Children's detective. Exciting stories and detective mysteries for young detectives

There is a rich house and a poor one. They are burning. Which house will the police extinguish?

Police don't put out fires, firefighters put out fires

How can a person not sleep for 8 days?

Sleep at night

You enter a dark kitchen. It contains a candle, a kerosene lamp and a gas stove. What will you light first?

A girl is sitting, and you cannot sit in her place, even if she gets up and leaves. Where is she sitting?

She sits on your lap

You are standing in front of three switches. Behind an opaque wall are three light bulbs that are turned off. You need to manipulate the switches, go into the room and determine which light bulb each switch belongs to.

First you need to turn on two switches. After some time, turn off one of them. Enter the room. One light bulb will be hot from the switch on, the second will be warm from the switch off, the third will be cold from the untouched switch.

It is known that among the nine coins there is one counterfeit one, which weighs less than the rest of the coins. How can you identify a counterfeit coin in two weighings using a cup scale?

1st weighing: 3 and 3 coins. The counterfeit coin is in the pile that weighs less. If they are equal, then the fake is in the third pile. 2nd weighing: Any 2 coins from the pile with the lowest weight are compared. If they are equal, then the remaining coin is fake

Two people approach the river. There is a boat at the shore that can only support one. Both people crossed to the opposite bank. How?

They were on different banks

Two fathers, two sons found three oranges and divided them. Everyone got a whole orange. How can this be?

The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope and walked 300 meters. How did she do it?

The rope was not tied to anything

How can a thrown egg fly three meters without breaking?

You need to throw the egg four meters, then it will fly the first three meters intact

The man was driving a large truck. The lights on the car were not turned on. There was no moon either. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car. How did the driver manage to see her?

It was a bright sunny day

If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, how long does it take one cat to catch one mouse?

Five minutes

Is it possible to light a match underwater?

It is possible if you pour water into some container, for example, into a glass, and hold the match below the glass

The boat rocks on the water. A ladder was thrown from its side. Before high tide, the water covered only the bottom step. How long will it take for the water to cover the 3rd step from the bottom if during high tide the water rises at 20 cm per hour and the distance between the steps is 30 cm?

Never, because the boat rises with the water

How to divide five apples between five girls so that each gets an apple and at the same time one of the apples remains in the basket?

Give one girl an apple along with a basket

One and a half pike perch costs one and a half rubles. How much do 13 pike perch cost?

Traders and potters. In one city all the people were traders or potters. Merchants always told lies, but potters always told the truth. When all the people gathered in the square, each of those gathered said to the others: “You are all traders!” How many potters were there in this city?

The potter was alone because:

  1. If there were no potters, then the traders would have to tell the truth that all the other traders are traders, and this contradicts the conditions of the problem.
  2. If there were more than one potter, then each potter would have to lie that the rest were traders.

There are two coins on the table; they add up to 3 rubles. One of them is not 1 ruble. What coins are these?

1 and 2 rubles

The satellite makes one revolution around the Earth in 1 hour 40 minutes, and the other in 100 minutes. How can this be?

100 minutes is 1 hour 40 minutes

As you know, all Russian female names end with either the letter “a” or the letter “ya”: Anna, Maria, Irina, Natalya, Olga, etc. However, there is only one thing female name, which ends with another letter. Name it.

What has no length, depth, width, height, but can be measured?

Time, temperature

If it rains at 12 o'clock at night, can we expect sunny weather 72 hours later?

No, because in 72 hours it will be night

Seven brothers have one sister. How many sisters are there in total?

One yacht goes from Nice to Sanremo, the other from Sanremo to Nice. They left the harbors at the same time. For the first hour, the yachts moved at the same speed (60 km/h), but then the first yacht increased its speed to 80 km/h. Which yacht will be closer to Nice when they meet?

At the moment of their meeting they will be at the same distance from Nice

A woman was walking towards Moscow, and three men met her. Everyone has a bag, in each bag there is a cat. How many creatures were heading to Moscow?

Only the woman went to Moscow, the rest went in the other direction

There were 10 birds sitting on a tree. A hunter came and shot one bird. How many birds are left on the tree?

Not a single one - the rest of the birds flew away

The train runs from east to west, and the wind blows from north to south. In which direction does the smoke fly from the chimney?

You are running a marathon and have passed the runner who was running second. What position do you take now?

Second. If you answered that you are now first, then this is incorrect: you overtook the second runner and took his place, so you are now in second position

You are running a marathon and have passed the last runner. What position do you take now?

If you answered that it was the penultimate one, you were wrong again :). Think about how you can overtake the last runner? If you are running after him, then he is not the last. The correct answer is - it is impossible, you cannot overtake the last runner

There were three cucumbers and four apples on the table. The child took one apple from the table. How much fruit is left on the table?

3 fruits, and cucumbers are vegetables

The product first rose in price by 10%, and then fell in price by 10%. What is its value now relative to its original value?

99%: after the price increase, 10% was added to 100% - it turned out to be 110%; 10% of 110% = 11%; then subtract 11% from 110% and get 99%

How many times does the number 4 appear in the integers from 1 to 50?

