Strong prayer for catching fish. Prayers for success in fishing

It may be funny in the 21st century to read some conspiracies, prayers, remember cherished words, but admit it: you whisper all sorts of rubbish under your breath while sitting with a fishing rod on the bank! Or not? And if a neighbor drags one by one, and you have figurines? Do not thoughts creep in that it’s not casual? Still how ... But our grandfathers knew that you would not bow to the waterman, or there the owner of the reservoir and you would not get a fish. I have not posted my cherished conspiracies here, but among these there are a couple of very effective ones! Rather than muttering nonsense, whisper what our great-grandfathers went for fish with.
For successful fishing
Arriving at the place of fishing, before throwing the fishing rods, they whisper the following conspiracy: "Perches, and pikes, and lines in your hand, come to this place, this place is watery and suitable for you, there is a feeder for you, and a worm, and a fly" Having planted a worm and spitting on it, they say: “Go into the water, worm, and lure a big fish on the hook with you, catch a fish, crucian carp and tench, an arshin in length, a pood in weight, and all the little things go to the devil! March! ".
For big fish
In order to catch a larger fish on the bait, they do this: having caught a small fish on a hook, they cut a stalk of algae and whip it, saying: “Go, fish, back into the water, send uncle, send mother, send brother and father, everyone, whoever is older, send, and you go play again. "After that, they remove the fish from the hook and carefully put it back into the water.
For successful fishing
"I will go to a fast river, there are trembling fish on it, and I will lower a seine like a silk scarf, and in this seine, yes, let a fish fall into every leash." Return from hunting or fishing
"Just as no one can think about my damask knife, think thoughts, make speeches, just like me, (name), all my traps and guns, shotguns and rifles. I'm going, (name), with animal and bird hunting behind a forgotten fire; if a man sees, black, black, often-toothed, rare-toothed, a white-headed woman, a simple-haired girl, a priest, a priest, a deacon, a deaconess, a deacon, a sexton, a sexton, a sexton, a chernet, a bilberry, from his thought, from his rumor and get engaged, from a comrade's thought, from your family, the devil of my thought, the devil of my speech, the devil of my blood from a sorcerer, from sorceresses, from a hovodun, from a hovodun, from every evil person and all evil envious blood, evil, dashing salt in the eye, resin in the eye, tree in the eye. Always, now and forever and forever and ever. In my words, the sky is the key, the earth is the lock." Say three times to a knife, or a bough of a tree, or a lump of snow. Try the following.
When baiting a worm or a small fish on a hook, say the following words: “The fish is fresh, the bait is greasy, peck, pull, pull to the bottom.” Before catching, say three times: “Go, fish and small fish, into my mater seine, wide matn.”

Of the catch caught on a fishing trip, the first fish is not given to the cat to eat, otherwise there will be no successful fishing. It should be noted such a fish. The one who caught this fish eats it, then no one will jinx his catch.

To be lucky when hunting or fishing, they broke the top of the tree.

Conspiracies for successful fishing

In order for a large fish to be caught on the bait, the caught small fish are released back into the water, while saying:
Send father, send mother.
Send your aunt, send your uncle.
Send your elders.

If you are an avid fisherman, go to church for Christ's Matins on Holy Week and bring a candle home from there.
It must be preserved until the day when you are going to go fishing. Set fire to it and fumigate a fishing rod, spinning rod, trap, saying:
How many people were in the church
so many fish in my trap.
All my words are molding and strong!
Those words of mine mouth, teeth - lock,
Language is the key, thrown into the sea. Amen.
This plot is read at a certain time: there must be a full moon, any even number.

Thomas is coming, carrying a fish, and with him - me and my luck.
I carry the key home, I carry my tackle, Passion for the Fish.
What I take out of the water, I close it for a conspiracy.
Key, lock, luck and fish on the threshold.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Talk about fishing tackle:

Whether my fish is unsightly, unsightly.
Come to me, servant of God (name),
Soon, irrevocably and irrevocably,
Against fast water, autumn rivers.
Don't look back and don't turn away.
Come to me, servant of God (name), hourly.
At the dawn, in my iron hearts -
Big-headed fish burbot,
And the eastern pike.
Red fish salmon, come to me,
servant of God (name),
Every day and every hour:
In the morning dawn and in the evening dawn,
On the day under the sun and on the night under the moon,
And under frequent stars
And under the whole circle of God.
In those words, the key and the lock,
In the name of the Lord, in the Holy Spirit.
Forever and ever. Amen.

Arriving on the shore of a river or lake, before casting the fishing rods, say in a whisper:

Perch and pike, and lines in hand.
Come to this place.
The place is watery and suitable for you.
There is a feeder for you, and a worm, and a fly.

Having planted a worm, spit on it with the words:

Get in the water, worm
and lure a big fish on the hook.
Catch, fish, carp and tench,
By an arshin of length, by a pood of weight,
And all the little things go to hell. March!

When baiting not only a worm, but also any other bait on a hook, the angler must say:

The fish is fresh, the profit is strong,
Peck and pull, pull to the bottom.
Catch, little fish, big and small!

Or like this:

How many fish are in the water
She won't move for that long.
So I carry fish home - do not drag,
Fishing is not overfishing.
Key and lock - Neptune is at my side! Amen.

"Conspiracy for successful fishing for river fish"

Such a conspiracy is read three times in a row before the start of fishing.
“Just as the priest stands on the Jordan River, he does not move, the fne moves, so with me, the servant of God (name), in my fishing nets, let no fish move, do not move at the evening dawn and at the morning dawn, every minute, every an hour, in the middle of a dark night, on a young moon, on a recurring moon, on an old moon. My conspiracy is strong and indestructible from now on and forever and forever and ever. My words have a lock and a key: heaven and earth. Amen, amen, amen."

