Let them say the dancing millionaire is bankrupt. The dancing millionaire in “Let Them Talk”: what he told Malakhov about

The personality of the dancing Italian millionaire Gianluca Vacca causes everything more questions, despite the fact that the Italian millionaire talks quite a lot about himself. The more answers, the more questions, Gianluca Vacchi came to Andrei Malakhov and took part in the show “Let Them Talk.”

I watched the show “Let Them Talk” with the participation of Gianluca Vacca and my suspicions about this man were confirmed, he is charismatic, smart, well-mannered person, this was especially striking against the background of some of the guests of the “Let Them Talk” program, who simply seemed unable to control themselves - hugs, kisses, selfies, excited speeches and envious glances, the feeling that the Italian guest had entered into dirty puddle. In this dark kingdom, a ray of light, Ksenia Borodina seemed to me, she behaved delicately, kept her distance, Gianluca Vacchi appreciated and demonstrated this while he was waiting for music to dance with Anna Kalashnikova, whom earlier, back in Italy, from the photo among those presented to him by Andrei Malakhov chose as a “Russian beauty” for his taste. The girl stood alone, abandoned by her partner, while he complimented Borodina on her pajama outfit. Gianluca Vacchi demonstrated eloquently enough for Anna to understand that he is not interested in her. Frankly speaking, I think if Anna was washed, changed into something simpler and more elegant, and forbidden to utter a single sound, then her chances of being liked by the Italian millionaire would increase significantly.

The most interesting thing that Gianluca Vacchi told about himself on the show “Let Them Talk” with Andrei Malakhov

Andrey Malakhov:What's in your beard? What is that glitter?

Gianluca Vacchi: These are three small diamonds, nothing more. I'm a bit of a strange, eccentric person.

Andrey Malakhov: Are you a real millionaire? Many people say that you rented a boat, etc.

Gianluca Vacchi: No, there are people much richer than me. However, I am not interested in this, I am not interested in knowing this. Money is not mine at all, money is needed only to live normally, to ensure a quality of life, and money does not always guarantee a quality of life, so I do not always share the approaches of my friends. I must live in peace. Therefore I do not attach of great importance money.

Andrey Malakhov: Tell me how many houses do you have?

Gianluca Vacchi: One in Milan, one in Bologna, one in the mountains, Sardini and Miami

Andrey Malakhov: Are your dances improvised or prepared?

Gianluca Vacchi: These dances are pure improvisation, 3-5 minutes of choreography nothing more, Georgia entered my game in my dances, she is a ballerina and she facilitates my performances.

Gianluca Vacchi: As for me, Life for me is nothing more than irony, I am a joker by nature, do not take me seriously and I always say that people who do not laugh do not smile are not serious people.

Gianluca Vacchi: In my opinion, one cannot help but like and dislike wealth, a well-mannered person (phrase after a Russian millionaire (sorry, I don’t know his last name) addressed Gianluca Vacchi on a personal level, clapped him on the shoulder and immediately took a selfie with him)), a person who knows how to behave in public is much richer than a person rich in money, because he has much more wealth in life thanks to this attitude towards people and his behavior in front of people. In Italy it’s the same, don’t think so, people who have fewer opportunities in life respect me because I behave normally with people, I’m a normal person.

Elena Skorokhodova: Were you born with this million, did you inherit it or did you earn it?

Gianluca Vacchi: So, I was born, of course, in a privileged position in relation to the average level of income, but 80% of what I have now is all thanks to my hands, my creativity.

Elena Skorokhodova: Do you work at all or just dance?

Gianluca Vacchi: For me, working is not necessary physically; a person can earn money and achieve wealth by entrusting management to his trusted people. And therefore, I say honestly, I do not have the ability to work, control and manage day after day. My life is different, I have to intuit the situation, determine where the risks are, and then warn my managers against possible risks. This is a slightly different structure of life processes.

Andrey Malakhov: People go to work day after day as if it were hard labor, and the few who managed to choose a favorite activity and do it are happy.

Gianluca Vacchi: Naturally, today all countries are affected by a crisis and a person should be led so that he can do what he likes. But if you are lucky, you can do what you like, otherwise you will have to do what you don’t like in order to survive. It's kind of a privilege to do what you love. I don't know if you understood me correctly.

If you don’t have time to watch the entire program, but are interested in how a dancing millionaire lives, then in this video you can see Gianluca Vacca’s house in Bologna, Andrei Malakhov came to visit the Italian millionaire.

And here you can see show “Let Them Talk” with the participation of dancing millionaire Gianlucca Vacca

The second part of the program “Let Them Talk” with the participation of Gianluca Vacca increased the feeling of inadequacy of the studio guests; I’m talking about my personal impressions. I would like to note the amazing work of the operator, his close-ups, especially when the beautiful Georgia entered the studio and after when they showed her dressing room at home in Bologna. As a matter of fact, this is the only episode that makes sense to watch, the second part of the second part of “Let Them Talk” with Gianluca Vacchi and Giorgia Gabriele doesn’t have to be watched, in this part of the program Andrei Malakhov and his team show the “responders” and imitators of the dancing Italian millionaire from all over Russia, Believe me, for the most part it’s not pleasant to watch and it’s a shame to waste your time on it.

