Ballet passions. Sexual secrets of the Kremlin

Not only all ages are submissive to love, but also people of different social strata. Moreover, they often interfere with love, spoil relationships between close people and... influence political decision-making. Mistresses senior managers the Soviet state is a topic that we hope will interest many readers. After all, it will be shown secret life once all-powerful people.

During the Soviet era, the topic was closed and carefully hidden. We didn’t have sex in our country, not that they didn’t talk about it at all. No, they did, but not so often. Every decent person was supposed to be married, and love affairs were a phenomenon condemned by society. Intrigues on the side of high officials of the “country of Soviets” sooner or later became known anyway.

After the fall royal power In 1917, the landscape of life changed seriously. Becoming Soviet power took place in a harsh, cruel manner (just like any other). Therefore, it is not surprising that in the first decades of the existence of the new state, its leaders often led an immoral lifestyle. This was influenced by the famous “glass of water theory”. In fact, she was free love, which the brave knights of the revolution took advantage of. So we will pay our attention to them, and then to their mistresses. Subsequently, we will devote a separate article to each of the politicians or military men.

How a love triangle became the beginning of repression.

From left to right: the lover’s husband, Kirov’s mistress, Kirov himself

The first secretary of the Leningrad regional party committee, Sergei Kirov, was killed in 1934. His death was used to advantage to unleash the notorious repressions of the late 1930s. But the circumstances of death are not known to everyone. The official was not faithful to his wife and often went “to the left.”

Among his mistresses there were many famous theater ballerinas of that time. By the way, they were preferred by almost all infidel high ranks of the times of the Union. But one of Sergei Mironovich’s many mistresses became fatal for him. For real. Her name was Milda Draule.

Was it married woman, whose legal spouse was a certain Leonid Nikolaev. But Milda could not resist Kirov’s charm. A romance began, rumors of which reached Nikolaev. The latter was a hot-headed man: he, of course, flared up and decided to put an end to this matter.

Nikolaev suffered from “delusions of grandeur” and wanted his feat to be remembered many years later. On December 1, he entered Smolny with a revolver. The meeting with his wife’s lover ended in Kirov’s death: the latter died on the spot. Subsequently, the murder of Kirov was presented to the people as the political elimination of “a faithful Leninist by the enemies of the working class.” And the enemies, naturally, were shot. They turned out to be Nikolaev, his wife and their friends.

Lover of young people.

A big “womanizer” was Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin (Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, died in 1946). As befits a high official by law, the housekeeper, Alexandra Gorchakova, was in charge of household affairs. Kalinin sent his wife, Ekaterina Ivanovna, to Altai “to engage in socially useful work.” Of course, so as not to interfere with communication with the housekeeper.

Mikhail Ivanovich loved ballerinas Bolshoi Theater. And state security used these “campaigns to the left” as dirt on Kalinin. For ballerinas, such hobbies brought good gifts, money, material gain, in a word. But the most important thing was that a “roof” appeared.

But for one ballerina, such pranks ended in her death. The girl's name was Bella Uvarova. After the performance, she was supposed to be delivered “to the address”, but she did not get to Kalinin. She disappeared, and after some time a disfigured body was discovered, identified as Bella Uvarova.

It is still not known who the girl’s killer was. But after her death it was liquidated criminal group engaged in industrial sabotage. Allegedly, she took Uvarova’s life. This is what her passion led to.

Deadly campaigns “to the left” of the brave marshal.

One of the first five marshals of the Red Army, Mikhail Tukhachevsky (shot in 1937), had affairs with all three of his wives. The first one shot herself, unable to bear the shame. Having married his second wife, he cohabited with his sisters Natalya and Tatyana Chernoluzky. In addition to this, he did not forget to visit Amalia Protas, his adjutant.

Over time, the marshal's second wife got tired of such adventures and the couple divorced. But at least something for Tukhachevsky. The marshal went after other people's wives: he took the missus away from the political commissar. And he married her; his third wife’s name was Nina. This marriage did not calm the marshal’s hot ardor and he became the lover of Yulia Kuzmina, his friend’s wife.

