My husband stopped asking for forgiveness after a quarrel. A romantic evening leading to an erotic continuation. How to ask forgiveness from your loved one

you had ideal relationship with a guy, you understood each other without words and never quarreled, but one day you met a classmate on the street and were so happy about this meeting that your beloved was seriously jealous of you and in the heat of rage shouted: “Well, stay with him.” ! and left. Quarrels between a guy and a girl who are not indifferent to each other are inevitable, and to some extent they help strengthen the relationship between them.

After a quarrel, everyone’s soul is restless and disgusting. He regrets that he was jealous in vain, and she now considers her behavior frivolous. What has she done? How can they make peace now? It is because of such a quarrel that many lovers break up; jealousy for no reason or other minor offense can destroy the relationship between a guy and a girl who previously could not imagine life without each other.

The main thing in such a situation is not to make mistakes yourself and not to let your loved one make them, so as not to lose love and not regret it all your life. After all, people do not always do the right thing after a quarrel; often a conflict between lovers becomes a reason for a guy to leave for another. Pride and resentment prevent lovers from taking the first step, despite the fact that each of them is ready to accept each other. Meanwhile, love must be protected, you must not act rashly because of a minor quarrel, and you must not make mistakes. There is no need to call and write SMS immediately after a quarrel; in order to talk calmly with your loved one, you need time to pass after the quarrel and passions to subside.

If a guy and a girl really loved each other before the quarrel, then it doesn’t matter who, after a long silence, will be the first to ask for forgiveness or simply call and say: “Hello! How are you doing?". In a quarrel between lovers there are no winners and losers, they are like one whole.

There is no need to speak in such a tone. as if you are doing him a favor, there is no need to blame him and prove that you are right. You can explain to him the reason for the quarrel later, but immediately give him an ultimatum, and you shouldn’t be categorical. If you consider yourself to be to blame for the quarrel, then reconsider your behavior radically. Your loved one may forgive you the first time, but there are no guarantees that he will do the same the next time. Change your principles and behavior, think about whether you should behave so frivolously if the person who is infinitely dear to you is next to you.

You may have to apologize and ask his forgiveness for being so childish and not taking into account how it would make him feel. Don’t forget that thousands of people in the world regret that they were once unable to overcome their pride and say a simple word: “I’m sorry.” In order to maintain relationships with loved ones, it is very important to realize your mistake in time and radically change your behavior. Your love will tell you how best to improve your relationship after a quarrel with your loved one. If the reason for the quarrel is trivial, then forget about it and do not waste your time and nerves on finding out the reasons for its occurrence.

Finding ways of reconciliation after a quarrel is very difficult if you do not know the difference in the psychology of a girl and a guy. After a quarrel, guys prefer to leave, leaving the girl without company. After just a couple of hours of walking, he can come back and pretend that the quarrel never happened at all. If the guy stayed with you and simply refuses to talk to you further, then you should not take this as a desire to manipulate you. Men do not know how to do this; they are silent because they do not allow the conflict to cross all boundaries and leave room for reconciliation.

The guy’s silence suggests that he is ready for reconciliation, and the woman thinks that he is waiting for her to ask him for forgiveness. Girls act more decisively during a quarrel; they can say words such as “Let’s break up,” “I didn’t expect this from you,” “Oh, that’s what you really are,” and so on. This is how girls express themselves, wanting to attract the guy’s attention to themselves and to hear at least some words confirming his love for her. But, not a single guy will ask for forgiveness after such words and prove his love for the girl. Men take such phrases seriously, and if the girl does not ask for forgiveness after them, then it is quite possible that he will no longer call or seek meetings with her.

Advice . both girls and boys. If you really love each other but for some reason you have a fight, don't wait long for him or her to ask for forgiveness. It’s better to go up to the person you love and dear to you, hold him tightly to your body and say: “Let’s make peace and never quarrel again.” If resentment prevents you from doing this, then find a way to distract yourself. Any joint activity that is incompatible with a quarrel will certainly lead to reconciliation. This could be having dinner together, going for a walk, or watching a movie. Time passes, and much of our memory is erased. So with a quarrel between lovers, within a day they understand that they need each other like air. Just don’t “break the woods” right away, until you’ve cooled down after the quarrel.

More information

Beloved - she is alone,

There cannot be several of them.

Only the moon will be a witness,

That I am called to love you.

