A smooth increase in the body's performance due to amplification. Give up bad habits

Our brain is a complex mechanism with billions of nerve cells, command and control centers. The desire to increase the efficiency of the brain is simply necessary at any age.

By controlling our actions and thoughts, the brain controls our entire life, and in order to improve its quality, it is necessary improve brain performance.

There are certain ways that will help you improve brain function:

1. Development of mental abilities.
Great physical activity leads to an increase in the working capacity of the brain. Go in for sports not only to maintain tone, but also in order to increase the efficiency of the brain.

2. Training of mental abilities.
In addition to physical exercise, train dormant areas of the brain - if you are right-handed, do something with your left hand from time to time; try previously unknown tastes and smells; choose new travel destinations; read serious literary works.

3. The question "Why?"
Curiosity leads to increased brain performance. You can verify this by asking the question "Why?" from 10 times a day.

4. Laughter.
The endorphins released during sincere laughter help relieve tension.

5. Eating fish.
First of all, fish as a food product is important for the mental development of children. The norm is three servings of fish per week.

6. Development of memory.
Looking at school photos, remembering the events of youth and childhood will help improve brain function.

7. Proper nutrition.
First of all, reduce your fat intake - this will increase the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the brain. Sources of fats entering the body should be nuts, fish, olive oil.

8. Solving riddles.
Collect a mosaic, solve crossword puzzles - this activates brain activity.

9. Musical works of Mozart.
Listening to the works of Mozart leads to an increase in the working capacity of the brain, especially to the activation of mathematical abilities.

10. Development of skills.
If you are passionate about embroidery, drawing, try to develop yourself by performing familiar actions in new ways and achieving better results at the same time.

11. Drinking alcohol within the normal range.
Exceeding the permissible dose of alcohol leads to the destruction of brain cells, and moreover, prevents the restoration of mental abilities.

12. Games.
In your free time, play board games, cards, video games. The game improves mood and allows you to increase the efficiency of the brain.

13. Always keep a notepad and pen with you.
If you are haunted by some thought, transfer it to paper. Study the key information before going to bed, this will increase the amount learned by 20-30%.

14. Concentration.
You are not always able to notice things that interfere with concentration - for example, intrusive thoughts. From time to time ask yourself the question “What thoughts are distracting me right now?”. If you need to call someone, just put it on your to-do list.

15. Love and sex.
Regular sexual intercourse increases the level of the hormone estrogen, which helps improve brain activity.

16. Game and creativity.
If you're wondering how to boost your brain's performance, get creative! Remember your childhood hobbies and make time for them.

17. Time of increased activity.
Determine the time of your greatest activity and solve the most important tasks during this period.

18. New knowledge.
Expand your vocabulary, find a topic that interests you and start studying it. New knowledge and reflection will bring you closer to using your brain 100%.

19. Personal diary.
Keeping a diary stimulates the brain and expands its capabilities. Try new ways - start a blog and start writing for others.

20. Aromatherapy.
Aromas can both tone up (citrus fruits, mint, cypress) and relax (rose, geranium).

21. Tonic drinks.
Often in recommendations on how to increase the efficiency of the brain, there is advice to periodically take a coffee break. But no worse than coffee and tea, the concentration of the brain increases the drink based on Gingko Biloba.

22. Inspirers in the immediate environment.
Connect with people who inspire you; read motivational books and articles; find new opportunities.

Read all the tips again


It is possible to improve the neural connections of the brain and thereby stimulate intellectual activity with the help of charging for the mind. Start doing special exercises that develop memory, study foreign languages, solve crossword puzzles, play mind games, solve math problems, etc. Reading also increases concentration, stimulates the imagination and thought processes. Try to devote at least half an hour a day to reading domestic or foreign classics, historical literature or poetry every day.

Sugar is needed to improve brain function, but this does not mean that you need to absorb sweets in unlimited quantities. Eat foods with natural starches and sugars. Potatoes, rice, legumes, nuts, brown bread, etc.: these foods are digested more slowly, thanks to which the brain receives a much greater boost of energy. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day, dehydration also often causes loss of efficiency and overwork of the brain. In many ways, the activity of the brain depends on the amount of food consumed. According to scientists, satiety has a negative effect on mental activity. Make it a habit to get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger.

Working without proper rest also always leads to a decrease in performance. Give yourself occasional breaks, and during your lunch break, try to completely distract yourself from work and chat with colleagues. Communicative communication helps to sharpen memory and activate brain functions.

