SEREBRO in the magazine New MAXIM! Photo session of the Serebro group for Maxim. SEREBRO group in March MAXIM

Money is not the main thing, but let's start with it. Who is ready to tell about your new clip My Money?

Olya. The song was already released in the album, but for the New Year we decided to give a gift to the fans. Unlike our previous clips, this one does not carry a philosophical load and does not make you think. It is easy, understandable and designed for happiness, dancing and fun.

By the way, about annealing. Where can I do this with you live?

Pauline. On February 23, a powerful concert will take place in Moscow at the Red club. On the occasion of the men's holiday, we will be in all our glory and provide everyone with high spirits. As practice has shown, people go home in exactly this mood, regardless of whether they are our fans or came to watch by chance.

And you don’t require additional payment for this?

Kate. Of course not! We ourselves like to give people joy, and giving is usually free. we do what we love. We live it. And the more people like it, the happier we are to give it to them.

It would be nice if politicians and bankers worked according to the same principles. But let's get back to reality. What prompted you to come with us to Abrau-Durso and arrange such an extravagant photo shoot?

Pauline. First of all, amazing interesting places: the sea, and the lake, and the vineyard, and the ancient Golitsyn tunnels, and you can even take a bath with champagne. Secondly, we wanted to shoot in wedding dresses - the general romance of the place suited us just right. And not even because we are all single. It’s just that every girl wants to try on such an outfit at some point. And then it started to get hot, we started to take off our clothes and smoothly moved from the vineyards into the sea. Olya. I was lucky that it was autumn and there was no one on the beach. True, after some time, passing cars began honking and stopping. And a couple of fishermen, who were catching something in the distance, suddenly decided to fish near us. Kate. The night before the shooting we hardly slept, we were very worried.

It's strange that you have time to sleep at all. You have continuous concerts, tours and flights.

Olya. Yes, but at the same time we have a humane schedule. Our producer really makes sure that we also have time for rest and personal life, so that we don’t go crazy. We love concerts, and even flights are not so tiring. In my opinion, we spend more time on border control because we are their favorite customers. I don't know why.

Well, what border guard can resist the temptation to search such beauties and stars?

Olya. Especially at European airports they love this. For example, almost every time I go through a full search of my luggage, including a detailed examination of the bags with underwear. And I sincerely don’t understand why you need to take my underwear and examine it so carefully. Moreover, such vigilance is most often shown by male border guards. At this moment I want to fall through the ground.

Maybe their duties really require it?

Olya. I don't think this is a business need. It looks like they're just bored there. And sometimes I have twelve kilograms of laundry. That's when I flew to shoot a video in Spain, that's what happened. Imagine how much time I waste while they inspect this.

Twelve kilograms of laundry? Yes, it doesn’t usually weigh anything! What is it?

Pauline. Judging by your interest, you are already turning into a border guard. But I’ll tell you a secret that lingerie can be very different. Take chains, for example...

Damn, I didn't think about that. Well, I didn’t even think that any of you were into this. Although the collar on Polina’s neck is clearly not just like that.

Pauline. It's just an accessory. Don't bother.

Well, no. Now I know everything! What do you get the most pleasure from?

Pauline. I get a real thrill when I ride roller coasters and similar attractions. I love adrenaline, and it was through the roof. And this is a drug: every time you need more and more powerful slides. Olya. I once went for a ride with Polina. I couldn’t shake the feeling that later they would put me back together piece by piece. And it was also slightly annoying that Polina kept asking me to open my eyes and see how cool it was.

Polina, don’t you get motion sickness? Don't you feel sick?

Pauline. No, I'm fine. And I leave there overwhelmed with feelings and ideas. I also love massages and all similar procedures, especially after a tour. But here it is very important to meet my master, who does everything correctly and the way I like.

Great. Now readers know that first they need to take you to attractions, and then give you a massage. Katya, what are you worried about?

