Biography and personal life of Olga Skabeeva. The secret of the family life of Olga Skabeeva and Evgeniy Popov has been revealed

Olga Skabeeva and Evgeniy Popov - presenters political program. And they are husband and wife. Reporters got married in New York. And the fact that the couple had a son, Zakhar, was announced throughout the country in the Vesti program. The love story of two talented journalists is in the program.

“We see Zakhar every day - morning and evening. We spend the whole weekend with him. He rightly demands attention from us. We discuss his problems, even discuss our problems, although he is only three and a half years old. Zakhar is very logical, everything is important to him to know, to charge everyone with the mood. For example, in the morning we went to kindergarten That's how he greeted everyone. We love our child endlessly,” this is how Olga and Evgeniy talk about their son.

Olga gave birth in January 2014. Evgeniy was on the Maidan at that moment. “All the mothers, after their children fell asleep, also went to bed. And I went into the corridor where I was hanging big TV, and watched special episodes. I was very worried." Then Evgeniy had a lot of work, he flew in to check on how the pregnant Olga was doing, and soon flew back. And at the time of the birth of his son, Evgeniy was editing a film for the program. "This is our lot as reporters. When it was time to pick up Olga and Zakhar from the maternity hospital, I flew from Kyiv in the morning, took the family home, and flew away again in the evening,” says Evgeniy Popov.

Evgeniy Popov was on business trips in both Donbass and Syria. Olga, of course, was worried about her husband: “We are reporters. This is our job and this is our life: good, fun, and sometimes not so much.” “There is work, there is family - everything is important. But it is clear what comes first, what is a priority,” adds Evgeniy.

The spouses have different views on many things, this also applies to politics. "True, this is a secret. Sometimes we park near the house and cannot get out of the car because we had a big argument. We are together 24 hours a day. Our life is full a huge amount events - there is no time to stop, much less quarrel."

Evgeniy Popov is from Far East. “I graduated from the University of Vladivostok, worked in local news, and then I was invited to Vesti. Global professional happiness came. I tried very hard.”

Olga was born in the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region. After school she went to St. Petersburg, where she graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of St. Petersburg State University. Started working in the Vesti-St. Petersburg program.

This is what Olga says about the wedding: “I was on a long business trip in Brussels, and Zhenya was working in New York. We decided that it would be more convenient to get married in New York. Because of work, we postponed the wedding several times. Therefore, we ourselves are still confused about numbers. In general, this happened in April 2013." And Evgeniy even had to do a report on the wedding day.

About family, about patriotism, about the dangerous side of the work of journalists, about their favorite cities and about saving a pigeon - Evgeniy and Olga told Boris Korchevnikov about all this in the program “The Fate of a Man.”

Olga Skobeeva has a “Metal Voice” and criticism of opponents of the Russian government, which allowed her to quickly rise in career ladder presenter of Vesti.doc and 60 Minutes. The only information available in the media is about his marriage to E. Popov and his son Zakhara (born in 2014). The baby's weight at birth is 2 kg 750 g, height - 50 cm.

Characteristics of the image

“Iron presenter, capable of “going over the heads” for the sake of career growth and achieving the goal,” say colleagues.

"Dark horse" or " dark spot Russian TV" - who and why is hiding the past of the famous reporter is unknown, but the popularity of the "cyborg with a metallic voice" is quickly gaining momentum. She reports from different corners light and is considered a leading journalist on the Russia 1 channel,” the media note. Today the girl is a successful correspondent, but some users of the World Wide Web compare her with Katya from the film “Hipsters” due to the similarity of the cold tone of voice and firm speech with anguish, characteristic of the heroine of a popular drama.

Skabeeva is recognized by her strict and harsh intonation, which gives aggressiveness to her reports. Olga herself characterizes herself as follows:

"With choice professional activity clearly defined a year before graduation. Since then, I have lived by the categories of goals and achievements. Ambitious, I do not exclude inflated self-esteem and self-confidence. I walk through life with irony - I consider this the main journalistic quality. Demanding of herself and others - almost. I think you should work really hard, otherwise you won’t achieve results. I pay a lot of attention to little things. I love to read."

Scandals and awards

Olga became popular after scandalous video, where they literally shut her mouth (Poroshenko’s security guards hugged her) during the filming process. In response, the girl, instead of remaining silent, shouted: “What are you doing?!” So last word left behind her.

In 2013, in the Vesti program, she commented on the details of the accident in Podolsk. Her presentation of material regarding the defendant of Armenian nationality was called aggressive and unprofessional by 15 thousand users. They demanded that the journalist apologize for focusing on the nationality of the convicted person.

Since 2015, Olga has been running her own project “Vesti.doc”, where her own stories are published with discussions in the studio. She regularly criticizes the Russian opposition, for which she has been nicknamed the “Iron Doll of Kremlin TV.”

