Incidents of Mozart's life. Mozart interesting facts

261 years ago, on January 27, 1756, one of the greatest, and perhaps the most greatest composer of all times - Johann Chrysostom Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, whose biography is still the subject of much debate and speculation. According to contemporaries, Mozart had a phenomenal musical ear, memory and ability to improvise.

In order to honor the memory of the composer, “Agenda” will tell readers 10 interesting facts from his life:

1. All members of the Mozart family were musically gifted

It so happened that Mozart was gifted from birth. For example, his father Leopold played the organ and violin, and also served as a composer at the court of the Archbishop of Salzburg.

In addition to this, they wrote training manual in violin playing, which was considered one of the best in those years. The Mozart Brothers and Sisters played the harpsichord and piano beautifully. Let us note that in total there were seven children in the Mozart family, but only two managed to survive - Wolfgang and his older sister.

2. The young musician wrote his first concerto at the age of 4

In his autobiography, a friend of the Mozart family, the Salzburg court trumpeter Schachtner Johann Andreas, wrote that one day, when he came to visit his friend Leopold, he saw him little son Wolfgang writes something on music paper with a pen and fingers. After a while, the boy admitted that he was writing a concert. When Leopold picked up the sheet, he cried from how neatly everything was folded.

3. Gave a concert during Lent

Wolfgang performed his concerts in other countries. So, he arrived in Holland with his father during Lent. Naturally, any performances by artists were strictly prohibited at this time. Nevertheless, the local clergy saw God's gift in Mozart's talent and allowed him to perform.

4. Played on the same stage with the son of Johann Sebastian Bach

Wolfgang Amadeus managed to meet and even play a duet with the son of the great Johann Sebastian Bach - Johann Christian Bach. He sat little Mozart on his lap and they played four hands. It seemed to the listeners that the piece was performed by one person.

5. Played the harpsichord with my eyes closed

Talent brought to the young musician decent fees already from childhood. For example, Mozart’s “blind concerts” enjoyed great excitement among the public, when the father covered the young genius’s face with a handkerchief, but he still continued to play. By the way, once during one such performance a cat came on stage, and when the boy heard her meow, he immediately stopped playing and rushed to the animal. According to some reports, when his father shouted, he replied that the harpsichord would not run away, but the cat would definitely run away.

6. At age 12, he wrote an opera for the Roman emperor.

The Roman Emperor Joseph II commissioned Mozart to perform the opera “The Imaginary Simpleton” when the composer was only 12 years old. The musician composed the piece in a few weeks, but its premiere never took place.

7. Wolfgang Mozart was a Freemason

On December 14, 1784, he joined Masonic lodge“To Charity” and was a member of it until his death. The organization, by the way, enjoyed great influence in Europe. Mozart even composed music for a number of rituals, and in famous opera « The Magic Flute“The theme of this movement sounds especially vivid.

8. Secretly married

The composer was madly in love with Constance Weber. O even wrote about his intention to marry the girl in a letter to his father, but he did not give his blessing. After several such unsuccessful messages, on August 4, 1782, under the patronage of Baroness von Waldstedten, he became engaged to his beloved in Vienna cathedral St. Stephen.

9. Loved to play billiards

Mozart loved noisy companies and regularly attended balls and masquerades. However, his main hobby was billiards. So, in his apartment he had his own billiard table, bought for a huge price for those times - 300 florins. This was a real luxury for Vienna at that time.

10. He did not die at the hands of Salieri

In conclusion, we note that for a long time it was believed that Mozart poisoned him close friend, famous composer Antonio Salieri. However, the musician had no reason for this, since at the time of Mozart’s death, the supposed “killer” Salieri was much more successful. 200 years after Wolfgang's death, in 1997, a trial was even held that found Antonio Salieri not guilty of the composer's death.

According to modern historians, the cause of Mozart's death was one of the possible chronic diseases, complicated by a serious, infectious inflammatory disease.