Don't forget weekends. Moreover, the best rest is the time spent in nature - go to the forest for berries, mushrooms, fish, make barbecue, go hiking or work in the country. All this will give your brain a chance to take a break from hard, stressful everyday life, give you a boost of energy and increase your efficiency.

Equally important is a healthy sleep. Lack of sleep leads to premature fatigue and reduced concentration. Try to follow the regimen: go to bed every day and wake up at the same time. It is advisable to stick to the routine even on weekends.

Bad habits do not allow you to focus on work and study, reduce efficiency, reduce the amount of work performed and worsen its quality.

Regular exercise helps to increase the elasticity of blood vessels and improve blood circulation, restore neural connections, which ultimately improves the performance of the brain. Head and neck massage, which improves blood flow in the cerebral cortex, is very beneficial for cellular cerebral circulation. If you give massage for 10 minutes a day for several weeks for several weeks, then by the evening the ability to think clearly and clearly will not disappear, and fatigue will not be so strong.

Experts have proven that some colors and smells have a calming effect on the brain, while others, on the contrary, irritate. So, the work of the brain perfectly stimulates the yellow color. It tones, invigorates, uplifts the mood and increases mental performance. As for smells, citrus and woody aromas are great for brain activity.

Drugs that increase efficiency help to cope with temporary physical and mental overload, relieve fatigue, stabilize and harmonize the psycho-emotional state of a person - that is, to a large extent improve his well-being.

In addition, there are many pharmacological agents to increase the adaptive capacity of the body in situations where, under the influence of certain external negative factors, the autonomic and neuroendocrine regulation of natural physiological processes fails.

However, it must be borne in mind that - in order to avoid negative consequences - the use of performance-enhancing drugs should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor, since many of these drugs have contraindications and serious side effects.

Indications for the use of performance-enhancing drugs

A decrease in a person’s working capacity is clear evidence that, as they say, fatigue has accumulated in his body from prolonged physical work or (much more often) constant mental stress, from experiencing or suppressing strong emotions, from an irrational regimen (in particular, lack of sleep), unhealthy lifestyle, etc. When the feeling of fatigue does not disappear even after rest, doctors ascertain a very common morbid condition of a modern person - chronic fatigue syndrome. And the indications for the use of drugs that increase efficiency, first of all, relate to this syndrome, that is, they are aimed at increasing resistance to physical and mental stress.

Drugs that improve mood and performance are also prescribed for vegetative neuroses and asthenic disorders, depression, loss of strength and muscle weakness, in cases of a pathological decrease in the ability to concentrate during work or study. Medications of this pharmacological group are effective for cerebrovascular accidents, which are accompanied by dizziness, impaired memory and attention; in states of anxiety, fear, increased irritability; with somatovegetative and asthenic disorders associated with alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

It is almost impossible to list all the names of performance-enhancing drugs, but we will consider their main groups and dwell on the use of some of them in more detail.

To increase physical endurance and eliminate the consequences of many disease states that reduce the level of adaptability of the body to external factors, drugs from the group of adaptogens are used. In order to improve memory and increase mental performance in clinical practice, nootropics (neurometabolic stimulants) are widely used. Moreover, in both cases, doctors prescribe vitamin preparations that increase performance - vitamins of group B.

Drugs that increase mental performance: pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Drugs that increase mental performance, which belong to the group of nootropics, are presented in a wide variety. These are Piracetam, Deanol aceglumate, Picamilon, Calcium gopanthenate, Phenotropil, Cereton and many others.

The pharmacodynamics of drugs that increase performance is based on the ability of their active substances to activate the metabolism of nucleic acids, the release of serotonin from sensory neurons, and also to stimulate the synthesis of dopamine, norepinephrine, acetylcholine and the main source of intracellular energy - adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP). In addition, drugs of this group increase the synthesis of RNA and proteins in cells. The result of such a therapeutic effect is an improvement in the energy state of neurons, increased transmission of nerve impulses and more intensive glucose metabolism in the cerebral cortex, nerve nodes of the subcortex, cerebellum and hypothalamus.

Also, the pharmacodynamics of drugs that increase performance directly affects the normalization of the structure of the cell membranes of neurons, and during hypoxia helps to reduce the oxygen demand of nerve cells. In general, these drugs make nerve cells more resistant to various negative influences.

The pharmacokinetics of performance enhancing drugs depends on the biochemical properties of their specific components. Since nootropics are predominantly amino acids and their derivatives, their bioavailability reaches 85-100%. After ingestion, they are well absorbed in the stomach and enter various organs and tissues, including the brain. At the same time, they do not bind to blood plasma proteins, but penetrate through the BBB and the placenta, as well as into breast milk. The maximum plasma concentration is from 1 to 5 hours, and the time during which the highest concentration of drugs in the cells is reached ranges from 30 minutes to 4 hours.