I was told by fate itself

To be with you, with you alone.

And I won’t tire of repeating,

That I don't want to lose you.

You will receive a poem about love.

I will send it, having decided

Why do the keys breathe in vain?

They beat evil manes from the robbery.

Let the gazebo shelter the stars

And he will give you a letter.

And if in vain the soul hurts -

Let this evil go away on its own.

We write to people about love.

Oh, how I want to say:

We are waiting for her like a miracle!

There is no need to remain silent about this.

I am writing to you, dear,

And I know that there is happiness.

And I also know for sure:

The verse brings good news.

And again Sviridov’s waltz “Blizzard”

It excites my thoughts, feelings, soul.

And even though there is snow, it’s my April

Always in my heart, and there is nothing better.

Darling, I invite you to a waltz,

My confession that there is no one better than you.

Let the music sound for us now,

It won't drown out the melody.

Love will not flutter in vain

Under the vast sky.

And we will look for meaning

In simple and firm faith in God.

I am writing to you about love.

I want you to know about her.

And if necessary, call.

I want you to tell me about her.

And let it not wait for us ahead

Neither the sliding spaces nor the firmament of the sky -

We always wish to find

Reliable and reciprocal love.

Like laughter amid anxiety,

Like a waterfall in the sands,

So your image is dear to me,

No way to forget him!

Love came unexpectedly:

From where I didn’t expect it.

But I love and am greedy

I became before you!

You are as beautiful as a flower

I'm not alone with you.

I live by you, I breathe by you,

And I write these lines,

So that you know, my dear,

That I only want to be with you.

Always be by my side

After all, I’m happy with you alone!

SMS “after our quarrels and abuse” - SMS apology

Your phone (for payment):

For subscribers MTS, Beeline And Megaphone The Mobile Payment service is available. An SMS will be sent to your phone from the operator, the cost of which will be cheaper than usual. To pay for delivery you need to reply to the SMS you received. After this your SMS message automatically will be delivered to the subscriber. If you have another operator, do not fill out this field.

For example: 79261234567

Only for MTS, Beeline And Megaphone.

Do not fill in if you have TELE2 or others

Then... after a quarrel - yours and - kisses. ru

Don't look me in the eyes

A tear will tremble in them,

because you can't

To say such words

because you can’t hide the sadness in them

And the melancholy cannot be hidden

Maybe it would be better not to say them?

Crack yourself from resentment

and not know about longing,

And not remember the days where you loved tenderly...

and scream out of anger

And destroy everything upside down,

Hate, cry,

Well, what then?

quiet, peaceful and tearful conversation in silence,

Kisses, bodies, moans, sighs later,

It’s just not possible, without scandals and quarrels,

After all, love is interested in what will happen next....

Declaration of love

Article No. 1 “Declaration of love: will he call or not?”

(article from the series “These strange men..”)

How often do we wait for a call from a man, not knowing whether he will call us at all? Often. Sometimes this happens after you've gone on your first date. Sometimes, after a quarrel that seems to us, after some time, to be completely insignificant. After a long forced separation (business trip, separate vacation, trip to another city, etc.). And sometimes, after we, in continuation of long thoughts and reflections, sleepless nights and fruitless attempts to attract attention from the man we like, ... we decide to confess our love to him! “Declaration of love: is it worth it or not to do it first?” - the topic of today's article.

So, after agonizing thoughts, you finally typed (or opened what you had already typed several days/weeks ago and carefully edited) and decisively pressed the “enter” button on your laptop or “send” on mobile phone. The hand trembled treacherously, and an inner voice squeaky asked: “Or maybe it’s not necessary? Can we wait a little longer? But you, having overcome all these obstacles and doubts, still decided. And on the screen, after a couple of seconds, “message delivered” was displayed.

What is it: the end of dreams or an opportunity for successful development further developments? What does this situation look like through the eyes of men and through the eyes of women?

I suggest starting from a woman's point of view. As children, we were often told that it is not appropriate to be the first to take the initiative in a relationship, to “run after a man,” or to impose yourself. Many magazines also write that a girl should not show a man that she likes him. After all, a man, by nature, is a hunter.

But the books from the “Popular Psychology” series express the exact opposite point of view. They say that in order to get something, you need to do something. To get something different from what you usually got, you need to do something that you haven't done before. They say that having done brave act Having taken the first step in a relationship, the girl does not humiliate herself, but, on the contrary, becomes the mistress of the situation herself. That she has the same right to choose as a man. So who is right in the end?

