Max lordly interviews are pretty. Does one of the best modern performers Max Barskikh really get married - the personal life of an amorous singer

Which appeal is more familiar: Max or Nikolai? Would you like to change your name on your passport?

Of course, Max. There is no desire to change the name in the passport. Only the closest people call me Nikolai, those who know me from school or my relatives. Even those who recognized me later, but became my own people, call me Nikolai.

And how can you determine whether a person is close or not?

Close is the one who calls me Nicholas. But seriously, a close one is a person with whom you can be real, yourself.

How not to get lost in such a crazy rhythm? As far as I know, the dynamics of life for artists goes through the roof. Concerts require a lot of energy. What are your recovery and relaxation secrets?

Relaxation is the minimum in my life now. I give concerts very often, I am on long flights a lot. Sometimes I perform several times a day. But when I go on stage and tell myself I'm going to be relaxed tonight (because I just don't have any energy left) usually the best gigs happen. People charge me a lot, sometimes it even seems that there would be enough energy for one more concert. But when I return to the hotel, I realize that I am already exhausted. A trip to the hammam or massage helps to relax.

Your ideal vacation?

My ideal vacation now is to go to some deserted island, to the Maldives, for example, and create, create, write there. For me, rest is about creating music, new songs. I would like to be alone with my thoughts, analyze my life, understand what I like about it and what I don’t. In peace and quiet, start creating new music. And only then you can invite your friends to the islands.

How do you spend time with friends?

I rarely meet with friends. I take it very painfully. Every time I visit Kyiv, I meet with them. Previously, these were noisy meetings in institutions, in bars, in clubs. Now it's more of a home vacation, we can stay at home, play different games, relax.

So it's hard to see you in any bar?

Looking in what. If this is an indoor bar where I can relax and not be under the gun, then I can be found there. If this is a normal bar where everyone wants a photo with me, then no. This is very tiring. Sometimes people don't realize that you are human too.

How did you feel after the concert at the Sports Palace?

After I left the stage, I did not understand whether the concert went well or not. But I clearly knew that I gave myself as much as possible, gave all my energy. And already by the reaction of people around, by the reaction of Alan Badoev, I realized that the concert was excellent. It is clear that after the concert I felt the energy of people. After this show, we went to a bar, celebrated this event, so I came home completely exhausted.

Would you like to repeat the experience of a big concert?

We are now on tour, of course, there will be no experience with such a number of people (10,000 people), but as part of the “Mists” tour, we gather full concert halls in different cities of Ukraine. After each of these concerts, I am very inspired and recharged. It is clear that now there is a certain fatigue, I am waiting for the New Year, so that I can make time for myself, work on a new album and, at least, acquire a personal life.

Where do you draw inspiration from? You have a lot of music about love, about romantic relationships. Judging by the fact that, as you put it, you have not yet acquired a personal life, there is no loved one in your life today.

Inspiration is something elusive, something that comes at the most unexpected moments. And, as a rule, I am inspired by my own experience, but lately I have learned to be inspired by a movie I have seen, a book I have read, a story my friends have told me. I mean, I can so much get into this story and feel it, and write a song that way. Sometimes I can exaggerate, sharpen my feelings and sensations.

How do you see your love?

I don't know anymore. Today you imagine one thing, tomorrow another and it is generally impossible to guess. Most often, we love those who do not love us. And if we achieve a person, then, as a rule, we become uninteresting. It is very difficult to find a soul mate with whom you can be one. In my life, all the relationships that have been have not been love. From the point of view from which I imagine it.

At least in a nutshell, how do you imagine it? Maybe someone who hears this will become that person.

Oh, just not that. I don't want anyone to want to be that person (laughs). But seriously, with age, I realized that appearance is a convention that gets boring very quickly. Reality touches me, a good sense of humor, sensuality, some kind of inner strength and optimism.

And what inner qualities do you consider to be your virtues?

It is difficult to answer this question, because for someone it may be a virtue. for some it is a disadvantage. I am open. I am trusting and believe that there are no bad people. This is my main weakness. No, double cheeseburger at McDonald's is my biggest weakness (laughs). I am inconsistent and sometimes inconsistent at certain points.

How do you spend money?

I spend on buying new libraries, synths, samples. Things have faded into the background, I hardly update my wardrobe, I have a lot of clothes that I have never worn. I spend most of my money on food.

