If a man falls in love, how to determine it

If a young woman is overly carried away by a man, she loses the opportunity to soberly evaluate his behavior towards herself. The thought keeps spinning in the young lady’s head: does this person like her? The desire to receive an affirmative answer to this question can be so strong that girls in love involuntarily begin to manipulate the facts, think out some details and invent motives for the man’s behavior. His every action, every look is assessed from the point of view of feelings. Did the guy give his hand when getting off the tram? That means he's not indifferent. Does he look towards the lady for a long time? Probably in love. Did you invite us to lunch or pay for coffee? Clearly eager to get to know each other better!

However, in reality everything may be different. The man shook his hand because he was well-mannered, looked in the direction of the girl for a long time because he was simply lost in thought, and invited her to dinner out of boredom. If the young lady had breathed evenly in his direction, she would not have attached any importance to it at all. But through the prism of feelings, such actions are perceived differently! The girl believes that she is receiving intense attention, convincing herself more and more that she is loved. She spends a lot of effort, time and energy on arranging sometimes completely unpromising relationships. And dreams that may turn out to be empty. So what's the result? And in the end, disappointment, tears, suffering of unrequited love, loss of self-esteem. But the blow could have been softened if the poor thing had known what the fact that a man fell in love means.

How men fall in love

Whatever they say about the cynicism of the stronger sex, that men supposedly only need sex, this is not true. Our dear gentlemen are capable of falling in love seriously. But they often consider the appearance, and especially the manifestation of feelings, to be weakness and hide behind the image of a seeker for a bed girlfriend. Or an unapproachable idol.

How does a man's love begin? First, out of many women, one is reflexively selected. The guy’s gaze catches on her, it’s as if something explodes in his head, and an increased amount of testosterone is released into the blood. In just a split second, the young man manages to imagine himself with this lady in a restaurant, on a walk in the park, in bed, and even in the registry office. Someone goes further and imagines common children and a happy old age together with the young lady. But at the same time, a man may not consciously intend to marry the person he likes. It’s just that his psyche is structured in such a way that it instantly scans all possible options for the development of a relationship with the one that seems more attractive than others.

Once a woman is chosen, she automatically becomes the center of interest for her potential suitor. No, he does not yet feel any special tenderness for the object of increased attention, nor a desire to protect, help and care. The guy’s thoughts are still occupied mainly with pressing matters. But the process of falling in love has already begun. It is impossible to stop him. At first it is not very noticeable. Already hooked by the hooligan Venus, the young man behaves almost the same as before. He devotes a lot of time to work, hobbies, and friends. And then…

Then suddenly many of the actions of such a seemingly purposeful, collected, serious and not at all lyrical man begin to resemble the behavior of a naughty teenager. He can forget about an important matter, talk funny nonsense during a business conversation, be rude to his superiors, show up at his office dressed as a biker, and in general sometimes pull such tricks that you are simply amazed. For example, a hitherto reserved intellectual suddenly tries to fight with someone or goes for a swim in a fountain. And the boorish type, who doesn’t let anyone down, jumps into an elegant suit, hangs a tie around his neck and starts reciting poetry.

In a word, if a man has already seriously fallen in love, the king in his head goes home. The mind is losing control, thoughts are wandering around, anarchy is walking in the soul. As a result, the most important thing for a person who is stunned by the influx of feelings is the desire to see the object of love as often as possible. Everything else - work, hobbies, meeting with friends - fades into the background. The main thing is to be closer to your passion, meet her gaze, hear her voice, inhale the aroma of perfume, touch.

If a young man is in the same company with the young lady he is in love with, he tries to show his best side. Moreover, the concept of this “best side” is different for everyone. Someone is sure that women only like financial tycoons, and they puff themselves up like a turkey, emphasizing their importance in the business world. Some people think that young ladies need to be conquered with their wit, and make all sorts of jokes and puns, appropriate and inappropriate. Someone tries to buy a girl with flattery and is showered with compliments. There are also those who demonstrate ferocity and wave their fists at any occasion in the belief that the weaker sex loves only the strong.