It makes no sense to list all the military’s mistresses, since there were a lot of them, and not all of them were known. But one woman played a fatal role in his life. Singer Josephine Genzi, with chic blue eyes, was not just a favorite of the officers' club, but also a spy for German intelligence. She had a specific goal - to recruit Tukhachevsky, and if this did not work out, to plant false documents.

Most likely, it was not possible to recruit, since the marshal was arrested on the basis of planted German papers. From which it followed that he was a participant in the anti-Soviet uprising. The fate of the chief of staff of the Red Army was decided. Soon followed trial, at which Tukhachevsky and 7 other senior military leaders were found guilty and subsequently shot.

Mysterious People's Commissar.

Lavrenty Beria also ended his life at the wall. For a long time he headed the state security agencies, led the Soviet atomic project and managed to have mistresses. But there are so many sexual legends surrounding him that they need a separate article. And in general, you can talk a lot about Beria and on different topics.

Let's quickly go over his intimate records. The People's Commissar had a special adjutant who was looking for beautiful girls and women for your boss; Beria kept a list of women with whom he had affairs; For the last 10 years of his life, Lavrenty Pavlovich suffered from syphilis, and if he had not been shot, he would have died from this venereal infection.

The mistresses of the top leaders of the Soviet state were often not influential people in politics. But being close to the official influenced his character and worldview. And they often led to the death of their loved ones. Whether they were “favorite” is another question.

The people called him the All-Union Headman. Stalin said: “All-Union goat.” And he added: “lustful.” Mikhail Ivanovich KALININ loved to communicate with milkmaids and weavers, wives people's commissars and ballerinas. After his death, those to whom his memory was especially dear could visit the memorial office on Mokhovaya Street at any time. But the Soviet Union collapsed and the museum was closed. And after 15 years, the furnishings of his office were finally taken out of storage and placed in a branch of the Museum modern history Russia on Delegatskaya street. However, this small exhibition is silent about the most interesting facts of the biography of the former Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee.


Our new exhibition dedicated to the interiors of the 20th century, - presents the opened exhibition Lyudmila Kovaleva, head of the branch of the Museum of Contemporary History of Russia on Delegatskaya Street, we recreated Kalinin’s Reception as an example of the decoration of an bureaucratic office of those years. And they chose it mainly because of the magnificent furniture set in the Art Nouveau style of the beginning of the century.

The office of the All-Union headman is nicely furnished for life. It is clear that his owner loved simple earthly joys: drinking tea with sugar, sitting at a comfortable table and lying on a sofa made of good leather.

Fouette on the table

In the center of the office, as expected, is a huge table. The guide said that, sitting behind him, Kalinin signed decrees, including those on mass repressions. But she kept silent about the legends that surround this outstanding piece of furniture.

UNDER THE WATCHING EYE OF THE LEADER: Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee Mikhail Kalinin greets the President of Czechoslovakia Edward Benes (1936)

As soon as Mikhail Ivanovich took office as Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee in 1922, he was assigned to oversee the work of the Bolshoi Theater. The all-Union headman shared the responsible party assignment with Avel Enukidze, Secretary of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. And immediately favors showered on the Bolshoi. Previously, the authorities exploited the theater for any reason: they were obliged to provide premises for all kinds of events, ballerinas were forced to dance for free at concerts. Kalinin and Enukidze immediately freed the temple of art from “corvee labor.” They ordered the artists to increase their salaries twice a year, assigned them to the Kremlin’s medical and sanitation department, and included the “ballet” housing cooperative in the construction plan out of turn.

Favors were not explained at all passionate love two high-ranking Soviet officials to art - they did not distinguish pas de deux from fouetté. Both Kalinin and Enukidze liked to have fun in the company of pretty ballerinas. And since both were public and busy people, they invited dancers directly to the office. The ballerinas took off their tutus and performed fouettés naked, so much so that under the influence great power art Kalinin grunted and groaned, and the well-made legs of the table only creaked quietly.