1. Ordinary child prodigy

Mozart, as you know, was a child prodigy: at the age of four, the child wrote his first clavier concerto, and it was so complex that it is unlikely that any of the European virtuosos could perform it. When loving father took the unfinished musical notation from the baby, he exclaimed in amazement:

“But this concerto is so difficult that no one can play it!”

- What nonsense, dad! - Mozart objected, - even a child can play him. For example me.

2. Difficult childhood

Mozart's entire childhood was a continuous series of performances and music lessons. At numerous concerts in different corners Europe's miracle child entertained high society audiences: he played the clavier with eyes closed— his father covered his face with a handkerchief. The same handkerchief covered the keyboard, and the baby coped with the game quite well.

At one of the concerts, a cat suddenly appeared on the stage... Mozart stopped playing and ran towards her as fast as he could. Forgetting about the public young genius began to play with the animal, and to his father’s angry cry he answered:

- Well, daddy, just a little more, because the harpsichord won’t go anywhere, but the cat will leave...

3. Descended...

After little Mozart's performance in imperial palace, the young Archduchess Marie Antoinette decided to show him her luxurious home. In one of the halls, a boy slipped on the parquet floor and fell. The Archduchess helped him up.

“You are so kind to me...” said the young musician. - I guess I'll marry you.

Marie Antoinette told her mother about this.

The Empress asked the little “groom” with a smile:

“Out of gratitude,” Mozart replied.

4. We talked...

Once, when seven-year-old Mozart was giving concerts in Frankfurt am Main, after the performance a boy of about fourteen approached him.

- You play so wonderfully! - he said to the young musician. - I will never learn this...

- What are you talking about! - Little Wolfgang was surprised. - It's so simple. Have you tried writing notes?.. Well, writing down the melodies that come to your mind...

- I don’t know... Only poetry comes to my mind...

- Wow! — the kid was delighted. — It must be very difficult to write poetry?

- No, it’s quite easy. Just try... Mozart's interlocutor was young Goethe.

5. Simple-minded

Once a certain high-ranking Salzburg dignitary decided to talk to young Mozart, which by that time had already acquired world fame.

But how to approach a boy? To say “you” to Mozart is inconvenient, his fame is too great, and to say “you” is too much honor for a boy...

After much thought, this gentleman finally found what seemed to him a convenient form of addressing the young celebrity.

— We were in France and England? We had great success? - asked the dignitary.

- I've been there, sir. But I must admit, I have never met you anywhere except Salzburg! — the simple-minded Wolfgang answered him.

6. The desire of an academician

At the age of seven, Wolfgang wrote his first symphony, and at the age of twelve, his first opera, Bastien und Bastien. The Bologna Academy had a rule not to accept anyone under the age of twenty-six as members of the academy. But an exception was made for the child prodigy Mozart. He became an academician of the Bologna Academy at the age of fourteen...

When his father congratulated him, he said:

“Well, now, dear father, when I’m already an academician, can I just go for a walk for half an hour?”

7. Knight of the Golden Spur

In the Vatican, Allegri's gigantic nine-voice work for two choirs was performed only once a year. By order of the Pope, the score of this work was carefully guarded and was not shown to anyone. But Mozart, having listened to this work only once, wrote it down by ear. He wanted to make a gift for his sister Nannel - to present her with notes that only the Pope has...

Having learned about the “kidnapping”, the Pope was extremely amazed and, making sure that the musical notation was impeccable, awarded Mozart the Order of the Knight of the Golden Spur...

8. How to strike a chord?…

One day Mozart decided to play a trick on Salieri.

“I wrote such a thing for the clavier that not a single person in the world can perform except... me!” - he told his friend.