"The Angler's Conspiracy"

Such a conspiracy is recited three times in a row for each bait, “A trembling fish, a fresh fish, a sea fish, a river fish, my bait is strong and strong: peck, trembling fish, fresh fish, sea fish, river fish, but pull it, yes pull it to the very bottom."


In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I, the servant of God (name), will be blessed, I will go crossing myself, from the hut through the doors, from the gates of the doors, I will go out into the open field, under the east side, into the green oak forest, and I, the servant of God (name), will face the east side, and I will pray and bow to the true Christ, the King of Heaven, and wake me, a servant of God (name), an industrialist, without growing up and not touching from my blood, and from my thought, and from the violent wind, and from my heart, and from human thought , and from rumor, and from the human eye. And whoever an evil dashing person thinks of my prey and fishery, and then it would be in his bosom, and what he takes care of himself, then to me for my booty and fishery, every day and every hour, and every night, and those my spoken words and words are the key and the lock, in the name of the Lord, in the Holy Spirit, forever and ever, amen.


Speak words to the fish and the fish that God will give: “Be my fish untouchable, rough, come to me, the servant of God (name), soon, irrevocably and irrevocably, against fast waters, autumn rivers, do not look back and do not turn away, come to me, the servant of God (name), every hour in the morning dawn, in my iron bows, the big-headed fish burbot, and the eastern pike, the red salmon fish, come to me, the servant of God (name), every day and every in the morning dawn, and in the evening dawn, on the day under the sun, and on the night under the moon and under the frequent stars and under the whole circumference of God ... By those words of mine, the key and the lock, in the name of the Lord, by the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen. And which I, the servant of God (name), forgot the word, remembered, then my word be in the same circle and sharper than a sharp knife, a damask ax, faster than spring water, in the name of the Lord, by the Holy Spirit, forever and ever, amen, after the amen, amen ".


* If you squeeze the juice from the nettle, rub your palms with it - you can catch fish with your bare hands.
* It is believed that for successful fishing, you need to treat the merman as soon as you arrange a halt. If you eat something - throw a piece into a lake or river, if you drink - also pour a little into the water with the words: "Grandfather-water, you have a present." If you do it as it should be, the waterman himself will help in fishing.

For successful fishing.
“I’ll go to a fast river, there are fish on it, and we would let down a seine like a silken bud, and in this seine, in every leash, fish would jump like ranks.”
The conspiracy was delivered by Mr. Nikolsky from the city of Mezen

Fishing spell.
"As you, mother ... the river, you flow quickly and violently, you wash off the banks, you wash the grass, you rip off the root, so wash off and rip off from mine, the servant of God (name), stitches, from cutting and from the mesh, from the fiery battle, from the entire armory spices, from every evil and dashing and from thought, from witchcraft and from all unclean thoughts. To those my words, heaven and earth are the key and the lock: amen.
Recorded by A. Kharitonov in the Shenkur district.

For fishing and for burbots, and for pikes, and for salmon, and for any fish that God will give on the hook.

"In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I will stand, the servant of God, blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from the hut with doors, from the doors with gates, I will go into an open field under the eastern side, into a green oak forest, and I will become a servant of God , facing the east, and I will pray and bow to the true Christ, the King of Heaven, and wake me, a servant of God, an industrialist not grown up and not touching from my blood and from my thought, and from the violent wind, and from my eye, and from my heart and from people's thoughts, and from rumors, from the human eye.And whoever is an evil, fierce person thinks of my booty and fishing, and that would be in his bosom, and what he takes care of himself, then to me on my booty and every day, every hour, and every night, and with those my slanderous words, the key and the lock in the name of the Lord, in the Holy Spirit, forever and ever, amen.
Conveyed by the peasant Leontiev from the Kholmogory district

“Be, my little fish is unsightly, rough, come to me, the servant of God, soon, irrevocably and irrevocably, against fast waters, autumn rivers, do not look back and do not turn away, come to me, the servant of God, every hour at the morning dawn and at the evening dawn, in my iron hooks, big-headed burbot fish and eastern pike, red salmon fish, come to me, the servant of God (name); every day and every hour, at morning dawn and at evening dawn, on a day under the sun and in the night under the moon and under the frequent stars, and under the whole circumference of God... By those words of mine, the key and the lock, in the name of the Lord, by the Holy Spirit, forever and ever, amen. my word be in the same circle and sharper than a sharp knife, a damask ax, faster than spring water, in the name of the Lord, by the Holy Spirit, forever and ever, amen, after the amen, amen.
Handed over by the peasant Leontiev from the Kholmogory district.

Spell for good luck in fishing

"With the blessing of the Lord, go, holy angels, to the blue sea with golden keys, unlock and shake the blue sea with wind and whirlwind and strong weather and stir up red fish and white fish and other different fish and sea animals. And drive them out from under the moss and bushes, from steep banks and yellow sands, and so that they would go to us, fishermen and trappers (the names of all industrialists are listed), and would not stagnate in the red sun, and would not lie on ice floes in the middle of the sea, and would go to our factories , nets and traps, and our flax and hemp nets and all sorts of different traps would not back away, and our shots and mallets would not frighten. still, holy angels, save our fishing and animal fishing from lessons and from mowing, from a heretic and a heretic, from a slanderer and a slanderer, from a husband's wife and widow, and from a bare-haired girl, and every windy, passing person and depraved, from now on and until century, amen. Christ is risen."
The conspiracy was delivered "to fishing" by Mr. Nikolsky from the city of Mezen.

Conspiracy for successful fishing.

