Katya Gordon: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Katya Gordon about clinical death and surrogacy (video)

- How did it happen that journalist Katya Gordon unexpectedly became a lawyer?

It all started when the producer of the Ranetki group sued me. The reason is that I called his group bullshit on air. He hired the then not very famous lawyer Zhorin for these cases, who, ironically, later became my husband. Probably the producer expected me to get scared, start apologizing and pay him compensation. But at that time I was absolutely fearless, I didn’t understand why I should be afraid of something, especially since I was the one who was right - well, since the Ranetki group, as it seemed to me, really was what I called it.

I went to the meetings myself. It was terribly curious to understand all these legal intricacies - I read documents, studied literature, tried to get to the bottom of the truth. At some point, both the lawyer and the producer of the Ranetki group began to get nervous. By all the laws of the genre, I should have been afraid of subpoenas and summonses to meetings. Normal people are afraid of all this, don’t like it, and in a panic they begin to do unreasonable things, do everything possible to make the nightmare end as soon as possible. And I was really interested. And so, using my own example, I began to understand how the judicial system works.

The Ranetki case dragged on for six months, no decision was ever made... The producer could not stand it and said: “Okay, let's finish all this. I agree to peace. So be it.” And I’m already in the subject. And I understand that I don’t need a settlement; I need these people to withdraw their lawsuit.

That time I achieved my goal. And suddenly I realized that I liked jurisprudence: my oratorical abilities, forged by years of broadcasting on the radio, and the desire to fight for justice converged at one point.

- A child has a father and a mother, and they both must answer to him equally. Photo: Arsen Memetov

- The business run by Katya Gordon’s company is a must loud scandal?

It happens differently. There are clients who do not need publicity, and in this case our task is to do everything as quietly as possible. And it happens that a person comes to me specifically so that I can stir up a big scandal. And then I turn on all the reserves: somewhere I vouch for my name, somewhere I organize a television or radio platform for performances - I am friends with “Let Them Talk” and with similar shows on other channels, I often give them topics for programs.

My main profile is family law: divorces, alimony, relationships ex-spouses among themselves and with children. I helped Anna Grachevskaya divorce her husband Boris. We managed to resolve everything peacefully and through negotiations, Anya received an apartment. We worked with Katya Arkharova: after she divorced Marat Basharov, many publications began to write outright nonsense about her, and Katya sued one of them for libel. As a result, the publication admitted its mistake and paid compensation to Arkharova. Unfortunately, the money was small, but in our country, in principle, there is no tradition of paying for claims for honor and dignity. I really want this situation to change. Now we are helping Anfisa Chekhova: she is demanding compensation from a chocolate brand for using her photo on an advertising banner without even notifying Anfisa about it. We have already made some progress, but it is too early to talk about the end of the matter. We helped Prokhor Chaliapin, Irakli Pirtskhalava...

- You dangerous man, Kate! You know the secrets of many of our stars. You should be feared like fire.

Well, in the five years that I have been practicing law, I have turned into an absolutely non-conflict person. I wouldn’t say that I was very scandalous before. I remember being worried: where did I get such an image?! And now I’m even happy: it’s good for me, it brings me real money. Because I earn more if I manage to solve the problem through peaceful negotiations, without bringing the matter to a fight. And since I have the image of a corrosive bitch, people are afraid to contact me and prefer to settle disputes in pre-trial procedure. For example, a woman asks me to help get her ex-husband child support. Sometimes it’s enough for me to call this husband, introduce myself - and he, foreseeing what a scandal will be, decides that it’s easier to immediately agree.

- I am sure that the topic of family conflicts appeared in your practice not by chance.

Of course. I have experience in this area. Divorcing my first husband was difficult. We came together and then diverged, every step was discussed in the media, it was very unpleasant. When Danya was born, it turned out that I was left without money and without an apartment. I even had to live in a maternity hospital for a month - thanks to the medical staff, they gave me shelter and even fed me government-issued cereals and soups.

Of course, I could go to my parents: I’m not homeless - my dad and mom live in Moscow and would be happy to help, but I didn’t want to upset them. In general, then I realized: everything that happens in the country with women who are left alone, being pregnant or with children in their arms, is a complete nightmare. Nobody ever protects them. And all courts, as a rule, make decisions along the lines of: “Here’s three rubles of alimony for you and leave me alone.” They award as alimony interest on some “left” tiny salaries that have nothing to do with the father’s real income.