15 times: 4, 14, 24, 34, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 - twice, 45, 46. 47, 48, 49

You have driven your car two-thirds of the way. At the beginning of the journey, the car's gas tank was full, but now it is one quarter full. Will there be enough gasoline until the end of the trip (at the same consumption)?

No, because 1/4< 1/3

Mary's father has 5 daughters: Chacha, Cheche, Chichi, Chocho. What is the name of the fifth daughter?

A deaf and mute man went into a stationery store to buy a pencil sharpener. He stuck his finger into his left ear and made a spinning motion with the fist of his other hand near his right ear. The seller immediately understood what was being asked of him. Then a blind man entered the same store. How did he explain to the salesman that he wanted to buy scissors?

I just said, he's blind, but not dumb

A rooster has flown to the border between Russia and China. I sat down exactly on the border, absolutely in the middle. Layed an egg. It fell exactly across: the border divides it in the middle. Which country does the egg belong to?

Roosters don't lay eggs!

One morning, a soldier who had previously been on night guard approached the centurion and said that that night he had seen in a dream how the barbarians would attack the fortress from the north that evening. The centurion did not really believe in this dream, but still took measures. That same evening the barbarians actually attacked the fortress, but thanks measures taken their attack was repulsed. After the battle, the centurion thanked the soldier for the warning and then ordered him to be taken into custody. Why?

Because he slept on duty

There are ten fingers on the hands. How many fingers are there on ten hands?

Airplane with English tourists flew from Holland to Spain. He crashed in France. Where should the surviving (wounded) tourists be buried?

The survivors do not need to be buried! :)

You were driving a bus with 42 passengers from Boston to Washington. At each of the six stops, 3 people got out of it, and at every second - four. What was the driver's name when the driver arrived in Washington 10 hours later?

How about you, because in the beginning it was said that You drove the bus

What can you find in minutes, seconds and days, but not in years, decades and centuries?

How many times can you subtract 3 from 25?

Once, because after the first subtraction the number "25" will change to "22"

Mrs Taylor's bungalow is all finished in pink color: It has pink lamps, pink walls, pink carpets and a pink ceiling. What color are the stairs in this bungalow?

There are no stairs in the bungalow

In the ancient castle where the prison was located, there were 4 round towers in which prisoners were imprisoned. One of the prisoners decided to escape. And then one fine day he hid in a corner, and when a guard came in, he stunned him with a blow to the head, and he ran away, changing into different clothes. Could this happen?

No, since the towers were round and there were no corners

The 12-story building has an elevator. Only 2 people live on the ground floor; from floor to floor the number of residents doubles. Which button in the elevator of this building is pressed most often?

Regardless of the distribution of residents by floor - button “1”

A pair of horses ran 20 kilometers. Question: How many kilometers did each horse run individually?

20 kilometers

What can stand and walk, hang and stand, walk and lie at the same time?

Is it possible to predict the score? football match before it starts and if so, how?

The score of any match before it starts is always 0:0

What can a person increase in diameter by 7 times in a few seconds?

Pupil. When moving from bright light towards darkness, the diameter can change from 1.1 to 8 mm; everything else either hardly increases or increases in diameter by no more than 2-3 times

A seller at the market sells a hat that costs 10 rubles. A buyer comes up and wants to buy it, but he only has 25 rubles. The seller sends the boy away with these 25 rubles. change it to a neighbor. The boy comes running and gives 10 + 10 +5 rubles. The seller gives the hat and change 15 rubles, and 10 rubles. keeps it for himself. After some time, a neighbor comes and says that 25 rubles. fake, demands to give her money. The seller returns her money. How much money was the seller defrauded of?

The seller was deceived for a counterfeit 25 rubles.

How many animals did Moses take on his ark?

It was not Moses who took the animals into the ark, but Noah.

2 people entered the entrance at the same time. One has an apartment on the 3rd floor, the other on the 9th. How many times will the first person get there faster than the second? Note: They simultaneously pressed buttons on 2 elevators moving at the same speed.

The usual answer is 3 times. Correct answer: 4 times. Elevators usually go from the 1st floor. The first one will travel 3-1=2 floors, and the second 9-1=8 floors, i.e. 4 times more

This riddle is often offered to children. But sometimes adults can rack their brains for a long time to figure out how to solve such a problem, so you can organize a competition: invite everyone to try to solve the problem. Whoever guesses it, regardless of age, deserves a prize. Here's the task:

6589 = 4; 5893 = 3; 1236 = 1; 1234 = 0; 0000 = 4; 5794 = 1; 1111 = 0; 4444 = 0; 7268 = 3; 1679 = 2; 3697 = 2

2793 = 1; 4895 = 3

The main thing is to look at the problem like a child, then you will understand that the answer is 3 (three circles in the writing of numbers)

Two horsemen competed to see whose horse would reach the finish line last. However, things did not go well, both stood still. Then they turned to the sage for advice, and after that they both rode at full speed.

The sage advised the horsemen to exchange horses

One student tells another: “Yesterday our college basketball team won the basketball game with a score of 76:40. At the same time, not a single basketball player scored a single goal in this match.”