Arriving at the place of fishing, before throwing the fishing rods, they whisper the following conspiracy:
“Perches, and pikes, and lines in your hand, come to this place, this place is watery and suitable for you, there is a feeder for you and a worm, and a fly.” Having planted a worm and spitting on it, they say: “Go into the water, worm , and lure a big fish on a hook with you, catch, fish, carp and tench, by a yard of length, by a pood of weight, and all the little things go to hell! March! ".

For big fish.

In order to catch a larger fish on a bait, they do this: having caught a small fish on a hook, they take a stalk of algae and whip it, saying:
"Go, fish, back into the water, send your uncle, send your mother, send your brother and father, send everyone who is older, and you go play again." After that, they remove the fish from the hook and carefully put it back into the water.

Fisherman's Conspiracy.

Such a conspiracy is recited three times in a row for each bait:
"Trembling fish, fresh fish, sea fish, river fish, my bait is strong and strong: peck, trembling fish, fresh fish, sea fish, river fish, pull it, pull it to the very bottom."

A conspiracy for successful fishing for river fish.

Such a conspiracy is read three times in a row before the start of fishing:
"Just as the priest stands on the Jordan River, he does not move, the fne moves, so with me, the servant of God (name), in my fishing nets, let no fish move, do not move at the evening dawn and at the morning dawn, every minute, every hour, in the middle of a dark night, on a young month, on the blocking of the month, on the old month. My conspiracy is strong and indestructible from now and forever and forever and ever. To my words there is a lock and a key: heaven and earth. Amen, amen, amen. "

To improve the bite on bad days, the fisherman must speak fishing tackle three times this plot for a successful catch:
“I conjure you by the Lord, I add good luck in fishing. Little fish - swim, big fish, grab a treat! So be it!” The fisherman himself must read the plot, after which he must make sure that no one touches the fishing rods, fishing.

The fisherman is perceived as a "knowing" person, communicating with evil spirits. Quite often, a fisherman, a hunter and a shepherd, on this basis, are put on a par: “There are different signs. What signs? How to catch fish, how to feed, how. Both have a special conspiracy - "vacation" (or "article"): "Fishermen know they have such an article. And they are on this article and catch. Here is one who does not know the article, so they never get anything. And as soon as they have an article, they will read the article, and they get it"

If you went fishing, do not look back, while you need to say three times:

“I’ll stand blessed, I’ll go cross from gate to gate, to the holy field, in the holy field there are three oaks, under three oaks he builds three holy martyrs: the first Theodosius, the second Elisha, the third Helena the Most Holy. Three swans, three geese, three ducks swim along the river, open the sacrifice to slave Ivan.
Ritual and magical practice of the fishermen of the North. With. Tikhmanga.

Fishing prayer for successful fishing:

"I will go to a fast river, there are fish on it, and we would lower the seine like silk spoons, and in this seine, in every leash, fish would jump like ranks."
Transcribed from the notebook Kutsenko A.F., born in 1941 and Kutsenko M.I., born in 1935, p. Nokola).

For the plot to come true, at the end you should say:
“Whoever gnaws away the Bel-Combustible Stone Alatyr, that will overcome my conspiracy.”

The fishermen developed rules regarding their appearance, which they followed while fishing:
"Yes, until I go fishing, I don't shave. Here I am, for example, - I go with a longitudinal one - I start to put on a longitudinal one - I no longer shave. This day and then. Until I choose the longitudinal one back."
Fokin M.F., born in 1931, pos. Flax plant.

“I even try to go fishing in the same clothes. I put on new felt boots - that’s all, so you won’t catch fish”
Pridein A.N., born in 1954, p. Usachevo.

Preparation for fishing played a very significant role. Usually, before fishing, the gear was fumigated with veres (juniper), which is perceived as a "clean" and "cleansing" tree and is widely used in ritual practice:

“You say how they go into the lake? Our mother-in-law also knew this. Here the men come - two fishermen - they bring tackle here, she takes the heather, lights the heather and with this she surrounds this tackle and overshoots (reads) the Sunday Prayer:
"Let God arise, and scatter against Him, and let those who hate Him flee from His face. As smoke disappears, let them disappear, as wax melts from the face of fire, so let the demons perish from the face of those who love God and are marked by the sign of the Cross, and speak in joy : Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, crucified on you, who descended into hell and corrected the power of the devil, and gave us His Honorable Cross to drive away every adversary. Oh, Most Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord! with the Holy Lady the Virgin Mother of God and with all the saints forever. Amen."

During artel fishing, gear was often not fumigated, but the fishermen themselves had to go through the smoke. This custom was sometimes observed only in case of unsuccessful fishing:
"Aunt Evo taught, if it's not a fish catcher, they fumigated it, burn it with smoke. Here's Veres, drive away the devils, [if] the fish is not a catcher. Not a fish catcher, you need a fox, they said kaatsa."

Before you go fishing, you need to look into the oven:

“When they want to go fishing, they look into the oven .. Here they say: “Peck-peck, kiss about me.” Now, if you go fishing, you’ll catch fish.
Avdeev A.V., born in 1929, p. Oshevensk.

The fisherman was given with him items that were supposed to ensure good luck:

"From the head, in the fish there are crosses, a sacral bone. It just looks like a cross. And you take this bone and you need to sew it up, in general, in a hat, in a cap or somewhere. You will go to the river Well, you're definitely going to catch fish."
Evseev I.N., born in 1929, p. Shield.

The most vulnerable fisherman is when he goes fishing. So you can't ask where he's going. The fisherman should have been admonished with a formula that foreshadowed him failure, so as not to "jinx it. The fisherman was told:

"No head, no tail!" , - and he replies: "Go to hell!"
Osmanov A.A., born in 1929, p. Nokola.