Most performance-enhancing drugs are not metabolized and are excreted from the body by the kidneys (urine), the biliary system (bile) or the intestines (feces).


Piracetam (synonyms - Nootropil, Piramem, Piratam, Cerebropan, Ceretran, Cyclocetam, Cintilan, Dinacel, Oxiracetam, Eumental, Gabacet, Geritsitam, Merapiran, Noocephalus, Noocebril, Norzetam, etc.) is available in the form of capsules (0.4 g each) , tablets (0.2 g each), 20% injection solution (in ampoules of 5 ml), as well as granules for children (2 g of piracetam).

Tablets Piracetam is recommended to take a tablet 3 times a day, and capsules - 2 pieces a day (before meals). After improvement of the condition, the dosage is reduced to 2 tablets per day. The course of treatment is from 6 to 8 weeks (its repetition is possible in 1.5-2 months). Dosage and administration Piracetam in granules for children (after 1 year, with cerebrosthenic disorders): 30-50 mg per day (in two divided doses, before meals).

Deanol aceglumate

Release form of the drug Deanol aceglumate (synonyms - Demanol, Nooklerin) - oral solution. This drug, which improves mood and performance, has a positive effect on the state of brain tissues, improves well-being in asthenia and depression. Its use is justified if it is necessary to facilitate the processes of memorization and reproduction of significant amounts of information. According to experts, Deanol aceglumate has a positive effect on elderly patients in a number of neurotic conditions caused by organic brain lesions or traumatic brain injuries.

Dosage and administration of Deanol aceglumate: for adults, the drug should be taken orally one teaspoonful (5 ml of the solution contains 1 g of the active substance) 2-3 times a day (the last dose should not be later than 18 hours). The average daily dose is 6 g (with the maximum allowable - 10 g, that is, 10 teaspoons). The course of treatment with this drug lasts from one and a half to two months (2-3 courses can be carried out during the year). During treatment, special care should be taken when driving vehicles or operating machinery.


Nootropic drug Picamilon (synonyms - Amilonosar, Picanoil, Pikogam; analogs - Acefen, Vinpocetine, Vinpotropil, etc.) - tablets of 10 mg, 20 mg and 50 mg; 10% solution for injections. The active substance nicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid increases the efficiency of the brain and improves memory by expanding blood vessels and activating cerebral circulation. In stroke, Picamilon improves the condition of patients with movement and speech disorders; effective for migraine, vegetative-vascular dystonia, asthenia and senile depression. For preventive purposes, it can be prescribed to people who are in extreme conditions - to increase resistance to both physical and mental stress.

Method of application and dosage of Picamilon: it is recommended to take 20-50 mg of the drug twice or thrice during the day (regardless of food); the maximum daily dose is 150 mg; the duration of therapy is 30-60 days (a second course of treatment is carried out after six months).

To restore performance, a 45-day course of treatment is indicated - 60-80 mg of the drug per day (in tablets). In severe cases, a 10% solution of the drug is administered drip into a vein - 100-200 mg 1-2 times a day for two weeks.

Calcium hopantenate

To restore working capacity at increased loads, as well as with asthenic syndrome in adults, Calcium hopantenate (in tablets of 0.25 g) should be taken one tablet three times a day (20-25 minutes after meals, in the morning and afternoon).

This drug is also widely used in the complex therapy of brain dysfunction and congenital brain dysfunction in children with developmental delay (oligophrenia), in the treatment of cerebral palsy and epilepsy. The dosage in these cases is 0.5 g 4-6 times a day (treatment lasts at least three months).

It is not allowed in the treatment of Calcium hopantenate (trade names - Pantocalcin, Pantogam) to simultaneously prescribe other nootropics or drugs that stimulate the central nervous system.


The drug Phenotropil - release form: tablets of 100 mg - a nootropic with the active substance N-carbamoyl-methyl-4-phenyl-2-pyrrolidone. Its use is recommended to increase the stability of brain cells and stimulate its cognitive (cognitive) functions, as well as to improve concentration and mood. The drug, like all nootropics, stimulates the blood supply to the brain, activates intracellular metabolism and normalizes disturbed redox reactions in the nervous tissue associated with the breakdown of glucose.