You have interesting tattoos. You recently completed the TATTOOSWEATERS campaign. Tell me, is it close and interesting to you? Are you planning to get a new tattoo?

I got myself a tattoo in Kharkov from a master who interrupts any drawing you bring to zero. I did not trust anyone in Kyiv and will soon go to Kharkov again, and there, I think, I will apply something small. My first tattoo was a copy of the picture, then I filled the second picture. It turned into one big idea - angels and people, earth and sky. Kiss the elements. Painted by Wojtak Shumach. He is a surrealist and paints in the style of Salvador Dali.

Are you into extreme sports?

If this is a vacation, then I can find time for both peace and crazy things. With my friends before leaving, we jumped with a parachute. The three of us jumped, it was one of the best feelings in my life. It was unforgettable. I will release a new album and repeat.

You said that someday you will please with creativity in English. Who do you practice the right accent with?

I am planning. I sharpen my own accent. Since childhood, I have been capturing the timbres of voices, pronunciation. Probably musical ear.

Would you like to be in a film?

In a porn movie? You can try (laughs).

Do you see your life in another country?

I see myself traveling. For life, I would choose the USA, Ukraine and some country in Africa. In the USA, I would choose Los Angeles, as it is a very calm city. At any moment you can be on the ocean or in the mountains on skis or in the forest.

The opportunity to conduct an interview with Ukrainian performer Max Barsky was provided by JoinUP!

Join Up! - tour operator, which is a leader in the direction of Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Sri Lanka, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Italy. Yearly with Join UP! more than 300,000 Ukrainians have a rest in Egypt. In total, 700,000 Ukrainians a year trust their holidays. The company offers its tourists a wide variety of hotels, of which 30 are exclusive to the operator.

This year, Max Barskikh released a new video “Make it louder”, received the Top Hit Music Awards 2018 in the nominations “The most popular performer on the radio in 2017” and “The most rotated track of 2017” for the song “Mists”. We asked the artist about his new video, attitude to love and remembered the first invitation to Almaty to the Runway Report event held by Harper’s BAZAAR Kazakhstan.

In music for me first perception. Inspiration has two faces: sad and happy.

Sometimes it's easier for me to sing than to say.

I am not lying in their songs. Today I can be good and tomorrow bad, but I will always say what I feel.

Love is mild illness. Often you lose the line between her and love.

From childhood I had to to discover and learn this world myself, other members of my family were somehow not up to me. After all, who is interested in communicating with the younger ones. Now I'm embarrassed that I know more.

What is the most important thing in this life? Probably time. Everything is temporary: love, fame, feeling, happiness... These are just seconds that start counting down from the moment they appear.

Speaking of my love what it was yesterday, it will be tomorrow and what it is today, I will always answer in different ways. Yesterday I had only an idea about it, today I can say my perception of love - this is probably a disease, but at the same time, healing.

Reality is a solid black and white movie with a break for color ads. An advertisement advising you to buy a memory in your short memory. It wears off over time.

I never know how my new song will end. Starting to write, I do not understand where the next line will lead.

Song "Mists" was written in Tallinn. As I remember now, I returned to the hotel after the concert, tired and almost exhausted, getting ready for bed. And already in bed, falling asleep, I hummed a melody. This melody became the demo version of the hit "Mists".

I don't like creative collaborations or duets that "should" be published. It is important for me to meet an artist, to be on the same wavelength with him, to jam together, to exchange song drafts with some creative unit that can also create something. And in such a game to give birth to a song that will be endowed with the right emotion, the right meaning ...

In the clip "Make it louder" are especially valuable for me several unique scenario and visual finds. For example, in the first scene of the video, we demonstrate how an angel accompanies a soul that has already left the world of living people. Before our eyes, the grandmother turns into a woman, a girl, a girl and a baby. All this happens during a conversation with Angel on the way to the subway car. The subway is shown completely empty, and instead of the usual composition, a lemon-colored train of fate arrives. An angel enters the car and gives the baby's soul to the Nurse Angels, who take it to a new life. With the help of social choreography, which reveals the wordless monologue of the main characters, the clip reveals the conflicts of each character and demonstrates exactly how Angel helps those who hear him.