After looking at the notes, Salieri exclaimed:

“Alas, Mozart, you won’t be able to play this either.” After all, here both hands must perform the most difficult passages, and at opposite ends of the keyboard! And it is at this moment that you need to play a few notes in the middle of the keyboard! Even if you play with your foot, you still won’t be able to fulfill what is written - it’s too fast pace

Mozart, very pleased, laughed, sat down at the clavier and... performed the piece exactly as it was written. And he played the complex chord in the middle of the keyboard... with his nose!

9. Clarification

Once, while compiling a paper with information about his income, Mozart indicated that as a court composer of Emperor Joseph he received a salary of eight hundred guilders, and made the following note: “This is too much for what I do, and too little for what I could do"…

10. You see, what’s the matter...

One day a young man approached Mozart who wanted to become a composer.

— How to write a symphony? he asked.

“But you are still very young for a symphony,” Mozart replied, “why not start with something simpler, for example, with a ballad?”

- But you yourself composed a symphony when you were nine years old...

“Yes,” Mozart agreed. - But I didn’t ask anyone how to do it...

11. Return a favor

One close friend of Mozart was a great joker. Deciding to play a prank on Mozart, he sent him a huge package containing nothing but wrapping paper and a small note: “Dear Wolfgang! I'm alive and well!

A few days later the joker received a huge heavy box. Opening it, he discovered a large stone on which was written: “Dear friend! When I received your note, this stone fell from my heart!”

12. Almsgiving the Mozart way

One day, on one of the streets of Vienna, a poor man approached the composer. But the composer did not have any money with him, and Mozart invited the unfortunate man to go to a cafe. Sitting down at the table, he took a paper out of his pocket and wrote a minuet in a few minutes. Mozart gave this work to a beggar and advised him to go to a publisher. He took the paper and went along specified address, not really believing in success. The publisher looked at the minuet and... gave the beggar five gold coins, saying that he could bring similar essays more.

13. I completely agree with you!…

One of Haydn’s envious people once said disdainfully about Haydn’s music in a conversation with Mozart:

- I would never write like that.

“Me too,” Mozart responded brightly, “and do you know why?” Because neither you nor I would ever have thought of these lovely melodies...

14. A certain musician is ready to go to Russia...

One day, the Russian ambassador in Vienna, Andrei Razumovsky, wrote to Potemkin that he had found a certain struggling musician and performer named Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, who was ready to embark on long journey to Russia because he has nothing to feed his family. But, apparently, Potemkin had no time for that at that time, and Razumovsky’s letter remained unanswered, and Mozart without income...

15. Do I have Constance?...

Earning quite decent fees, Mozart, nevertheless, was always forced to borrow money. Having received a thousand guilders for performing at a concert (a fabulous sum!), within two weeks he was without money. Wolfgang's aristocratic friend, from whom he tried to borrow, remarked with surprise:

- You have neither a castle, nor a stable, nor an expensive mistress, nor a bunch of children... Where do you put the money, my dear?

- But I have a wife, Constance! - Mozart reminded cheerfully. - She is my castle, my herd of thoroughbred horses, my mistress and my bunch of children...

16. Wonderful bow

One clear summer evening, Mozart and his wife Constance went for a walk. On the main street of Vienna, near a famous fashion store, they met a smart stroller, from which a delightfully dressed girl.

- How elegant! - Constance exclaimed, “I like her belt more than anything in the world, and especially the red bow with which it is fastened.”

“I’m glad,” the brilliant husband responded cheerfully, “that you like the bow.” Because that’s the only thing we have enough money for...

17. Did you know...

Few people know that the son of Wolfgang Mozart, Franz Xaver Mozart, lived in Lviv for almost thirty years. He organized a choral society in the city, taught children to play the piano, performed concerts himself and conducted an orchestra. In Lvov he wrote pieces for piano based on Ukrainian folk songs. To this day, music created by the son of Wolfgang Mozart is heard at the Lviv Conservatory named after N. Lysenko.