The behavior of a man in love can be compared to the behavior of a peacock spreading its tail when a female appears. He tries to show off his intelligence, pulling out quotes and aphorisms he once read from the far corners of his memory, talking about his exploits and victories, flexing his muscles, putting on airs... In a word, he tries to look like the best of the best. In general, when young people are in love and desperately want to please a girl, they usually choose three typical images to present themselves.

  1. The image of a merry fellow This type of guy tries to completely impress a woman with his inexhaustible wit. He endlessly tells jokes and jokes constantly. Moreover, in everyday life, this person can be a gloomy beech, from whom it is very difficult to squeeze even the semblance of a smile. And the role he diligently plays during the courtship period is not easy for him. All his wit is based on many hours of memorizing jokes and anecdotes, which our merry fellow now so cheerfully flaunts. And this happens so easily thanks to hormones that stimulate the brain’s receptors.
  2. The image of a romantic Ooooh, this is a man with a subtle nature who knows how to appreciate beauty. He admires nature, the surrounding landscape, rain, sunset... And he does it as if by chance, as if for himself. In fact, such phrases are, of course, intended for the one whose heart you want to conquer. For greater effect, the romantic admires some theatrical performances, paintings, sculptures, and literary works in front of her. In fact, it is quite likely that he had never been to the theater, and had never seen good painting, and had never read any books other than textbooks and technical manuals. All this is fiction, but for her, for her, her beloved! You have to do something to attract the young lady.
  3. The image of a cynic The cynic is cold, pragmatic and treats everything with causticism. Sort of. In essence, such a sneer may well be a shy, very insecure person. And he put on an arrogant, cheeky look in order to interest the young lady. They say that everything in the world is indifferent to me and no one will ever break through this wall of indifference. This is like a challenge to a sympathetic person, who, according to the man, must certainly accept it.
It must be said that among the stronger sex there are many good psychologists who unmistakably feel what type of women they are dealing with and automatically adapt to this type. Therefore, the role played by a lover often turns out to be effective. An interested girl is already ready to be invited on a date, agrees to give her phone number, waits for him to take her home... And nothing happens. A man whose feelings are burning with a bright flame does not offer to meet, does not ask for a phone number and does not see him off. What's the matter?! Yes, the fact is that he is simply afraid! And the more serious his intentions, he fears the more.

It would seem, why be afraid? A woman is not a fire-breathing dragon or a tiger. There is nothing wrong with inviting her to a restaurant or club. It turns out there is. She can refuse, and this is a blow below the belt. More precisely, a blow to pride, which is one of the most painful for men. Therefore, even burning with love, they will rush, doubt, and suffer before taking a decisive step towards getting closer to the young lady. And the stronger the love, the more difficult this step is.

But what then should a girl do if she is already seriously interested in such a fearful representative of the strong-sexed? Wait? What if he hesitates for years? So you might as well not wait for anything at all! This means you need to take the initiative yourself. However, activity in matters of the heart is advisable only when there is confidence in a man’s love. Otherwise, you will probably get into trouble or you will receive the stigma of an obsessive person who is completely devoid of self-esteem.

A guy's cynicism, romanticism, and brilliance of wit cannot be the basis for the emergence of such confidence. A person can be a cynic, a merry fellow or a romantic by nature. How can a woman know whether this is his natural behavior or a role he is playing specifically for her? Of course, it is impossible to draw conclusions based only on a person’s manner of behavior. How then can you understand that the one you want to be with really cares? There are several signs of a man falling in love.

