Professions related to drawing and fine arts. The most sought-after creative professions What professions are associated with art

We live in such a diverse and interesting world, where there are thousands of professions, choose any! Every young person closer to graduation thinks about what profession to choose for the future, what suits me best? It is good to choose such a specialty so that the soul rejoices and you do not have to worry about wages. And popular professions that are in demand immediately come to mind. What choice can the modern world offer us?

Professions related to creativity

To understand the exact definition of the creative profession is impossible by definition. Very much diverse concept of creativity. As a rule, this term is most often applied to the field of cultural values ​​and art. Creative professions often combine technical activities, but are truly creative, such as, for example, a musician or an artist.

In creative activity, an important skill is to think creatively and express any ideas individually. To find atypical, non-standard solutions, to show a special approach in certain activities - this is the main task for a person who wants to improve in a creative profession.

The name of the specialties is constantly growing and being updated. because progress does not stand still. Copywriters and web designers, creatives and political scientists are the achievements of modern times. To surprise and inspire, to create something special and piece, new and unusual is a truly interesting and exciting activity.

From time to time, the media form a list of ratings of the most creative specialties. The most popular of them are designers, animators and artists.

The top creative specialty is not always adequately paid. In this area, everything is individual and depends on many factors.: fame of the name, demand from customers, the ability to sell their services or a product of personal creativity, etc.

Choosing one of the creative areas of activity, a young man should rely on his own inclinations. They can appear already in childhood and it’s good if those around them noticed them in time and allowed them to develop. Creative direction is following the path to which the soul calls.


Future creatives are different non-standard behavior and ingenuity. Often, such qualities interfere with the successful training of the profession, and there are reasons for this:

Feeling special and unique. I am a creator. It makes it difficult to communicate with other people, the society perceives such egocentrics with hostility. Although such a quality is necessary for the creative process.

Traditions in teaching. As a rule, in our educational institutions they teach logical algorithms, following some patterns. At the same time, the student simply does not receive the skill of creative insight, the template does not provide for a non-standard and individual approach to solving problems.

Lack of culture in society. A creative personality implies development not only in the chosen specialty, but also general development. A person must have not only knowledge in his field of activity, he must have a broad outlook, constantly develop, be interested in related areas of culture, visit conservatories, theaters and museum complexes. Often success in the creative profession depends on how interesting and versatile the person is.

Gender Difference in Way of Thought

In the recent past, there was a division into women's and men's professions in the field of creativity. Creative professions for girls were limited by conventions. Types in society clearly assigned roles: a hairdresser, a cook or a make-up artist must be a woman, but a producer or director is a man. In the modern world, conventions have ceased to exist and the lines dividing the borders have been erased. We often see successful examples of male hairdressers and female directors. Therefore, there are no special gender requirements for the profession now.

Much more often allocate requirements for your creative qualities, although sometimes it is difficult to evaluate everything:

  • Possession of special thinking, the ability to think outside the box.
  • Possession of a sense of style, the presence of taste.
  • The presence of imagination, creativity.
  • Having a sense of aesthetics.

Creative professions list

  1. Actor- must be able to be both himself and reincarnate into another person, taking along with a new image a certain new style of behavior that must be felt and understood. Play a role based on a new, previously unknown personality for him. To be able to show not only a different appearance with the help of makeup and clothes, but also to clearly show the viewer the character and style of behavior. At the same time, everything should change: motor skills, demeanor, gait and speech.
  2. . Demanded direction. There are several varieties of this profession. Fashion design, interior design, web design, landscape design. A very interesting specialty for a girl and no less difficult. Designing a space that is convenient for the customer or user. You need to understand what the person who will use your design wants. The designer needs to understand the needs and demands of modern man. A broad outlook and erudition, the presence of style and taste, unusual thinking can help with this. But the activity is really very exciting - the designer is experimenting with shape and color, has a figurative vision of future products. Can build in his head a model of the original design or layout. Every person who equips his home is also a bit of a designer. Proper selection of room decor furniture and accessories can create a unique atmosphere of warmth and comfort, in which it is pleasant to be, what is called favorable energy.
  3. Visagiste- must discern individuality in an ordinary person and create a beautiful image with cosmetics. A make-up artist needs attentiveness, observation, knowledge of color combinations by type of appearance and the ability to competently handle professional cosmetics. In fact, the make-up artist makes a good mood for the client, gives a feeling when a person likes himself.
  4. Stylist develops and offers the consumer appearance. He must have an understanding of what style and clothes are most suitable for the type of person. Guess his need and discover new opportunities. A good stylist is able to greatly surprise and puzzle. There is a lot of room for creativity in this profession.
  5. Makeup artist- very in demand for all sorts of celebrations and holidays, every person in the photographs wants to look attractive. A makeup specialist will help you hide imperfections in your appearance and emphasize your dignity.
  6. Beautician. Specialist in the field of beauty and attractiveness of the skin. Helps the client to choose facial care programs suitable for skin type. Must be constantly up to date with the latest skin care products. Knowledge in this profession should be not only in cosmetics, but also in medicine.
  7. gallery employee- one of the newfangled and sought-after areas of activity. The main requirement is good organizational skills and a high degree of communication skills. Must know styles and trends in art, have a broad outlook and understand the needs of the client. Be able to advertise and sell the work of any author. The gallery owner is looking for sponsors, organizes art exhibitions.
  8. fashion designer designs clothes, creates new trends in the fashion industry. His task is not only to create a new model of clothing, but also to correctly design a pattern, select the texture of the material for the manufacture of the collection. Finding a zest, beautiful decor, creating an image unlike anyone else is an interesting and exciting activity. There are varieties of clothing modeling - this is the modeling of shoes, fur products, accessories and much more.
  9. Multiplier requires a special perception of life, passion for fairy-tale characters and unbridled fantasy. A person who has chosen this profession must have the ability to see the picture in three dimensions, this specialty is similar to directing when the creator creates a new action.