INTERESTING FACTS FROM THE LIFE OF MOZART V.A. 1. An ordinary child prodigy, Mozart, as you know, was a child prodigy: at the age of four, the child wrote his first concerto for the clavier, and it was so complex that hardly any of the European virtuosos could perform it. When the loving father took the unfinished musical notation from the baby, he exclaimed in amazement: “But this concerto is so difficult that no one can play it!” - What nonsense, dad! - Mozart objected, - even a child can play him. For example me.

INTERESTING FACTS FROM THE LIFE OF MOZART V.A. 2. Difficult childhood Mozart's entire childhood was a continuous series of performances and musical activities. At numerous concerts in different parts of Europe, the miracle child entertained high society audiences: he played the clavier with his eyes closed - his father covered his face with a handkerchief. The same handkerchief covered the keyboard, and the baby coped with the game quite well. At one of the concerts, a cat suddenly appeared on the stage... Mozart stopped playing and ran towards her as fast as he could. Forgetting about the audience, the young genius began to play with the animal, and to his father’s angry cry he answered: “Well, daddy, just a little more, because the harpsichord won’t go anywhere, and the cat will leave...

INTERESTING FACTS FROM THE LIFE OF MOZART V.A. 3. Condescended... After little Mozart’s performance in the imperial palace, the young Archduchess Marie Antoinette decided to show him her luxurious home. In one of the halls, a boy slipped on the parquet floor and fell. The Archduchess helped him up. “You are so kind to me...” said the young musician. - I guess I'll marry you. Marie Antoinette told her mother about this. The Empress asked the little “groom” with a smile: “Why do you want to marry her highness?” “Out of gratitude,” Mozart replied.

INTERESTING FACTS FROM THE LIFE OF MOZART V.A. 4. We talked... Once, when seven-year-old Mozart was giving concerts in Frankfurt am Main, after the performance a boy of about fourteen approached him. - You play so wonderfully! - he said to the young musician. - I will never learn like that... - What are you talking about! - Little Wolfgang was surprised. - It's so simple. Have you tried writing notes?.. Well, writing down the melodies that come to your mind... - I don’t know... Only poetry comes to my mind... - Wow! - the baby was delighted. - It must be very difficult to write poetry? - No, it’s quite easy. Just try... Mozart's interlocutor was young Goethe.

INTERESTING FACTS FROM THE LIFE OF MOZART V.A. 5. Simple-minded Once upon a time, a certain high-ranking Salzburg dignitary decided to talk with young Mozart, who by that time had already gained world fame. But how to approach a boy? To say “you” to Mozart is inconvenient, his fame is too great, and to say “you” is too much honor for a boy... After much deliberation, this gentleman finally found what seemed to him a convenient form of addressing the young celebrity. - We were in France and England? Were we a big success? - asked the dignitary. - I've been there, sir. But I must admit, I have never met you anywhere except Salzburg! - the simple-minded Wolfgang answered him.

INTERESTING FACTS FROM THE LIFE OF MOZART V.A. 6. The desire of an academician At the age of seven, Wolfgang wrote his first symphony, at the age of twelve - his first opera, Bastien and Bastien. The Bologna Academy had a rule not to accept anyone under the age of twenty-six as members of the academy. But an exception was made for the child prodigy Mozart. He became an academician of the Bologna Academy at the age of fourteen... When his father congratulated him, he said: - Well, now, dear father, when I am already an academician, can I just go for a walk for half an hour?

INTERESTING FACTS FROM THE LIFE OF MOZART V.A. 7. Knight of the Golden Spur In the Vatican, Allegri’s gigantic nine-voice work for two choirs was performed only once a year. By order of the Pope, the score of this work was carefully guarded and was not shown to anyone. But Mozart, having listened to this work only once, wrote it down by ear. He wanted to make a gift for his sister Nannel - to present her with notes that only the Pope has... Upon learning of the “kidnapping,” the Pope was extremely astonished and, making sure that the musical notation was impeccable, awarded Mozart the Order of the Knight of the Golden Spur.. .