Signs that a man has fallen in love

Frankly speaking, if a young man likes a girl, the thought of sex with her is always one of the first in his head. There is nothing terrible about this. Sex is a way of self-affirmation of the stronger sex, which is evidence of its masculinity. The sexual instinct awakens the hunter's instinct, and the guy begins to lure his prey into a trap, using all available methods for this. He can pretend to be anyone, invent a lot of tricks, spend a lot of time in the company of a young lady, just to achieve his goal. But sometimes, having received what he wanted, he immediately loses interest in the conquered person. It turns out that the desire to own a girl cannot be evidence of falling in love with her. What then can it do?
  1. A young man strives for spiritual rapprochement. Having fallen in love, he will certainly begin to need such contact, which is not observed with banal sexual attraction. A man will look for communication with a young lady, call her, send messages, hang around at the entrance, be interested in her problems and talk about himself. Moreover, some will begin to sing serenades, and others will begin to express themselves tongue-tied and embarrassed. What can you do, we are all different. But the degree of eloquence in this case is not at all important! The main thing is that a person craves not only the touch of bodies, but also the touch of souls. So he really is in love.
  2. A man willingly lets his girlfriend into his life. He shares his problems, takes her with him to meet friends, brings her home, offers to go on a trip with him, and so on. Usually, the male sex perceives the constant presence of a woman in their personal space as an attack on their invaluable freedom. And if a man not only lets her in, but even calls her, this is a clear sign of falling in love. However, not when a lady is invited into the house, asked to clean up the mess, cook dinner, wash shirts, and then disappears for several days. In this case, the bachelor is simply too lazy or has no time to take care of everyday life himself.
  3. The guy is ready to make some sacrifices. That is, he adjusts his plans in the name of saving the relationship, makes concessions to the girl, spends his free time on her, refuses to go with friends to a bar or fishing, spends the money saved for hobbies, does not sleep at night over her notes and so on. Only men in love can sacrifice their habits, time, means and comforts for the sake of a girlfriend. If a girl does not evoke special feelings, a young man will meet her halfway only occasionally, and only when self-denial is not needed.
  4. A man takes care of a woman. This is not about satisfying her material needs - not everyone has such an opportunity. Caring lies in the desire to adapt to the mood, trying to calm, protect, and bring joy. This means a lot, because anyone can provide financially. Especially if it's easy. But only a person in love with her will be interested in the inner world and physical condition of a girl.
  5. When communicating, a young man is tactful, attentive and tries not to offend or cause pain. No, involuntarily he is capable of doing or saying something unpleasant, but he will never do such a thing consciously. A man in love will not use a woman, betray her, humiliate her, constantly deceive her, or try to put psychological pressure on her. If he is indifferent to her suffering and tears, then there is no trace of any feelings. One must run away from such a tyrant without looking back, no matter how one is drawn to him.
These are the main signs of a man’s falling in love, the presence of which does not allow one to doubt the feelings of the gentleman. However, they can only be noticed if the relationship has been going on for some time. How can a guy be in love if the girl isn’t dating him yet? Well, firstly, he will cast frequent glances towards the object of his sympathy. Secondly, in the presence of the young lady, he will take poses that allow him to constantly keep her in his field of view. A man will try to be closer to a woman in order to be able to touch the object of his adoration.

When falling in love, a guy will suddenly appear like a jack-in-the-box in those places where a girl often visits, meet her on the way, and appear in her company. He will begin to clearly get nervous if he notices that another woman is courting the young lady, and he may well lose his temper, seemingly for no reason, causing a scandal for someone (and not at all for this “other”).

How else to define a man's love? It probably exists if, when a girl appears, a young man’s mood changes sharply and he suddenly becomes overly energetic and cheerful, or gloomily withdraws into himself. Often, men in love suddenly change their usual image, surprising everyone around them. And finally, a guy in love can offer his help in solving a pressing problem, although no one asked for it.

In general, a woman usually feels intuitively that a man is not indifferent. Another thing is that she can be deceived by assessing the situation through the prism of her own feelings. Therefore, many signs of a man’s falling in love should be given considerable importance. And in order not to remain disappointed, and in order not to pass by your destiny.