- During your divorce, were you also awarded meager alimony?

I had the illusion that since I gave birth to a child from a wealthy man, he, having divorced me, would not offend his own son and would pay adequate money. No matter how it is! My husband, lawyer Sergei Zhorin, brought a certificate stating that he receives 47 thousand rubles, and offered me one-sixth of this “giant” amount (he has another child, so I could only claim such a portion of his income). I realized that there were two ways: either come to terms with this decision, or stand up right in court and make a speech in defense of the interests of your child. And I began to fight. I convinced the judge to award me not one sixth of this “white” salary, but all of it, which was revolutionary at that time.

Katya Gordon. Photo: Arsen Memetov

- Many women believe that it is useless to fight for alimony: the man will bring a fake certificate with an income of 5 thousand rubles, and you will not do anything with him...

You will do it! There's a lot to fight for with a good lawyer. There are a lot of “cute” legal tricks that can be put into play. You just need to find the right specialist - he will not follow the path of least resistance, but will really work hard, negotiate, collect information, and conduct a real investigation. He will tell the judge: “Yes, he claims that he earns 5 thousand a month. But look how much the apartment he rents for himself costs per month? How does this fit in with the income certificate?” And it will work. But only if the lawyer really has the task of winning, if he has ambitions.

And the woman herself must have ambitions. But how does that happen? A woman, all so determined, files for alimony, and then she feels sorry for the man, or he intimidates her with something, or manipulates her, saying: “I knew that you only needed money from me!” And the woman, trying to prove something to the man whom she may still love, goes and withdraws the lawsuit. She does not know that it is no longer possible to file it a second time and she will not be able to apply for alimony. It turns out to be a trap: relationships, as a rule, cannot be improved with such a gesture, and the child is left without his rightful money.

Russian women feel sorry for men. There is even a proverb: “Even though it’s inferior, it’s mine.” Not a single woman in a developed society will tolerate what a Russian woman endures. She herself better than a bottle she will buy good wine and drink it alone in the evening with dinner, which will be spent on food for an adult parasite. After all my ordeals, I definitely realized that I didn’t need a “bad” husband.

- There is one more thing popular opinion: Fighting for alimony is beneath human dignity.

This is a stupid position. When I was young, I also thought that it was better to put a dash in the “father” column on a child’s birth certificate and not fight for any alimony - they say, we are proud, we won’t humiliate ourselves, we can handle it. And then I realized that this was wrong. A child has a father and a mother, and they both have to answer to him equally. And let the child know the father’s first and last name, and only then decide for himself what to do with this information. And if he wants, he will come to his parent and ask: “Where have you been all this time?” And this will be his personal showdown with his second parent.

Now my relationship with Dani's father has changed. I even put my pride aside and publicly apologized to Zhorin. For the sake of the child. And you know, it became so easy. I did everything possible not to oppose my father’s presence in Danya’s life.

- But the apology remained unanswered?

Sergei was offended by me because I did not appeal to him personally, but posted it for everyone to see on my Instagram. But I can’t contact him personally: he blocked me everywhere he could. Zhorin says that I am preventing him from communicating with his son. But this is not true. Dani has his phone number; his son calls him regularly. For example, I wanted to wish you a Happy New Year and dialed the number several times. And then he comes to me and says in surprise: “Why is dad rejecting my call?” I answer: “Well, maybe he’s busy, he’ll call back now.” But dad never called back.

It seems to me that it is already indecent to bring up the old argument “the mother is bad, that’s why I don’t communicate with the child.” All men in the country must forget him forever. Taking revenge on a mother through a child is the most vile thing that can happen. And Sergei has a phone number for both Dani and his nanny. I myself am not eager to communicate with him personally and convince him of something. I just hope that one day there will be a woman next to Zhorin who will convey the message to him: children from other women are not bad, they are wonderful. All wise women This is what they do - they are not jealous of the past, but strive to make friends with all the children of their man. My current man has children from a previous marriage, and I dream that everyone will become friends. Living with the feeling that your loved one had no life at all before you is stupid. We are, after all, all adults.

- Judging by the words about your new man, everything is in order with your personal life now.

I have a wonderful man. He gave me earrings, do you see what they are? I walk around and show off everything. I'm so unaccustomed to someone giving me something. And yes, after I forgave Zhorin, my life began to improve. I no longer feel pain or guilt. It's a magical feeling.

- Why do you keep the father of your second child a secret?

