Job description of the executive director sp. Job description of the Executive Director of the Management Company CJSC "tarp

Includes many activities. Therefore, the requirements for the corresponding employee are increased. However, the effort spent is paid off by the amount of wages. But before you take this position, you need to read the job description (JD), which fully indicates the rights, duties and functions of a potential executive director. That is why this document is even more important than the contract.

Information contained in the DI

All rights and obligations of the executive director are prescribed in a document called a job description. The information in it includes 4 main important points. First, general provisions are indicated. It describes what the employee should know, how to behave and who will replace him during his absence. The details of the parties - the employer and the applicant are also noted.

Secondly, the responsibilities that are assigned to the executive director are described. But often the employee does much more work, although by law he has every legal right not to do so.

Thirdly, the points for which the executive director is responsible are considered. Punishments (mainly fines) are also sometimes noted.

And lastly, the rights of the employee must be indicated. Here we are not talking about the Labor Code at all (it goes without saying), but about what an employee can do within the company.

Each of the types of information in the document will be discussed in more detail below.

Main functions

The core functions and standard responsibilities of an executive director fall into three categories:

  1. Interaction with the top management of the company, the execution of all orders strictly on time and in the proper manner. The board of directors can extend or shorten the time to complete tasks if employees fail to cope.
  2. Organization of interaction between different structures of the company. The hardest thing to do is in production. It is necessary to distribute the work to each division of the organization. Then you need to make sure that she has an established course.
  3. Organization of circulation of documents and finances. The latter may not be included in the list of duties of the employee, the case is shifted to the chief accountant.

Sometimes the functionality expands or narrows. It all depends on the specifics of the company's activities, as well as the competence of the executive director himself. For example, he can organize workers well, perfectly cope with managerial tasks, but understand nothing about production.

Range of duties

What should an executive director do? The instruction and its provisions contain the entire range of duties of this position. It is necessary that lawyers do not miss a single point, otherwise the board of directors or the shareholders of the organization will not get the right employee.

All responsibilities can be divided into two main categories: management and reporting activities.

Regarding the first point, the executive director needs to organize the work of each department (workshop or other structural unit). He interacts not with the workers themselves, but with their superiors. He also provides the organization with strategy and planning, coordinating this with subordinates and senior management.

As for reporting activities, everything is simple here. The executive director must prepare reports on what is happening in the company. Such reports are then provided to the board of directors in the form of a presentation or a regular document.


The CEO has many rights. First of all, it should be noted that he can act in any state organization on behalf of the company and he does not need a power of attorney for this.

Also, the rights of the executive director include the independent organization of work activities, changes in certain provisions in the employment contract. This employee can hire and fire people at his own discretion.

The director has the right to dispose of the property and finances of the company, if his decisions do not contradict the company's charter and current legislation.

It is impossible not to note the foundations and provisions that are indicated in the Labor Code. They are mandatory, regardless of what job or position is offered.

Employee Responsibility

The appointment of an executive director is made by the shareholders or the board of senior management. He not only has rights, he has certain responsibilities. The executive director bears it in case of:

  • Failure to perform duties prescribed in the instructions.
  • Causing material damage to the company.
  • Offenses prescribed in the Labor, Criminal and Civil Codes.
  • Making decisions that do not correspond to his competence or go beyond his authority.
  • Lack of discipline.

Sometimes the section of responsibility is supplemented by separate clauses that lawyers or the board of directors deem necessary.

The agreement and its features

An agreement with an executive director is no less important document than a job description. The person is appointed by higher management. Most often this is done by the CEO. The contract and CI go through the head of the personnel service and the chief accountant. All four parties must sign these documents.

The contract indicates the social package, wages, the period during which the employee must take up the position, as well as perform his duties. Sometimes this is a temporary period on a contract basis. At the end of the term, it can be extended, or the relationship between the applicant and the employer is terminated.

Most often, standard documents and job description samples are taken as a basis. Further, they are corrected by the lawyers of the enterprise (or private traders) in accordance with the specifics of the activity.