INTERESTING FACTS FROM THE LIFE OF MOZART V.A. 8. How to strike a chord?... Once Mozart decided to play a trick on Salieri. - I wrote such a thing for the clavier that no one in the world can perform except... me! - he told his friend. After looking at the notes, Salieri exclaimed: “Alas, Mozart, you won’t be able to play this either.” After all, here both hands must perform the most difficult passages, and at opposite ends of the keyboard! And it is at this moment that you need to play a few notes in the middle of the keyboard! Even if you play with your foot, you still won’t be able to perform what was written - the tempo is too fast... Mozart, very pleased, laughed, sat down at the clavier and... performed the piece exactly as it was written. And he played the complex chord in the middle of the keyboard... with his nose!

INTERESTING FACTS FROM THE LIFE OF MOZART V.A. 9. Clarification Once, when compiling a paper with information about his income, Mozart indicated that as a court composer of Emperor Joseph he received a salary of eight hundred guilders, and made the following note: “This is too much for what I do, and too little for what I do.” what could I do? “You see, what’s the matter... One day a young man approached Mozart who wanted to become a composer. - How to write a symphony? - he asked. “But you are still very young for a symphony,” Mozart replied, “why not start with something simpler, for example, with a ballad?” “But you yourself composed a symphony when you were nine years old...” “Yes,” agreed Mozart. - But I didn’t ask anyone how to do it...

INTERESTING FACTS FROM THE LIFE OF MOZART V.A. 11. Reciprocal courtesy One close friend of Mozart was a great joker. Deciding to play a prank on Mozart, he sent him a huge package containing nothing but wrapping paper and a small note: “Dear Wolfgang! I am alive and well!” A few days later the joker received a huge heavy box. Opening it, he found a large stone on which was written: “Dear friend! When I received your note, this stone fell from my heart!”

INTERESTING FACTS FROM THE LIFE OF MOZART V.A. 12. Alms in Mozart's style One day, on one of the streets of Vienna, a poor man turned to the composer. But the composer did not have any money with him, and Mozart invited the unfortunate man to go to a cafe. Sitting down at the table, he took a paper out of his pocket and wrote a minuet in a few minutes. Mozart gave this work to a beggar and advised him to go to a publisher. He took the paper and went to the indicated address, not really believing in success. The publisher looked at the minuet and... gave the beggar five gold coins, saying that he could bring more similar works.

INTERESTING FACTS FROM THE LIFE OF MOZART V.A. 13. I completely agree with you!... One of Haydn’s envious people once, in a conversation with Mozart, said with disdain about Haydn’s music: “I would never write like that.” “Me too,” Mozart responded vividly, “and do you know why?” Because neither you nor I would ever have thought of these lovely melodies...

INTERESTING FACTS FROM THE LIFE OF MOZART V.A. 14. A certain musician is ready to go to Russia... One day, the Russian ambassador in Vienna, Andrei Razumovsky, wrote to Potemkin that he had found a certain poor musician and performer named Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, who was ready to embark on a long journey to Russia, since he had nothing to feed his family . But, apparently, Potemkin had no time for that at that time, and Razumovsky’s letter remained unanswered, and Mozart without income...

INTERESTING FACTS FROM THE LIFE OF MOZART V.A. 15. Do I have Constance?... Earning quite decent fees, Mozart, nevertheless, was always forced to borrow money. Having received a thousand guilders for performing at a concert (a fabulous sum!), within two weeks he was without money. Wolfgang's aristocratic friend, from whom he tried to borrow, remarked in surprise: “You have neither a castle, nor a stable, nor an expensive mistress, nor a bunch of children... Where do you put the money, my dear?” - But I have a wife, Constance! - Mozart reminded cheerfully. - She is my castle, my herd of thoroughbred horses, my mistress and my bunch of children...