WITH CHILDREN: kind grandfather Kalinin loved the younger generation not only in a fatherly way

The All-Union elder presented the beauties with imported lingerie, cosmetics and trinkets. He especially liked the youngest dancers. Not all the girls understood what a great honor they were receiving. 16 year old Bella Uvarova conquered Mikhail Ivanovich with her beauty, but did not reciprocate the high patron. This is what brought upon herself the wrath of the sensualist. After another call to the Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the girl disappeared. And soon her disfigured body was found in a forest near Moscow. Stalin ordered the creation of a special commission to investigate the incident. Kalinin was urgently sent on leave to “get medical treatment.” And then another “spy” process began in Moscow, where the names of the parents of the missing artist appeared. They were repressed, and Kalinin returned to his duties and continued his patronage of the Bolshoi Theater.

Ballerina mentor Ekaterina Geltser Once, having learned that Michal Vanych had dishonored her young student, she launched a statuette of Mephistopheles at the old libertine. It's a pity, but this figurine is not among the museum exhibits.

The wife was responsible for the violence

Unfortunately, the exhibition does not include another memorable exhibit, which testifies to the versatility of the interests of the all-Union headman.

EKATERINA GELTSER: the brave ballerina was not afraid to fight back the chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee

After all, we must give Mikhail Ivanovich his due: he loved not only ballet. The chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee paid no less attention to operetta. Historians could support this fact with the printed word, taking it from the collections of the Library named after. V.I. Lenin issue of the newspaper “Izvestia” for 1924 with a feuilleton Demyan Bedny“About how our elder Kalinich recaptured Tatyana Bakh from Averbakh.” For half a page, the poet painted in vivid colors the incriminating evidence against Kalinin provided to him by the NKVD, skillfully bringing down his anger at “certain old men, those in power, who are getting mixed up with young actresses from the operetta.” Mikhail Ivanovich, who at that time had an affair with a young singer Tatiana Bakh, however, did not calm down and did not stop seducing the girls. He just stopped making friends with Stalin’s opponents in the party. The leader appreciated the faithful elder for his understanding and thanked him, turning a blind eye to his fornication.

But Kalinin’s wife did not want to tolerate her husband’s adventures. In 1924, after 18 years life together, Ekaterina Ivanovna left for Altai, leaving her unfaithful husband and five children in Moscow. She was tired of living under the same roof with her husband's mistress - the housekeeper Alexandra Gorchakova.

TATYANA BACH: having become Kalinin’s mistress, the aspiring singer immediately turned into the prima of Moscow operetta

Beautiful, educated, from noble family, Gorchakova initially took care of the Kalinins’ children and ran the household, and then extended her influence to Mikhail Ivanovich.

However, the 50-year-old headman was gradually slowing down. The nervous work was taking its toll - more and more often the girls left him unsatisfied. But the All-Union headman was not used to giving in to difficulties. He looked for unconventional ways to restore his former strength. Helped him in noble cause friend is an artist Meshkov, whose workshop was located not far from the reception room of the Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. Kalinin often, tired of receiving walkers, ran to a painter friend for a glass of liqueur. Meshkov advised Michal Vanych old folk way for impotence - bee stings to improve blood flow to the penis. At the artist’s dacha, the all-Union elder sat down on bee hive naked and endured the bites of angry insects for the sake of love. However, the method had no effect. A rumor about the sexual weakness of the all-Union headman spread in a vile manner throughout Moscow. The girls began to avoid meeting with Mikhail Ivanovich. In 1938, the aging head of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee took a 17-year-old young lady to her dacha and tried to rape her. Unfortunately, it turned out that the victim turned out to be a relative of the military leader Alexandra Egorova. Kalinin tried to settle the trouble by paying the victim a large amount. But the next one big story Stalin really didn’t like it. Rumor has it that, enraged, the leader ordered the arrest of Kalinin’s wife, allegedly because she could not keep her husband by her side. Ekaterina Ivanovna spent seven years in the camps. She was released in 1945. She did not forgive the offense and did not return to her husband. And a year later Mikhail Ivanovich passed away.

BOLSHEVIK FAMILY: Mikhail and Catherine with their son Alexander (1908)


“After another call to the Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the girl disappeared. And soon her mutilated body was found in a forest near Moscow.”