Doctors prescribe Phenotropil (Phenylpiracetam) depending on the individual characteristics of the pathology and the condition of the patients. The average single dose is 100 mg (1 tablet), tablets are taken 2 times (after meals, in the morning and afternoon, no later than 15-16 hours). The average daily dose should not exceed 200-250 mg. The duration of the course of therapy averages 30 days.


The therapeutic effect of Cereton (generics - Gleacer, Noocholine Rompharm, Gliatilin, Delecite, Cerepro, Cholitilin, Choline alfoscerate hydrate, Choline-Borimed) provides its active substance choline alfoscerate, which supplies choline (vitamin B4) directly to the brain cells. And choline is needed by the body to produce the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Therefore, the drug Cereton not only normalizes the functioning of receptors and brain cells, but also improves neuromuscular transmission and helps to increase the elasticity of neuronal cell membranes.

Among the indications for the use of this drug are dementia (including senile) and impaired cognitive functions of the brain, impaired attention, encephalopathy, the consequences of a stroke and cerebral hemorrhage. Cereton capsules are taken in these cases one by one 2-3 times a day (before meals). Treatment can last from 3 to 6 months.

Contraindications to the use of performance-enhancing drugs

It should be immediately noted that the use of performance-enhancing drugs during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated, although in many cases the tiratogenic and embryotoxic effects of these drugs have not been studied by their manufacturers.

Contraindications to the use of performance-enhancing drugs are as follows:

  • the drug Piracetam is not used for children under 1 year old;
  • the drug Deanol aceglumate is not used for hypersensitivity, infectious diseases of the brain, febrile conditions, blood diseases, renal and hepatic insufficiency, epilepsy;
  • the drug Picamilon is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, acute and chronic forms of kidney pathologies;
  • the drug Cereton cannot be prescribed to patients under the age of 18, as well as in the acute stage of a stroke;
  • Acetylaminosuccinic (succinic) acid is not used for angina pectoris and glaucoma;
  • Pantokrin is contraindicated in atherosclerosis, organic heart pathologies, increased blood clotting, inflammatory kidney diseases (nephritis), and stool disorders (diarrhea).
  • tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus and aralia manchurian are not used in the treatment of children, acute infectious diseases, bleeding, hypertension, epilepsy, a tendency to convulsions, insomnia and liver pathologies.

Side effects of performance enhancing drugs

When prescribing to patients, physicians should take into account the side effects of performance-enhancing drugs. Namely: Piracetam can cause dizziness, headache, mental agitation, irritability, sleep disturbances, pain in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, convulsions; Deanol aceglumate can provoke headaches, sleep disturbances, constipation, weight loss, itching, and in elderly patients, a state of depression.

Side effects of the drug Picamilon are expressed in the form of dizziness and headache, irritability, agitation, anxiety, as well as nausea and skin rash with itching. For some, the use of Phenotropil is fraught with insomnia, irritability, dizziness and headache, an unstable state of mind (tearfulness, anxiety, as well as the appearance of delirium or hallucinations).

The drug Cereton has such possible side effects as nausea, headache, convulsions, dry mucous membranes, urticaria, insomnia or drowsiness, irritability, constipation or diarrhea, convulsions, anxiety.

But the side effects of Melatonin are quite rare and are expressed in the form of a headache and discomfort in the stomach.

Drugs that increase physical performance

Preparations that increase physical performance include such means to increase the overall tone of the body and activate its adaptive abilities, such as Acetyl aminosuccinic acid, Melatonin, Calcium glycerophosphate, Pantocrine, alcohol tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus and other medicinal plants.

Release form Acetyl aminosuccinic acid (succinic acid) - tablets of 0.1 g. The general tonic effect of this drug is based on its ability to stabilize and simultaneously stimulate the neuroregulatory processes of the central nervous system. Due to this, the intake of succinic acid relieves fatigue and removes depression associated with it.

Method of administration and doses of Acetyl aminosuccinic acid: the usual dose for an adult is 1-2 tablets per day (only after meals, with a glass of water). Children under 6 years of age are prescribed 0.5 tablets per day, after 6 years - a whole tablet (once a day).

Melatonin increases the content of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and serotin in the brain and hypothalamus, and also acts as a powerful antioxidant. As a result, this drug is used in the complex therapy of depressive conditions and disorders of the central nervous system, insomnia, reduced immunity.

Melatonin is prescribed for adults 1-2 tablets at bedtime. Do not drink alcohol or smoke while taking it. Children under 12 years of age, this medicine is contraindicated; children over 12 are given one tablet per day (just before bedtime).