Simple specialties that do not require university education

If you feel a calling to creativity, want to earn money, but are not ready to receive higher education, pay attention to the demanded creative professions:

Whatever creative specialty you choose, remember that it is always development and the search for something new. If this is your life principle, you are definitely on the right track!

The world of animation has entered a new round of development. The profession of an animator is again in demand. In addition, in addition to the animation itself, there are such types of employment as model development, modeling and other technical training. Of course, here you can not do about higher education in the field of fine arts and experience in creating cartoon images.

Graphic Designer

Graphic design professionals are behind the logos of many of the brands that have made history. They use their imagination and artistic ability to create images that will impress potential clients. Graphic designers are also involved in the creation of websites and various visualizations. Of course, for such work, the ability to draw will not be enough. It is also necessary to master special computer programs and develop a professional portfolio.

Fine arts teacher

If you have a burning desire to instill a love of art in others and feel that you are able to do this, you may want to try yourself as an art teacher at a school or higher education institution. Learning to draw opens up the complete freedom of lessons in the way that you like best. This is an opportunity to pass on your experience to younger generations and, perhaps, learn something from them yourself.

Museum/gallery worker

The curators of the museum and their team do an interesting job of preparing installations for exhibitions. Also, any museum needs to manage archives and process daily documentation, maintain museum exhibits, etc. This is a quiet, calm, but responsible job. As statistics show, interest in art is still high and there are no prerequisites for such work to lose its relevance.

Landscaping / interior design

Today it is the most demanded direction for creative, thinking people. And of course such work requires artistic thinking and visual skills. Mastering a profession/landscape will require additional education, mastering computer software, compiling a client base and a database of suppliers of design elements, and much more. Yes, it requires investment and a lot of patience. However, such work, as a rule, quickly pays for itself. In addition, this gives you the opportunity to unleash your full creative potential and find yourself in various areas of design.

Art therapy

This direction of psychological adaptation at the moment is not widespread. However, it is very promising. Art therapy specialists now work in large diagnostic and consultative centers, private centers and centers for social and psychological adaptation. Art therapy is included in the complex treatment of people with psychological, psychiatric and neurological problems.

The concept of art is closely related to the artistic image, which can be embodied by various means. Depending on this, types of art are also distinguished.

Kinds of art

For plastic types - fine and decorative arts, photography and architecture - the spatial construction of the image is characteristic. The content of dynamic art forms, such as literature and music, are temporary compositions. The next group is the performing arts: choreography, theater and cinema.

What is the most important thing for a person of a creative profession

Artistic images are brought to life by people of creative professions, of which there are a great many. Their peculiarity is not only the availability of knowledge in a particular area, but also the ability to create, create. There are also cases when self-taught people with talent and imagination, without special education, created genuine masterpieces of art. The poet Leonid Martynov, for example, had only 4 grades of education, but proved to be a wonderful master of philosophical lyrics.

Famous Professions

Through the centuries, wonderful paintings by painters, magnificent buildings of different styles and eras have come down to us. And how can one not admire the art of the 19th century mosaicists who created the unique images of icons in the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood in St. Petersburg! Art restorers and museum researchers help preserve this beauty for future generations.