Failure portends the curse of the wife at this moment:

"If he sends him with a curse - you’ll bring hell. You see, in the summer haymaking - you need to help one or the other. And we want to run away to catch fish. And these people demand that they help at home. And if the cloud starts - well, what to do - go with God. We will bring it with our brother - pikes hang on a belt, and all on fishing rods.
Chelnokova A.V., born in 1913, p. Ukhta.

In every village there is always a person whose meeting on the way to fishing portends failure:
“There is an old woman in the village like this: if a fisherman goes and sees her, he’ll turn back, he won’t do anything, he will jinx it”
Startsev M.F., born in 1929, p. Pechnikovo.

Sometimes a person "harmful" to a fisherman is determined by other signs:
“It’s bad to meet, they say, a three-tooth. Where are the teeth yet: there are teeth, and there is also a third tooth. From the Poshlyachikha - clean, named [three-toothed], rest in peace, Lord, how you came - we haven’t gone into the lake yet - it’s better not to go at least.

Good luck or failure can be brought by parting words said to the fisherman by a random passerby: “Yes, the fishermen also had signs. Here is my grandmother, here is my grandmother on the hill, she is my cousin. grandmother, and says: "Go with God, catch, and feed me the old woman." So they went up the Leybushe River up there. They caught so many fish! Duck and a basket, and a rustic motley. They caught so much shuk, I don’t know directly. And Ivan Grigorievich immediately, just shook it out, and grabbed the very first pike and stole it off this grandmother. He took it all away: "Oh, Ivanushko!". On the second day, the wanderer went again. Popalas another, another old woman: "Oh, fathers! Yesterday they caught a bunch, and today, probably, they went after my fish. "Duck, my mother told everything. She says:" You saw how the fish runs along our legs, but does not fall into the seine. "They just caught two pikes, and he, the dead man, grabbed the first pike he caught and threw it into the hut of this Nastasya.
Kamenko N.A., born 118, p. Volosovo.

The fisherman must appease the merman with a "sacrifice". Usually vodka performed this function:

"Did they pour a glass of vodka into the water? They even poured a bottle, not just a glass. They caught it in Tikhmanga, I caught it, in Goslov ... the foreman, they arrived, as soon as they cut down the hole, he would take out the bottle and pour it out. It's like a water man. A handout, it's better there was a catch."

"They poured wine into the water, you will go fishing for the first time."

Sometimes they threw bread:

"That, by the way, is also a sign. When you go to catch a pike, you need to take bread with you. And throw a piece of bread, so to speak, so that the river is merciful. When you catch a pike, you must also throw a piece."
Gulyanin A.S., born in 1927, p. Volosovo.

“Well, there’s something like fishing - they also do it, whoever can give something. They throw a piece of bread or a piece of sugar. Into the water. .
Cherepanova A.F., born in 1921, p. Lovzang.

ON THE. Ivanitsky cites the following data:
"Fishermen throw bast shoes with a footcloth into the water with a sentence:" On you, damn, bast shoes, drive the fish.

T.A. Bernshtam writes about gifts to the water pomors:
"So, among the Old Believers, the feeding of the water one was limited to throwing tobacco into the water, accompanied by swearing: tobacco and swearing, as the offspring of the" unclean ", should have served as an offering pleasing to him."

You can’t behave in a way that the merman won’t like: “If you behave like a merman, you won’t catch it”
Safonov V.A., born in 1931, p. Usachevo.

There are lakes where you can’t make noise: “We have a lake there in the forest. I heard from my mother that old people used to catch there, in winter they even caught it, they speak it, you can’t speak it. , otherwise the fish will not fall, who will talk."
Bous I.N., born in 1940, p. Nokola.

"Especially the forest lakes, these deaf lakes. Here is Borovoye, too, grandfather said: when you come, you will find a place there, among the burdocks, a small hole like that. You put the fishing rod straight in there, and the perches peck one by one. One hundred - one hundred and twenty pieces. and a torn one - if a perch pawed at the water, broke away, flopped on the water - that's it: even how long you stand - it's useless. It's better to change the place right away.
Nikonov I.V., born in 1948, p. Ryagovo.

While fishing, the fisherman (both professional and amateur) uses sentences:

"The net is coming, pulling the mother and saying: "Get in, big and small fish!" Osmanova M.S., born in 1926, village of Nokola.

"When baiting worms. The fish is fresh, the bait is strong, peck and pull, pull to the bottom."
Transcribed from the notebook Kutsenko A.F., born in 1941 and Kutsenko M.I., born in 1935, p. Nokola.

A number of rituals and prohibitions are associated with the first catch and the first fish:

“He noticed something else with my grandfather. He’ll set up the nets, well, let’s run, as soon as the first fish hits, he will definitely kiss her. But he didn’t tell this secret to anyone.
Kalitin V.A., born in 1928, p. Nokola.

"You'll catch the first fish, such a small one, and eat it live. To catch it well."

"I heard that the first fish that was caught in the new year, they say, after all, you need to spread it, but send it into the river. Cut it and lower it."
Debina A.V., born in 1930, p. Lekshma.

“You can’t give it to your ear. Well, let’s say, you brought it, they came to your ear to ask for the first catch. Better don’t give it.
Kapustin A.A., born in 1931, p. Nokola.

There are similar data from the Vologda province:

"The first sharpened fish is buried in the ground for good luck."

When fish were caught by an artel, it was customary to arrange a collective ear after fishing, while conspiracies were uttered and actions were taken that were supposed to ensure successful fishing in the future:

“The common fish soup, of course, they raise it, a bowler hat with an fish soup over the table. And they say: “Catch ... Catch, big and small fish. Send, Lord, to the fishermen on the tone, and to us on the table! Tonya is a hole, they throw it when the tackle is.
Klocheva A.A., born in 1920, p. Nokola.