Taught by bitter experience. And there’s nothing to tell yet. I don’t have some touching fairy tale that our audience loves so much. Relationships are not easy, it can be both difficult and very good - as in any union of two versatile and freedom-loving people. If everything works out and we get married, I can’t resist posting photos from our wedding. The only thing I can say for sure is that I am no longer afraid of being alone.

I was married three times and each time I was sure that it was with this man that I would live to see my gray hairs. But life puts everything in its place. Therefore, now I don’t look so far ahead, I understand that any relationship is finite. Well yes, I have two children from different men. Maybe there will be a third from a third - who knows? I no longer care what others think. If everything goes well, I will live with this man until old age. If it doesn’t work out, I will be grateful to him for the fact that we will part ways with dignity.

- From now on, I live with the feeling that there is something there, “behind the door.” There is life after death. Photo: Arsen Memetov

- During pregnancy, you called your unborn son Leon. And when he was born, they decided to choose a different name for him...

They dissuaded me - they said that this name did not suit our family. And then the name Seraphim came up. Seraphim of Sarov is one of my favorite saints. Therefore, it was decided to name the boy that. For some, he is Sema, Sima, Fima - there are many options. I call him Seraphim.

It wasn't easy for me. When, two days after giving birth, I began to regain consciousness, the head doctor, apparently afraid that I would begin to sort things out, dropped the phrase: “They told me, you don’t like your scars? So keep in mind: we saved your life.” There were two scars, and they ran across the entire stomach - one vertically, the other horizontally. Few people will like this. But when I later read my epicrisis and realized that I had actually been to the next world, I had no time for scars. This story happens once every 25 thousand births. I went to give birth in full confidence that I would have a regular caesarean section. But I had no idea that I had an aneurysm at the site of my previous cesarean section. And it turned out that either they could perform the operation on me with a very large loss of blood, or they would do everything safely, but then they would have to remove the uterus. I said that I would still like to keep the uterus.

While the operation was being performed, I was conscious. It seemed to me that it lasted forever. There were a lot of doctors around me, a special resuscitation team, they transfused four liters of blood (for information: there are only about five liters of blood in the human body, that is, they changed almost all of my blood). At some point, consciousness left me. I was in intensive care on artificial ventilation. I woke up two days later.

I’ll tell you honestly: from now on I live with the feeling that there is something there, “behind the door.” There is life after death. I admit that maybe these are some kind of intricacies, games of the subconscious and consciousness. But the interesting thing is that they are all the same. We talked about this with Lera Kudryavtseva, and she confirmed my feelings: after a certain line, when you cross it, it becomes very easy. And I felt the same thing: that I was letting go of some kind of load and flying away somewhere. I also met a childhood friend there who died long ago. We talked to him, he gave me some advice on how to live further. And it felt so easy, so cool.

- But still, you forced yourself to return to our world.

I'm back, yes. And when I think about these days now, I feel very sorry for my mother, who was told that any consequences were possible - even death. I feel sorry for my friends who sat near my room for two days and saw how they brought blood for me. What have they all been through?
But in the end I came to my senses and was discharged from the maternity hospital. I was sure that I would get up and run like hell to work. But that was not the case. I have no strength left at all. The blood is someone else's, not mine - consider the organ replaced. I still haven’t fully recovered and I still exist in this, you know, energy-saving mode.

- And at the same time, you have an additional burden - a newborn baby.

I don’t get tired of children, on the contrary, I get a buzz. Well, then, I’m already an experienced mother, I’ve organized everyday life, I have a nanny, and a good kindergarten for my eldest. Danka knows that no matter how busy I am at work or with Seraphim, he and I have our time. In the evenings and on weekends I am with him. So everything is clear for me, everything is debugged. The nanny is good, my mother helps. In general, if you organize everything correctly, then you get pure pleasure from your children, and they upset me only when they are sick.

- How does Danya treat the little one?

At first he was jealous, now he loves me and kisses me in the morning. I am sure that if you introduce children correctly from the very beginning, then they will have a wonderful relationship.

But my world does not revolve around children. I can't sit at home - I definitely have to work. Although over time the nature of this work changes. I want fame and recognition less and less, I don’t want to “go on TV” and appear on air either because my client needs it or for a fee. And the rest of the time I try not to come into contact with show business. Another thing is that I am also a musician - I write songs. And I dream that people will hear them. Which means I need radio broadcasts.