I first came to Kazakhstan 6 years ago for the Runway Report event held by Harper's BAZAAR. Since then, I have regularly been there with concerts. The people here are very hospitable and direct. And I really appreciate it. At least twice I celebrated the New Year in this country. And both of these years were full of pleasant memories. I think it's a good tradition.

Each new clip is another record for views on YouTube. Almost every day there is a concert, often in another country. Yes it works at a crazy pace. And in what rhythm does he live?

I paint pictures with sounds and words

Max, you studied at the Lyceum of Arts as an artist. When was the last time you drew?

Unfortunately, now there is not enough time for this. But I know for sure that in my life there will definitely come a moment when I will go into the creation of paintings. In the meantime, I paint pictures with sounds and words.

You chose the artistic direction because the music department said that you have neither hearing nor voice. Why were you underestimated - could not present the goods in person?

And how could a small child who never sang sound good? In addition, probably, the negligence of the teachers, who failed to discern and reveal hidden talents in the first grader, also affected. But now I'm even glad that I have an art education. By the way, I recently found out that Kanye West had a similar story.

There is nothing impossible in life. The main thing is desire and faith. Then you can move any mountains. I taught myself to sing, write music and poetry, and later create arrangements. It was thanks to his determination that he was able to achieve something and became Max Barsky.

You are called the main hitmaker of the country, and your songs are heard from everywhere. Are you tired of yourself?

I don't think it can get boring. When you leave a part of your soul in music, a lot of time and energy, it cannot be otherwise. Happy that my music resonates with so many hearts (smiles).

Who do you like to listen to?

In music I am "omnivorous". But there are artists whose albums I always look forward to: The XX, Radiohead, Frank Ocean, Lyukke Lee, Beyoncé, Lana Del Rey. Yes, there are many such cool performers and musicians ... In general, there are thousands of songs, artists, groups in my playlist.

Surprise from the chef

What is the most pleasant thing about your current celebrity status and the most unpleasant thing?

I do not perceive my popularity as something special, but people often think otherwise. Of course, it is nice when they recognize me at the airport and can skip the line. Or in restaurants, for example, sometimes they serve some kind of surprise from the chef. It's the little things in life that lift your spirits. However, I never abuse my status.

Popularity often destroys the artist's personal life. There is success, recognition, money, but you can’t be yourself, do stupid things, because all the time under the gunpoint of the media and the public. Familiar sensations?

Off stage, I'm quite a calm and modest person. I get enough adrenaline during performances or filming. But yes, I will not hide, sometimes I like to do something like that. Provided that there are well-known and beloved people nearby.

I think, since you have chosen such a profession, be prepared for any difficulties. Moreover, over time you get used to everything and try to look for the positive aspects. If you see a continuous negative in everything, the inner “I” is destroyed. So I write songs, travel, meet talented, interesting people and don't wonder why I need it.

What I do is my lifestyle. I can not just take and change the type of activity. Or rather, I can, but I will lose harmony. I feel at home on stage - I understand what, where, why and, most importantly, to whom all this is dedicated.

Have you ever wanted to drop everything and run away from everyone?

Take a break, relax - yes. Hide - never. When you run away from problems, they are not solved, but only aggravated.

Do you experience depression?

I'm a creative person, sometimes I can't find a common language with myself. Nerves begin to play pranks, and sometimes it comes to depression. The right books and good people help fight this. I rarely allow myself to fall apart, but if I feel at least a hint of this state, I have a medicine - my music.

House for the soul

In June, you canceled a gig in Germany because you passed out. Do you often have to perform through I can't?

Constant moving and flights, tiring road, lack of sleep - all this takes a lot of energy, strength and health. Sometimes the body gets tired and can not stand it. For the entire period of concert activity, this happened to me for the first time, and I hope it will not happen again. And going on stage with a temperature is a common thing for every artist.

For a while you lived in the USA. Has it affected your habits, lifestyle?

I moved to Los Angeles a few years ago. This city has always attracted me: the scorching sun, the ocean, the spirit of freedom and creativity. At some point, I realized that he began to inspire me more than Kyiv. Having left the country, friends, relatives, I left the comfort zone and thanks to this, first of all, I grew spiritually.

Once you said that you dream of buying a house in America, and in Ukraine - a cozy house in the forest. Why in the forest? Just outside the city - this option is not suitable?