“Then, they cook for the first day, if a large fish comes across, they boil a collective fish soup at one or the other end of the village, at some real estate, here, for example, with me. the peasants ordered the fish soup to be boiled. "Here, they pour it - first they slurp one broth, and then fish. They break off a piece of a small one, they also screw up (capture) everything and shake it:" we are on the table, the fishermen are on the tone, we are on the table, and the fishermen are on the tone! "Raise] a bowl, a dish. Over the edges with a piece and say: "We are on the table, and the fishermen are on the tone!".
Osmanova M.S., born in 1926, p. Nokola.

“They arranged a seine net, they definitely caught it, they cooked a common fish soup. Don’t say that you’ve eaten:“ I would eat a little, ”to catch more fish. They lifted the bowl with the fish soup over the table. During the common fish soup they said catch, fish, big, small.
Safonov A.A., born in 1931, p. Usachevo.

In some places, the common ear was timed to coincide with the feast of Peter and Paul: “What is Peter’s day? old men and fish will be caught and brought from there already on St. Peter's Day. They boil a common cauldron of fish soup there, as many as a full fish put in. This fish will be boiled, this fish soup each with their own breadcrumbs. send us. God, fish. Big and small. "As soon as we talk, everyone, let's pour the crumble into this fish soup" (Biryukova A.A., born in 1917, village of Krechetovo).

These ritual meals are designed to preserve and increase fishing luck - to gather by the whole village on the occasion of the end of the harvest, which was widespread in Kargopol. The complex of fishing rituals covers the whole year, making up a closed cycle. With the disappearance of fishing as an artel, collective occupation, much of the ritual and magical practice of fishing teams gradually passed into the everyday life of amateurs who preserve and develop the traditions of fishermen.

Industrial conspiracies.

In order to have fish, on Maundy Thursday, fishermen climb with a boat on the princes of the hut, tie a bast shoe to the boat with a rope and scoop it up. At the same time they say: "Catch, fish, like a bast shoe will be caught."

On Maundy Thursday, what you say in the morning comes true. The peasants who have nets, the old women, purposely stretch the nets along the fence and throw firewood there and say: “Oh, how many fish have got!”

For fishing and for burbot, and for pike, and for salmon, and for any fish that God gives to the bait.

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I will become a servant of God (name), blessed, I will go crossing myself, out of the hut with doors, out of the gates, I will go out into the open field, under the east side, into the green oak forest, and I will become a slave God's (name), facing the east side, and I will pray and bow to the true Christ, the King of Heaven, and wake me, the servant of God (name), an industrialist, not growing up and not touching from my blood, and from my thoughts, and from the violent wind and from his heart, and from people's thoughts, and from rumors, and from the human eye. for my prey and for trade, every day and every hour, and every night, and those my slanderous words and words are the key and the lock, in the name of the Lord, in the Holy Spirit, forever and ever, amen "

Fish touch.

Speak words for uds and fish, which God will give:
"Be my fish untouchable, rough, come to me, servant of God (name), soon, irrevocably and irrevocably, against fast waters, autumn rivers, do not look back and do not turn away, come to me, servant of God (name), hourly at the morning dawn, in my iron hooks, a big-headed fish, and an eastern pike, a red salmon fish, come to me, the servant of God (name), every day and every day at the morning dawn, and at the evening dawn, on the day under the sun, and on the night under the moon and under the frequent stars and under the whole circumference of God ... In my words, the key and the lock, in the name of the Lord, by the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen. And which I, the servant of God (name), forgot the word , I forgot, then my word be in the same circle and sharper than a sharp knife, a damask ax, faster than spring water, in the name of the Lord, by the Holy Spirit, forever and ever, amen, after the amen, amen.

Fishing belief.

"If you squeeze the juice from the nettle, rub your palms with it - you can catch fish with your bare hands."

It is believed that for successful fishing, you need to treat the merman as soon as you arrange a halt. If you eat something - throw a piece into a lake or river, if you drink - also pour a little into the water with the words:
"Grandfather-water, you have a present." If you do it as it should be, the waterman himself will help in fishing.

Fishing floats, once used by fishermen to keep their nets afloat, are also considered to have protective power when placed inside the house or hung with the net outside. Although these floats are industrially produced today, the ones you will find most effective on the shore, because they were actually used in the reservoir - an inexhaustible source of energy.

Conspiracies for successful fishing.

A conspiracy to bait worms on a hook.
"The fish is fresh, the bait is greasy (fatty), peck, but pull it, pull it to the bottom."

Conspiracy for good luck. Say three times:
"Come, fish and small fish, into my mater net, wide wind."

When catching fish, so that your fishing will bear fruit, say this plot on your fishing tackle or fishing rod 3 times:
"Perches, pikes, all kinds of fish, come to me, a servant of God (your name), against fast water, a spring river. Do not look back and do not turn away. Come to me, a servant of God (your name) at dawn and at evening, in the day under the sun and in the night by the stars and under all the circumference of God. In those words the key and the lock, in the name of the Lord by the Holy Spirit. So be it. Amen."

Before throwing the fishing rods, they whisper the following conspiracy:
"Perches and pikes, and lines in your hand, come to this place, this place is watery and suitable for you, there is a feeder for you, and a worm, and a fly."

Having planted a worm and spitting on it, they say:
"Go into the water, worm, and lure a big fish on your hook, catch a fish, crucians and lines a yard long, a pound in weight, and all the little things go to hell! March!"

In order to catch big fish on the hook, in the old days they did this: after catching a small fish on the hook, they took a stalk of algae and flogged the fish, saying:
"Go, fish, back into the water, send your uncle, send your mother, send your brother and father, send everyone who is older, and you go play again."
After that, the fish was taken off the hook and carefully put back into the water.