People of the writing profession in the artistic word brought to us the invaluable experience of the life of their ancestors. Famous conductors, singers, vocalists, performers on folk instruments introduce us to the best works of world musical culture, and composers create this music.

Dancers, choreographers, choreographers never cease to amaze with dance images. Until complete self-denial, theater and film actors are devoted to their profession, sometimes doing the impossible. The great Alexander Ostuzhev completely lost his hearing in his youth, but this did not prevent him from playing superbly. We also admire the skill of circus performers.

Unfamous professions

A quite ordinary profession, in demand on the labor market, can also be creative. Today it is an animator, a hairdresser and a photographer, and a fashion designer.

Artist is a creative profession, originating from ancient times. In a professional context, an artist is a person who is engaged in fine art and earns money in this field. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in drawing and world artistic culture (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).

And in a more sublime, creative sense, this is a person who makes the world even more beautiful. He not only reflects the beauty of the world in his works, but puts his idea of ​​it, his feelings and thoughts into them, thereby refracting reality. Thanks to this, people perceive familiar things with different eyes and more deeply comprehend the inner essence of phenomena.

Not everyone has this kind of talent. Everyone can learn how to draw, comprehend the laws of composition and plasticity, master the technique of mixing paints, learn the rules for applying a color palette, be able to choose the right brushes, paints and paper. But the main condition for creating great paintings, in front of which thousands of people of different generations will freeze in admiration, is still TALENT.

The name of the profession comes from the word "hudog", which in translation from Old Slavonic means "skillful". Even the primitive man of the Paleolithic period painted the ceilings and walls of caves with natural paints that he had at hand - soot, ocher. The whole world's ancient history is known to us thanks to primitive artists in their drawings depicting animals and people.

In the modern world, artists use other technical means besides traditional paints and canvases.

Artists use colors, but paint with feelings.

Jean Baptiste Simeon Chardin

Features of the profession

An artist can work in different directions:

  • artistic and creative;
  • restoration;
  • research;
  • pedagogical;
  • artistic and educational.

In the artistic and creative sphere, the artist is directly engaged in creativity, expressing his impressions, feelings and emotions through artistic images. This is possible in any field of fine arts (painting, monumental, easel, theatrical and decorative, television and film).

In the field of restoration, the artist is engaged in the restoration of historical works of art that have a unique value. As a rule, such work is carried out on the instructions of the restoration council, so in such work the artist has to follow the established rules.

In the pedagogical sphere, the artist acts as a teacher-mentor, teaching the disciplines of fine arts in educational institutions of various levels - primary, secondary, higher, as well as in advanced training courses.

The research activity of the artist consists in scientific research and development on special topics or individual assignments in the field of his profession, designed in the form of scientific articles, reports, etc.

In the artistic and educational sphere, the artist conducts educational work, shaping the society's aesthetic taste, the correct perception of works of art, etc.

In the modern world, the sphere of activity of artists has expanded significantly. For example, tattooing, which is wildly popular in our time, is skillfully applied by artists.

The most important thing for an artist is to reflect the spiritual essence of the era.

Ivan Dmitrievich Shadr

Pros and cons of the profession


  • Interesting creative work
  • The ability to work according to a free schedule - by inspiration, not by schedule


  • Low demand
  • Unstable income
  • During periods of crisis in the country, even the lack of work is possible.
  • The income of the artist does not depend on his talent, but on the ability to sell his paintings.

Place of work

Artists, depending on their specialization, can work in personal studios, private studios, art workshops, museums, publishing houses of books, magazines and newspapers, in the advertising business, fashion salons and exhibition halls, in art schools and educational institutions.

Artists do not need to erect monuments, because they have already been created by their labors...

Antonio Gaudi

Important Personal Qualities

  • artistic talent that cannot be taught - it either exists or it does not; but if present, it can be polished;
  • rich imagination and fantasy;
  • observation - the ability to notice small details;
  • selectivity of attention - the ability to select from the surrounding reality what is necessary for a specific idea;
  • deep intuition that allows you to penetrate the very essence of phenomena;
  • visual-figurative thinking and spatial imagination, which allow you to creatively transform the surrounding reality and be able to see the unusual in the ordinary;
  • color perception and color discrimination - the ability to distinguish a wide range of different colors and shades;
  • artistic taste;
  • a sense of harmony;
  • patience;
  • physical endurance.

Where to study as an artist

The propensity for this profession can manifest itself quite early - even in childhood. Attentive parents, noticing these abilities, can identify the child in an art circle or a special school. Subsequently, with some success, a novice artist will be able to improve his professional level in art colleges, institutes and academies of arts, which are available in any major city in the country.