Kate. From food! I get incredible pleasure from it. And I eat in such a way that everyone who sees it immediately awakens their appetite.

Do you slurp and get your ears dirty in the watermelon?

Kate. Yes, I don’t even know what’s happening at this moment, because I’m in space and I don’t control myself.

Great. All men love to eat, and they need just such girls.

Kate. Yes, yes, eat it. That's exactly the word. And they all like to work with me. Well, my second source of happiness is falling in love. There is nothing cooler than when you really like someone and you only think about him.

Is it important to you that it be mutual?

Kate. Optional. It is important that someone fills you with inspiration and the desire to create. But if everything is mutual with us and we have flown away together to some corner of paradise, sex, of course, comes first. It even outpaces food.

Olya, what about you?

Olya. And what I love most is when I have everything in order. I enjoy the fact that I have no unfinished business. For example, when a light bulb burns out in my house, I won’t rest until I replace it. Even if it is a rare light bulb and there is no one to entrust the replacement with, I will go to Mytishchi to get it myself, abandoning other matters.

And canceling the concert?

Olya. No. But in free time I'll do that first. Well, I treat myself just as responsibly. If I don’t like something about myself, I won’t rest until I fix it.

What's going on with your personal life?

Pauline. I have a young man. Kate. Me too. Olya. I've been happy with my boyfriend for several months now. I don’t want to tell you all the details: happiness loves silence! But in the spring I have my first poetry collection coming out, and it was he who took all the photographs for it. In this book you will see me through his eyes. But you won’t see him until I want it myself.

How mysterious! Many artists got married after our filming, and some generally consider this a tool for achieving not only professional happiness, but also female happiness. But since everything is so good for you, why do you need it?

Olya. I also thought that I didn’t need it. But when Sasha Malenkov told me “Come on!”, I answered: “Come on!” And I really liked it. I don't want to say that you need to do this often, but you need to do it whenever you want it. Kate. For me, this is the same shooting as in clothes. If you love yourself and everything is fine with your figure, you'll be fine. by and large it doesn’t matter - with or without clothes. The main thing is that there is a team of professionals, so that it is not vulgar and aesthetically pleasing. Olya. Kate. Our posters, posters and photographs appear in newspapers so often that you no longer pay attention. Well, yes, you can, of course, rejoice: now at the tire shop! Olya. But I’ll be really happy and shout: “It’s me!” I’ll also take a selfie with the background. Well that's who I am sincere person. And I also know how to rejoice like a child.

Olga Seryabkina is better known as MOLLY or the central soloist of the Serebro group. A girl with a toned butt and lush breasts, the talent of a poet, singer and actress. She is not shy about exposing her beautiful body, but she is ready to open her soul to only a few. Her book “A Thousand “M”” was recently published - a collection of poems and prose excerpts. There are more of them than the stars from Maxim Fadeev’s “kitchen” can sing, for whom Olya writes lyrics. Most This book is dedicated to feelings for one person. To whom? Be patient. For first a few juicy details, hot photos of Seryabkina and facts from her biography.

Hot photos of Olga Seryabkina for the men's magazine "Maxim"

The cover of the magazine in March 2017 was graced by the group “Silver”. Sexy bodies and the predatory glances of young girls beckon to the seashore in search of pleasure. Naked and half-covered intimate parts of the body excite the imagination. At the same time, there is no feeling of obscenity or vulgarity - everything is girlishly tender.

Hot photo of Seryabkina

10 years ago the girls (then with a slightly different composition) thundered throughout the world, winning 3rd place in music competition"Eurovision". It was then that Seryabkina first appeared in the group. This seductive brunette wrote an English text competition song, which became fateful for the development of the team. For those who are not in the know, Olga Seryabkina is a professional translator with a higher education.