INTERESTING FACTS FROM THE LIFE OF MOZART V.A. 16. A wonderful bow One clear summer evening, Mozart and his wife Constance went for a walk. On the main street of Vienna, near a famous fashion store, they met a smart stroller, from which a delightfully dressed girl fluttered out. - How elegant! - Constance exclaimed, “I like her belt more than anything in the world, and especially the red bow with which it is fastened.” “I’m glad,” the brilliant husband responded cheerfully, “that you like the bow.” Because that's the only thing we have enough money for...

INTERESTING FACTS FROM THE LIFE OF MOZART V.A. 17. Did you know... Few people know that the son of Wolfgang Mozart - Franz Xaver Mozart - lived in Lviv for almost thirty years. He organized a choral society in the city, taught children to play the piano, performed concerts himself and conducted an orchestra. In Lviv, he wrote pieces for piano based on Ukrainian folk songs. To this day, music created by the son of Wolfgang Mozart is heard at the Lviv Conservatory named after N. Lysenko

Mozart, as you know, was a child prodigy: at the age of four, the child wrote his first clavier concerto, and it was so complex that it is unlikely that any of the European virtuosos could perform it. When the loving father took the unfinished musical notation from the baby, he exclaimed in amazement:

“But this concerto is so difficult that no one can play it!”

- What nonsense, dad! - Mozart objected, - even a child can play him. For example me.

2. Difficult childhood

Mozart's entire childhood was a continuous series of performances and musical activities. At numerous concerts in different parts of Europe, the miracle child entertained high society audiences: he played the clavier with his eyes closed - his father covered his face with a handkerchief. The same handkerchief covered the keyboard, and the baby coped with the game quite well.

At one of the concerts, a cat suddenly appeared on the stage... Mozart stopped playing and ran towards her as fast as he could. Forgetting about the audience, the young genius began to play with the animal, and to his father’s angry cry he answered:

- Well, daddy, just a little more, because the harpsichord won’t go anywhere, but the cat will leave...

3. Descended...

After little Mozart's performance in the imperial palace, the young Archduchess Marie Antoinette decided to show him her luxurious home. In one of the halls, a boy slipped on the parquet floor and fell. The Archduchess helped him up.

“You are so kind to me...” said the young musician. - I guess I'll marry you.

Marie Antoinette told her mother about this.

The Empress asked the little “groom” with a smile:

“Why do you want to marry her highness?”

“Out of gratitude,” Mozart replied.

4. We talked...

Once, when seven-year-old Mozart was giving concerts in Frankfurt am Main, after the performance a boy of about fourteen approached him.

- You play so wonderfully! - he said to the young musician. - I will never learn this...

- What are you talking about! - Little Wolfgang was surprised. - It's so simple. Have you tried writing notes?.. Well, writing down the melodies that come to your mind...

- I don’t know... Only poetry comes to my mind...

- Wow! — the kid was delighted. — It must be very difficult to write poetry?

- No, it’s quite easy. Just try... Mozart's interlocutor was young Goethe.

5. Simple-minded

One day, a certain high-ranking Salzburg dignitary decided to talk with young Mozart, who by that time had already gained world fame.

But how to approach a boy? To say “you” to Mozart is inconvenient, his fame is too great, and to say “you” is too much honor for a boy...

After much thought, this gentleman finally found what seemed to him a convenient form of addressing the young celebrity.

— We were in France and England? Were we a big success? - asked the dignitary.

- I've been there, sir. But I must admit, I have never met you anywhere except Salzburg! — the simple-minded Wolfgang answered him.

6. The desire of an academician

At the age of seven, Wolfgang wrote his first symphony, and at the age of twelve, his first opera, Bastien und Bastien. The Bologna Academy had a rule not to accept anyone under the age of twenty-six as members of the academy. But an exception was made for the child prodigy Mozart. He became an academician of the Bologna Academy at the age of fourteen...

When his father congratulated him, he said:

“Well, now, dear father, when I’m already an academician, can I just go for a walk for half an hour?”