When drawing up a contract, it is possible to refer to the job description. The reverse situation is also observed.

The job of an executive director

Any work activity of the executive director should be aimed at ensuring that the main shareholders of the company do not give up their stakes. As a rule, they are also investors, they provide an opportunity for each employee of the organization to earn. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the observance of duties in all departments.

The position in question implies that the person occupying it does most of the work on his own. But he can transfer some tasks to the deputy. director. The latter usually has similar skills, education, but less experience. Having fulfilled his obligations, he acquires practice.

Despite the fact that the executive director is not directly responsible for the successful operation of the enterprise, he needs to strive for this. Otherwise, the company will go bankrupt and many good jobs, including him, will disappear.

Requirements for an employee

Executive Director and Deputy directors are evaluated according to approximately the same criteria before taking up their position. The requirements are the following:

  • Higher education, and preferably two: finance and production or services, depending on the activities of the enterprise.
  • Employer for at least 3 years.
  • Ability to negotiate.
  • Ability to organize workforce and manage junior staff.
  • Knowledge of the current legislation, especially those aspects that are directly related to the company's activities.
  • Budget planning.

It is desirable that some personal qualities are also present, such as leadership, discipline and stress resistance.

Any workforce, be it a large manufacturing organization or a small service company, needs a leader. And if a person not only knows the duties of an executive director, but also fully complies with them, then he is ideal for the position.


You can conquer the universe from a horse, but you can't rule it from a saddle

Yelü Chucai, adviser to Genghis Khan

to whom: owners, top managers

Who will benefit from the information and why?

The article is primarily intended for owners who hold the position of CEO in their companies, and at the same time are bogged down in operational matters.

Top managers and managers, after reading the article, they can help their boss in delegating authority and resolving issues of operational management. Which, of course, will strengthen their own professionalism.

Other executives will be able to see the path that needs to be taken to become an executive director.

Owner's Cross, or Running around the Circle of Operational Tasks

Imagine an owner whose daily activities are reduced to one function: “extinguishing fires and force majeure” to which there is no end. The moment has come when the owner drops his hands from impotence. An entrepreneur comes to work thinking he is forever stuck in Groundhog Day. And instead of his favorite job of strategic development and inventing new ideas, he is forced to again engage in ... routine!

How does this happen? The model is next. The owner of the company expects that today he will finally “put out all the fires”, and tomorrow he will vigorously tackle strategic development issues, revise the sales system and finally rein in the relaxed team (perhaps with the help of regular management). “Tomorrow” is delayed again and again for the following reasons:

  • At a time when the owner puts out some "fires", new ones appear in neighboring areas. After all, the owner did not have time to take preventive measures to prevent them.
  • Subordinates and employees are accustomed to come with all the problems to the boss. Moreover, they are happy to carry him tasks that they are able to solve themselves. But the owner has no time to understand and train employees, because. he is too busy putting out fires.

Internal Obstacles to Salvation

Is it possible to break out of this vicious circle? The answer seems obvious - to find and hire a person who will deal with all the “RAM”.

But even here everything is not so simple, there are two “internal” obstacles in the “heads” of the owners:

  1. Management is not a job. In Russia, many still do not consider management to be a full-fledged job: it is a pity for money, and it is not clear how to evaluate intermediate results. Hear in 6 months “sorry, it didn’t work out”- waste of time and money. And it’s not entirely clear how to correctly transfer tasks so that they don’t “fly” again to the owner in an increased volume.
  2. Jealousy for one's own offspring. I am the owner of a business, which means that I myself must and can cope with all managerial tasks! If I take the manager, I will sign my own helplessness. Everyone will say that I succeeded “only with the help of a manager”.

The list can certainly be continued. If you find any of the above in yourself - consider this moment. I am sure that even without my help you will be able to come to the right idea. I tried to dispel the remaining doubts about the need for an executive director in the second part of the article.

The main managerial role of the company manager

Company manager- a person who is engaged in operational control of the implementation of existing rules, ensures the implementation of internal orders; solves issues that cannot be resolved at the level of employees or other managers. This is the main function of the manager - Administration.