Calcium glycerophosphate (tablets of 0.2 and 0.5 g) is used as a drug that increases efficiency, due to the fact that this substance can enhance protein synthesis, and more active anabolic processes in body tissues, in turn, increase the tone of all its systems. Therefore, doctors recommend taking Calcium glycerophosphate with a general breakdown, chronic fatigue and nervous exhaustion. In addition, calcium is very useful for strengthening bones.

The drug should be taken one tablet three times a day (before meals), but it should not be combined with acidic foods and drinks, as well as with milk.

Pantocrine - a liquid alcohol extract of young (non-ossified) antlers of deer, red deer and sika deer - is a CNS stimulant and is used for asthenic conditions and low blood pressure. Dosage and administration: orally, 30-40 drops 30 minutes before meals (2-3 times a day). The course of treatment lasts 2-3 weeks, repeated courses are carried out after a break of 10 days.

For many decades, drugs that increase physical performance have been classics - tincture of ginseng (root), eleutherococcus, Manchurian aralia and Chinese magnolia vine.

The presence of triterpene glycosides in the composition of these biogenic stimulants, which affect the energy processes in the body, explains their unconditional effectiveness in regulating glucose metabolism. Doctors recommend taking these tinctures for physical and mental fatigue, increased drowsiness and low blood pressure.

  • Piracetam increases the effectiveness of hormones thyroid gland, antipsychotic drugs, psychostimulants and anticoagulants;
  • Picamilon reduces the effect of sleeping pills and enhances the effect of narcotic analgesics;
  • Calcium hopantenate prolongs the action of hypnotics and may also enhance the effects of anticonvulsants and CNS stimulants;
  • taking Acetylaminosuccinic acid with sedatives (sedative antidepressants and tranquilizers) can significantly neutralize their effect.
  • the use of tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus and Manchurian aralia enhances the effect of psychostimulant drugs, as well as cordiamine and camphor-containing drugs. And the simultaneous use of tonic tinctures with tranquilizers or anticonvulsants completely blocks the therapeutic effect of the latter.

An overdose of the above drugs can lead to undesirable consequences. In particular, there may be insomnia, irritability, trembling of the limbs (tremor), and in patients after 60 years of age, attacks of heart failure and sharp fluctuations in blood pressure.

The storage conditions for drugs that increase performance are almost the same and require their storage in a dry, dark place at room temperature (not higher than + 25-30 ° C.). Mandatory condition: the place of their storage must be inaccessible to children.

And manufacturers, as expected, indicate the expiration date of these drugs on the packaging.

  • Make your brain sweat
  • Eat Right
  • Don't Overeat
  • Wake up easy
  • Do a head massage

The pace of modern life with its constant overload and stress does not contribute to clarity of thought and mental performance. Inability to concentrate, absent-mindedness, lack of interest, weakness, indifference are clear signs of a decrease in brain performance. They can not betray much importance if they appear in the evening or when you go to bed, because during the night the body will rest and gain strength. But what if the same signs are on the face in the morning? How to increase the efficiency of the brain?

How to improve brain performance

Make your brain sweat

Exercise for the mind improves the neural connections of the brain and creates a reserve of intellectual power. Follow special memory exercises, start learning foreign languages, solve crosswords and solve mathematical problems, play games that develop thinking (for example, in board business games). Tighten your gray matter more often, and you won't have to wonder - "How to increase the efficiency of the brain."

Surrounded by all sorts of gadgets, we rarely use our brains. Put the calculator aside and do the math in your head (if you take out the calculator every time you need to add more than two numbers, you won’t be able to increase your brain’s performance, and your mental abilities will weaken day by day), plan your trip mentally without resorting to the help of a navigator , try, without looking into your notebook, to remember the phone number you need (the more numbers are spinning in your head, the more new connections between neurons appear).

Eat Right

It is known that the brain needs sugar to work, and many, wanting to increase the efficiency of the brain, eat sweets in kilograms. With sedentary work, this is a sure way to obesity: after all, sugar is quickly absorbed and burned. It is better to eat foods that contain natural starches and sugars: potatoes, legumes, rice, black bread, nuts, etc. These foods will be absorbed more slowly, and the brain will have enough energy for several hours.

About how to eat right improve mental performance find out in the article - Vitamins for the mind - food for memory».

Not only what we eat is important, but also what we drink. A mug of coffee every hour is not the best way to increase brain performance. Put a bottle of plain water on your desk and drink a glass every hour, even if you don't feel like drinking. This will save you from the heat (it will come soon) and from dehydration of the body (including dehydration of brain cells), which is often the cause of loss of efficiency and overwork.