- Do you definitely want the songs to be played on the radio? You can post them on the Internet.

It is important for any artist to have their work known. I am pleased when my songs receive prizes. Plus I enjoy the stage - it’s a thrill to go out and perform with my musicians. But in order for the group to pay adequate money, I have to earn it, which means going to the radio, knocking on doorsteps, asking. The more songs get played on the radio, the more I'm worth as an artist. But I need money: I dream of buying a house.

In general, I want two things from life: money and justice. This is my motto.

Ekaterina Gordon

children - Daniel (4 years old), Seraphim (3 months old)

Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State Pedagogical University. Lenin, Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors

hosted the programs “City Slickers” on Channel One, “The Other Side of the Legend” on the Zvezda channel. She worked for the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets, at the radio stations Mayak, Govorit Moskva, and Kultura. Writes scripts, books, songs. Opened the law firm Saferoom. Awards: two Golden Gramophone awards, MUZ-TV Prize (for compositions performed by Ani Lorak and Grigory Leps)

Having appeared on the TV show “Million Dollar Secret,” Gordon spoke about her readiness to use the services of a surrogate mother if she needed it. On the air of this notorious talk show, the 36-year-old writer revealed her secrets. It turned out to be honey. The staff gave the star a terrible diagnosis - an aneurysm, and in the process, Gordon suffered clinical death. The singer allegedly posted selfies taken in Gordon's bedroom. But the star decided to tell the public only now the shocking details and the whole truth about how unsafe the situation was. The showdown with her husband did not end even during Katya’s pregnancy. Thanks to fortune, as well as the professionalism of the medical staff, both the mother and her child were able to survive.

“If this had happened, I would have died, and the child would have died,” Katya emotionally told the site. During the birth process, Katya Gordon lost about 4 liters of blood. Having separated from his father even before the birth of the child, she is in love again and is getting married. The TV presenter’s new boyfriend is 45-year-old businessman Igor Matsanyuk.

Gordon is unpleasant to remember his own marriage with Zhorin.

The owner of a popular law firm in the Russian capital, Katya Gordon, spoke live scandalous show“The Million Dollar Secret” that Anna Sedakova had an affair with her second husband Sergei Zhorin. Could you forgive your husband for cheating? “I endured it, and then I felt that I had overstrained myself,” the journalist explained. Over the long and long years of marriage, Katya Gordon was never able to fall in love with her husband Alexander and bear him a child. There is love! Everything will happen!

And in her microblog she wrote that anything can happen in life, but you can’t give up, since love essentially exists and you don’t need to believe those who divide love into hormones, illusions and calculations - they just haven’t recognized it yet.

“They partially preserved my uterus.” Now I'm thinking about freezing my own eggs. “If I want a child with my loved one, I will do it without any problems,” the star informs.

Gordon states that she learned about the affair between Anna Sedokova and Zhorin from social networks. However, the relationship with him did not work out; rather, it became another stage of testing. Zhorin allowed himself to mercilessly beat Katya Gordon during her pregnancy, and openly cheated on her with her colleagues. Gordon informed that the divorce was very difficult and, as a result, their common child doesn't get any financial assistance from father.

IN at the moment Katya is happy in her relationship with her new lover, businessman Igor Matsunyuk. However, the presenter does not exclude the possibility of becoming a mother for the 3rd time. The appearance of Katya’s underage lover on stage also added spice to the conversation. For this scandalous relationship, Katya Gordon was condemned by the main part of the country, but she always did only what she wanted and did not pay attention to the gossip. She changed insanely, became no less soft and feminine. Of course, in credit given and her new chosen one - 46-year-old Igor Matsanyuk. She is happy - and I really hope that their union has a happy future.

Having your own opinion and standing your ground until the last moment in any dispute is good quality in our time. Ekaterina Gordon, biography, personal life and whose work is reflected in this article, is a famous Russian television and radio presenter, singer and songwriter. This girl is admired by many due to her strong-willed character, but she may also be considered a brawler. What kind of woman is this, what are her successes?

Ekaterina Gordon: biography from childhood

Katya was born in Moscow on October 19, 1980. Her parents are intelligent people. My mother taught mathematics at Moscow State University, and my father lectured on physics in Germany for some time.

The family was quite prosperous and lived in abundance. Katya Prokofieva (surname at birth) studied diligently at school and had no problems with grades. But all this was until the parents decided to divorce.

