Writer tests. A test for knowledge of Russian literature that only a well-read person can pass

In this test we selected the most outstanding people who changed the world and its history for the better. There are scientists and artists, politicians and engineers, physicists and artists here. If you recognize all these famous personalities, then your level of education and erudition can be envied. Test your knowledge. Let's go!

Many of us remember life in the USSR with nostalgia and warmth. Soviet people were lucky enough to live in the era of the first scientific discoveries, the first flight into space, in an era when life was affordable, education and medicine were free, an era good people and natural products. In this test we have prepared questions for people born in the USSR. If you can answer everything, then you - soviet man!

Catchphrases Some of our favorite films have already become an integral part of our lives. Instead of a dozen words, it’s enough to express yourself in one popular phrase, and everything will become clear. If you are confident in your abilities and consider yourself an expert in Soviet cinema, then our test is definitely for you! Let's check it out!?

The average US resident is not as erudite as the average Russian. The reason is simple - different systems education. If in our country teachers cram everything into their students’ heads, then in America they teach what will be useful to a person in his future career. Let's check who knows more - you or the American.

Human erudition is a huge store of knowledge and its competent use in life. How smart and educated are you for your age? Do you have enough knowledge to answer all the questions without turning to the Internet for help? If you have high level knowledge, then you will cope with this test quickly and easily, but if not, then the encyclopedia will help you! Let's go!

Today our country is a great and powerful state with rich history. Behind the formation of this country there are many great victories and defeats, many iconic names, including: artists, military men, scientists, politicians and ordinary Russian people. All these events and people played key roles in the history of Russia. What do you know about this? Test your knowledge of history by answering all the questions in this quiz.

Have you already forgotten how many years ago you graduated from school? Or are you still looking forward last call? It doesn't matter who you are or how old you are! After all, today we have selected questions exclusively on school curriculum. However, let's say right away: we will not ask how much 2+2*2 is - this is baby talk. Only the most interesting and necessary things during the difficult years of study!

Have you noticed for a long time that you are smarter than many of your colleagues? Or just tired of your friends' illiteracy? Today we will give you food for thought! This test will definitely be able to evaluate you at your true worth. I'm already wondering what's there? Then let's not waste time on empty talk! Forward!

Knowledge of geography reveals such human qualities as: erudition, general cultural level, amazing memory and excellent travel skills. If you have information about geography, then you know, understand and imagine the planet on which you live. Today we will test your memory and knowledge. Let's go!

Many people know the history of their country in general outline, but few people remember exact dates, names, events and accomplishments that preceded the formation of a great state. But every decent citizen of Russia should have this information. If you are an erudite, educated and well-read person, then you will pass the test in one go. Test your strength and knowledge. Let's go!

In this test, we selected the most outstanding people who changed the world and its history for the better. There are scientists and artists, politicians and engineers, physicists and artists here. If you recognize all these famous personalities, then your level of education and erudition can be envied. Test your knowledge. Let's go!

Many of us remember life in the USSR with nostalgia and warmth. Soviet people were lucky to live in the era of the first scientific discoveries, the first flight into space, in an era when life was accessible, education and medicine were free, an era of kind people and natural products. In this test we have prepared questions for people born in the USSR. If you can answer everything, then you are a Soviet person!

Catchphrases from our favorite films have already become an integral part of our lives. Instead of a dozen words, it’s enough to express yourself in one popular phrase, and everything will become clear. If you are confident in your abilities and consider yourself an expert in Soviet cinema, then our test is definitely for you! Let's check it out!?

The average US resident is not as erudite as the average Russian. The reason is simple - different education systems. If in our country teachers cram everything into their students’ heads, then in America they teach what will be useful to a person in his future career. Let's check who knows more - you or the American.

Human erudition is a huge store of knowledge and its competent use in life. How smart and educated are you for your age? Do you have enough knowledge to answer all the questions without turning to the Internet for help? If you have a high level of knowledge, then you will cope with this test quickly and easily, but if not, then the encyclopedia will help you! Let's go!

Today our country is a great and powerful state with a rich history. Behind the formation of this country there are many great victories and defeats, many iconic names, including: artists, military men, scientists, politicians and ordinary Russian people. All these events and people played key roles in the history of Russia. What do you know about this? Test your knowledge of history by answering all the questions in this quiz.