In 2016, German reporter Hajo Seppelt, famous for his investigation into the doping scandal in Russian sports, pushed out his Russian colleague, calling her stupid. The reason for such violent behavior was Olga’s statement that she was trying to be a friend of her country, to which the author of the ARD films noted that she should maintain a neutral position, as a journalist should.

Among the awards are the Potanin Foundation scholarship and the Golden Pen award. For investigative journalism in 2008, she was awarded in the “Profession – Reporter” competition.


Olga Vladimirovna Skabeeva. Born on December 11, 1984 in Volzhsky, Volgograd region. Russian journalist and TV presenter.

In the ninth grade, I firmly decided to become a journalist.

“I clearly decided on my choice of professional activity a year before graduating from school. Since then, I have lived by the categories of goals and achievements. Ambitious, I do not exclude inflated self-esteem and self-confidence. I walk through life with irony - I consider this the main journalistic quality. Demanding of herself and others - almost. I think you should work really hard, otherwise you won’t achieve results. I pay a lot of attention to little things. I like to read,” said Olga.

She began her journalistic career in the local newspaper “City Week”.

In 2008, she graduated with honors from the Faculty of Journalism of St. Petersburg State University. During her studies, she worked in the Vesti St. Petersburg program. She was a fellow of the Potanin Foundation. In 2007, she received the “Golden Pen” award in the “Prospect of the Year” category and the youth award from the government of St. Petersburg.

In 2008, she became a laureate of the “Profession Reporter” competition in the “Investigative Journalism” category.

After college, she went to work at the federal editorial office of VGTRK.

Poroshenko's security guards attacked Olga Skabeeva

On September 12, 2016, on the Russia-1 TV channel, together with her husband Evgeny Popov, she began hosting the socio-political talk show “60 Minutes,” which is a discussion program on the most resonant events.

On February 9, 2017, together with Evgeny Popov, she became a laureate of the Golden Pen of Russia award from the Union of Journalists of Russia.

Olga Skabeeva's height: 177 centimeters.

Personal life of Olga Skabeeva:

Married. Husband - journalist Evgeny Popov.

Olga Skabeeva and husband Evgeny Popov

32-year-old Olga Skabeeva and 38-year-old Evgeny Popov are one of the most discussed married couples domestic TV.

Several years ago, VGTRK journalist Olga Skabeeva married another famous journalist, Evgeny Popov, TV presenter of Vesti and Special Correspondent.

Now Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov are leading together new talk show on the Russia-1 channel “60 minutes” and are raising their son Zakhar.

On January 14, 2014, the couple had their first child. Olga did not stay on maternity leave for long and immediately started work. In 2015-2016, she hosted the author’s program “Vesti.doc” on the TV channel “Russia-1”.

Since September 12, 2016, together with Evgeny Popov, he has been hosting the socio-political talk show “60 Minutes”.

Viewers noted that the pair of presenters complement each other well and understand each other perfectly. As it turned out, this harmony is not without reason; the hosts are married.

For Olga Skabeeva, this is the first marriage, and Evgeny Popov was already married once.

Evgeny Popov worked in New York, where he headed the Vesti bureau. There he met Anastasia Churkina, who worked in the USA on the Russia Today TV channel.

Anastasia Churkina is the daughter of Russia's permanent representative to the United Nations, Vitaly Churkin.

Evgeny Popov and Nastya began dating and soon got married. However, this marriage did not last long; in 2012, Popov and Churkina separated.

Soon after his divorce from his first wife, Evgeny Popov returned to Moscow. Here he met Olga Skabeeva, who became his second wife.

Olga Skabeeva was born on December 11, 1984 in the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region, where she graduated high school. In the ninth grade, I firmly decided to become a journalist. She began her journalistic career in the local newspaper “City Week”.

She studied at the Faculty of Journalism of St. Petersburg State University, from which she graduated in 2008 with honors and came to work at the federal editorial office of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. During her studies, she worked in the Vesti St. Petersburg program.

She was a fellow of the Potanin Foundation. In 2007, she received the “Golden Pen” award in the “Prospect of the Year” category and the youth award from the government of St. Petersburg.

In 2008, she became a laureate of the “Profession Reporter” competition in the “Investigative Journalism” category.

Evgeny Popov was born on September 11, 1978 in Vladivostok in the family of a biology teacher. While studying at school, he worked on local radio as the host of the “Sacvoyage” program.

In 1998 he graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of the Far Eastern State University. As a student he worked on Primorye television.

Since 2000 - correspondent for Vesti. The first position in the program is a correspondent in Vladivostok. Then he moved to Moscow. Since 2003, he worked in the Ukrainian bureau of the Rossiya TV channel, covering the Orange Revolution in his reports.

In 2005, he returned to Moscow and was a political observer for Vesti Nedeli.

In 2007, he became a correspondent for the Rossiya TV channel in the USA, where at first he worked together with Konstantin Semin and was the head of the New York bureau of Vesti.

In 2013, he continued to work at Vesti as a political commentator. He worked in Kyiv, at Euromaidan, including in the same group with Anton Voloshin, who tragically died in Ukraine in June 2014.