Now let's look at this question through the eyes of those to whom we address our declarations of love - through the eyes of men. I talked about this delicate topic with many men. Among them were people creative professions, and programmers, and businessmen, there were also students, managers. I conducted a short survey (in a veiled form) and this is what I saw. Almost 85-90% of male representatives agreed that they are absolutely loyal! They will react if the girl is the first to talk about her feelings. They did not see any “embarrassment” in this situation and assured me that they would even be pleased if the girls did such things. Yes, these are probably slobs and “mama’s boys”, some amorphous, lazy and apathetic men? - you say. Not at all! I was able to communicate with representatives of various psychological types strong half of humanity, and also, I repeat, with representatives various professions. With company owners, with “glamorous” handsome men basking in women’s attention, with people of purely male, “serious” professions, with athletes. And, no matter what fashion magazines and articles in the media say, the opinion of most men agrees that they see more positive aspects in the courageous and decisive behavior of the fair sex! So, dear ladies, go for it!

The other side of the answer when discussing this topic with representatives of the opposite sex was as follows. All the young people, with their characteristic tendency to logically comprehend the situation, asked me the same question: “This concerns those girls for whom they have any feelings or we're talking about about girls whom they perceive only as work/study colleagues, as just friends? And then their opinions were clarified, and the answers were divided into two parts.

Men said that when they heard declarations of love from girls they liked, young men experienced joy, delight, and a sense of relief that they would not have to suffer, choose words and artificially invent situations in order to confess their feelings to their beloved.

As for situations where a girl was perceived solely as a colleague or friend, the men unanimously expressed the idea that they would calmly react to such a situation and continue further communication with this girl.

Note that not a single man said that after such a confession he would stop communicating with the girl, would begin to avoid her, would break off the relationship (of course, I do not take into account situations when a girl, after a confession, becomes annoying and begins to “bother” young man with your excessive attention). But this is exactly what most of us are afraid of. It is precisely because of the fear of losing what little they have, of losing the opportunity to communicate with a loved one, at least in a friendly way, the opportunity to see the object of their love, look into his eyes, smile at him and dream... That is why many never decide to be the first to say the cherished three words “I love you...”.

Or maybe it’s time to decide and take the first step...

Elena Dontsovskaya-Tsuleva

psychologist, psychotherapist,

family relationship consultant

Declarations of love in prose

"I love you!"

It's good to have someone like that next to me wonderful person. Sometimes, closing my eyes, I think about what would have happened if we had not met, and with horror I understand that then I would not be happy. I love you!

"I bet..."

I bet no one else has a spouse as wonderful and caring as me. My dear, I love you more life, and it will always be so.


I love you. Do you remember the first time I told you these words? We were still very young and had a lot to go through. But one thing has remained unchanged - this is my love, I still love you just the same.

"Two Golden Rings"

The two gold rings on our fingers are a symbol of the fact that we are inseparable from each other. This is a symbol of our love. I wear it with pride wedding ring, and I’m incredibly glad that you are my husband. With you I feel like I'm stone wall. I am always sure that our family is safe if you are nearby. Always be with me, my beloved, because I love you so much!

“You are my Sunshine!”

You can be as gentle as the morning June sun, when it has not yet risen to its zenith and gently strokes your cheeks with its warm rays. You can be as passionate as the scorching July sun that warmly embraces the sunbathers on the beach! On a cloudy day in the middle of autumn, it’s bright and sunny for me, because you’re nearby. And even in the coldest winter, our house is warm. Not from batteries, but because you exist - my Sunshine!

"Wise, priceless, passionate"

My beloved, my dear, my bear, the strongest, attractive, desirable, purposeful, active, athletic, courteous, dear, tactful, talented, sensitive, wise, priceless, passionate, smart, kind! I LOVE you very much!

"The Great Power of Love"

The great power of love inspires us, makes us strong and tender, gives us happiness. I love you, my dear husband, and I love everything that is connected with you - and even every little thing does not seem insignificant, everything is important and everything matters deep meaning. And may my love protect you like a good angel and give you strength and inspiration!

“Being a wife is not easy at all”

Being a wife is not at all easy, it is painstaking work that takes everything free time. But I know why it’s so easy for me to cope with all the responsibilities, I just still love you madly.

