Hard rock love quotes from songs. Quotes from great rock musicians

Rock stars have always been a subject of adoration and imitation. You can't just go and become a rock star. These people have always been individuals who, thanks to their views on life and worldview in general, have become idols of millions.

In this issue: Axl Rose, Bob Marley, Keith Richards, Anthony Kiedis, Jimmy Hendrix, Jimmy Page, Kurt Cobain, Frank Zappa, Thom Yorke, Marilyn Manson, Dave Grohl, Keith Flint, Lemmy, Jon Bon Jovi.

So, what do rock idols think about the world, women, sex, alcohol, love, music, drugs and themselves - in our article:

“Quotes from Great Musicians. Volume I."

Axl Rose - Guns`n`Roses

“I am not God. And if he were, then 3/4 of you would be girls, and the rest would be pizza and beer.”

In original:
“I’m not God but if I were God, ¾ of you would be girls, and the rest would be pizza and beer.”

Bob Marley

“Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet."

In original:
“Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.”

Keith Richards - The Rolling Stones

“I could never go to bed with a woman just for sex. I'm not interested. I want to hold you and kiss you and make you feel good and protect you. And the next day you receive a nice note - stay in touch.”

In original:
“I’ve never been able to go to bed with a women just for sex. I've no interest in that. I want to hug you and kiss you and make you feel good and protect you. And get a nice note the next day, stay in touch.”

P.P.S. By the way, Johnny Depp tried to imitate the gait and manner of speaking of Keith in the image of Jack Sparrow. And then he asked Richards to play the role of Jack's father in Pirates Caribbean Sea. The guitarist agreed.

Anthony Kiedis - Red Hot Chilli Peppers

“It seems that chaos in the world is accelerating, but along with it, beauty is in everyone’s consciousness. more of people"

In original:

Jimmy Hendrix

“When the power of love surpasses the love of power, peace will reign on earth.”

Jimmy Page - Led Zeppelin

“Music is like making love. Sometimes you want it soft and gentle, and sometimes you want it hard and rough.”

Kurt Cobain - Nirvana

“I like to complain and do nothing to improve the situation.”

Frank Zappa

“Without deviation from the norm, progress is impossible”

P.S. Frank Zappa is an American composer, singer, multi-instrumentalist, producer, songwriter, experimental musician, and sound and film director. "The Man Who Taught Everyone to Play Guitar"

Thom Yorke - Radiohead and Atoms For Peace

“I want to be alone and I want people to notice me—both at the same time.”

Marilyn Manson

"I discovered big difference between the desire to die and the unwillingness to live. When you want to die, at least you have a goal. When you don’t want to live, you’re just devastated.”

Last night I listened to old songs, turned over the performers in my mind and thought that the statements of many of them had already become popular. Moreover, not only quotes, but also phrases from interviews. I searched and searched - there really is a lot of things! That's why I'm sharing what I've selected with you...

"I will calmly leave the planet, because I know that my music will remain after me"
Alex Van Halen, Van Halen

"Everything you need is already within you. I believe that people create their own heaven and their own hell. It's a personal choice."
Karl Logan, Manowar

“One part of me constantly worries that I am an ordinary loser, while the other thinks that I am the Lord God.”
John Lennon, Beatles

“I never liked to delve into myself. Neither in life, nor in music. Sometimes it’s better to give up on everything. Just go on stage and ROCK!”
Freddie Mercury, Queen

“I don’t know what will disappear first, religion or rock... I’m betting on religion...”
John Lennon, Beatles

“Things that went to those who waited are things that were left behind by those who got them on their own.”
Steven Tyler, Aerosmith

“Your wrinkles can tell you one thing: either you are constantly irritated or you are constantly smiling.”
Carlos Santana

Jimmy Page, Led Zeppelin

“There is never a time when I am satisfied with something. I constantly try to improve my music.”

"The only force that pushes us forward is music, and not at all the desire to become famous"
Roger Waters, Pink Floyd

“No concepts - only your own impressions, emotions and experience - that’s what rock is!”
Ian Gillan, Black Sabbath | Deep Purple

"Rock is played not by notes, but by intuition"
Brian May, Queen

“The first instrument that people invented was the drum. Because people wanted to somehow reproduce the first sound they heard in life - the sound of a mother’s heart.”
Rick Savage, Def Leppard

"All this talk about metal and hard... I don't subscribe to a single word. Rock is just good music. You need to listen to him, not talk about him!”
Ozzy Osbourne, Black Sabbath

“I never judge anyone. My favorite Indian proverb is: “Don’t judge another until you’ve walked two miles in his moccasins.”
Eric Adams, Manowar

“Someone told me recently that dying is hard and scary. It’s a lie! Dying is easy. What’s really hard is living.”
James Hetfield, Metallica

“If your environment does not allow you to dream, change it immediately!”
Billy Idol, Generation X

"IN modern world It's very hard to believe in the light at the end of the tunnel. Thank God we have the old one good rock!"
Matthias Jabs, Scorpions