Don't Overeat

The performance of the brain depends on the amount of food we consume. Scientists from the University of Florida, with the help of an experiment, proved that satiety leads to stupefaction and negatively affects mental performance.

During the experiment, laboratory rats were divided into two identical groups. The first group received food in excess, while the diet of the second group was significantly limited.

Regular observations have shown that the body of malnourished rats produces an order of magnitude less cytochrome (a protein that destroys brain cells), which, according to scientists, causes irreparable harm to the brain, and therefore affects the performance of the brain in general, and in particular on decision making process, on development of memory and thinking.

The reaction of the second group of rats, hungry, was much better than those who ate as much food as they wanted. The interview that the scientists gave to the media, they summarized with the following words: “ Now we can say with confidence that hunger is good for health and has a positive effect on increase in brain performance ».

Surely many who overeat during lunch feel their performance deteriorating, and pulls you to sleep right at the workplace. So don't overeat!

Read more useful literature

The benefits of reading to increase the efficiency of the brain, I think, no one doubts.

Reading not only increases concentration, but also stimulates the imagination: the content of the book turns into visual images in our heads. Therefore, the brain works. Scientists from the Mayo Clinic (USA) are convinced that reading reduces the likelihood that over time we will be stupid for any reason. " New material is not only new information, but also new images in the head. Any history book will force you to make comparisons with the present, which will activate the analytical abilities that the right brain is responsible for. says one of the Mayo Clinic researchers.

Instead of staring at the TV, grab an educational book and spend at least 30 minutes reading it (reading for half an hour a day will increase your brain's efficiency).

Speaking of informative and useful literature, I mean domestic and foreign classics, historical and specialized literature, and poetry. But the yellow press (who is with whom, who has more, and who has more), comics and other similar reading is unlikely to have a good effect on increasing the working capacity of the brain.

Relax, Relax and Sleep

Working without rest always leads to loss of efficiency. The American Journal of Epidemiology recently published a study that states: Fifty-five or more working hours a week (eleven hours a day with a five-day workday) lead to fairly low scores on vocabulary and intelligence tests. The best option is 35-40 - hour work week". It is clear that you will not approach the authorities and say: “ If you want your team to work better, reduce working hours". In such conditions, you can increase your efficiency by taking small breaks.

Feel free to scratch your tongue over coffee with work colleagues. Here is what Oscar Ibarra, author of one of the studies conducted at the University of Michigan, says about this: “ Sometimes idle talk is helpful. Those who take breaks from work and chat with co-workers for ten minutes do better on intelligence tests than those who take them all at once without talking. And that's why - communicative communication sharpens memory and activates other brain functions, because it requires information processing (for example, to determine whether the interlocutor is lying or telling the truth)».

The same ones who distant work, can control their working hours without fear of being reprimanded to take a break for an hour or two. The main thing is not to sit like a robot and remember that if you are distracted and rested, this will increase your performance.

Do not forget to arrange days off for yourself (especially for those who work at a distance and for themselves). The best vacation is outdoor recreation! Hunting, fishing, hiking in the forest for berries, mountain climbing, barbecue in the country - all these are good ways to give your brain a break from stressful everyday life, recharge your batteries and increase your brain's working capacity.

And of course, speaking of rest and its impact on increase in brain performance, it should be noted the importance of healthy and full sleep. After all, it is known that lack of sleep and lack of sleep lead to premature overwork and short-sighted decision making.

Follow the routine: every day go to sleep and wake up at a certain time. Even on weekends, try to stick to the established routine.

Wake up easy

Physiologists around the world advise to increase mental performance learn to wake up without an alarm. If you get up at the right time without the help of an alarm clock, you feel more sleepy. Consequently, you have more energy and strength, a clearer head and a better mood.

Give up bad habits

Much has been said about the dangers of smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, but there are people who claim that tobacco and alcohol (especially smoking) stimulate the efficiency of brain activity. However, doctors with their numerous experiments (I will not go into details) proved that the opinion about tobacco and alcohol as stimulants of brain activity is false and unfounded. Tobacco, like alcohol, is not true, but a false stimulant of working capacity and productivity. It creates only the illusion of "enlightenment" of the head and a surge of strength. In fact, smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol do not focus on study and work, reduce the level of efficiency, reduce the amount of work performed, and also worsen their quality.

Don't know how to improve brain performance? The first thing to do is stop smoking and excessive drinking!

Force yourself to move as much as possible

Daily physical exercise will help improve the elasticity of blood vessels and blood circulation, help restore lost neural connections and contribute to the emergence of new ones, which will lead to improved brain performance.