"A Wife's Guide"

Guide to the use of the lover (VL). Use the device daily. Additional accessories (clothing, jewelry) allow you to expand the possibilities of using VJ. Switch your device to power saving mode more often with the words: “Get some rest.” Do not touch the device if its use may be dangerous.

“A husband is support and support”

A husband is support and support. When I chose you as mine, I became truly happy woman and wife. I understood what a man's shoulder is, loving person near. And if I had to make my choice again, I would again make it in your favor, because I love you very much, and I am ready to spend every minute at your native shoulder... For me, you are the most best man all over the earth!

"I miss you"

The working day lasts so long! I miss you. Sometimes I dream that you were small and... foldable. Then I would carry you with me in my purse. I wanted it - I took it out, we talked a lot - I put it back. But it won't work that way. You are independent, strong and courageous. Capable of making decisions for both of us. Present head families! I love and am proud of you!

“You and I are very difficult people”

You and I are very difficult people. We have a lot in common and the main thing is complex character. But, despite all the quarrels and reconciliations, we were able not only to be together, but to love each other as on the first day we met.

"The Most Precious Moments"

My most precious moments are the moments spent with you. And I want there to be as many of them as possible. You are my husband. I want to be next to you at any time of the day or night, I want to spend my whole life with you. This is my most cherished desire, and it is quite natural, because I love you very much!

“How many years have we been together?”

My dear, how many years have we been together, and I still feel that I love you very much. I am grateful to fate that I met such a wonderful man and that he became my husband.

“In a waterfall of feelings and splashes of love”

I constantly bathe with you in a waterfall of feelings and splashes of love, because you are the dearest person in the world to me, my soul mate and beloved husband. Just please don’t let go of my hand and be close so that we don’t get carried away to the shores of separation. I really need you and love you very much!

"Dear Husband"

Dear husband, I am so happy that from the first minute of our acquaintance until this day, in my soul it is sacred and inviolable deep feeling- love for you. A feeling that is tight in the heart, about which you want to shout out loud. But at the same time, I cherish this feeling with all the tenderness that I have. Thank you, my dear, for this deep feeling!

"Strong Thread of Love"

My dear, precious husband! We are connected to you by a thin but strong thread of love. I feel it all the time, and every day I become more and more entangled in the feeling and feeling of you, my love. I know that no matter how many years pass, for me you will always remain the closest and dearest person. Love you!

“Everything changes after that?”

They say that after the wedding everything changes: passion fades and love fades into the background, everyday problems They eat up their former tenderness, and the spouses begin to quietly hate each other. I hope the losers came up with this! Because even after the wedding I continue to love you madly!

"Romantic dinner by candlelight"

What is a romantic candlelit dinner for us?

This means that the lights have been turned off in our neighborhood again. What does "magic night" mean? And the fact that the kids for once gave you and me at least a little sleep! And even though in the bustle of days it is not always possible to express your feelings, I want you to know: I love you as much as in those distant times when we met!

How to restore a relationship with a loved one after a quarrel? [archive] - forum - world of love and romance

Well, what I want to say is that it's not really love is that understanding in which we are all accustomed to counting. I don’t impose my opinion on anyone - read it and agree or reject it yourself.

Look at the mechanism that happens in this whole situation. After this fight happened, you understand that you are afraid of losing him, in the sense that he will not be there for you like close person. He can be a friend, a girlfriend, but not your boyfriend! It's scary - I agree, but really -correct tactics is the next one - I can say for sure, since I myself experienced a split in my love and I can imagine what the young man is thinking. You express what’s in your heart—that is, that you’re sorry and all that—if you really consider yourself guilty. And you disappear for a moment while he himself is in a certain state won't take the first step.

And I can say that this step will most likely happen. If you met, that the thread gave him - psychologically. Well, there is love, tenderness, etc. Or you can even write a letter. How to write letters correctly, you can read Litvak’s book “Psychological Vampirism”. And only such behavior will most likely bring results. And you still have a mechanism working like I’m so beautiful, smart, etc., but he’s so ungrateful. And how did he really not love me before if he behaves like that? Here's the schedule.