Do not expect to “load” on the manager additionally: the strategic development of the company, the development of a sales system and the development of client processes. After all, the manager, as a rule, plays managerial roles well.” Administrator" And " Results Producer". This is what you need to look for first of all (the article “” will help you to deal with managerial roles in more detail, see the section “Typical mistake No. 2: Require the manager to perform opposite managerial roles perfectly”).

The name of the manager's position is not so important. It can be an executive or a general manager. In what follows, I will use “executive director” and “manager” as synonyms.

If you have taken up the task of delegating the management function in your company to other people, start with the manager. After all, it is the role of “Administrator” that is often the worst developed among “Entrepreneurs”.

Remember that now you manage every employee who does not have a direct supervisor: the secretary, the heads of departments, and others (system administrator, accountant, HR specialist, etc.). The Executive Director will take care of it.

Then you can move on to the delegation of development (top development manager) and, finally, the general directorate, where the owner will be able to move from the role of “general director” to the role of “shareholder”.

The duties of a manager may vary in different companies, so below I will give an excerpt from the requirements for a manager that apply in the Open Studio. Copy and take them as a basis.

Key areas of responsibility of the executive director

  • Perform day-to-day management of the company.
  • Control the execution of client and internal processes, the work of employees.
  • Organize work within the framework of agreed strategic, tactical and operational plans.

Key functions (duties) of the executive director and requirements for professional skills

All of the following actions must be performed by the employee independently no later than 6 months after starting work:

  1. Operatively manage the activities of the company (play the role of “manager”)
  • Independently carry out operational management of the company within the framework of the powers granted (be fully responsible for the results of the work of all employees of the company, both full-time and freelance).
  • To exercise control and be personally responsible for the implementation of internal regulations, instructions and technologies by all employees of the company (including by delegating authority to the heads of the relevant departments). This includes planning and reporting, work with tasks, projects, regulations, etc.
  • Play the role of a “filter” from operational issues for higher top managers: organize warning (preventive measures), collection, timely processing and resolution of emerging operational issues: from employees, organizational, events, etc.).
  • Organize, control and develop financial accounting processes (including monthly calculation of net profit, forecasts, etc.)
  • Control the execution of client and internal processes in the company, participate in their development
    • Organize and monitor compliance by employees with: quality standards, technologies, regulations and rules when performing work with client projects and tasks.
    • Find and eliminate bottlenecks in client processes (how to do work more efficiently while improving its quality).
  • Perform work within the framework agreed by the Board of Directors strategic, tactical and operational plans/projects. Organize the work of other specialists and participants. Take responsibility for implementation.
  • Organize staffing:
    • Organization of the process of hiring and dismissal of employees for both full-time and freelance specialists.
    • Organization of the process (for both full-time and freelance specialists) of the calculation and transfer of wages, vacation pay, etc.
  • Organize work with all types of official accounting and internal documents: accounting, storage, document flow, sending, etc. Be personally responsible for the absence of closing Acts (or legally significant documents replacing them) on the part of the Counterparties and Clients of the company.
  • Organize and manage internal office processes. We are talking about relocations, rearrangements, expansions, infrastructure, etc.
  • Work with external contractors / experts
    • Promptly manage and promptly resolve emerging issues (managerial - independently, professional - with the involvement of relevant specialists from contractors) from the field: IT, accounting, legal, rental of premises, other contractors. Organize and control, take part in the development of the following services: 1) IT service; 2) accounting; 3) legal service, etc.
    • Organize (formulate criteria) and carry out the selection of external contractors / experts in various business areas: accounting, lawyers, IT specialists, sales, etc.
  • Excellent knowledge of project and process management. Successfully manage any internal projects (including non-standard and new ones).
  • Successfully resolve any, incl. non-standard situations with Clients, partners or other contractors.
  • Be a positive example implementation of rules, standards, regulations, agreements and principles of regular management for other employees.
  • Learn new management technologies and train employees. Have a high ability to learn.
  • Scheme of interaction in the company with the executive director

    If earlier all unresolved issues from employees “flyed” to the general director (owner), now the manager becomes a kind of barrier from the flow of operational tasks and takes the “blow” on himself. The interaction scheme looks like this:

    • QUESTION ON THE TASK → task manager → project manager → task manager → EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR→ owner.