From a good student, Katya turned into a difficult teenager who went against everyone, behaved like a hooligan, and teachers had difficulty getting her C grades in order to transfer her to the next grade. They understood that there was discord in the girl’s family, so they made concessions and held conversations. But Catherine was already very stubborn, which made it difficult to find contact with her.

When Katya, her mother and brother moved out from her father, she immediately matured and began to feel responsible for everything that was happening around her, including her brother and mother. She did not communicate with her father for two years, and when her mother remarried, she took her stepfather’s surname to spite her second parent. Now she has become Ekaterina Polypchuk.

Training a future star

Ekaterina Gordon always dreamed of becoming a star - anyone, be it a singer or an actress. She wanted to become famous, so that everyone would admire her, so that later her father would understand what kind of family he had lost.

The girl studied at an economics school, and after graduation she entered the psychology department at Moscow State Pedagogical University, which she successfully graduated in 2002. After him was her main education - Ekaterina graduated from VKSiR (Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors) in Todorovsky’s workshop.

Her graduation film entitled “The Sea Is Worried Once” was banned from showing at festivals, as it carried moral and ethical inconsistencies in comparison with generally accepted ones. The Arts Council decided that it had a “mocking subtext.” But already in 2005 this short film international festival"New Cinema. 21st Century" received the Grand Prix.

Gordon's first marriage

Ekaterina Gordon, at the age of twenty, while studying to become a psychologist, married Alexander Gordon, who was 37 years old at that time. Since Alexander was a TV presenter, he helped his wife “get on TV,” which she had always dreamed of, and influenced her decision to study directing.

Gordon became for his young wife not only a husband, but also a teacher and friend. They lived together in harmony for six whole years, never fought, but still the marriage broke up.

Katya says that she still loves her first husband, but as a friend, as loved one. They maintained a fairly warm and close relationship. The girl knows his new wife, but does not feel enmity towards her. She wishes the family only happiness and reminds her ex-husband’s wife to look after him and take care of him like a restless child.

Alexander became for Danil, Katya’s son from her second marriage, godfather. They see each other often, and Alexander takes care of his godson as much as possible.

Catherine's second marriage

In the summer of 2011, the girl became the wife of lawyer Sergei Zhorin. But nothing good came out of this marriage, except the birth of a son.

About two months passed after the wedding when TV presenter Gordon was sent to the hospital. It turned out that her husband had beaten her badly, and the girl was diagnosed with a concussion. At that time she was already pregnant.

Katya either accused her husband or refused to accuse her. Perhaps the lawyer put pressure on her with his connections, nothing is known for sure. There remains complete speculation as to why a criminal case was not opened against the tyrant.

When the girl was discharged from the neurosurgical department, she immediately filed for divorce, not wanting to see her second husband again. She gave birth to a son and began raising him herself. Zhorin denied the fact of his paternity and did not want to give the child his last name. Catherine did not persuade him, she simply registered her son with the last name of her first husband - Gordon.

Alexander happily accepted Katya's offer to become godfather for her child. He constantly supported her, the girl knew that her first husband, and today best friend, she will never be betrayed or abandoned.

Fleeting relationships

After divorcing her first husband, Ekaterina Gordon, whose photo this article contains, for a long time was alone.

In 2009, Kirill Emelyanov, a young actor who starred in the television series “Cadets,” began courting the TV presenter. They began to develop an affair, which never led to a more serious relationship. Katya says that not only are they completely different, but they also have an age gap. The girl was always morally older than her age, and therefore was not ready to connect her life with a young boy who still did not understand anything in life.

In 2013, it became known that Ekaterina was dating Fomin Mitya, they really had serious relationship. Someone even started a rumor that the young people would soon get married, but this never happened.

Return to the past

Soon after separation from Fomin, Zhorin reappears in Gordon's life. They again develop a relationship that eventually leads to marriage. So in 2014, the couple again became husband and wife. But apparently, their union is not destined to last more than two months; it is after this period, like the first time, that Zhorin and Ekaterina Gordon divorce.

After this divorce, the girl’s personal life ceases to be in full swing; she decides to devote herself entirely to raising Daniel.

In the fall of 2016, it became known that Ekaterina was expecting a child. The woman does not deny this, but she refuses to say who the future father is. Well, that's her personal matter, which she has to deal with. every right keep silent!