Just imagine how cool it is to wake up early in the morning and hear the birds singing, go out into the yard and breathe clean air! A house in the forest is for the soul. Here you can safely enjoy nature. For example, sometimes I need to be alone with myself, with my thoughts. I think that the desired effect can be achieved only away from people, somewhere in the wilderness.

Where do you live now?

Since I practically never visit Kyiv, I got rid of the apartment and the things that filled it a long time ago. Now he moved to Misha Romanova. She, like me, is constantly on the road, we rarely see each other, so we don’t have time to get bored with each other.

But in Los Angeles, I have real estate. Not long ago, I moved from North Hollywood to Hollywood. Now I create space for a comfortable life and creativity there. I equip the apartment in every possible way - I buy new furniture, repaint the walls, and deal with other household issues.

Do you often change your place of residence?

Now I don’t stay in one place - I constantly tour. Almost every day I find myself in a new city or country. Only Tuesdays are free.

What does your dream house look like?

A small, cozy house with everything you need for creativity. I love minimalism. It makes life better and easier. But every detail of the interior will be chosen very meticulously.

Emotion Catcher

Suppose you have a couple of free days - and no work plans. How will you spend them - invite friends, have a party, have a good drink to relax, go to a club? Or order a pizza and watch TV?

First of all, I will sleep (smiles). Sometimes I can visit relaxing procedures or vice versa - choose some extreme activity. I also like to read books. In general, it all depends on the mood. So a noisy party with friends is also not excluded.

You didn't mention your hobby - do you have it?

I so rarely pick up a brush that for me it has become more of a hobby than a professional occupation, despite the fact that, let me remind you, I am an artist by training.

What about hidden talents that few people know about?

There are none that can be said loudly. If there were, I would definitely develop them, even despite the constant lack of time. There was a period when I liked to do photography. I like to capture live emotions - usually I shoot not what I see, but what I feel.

Is it important to you that your home is waiting for you when you return?

Of course, when you enter the house, turn the key, and they meet you at the door, you immediately want to straighten your shoulders and smile broadly. To realize that there is a place where you are always welcome is already happiness.

You have officially stated that you are in a relationship with Misha Romanova. This is not the first attempt to be together. Why did you split up last time and what made you get back together?

We did not part, and our relationship, it seems to me, will never end. Because we are very close people, you can say - a family. We went to school together, moved to Kyiv together. At first she lived with me, now vice versa. When we had a difficult moment, we decided to disperse - and remained best friends. Now I understand how right they were.

The main question is what meaning Misha and I put into the word “relationship” and what meaning those around us.

Do you see yourself as a family man?

Now I devote myself to music, I work hard and constantly on the road. Of course, I would like my personal life to be more full and vibrant. Every year I understand that finding your man is becoming more and more difficult. But if I meet a soul mate, I am sure that I can combine family and career.

Max, you have already played 35 shows in 45 days in 6 countries. How do you keep up such a schedule?

The stage is always a pleasure for me, but the tedious road that precedes it takes a lot of energy, strength and health. Sometimes the body can not stand it: recently we had to cancel a concert in Germany for health reasons. This is the first and, I hope, the last time this has happened in my touring practice.

Why? After all, before you could be seen at least three times with concerts in Kyiv?

I want to do big shows to show everything that we are capable of. Small venues are technically holding us back from our pursuit of perfectionism.

With such a crazy schedule, do you have time for yourself? To your personal space and life?

In my life, only Tuesdays are free. Lately I've been on tour. There's a fine line between a touring schedule and a touring life, and if you don't follow it, you can go crazy. If you treat it as a way of life, and not a job, then endless moving, flights, new hotels and new people constantly present next to you will not seem so scary. It happened that we flew 15-17 hours to the city and spent exactly 5 hours there: we arrived, held a sound check, performed and flew away.

Where does your day start?

My day starts with a glass of warm water. Then some delicious breakfast.

Which day do you like more: at work, with a concert and rehearsals, or a day when you relax?

What I do is a way of life.

I can’t, like many, take and change my occupation, or rather, I can, but I will lose harmony.

I already said that the only unpleasant moment in my life is flights, constant moving from place to place devastates you, but only until you go on stage. It is always like at home - you understand what, where, why and, most importantly, to whom all this is dedicated.

You travel a lot on tour. Where do you feel at home?