"For every man driving force- this is a woman. Without a woman, even Napoleon would have been a simple idiot."
John Lennon, Beatles

“It’s better to die on the side of the road, but know that you did everything to achieve your goal. Than to live 100 years in prosperity, realizing that you betrayed yourself.”
Robert Plant Led Zeppelin

"Keep doing what you're doing. Pretend you're doing it until it's done."
Steven Tyler, Aerosmith

"Life is a journey, not a destination"
Steven Tyler, Aerosmith

"Music is music. And if it was created with feeling, then it is simply impossible not to notice it, no matter how old you are"
Daniel McCafferty, Nazareth

“There are times when nothing will light your path better than a burning bridge.”
Don Henley, Eagles

"When did I realize that rock is everywhere? It was when people who traveled in the Amazon told me that the native children washed clothes in the river and sang Wind Of Change."
Klaus Meine, Scorpions

“You don’t have to believe in yourself, but you absolutely have to believe in what you’re doing!”
Jimmy Page, Led Zeppelin

“A person is not born for music alone. Therefore, never take music too seriously. Let it entertain you.”
Ritchie Blackmore, Deep Pupple | Rainbow

“There will always be both negative and positive people swirling around you. Just be yourself and do everything in your power. And don’t care about the opinions of others!”
,Joey DiMaio, Manowar

“Compared to rappers who become millionaires in 15 minutes, we are just poor people. But the fact of the matter is that we were never in music for the money. Our motivation is only music!”
Joe Elliott, Def Leppard

“The world is like a birthday pie. Take a piece, but don’t eat it all - otherwise your stomach won’t stand it.”
George Harrison, Beatles

“If you want to punch some venerable authority figure in the teeth, kick with both feet.”
Keith Richards, Rolling Stones

"Old age is when people talk more about your past than about your future"
Mick Jagger, Rolling Stones

“I hate all sorts of heroin snot. People sing about death and not wanting to live, and then they say: “Ciao! See you next year!” How can this be, guys? You’re going to die. Be honest with the fans!”
Matthias Jabs, Scorpions

"Real music will work for any generation!"
Roger Waters, Pink Floyd

"Fashion and music are incompatible things. I very rarely listen to new fashionable bands, more often they listen to me..."
Ozzy Osbourne, Black Sabbath

"Does the devil have his own radio? Yes! It's gossip"
George Harrison, Beatles

"Every life has its own line of sadness. And, more often than not, when you cross this line, you wake up and start life again"
Steven Tyler, Aerosmith

“For concerts accompanied by a soundtrack, you have to pay with photocopies of money.”
Roni James Dio, Rainbow | Black Sabbath | Dio

Everything you need is already within you. I believe that people create their own heaven and their own hell. It's a personal choice.
/Karl Logan - Manowar/

The biggest challenge adult life- is to adhere to an idealistic worldview after naivety has already been lost.
/Bruce Springsteen/

One part of me constantly worries that I am an ordinary loser, while the other fancies himself as the Lord God.
/John Lennon/

I never judge anyone. My favorite Indian proverb is: “Don’t judge another until you’ve walked two miles in his moccasins.”
/Eric Adams - Manowar/

Someone told me recently that dying is hard and scary. Lies! Dying is easy. What is really difficult is to live.

If your environment does not allow you to dream, change it immediately!
/Billy Idol/

I have never liked to delve into myself. Neither in life, nor in music. Sometimes it's better to give up on everything. Just go on stage and ROCK!
/Freddie Mercury - Queen/

Modesty is very great value, because it helps you to be new and fresh.
/Steven Tyler - Aerosmith/

In the modern world, it is very difficult to believe in the light at the end of the tunnel. Thank God we have good old rock!
/Matthias Jabs - Scorpions/

If you wasted time and enjoyed it, then your time was not wasted! Waste your time listening to rock!
/John Lennon/

For every man, the driving force is a woman. Without a woman, even Napoleon would have been a simple idiot.
/John Lennon/

It's better to die on the sidelines, but know that you did everything to achieve your goal. How to live 100 years in prosperity, realizing that you have betrayed yourself.
/Robert Plant - Led Zeppelin/

Keep doing what you're doing. Pretend that you are doing it, and so on until the job is done.
/Steven Tyler - Aerosmith/

Blind faith in your leaders, or in anything else, will get you killed!
/Bruce Springsteen/

I don’t know what will disappear first, religion or rock... I’m betting on religion...
/John Lennon/

In reality, money is not that important. Whether you have them or not. Whether you have clothes or not... At the very end you are left with yourself. Without anything.
/Billy Idol/

The things that went to those who waited are things that were left behind by those who obtained them on their own.
/Steven Tyler - Aerosmith/

Your wrinkles can tell you one thing: either you are constantly irritated, or you are constantly smiling.