7. Knight of the Golden Spur

In the Vatican, Allegri's gigantic nine-voice work for two choirs was performed only once a year. By order of the Pope, the score of this work was carefully guarded and was not shown to anyone. But Mozart, having listened to this work only once, wrote it down by ear. He wanted to make a gift for his sister Nannel - to present her with notes that only the Pope has...

Having learned about the “kidnapping”, the Pope was extremely amazed and, making sure that the musical notation was impeccable, awarded Mozart the Order of the Knight of the Golden Spur...

8. How to strike a chord?…

One day Mozart decided to play a trick on Salieri.

“I wrote such a thing for the clavier that not a single person in the world can perform except... me!” - he told his friend.

After looking at the notes, Salieri exclaimed:

“Alas, Mozart, you won’t be able to play this either.” After all, here both hands must perform the most difficult passages, and at opposite ends of the keyboard! And it is at this moment that you need to play a few notes in the middle of the keyboard! Even if you play with your foot, you still won’t be able to fulfill what you wrote - the tempo is too fast...

Mozart, very pleased, laughed, sat down at the clavier and... performed the piece exactly as it was written. And he played the complex chord in the middle of the keyboard... with his nose!

9. Clarification

Once, while compiling a paper with information about his income, Mozart indicated that as a court composer of Emperor Joseph he received a salary of eight hundred guilders, and made the following note: “This is too much for what I do, and too little for what I could do"…

10. You see, what’s the matter...

One day a young man approached Mozart who wanted to become a composer.

— How to write a symphony? he asked.

“But you are still very young for a symphony,” Mozart replied, “why not start with something simpler, for example, with a ballad?”

- But you yourself composed a symphony when you were nine years old...

“Yes,” Mozart agreed. - But I didn’t ask anyone how to do it...

11. Return a favor

One close friend of Mozart was a great joker. Deciding to play a prank on Mozart, he sent him a huge package containing nothing but wrapping paper and a small note: “Dear Wolfgang! I am alive and well!”

A few days later the joker received a huge heavy box. Opening it, he found a large stone on which was written: “Dear friend! When I received your note, this stone fell from my heart!”

12. Almsgiving the Mozart way

One day, on one of the streets of Vienna, a poor man approached the composer. But the composer did not have any money with him, and Mozart invited the unfortunate man to go to a cafe. Sitting down at the table, he took a paper out of his pocket and wrote a minuet in a few minutes. Mozart gave this work to a beggar and advised him to go to a publisher. He took the paper and went to the indicated address, not really believing in success. The publisher looked at the minuet and... gave the beggar five gold coins, saying that he could bring more similar works.

13. I completely agree with you!…

One of Haydn’s envious people once said disdainfully about Haydn’s music in a conversation with Mozart:

- I would never write like that.

“Me too,” Mozart responded brightly, “and do you know why?” Because neither you nor I would ever have thought of these lovely melodies...

14. A certain musician is ready to go to Russia...

One day, the Russian ambassador in Vienna, Andrei Razumovsky, wrote to Potemkin that he had found a certain struggling musician and performer named Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, who was ready to embark on a long journey to Russia, since he had nothing to feed his family. But, apparently, Potemkin had no time for that at that time, and Razumovsky’s letter remained unanswered, and Mozart without income...

15. Do I have Constance?...

Earning quite decent fees, Mozart, nevertheless, was always forced to borrow money. Having received a thousand guilders for performing at a concert (a fabulous sum!), within two weeks he was without money. Wolfgang's aristocratic friend, from whom he tried to borrow, remarked with surprise:

- You have neither a castle, nor a stable, nor an expensive mistress, nor a bunch of children... Where do you put the money, my dear?

- But I have a wife, Constance! - Mozart reminded cheerfully. - She is my castle, my herd of thoroughbred horses, my mistress and my bunch of children...