On Channel One, the talk show “Let Them Talk” released its second episode with dancing Italian millionaire Gianluca Vacchi and his girlfriend Giorgia Gabriele.

On the second evening, the program showed how a 49-year-old cheerful millionaire lives with his beloved in his huge mansion and constantly dances at home and on the street, as the entertainment portal boredom.net writes.

Most of all those present were amazed by the chic wardrobe of the girl Gianluca Vacchi, which was more reminiscent of a fashion museum.

What was Gianluca Vacchi sick with?

When I see huge amount luxurious clothes, stylish and expensive shoes and a whole wall of designer bags, envy was reflected on the faces of Lena Lenina, Anna Kalashnikova and Irina Gribulina who were present in the Let Them Talk studio.

They wrote on social networks about the reaction of famous Russian women when they saw the wardrobe of the girlfriend of an Italian rich man: “Lena Lenina’s face literally warped. There is nothing to say about Gribulina at all: there was no getting her away from the Italian. And Anna Kalashnikova had tears in her eyes, because it is clear that she is not Georgia Gabriele’s competitor and she definitely will not see such a wardrobe and dressing room.”

Once on my blog on Instagram famous Italian wrote: “ Good morning. These days I suffered a serious attack infectious disease. It took enormous efforts from the medical staff to defeat him. I am currently on the road to recovery,” making it clear that he had some health problems but was doing well.

The song Gianluca Vacchi dances to

As it became known, the dancing millionaire loves Ricky Martin's hits most of all and most often dances to them.

Watch online: Everyone is dancing! New surprises from dancing millionaire Gianluca Vacchi. Let them talk. Issue dated October 20, 2016:

World exclusive: in the studio Let them talk - dancing millionaire Gianluca Vacchi! An eccentric Italian flew to Moscow to tell everything about his life and fiery dances. Despite such a mature age (49 years old), the man never ceases to amaze the public with his energy and cheerful dance moves. Who is he, Gianluca Vacchi? What does he do and why does he like dancing? Watch Let them talk - Everyone dance! 10/19/2016

This summer, a video appeared on the Internet that left no one indifferent. Dancing millionaire Gianluca Vacchi captivated everyone with his charisma, pumped up body and positivity! went to visit the king of Instagram and today Gianluca Vacchi will tell him all the details of his intense happy life. The owner of an impressive fortune and his young wife Giorgia Gabriela will show their luxury home in Bologna (Italy).

49-year-old Gianluca Vacchi flew to the shooting Let them say: “People who don’t smile and don’t laugh are not serious people.” The stars of domestic show business came to see the dancing millionaire: singer Alexey Vorobyov, socialite Lena Lenina, TV presenter Ksenia Borodina and others.

Let them say - Everyone dance!

If you missed the popular "Dancing Millionaire" video this summer, watch it now!

The main character of this evening, Gianluca Vacchi, arrived in Russia for the first time to give frank interview about my life:

— I am 49 years old, although the media write my age differently. I have a house in Milan, a house in Bologna, a house in the mountains and another one in Miami. I am very pleased to hear that I am popular in Russia. I am a bit of a strange and eccentric person, I love tattoos and, of course, dancing.

To be honest, money interests me the least. Money is not mine. Yes, they are needed in order to feel good and comfortable, but I do not always share the approach to finances of my friends. And that’s why I don’t attach much importance to money.

The most stylish TV presenter in the country, Evgeniy Savin, asks the dancing millionaire whether all the videos are improvised or whether it is a pre-prepared action.

Gianluca Vacchi:

— All this is pure improvisation. The fact is that I have been dancing all my life. Georgie is a ballerina and she fits into my game easily, which makes all my performances easier. Regarding wealth, I believe that if a rich person is well-mannered and communicates well with people, he is much richer than someone who is rich only in money. There are also many people in Italy who have fewer opportunities, but they respect me for good attitude to them.

Let them talk. Gianluca Vacchi

In the studio Let Them Talk - dancing millionaire Gianluca Vacchi. All secrets about him will be revealed today! For the first time, a rich Italian dancer allows Andrei Malakhov into his house:

— In Bologna I have a house, a helipad, a spa center and gym, football field, swimming pool and tennis court. Welcome to my home, friends!

— I really like to host parties. All this wealth would have no meaning if I did not share my emotions with my friends. The essence of the present moment is to share happy moments with family and friends. Live and enjoy!

When asked by actress Elena Skorokhodova whether Gianluca Vacchi earned a huge fortune on his own or received it as an inheritance, the millionaire answered the following:

— I was born into a wealthy family, however most fortune was acquired by me - thanks to my hands, brains, creativity. Working is not necessarily a physical activity. I have trusted people who do everything for me. My task is to analyze my business and understand where the risks are, and then report this to managers.

Next: Gianluca Vacchi will meet for the first time with TV presenter Ksenia Borodina, singer Irina Gribulina, actress Ekaterina Arkharova and model Anna Kalashnikova. Famous singer Oleg Gazmanov recorded his video response to the hero of the program. And in you will see the wife of a dancing millionaire! Watch the free episode of Let Them Talk - Everyone Dance! (Gianluca Vacchi - Dancing Millionaire), broadcast on October 19, 2016 (10/19/2016).

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