Women's teams played

A man walks into a store, buys sausage and asks to cut it, not across, but lengthwise. The saleswoman asks: “Are you a fireman?” - “Yes.” How did she guess?

The man was in uniform

The lady did not have a driver's license with her. She did not stop at the railway crossing, although the barrier was lowered, then, not paying attention to the “brick”, she moved along the street with one way traffic against the traffic and stopped only after passing three blocks. All this happened in front of a traffic police officer, who for some reason did not consider it necessary to intervene.

The lady was walking

On one Odessa street there were three tailoring workshops. The first tailor advertised himself as follows: “The best workshop in Odessa!” The second is “The best workshop in the world!” The third “outdid” them both.

“The best workshop on this street!”

Two brothers were drinking at a bar. Suddenly, one of them began to argue with the bartender, and then pulled out a knife and, not paying attention to his brother’s attempts to stop him, hit the bartender. At his trial he was found guilty of murder. At the end of the trial, the judge said: “You have been found guilty of murder, but I have no choice but to let you go.” Why did the judge have to do this?

The culprit was one of conjoined twins. The judge could not send a guilty person to prison without putting an innocent person there as well.

We were traveling in the same compartment: Baba Yaga, Zmey Gorynych, a stupid ensign and a smart ensign. There was a bottle of beer on the table. The train entered the tunnel and it became dark. When the train came out of the tunnel, the bottle was empty. Who drank the beer?

The stupid ensign drank the beer, since the other creatures are unreal and do not occur in life!)

The detective genre is one of the most favorite genres. An exciting plot containing a secret or riddle, a competition between the logic of the detective and the cunning plan of the criminal, details that do not escape the attention of a professional - all this is sure to be present in a detective story.

Special “keys” will help you solve the mystery. Can you find them? Are you an attentive reader? Try it! There are ten riddles before you.

Deaf and mute buyer

A deaf and mute customer came into the store to buy a pencil sharpener. He showed the seller what he needed with signs: he put his finger to his ear, and made a rotational movement with the fist of his other hand. The seller guessed and served the buyer. After this, a blind customer entered the store. How did he explain to the salesman that he needed scissors?

Ransom for son

A rich man's son was kidnapped. The kidnapper demanded that the rich man bring him an expensive diamond to a telephone booth located in a city park, where there were always a lot of pigeons. The police, dressed in civilian clothes, surrounded the park. The father of the abducted child came to the telephone booth and followed all the instructions of the kidnapper. The police were unable to stop the cunning criminal and catch him. Diamond somehow disappeared from the booth. How did this happen?

Theft of an antique glass

I absolutely cannot imagine who would want this antique glass, since it is impossible to sell it, and last night it was there. No one else entered the room after me. The cleaning of the museum is done by a husband and wife; they have been working for us for a long time and are above suspicion,” said the director of the museum.

The inspector thought about it.

How long ago did you start collecting museum curiosities? - he suddenly asked the janitor.
What allowed the inspector to suspect the janitor's family of stealing an antique glass?

At an abandoned dacha

With the onset of autumn rains, the family returned to the city apartment. Even before leaving, the owner agreed with his neighbor in the dacha to look after his house. After the New Year, a neighbor called him and told him that the dacha had been robbed.

Soon the inspector was questioning the neighbor. This is what he said: “At night I heard a suspicious noise. Despite severe frost, I immediately went to my neighbor’s dacha. I looked out the window, but all the glass was frozen and I couldn’t see anything. Then I blew a small hole in the ice covering the window glass and shone it with a flashlight. The room was a terrible mess. The next morning I reported what had happened.”

“Everything is clear,” the inspector remarked sternly. - I'll ask you to follow me.
Why did the inspector suspect the neighbor of theft?

Last words

Mr. N., a London banker, was found dead in his office. He was lying on the table, a pistol in his hand, a hole in his temple. The curtains were drawn, the table lamp was on, and there was a tape recorder nearby. The inspector pressed the play button and heard N.'s last message:

I can’t wait for bankruptcy, this is the end... - and then the sound of a shot was heard. Under the banker's head was a blood-stained letter from the tax police notifying him of the audit.

Suicide seemed certain, and the police had already begun to remove the body when the inspector stopped them:

Wait a moment, this looks like murder. What made him suspicious?

Blackcurrant pie

Mr B said:

See the bearded weirdo there in the corner? He always has dinner here on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In some ways it is a local landmark.

The waitress brought them portions:

Quite right, sir. But last week he suddenly came unexpectedly on Monday! It knocked me out of my knees! I decided that, without knowing it, I had mixed up the numbers and that it was Tuesday. But the next evening he showed up as expected, so he had an unscheduled visit on Monday.

“An interesting break from habit,” muttered Poirot. - What prompted him to do this, I would like to know?

Sir, I think he was upset or worried about something. His order was strange. He hated kidney and blackcurrant pudding, and I don't remember him ordering thick soup. But that Monday he ordered thick tomato soup, steak, kidney pudding and blackcurrant pie! It looks like he just didn't notice what he was ordering!

“You know,” said Hercule Poirot, “I find all this very interesting.” What prompted him to do this, I would like to know?