16. Wonderful bow

One clear summer evening, Mozart and his wife Constance went for a walk. On the main street of Vienna, near a famous fashion store, they met a smart stroller, from which a delightfully dressed girl fluttered out.

- How elegant! - Constance exclaimed, “I like her belt more than anything in the world, and especially the red bow with which it is fastened.”

“I’m glad,” the brilliant husband responded cheerfully, “that you like the bow.” Because that’s the only thing we have enough money for...

17. Did you know...

Few people know that the son of Wolfgang Mozart, Franz Xaver Mozart, lived in Lviv for almost thirty years. He organized a choral society in the city, taught children to play the piano, performed concerts himself and conducted an orchestra. In Lviv, he wrote pieces for piano based on Ukrainian folk songs. To this day, music created by the son of Wolfgang Mozart is heard at the Lviv Conservatory named after N. Lysenko.

Mozart interesting facts from life (biography) famous composer are presented in this article.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: interesting facts

MozartAustrian composer and a virtuoso performer who demonstrated his phenomenal abilities at the age of four.

Full name The composer sounds like Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgang Theophilus (Gottlieb) Mozart. Mozart himself liked it better when he was called Wolfang.

In total, seven children were born into the Mozart family, but only two survived: Wolfgang and his older sister.

The entire Mozart family was musically gifted

Leopold Mozart, the composer's father, played the violin and organ, led the church choir and served as court composer for the Archbishop of Salzburg. He also wrote “The Experience of a Solid Violin School” - a book that was considered one of the best textbooks on violin playing.

At the age of 4 he wrote a concerto for harpsichord

Friend of the Mozart family, court trumpeter of Salzburg Johann Andreas Schachtner, told this story. One day, Leopold Mozart came home with his friend Schachtner and saw 4-year-old Wolfgang writing something on music paper. Moreover, the son dipped not only his pen, but also his fingers into ink. As the younger Mozart told the adults, he was writing a harpsichord concerto. The father took the sheet, stained with blots, and cried - everything in the essay was so harmonious.

Played the harpsichord with Bach's son

When Wolfgang was about eight, his talent was highly appreciated Johann Christian Bach(son of the same Johann Sebastian Bach). Several times they played in public together: Bach sat on his lap little genius and performed sonatas with him on the harpsichord: a few bars by him, a few by Mozart. It seemed to the listeners that there was only one musician behind the instrument - they sounded so harmoniously. The artists also played four hands and talked a lot about music.

At age 12, Mozart was commissioned to perform an opera by the Holy Roman Emperor.

When Mozart was 12, the Emperor Joseph II ordered him the opera “The Imaginary Simpleton” for the Italian troupe. The teenage composer wrote the work in a few weeks - however, the singers did not like it, and the premiere never took place.

He became a Mason himself and brought his father to the lodge

At the end of 1784, Mozart joined the Freemasons - he joined the Vienna lodge “In the Name of Charity”. The composer wrote music for several Masonic rituals, and the opera “The Magic Flute” also features the theme of Freemasonry. Later, on the recommendation of Mozart himself, his father was accepted into the same box.

Salieri has nothing to do with it!

There are still many questions surrounding the cause of Mozart's death. The medical report indicated that he died of rheumatic fever - possibly complicated by acute heart or kidney failure. However, some art historians still believe that the musician was poisoned by a rival Antonio Salieri- however, there are not very many reasons to believe that there was enmity between the composers. Nevertheless, in 1997, a little over 200 years after Mozart’s death, Salieri’s trial was held in Milan. The judge listened to researchers of both musicians and doctors and ruled: Salieri is innocent.

Mozart was buried like a pauper

The composer's funeral took place according to the third category - his remains were placed in a common grave with several more coffins. The exact location of the burial is still unknown: in those days, tombstones and stones were placed not on the grave, but near the cemetery walls. On the day of Mozart’s funeral, none of his relatives reached the cemetery - the sick widow could not leave the house, and the guests escorted the composer to the city gates.