    Note that if an employee on a task does not have a project manager and a line manager, then in the absence of an executive director, she immediately “flies” to the owner.

    This implies the illusory nature of the possibility of replacing one manager with several line managers in areas or project managers. Yes, functions can be distributed. But there will be no employee who is fully responsible for the entire process (again, it will be only you). This means that all problems at the junction of directions, or unresolved by the heads of directions and projects, will again “knock” immediately to you.

    In fact, the executive director is at the “front line” (all operational contacts are closed to him) and bears the burden of informing employees and implementing decisions that are far from always popular.

    Therefore, if someone thinks that “any fool can be a professional manager”, he is deeply mistaken. The profession of a manager is complex, requires constant training, development of managerial competencies, and from time to time is accompanied by hassle. In a word, the one who professionally performs this role deserves deep respect.

    Executive director (manager) in a commercial company: answers to questions from owners

    The manager has been working in my company for more than 4 years. I also happened to see many examples of delegation of functions and powers to the executive director of my Clients: both positive and negative. Situations are different.

    I decided to present further information on the executive director (manager) in the format “ Questions and answers”.

    Among the questions: 1) my own, which I once found it difficult to answer; 2) Client issues that I encounter when implementing regular management; 3) questions I collected in social networks from directors and owners of companies specifically for this article. Once again, I express my deep gratitude to all the authors of the questions.

    Many of the recommendations apply equally to other top managers as well as to middle managers.

    I want to immediately note an important point: the options and scenarios of actions that I propose are not a dogma. It will be useful not just to “take and do”, but first to analyze how applicable they are personally in your situation.

    Where and how can I find a manager for my company?

    The question is so broad that it is not possible to answer it briefly. Therefore, I will write everything in detail in a separate article. But I'll give you a brief summary anyway.

    In my opinion, it is a big misconception that this task can be completely delegated to an HR specialist. In one company, the owner wondered why HR could not find him an executive director, and the selected candidates show their prof. unsuitability. Be prepared: for successful hiring, you will need to be personally involved in most stages of the search - from the formation of requirements and selection filters to personal participation in interviews after “sorting out obviously unsuitable ones”.

    But there are much more questions about hiring. How to understand that we will work together? Is it better to find an experienced person or grow in your team? Is it worth looking for a manager only among familiar “reliable” people? All this - in a separate article.

    Does the CEO need to have experience in the industry in which the company operates?

    In my opinion, if a company operates in the corporate services market (B2B market), experience in working with client processes will be a significant advantage for a candidate for the position of an executive director. Firstly, it will help to better understand the internal industry nuances, and secondly, having practice will allow you to more meaningfully control the processes that employees work with.

    But it is possible that the manager will be from a related field and without experience in working on client processes. Then it makes sense when introducing him to a position to make sure that he gets practical experience working with clients, participates in client processes.

    Henry Ford tried not to hire specialists in a particular field for leadership work, since, in his opinion, in many respects they have “industry” stereotyped thinking and breakthroughs can hardly be expected from them.

    But if you're a small company and it's important that the CEO can be a "hot swap" for key front-line employees, then look for experience. Don't forget to study the labor market too. The more narrow the requirements, the less likely it is to find.

    What system of remuneration should an executive director have? What is the motivation?

    First part- monetary compensation in the form of a sufficiently high salary. There is no formula here, but the amount should be clearly above the average for the company. Salary is important, because the executive director is largely focused on the implementation of pre-fixed processes.