Gorgeous legs and butt - from childhood

In addition, Olya has been dancing all her life. This is the secret to a round butt without Photoshop! As a child, the girl successfully competed in ballroom dancing. And today she dances in training and in videos. She got into show business, to a greater extent, thanks to the ability to dance. Her variety biography began as a dancer and backing vocals in the group of singer Irakli.

Nude Seryabkina for Maxim

Dried grass as a background fills the photo with drama - a symbol of unity with nature and the transience of time. A white bodysuit on a naked body gives the photo a touch of girlish tenderness and sinlessness. The eyes are full of longing and desire. I would like to believe that in Seryabkina’s personal life everything will be as she pictures it in her thoughts.

Photo of Olga Seryabkina before and after plastic surgery

Plump lips large breasts and butt bring the singer’s figure parameters closer to the ideal. But is all this from nature? Perhaps the star had plastic surgery? On early photos The girl has less expressive lips and her breasts seem smaller. Questions regarding plastic surgery, the star does not comment. Is the secret to flawlessness in makeup or Botox, gyms and genetics or surgery? Only she knows the answers - Olya Seryabkina with ideal parameters figures. Her body is admired by men and women.

Naked Seryabkina on the cover of Maxim

Naked Seryabkina appeared in all her seductiveness in “Maxim” a year before the group shooting. A naked girl in gold paint looks like a statue coming to life.

Erotic photos of Olga Seryabkina on Instagram

Makeup, hairstyles, women's secrets, answers to subscribers' questions... The singer respects her fans and finds time to communicate with them. Sick or tired after filming, she goes on air, posts photos, publishes notes with thoughts about life on social networks (VK, Instagram).

Her amateur photos are no less erotic than those in Maxim magazine. For example, this photo in a swimsuit:

Seryabkina in a swimsuit, photo

Or this selfie with an open mouth, a predatory tongue and an alluring cleavage:

Personal life of Olga Seryabkina: A gay singer?

Romances with star men, lesbian love, husband and children - which of these is true? Olga Seryabkina rarely speaks out, but understand lyrical biography And sensual soul singer can be found by reading her book.

Olga Seryabkina was lesbian

Olga admits that until she was 20 she had love affairs gay. The poem “Kate”, published in the book - pure truth. These were strong feelings, which, for sure, remained in the girl’s heart and memory. It says that memories come, but the heroine of the poem is afraid of them, hides them in the margins of memory. Touches of long-forgotten times are reflected by bright flashes of feelings and sensations - echoes of first love. The heroine recalls how lovers had to hide from everyone, playing the role of girlfriends during the day, and turning into mistresses at night. This relationship ended in pain, which Seryabkina tries not to remember. She has a positive attitude towards unconventional love, but has already changed her memories to new reality with a fantastic man.

Love is gone, but habits remain: Seryabkina is gay

Does Olga Seryabkina have a child and a husband?

The period of unconventional love has long passed. Olya loves a man. Who is he: Irakli, Max Fadeev, Yegor Creed or Dmitry Nagiyev? Perhaps the intrigues on the screen are just a way to hide the real relationship.

Olga Seryabkina and Oleg Miami, the singer’s boyfriend

There are no children of their own yet. As does my husband. So far there is only a loved one - a guy to whom half of the book is dedicated, a man who starred in one of MOLLY’s videos and a man who signs a photo with Seryabkina on Instagram with the word “mine”.

Olga Seryabkina and Oleg Miami

Oleg Miami is the same man of the heart and, perhaps, future husband Olga. Media personality. He appeared on television in the project “House 2”. Later he became a participant in “The Voice”. Pair for a long time met secretly, which gave rise to gossip around her personal life and affairs on the side.

Seryabkina and Miami, photo

Is it true that Olga Seryabkina had affairs with Yegor Creed and Maxim Fadeev?

The personal life of a superstar is a reason to gossip and fantasize. Shots in revealing outfits, photos in swimsuits and naked, full of passion clips... Seryabkina directly declares her sexuality and attractiveness. Surely she is ready to show her body without hesitation, because she gave herself to dozens of men, and got into show business exclusively through bed?