Do a head massage

Head and neck massage improves blood flow in the cerebral cortex, and therefore is beneficial for cellular cerebral circulation. If possible, visit a professional massage therapist, if finances or time are tight, self-massage will help. Information on how to do self-massage of the head and collar zone on the Internet is a dime a dozen. I will only say that if you perform this massage every day for ten minutes for several weeks, you will notice that by the evening the ability to think clearly and clearly will not disappear, and fatigue will not be so obvious.

Use colors and aromatherapy

It has been proven that some smells and colors have a calming effect, while others, on the contrary, are stimulants and irritants for the brain (for more details, see the article “Color Therapy”). The work of the brain is well stimulated by the yellow color - it tones and invigorates, increases mental performance and uplifts the mood (you can hang a picture over your desktop in which this color prevails). Of the smells, in order to increase the efficiency of the brain, citrus and woody aromas are well suited. Use natural essential oils, not air fresheners.

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Stress, chronic fatigue, ecology and life "on the run" over time lead the body into a state from which it is very difficult to get out. Irritability grows, self-esteem falls, attention is scattered, and there is no strength even to “get up and make yourself a cup of coffee.” Not to mention getting the job done.

What are methods of restoring mental and physical performance ? How to become energetic, active and positive again?

20 Methods to Increase Mental Performance

  1. One of the most effective means stable and correct daily routine . No ginseng roots, energy "energizers" and medicines can compare with it. And it’s not just about “you’re supposed to sleep 8 hours, period!” (one needs 6 hours, the other gets enough sleep only for 9-10) - but about a stable and natural regimen. That is, morning awakening, daytime wakefulness, evening rest and night sleep. The red-eyed "owl" is a person who is simply too lazy to take care of his health. In fact, owls and larks simply do not exist. The norm is to sleep at night and get up in the morning. And even if it seems that the night is a more productive time of day, this is self-deception. Because after a few years of such a regime, the body wears out, and those diseases appear that could easily have been avoided. Ideal option: go to sleep before 23.30 and wake up no later than 7.30. Healthy sleep is a complete restoration of the forces lost during the previous day.
  2. Easy awakening. It only seems that it is difficult to crawl out from under a warm blanket. In fact, it makes no sense to turn off the alarm clock 10 times, muttering - "five more minutes ..." - just immediately take a vertical position. After - immediately turn on the light, get up, take a contrast shower and go to have breakfast properly.
  3. Sleep right. To establish a stable regime, this point is also important. Basic requirements: a minimum of light, a ventilated room, a clean (not blocked) nose, an aromatic bath before going to bed and a cup of warm milk.
  4. Relax at work . We don’t smoke or drink coffee while watching new messages on the social network, but we change the environment, breathe air for 5-10 minutes, move to the best of our ability – that is, we restore blood flow and vascular and muscle tone, and “feed” the brain with useful oxygen. Read also:
  5. Relax outside of work. We open / turn on the computer and mobile phone only when absolutely necessary. Instead of a sofa and TV, there are outdoor games, a bicycle, a pool, roller skates, etc. Refreshing your space is also a useful process. This, of course, is about cleaning your house at least once a week - on your legal day off. This is both movement, and an excellent psychotherapeutic tool, and an automatic projection of cleanliness / order on all your activities (“order around - order in the head”).
  6. Make the most of your life. Namely, we do not rest with those with whom we work (and vice versa), we go to work by different routes and on different vehicles (if possible, we go on foot), we don’t eat hamburgers and dumplings alone, we have fun every time in a new place (bowling, cinemas, theaters, walks, picnics, etc.).
  7. Rejecting everyone bad habits . Hypoxia of cerebral vessels is the main cause of lethargy at work. It is impossible to increase efficiency by continuing to tar pack after pack. If you are not able to quit, smoke only outside the office, only alone and very quickly. Without binding to this "ritual", without coffee for a cigarette, without beautiful lighters and other nonsense.
  8. Creating the right lighting in the workplace . Darkness is a signal to the brain - "it's time to sing." And the contrast of the light of the monitor and the darkness in the room tires the eyes and the visual analyzer.
  9. Properly organize the workspace. That is, so that the venous outflow is not disturbed, so that the neck muscles do not tense up, and cerebral circulation does not worsen.
  10. We train the mind - give up gadgets in favor of your brain. We consider mentally, and not on a calculator, remember the phone number, and do not look for it in a book, we lay the route without the help of a navigator. The more the brain receives numerical tasks, the more connections between neurons.
  11. We feed our memory. We take care of the regular nutrition of the brain with the help of vitamin complexes, carbohydrates (cereals, vegetables, fruits, berries), proteins (minimum meat, more dairy products), fats (fatty fish - at least 2 times a week).
  12. We master breathing exercises. Oxygenating the brain is an essential part of a performance improvement program. Oxygen starvation is heaviness in the head, decreased brain activity, drowsiness. One of the simple exercises is holding the air for 3-5 seconds after exhalation. The most effective exercise (for 5-7 minutes): inhalation of air either through the right or left nostrils - to activate both cerebral hemispheres.
  13. Aromatic brain stimulant . Make sachets (cloth pads) with rose hips, linden, rose, lily of the valley, hop cones, mint, and oregano. Put them under your pillow at night.
  14. Head and neck massage. This will help improve blood circulation in the cerebral cortex and, accordingly, in the cells of the brain itself. Spend 7-10 minutes daily on the massage - just stroking, rubbing, patting, etc. As well as rubbing the earlobes and even rolling them into a tube.
  15. We reset thoughts. When the brain is overstrained, the blood thickens, the stress hormone is released, and the conductivity of the membranes of the brain cells decreases. Therefore, we learn to relax and turn off thoughts with the help of yoga, auto-training, meditation. A good method is to turn off the lights and wander around the room blindfolded for 15-20 minutes. The main thing is to deprive the brain of the usual sources of information to sharpen hearing, smell and touch. Thought Zeroing is a great workout to activate brain functions and improve memory.
  16. We learn to concentrate the mind on one idea or subject. For 5-7 minutes we concentrate on some point, on a tree outside the window, on a memory or an idea, without being distracted by anything else. Such exercises allow you to accumulate energy for solving serious specific problems.
  17. We think only positively. Even if luck has left, and the general condition can be described as “I want to hang myself a little, but in general - nothing” - only a smile, optimism and humor. We categorically move away from despondency and falling into depression by any means. Laugh heartily, communicate only with positive people, watch good films, learn to see white in black. Happiness hormones increase the efficiency of the brain dozens of times.
  18. We learn to concentrate. We do not scatter it into several cases at once, but sequentially process thoughts on each of the tasks, highlighting the most important ones.
  19. We train both hemispheres of the brain. With the left hand we draw 5 circles, with the right hand - the same number of triangles. All in a minute. We regularly pass tests (there are many of them on the network) from the series - "remember the items on the page in 10 seconds and list them in detail from memory."
  20. Developing brain abilities – do the usual things with your left hand, try new tastes, read good literature, ask ourselves the question “why?” 10 times a day, solve crossword puzzles, collect puzzles, listen to Mozart (it has been proven that it activates mathematical abilities), discover creative talents in ourselves, improve estrogen levels by regular sex life, developing vocabulary and gaining new knowledge, keeping diaries and blogs, etc.