Let me ask a few questions. Firstly, regarding the castle. Who ordered it for the Hubbs?

“I ordered it personally,” Mr. Shaw said. “I wouldn’t trust this matter to any clerk.” As for the key, Mr. Ridgway had one key, and Mr. Vavasour and I each had one key.

And not a single clerk had access to them?

Mr. Shaw looked questioningly at Mr. Vavasour.

I think I won’t be mistaken in saying that the keys remained in the safe all the time, where we put them on the twenty-third,” said Mr. Vavasour. “Unfortunately, my colleague fell ill two weeks ago - just on the day of Philip’s departure - and only recently recovered.

"Severe bronchitis is no joke for a man my age," Mr. Shaw said sadly.

Poirot asked a few more questions. I realized that he was trying very hard to find out the degree of closeness between uncle and nephew. Mr. Vavasour's answers were brief and to the point. His nephew was a trusted bank officer and had no debts or financial difficulties. He has carried out similar assignments in the past.

“I am disappointed,” said Poirot, “that the matter turned out to be too simple.”

Which of the three who had the key was the thief?

Mysterious relatives

Oh, one more thing: you probably still have his coat? Bunch frowned.

His coat?

Mrs Eccles explained:

We'd like to take all his things, you know. For memory.

In his pockets were a watch, a wallet and train ticket, Bunch said. - I gave everything to Sergeant Hayes.

"Then it's all right," said Mr. Eccles. - I believe he will give these things to us. His papers must be in his wallet.

There was only a one pound note in the wallet,” Bunch said. - Nothing more.

And there were no letters? Nothing like that?

Bunch shook her head.

Well, thank you again, Mrs. Harmon. And the coat he was wearing, probably also the sergeant's? Bunch furrowed her brows, apparently straining her memory.

No, she said. - It seems... I helped the doctor take off his coat so that it would be more convenient for him to examine the wound.

What did the relatives want to take and why?


I followed Holmes to the fireplace in the far corner of the room and recoiled at the sight of the terrible picture.

There is a large black spot on the oak floor. The fireplace and even the wall panel nearby were covered in splashes and dark red stains.

Stop, Watson,” Holmes ordered curtly. - By the way, what happened to the accused’s robe?

Like what?

Look at the walls, Lestrade, look at the walls!

The sleeves of the robe are soaked in blood, if that's what you meant.

Well, that's quite natural. After all, Longton helped raise the dying man's head. The sleeves don't give much. Do you have a robe?

The Scotland Yard inspector rummaged through his leather bag and pulled out a gray woolen robe.

Hm! Stains on the sleeves and edges of the robe. Curious... What surprised Holmes? Could Longton be the killer?

Bust of Napoleon

The first case was reported to us from the shop of Morse Hudson, who sells paintings and statues. The plaster bust of Napoleon was smashed to pieces. A new case occurred in the house of a doctor who recently purchased two identical plaster copies of Napoleon's head. They were also broken.

If the criminal's goal was to break the bust, why didn't he break it in the house or near the house? - Lestrade asked.

“I would approach the solution from the other end,” said Sherlock Holmes.

Who smashed busts of Napoleon and why?

The sheer number of children's detective stories can confuse any parent and child. This review will be of interest to parents - lovers of detective stories who want to instill in their children a love of this genre through exciting stories about young detectives. An important criterion for inclusion in the review is high quality the texts themselves, the absence of excessive primitivism in writing.

1) A. Lindgren Trilogy about Kalle Blumkvist(8-12 years old)

The detective trilogy about the young detective Kalle contains the stories: “The famous detective Kalle Blumkvist plays,” “The famous detective Kalle Blumkvist takes risks,” “Kalle Blumkvist and Rasmus.” Released only in translation by N. Gorodinskaya-Wallenius.

Trilogy about famous detective Kalle Blumkvist, an ordinary boy who dreams of eclipsing the glory of Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot. In his quest to catch the criminal, he actually picks up the trail of a real robber, but at some point exciting game becomes unsafe, and then his true friends- Knights of the White Rose.

2) E. Kästner "Emil and the Detectives" and "Emil and the Three Twins"

"Emil and the detectives" (8-12 years old)

One day, an ordinary boy named Emil Tyshbein from the most ordinary German town of Neustadt went to Berlin to visit his grandmother. It would seem that there is nothing special about this. But an event that happened to him on the way on the train marked the beginning of a completely extraordinary adventure... An exciting detective story with good ending! In addition, the whole story is permeated with Emil’s true filial love for his mother.

"Emil and the Three Twins"(8-12 years old)

Continuation of Emil's adventures. This time, Emil Tyshbain, already familiar to us, is going on vacation with his friends. By chance they learn about Mr. Byron's vile intention and decide to intervene.

3) Series "Alfred Hitchcock. Three detectives"(10-15 years)

Unfortunately, this series has not been reissued for a long time and is only available from second-hand booksellers. But, if books from this series are in libraries, you can safely take them and enjoy the investigations of young friends Bob Andrews, Pete Crenshaw and Jupiter Jones. They live in the coastal town of Rocky Beach Pacific Ocean, near Hollywood. Their stronghold is a salvage warehouse, their headquarters is an old caravan in which they have equipped a crime laboratory. Their agency "Three Investigators" reveals any secrets, riddles and puzzles.