Olga Seryabkina and Maxim Fadeev

Seryabkina’s relationship with Maxim Fadeev is long-lasting and creative. According to the singer, the text from her thoughts fits perfectly into Maxim’s music: the words come to mind on their own. The result of such universal contact is a mass of hits written for the production center of Max Fadeev. The fact that Olya and Maxim have an exclusively working relationship is evidenced by their strong 10-year cooperation. And where there is a place for romance, quarrels, scandals and breakups often occur.

Olga Seryabkina and Egor Creed

The press attributes Seryabkina to an affair with Yegor Creed, with whom she sings a duet under the pseudonym MOLLY. When journalists asked Creed when he would get married, the singer replied: “When Seryabkina says “Yes”.” The duo's performances are very hot for people who are strangers to each other. But Olga denies rumors of an affair with her “service” partner. Playing on camera and real life- not always the same thing.

Blog VK Facebook SEREBRO in MAXIM magazine 2017! Photo session of the Serebro group for Maxim Serebro (“Silver”) is a Russian female pop group formed in 2006 by the Russian music producer Maxim Fadeev. The group includes Olga Seryabkina, Polina Favorskaya and Ekaterina Kishchuk. Olga Seryabkina is also the author of most of the lyrics of the group's songs. First public speaking took place in the final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2007, where SEREBRO took 3rd place with the song “Song #1 " Since its creation, the group has released three studio albums: “Opium Roz”, “Mama Lover” and “ The power of three" The group also released twenty-two radio singles, five of which topped the Russian radio chart. The group works in the following genres: pop, europop, electro-pop. In 2007, SEREBRO, thanks to the group’s start from Eurovision, immediately attracted the attention of Russian and European journalists. The website “Utro.Ru” wrote in May 2007 that over the past two months the group was the most discussed not only in the media, but also among representatives of domestic show business. Director of music broadcasting of the Russian Channel One, Yuri Aksyuta, argued that the decision to send it to no one famous group was adopted unanimously by the expert council, immediately after they heard the demo version of “Song #1 " “The remaining candidates, among whom were Panayotov and Chumakov, Diana Gurtskaya, Polina Griffiths, the bands Band’Eros and TOKiO, turned out to be a head and even two lower than SEREBRO,” he added. Composer Vladimir Matetsky described the group’s debut song as “very modern, dynamic,” adding that he liked the group because it belongs neither to the traditional Eurovision direction nor to freaks. Larisa Dolina, having seen SEREBRO’s performance before the expert commission of Channel One, said: “They sing very confidently, move very well, such a very good European level.” The British television channel BBC noted the group's "very rare style for Eurovision", adding that the fashionable group in Britain "Girls Aloud" would not be ashamed to have such a song as "Song" in their repertoire #1 " The Intermedia.Ru portal compared the group with another British girl band, calling SEREBRO a Russian clone of the Sugababes, however, noting that the copy turned out to be “very high quality.” Assessing the group’s result at the competition, third place, music critic Arthur Gasparyan noted that the group achieved such a high result without “... a deafening promotional campaign, […] without history and powerful fan clubs, like most promoted performers; there were no hired “PR Quakers” to create behind-the-scenes hype at such events; and most importantly, it was only on May 12 in Helsinki that they first (!) appeared on stage as a collective. Birthday! And immediately - on an international stage in every sense!” Alexey Mazhaev from wrote that, having performed at the competition “more than successfully” for debutantes, “at the same time proving that at this competition big name means no more than a precisely executed composition and number,” SEREBRO members instantly moved into the category of “stars”, and Fadeev’s hits allowed the group to maintain their quickly acquired high status even after Eurovision. Guru Ken wrote that by sending SEREBRO to Eurovision, Maxim Fadeev “took a dangerous risk and won big,” expressing the opinion that “... if the group did not win third place at the prestigious competition in Russia, it is unlikely that the English-language clone of progressive English teen groups would become would be so widely known. At best, with the song “Song #1 “The fate of the useless “Plazma” or the same Fadeev’s “Total” would have awaited him.” The debut album “Opium Roz” was named by Billboard magazine as the most anticipated release of 2008, and after its release it was called “exceeding all expectations.” With the arrival of Anastasia Karpova in 2009 and the start of recording the second studio album The band's style has changed somewhat again...