Creativity of Ekaterina Gordon

Until 2008, Katya worked at the Mayak radio station. From there she was fired due to a scandalous altercation with TV presenter Ksyusha Sobchak. This is what brought our Gordon fame as a brawler.

Later she worked at various radio stations: “Moscow Speaks”, “Megapolis”, “Russian News Service”, “Silver Rain”, “Echo of Moscow”.

On the O2TV channel she hosted the program “Conversation without Rules”, “City Slickers” was entrusted to her by Channel One, and Katya revealed “The Other Side of the Legend” on “Zvezda”.

Ekaterina Gordon also showed talent in directing - several video clips and a documentary were shot under her leadership.

Ekaterina Gordon also showed herself as a writer. The books she wrote under the pseudonym Vevo Katya are:

  • "Life for Dummies";
  • "Kill the Internet!!!";
  • "Done";
  • "State".

In each of the books, the girl conveys to readers her point of view on the current world. She calls for spending less time on the Internet and treating addicts. There are also many more interesting opinions Katya in these books, we recommend you read them!

In 2009, Ekaterina became the creator and lead singer of the pop rock band Blondrock. The team has released several albums, each of them interesting in its own way.

Ekaterina Gordon is also an active animal advocate. She held “Unnecessary Breed” campaigns, where the theme was the fashion for mongrel dogs.

Spent several charity concerts, and transferred the collected money to shelters for homeless animals.

Show "Voice-5"

In 2016, this active TV presenter decided to take part in the popular show. She became a member of Bilan's team. At the fight stage, Valeria Gekhner and Ekaterina Gordon were paired. “I wish I could get sick” is the name of the song performed by the participants. The words of Akhmatova were set to music, which from the lips of the girls simply amazed the audience.

These are absolutely opposite participants, they are not only dissimilar in appearance, but also have different tones. At the performance, the girls emphasized their differences as much as possible by dressing in black and white. Katya was all in white, and Lera was in black.

In this show, Ekaterina Gordon did not become the winner; Valeria received the advantage.

We wish Ekaterina good luck in her subsequent projects and personal happiness, which she undoubtedly deserves!

Katya Gordon became a guest on the “Secret to a Million” program, where she talked about her personal life, her husbands and her last birth.

Recently, the TV presenter gave birth to her second son and almost died on the operating table. After this, Katya Gordon openly admitted that she was ready to use the services of a surrogate mother.

Katya Gordon has amazed me more than once frank stories about your personal life. This concerned both her first marriage with TV presenter Alexander Gordon, and the turbulent history of her relationship with lawyer Sergei Zhorin, whom Ekaterina married twice. But this time Katya outdid herself - in a live Internet broadcast she announced that her water had broken and she was going to give birth at the nearest maternity hospital. But then everything went wrong! (More about the birth of the second son and the postponed clinical death- HERE).

Now Gordon is not only babysitting the newborn Seraphim. Having separated from his father even before the birth of the child, she is in love again and is getting married. True, this time he is not too frank about his new chosen one - 45-year-old businessman Igor Matsanyuk.

However, when she came to the studio of the NTV channel’s “Secret to a Million” program, the mother of two children made an unexpected confession - she was ready to use the services of a surrogate mother!

“They saved my uterus. Doctors say that it is possible to give birth, but not right away, of course. And I think that if I want a third one, then most of“I’ll have to lie flat during pregnancy,” said Katya. - That's why I'm in lately I’m thinking about freezing my eggs and, if anything, giving birth with the help of a surrogate mother. If I want a child with my loved one, I will do it without any problems.”

The fear of a new pregnancy is understandable - the first birth was already difficult, when the son of Katya Gordon and Sergei Zhorin, Daniil, was born. Then, after a caesarean section, she spent a week in intensive care. This time everything turned out to be even harder and more dangerous.

“Partial accretion of the placenta into the uterus occurred, and it was impossible to get out of this situation without major bleeding. I lost 4 liters of blood, I was on artificial ventilation for about 8 hours... I saw all these corridors, the light at the end of the tunnel. For some time I felt out of body,” admitted the studio guest to presenter Lera Kudryavtseva. – And then suddenly it became easy for me... When I finally came to my senses, I realized that, apparently, I had lived some kind of painful life. This was the starting point for me. I realized that I wouldn’t allow this to happen—to overwork myself, to be around people who were painful for me.”

Katya probably perceives the new novel as part of her new life. And, perhaps, unlike other stars who had children with the help of surrogate mothers, in this case he will amaze everyone with frank details.