And I want to quote one text - a girl - this is what she writes - “I believe that this exists. And it can exist until the one who loves meets another or simply cools down to the object of passion..)) In relationships someone always dominates. Any love or passion (the same thing), is when people are looking for benefits from a partner... be it accessible and amazing sex, a financial issue or a banal way to avoid loneliness.. "(C)

So think about it, sir and madam :)

7 rules for staying safe after a quarrel with your loved one

Why do quarrels happen?

A quarrel, in fact, shows that you are not indifferent to each other. If this were not so, then you would not have sorted out your relationship so “hotly”. But, unfortunately, a quarrel not only means that you care, but also that some kind of problem has arisen between you, due to which the quarrel occurred.

A quarrel shows a change in situations and the development of relationships. It is a quarrel that forces us to look for a solution to the conflict, to try to change.

A quarrel will make you go out faster new level relationship is much faster than trying to leave everything as it is.

A quarrel is only good when the couple wants to stay together.

7 rules for saving relationships.

  1. Learn to listen.

    The ability to listen in a quarrel is a very valuable quality. The main thing in a quarrel is not to talk, but to listen to your loved one.
  2. Choose the right place and time for quarrels.

    Quarrels should not happen “just anywhere.” You can't quarrel: with guests, so as not to make them want to leave; in the morning, when your loved one is in a hurry getting ready for work or school; during a pleasant time together (romantic dinner, lovemaking, etc.).
  3. Don't lose control: know how to stop on time.

    When you feel that the situation is getting out of control, that anger, rage and inability to listen are increasing and increasing, slow down, feel that you are starting to cross the line.
  4. The main thing here is for one of the partners to stop; the other will also have to stop. But it is very difficult to stop in the midst of a quarrel, because your emotions overwhelm you. AND you can try to postpone the quarrel for a while, because you have been standing still for quite some time for a long time in this dispute, continuing the quarrel will not move you forward.

  5. Don't be silent - speak up.

    If you are not satisfied with something, tell it directly to your person. I think it is more dangerous to hide your dissatisfaction: it is very difficult to endure, to remain silent about something that simply irritates you and, sooner or later, your emotions will still spill out.
  6. If you are truly loved, by speaking out, your loved one will try to think about yours and try to correct what you don’t like. Nice words, the tender words of your beloved are always welcome here.

  7. If you don't understand something, ask.

    Do you think you are reading the mind of your loved one? You are wrong. If you do not ask about what you do not understand, then you risk introducing misunderstandings into the relationship.
  8. Do you see that your other half is upset about something? Ask the reason for all this, let your loved one speak out. Try to listen and understand, no matter how difficult it may be.

  9. Try to look at the problem through the eyes of your loved one.

    Do you think you are 100% right? But, since a quarrel has arisen, then your other half is also confident in the correctness of their actions and words.
  10. Try to look at the problem through the eyes of your loved one: maybe you will understand why he is so conflicted in at the moment, maybe you are all so wrong? Know: there are as many points of view in our world.

  11. Don't insult each other.

    No matter how “hot” the quarrel is, do not insult each other. Words will bring pain to your loved one. Appreciate and respect each other.

After these rules, I think, “how to get your loved one back” will not be your main question.

No matter how much good times I didn’t look for a quarrel, anyway, for me personally, quarrels are very unpleasant. If their number keeps growing and growing, or they become more than normal, I begin to worry about our future with my beloved half.

With every quarrel, undoubtedly, we get to know each other more and improve for each other. But, as I believe, “The larger the iceberg, the stronger the ship should be”. You can float by these “icebergs”, you can try to shake up the relationship by touching them. But after each iceberg, you need to restore the ship, eliminate vulnerabilities and be prepared for future challenges.

Ignorance of vulnerabilities and failure to eliminate them can play out very badly for you in the future, so sometimes it’s just useful to quarrel. And then no dangers will threaten you.

If you are with your loved one TRUE LOVE, then you can quarrel, but the MAIN MAIN thing is to make peace and love each other even more!

For what reasons do you most often quarrel with your loved one and how do you make peace? And do you think that quarrels bring at least some benefit?

Love and quarrels in films.


Guard. Metrics for forums? Be sure to take a closer look at the rulers!

Pugacheva-Galkin confession of love 1

Frank confessions of Pugacheva and Galkin about their love, the first husbands and wives of the heroes, and how Phillip Kirkorov became the third wheel after Galkin took Pugacheva away from him in the NTV Russian sensations program. Part 1

Had a big fight with your spouse? Don't worry, there are many ways to make peace with your husband and also get him to come first.