    You can make part of the salary in the form of achieving certain KPIs. But be careful with them. In one transport company, the owner made dependent “the number of unresolved problems that reach him” And "manager's salary". Less problems began to reach the owner, but it turned out that those that could only be solved by him ceased to reach (the executive director tried with all his might to solve situations that lay far beyond his area of ​​proximal development). As a result, KPI was formally met, but because of this, the company suffered losses.

    The second part of the monetary reward executive director - percentage of net profit. As a rule, the manager can influence it by reducing costs, as well as the accuracy of observing technologies and eliminating distortions in them. The percentage is discussed individually.

    Is it worth inviting a manager to introduce regular management in the company?

    It is important to separate the process of “implementing regular management” from the processes of “actively participating in implementation” or “administrating within regular management”.

    In the best case, the manager will have, in addition to “administration”, also “participatory experience”. As I mentioned at the beginning of the article, a good simultaneous performance of the functions of “strategic development” and “administration” is extremely rare in one manager.

    But many, of course, want everything at once, according to the “magic pill” principle. I suggest two options:

    1. Take the manager along with the start of the regular management implementation project or a little later ("test him in combat", involve him in active work on the regular management implementation project).
    2. Invite when the foundation for the company's management system will be laid with the help of regular management.

    How to recruit a manager?

    It will be nice if the manager first works as a manager who is directly involved in the most important process for the company. To feel everything “on your own skin”.

    For example, for a company that sells private houses, this may be a manager who oversees the construction site from accepting money from a client to handing over the keys. Those. follow the principle: “Before entrusting the army, let me command the company”.

    During the probationary period, the executive director can combine two functions (the ratio between the allocated time may be different and depends on the experience of the manager, his professional skills and the current situation in the company).

    Before entrusting the army, let me command a company

    The first function of an accepted employee is acting executive director(allocate from 60% to 80% of the time), the second - client process manager(in the example - the construction of a private house). This enables the executive director to get to know the client process better in practice, to see inconsistencies and distortions in it.

    When there is time, you can allocate 3 months to work only with the second function. And only then gradually connect the function of the executive director.

    How to reduce the risk that the manager will “take away” my business or open a parallel one and quietly drag clients?

    Perhaps this is one of the most significant fears of owners. If in the case of production it is not so easy to “take away the business” (try it, move your toothpaste factory), then in companies providing services or in intermediary companies (sale of equipment, goods, including wholesale), the problem is “ withdrawal of business” is much sharper.

    A typical scheme looks like this: at some point, an employee begins to “take away” some of the clients “to the left”, to his company. Or immediately after leaving the company, he uses the client base and technologies, offering “everything the same, but at a significant discount.”

    Naturally, it does not follow from this that now it is necessary to stop trusting everyone. But the principle trust but check“No one canceled. And it’s even better to do it in such a way that with the help of “continuing the picture of the world into the future” to show that such a number will not work with you (the extension of the picture of the world into the future must be started at the interview stage, which, as well as the entire search process, I will tell in one of the following articles).

    I want to note that all of the following ways to prevent negative scenarios apply to all employees working with clients.

    • Mystery shopper. The best check of not only how well incoming applications are processed, but also whether applications “merge to the left” (Not so long ago I was in a shopping center with children on attractions. An employee who monitored the “5D booth” offered to pay at a discount past the checkout) .
    • Control of the most critical points(usually this is the receipt and accounting of funds).
    • legally significant non-disclosure agreement, which is signed both with the manager and with all other employees. Be sure to indicate in it that the client base and the base of performers are the property of the company.
    • External contractors or independent auditors in key areas (it is necessary to communicate at the level of owners). If something goes wrong, they will immediately signal.
    • Personal acquaintance with key clients, preferably at the level of owners. Communication at least 1 time in 6 months. At the same time, a great opportunity to get feedback on the work of the company.
    • Organize the process so that "pumped" the brand of the company, and not a manager (he does not say that everything is fine, because he is a genius, but positions his achievements within the company as a merit of the management system).
    • Honesty Award for both employees (contractors) and customers. If you are offered something past the checkout, get it for free. If you have witnessed a violation of the interests of the company (the definition of the concept of “fact of violation of interests” should be in the general regulations) from someone else, report and receive a bonus of 10,000 rubles.
    • "Wolf Ticket" with a loss of reputation in the market (for this you need to communicate with colleagues in the industry). Your business may not go, even with someone else's client base. And what will an employee with such a reputation do next?
    • Transparency of all processes in the company, to the extent possible (customer service, shipment of goods / provision of services, financial accounting, etc.).