You know what's the most annoying thing about touring? It’s not even that you don’t have time to go and see something, you don’t have time to look around the place from the car window, because in the car you look at the screen of your phone or laptop - you need to answer letters, finish what you didn’t have time at home etc.

Do you fall asleep easily while traveling and flying?

I used to be able to sleep anywhere. Not now. Even after the concert, you manage to fall asleep after three or four hours: the adrenaline received after is too high. And when finally sleep comes, it's time to leave for the airport. It is unpleasant.

What do you think about before bed?

I think that time is fleeting, that I need to do this, and that, and still fall in love so that everything else in my life fades.

What is your motto for life?

There is nothing more beautiful than life!

You have changed your style several times. Recently, he even performed in latex pants. What clothes are you most comfortable in?

Latex pants are not the most uncomfortable thing I've ever had to wear on stage. By the way, they are insanely hot to perform! Therefore, stage costumes and comfort are often incompatible things. I love comfortable clothes. Lately, I've begun to like a strict or restrained style.

Do you follow fashion? Do you have favorite brands?

I don't particularly follow. I'm more interested in what's new in the world of music. But my stylist friends introduce me to fashionable novelties and trends.

In your songs, there is often some kind of appeal: "Unfaithful", "Let's make love", "You are my heroin." Is this a message to a specific person or just an artistic device?

Most of my songs have a specific addressee. After all, I write myself, it is important for me to see in my imagination not just a blurry image, but a specific person. Another question is that in songs I can reward the image with features and qualities that are not very inherent in this person in life (laughs).

What is your own favorite song?

My favorite song is not out yet. This is the one I'm working on at the moment.

What music is on your playlist?

I listen to different kinds of music. There are thousands of songs, artists, groups in my playlist, and it would be difficult to say right away what is in my playlist. Artists whose albums I love and always look forward to are Lana Del Rey, Lykke Li, The XX, Radiohead, Frank Ocean and Beyonce.

You probably have a favorite musician that you would like to be like/who inspires you. Who is he?

In general, to be like someone is a very strange desire. There is something untenable in this. But inspiration is another matter. At different times I was inspired by different musicians - from Jim Morrison to Beyonce.

You have a huge number of fans and many would like to be like you. Is it a burden or a joy?

As an artist, you are always responsible for everything you sing, say, do. There will always be people who will want to repeat after you or be like you. As a rule, this occurs in younger people who are in search of themselves. Then, with age, we still understand that there is nothing better than our individuality.

What are you sure you will never do?

I will never betray. This is unworthy.

What do you dream about?

Fly around the world!

Max Barsky's songs are firmly established in the top music charts and iTunes ratings. The singer himself is not used to staying in one place for a long time, he calls himself a bird of free flight.

Photo: Yaroslav Bugaev

OK! caught the artist on tour in Turkey and found out what is happening now in his life - both on stage and beyond.

Max, judging by how difficult it was for us to organize this interview,you don't have a minute of free time. How do you maintain such a pace of life? How and what do you charge?

Every morning, before picking up the phone, opening the mail or any other means of communication, I tune in to the day, mentally smile at the world and positively accept the tasks that I have for today.

Because by the age of twenty-seven I learned one truth very well: you can live in ideal conditions, but if chaos and fear reign inside a person, no external and material means will help him to be happy.

I will not dissemble, sometimes failures occur and I cease to control my mood, but these are just flashes - they disappear as quickly as they arise.

Recently, there has been more and more disturbing news about your health and concert cancellations due to overwork. However, even under these circumstances, you do not take long breaks in your work. Is it fanaticism towards your profession or responsibility to fans?

Yes, I can call myself a fan of my profession. But, you know, I do not belong to that caste of artists who dream of dying on stage. And I was convinced of this thought by a recent case when, due to overwork, I had to cancel a tour in Germany. Sometimes it’s worth taking a short time out in the middle of the road, putting yourself in order and continuing the journey with renewed vigor. By the way, we will return to Germany with concerts in September this year.

The premiere of your new single "My Love" took place the other day. As far as I know, this is the song you call one of your favorites. Why?

I think it's because I'm a little more honest on it than on other songs.

Will it become the same hit as, for example, "The Mists", do you think?

I definitely didn't write it with the idea of ​​creating a hit. I generally created it more for myself. It seems to me that you should not compare "Mists" with the song "My Love". They are different and about different things. By the way, I was not sure about the inclusion of this song in the album "Mists" and made this decision at the last moment. Probably because I wanted it to sound like counterpoint on the new album. And so it happened.