Have you already forgotten how many years ago you graduated from school? Or are you still looking forward to the last call? It doesn't matter who you are or how old you are! After all, today we have selected questions exclusively from the school curriculum. However, let's say right away: we will not ask how much 2+2*2 is - this is baby talk. Only the most interesting and necessary things during the difficult years of study!

Have you noticed for a long time that you are smarter than many of your colleagues? Or just tired of your friends' illiteracy? Today we will give you food for thought! This test will definitely be able to evaluate you at your true worth. I'm already wondering what's there? Then let's not waste time on empty talk! Forward!

Knowledge of geography reveals such human qualities as: erudition, general cultural level, amazing memory and excellent traveler skills. If you have information about geography, then you know, understand and imagine the planet on which you live. Today we will test your memory and knowledge. Let's go!

Many people know the history of their country in general terms, but few remember the exact dates, names, events and accomplishments that preceded the formation of the great state. But every decent citizen of Russia should have this information. If you are an erudite, educated and well-read person, then you will pass the test in one go. Test your strength and knowledge. Let's go!

In this test, we selected the most outstanding people who changed the world and its history for the better. There are scientists and artists, politicians and engineers, physicists and artists here. If you recognize all these famous personalities, then your level of education and erudition can be envied. Test your knowledge. Let's go!

Many of us remember life in the USSR with nostalgia and warmth. Soviet people were lucky to live in the era of the first scientific discoveries, the first flight into space, in an era when life was accessible, education and medicine were free, an era of kind people and natural products. In this test we have prepared questions for people born in the USSR. If you can answer everything, then you are a Soviet person!

Catchphrases from our favorite films have already become an integral part of our lives. Instead of a dozen words, it’s enough to express yourself in one popular phrase, and everything will become clear. If you are confident in your abilities and consider yourself an expert in Soviet cinema, then our test is definitely for you! Let's check it out!?

The average US resident is not as erudite as the average Russian. The reason is simple - different education systems. If in our country teachers cram everything into their students’ heads, then in America they teach what will be useful to a person in his future career. Let's check who knows more - you or the American.

Human erudition is a huge store of knowledge and its competent use in life. How smart and educated are you for your age? Do you have enough knowledge to answer all the questions without turning to the Internet for help? If you have a high level of knowledge, then you will cope with this test quickly and easily, but if not, then the encyclopedia will help you! Let's go!

Today our country is a great and powerful state with a rich history. Behind the formation of this country there are many great victories and defeats, many iconic names, including: artists, military men, scientists, politicians and ordinary Russian people. All these events and people played key roles in the history of Russia. What do you know about this? Test your knowledge of history by answering all the questions in this quiz.

Have you already forgotten how many years ago you graduated from school? Or are you still looking forward to the last call? It doesn't matter who you are or how old you are! After all, today we have selected questions exclusively from the school curriculum. However, let's say right away: we will not ask how much 2+2*2 is - this is baby talk. Only the most interesting and necessary things during the difficult years of study!

Have you noticed for a long time that you are smarter than many of your colleagues? Or just tired of your friends' illiteracy? Today we will give you food for thought! This test will definitely be able to evaluate you at your true worth. I'm already wondering what's there? Then let's not waste time on empty talk! Forward!

Knowledge of geography reveals such human qualities as: erudition, general cultural level, amazing memory and excellent traveler skills. If you have information about geography, then you know, understand and imagine the planet on which you live. Today we will test your memory and knowledge. Let's go!

Many people know the history of their country in general terms, but few remember the exact dates, names, events and accomplishments that preceded the formation of the great state. But every decent citizen of Russia should have this information. If you are an erudite, educated and well-read person, then you will pass the test in one go. Test your strength and knowledge. Let's go!

A literature test in which prose was impatiently mixed with poetry, as often happens in life. Video questions are back again (now available on mobile devices) and legal six answer options. The overall difficulty of the test has increased slightly. But you shouldn’t be afraid, because a lot depends on the approach to the process.