The Mystery of the Castle of Horrors (1964) The Mystery of the Stuttering Parrot (1964) The Mystery of the Whispering Mummy (1965) The Mystery of the Green Ghost (1965) The Mystery of the Lost Treasure (1966) The Mystery of Skeleton Island (1966) The Mystery of the Fiery Eye (1967) The Mystery of the Silver Spider (1967) The Mystery of the Screaming Alarm Clock [The Mystery of the Shrill Alarm Clock] (1968) The Mystery of the Valley of Moaning [The Mystery of the Moaning Cave; The Three Detectives and the Devil's Mountain] (1968) The Mystery of the Talking Skull (1969) The Mystery of the Laughing Shadow (1969) The Mystery of the One-Eyed Cat [The Secret of the One-Eyed Cat; The Mystery of the Humpbacked Cat] (1970) The Mystery of the Cold Dragon (1970) The Mystery of the Burning Footprints (1971) The Mystery of the Nervous Lion (1971) The Mystery of the Singing Snake (1972) The Mystery of the Zigzag [The Mystery of the Shrunken House] (1972) The Mystery of the Lake of Ghosts [The Mystery of the Phantom Lake] ( 1973) The Mystery of the Mountain of Monsters (1973) The Mystery of the Goblin Mirror (1974) The Mystery of the Dead Man's Charade [The Mystery of the Dead Man] (1974) The Mystery of the Invisible Dog (1975) The Mystery of the Evil Mines (1976) The Mystery of the Dancing Devil [The Mystery of the Dancing Devil] (1976) The Mystery of the Horse Headless (1977) Mystery of the Magic Circle (1978) Mystery of the Deadly Mistake [Mystery of the Deadly Doppelgänger] (1978) Mystery creepy scarecrow(1979) The Mystery of the Shark Reef (1979) The Mystery of the Scarred Beggar (1981) The Mystery of the Burning Rocks (1981) The Mystery of the Crimson Pirate [The Mystery of the Purple Pirate] (1982) The Mystery of the Runaway Troglodyte [The Mystery caveman] (1982) The Mystery of the Kidnapped Whale [The Mystery of the Missing Whale] (1983) The Mystery of the Disappearing Mermaid (1983) The Mystery of the Lame Pigeon [The Mystery of the Two-Toed Pigeon] (1984) The Mystery of Broken Glass (1984) The Mystery of the Terrorist Trail (1984) The Mystery of the Memorable Meeting (1985) ) The Mystery of the Hollywood Scammers [The Mystery of the Scammer Show] (1985) The Mystery of Shipwreck Rock [The Mystery of the Robbers' Rock; Viking Gold] (1986) The Mystery of the Mischievous Collector (1987) The Mystery of the Phantom Train

4) Y. Koval "The Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov" "Five Kidnapped Monks"

"The Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov"(8-12 years old)

A wonderful story by the famous Russian writer Yuri Koval (1938-1995) about the curious adventures of the kind and trusting boy Vasya Kurolesov. He's always unlucky! Either instead of piglets he will bring home a shabby red dog in a sack, or due to his negligence he will end up in the police... In his native village The owls are all just laughing at him! And then one day Vasya had the opportunity to prove that he was a brave, resourceful and decisive guy, he could do anything, even catch bandits. And how Vasya managed to do this, you will find out by reading the story.

"Five Kidnapped Monks"(10-14 years old)

The adventures of Vasya Kurolesov continue! This time he will have to uncover the mystery of the disappearance of five monks in an old Moscow alley! Undoubtedly, someone stole them, and the trail of the mysterious thief leads straight to the regional center of Pockets, where Monya Leather’s gang operates. Vasya, a valiant member of the Karmanov police, is tasked with catching a dangerous criminal red-handed and neutralizing him. There is no doubt: Kurolesov will be able to find the answer to the question of what connection exists between Monya and the five kidnapped monks...

7) A. Starobinets Series "Beastly Detective"(8-12 years old)

First book in the series "In the Wolf's Lair"- Someone killed the Hare. So much so that only a piece of the Hare’s fluffy tail remained. Who's the killer? Two fearless policemen of the Far Forest - Badger the Elder and Badgercat - are on the trail. And they unravel the case no worse than Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. The tracks are complicated, there are several suspects, but the police have something that no one can defeat - brutal logic!

The second book “The Predator's Right” - This is a children's light version of Orwell’s great work “ Animal Farm" Here's the thing. There are predators in the Far Forest. Nina Palna has domestic animals in her village, including chickens. The chickens are sure that Nina Palna loves them, which is why every week she chooses the best chicken and takes it to better life. The peace of domestic animals in the village is protected by dogs, who demand compliance with the agreement between the predators and the village - do not eat chickens!
And then one day the Fox grabs a chicken and brings it to the Far Forest. It doesn't kill, it only brings. The fox is scolded by policemen Badger and Badgercat. And at this time they explain to the chicken that Nina Palna is not as sinless as she seems. And then a riot begins on all sides. The hen runs to her hens to open their eyes to the terrible truth. The dogs, sensing a conflict, decide to organize baiting and hunting for predators in the Far Forest. Oh and not an easy task falls on the shoulders of our police officers Badger Senior and Badgercat. They urgently need to reconcile everyone!