10 Best Ways to Improve Physical Performance

  1. Purify the blood and vessels of the brain. In the morning - a glass of water on an empty stomach (possible with lemon) on even days, a glass of herbal tea - on odd days. For lunch, do not forget to eat a clove of garlic, carrots and parsley. 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day is a must. We stop eating fast food and "homeless packages", we reduce salt to a minimum, we categorically refuse from products (its regular use leads to serious changes in the nervous tissue). Let's not forget about vitamins. We are not fond of veganism (a person cannot fully live without amino acids in meat) and have a proper breakfast!
  2. Fight hypodynamia. That is, remember that movement is life. We ride bicycles, do exercises, use any free minute to improve blood supply (at least take a walk, and do not sit in a chair, “resting”).
  3. Go to the bath regularly (time for "steam" - no more than half an hour). The removal of toxins, the treatment of chronic diseases, the release of negativity in every sense with sweat are the main advantages of the bath.
  4. Give up coffee in favor of mineral water.
  5. Eat enough to feel full rather than fall on the bed with a full belly. Overeating slows down both physical and mental processes.
  6. The best vacation is in nature! To the forest with a basket, to go fishing, to the mountains, to summer kebabs, for leaves for a children's herbarium, etc.
  7. Ventilate the room constantly.
  8. Plan your day right. A work plan is an order in the head and high productivity. Don't forget to include 10 minutes of rest in your plan.
  9. Harden your body. Do not warm yourself like a head of cabbage in winter, sleep with an open window, go barefoot more often.
  10. Boost your immunity without the help of medication.

Your body is your personal computer. Its power and operation without failures and freezes depends only on what programs you download into it. Positive, health, movement - three components of success in the task of improving performance.