After the death of the all-Union mayor, the city of Tver was renamed Kalinin, the former Koenigsberg was named after him, until recently the city of Korolev near Moscow was Kaliningrad. In Moscow, his name was given to an avenue (now Novy Arbat) and a metro station (now Alexandrovsky Garden). None of the figures Soviet era never received honors on such a large scale. Strange coincidence, but after the collapse Soviet Union and ten years of oblivion, they remembered him, and not his party comrades, and it was his office that was recreated, and not Kirov or Molotov. Perhaps this happened because Kalinin, like no one else, sincerely loved the people, a good half of which were women.


Galina Danelia, the wife of the famous director Georgy Danelia, in her youth was friends with the grandson of Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin, also Mikhail. According to her, he was smart person with phenomenal thinking, knew perfectly Japanese. Galina lived with him in a 5-room apartment on the street. Alexei Tolstoy. The girl tried to seduce Mikhail. But, ironically, the descendant of a loving admirer of women adhered to an unconventional sexual orientation. One day Galina caught him with painted lips in a lady's dress. And later Mikhail reproached that, living with him, Galina prevents him from inviting his friend Stasik to visit for intimate meetings.

The most active “walkers” in terms of ballerinas are called the Secretary of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the USSR Avel Enukidze and the “All-Union Head” Mikhail Kalinin. Since 1922, they were the “curators” of the Bolshoi Theater, after which this Soviet center of culture was showered with various kinds of preferences in the form of increasing the salaries of artists, assigning them to the Kremlin hospital, improving living conditions, etc.
They claim that as gratitude for all these benefits, the ballerinas invited “to the office” danced naked for Enukidze and Kalinin, receiving imported lingerie, cosmetics and trinkets as gifts. These stories still remain at the level of rumors, since they are not documented. Just like the sensational story with the Bolshoi Theater ballerina, sixteen-year-old Bella Uvarova, who allegedly died because she refused intimacy with Kalinin.
In the memoirs of the famous Soviet opera singer Vera Davydova, published in 1993 under the loud title “Kremlin goats. Confession of Stalin’s Mistress,” tells how Kalinin pursued Uvarova, she was brought to his home. And then, two weeks after meeting the “all-Union headman,” the ballerina disappeared. Only a month later, the mutilated corpse of a girl was found in a forest near Moscow. Davydova writes that the investigation into this case was personally supervised by Stalin, he averted the threat from Kalinin, who he needed at that moment, and Bella’s parents were soon repressed on trumped-up charges.

Enukidze was the godfather of Stalin's second wife Nadezhda Alliluyeva. The wife of the brother of the first wife of the “Father of Nations” Maria Svanidze (repressed and shot in 1942) characterized in her diaries (they have been preserved) Enukidze as a libertine and a sensualist who went so far as to seduce 9-11 year old girls. He was the only Soviet politician of this level to be charged with pedophilia. Therefore, Enukidze’s romances with ballerinas, if they actually happened, look like an innocent flirtation against such a background.

For the first time in 45 years, the city authorities of Kaliningrad have repaired the monument" to the all-Union elder"USSR, political criminal Mikhail Kalinin, who is installed on Pobeda Avenue. In the conditions of the economic crisis in the city budget in very short terms money was found to reconstruct a bust of an elderly pedophile, whom even Stalin called a “lustful goat.”.

The press service of the mayor's office is proud to announce that " appearance The monument was restored, while repairing the pedestal, technologies were used to preserve the objects in a particularly aggressive environment." Even NATO aggression is no longer afraid of the signer of the execution lists and the old-timer of the Politburo of the CC of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, not to mention the hatred of workers who remember the "law of five ears of corn" ", one of the authors of which was Kalinin.

The restoration of the Kalinin monument can be considered a response to the Polish government's decision to dismantle hundreds of communist monuments throughout the country. Another spiritual bond on Pobedy Avenue in Kaliningrad should remind the Poles of the 15 thousand Polish officers executed in 1940, because the decision to execute military personnel Polish army hosted, among others, by Mikhail Kalinin.