The third book “Claws of Wrath” - The third detective story about the inhabitants of the Far Forest - exciting as always. In the new book, hooligan cats from the Claws of Wrath gang kidnap the beloved policeman Badgercat, a gentle cat, and demand a huge ransom for her. Badgercat is ready to do anything, even lose his job and commit malfeasance. But the cat, it seems, is not such a victim. What awaits the inhabitants of the forest who want to live in safety and calmly sip their mujito at the Sochok bar?

8) V. Holly Series “Maisie Hitchins. Adventures of a Girl Detective"(8-13 years old)

19th century, 31 Albion Street, London. It is here that the little girl detective Maisie Hitchins lives with her grandmother, dreaming of adventures and new mysterious affairs, which she longs to reveal. Riddles are pouring in on her from all sides, just have time to solve them (and at the same time carry out her grandmother’s instructions). There are 8 books in total in the series.

9) M. Vidmark "The Case of Diamonds. The Case of Mummy" (8-12 years)

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


Main heroes are the best friends, classmates Lasse and Maya, who founded detective agency in the basement of the house. The guys live in a small town, where everyone knows each other and there seem to be no crimes planned - “What could be worse than an unemployed detective?!” - Maya grumbles. And then, as you understand, the most interesting thing begins - valuable diamonds disappear, priceless painting, and the main suspect is the pharaoh's mummy!

10) J. Remy Series "The Adventures of Tintin" (12+)

Book series The Adventures of Tintin Labyrinth
Series "The Adventures of Tintin" |

Adventure-detective fascinating stories about the young newspaper reporter Tintin and his faithful dog Mila (Snowball) are known all over the world. The famous comics of the Belgian Georges Remy (better known as Hergé) are interesting to both children and adults - it is not without reason that they inspired Spielberg himself. The secret to the success of "The Adventures of Tintin" is a dynamic adventure detective story, where shootouts, kidnappings, assassinations, shootings, plane flights, car trips, train trips, sea voyages constantly take place... And of course, memorable characters. The series has a "12+" sign, be careful.

Author's order of the series "The Adventures of Tintin":
1. Tintin in the Land of the Soviets
2. Tintin in the Congo
3. Tintin in America
4. Pharaoh's Cigars
5. Blue Lotus
6. Broken ear
7. Black Island
8. Ottokar's Scepter
9. Golden Claw Crab
10. Mysterious star
11. The Secret of the Unicorn
12. Red Rackham's Treasure
13. Seven crystal balls
14. Temple of the Sun
15. Tintin in the land of black gold
16. Target - Moon
17. We walked on the moon
18. The Tournesol case
19. Sharks of the Red Sea
20. Tintin in Tibet
21. Castafiore Jewels
22. Flight 714 to Sydney
23. Tintin and the Picaros
24. Tintin and Alpha Art

11) A. Semenov "Detective and mysterious stories about Yabed-Koryabed"(6-9 years)

The trilogy about Yabeda-Koryabeda includes three stories: “The Mysterious Guest”, “Yabeda-Koryabeda and Her Tricks” and “Yabeda-Koryabeda and Her Tricks”. How the kind and smart Murzilka interferes with the insidious sorceress Yabeda-Koryabeda! It is he who thwarts her cunning plans to turn the guys into greedy people, sneaks, brawlers and talkers. But this time Yabeda-Koryabeda is determined. At night, nine loyal agents of the evil sorceress will infiltrate the city. Their main goal- neutralize Murzilka!
An interactive book is not just text and illustrations, it’s a bunch of author’s inventions, riddles and puzzles, just funny pictures.

12) A. Rybakov "The Adventures of Krosh", "Vacation of Krosh" (12+)

"The Adventures of Krosh"

9th grade students undergo summer practice at a motor depot. Krosh with his best friend gets into a garage where you can get behind the wheel of a real car.
First profession, friendship, love... But Krosh’s inner experiences are interrupted by a crime committed at a motor depot.
To save an unjustly accused man, Krosh gets on the trail of the true criminal and begins his investigation.

"Krosha's Vacation"

Having accidentally discovered an antique figurine at Vladimir Nikolaevich’s house, Krosh begins to understand that he is being insidiously deceived! Bring the scoundrel to clean water- now it’s a matter of honor. And Krosh launches a real investigation.

13) I. Adler "Sherlock, Lupine and Me. The Diamond Necklace; The last act of the play; The Mystery of the Scarlet Rose"

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


Detective trilogy about young detectives Sherlock Holmes, Irene Adler and Lupine. Friends are again at the center of a criminal event! One day, friends discover a strange chess code in the Times newspaper, sent by a certain Black Monk. The next day, the body of a wealthy merchant is found in the city. It would seem that these two finds are in no way connected with each other, if the code solved by Sherlock did not turn out to be the coordinates of the deceased’s house...