    Most importantly, the owner must have a clear willingness to go all the way in the fight against attempts to divert the business or customer base. Willingness to deploy both legal prosecution (lawyers of course should be ready) and other methods (“wolf ticket”).

    Act according to the principle “move with profit, hold with harm”. Do not forget to reward the achievements of your CEO for achievements, otherwise he will simply leave your company (I wrote about motivation above).

    How not to become dependent on the manager? How to prevent his "star disease" and the feeling of indispensability?

    The feeling of indispensability eventually leads, as a rule, to permissiveness in behavior. This has an extremely negative impact on the company, other employees and, oddly enough, on the most "irreplaceable". Feeling like a star, he stops developing.

    Create a separate regulation for the manager, which will describe the technologies and algorithms for performing his functions. If the executive director is engaged in the payment of salaries to employees, then the regulations should describe in detail: how to calculate salaries, how to issue them, what tables and documents need to be filled out.

    Oblige the executive director to independently maintain his regulations up to date.

    Does the principle of regular management apply to the executive director or should there be exceptions for him? What is the best way to control?

    With regard to regular management and work standards, the manager should be an example of their observance for the entire team. First, any manager sets a pattern of actions for his subordinates. Secondly, the executive director must strictly ask for all the principles of regular management from each employee of the company. He is unlikely to be able to do this if he is late without warning for meetings and does not fulfill agreements with employees. If you want to learn more about regular management, (offer valid for owners only).

    The most stringent requirements for compliance with agreements must be applied to the manager. Naturally, within "fight for man", but not "against him". Those. if there is an agreement that the executive director comes to work at 10 o'clock, and he starts coming at 11 arbitrarily, there should be an immediate reaction on your part.

    The same management tools apply to the executive director as to all other employees

    The work of the executive director is controlled by his immediate supervisor - the owner (if he plays the role of the general director). To the executive director the same management tools apply as to all other employees: planning and accounting of time for tasks, formalization of all results of work (including negotiations).

    For example, function “managerial work with employees”. The checklist may consist of the following items: 1) entries in the personal files of employees; 2) the results of the negotiations; 3) feedback from employees; 4) availability of reports on working time; 5) percentage of parsed reports; 6) the presence of fixed plans, etc.

    Is it possible to delegate work with finances, accounting, contracts, etc. to the manager?

    Yes, when formalizing the relevant processes in the form of principles, regulations and instructions. And, of course, thinking over control points.

    Can be delegated the right to sign all accounting and legally significant documents: contracts, acts, labor contracts with employees, etc.

    Grant the authority to resolve issues in the tax office, various state funds, work with a bank account. At the same time, I recommend limiting the ability to take loans in the power of attorney.

    All of the above can be done both as part of a limited liability company, and if you are an individual entrepreneur. In the case of an individual entrepreneur, signing rights and other functions are delegated using a notarized power of attorney.

    How to build a relationship with the manager? Should he be my friend?

    The status of the manager is primarily supported by the granted powers. For example, to make a decision on the dismissal of an employee, increase wages, apply punishments and incentives, resolve pre-agreed issues without the participation of a higher manager. In general, like every leader: making decisions, putting them into practice, sanctioning based on the results.

    If you plan to maintain the status of an executive director with a number of indulgences and friendly relations, then the degradation of the quality of work and “star fever” will not keep you waiting.

    Is it worth it to motivate the executive director of shares in the company? Should I make him a partner in case of successful work?

