between the teacher and students in real time;

Internal e-mail, with the help of which consultations can be carried out while studying the course of lectures;

A tool to use the course materials found on the CD (to offload the Internet).

Remote technologies using television networks and satellite data channels

The educational technology is based on a modular principle, which implies the division of the discipline into closed blocks (units), for which control measures are provided. In all training centers, educational technology is identical.

For all disciplines, a standard set of classes has been developed - a set of norms in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard (SES). At the same time, such forms of classroom studies are used as introductory and modular lectures, television coursework, teletutoring to prepare for coursework and exams, individual and group training of skills and abilities, module and examination testing, consultations on the Internet in asynchronous mode, providing contact of students of all educational centers with qualified teachers, etc.

Monitoring the quality of learning by students is implemented using an electronic testing system. The following stages of monitoring the quality of knowledge assimilation have been developed:

Operational lecture testing;

Individual computer training;

Modular control testing based on the results of studying the block;

Written examination and examination testing based on the results of studying the discipline.

Models for the implementation of distance learning technologies

Depending on the goals and conditions, educational institutions can choose a specific model for the implementation of distance learning technologies.

The implementation model of distance learning technologies means:

Unified ways of organizing the activities of educational institutions;

Unified methods of organizing educational activities of students and teachers.

Educational institutions using distance technologies are mainly guided by six models that use both traditional practices and modern ones:

    The first model is external training .

This model of education is acceptable for institutions of secondary and higher education, since it is more focused on school and university requirements.

    The second model is university-based training .

In this model, training is carried out on the basis of information technology, including computer telecommunications. This model of organizing training is typical for many leading universities in the world.

Training takes place mainly on case technology.

    The third model is training based on the cooperation of several educational institutions.

Such a model is primarily beneficial for students due to a better and less expensive learning process. It provides for the joint development of unified programs in the main, leading disciplines . Each educational institution specializes in organizing certain courses. At the same time, training programs become better and less expensive. The basis of training in this model can be electronic textbooks.

    The fourth modeltraining in specialized educational institutions.

We are talking about centers that only organize distance learning courses and do not use other forms of organizing educational activities. The training is based on the independent work of students with textbooks, special literature, recordings on audio and video cassettes, computer programs.

    Fifth model - learning using autonomous learning systems.

Education is based entirely on radio and television broadcasts, as well as additionally distributed paper manuals. This approach allows you to cover a huge number of people who want to gain knowledge without the use of expensive equipment (personal computers and the necessary peripherals).

    The sixth model is learning in a virtual educational environment.

This model is characterized by convenience and simplicity for both students and teachers. The opportunity to study on an individual educational route and access to take one, several or all of the courses presented on the site.

Another fairly common classification of distance learning models was created by the UNESCO Institute in 2000 based on a study of higher education institutions, but is applicable to any educational institution:

Single model;

Double model;

mixed model;



Remote audience model.

Distinctive features and benefits of DOT

From the general variety of educational technologies, DOTs have a number of special characteristics, such as:

1) separation of teaching and learning processes in time and space;

2) development of educational programs by the trainee at the place of residence with the dominant of independent work, with periodic meetings of a group of students;

3) the widespread use of review training, implemented through review lectures, helping the student to create a holistic picture of the studied field of knowledge and activity;

4) the use of the modular principle, which involves the division of the subject into logically closed blocks, called modules, within which both the study of new material and control measures to verify its assimilation take place;

5) managing the independent work of an educational institution conducting distance learning by means of curricula, specially prepared educational, methodological and educational materials and special control procedures;

6) the mandatory use of communication technologies for the transfer of knowledge, mediated, dialogue and interactive interaction of learning subjects and solving administrative problems;

7) creation of a special information and educational environment, including various educational products - from a working textbook to computer training programs, slide lectures and audio courses, work with which can be easily organized at home.

The advantages of DOT are as follows:

    training at a convenient time and in a convenient place;

    individualization of education, which provides each student with the opportunity to build an individual educational trajectory, an individual schedule of classes; this is especially important for persons with limited mobility (health conditions);

    the creation of an educational environment allows taking into account the individual psychophysical abilities of each student;

    electronic control of knowledge guarantees objectivity and independence of assessments;

    consultations with the teacher using electronic means of communication at any convenient time;

    along with training, there is an additional in-depth development of a personal computer, modern means of communication.

The main information educational resources that provide each module of the studied subjects when using DOT are educational and methodological complexes (hereinafter EMC). The purpose of the EMC is to ensure the effective work of students in all types of classes in accordance with the curriculum of the educational program.

Teaching materials include educational products and educational materials in electronic form and on paper (in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 6, 2005 No. 137:

    subject program;


    introductory and modular lectures, made in the form of tele-lectures, slide lectures and audio lectures;

    information and methodological materials on collective trainings;

    educational computer programs;

    laboratory works;

    test bases for operational testing and training - from 100 to 300 questions for each module;

    bases of questions of intermediate certification - from 100 to 350 questions per discipline;

    methodological materials for teachers;

    texts on lists of basic and additional scientific and educational literature and information and reference materials - reference books, dictionaries, etc. (texts in the telecommunications two-level library);

    methodological materials for the organization of independent work of students (printed materials and on electronic media).


The current stage of development of scientific and technological progress is associated, first of all, with global changes in the processes of informatization of all spheres of society. In most countries of the world community, programs of large-scale informatization of education are being implemented, the main goal of which is to educate a critically thinking person, capable of continuously improving their cultural and professional level, able to effectively adapt to the changing conditions of society.

The basis of the educational process in distance learning is purposeful intensive independent and self-controlled work of the student himself. Anyone interested in improving their education can study in a place convenient for them, according to an individual schedule, having the opportunity to access the necessary information, special teaching aids.

As a conclusion, we can say that distance education is not only a popular form of education, but also quite promising. However, in order to use it with maximum efficiency, it is necessary that the technical and theoretical base be at the proper level. And, of course, the interest in the educational process of the trained and teaching parties plays an important role.


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