Blog VK Facebook Serebro (“Silver”) is a Russian female pop group formed in 2006 by Russian music producer Maxim Fadeev. The group includes Olga Seryabkina, Polina Favorskaya and Ekaterina Kishchuk. Olga Seryabkina is also the author of most of the lyrics of the group's songs. The first public performance took place in the final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2007, where SEREBRO took 3rd place with the song “Song #1 " Since its creation, the group has released three studio albums: “OpiumRoz”, “Mama Lover” and “The Power of Three”. The group also released twenty-two radio singles, five of which topped the Russian radio chart. The group works in the following genres: pop, europop, electro-pop. In 2007, SEREBRO, thanks to the group’s start from Eurovision, immediately attracted the attention of Russian and European journalists. The website “Utro.Ru” wrote in May 2007 that over the past two months the group was the most discussed not only in the media, but also among representatives of domestic show business. The director of music broadcasting of the Russian Channel One, Yuri Aksyuta, claimed that the decision to send an unknown group was made unanimously by the expert council, immediately after they heard the demo version of “Song #1 " “The remaining candidates, among whom were Panayotov and Chumakov, Diana Gurtskaya, Polina Griffiths, the bands Band’Eros and TOKiO, turned out to be a head and even two lower than SEREBRO,” he added. Composer Vladimir Matetsky described the group’s debut song as “very modern, dynamic,” adding that he liked the group because it belongs neither to the traditional Eurovision direction nor to freaks. Larisa Dolina, having seen SEREBRO’s performance before the expert commission of Channel One, said: “They sing very confidently, move very well, such a very good European level.” The British television channel BBC noted the group's "very rare style for Eurovision", adding that the fashionable group in Britain "Girls Aloud" would not be ashamed to have such a song as "Song" in their repertoire #1 " The Intermedia.Ru portal compared the group with another British girl band, calling SEREBRO a Russian clone of the Sugababes, however, noting that the copy turned out to be “very high quality.” Assessing the group’s result at the competition, third place, music critic Artur Gasparyan noted that the group achieved such a high result without “... a deafening promotional campaign, […] without history and powerful fan clubs, like most promoted performers; there were no hired “PR Quakers” to create behind-the-scenes hype at such events; and most importantly, it was only on May 12 in Helsinki that they first (!) appeared on stage as a collective. Birthday! And immediately - on an international stage in every sense!” Alexey Mazhaev from wrote that, having performed at the competition “more than successfully” for debutantes, “proving along the way that at this competition a big name means no more than a precisely executed composition and number,” the participants of SEREBRO instantly moved into the “stars” category, and Fadeev’s hits allowed the group to maintain its quickly acquired high status even after Eurovision. Guru Ken wrote that by sending SEREBRO to Eurovision, Maxim Fadeev “took a dangerous risk and won big,” expressing the opinion that “... if the group did not win third place at the prestigious competition in Russia, it is unlikely that the English-language clone of progressive English teen groups would become would be so widely known. At best, with the song “Song #1 “The fate of the useless “Plazma” or the same Fadeev’s “Total” would have awaited him.” The debut album “OpiumRoz” was named by Billboard magazine the most anticipated release of 2008, and after its release it was called “exceeding all expectations.” With the arrival of Anastasia Karpova in 2009 and the start of recording the second studio album, the group’s style again changed somewhat - the debut video in new line-up, “Sladko”, was announced as “re...