Since the fall of 2013, after reformatting the Vesti+ program, Popov began hosting his own program Vesti at 23:00 instead of Vasily Zhuravlev and Oksana Kuvaeva.

From July 2014 to June 2016, he hosted the program alternately with VGTRK correspondent Maxim Kiselyov. Along the way, he made reports for the “Special Correspondent” program, among them “Telemaidan”, “Blockade. Slavyansk" and others.

In 2014-2016, during Dmitry Kiselyov’s vacation, he replaced him as the host of the Vesti program on Sundays at 20:00.

From September 2014 to July 2016, he led discussions in the studio as part of television project“Special correspondent” instead of Arkady Mamontov.

Since September 12, 2016, he has been the host of the socio-political talk show “60 Minutes” together with his wife Olga Skabeeva.

Olga Skabeeva is perhaps the most prominent journalist on Russian television. She is distinguished by her love for heated discussions and sharp words. Most famous she was brought in by a “60 Minutes” program about politics. This program she co-hosts with her husband Evgeniy Popov.

Olga was born in the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd Region, on December 11, 1984. The girl studied well at school and was very purposeful. Before finishing her studies, she decided to choose the profession of journalist and entered the St. Petersburg state university. Before entering, she had already found a job for herself in the local newspaper “City Week”.


During her student years, Olga successfully proved herself and became a full-time journalist in the Vesti St. Petersburg program. For her successes, she received a student scholarship from the Potanin Foundation. In 2006 she was awarded the " Golden Feather» from the government of St. Petersburg as a promising and ambitious specialist in his field.

In 2008, Olga Skabeeva received a honors diploma from the university and was hired by the VGTRK television company.

After moving to Moscow, Olga begins to work hard and in 2008, for her efforts, she received the “Investigative Journalism” nomination in the “Profession – Reporter” competition.

In 2015, she became the host of the author’s program “Vesti.doc” on the Russia-1 channel. The audience liked the program and won high ratings due to its non-standard format: in addition to the usual reports, the stories included inserts with an exchange of opinions with studio guests.

The guests were politicians, experts, lawyers, public figures, historians and businessmen.

Since 2016, Olga has hosted the talk show “60 Minutes” on the same channel, where she also discusses acute social and political problems day. Her husband Evgeny Popov acts as co-host.

Olga Skabeeva has enough on her account interesting interviews. For example, in 2016, she was able to agree on the filming of Hayo Seppelt, a German who released the scandalous documentary“Secrets about doping: how Russia makes its winners.”

During her work on television, Olga often hears accusations that she is characterized by propaganda of Putin and his policies. The presentation of her reports is sometimes aggressive, and many do not like the presenter's metallic voice. Other journalists note that she may be a follower of Dmitry Kiselyov, who now holds the post of deputy general director VGTRK.

For her activities on television, she received a variety of nicknames - “dark horse” or even “Putin’s iron doll.”

Personal life: Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov

Olga’s personal life did not go far from her professional one. They worked together with Evgeny Popov on the same TV channel.

The couple got married in 2013 in New York.

Wedding photos

At the same time, they had to postpone the ceremony twice because they had to participate in urgent reporting. On the wedding day, Evgeniy was also called to filming, he could not refuse and after graduation they went to the consulate to register the marriage. In their interview for the program “The Fate of Man” with Boris Korchevnikov, the couple said that after the wedding they went for a walk along the Brooklyn Bridge and saw a pigeon entangled in nets and decided to save it.

The couple almost never separates, because they host the talk show “60 Minutes” together.

In January 2014, the couple had a son. He was given the name Zakhar.

It is noteworthy that after the birth, journalists from the Russia-1 channel congratulated their colleagues and said that they were waiting for Olga on the set of the talk show.

For her it was very touching and unexpected.

Evgeniy was at the center of events on the Maidan during the birth of his wife. Olga admitted that in the maternity hospital she often went out into the corridor to watch the breaking news with her husband.

Evgeniy managed to come to Moscow to be discharged from the maternity hospital and take his wife and son home. After that, he immediately returned to Kyiv again to participate in “Special Correspondent”.

From time to time, busy parents take the boy to his grandmother in the city of Volzhsky. In a general interview, they admitted that their son is growing up friendly and curious, so they can talk to him about anything.

Despite working together on a socio-political show, the couple claims there are differences of opinion between them.

“Sometimes we park at the house and can’t get out because we had an argument. Well, it’s true, this often happens,”

says Olga.

“At work we negotiate with such characters. Well, can’t we come to an agreement with each other?”

Evgeny adds with a laugh.

Interview with Olga Skabeeva and her husband about family life:

Olga Skabeeva now

Olga is popular in journalism. For her work, she and her husband received a joint award from the Union of Journalists of Russia - “Golden Pen”.

Only now in a different category than when I was a student – ​​“Development of discussion platforms on Russian television.”

In 2017, the couple received the TEFI Award. The award was in the Socio-Political Prime Time Talk Show category.