Life is a journey, not a destination.
/Steven Tyler - Aerosmith/

Music is music. And, if it was created with feeling, then it is simply impossible not to notice it, no matter how old you are.
/Dan McCafferty - Nazareth/

No concepts - only your own impressions, emotions and experience - that's what rock is!
/Ian Gillan-Deep Purple/

There are times when nothing will light your path better than a burning bridge.
/Don Henley - Eagles/

When did I realize that rock is everywhere? This is when people who traveled through the Amazon told me that the native children washed clothes in the river and chanted Wind Of Change.
/Klaus Meine - Scorpions/

Money won't buy you happiness, but it will get you there damn fast!
/Freddie Mercury - Queen/

I don't trust doctors. Many of them told me that I would not live to see next Christmas, and then I went to their funeral myself.
/Keith Richards - Rolling Stones/

I will regret what is done, not what is not done.
/James Hetfield - Metallica/

You don't have to believe in yourself, but you absolutely have to believe in what you're doing!
/Jimmy Page - Led Zeppelin/

Keep it simple! There is no need to hire a canine therapist. Just wake up at 7 am and open the door for your dog and let him outside!
/Ozzy Osbourne/

Man is not born for music alone. So never take music too seriously. Let her entertain you.
/Ritchie Blackmore - Deep Purple/

Both negative and positive people will always be around you. Just be yourself and do the best you can. And don’t care about the opinions of others!
/Joey DeMaio - Manowar/

Compared to rappers who become millionaires in 15 minutes, we are just poor people. But the fact of the matter is that we were never in music for the money. Our motivation is only music!
/Joe Elliott - Def Leppard/

The world is like a birthday cake. Take yourself a piece, but don’t eat it all - otherwise your stomach won’t be able to stand it.
/George Harrison - Beatles/

If you want to punch some venerable authority figure in the teeth, kick with both feet.
/Keith Ricards - Rolling Stones/

Old age is when people around you talk more about your past than about your future.
/Mick Jagger - Rolling Stones/

Every time I turn on the TV, I’m surprised: “What is this?!” What is happening?! What is this all for?!". Television is a real cesspool. Listen better radio!
/Phil Collins/

I hate all heroin snot. People sing about death and unwillingness to live, and then they say: “Ciao! See you next year!". How so, guys? You are about to die. Be honest with the fans!
/Matthias Jabs - Scorpions/

Real music will work for any generation!
/Roger Waters/

If you try to do what others will like, work for people and throw all your energy into it, then you will be successful. Rock exists for the people and for the sake of the people.
/Ian Gillan - Deep Purple/

Fashion and music are incompatible things. I very rarely listen to new fashionable bands, more often they listen to me...
/Ozzy Osbourne/

Does the devil have his own radio? Yes! This is gossip.
/George Harrison - Beatles/

The first instrument that people invented was the drum. Because people wanted to somehow reproduce the first sound they heard in life - the sound of a mother's heart.
/Rick Savage - Def Leppard/

Every life has its own streak of sadness. And, most often, when you cross this line, you wake up and start life again.
/Steven Tyler - Aerosmith/

For girls who are sick of the traditional Valentinov aesthetics, the site has prepared a portion of good rocker cynicism: about love, wives, just women and, of course, music. Of course, there were some sentiments too.

    Hippies strove for peace and love. We rockers only wanted Ferraris, blondes and Finnish knives. I can’t even believe that such people could create such deep music (Alice Cooper).

    Sometimes, having sex with a guitar, you can extract sounds from it that you cannot make with your hands (Ritchie Blackmore).

    What keeps us in good shape? Chicks, stage sweat and alcohol... Did you think I was going to say “vitamins”? (Bon Scott, AC/DC).

    When the power of love surpasses the love of power, there will be peace on Earth (Jim Hendrix).

    My philosophy of life is simple: I need to love someone, wait for something and do something (Elvis Presley).

    They say that money can't buy love? Believe me, only beggars and losers say that (Jim Simmons, “Kiss”).

    The only thing I love more than my wife is money. And I won't give them to her or her lawyers, that's for damn sure! (Jon Bon Jovi).

    My wife said, "Why don't you write a song about me?" I took it and wrote the song “Baba with Eggs.” Then she divorced me (Bonn Scott, AC/DC).

    You may not be her first, not her last, or her only. She loved before she loved again. But if she loves you now, what else is wrong? (Bob Marley).

    Any dancing is just a substitute for sex. What are you doing while listening to us? (Mick Jagger).

    Do you know where a woman's G-Spot is? - What? What? What the hell is this G-spot? Tell me where it is and I can have some fun! Several times I almost found it! Next time, I'll take my damn miner's lamp with me and give it a thorough inspection (Ozzy Ozbourne).

    Love is not something you can see yourself with. It's someone you can't see yourself without (Jared Leto).

    Women love men who can cry, right? Do you love it?! Men who don't cry are not real men, in my opinion. But that's just my opinion (Brian Molko).

    We praise the three most important things on earth - peace, love and rock and roll (Rudolf Schenker "Scorpions.")

    Love is the answer and you probably know it (John Lennon).