Kalinin shot not only foreigners: his signature is on thousands of documents of Soviet terror, including Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the Central Executive Committee of the USSR dated April 7, 1935 No. 3/598 “On measures to combat juvenile delinquency.” Kalinin is guilty of the murder of tens of thousands of Russian children, forced from hunger and homelessness to steal.

All-Union grandfather Kalinin loved the younger generation. He was especially interested in underage girls. Numerous cases are known sexual violence against children committed by Kalinin. Here's one of them.

Sixteen-year-old aspiring ballerina Bella Uvarova captivated Mikhail Ivanovich with her beauty, but did not reciprocate the high patron’s feelings. This is what brought upon herself the wrath of the sensualist. After another call to the Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the girl disappeared. And soon her disfigured body was found in a forest near Moscow.

Stalin ordered the creation of a special commission to investigate the incident. Kalinin was urgently sent on leave to “get medical treatment.” And then another “spy” process began in Moscow, where the names of the parents of the missing artist appeared. They were repressed, and Kalinin returned to his duties and continued his sodomistic “patronage” over the Bolshoi Theater, where young girls were afraid to refuse the political terrorist.

Russia is sliding into the abyss. Particularly disgusting pictures of this phenomenon are revealed here, in the center of Europe - in Koenigsberg, a city of contrasts, where the civilizational border between the free West and the totalitarian East is especially visible.

Alexander Orshulevich,

Olga Spesivtseva in 1921. Photo: Wikipedia

She was called “Red Giselle” (Boris Eifman would also call his ballet about Spesivtseva). Yes, she was a prima Mariinsky Theater immediately after the revolution, but this is largely due to the merit of her husband, Boris Kaplun. Kaplun was a security officer, a representative of the Petrograd Soviet, but also a connoisseur and connoisseur of art. In the most difficult years, when many thought that the theater could be sacrificed, Kaplun obtained firewood and food rations for the Mariinsky Theater, and magnificent dresses for his beautiful wife. And it was he who helped Olga leave Russia (as it turned out, forever), after which he political career went downstairs.

Olga Lepeshinskaya. 1957 Photo: Wikipedia

The great Olga Lepeshinskaya was credited with many novels, including with Marshal Zhukov and Generalissimo Joseph Stalin. Olga herself laughed at such rumors, but it is known for sure that both Zhukov and Stalin (and almost the entire male half of the country) adored their main ballerina. Behind the scenes, members of the Politburo called Lepeshinskaya “Stalin’s favorite ballerina”: it is known that he watched “The Flames of Paris”, where Olga danced Joan of Arc, 17 times.

Lavrentiy Beria’s “Don Juan” list included many ballerinas. For obvious reasons, we do not know their names: basically, these were “one-night stands”, after which the girls were instructed to keep their mouths shut, and in return received generous gifts - from French perfumes to apartments.

“All-Union Elder” Mikhail Kalinin loved young dancers very much, and not with fatherly love. It is still unknown what connected him with the 16-year-old ballerina Bella Uvarova: it is only known that Kalinin really liked her, but the girl rejected her advances. Later she was found dead, the case was “hushed up” on Stalin’s personal orders. But not in vain famous ballerina Ekaterina Geltser threw a figurine of Mephistopheles at him in front of everyone.

Maya Plisetskaya. 1974 Photo: Wikipedia

John Kennedy's younger brother had his own "Marilyn Monroe", and her name was Maya Plisetskaya. They met during a Bolshoi Theater tour in America: during the conversation it turned out that Maya and Robert were born on the same day, in the same year. “It was like a spark ran between us.” - recalled great ballerina. The next time Maya came to the USA at Robert’s personal invitation: he showed her New York, gave her white flowers and treated her to wine. Most likely, the romance ended at the request of “from above”, on both sides. If this had not happened, who knows - perhaps the relations between our countries would now be completely different.

Maris Liepa. Photo: Wikipedia

But not only ballerinas were favorites of politicians. For example, Maris Liepa was Galina Brezhneva's lover for five whole years. Maris was married, but promised Galina to divorce for her sake. This never happened.