Detective riddles for young detectives

1) Detective Pierre unravels the case. In search of the stolen labyrinth(7-12 years old)

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


Detective Pierre has a new case to solve! The elusive thief Mister X has stolen an ancient magic tablet from the museum, which is capable of causing confusion throughout the world. To save his beloved city, Pierre and his friend Carmen give chase... You will forget about everything in the world, trying to catch up with Mr. X and go with Pierre through the dizzying labyrinths. You have to get through city ​​square and find your way in an abandoned forest village, catch up with Mr. X at the art museum and not lose sight of the festival balloons. Only real detectives can cope with all the tasks in this mind-blowing book! Features of the book Huge size 15 unique labyrinth spreads from the masters of detailed illustrations - Japanese studio IC4Design On each spread, in addition to the labyrinth, there are tasks for attentiveness - to find small objects in these incredible illustrations. The book is simply interesting to look at - there are many characters and stories. Labyrinths, Wimmelbook and riddles in one unique book Who is this book for - For children aged 7-8 years who love mazes and puzzles. And also for enthusiastic adults.

2) P.-G. Jurgen "Hot on the heels. 50 detective mysteries"(6-12 years old)

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


An entertaining book for children who want to open their own detective agency or become a police officer! Where are the treasures hidden and where did the garden gnome go? What are the royals and pirates hiding? Who caused the commotion in the saloon and why? These and dozens of other questions will have to be answered by the brave tracker and novice detective - your child. The main thing is to be attentive, think logically and be smart. You can ask friends and even mom and dad for advice.
The book has 7 sections, which are combined common theme: 10 riddles for amateurs (not the simplest); 4 stories for the resourceful (the simplest riddles for the attentive, just for the youngest detectives); 7 sea ​​stories(with cards); 12 riddles from the jungle (for the erudite); 9 stories about Colts and cowboys (for those attentive); 5 tasks for experienced ones; 5 mysterious riddle stories (with crosswords and puzzles).

3) I. Klausek, I. Lapacek "The Mysteries of Detective Pike"(6-12 years old)

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

Detective Pike is a meticulous detective, from whose attentive gaze not a single detail escapes. Therefore, he will quickly solve the theft of a figurine from a museum, find out who robbed the bank director, and find out what caused tragic incident at the circus. This book is a collection of short hand-drawn detective stories that will be interesting to solve for both children and adults.

Bookshelves by age from 0 to 12+ can be found here

. A book that will appeal to all children, without exception, and even adults. And all because it contains 50 different detective riddles in pictures. A real holiday for little detectives and exciting logic game to Danetki!

Let's play detective

« Hot on the heels» - unusual book for MYTH. It will be a great addition to this summer's hit - the book« Detective Pierre unravels the case”, which was loved by small and large readers.

Everyone knows how children and many adults love secrets, riddles, detective games, adventure stories with pirates, cowboys and treasures. All this is in our new product.

On each page, readers will find a new mysterious incident that needs to be investigated. This cannot be done without logic, ingenuity and attentiveness.

Where did the thief hide the stolen brooch? Why are visitors not welcome in an African hotel? What is encrypted in the mysterious message? Who robbed the bank and caused a disturbance in the saloon? The answers to the tasks in this book are most often hidden in the pictures. They have a lot of small and interesting details, so your child, like a real detective, should stock up on a magnifying glass.

The book contains the most different types tasks: riddles in pictures, crosswords, tasks for attentiveness and intelligence, intricate puzzles. The riddles vary in complexity: for novice detectives and those who have already become proficient in this matter (for example, you need to not only look for something in the pictures, but also guess what is missing).

By solving them, children will be able to visit the jungle and real pirate ships, on an island where a treasure is hidden, in the wild west, where cowboys do their business, take part in the investigation of city crimes and mysterious incidents in the jungle, find a variety of losses and fool the scammers.

This is incredibly exciting!

From the “father of Wimmelbuchs”

The book is not only very fascinating, but also unusual. And here's why:

It's very original black and white illustrations from Hans Jurgen Press - German illustrator, author of children's books with riddles in drawings. The press is considered the “father of Wimmelbuch.” He was one of the inventors of picture books, created for entertainment and training attention and memory. Press's books contain very unusual vintage pictures with many details, among which are hidden answers to riddles. You will not find such illustrations in modern books.

The book comprehensively develops a child from 7 years old. It trains logic, attentiveness, memory, resourcefulness, ingenuity, spatial thinking, broadens your horizons.

The pages recreate the special atmosphere that reigns in detective stories. There is various items and things that can become evidence in crime investigations: newspaper clippings, postcards, photo chronicles.

The book is compact. It is convenient to take it with you on the road or travel.

A book for different occasions. Riddles can be solved alone or in company, for example, on children's party or birthday. It will also appeal to adults who love detective stories and puzzles.

And now a couple of riddles from the book. Try to guess!

Sleight of hand

Returning from the circus, bosom friends witnessed an amazing incident. First they heard the clink of glass, then, running up, they noticed a suspicious man near the jewelry store. He stuck his hand into the broken glass window.

Come on guys! - Eddie whispered. - We're surrounding you!

Soon the thief was trapped.

Hands up! Police! - Eddie commanded menacingly. - Lay out the glass!