For successful fishing - "I will go to a fast river, there are trembling fish on it, and I will lower a seine like a silk scarf, and in this seine and in each leash, let a fish fall."

Return from fishing - "As on my damask knife, no one can think, think about thoughts, make speeches, also on me, (name), on all my hooks and fishing rods, nets and vents. I'm going, (name), with fishing behind a forgotten fire; if a man sees, black, black, often-toothed, rare-toothed, a white-headed woman, a simple-haired girl, a priest, a priest, a deacon, a deaconess, a deacon, a deacon, a sexton, a sexton, a black man, a blueberry, from his thought, from his rumors and be engaged, from a comrade's thought, from your family, the devil of my thought, the devil of my speech, the devil of my blood from a sorcerer, from sorcerers, from a hovodun, from a hovodun, from every evil person and every evil envious blood, evil, dashing salt in eye, resin in the eye, tree in the eye. Always, now and forever and forever and ever. In my words, the sky is the key, the earth is the castle." Say three times on a knife, or on a branch of a tree, or on a lump of snow.

The fishermen went to the river during the ice drift and threw coins into the water, while saying: "I to you - you to me." It was believed that the mermaid loves money and will help in the future during fishing.

In order for a large fish to be caught on the bait, the caught small fish are released back into the water, while saying:
Send father, send mother. Send your aunt, send your uncle. Send your elders.

If you are an avid fisherman, in order to catch a catch, you need to take a candle that burned on Holy Week while standing at Christ's Matins, and bring it home from there. Save the candle until the day you go fishing. Set fire to it and fumigate the fishing rod, spinning rod, all fishing tackle and accessories, saying:
How many people were in the church, so many would be in my trap of fish.
All my words are molding and strong! With those my words, the mouth, the teeth are the lock, the tongue is the key, they are thrown into the sea. Amen.

This conspiracy is read at a certain time: there must be a full moon, any even number:
Thomas is coming, carrying a fish, and with him - me and my luck. I carry the key home, I carry my tackle,
fish passion. What I take out of the water, I close it for a conspiracy. Key, lock, luck and fish on the threshold.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Talk about fishing tackle:
Whether my fish is unsightly, unsightly. Come to me, the servant of God (name), soon, irrevocably and irrevocably, against the fast water, the autumn river.
Don't look back and don't turn away. Come to me, servant of God (name), hourly. In the morning dawn, in my iron lugs - big-headed burbot fish, and pike-throated hornbeam. Salmon red fish, come to me, the servant of God (name), every day and every hour: At the morning dawn and at the evening dawn, on the day under the sun and on the night under the moon, and under the frequent stars, and under the whole circumference of God .
Those words are the key and the lock, in the name of the Lord, by the Holy Spirit. Forever and ever. Amen. And which I, the servant of God, forgot the word, forgot, then my word wake up in the same circle and sharper than a sharp knife, a damask ax, faster than spring water, in the name of the Lord, by the Holy Spirit, forever and ever, amen, after the amen, amen.

When baiting not only a worm, but also any other bait on a hook, the angler must say:
The fish is fresh, the profit is fat, peck and pull, pull to the bottom.
Catch, little fish, big and small!

Or like this:
How many fish beat in the water, so long it will not be transferred.
So I carry fish home - do not drag it, catch fish - do not catch it.
Key and lock - Neptune is at my side! Amen.

During the period of deaf winter, I visited the famous healer grandmother Martha. Gave a conspiracy to successful fishing. It is necessary to go around the prepared holes, with a burning candle three times clockwise. Then two times, spit in each of them and spit savoryly. Operates flawlessly.

Skill is skill, but it’s better to know the conspiracy once again.
Save, God, gear from misfortune!
Catch the big fish, and the little fish swim past!

When fishing.
Need to say:

You can't reach the stars in the sky with nets, you can't count them in your mind. So I would get a lot of fish without counting. I would drag her, I wouldn't drag her. All the fish in the water, swim to me.

Or like this:
On a dark night mother-cheese cannot see the earth, her voice cannot be heard.
So that no fish would notice my net, and people would fall into it to amazement,
And to me, God's servant (name), to tenderness. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

And finally, a conspiracy, how to hurt a fisherman.
If you do this, the fisherman will return with an empty bucket, not catching a single fish. Looking at the salary (lower) pole in the garden, they say:
Walk, fisherman, as the priest walks with a censer. For you to be empty.

Fishing for a man is a special kind of recreation, when only the smooth surface of the river and a good catch occupy a head tired of working everyday life. A busy person rarely manages to get out of the city, go fishing. A small amount of prey upsets, angers, spoils the impression of a favorite pastime. Fishing conspiracies are simple magic that is not scary to use in everyday life. A conspiracy for successful fishing is secretly carried out by the fisherman's wife or the man himself, who does not want to waste his free time. How to improve the quality and quantity of the catch?

The feasibility of a conspiracy for fishing

A conspiracy is an easy magical manipulation that does not harm other people. Spells are cast under certain conditions, help to achieve the desired goals. For some, fishing is boring, for others, bringing home a lot of fish is a matter of honor. Men are by nature earners, warriors. Their appearance, actions, fortitude speak louder than words. A strong man does not want to blunder either in front of his wife or in front of friends.

Is it worth resorting to the help of magical powers? Magic surrounds every person. It is in signs, in those things and phenomena that a person cannot describe. A conspiracy for a beginner unfamiliar with the intricacies of magical rituals is not dangerous. Man is an enemy to man, words have power only when they are charged with inactive energy.