Almost all questions have several possible solutions: here are associations, a sense of literary taste, logical conclusions, and, of course, knowledge, and not necessarily strictly book knowledge. You can go through the entire test in 5 minutes. But whether it will make sense - decide for yourself. Quite a lot interesting moments can only be noticed by delving into the essence of the question or at least reading it carefully.

The next test of the Askbooks of Literature offers you a set of questions on poetic audio embodiments, i.e. songs based on classical (or almost classical) poetic works. At all, this material in fact, it is not only a test, but also a kind of information article. Once upon a time, a note on audio poetry appeared on our website, telling about artistic reading classic poems. It was understood that it would be followed by a sequel dedicated exclusively to songs, and then another one, focusing on cinema. But this various reasons it never happened. But now we offer you a test that, as planned, can not only test your knowledge, but also indirectly tell you about some interesting musical and poetic compositions.

Literary test: famous writers and poets in cinema

Biographies good writers are rarely boring. They just don't seem equipped to cope with boredom. Adventures and passions, love and war, betrayal and death of loved ones, difficult moral choices and often suicide... This is their life, which is partly why we love them. Unless, of course, you count your talent for writing brilliant works, otherwise the picture would not be complete.

The writer talks about himself, albeit not explicitly, albeit under a different name, in a different time and circumstances. But the identity can always be traced. This increases interest in the author’s life and subsequently gives rise to all sorts of biographical and artistic-biographical works by outside artists. Most of these crafts are not worth attention, but today’s conversation is not about them, but about feature films dedicated to famous writers or poets, their lives, suffering and creativity.

In this test, we selected the most outstanding people who changed the world and its history for the better. There are scientists and artists, politicians and engineers, physicists and artists here. If you recognize all these famous personalities, then your level of education and erudition can be envied. Test your knowledge. Let's go!

Many of us remember life in the USSR with nostalgia and warmth. Soviet people were lucky to live in the era of the first scientific discoveries, the first flight into space, in an era when life was accessible, education and medicine were free, an era of kind people and natural products. In this test we have prepared questions for people born in the USSR. If you can answer everything, then you are a Soviet person!

Catchphrases from our favorite films have already become an integral part of our lives. Instead of a dozen words, it’s enough to express yourself in one popular phrase, and everything will become clear. If you are confident in your abilities and consider yourself an expert in Soviet cinema, then our test is definitely for you! Let's check it out!?

The average US resident is not as erudite as the average Russian. The reason is simple - different education systems. If in our country teachers cram everything into their students’ heads, then in America they teach what will be useful to a person in his future career. Let's check who knows more - you or the American.

Human erudition is a huge store of knowledge and its competent use in life. How smart and educated are you for your age? Do you have enough knowledge to answer all the questions without turning to the Internet for help? If you have a high level of knowledge, then you will cope with this test quickly and easily, but if not, then the encyclopedia will help you! Let's go!

Today our country is a great and powerful state with a rich history. Behind the formation of this country there are many great victories and defeats, many iconic names, including: artists, military men, scientists, politicians and ordinary Russian people. All these events and people played key roles in the history of Russia. What do you know about this? Test your knowledge of history by answering all the questions in this quiz.

Have you already forgotten how many years ago you graduated from school? Or are you still looking forward to the last call? It doesn't matter who you are or how old you are! After all, today we have selected questions exclusively from the school curriculum. However, let's say right away: we will not ask how much 2+2*2 is - this is baby talk. Only the most interesting and necessary things during the difficult years of study!

Have you noticed for a long time that you are smarter than many of your colleagues? Or just tired of your friends' illiteracy? Today we will give you food for thought! This test will definitely be able to evaluate you at your true worth. I'm already wondering what's there? Then let's not waste time on empty talk! Forward!

Knowledge of geography reveals such human qualities as: erudition, general cultural level, amazing memory and excellent traveler skills. If you have information about geography, then you know, understand and imagine the planet on which you live. Today we will test your memory and knowledge. Let's go!

Many people know the history of their country in general terms, but few remember the exact dates, names, events and accomplishments that preceded the formation of the great state. But every decent citizen of Russia should have this information. If you are an erudite, educated and well-read person, then you will pass the test in one go. Test your strength and knowledge. Let's go!