    Indeed, many owners hope that having received a “share in the company”, the manager will start working “for three” and “on weekends”, because this will now be his business. This is a big misconception. The degree of delusion increases if the share is provided “for words”, and the agreements are not fixed on paper along with action scenarios in case of: “what will happen to the share if the conditions are not met?” And “How long do you need to work in this mode?” And “what will you do if a person gets sick?”.

    Some expect to keep a valuable person in the company by providing a share. But what happens if after some time it seems to you that the new partner is working in the wrong direction or not intensively enough? As a manager, you could fire him, but as a partner, he is no longer there.

    Yes, if you are considering selling a share, you can sell at the market price or at a small discount. Well, if not ... So that you are not blackmailed in the spirit of “ give me a share, otherwise I'll leave and everything will fall apart for you”, perform regularly and in advance all the activities announced in the questions about “indispensability” and “potential withdrawal of business”.

    Nevertheless, options for motivation by “joint business” still exist. In my opinion, if the CEO (or any of the top managers) has a desire to open their own business (do not try to force this idea), you can provide the following scenario for them:

    • provide an opportunity to purchase a share in one of the existing activities of the company (not earlier than after 2-3 years of operation);
    • take one of the currently underdeveloped areas of the company's activity or an adjacent one as the basis for a new business (with your participation as a shareholder and expert).

    How to build relationships with the team after hiring an executive director?

    There are two typical options for the reaction of the team (at least most of it) to the looming arrival of the executive director:

    • Hooray! Finally some order here". This is sort of the desired scenario for the owner. Relevant when you managed to gather a team of responsible people around you, and the current chaos is due to your lack of opportunities or desire to deal with administration.
    • Why do we need it, and without it everything was fine!". It is important to understand that with the arrival of the manager, he will gain power not only by transferring some of your powers to him, but also at the expense of employees. Some of them are quite satisfied with the current situation, when you have no time to control them. So there will be resistance.

    Brief algorithm of actions:

    • Announce your goals in front of the team. Claim: " I will delegate the RAM!”.
    • Show employees that there is no alternative scenario (“ I delegate in any case, even if a lot has to change or say goodbye to someone in the future”).
    • To voice the planned powers of the manager and his key functions.
    • Do not "shake" over your reputation. (“ I can and will make mistakes. And each of you can allow them. But I will clearly see who helps me in this process, and who interferes”).
    • Ask those who plan to interfere to raise their hands. If there are any, schedule an individual conversation with each one separately (the format is similar to the conversation from my article “”) followed by org. conclusions. If there are none, it's too early to relax. The mentioned article will also help to find them and bring them to clean water.
    • Go to manager search.

    Bonus for Attentive Readers: Sample Non-Disclosure (Confidentiality) Agreement for Employees

    Want to get a sample of a real-life non-disclosure (confidentiality) agreement that you can use not only for the executive director, but also for full-time and remote specialists?

    Follow 2 simple steps:

    1) Leave a comment to the article at the very bottom, as in the screenshot at the link: . (Write briefly about your experience with the manager or about your plans to connect him to management).
    2) Submit an inquiry to receive a sample “privacy agreement” through my personal social media accounts (via private message):

    Instead of a conclusion, or Overcoming obstacles

    Let's summarize. Many owners sooner or later plan to move away from managing the RAM in their business. To do this, you need to find and organize the work of the manager.

    A lot of questions arise here, therefore, in some companies, they have been looking for an executive director for years, and if they find him, he lingers in his place for 3 months at best.

    The success of the search and the accuracy of the selection depend largely on how the search process for the executive director is built. That's what we'll talk about in detail in one of the next articles.

    The position of executive director is increasingly found in companies that are engaged in various types of activities. When applying for this vacancy, you should know what duties and rights this employee has. The functions of the executive director are multifaceted and consist in organizing the activities of personnel, solving financial and commercial issues and various administrative and economic problems.

    This is a leadership position. The executive director is appointed by the general director and is also dismissed by him.

    This is the second most important role in the company. During the absence of the General Director, the management is entrusted to the Executive Director. He has signatory authority and acts on behalf of the company.