Since ancient times, people have believed in the power of each uttered letter. A rashly spoken word could hurt morally, even physically. Conspiracies differ from each other by the principle of action, power, duration and source of the most effective force. In fishing, the most important thing is the well-being of a person, his enthusiasm for the process. A modern person can easily buy fish in a store, spending a couple of minutes buying. For good fishing, the main thing is to have excitement. The conspiracy provides a good mood, pride in the eyes of a man, an unshakable status among friends. Prayer or ritual, how to help your husband catch a lot of fish?

Signs for successful fishing

Husband went fishing, returned dissatisfied. The wife in this case will try to find out what happened, why. As a result, there is discord and quarrel in the family. The help of a woman, soft by nature, instilling faith in herself in her chosen one, is never evident. Fishing is no exception. You should act with cunning, because on their own men rarely seek the magical help of higher powers. Every experienced fisherman believes in signs that his grandfather carefully taught, and then his father. Beliefs are passed on, the science of how to fish from generation to generation through the male line. It is more difficult for women to understand how important a trip to the river is for a husband. A man does not fish easily, he rests his soul, gains strength to continue to conquer the world, to fight windmills.

When fishing, it is important to listen to the whisper of nature. It is for morning hunting that omens come in handy. Signs to look out for on the eve of fishing:

  1. Weather. If at night the sky was clear, and in the morning there is a light fog outside the window, you should expect a lot of fish.
  2. The surrounding animal world. If the livestock is active on the way to the place of fishing, it means that you won’t have to wait for a bite for a long time.
  3. Catching big fish. You can guess with a large fish the night before, for this you should go fishing when the sun sets. If the small fish bite quickly, early in the morning you should wait for the bream catch.
  4. The midges that flock on the eve of fishing speak of a big catch.

Signs can promise unfortunate failures. The rising wind promises bad fishing. You should expect a small catch. You will not be able to catch fish if the water level in the river rises. Prolonged bad weather is a bad sign, you should not rush to go fishing during such a period. A conspiracy for quick luck in fishing is a trifle compared to the chagrin of a man after a failed trip. Winter fishing is much more difficult to guess, and then the husband's wife's help is especially needed.

Effective conspiracies

A conspiracy to attract good luck on a fishing trip does not require much effort or expense on the part of the family. A few minutes of time, which guarantee peace and good mood to the head of the family. Women often complain "my man went fishing, again the devil took the fish." And believers say that if prayer has not paved the way for a person, then one cannot expect good from him. To be successful, you have to try. Before the husband’s trip, you should read “Our Report”, and also say:

“Let the servant of God return home healthy and whole. Amen".

In fishing, the main thing is not the catch, but the mood. Prayer is only part of the help that a woman is capable of, support for her own man.

The magical plot should be read at night, until the sun has risen. For a big catch of fish, you should speak the first fish caught. Only a man can read whispers, even if he does not fully believe in the power of magic. The following words are read:

“Go, fish, back into the water, send your uncle, send your mother, send your brother and father, whoever is older, send, and you go play again.”

After the fish, you do not need to wash. The prey is released back into the water. It won't work for a big catch.

Conspiracy for professional fishermen

Fishing is not always places of simple fun. To date, competitions, competitions and entire tournaments are held among fishermen. The player will also benefit from conspiracies that will increase his chances of winning. A good result is ensured if every full moon say the following words to the moon:

“Foma is walking along the road, carrying a fish, And I am following him and my luck. I carry the key with me, I carry it home, I carry gear - the fish of passion. I take everything out of the water, I close it at my desire. Fish on the threshold, good luck to me. Amen!".

The spell is repeated five times in a row. This completes the preparation for the fishing competition. It is not difficult to attract a lot of catch if you use all kinds of methods, even magical ones.

Conspiracy for good bait

You can talk not only with fishing rods or tackle, but also with bait. She can literally lure fish. A strong spell is pronounced at the moment when the worm or fly is put on the hook:

“Worm, I let you into the water, and you go, bring me a fish! Large fish, so that they weigh a pood and be no less than a arshin long. And let the small fish grow and swim past my hook. Amen".

If bread or the pulp of a loaf of bread is taken for bait, then another spell is cast. It is important not to confuse how and what kind of bait to speak. Planting bread, a person says:

“A silver fish that lives in the depths of the water! You swim on a delicious bread crumb, but for me to be a successful fishing trip. Amen".

After the spell, you can safely start fishing and not be afraid that you will be ashamed of the caught fish. Fishing is allowed in any territory, in any reservoir, the location of the reservoir will not affect the quality of the catch. The weather will be clear and the mood will be good. Such an effect can even frighten a beginner when he speaks the bait for the first time. You should not worry about the consequences, because conspiracies for a lot of fish are absolutely safe. It is better to pronounce the words of the spell without strangers so that other fishermen do not guess about small tricks.

Tips for a good catch

A plot for successful fishing is very popular, but few people spread about small tricks. Men are habitually silent about what helps them to increase the amount of prey. All day long he demonstrates strength and endurance, striking everyone around. Whether or not to use conspiracies is up to the fisherman, who knows how whimsical nature can be. It will not be possible to catch a lot of fish the first time, especially for a beginner who does not know how to choose a suitable place for fishing. The quality of the waters determines the number of fish that live in them. In this case, it is best to rely on the experience of experienced fishermen.

Before going out of town, you can use the universal conspiracy for the bait. Magic will help improve fishing conditions and guarantee production in any weather. You can perform rituals for a fisherman who often goes hunting every month to enhance the effect. To multiply the blessings, conspiracies are performed on the growing moon (necessarily for a month that is growing, not decreasing). Waking up at night, a man pronounces secret words, looking at the night star:

“Foma walks proudly along the road, carries his catch, and I, the Servant of God (proper name), will follow him, and take good luck with me. I carry the magic key with me, I will close everything that I get out of the water on the key. My gear is fish passions. Fish on the threshold - good luck in my house. Amen".