The consequences of a quarrel with your husband are sometimes very difficult to eliminate: it can be difficult to get over yourself, through efforts to agree with your spouse, convince him otherwise or come to an agreement general opinion, overcome the difficult character of your loved one, etc. In order to improve your relationship with your husband after you have had a fight, there are many ways.

However, a lot depends on some nuances: who is to blame for your quarrel, what the reason was and how large its scale is, whether there are witnesses to your swearing, what was said during the showdown, and much more.

So how can you make peace with your spouse in various cases?

If he's to blame


In such a situation, the husband needs to “step away” and collect his thoughts. Left alone with himself, he will analyze everything that happened and draw his conclusions.

However, do not wait too long if your spouse does not cooperate (we are talking about silence for several days or even weeks). Perhaps he does not understand your thoughts, so he does not fully agree that he is wrong.

Here you should take measures, because you don’t want your husband to leave home altogether?

Give in

Everyone makes mistakes. Neither you nor your husband are an exception. Be more reasonable: approach the conversation first.

To create the right mood, don't think about his guilt. Better remember something good from your life together, think about the merits of this person. In this vein, the conversation will be more calm.

Cause jealousy

Perhaps this way you will be able to force him to make peace first. But this method will be relevant only if your spouse notices not your flirting with someone, but the attention shown to you by the opposite sex. Otherwise, the situation may get worse.

If it's my fault

Romantic evening leading to an erotic continuation

You must admit your guilt. If you are afraid of gloating on his part, as well as awkwardness on yours, then arrange a romantic dinner for your loved one. Here everything will be clear without words.

Try not to return to the quarrel during the meal. Calmly ask for forgiveness, assure that such behavior will not happen again on your part.

After a very good time the right decision will give your husband an unforgettable night.

Pleasant surprise

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a radio-controlled helicopter or an ordinary chocolate bar. The main thing is that you are the first to make contact, and take care in advance to please him.

After the spouse receives the gift, he may still have a bitter feeling from the quarrel that occurred, so apologies and regrets that you quarreled will not be out of place here.

What to write in SMS after a quarrel

It is always easier to write than to say. This is especially easy to do using SMS messages.

Would be appropriate here sincere words, type:

  • “Please forgive me. I understood everything";
  • “I shouldn’t have done that, I’m sorry I offended you.”

It may very well melt your husband's heart funny SMS, sort of like:

  • “Make peace, make peace, make peace and don’t fight anymore, and if you fight, I will bite...” - a piece from childhood;
  • “He who is offended is a radish” - keyword should be replaced with what is relevant in your couple.

However, almost a win-win option is considered MMS of erotic content. Surely your husband will not be indifferent to your photo in a sexy outfit and with the words that you are ready to atone for your guilt. Believe me, even after strong quarrel It will be very difficult for him to resist.

Pay attention!
The way to make peace using SMS will be relevant not only when you are far from each other. It can be used even if your offended husband is lying next to you on the bed.

What to do if the husband does not make contact and does not want to put up

There are many options to establish contact with your husband, even if he does not want to talk. Here are almost win-win options:

  1. Invite guests or go to someone yourself. Let them be your mutual friends or someone’s parents, but not your girlfriends, otherwise he will start to get irritated on top of everything else. The essence of the plan is that often couples do not want to sort out their relationship in public, so they have to show that everything is fine with them. It’s actually a good idea to use this in some situations.
  2. Caress your husband at night. Spouse doesn't want to talk? Perhaps he will not refuse a gentle hug when you have already gone to bed. Kiss your husband on the shoulder, sigh, showing that you are sorry to be in this state (oh, yes - women are such actresses!). If you are not afraid of refusal, you can act more assertively: silently in bed, begin to caress your husband in order to move on to sex. During the process of making love, try to show all your desire to make peace with your loved one.
  3. Prepare something especially tasty for him. Perhaps it will be meat pies or some exotic dish - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is for the loved one to understand that all efforts were aimed at making him happy, in order to dissolve his resentment. A good option would be a request for forgiveness written on the food (for example, with cream on a cake), or a note placed under the treat.

If your husband does not want to talk to you, you should not ask someone to reconcile you. The fact that someone is interfering in your life may make them even angrier. Perhaps he will begin to be annoyed by the fact that you are taking all the “garbage” out of the house. Better find your own approach that will melt his heart.