You will develop a sense of harmony and style, learn to combine textures, shapes and colors. Master 4 classic painting techniques: pencil, ink, watercolor and oil. In the course of 20% theory and 80% practice. , the missed class can be attended with another group. Groups of 5-7 people. Upon completion of the exam, a diploma is issued. Possibility of payment in installments. Branches in 33 cities of the Russian Federation. All schools operate on the basis of an educational license.

In Russia, a three-level system of art education has been adopted: school, college, university.

  • Moscow State Academic Art Lyceum named after N. Tomsky
  • St. Petersburg State Academic Art Lyceum named after B. Ioganson
  • Taganrog Children's Art School
  • Krasnoyarsk Art College. IN AND. Surikov.
  • Moscow State Academic Art Institute. V.I. Surikov
  • Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture
  • Moscow Art and Industrial Institute. S.G. Stroganova
  • St. Petersburg State Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I.E. Repin.
  • St. Petersburg State Art and Industry Academy named after. A.L. Stieglitz
  • FGBOU VPO Krasnoyarsk State Art Institute,
  • Gzhel State Institute of Art and Industry.


The artist's income depends on the place of his work, specialization, demand and fame. Freelance artists have an irregular income: they can earn nothing for years, and in a matter of weeks receive a huge fee. Artists who work on a permanent basis, for example, in a publishing house, printing or design company, can expect a salary of 20 to 70 thousand rubles a month, depending on the size of the company and the amount of work performed.

Salary as of 08.05.2019

Russia 15000—80000 ₽

Moscow 30000—120000 ₽

Career steps and prospects

A freelance artist has no other choice for a successful career than to become a genius and recognized during his lifetime. As they say, the first part of life a person works for the name, and the second part - the name for the person. Outstanding paintings are valued very highly, and with the advent of the NAME, the cost of paintings increases many times over. For some successful artists, the queue of customers has been standing for years.

One of the ways to make a successful career is to open your own art salon or professional studio. A research and teaching career in this profession is also possible.

A qualified painter requires knowledge of:

  • theory of fine arts;
  • techniques, styles, types and various genres of fine arts;
  • laws of drawing, painting, composition, graphics;
  • history of Russian and foreign art;
  • theory and history of arts;
  • color science and light design;
  • principles of human perception of a work of art;
  • historical and modern technical and technological processes in the creation of paintings;
  • expert and restoration work in various art forms.

Professional qualities and skills in the field of artistic and creative activities:

  • possession of various techniques and technologies of fine arts;
  • the ability to create works of art at a high professional level;
  • the ability to professionally use artistic tools and materials, techniques and technologies;
  • knowledge of the features of various historical styles and trends in architecture and art: Renaissance, Baroque, Classicism, Rococo, Gothic;
  • knowledge of the most important principles of lighting design of the performance;
  • knowledge of the main monuments of church painting and architecture (world and ancient Russian);
  • knowledge of iconography and biblical history, as well as the origin of ornaments and fonts;
  • the ability to use archival materials in order to study and reproduce famous paintings;
  • possession of various types and techniques of monumental art (mosaic, fresco, sgraffito, stained glass);
  • the ability to formulate orally, in writing and with the help of visual arts one's creative idea, the process of its creation and the idea of ​​the author's work;
  • knowledge of safety precautions when working with artistic tools and materials, on scaffolding, theatrical stage and in film studios.

Art is an important part of everyone's life. We all consume art as viewers and listeners. But to become an actress or a musician, an artist or to go into design, you need special preparation, freedom of creativity and special courage to create and create new things all the time. After all, the audience needs to be surprised - cinema, theater, circus, opera and ballet - people go here for special pleasure and they, the audience, are discerning connoisseurs of art. Art professions require from a person constant tension and development, passion and the will to win. Theatre, music and painting are the most ancient forms of art. Representatives of such professions work here: actor, composer, musician, sound engineer, sound engineer, director, artist, video artist, costume designer, choreographer, producer, lighting designer. With the advent of the Internet, new professions have appeared: website designer, website producer, website developer. Question: Is it art? Yes, art, because book publishing is also an art, no less than cinema, theater, circus, ballet and opera. Read here about the professions of people involved in the arts: orchestra musician, sound engineer, stage director, artist, theater and film actress, circus actor, interior designer, packaging designer, landscape architect, web designer, photographer, video artist ... Choosing a profession from the field of art is impossible without a clear idea of ​​the pitfalls of creative professions. These stones are completely invisible to outsiders, but because of them you can fly past success. Read about creative professions.