You can check my pockets,” the man replied. - You won't find anything!

Indeed, the detainee’s pockets were empty. Angela came to the rescue:

Attention, a completely new thief trick!

Mystery: Where does Angela suppose the thief hid the loot?

Treasure Island

One day, in an old sailor's chest, Ian discovered yellowed parchment. What a success! It told how to get to the mysterious treasure on the Island of Good Hope. Ian shared the secret with Tom, the friends got into a motor boat and went in search of treasure, exactly following the instructions of the unknown sailor.

1. Go ashore at Pirates' Cove.

2. Go south to Turtle Beach.

3. Now go east to the grave of Admiral Pinkerton.

4. Follow north to the anchor.

5. Turn east and go to the silver stream.

6. Follow the stream to the big waterfall.

7. Follow south to the cannon.

8. Turn east and go to the Cave of Moaning Souls.

9. Now go north and look for the "+" sign.

10. Go where the arrow points. The treasures lie there!

Exercise: Where did Ian and Tom find the treasure?


Everyone is familiar with the usual IQ tests, where, by answering (or not answering) 40 questions, you can find out your level of intelligence. However, there is another way to find out what your mind is really capable of.

AdMe has selected several detective riddles for you that not everyone can solve.

Task No. 1. Escape

Jack was put in a prison with a dirt floor and one window located so high that he could not reach it. There was nothing in the cell except a shovel. The prison is very dry and hot, but Jack will not receive any water or food, so he only has 2 days to escape, otherwise he will die.

How can Jack escape from prison if the digging option is not an option, since digging it will take much more than 2 days?

Task No. 2. Stolen necklace

Mrs. Smith contacted the police to report that an antique necklace was missing. When the police arrived at the scene, they saw that there were no signs of forced entry on either the door or the windows, and only one window was broken. The inside of the house was a complete mess, and there were dirty marks all over the carpet.

The next day Mrs. Smith was arrested for fraud. Why?

Task No. 3. Murder at school

On the first day academic year At the last break, the body of a geography teacher was discovered in one of the classes. The police had 4 suspects: a gardener, a math teacher, a physical education teacher and a school principal. They all told where they were at the time of the murder:

  • The gardener was trimming the bushes in the backyard.
  • The mathematics teacher administered the final semi-annual test.
  • The physical education teacher was playing basketball with his students.
  • The director spent the whole day in his office.

Immediately after this, the police arrested the criminal. Who killed the geography teacher and how did the police figure out the killer?

Task No. 4. Lonely person

On the outskirts of the city lived a lonely old man who never strayed far from home. At the height of summer, one Friday morning, a postman came to his house and called the owner, but he did not answer. He looked out the window and saw him lying on the floor in a pool of blood. The postman called the policeman, who found two bottles of warm milk, one of cold milk and a daily newspaper for Tuesday near the house.

The next day, a policeman arrested the killer. How did the police identify the culprit so quickly?

Problem No. 5. Two tablets

A serial killer kidnapped people and forced them to take 1 of 2 pills: the first did not cause harm, and the second killed instantly. The killer always took the remaining pill himself. The kidnapped person swallowed the chosen pill, washed it down with water and died immediately, and the killer always got a harmless pill.

Why did the killer never get a poison pill?

Problem No. 6. Frozen windows

One freezing winter day, John found his friend Jack dead in the living room of his home. John immediately called the police and, when asked by the policeman how he found the body, replied that he was walking by and decided to go visit Jack.

According to him, he knocked and rang the doorbell for a long time, but his friend did not open it for him, although through the frozen window it was clear that the light was on in the house. Then John breathed on the frozen window glass to melt the ice. When he looked into the room, he saw Jack lying on the floor.

The policeman immediately arrested John on suspicion of murder. Why?

Problem No. 7. Chemist's riddle

A famous chemist was found murdered in his own laboratory. No evidence was found in the room, except for a piece of paper next to the body, which listed several chemical elements. The investigator found out that on the day of his death, 3 people came to the scientist’s laboratory: his wife Mary, nephew Nicholas and friend Jonathan.

The investigator immediately arrested the murder suspect. How did he do it?


Problem No. 1. Solution

With the help of a shovel, Jack needs to make an earthen mountain under the window, stand on it and get out of prison.

Problem No. 2. Solution

The police realized that Mrs. Smith was deceiving them: the glass in the house could only be broken from the inside, because if it had been broken from the outside, the fragments would have been on the floor of the room.

Problem No. 3. Solution

A mathematics teacher killed a geography teacher. According to him, he conducted semi-annual testing, but the crime happened on the first day of school of the year.

Problem No. 4. Solution

It is obvious that the killer is a newspaper delivery boy. Only he could know that on Thursday and Wednesday there would be no one to read the newspapers.

Problem No. 5. Solution

Both tablets were completely harmless, and the poison was in a glass of water intended for the victim.

Problem No. 6. Solution

John couldn't melt the ice crust on the glass outside the house because it only appears on inside windows.

Problem No. 7. Solution

The clue was on a piece of paper lying next to the victim. If you add up the letters representing chemical elements, then you get the name Nicholas in Latin: Ni-C-O-La-S.

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