Does your husband want to get a divorce?

So the reason was significant. Or not. There are 2 options:

-You offended him greatly

Now you need to make a lot of effort to correct the situation. First you need to talk frankly, even if your spouse is trying to ignore you.

Tell him that you are fully aware of your mistake. BUT! Don't tell him what he once did in a similar way. “Translating the arrows” will have a bad effect on your conversation.

Open your whole soul to your husband: tell him how much he means to you, that you greatly regret what happened, promise that such situations will never happen again.

A strong trump card here, perhaps, will also be your question about what else your husband is not happy with about you as a wife/woman.

This may captivate him, and he will make contact, talking about how he would like to see you. Don't resist, take criticism calmly. Then promise that in the future you will try to listen to his wishes.

— Your husband has long wanted to break up with you

This reason seemed more or less suitable to him. In this case, analyze its behavior in lately: was there any cooling on his part towards you, leaving home, “spending the night with a friend,” “delays at work” and other moments that clearly hint at the presence of another woman.

You can try to talk to him honestly, although men rarely admit to their betrayals. There are chances to keep him, but they are very few.

The most important thing is to promise from now on to listen to all his demands and requests, because in this way he is trying to create for himself the ideal woman. Why resist?

  1. Be sincere. Your spouse should see the real desire for reconciliation in your eyes. Don't be shy to ask for forgiveness and admit your mistakes. Only this approach can melt the heart of the offended.
  2. Don't give up. If your efforts at reconciliation are unsuccessful, do not stop your efforts. Wait a while and try again. But this should be the exception rather than the rule, that is, it should be used in situations where the quarrel definitely did not occur over a trifle.
  3. Sex is the best solution. Nothing will reconcile two lovers faster than intimacy. Here you will experience passion again, and the release of hormones will improve your mood. But this method has a drawback - the nuances of the dispute remain unclear. If this is important to you, then you still have to talk.
  4. Don't go first in every case. Your husband should also sometimes take the first steps. Otherwise, he will get used to your initiative, and in subsequent cases he will turn all situations in his favor, so as not to approach and apologize to you first.
  5. Prevent quarrels whenever possible. And yet best battle the one that wasn't there. If during a conversation you see that passions are heating up, it is better to start retreating. Please note that many conflicts could have been avoided if the correct communication system had been established. Men love affection and tenderness, not a commanding voice and a dissatisfied face. Also, do not try to “pull the blanket over yourself.” Let your man remain right today, and if later this turns out to be wrong, then let all the consequences fall on his conscience (just don’t gloat later).

And in conclusion, I would like to wish both wives and husbands to treat each other the way they want to be treated themselves. This way, there will be much less quarrels among families, which often do not lead to anything good. Take care of your nerves – yours and those you love!

Video: What to say to make peace

It's one thing to accept an apology, and another thing to accept the situation. Not every one of us knows how to forgive, much less be the first to ask for an apology.

Who should take the first step?

It has been proven that a woman can forgive her beloved man everything, but a man cannot. But this does not mean that if you are not guilty, you should beg for forgiveness. No! Ask for forgiveness the one who did the wrong should, because if you forgive like this all your life, the person will simply stop respecting you and will betray you again and again - because he knows that he can get away with anything. If you are both to blame, then think - is your pride worth the torment and quarrels, or can you still step over it?

They are seriously offended only by their own

Indifference and are two different things. Have you ever offended a stranger? Forget and move on with your life. No, this is not callousness or selfishness. After all, we are truly offended only by our family and friends. Remember, you were probably criticized and offended by people who were completely uninteresting to you? And do you still remember their grievances? I think not. If people are indifferent to each other, then there can be no talk of any offense.

Scandal out of the blue

We girls sometimes tend to get offended by all sorts of stupid things. If you don't take out the trash, you're a traitor. Scattering socks around the room is enemy number 1. These may not be serious, everyday quarrels, but they are what bring men to real betrayal. It is important to keep the golden mean - not to nag, but not to be a litter.

In everything you need to know when to stop

Some choose the position of a woman who endures everything so as not to bring it to the extreme. Just don’t be offended if a man stops respecting you. He must, he simply must give you flowers, look after you and carry you in his arms! And let him at least write on his forehead when it’s your mother’s birthday.