    The person holding this position has irregular working hours. What are the functions of the executive director? His duties are to implement and control the current activities of all departments, branches, which must comply with the general situation of the company. He is engaged in the development of long-term plans for the development of the company and monitors their implementation.

    His responsibilities also include ensuring the safety of control over finances, maintaining records and providing data to the relevant authorities. He monitors the activities of employees, imposes penalties and encourages if necessary.

    The executive director prepares orders and instructions that relate to the work of the staff. Follows supervises major transactions and reporting.

    Work with personnel is also included in the incumbent Executive Director prepares vacancies, selects candidates, interviews. He controls the work of the personnel department, namely the correct documentation, drawing up employment contracts, time sheets and

    This position provides for holding a meeting of shareholders, control over and other services. He oversees the drafting of contracts and agreements with clients. His responsibilities include organizing seminars, promotional events and reporting on the results of their conduct. He participates in negotiations with clients and prepares contracts for conclusion with them.

    Another aspect of his work is financial control. This is tracking the timely payment for services and goods by counterparties, providing invoices and acts of work performed. He negotiates with clients, discusses the conditions for concluding contracts, works with receivables, sends claims and lawsuits to the court.

    The executive director works with audit companies, controls financial flows, the company and its branches, makes proposals for improving financial performance and spending material resources.

    The executive director has the rights within the limits of his competence. He makes proposals, supervises and organizes the activities of the company and is responsible in accordance with the regulations.

    "________"_____________ ____ G.

    1. General Provisions

    1.1. The executive director belongs to the category of managers.
    1.2. The executive director is appointed to the position and dismissed by the order of the general director.
    1.3. The Executive Director reports directly to the General Director.
    1.4. During the absence of the executive director, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
    1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of executive director: higher professional education, at least 3 years of managerial work experience in the relevant field.
    1.6. The Executive Director must know:
    - fundamentals of civil, commercial, financial, tax law;
    - labor legislation;
    - structure and development strategy of the company;
    - forms and procedure for financial settlements, the procedure for processing financial transactions, organization of workflow in commercial activities.
    1.7. The Executive Director is guided in his activities by:
    - legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
    - Charter of the organization, internal labor regulations, other regulations of the company;
    - orders and directives of the management;
    - this job description.

    2. Responsibilities of the Executive Director

    The Executive Director performs the following job responsibilities:
    3.1. Organizes the work and effective interaction of production units and structural divisions of the company.
    3.2. Participates in the development of the company's development strategy.
    3.3. Conducts operational financial and economic analysis of the company and its divisions.
    3.4. Organizes, monitors and is responsible for the implementation of all orders of the General Director.
    3.5. Works on improving the system of motivation (remuneration) of the company's employees and is responsible for its implementation.
    3.6. Responsible for compliance with labor discipline, execution of orders and orders.
    3.7. Responsible for the proper organization of office work in the company, legal and economic development of agreements, contracts, agreements, etc.
    3.8. Draws up operational plans (monthly and ten-day) of the company and approves them with the CEO.
    3.9. Controls the activities of units to implement the approved plans.
    3.10. Identifies and eliminates shortcomings in the work of the company independently and with the management.
    3.11. Performs individual official tasks and assignments of the General Director.

    3. Rights of the Executive Director

    The executive director has the right:
    3.1. Represent the interests of the company in relations with other organizations within its competence.
    3.2. Within the limits of his competence, sign and endorse documents, issue orders under his signature.
    3.3. Establish job responsibilities for subordinate employees.
    3.4. Request from the structural divisions of the enterprise information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.
    3.5. Submit for consideration by the head of the enterprise submissions on the appointment, transfer and dismissal of subordinate employees, proposals for encouraging distinguished employees and for bringing to disciplinary and financial responsibility violators of production, labor and financial discipline.
    3.6. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.
    3.7. Require the management of the enterprise to ensure the organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

    4. Responsibility of the Executive Director

    The Executive Director is responsible for:
    4.1. For non-performance and / or untimely, negligent performance of their duties.
    4.2. For non-compliance with current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.
    4.3. For violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.