According to the already established tradition, did you entrust the video for this special song to Alan Badoev to shoot?

Certainly! Alan is the director of all my videos. In the process of working on the video, we decided to give a new sound to the track and later, when the new version was ready, we gave it a new name - "My Love". And in the album the song is called "I'll ask." So I want to clarify this point for everyone who listened to the album "Mists": this is the same composition, but with a new breath.

What keeps you coming back to work with Alan again and again?

Absolute freedom of expression and confidence in the result, because Alan is a professional and an artist to the core.

Your creative union with Badoev is a rare example of professional devotion. Is this consistency characteristic of you in everything?

Together we develop and experiment in creativity - we do not stand still. This is the foundation of our professional and creative relationship, thanks to which we have been working together for so many years. I guess I'm a mood person. But I will never betray and will never do bad things to people whom I sincerely love. I don't open up to people that often, but those I trust become my lifelong friends. This is confirmed by five or six best friends from school.

One of the most discussed moments of the past “MUZ-TV Prize” was your kiss with Svetlana Loboda. Was it an improvisation or a planned part of a joint performance?

We have known Sveta for so long that we can afford everything. Especially on stage.

It looked like a real provocation. Do you also challenge people in real life or is it just a stage persona?

Off stage, I'm quite a modest person. I get enough adrenaline during a performance or filming. But yes, I will not hide, sometimes I like to do something like that. Provided that there are well-known and beloved people nearby.

Recently, there have been many rumors about your romance with the soloist of the group "VIA Gra" Misha Romanova. Both of you have been very evasive about your relationship so far, and that's why everyone around is perplexed: what is really going on?

Yes, I myself am perplexed: who are we to each other? She and I are from the same city, studied at the same school, then moved together to the capital to enter a music school. They lived together for several years. Then they parted. And just a month ago they got together again. True, this time I moved to her, and not she to me. I practically never go to Kyiv, so I got rid of my bachelor apartment and most of what filled it, and moved in with Misha Romanova. She, like me, is out of town for weeks, so we don't have time to get bored of each other when our schedules overlap and we find ourselves at home.

Living with the soloist of VIA Gra and kissing Svetlana Loboda ... Impressive! No wonder you are already called a sex symbol.

The status of a sex symbol is the most useless status that could be assigned to me and which I would seriously begin to pay attention to.

Music and self-development are much more important to me. If I can fill people with meaning and love, then I am happy.

In fact, your relationship with Misha is very similar to a serious long-term romance. Have you thought about starting a family yet?

I think that the family is a matter of the future. Now I am like the wind: I fly around the world and give myself entirely to music. And the family, in my opinion, requires complete emotional and physical immersion.

Each of your songs contains the image of a particular woman.

You already have acting experience. Do you plan to develop in this direction?

You rightly noticed, it was an experience, and I really liked it. I feel acting potential in me, but to be honest, I don't have any plans for acting yet. It was very interesting for me to work with Lara Fabian on the set of the musical project "Mademoiselle Zhivago" - she is not only a wonderful singer, but also a sensual actress.

Does painting still fascinate you?

I continue to paint, but not with colors, but with sounds. From time to time I pick up a brush, but for me this is more of a hobby than a professional occupation, despite my art education.

You have almost half a million followers on Instagram with whom you share work and personal moments. Could you refuse it?

Answer honestly? I am wary of social networks because of the too aggressive presence of gadgets in the life of every person. Everyone has seen photos from meetings of friends who, instead of chatting with each other, buried their noses in phone screens and put likes. A couple of years ago, I was so disappointed that I just went ahead and deleted my account.

But then they restored it anyway.

From time to time I take a vacation from the Internet, but, of course, I am not going to give it up completely - this is a utopia for a person living in 2017. In this matter, as in everything else, measure is important.

Paradox: the Internet gives us the opportunity to instantly connect with people who are on the other side of the world, and for those who are nearby, a modern person often does not have enough time.

In fact, I very rarely write for someone, for me it is a kind of sacrifice. It's easier for me to give a song to a girl, a woman, than to a singer. And the point here is not in competition, but rather in feelings: when I write for a girl, I do not live my life. Creation from a male name is always autobiographical. And I'm not ready to give my life story to another singer.