How to perform this kind of rituals

The words are spoken only once, and then for a couple of minutes you should watch the moonlight. Returning to bed, the fisherman should feel a good feeling about the quality of the future catch. The conspiracy works 100% throughout the year, at every exit out of town.

A conspiracy for successful fishing is a tool known since ancient times that is used by many fishermen. In addition to conspiracies, special rituals, signs and prayers are popular among the people to make the “fish hunt” more successful.

To find a good conspiracy or ritual for yourself, it is better to try several - in turn. The best fishing result will immediately show which of the means is right for you.

Conspiracies and rituals

To ensure good fishing, when you come to the shore of a river or lake, you can read the following plot:

“Let catfish, perch and pike come straight into your hands, let large fish swim from all sides and bite.”

"In the water, worm, go - bring a big fish." If, nevertheless, a small one is caught, it is considered a good omen to take it to fish - then the next one will be large.

For successful fishing, read the plot “on the hook” while setting the bait:

“Peck and pull the fish, return the hook to me with the catch.”

Some fishermen use prayers instead of conspiracies, which is also very effective - sincere prayer gives good luck in all matters, including good fishing. A strong fishing plot can be done using runes using special runescripts.

Useful tips for fishermen. Weather signs to help the fisherman

What should never be said to a fisherman!

Do fishing tips work?

Fishing signs - "Morning with you" 07/30/2015

For good luck in “fish hunting”, draw the following runes on gear or just on paper: fehu (symbolizing the desired material good, in this case, the catch), laguz (which attracts this good), raido (denotes unhindered movement), algiz (protects from unfavorable circumstances), vunyo (provides joy and satisfaction from the end result - the catch).

natural signs

It is known that the fish is not caught in any weather, so the success of the fisherman depends on many natural factors. Before starting fishing, fishermen carefully look at the world around them, finding interesting clues for themselves.

  1. If the morning fog is replaced by sunny and calm weather, there will be a catch.
  2. If on the way of a person going fishing there are many birds, animals, insects, there will also be a lot of fish.
  3. If a small fish began to peck in the evening, a strong bite is possible at night.
  4. If in the evening a lot of midges curl in the light of a flashlight, expect a bite of a bream at night.
  5. You can not count on a successful bite if you observe a sharp rise in the water level in the reservoir. But the gradual rise in water will bring a lot of fish.
  6. If a strong wind rises, a good bite can not be expected.
  7. If the weather leaves much to be desired for a long enough time, there will be no successful fishing.
  8. It is believed that the best bite happens on the new moon.
  9. Lowering the temperature of water and air negatively affects the catch.

Other signs

  1. The fisherman should not count the catch during fishing, it is better to do it at the end.
  2. It is recommended to give the first fish to the cat, if there is one - this will help to avoid any evil eye.
  3. If you take a “brake”, make sure that there are no fish components in it.
  4. It is not advisable to show your catch to anyone during the fishing process - only at the end.
  5. Fishing fees should be quick and spontaneous.
  6. When putting on shoes before fishing, start with your left foot.
  7. If an unpleasant person or a road patrol met along the way, there will be no bite. The negative influence of this sign can be removed by prayers and conspiracies.
  8. Do not show off the first fish, it is better to keep silent about it altogether until the second one is caught.
  9. If you are fishing in a company, do not look at other fishermen, focus on your process.
  10. If the first fish fell off, it threatens with failures. Stop for a minute and read a prayer or a conspiracy.

What to wish before fishing

It is believed that wishing good luck before fishing leads to the exact opposite effect. Therefore, household members should be warned about this in advance so that they, out of the kindness of their hearts, do not spoil your entire holiday. And even better - sneak away fishing quietly in the morning, because someone from the family can simply forget about the sign.

A wish before a “fish hunt” may sound like before an exam: “No tail, no scales.” To which the fisherman, like a merry student, must answer "To hell."

In many ways, a successful catch depends on the fisherman's wife, who can easily spoil it. To do this, it is enough for her to make a scandal before fishing, let her go with a curse, or simply “not let her go”. If the wife “didn’t let him in”, the fisherman can go, but he is unlikely to be lucky with the catch. Therefore, before the trip, husbands “cajole” their wives as much as possible so that they “let them go in peace”, and they don’t spoil the mood in the morning.

Icon of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, Prayers for success in fishing.

Prayers for success in fishing

Each person believes in everything bright, in everything beautiful, rejoices when his life is filled with positive moments, when everything goes well. But that doesn't always happen. It happens that the white life strip changes its color to the opposite, to black. But even in this case, you should not give up, you should not be sad and look for the culprit. On the contrary, you need to do everything to make life beautiful again.

In order for everything to work out, for luck to accompany you through life, even if it also accompanies you at a given period of time, prayers will still help you. There are different prayers that protect us from adversity, from illness, or vice versa, we ask in prayers for good luck, for wealth. All the prayers with which we turn to God must be sincere, we must be one hundred percent sure of their strength, that they will help us. If anyone has doubts, then in this case it is necessary to postpone the reading of the prayer, because you can only worsen the situation.

As in many things, you can turn to the apostles so that they bring success in fishing. Every angler knows that success in fishing depends on the season, the weather, and the condition of the fish. But the very condition of the fisherman is also important. If you fish with negative energy, then you can hardly hope for a good catch. We must clear our thoughts of bad thoughts, pray for success in fishing and proceed with a pure soul. Believe me, praying for success in fishing will help you come home with a good catch. Therefore, every angler should read a prayer before fishing and go to it with a pure heart, without sediment in the soul. And in general, you can’t “keep a stone in your bosom”, not only when fishing, but always in your life.

Prayer to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called