How to draw a military helmet step by step with a pencil. How to draw a war with a pencil step by step

How to choose a license plate type?

To select a tag type, such as square or rectangular, press the button. In the drop-down menu, select the desired number; note, your previous drawing may be lost!

How to manage text and pictures on the license plate?

Click with your mouse or finger on the desired picture or text, a red frame 777 and a panel with control buttons will appear: , these buttons can increase, decrease, rotate or delete the picture or text on the number plate. To remove the red frame, click anywhere outside the editor, the frame and panel buttons will disappear, and you can look at the final version.

How to add text?

There is a panel under the layout image to add text, enter, for example, the child's name in the field and click the "Add" button. If you want to specify the color of the text, then click the “text color” button next to the field, you will see a palette: To select desired color move your finger or mouse across the palette until you find the desired shade. The text color will change according to your selection. To select a font, click on one of the fonts below. After clicking the "Add" button, your text will appear on the plate with the selected font and color.

How to add a picture?

You can add any picture or photograph to the editor. The panel for adding images is located under the font panel. To add a picture, select the theme of the picture by clicking on the drop-down list: Select the desired topic, and click on the image you like. After that it will appear on the number and you can edit it. by clicking on it with your finger or mouse.

How to add your own picture?

You can add your own image to the editor; to do this, click the “Upload” button on the image selection panel. After that, select a picture or photo on your computer and click the “Open” button. Your picture will appear on the number plate. Click on it and you can edit it.

How to order a painted number?

After you have drawn the final version, feel free to click the add to cart button, the number will be saved on our server and will be available in your cart. Click on cart and you will be taken to the order form! Thank you for your attention!

The development of a comprehensive automated system, the purpose of which is to automate the access control mechanism based on a license plate recognition system, is a complex and, undoubtedly, complex task. To solve it, within qualifying work It took me more than one month and more than one hundred cups of tea to complete my bachelor’s degree.
Today we will look at the algorithm and results of solving a local problem of creating a font in vector format in accordance with regulatory documentation for displaying character standards during correlation recognition. At the first stage, we will delve into the essence of the problem being solved.

1 “Material part”: Registration license plate of the Russian Federation

According to GOST R 50577-93 “State registration marks vehicles. Types and main sizes. Technical requirements" most registration plates have the form shown in the figure below.

The standard dimensions of the registration plate are 520×112 mm. Symbol combinations on standard license plates are identified by three letters and three numbers. The above GOST R 50577-93 refers to the use of 12 letters of the Cyrillic alphabet, which have graphic analogues in the Latin alphabet: A, B, E, K, M, N, O, R, S, T, U and X. It should be noted that the letters The font size is smaller than the numbers.
The style of the characters is determined by the ZhR5 font according to GOST 3489.2-71 “Typographic fonts. Headset Magazine chopped.” The figure below shows the area from GOST font styles for point sizes 12 and above.

Rice. 2.

Before solving a problem, it is always necessary to conduct research and determine “Has this problem already been solved before me?” and “How was it solved?” Therefore, let's move on to the next stage, namely search.

2 “Search”: Font for license plates

The search on the Internet was short-lived, for the correct request “car license plate font”, the good corporation was happy to announce that the vector font is available for free download.

Finding “free cheese” cannot be immediately rejoiced, so the next step is necessary - to understand how much the resulting template will allow you to solve the problem.

3 “Applicability Analysis”: RoadNumbers.otf

In my opinion, it is impossible to get an excellent result without a thorough analysis, so it is recommended to spend a little time so as not to frantically correct errors and shortcomings later.
And so, the analysis showed the following:

  • The font is missing a couple of characters (including the “D” character, see below)
  • The font is lowercase
  • Outlines are PostScript only (I had some problems with it)
  • Incomprehensible and unnecessary characters

Note: The letter D is used in vehicle registration plates of diplomatic missions and trade missions of foreign companies.

4 “Bicycle 2.0”: RoadNumbers2.0.ttf, RoadNumbers2.0.otf

As a result, work was carried out to optimize the font, which received the “2.0” attribute:

  • The font has all 12+1 characters
  • Upper and lower case characters are filled in and have the same style (prevents errors)
  • TrueType and PostScript versions
  • Unused characters do not have a style (analogous to “space”)


As a result, let’s imagine a font that, although not ideal, allows us to solve a global problem.
Font name:RoadNumbers
Version: 2.003 2009
Outlines: TrueType, PostScript


  1. GOST R 50577-93 “State registration signs for vehicles. Types and main sizes. Technical requirements"
  2. GOST 3489.2-71 “Typographic fonts. Headset Magazine chopped"
  3. Wikipedia. Article “Russian license plate index”

Soldiers are brave strong men who defend their homeland. This is the pride of the country and its citizens. So if you want to learn fine arts, then it will be very cool to figure out how to draw a soldier.

Soldier at the border post

Border guards are the guys who keep the country's borders locked and prevent intruders and criminals from entering its territory. In short, they do very difficult and useful work. And if there are border guards in your family, they will be very pleased if you learn how to draw a soldier with a pencil.

First, let's draw the employee's face. It will be wide, high-cheeked, rough, but very kind. We’ll also immediately draw the man’s small ears and a cap on his head.

Then we will draw a powerful neck and collar of the jacket.

After that we will make his torso and arms. Broad shoulders, rolled up sleeves, a belt with a large buckle - oh, and he must be strong! One hand rests on the side, and the other is set to the side.

Then we will draw the legs - short, powerful, with ankle boots on them.

Then we’ll draw a low column. It means that this is where the border services post is located.

At the next stage, we will take up brushes, pencils or felt-tip pens. Let's make the column green and red, the soldier's uniform khaki.

Now that's it, we have completely completed the task.

Young recruit in a helmet - learning to draw

As you know, all military personnel are divided into two large categories - contract and conscript employees. And if in the first category you can meet people of all ages (as a rule, there are even more older generation), then in the second - very young guys. It is from the example of such young recruits that we will learn how to draw a portrait of a soldier.

First of all, let's outline the oval of the face, ears and two small black eyes.

Then we'll add the nose and mouth. Judging by the expression on his face, the fighter is very dissatisfied with something. We’ll also “put” a helmet on his head for safety purposes.

At the next stage, we will draw a thin neck, two collars - from a T-shirt and from a jacket.

Now - shoulders, belt and rifle over the shoulder. The fighter is ready!

Russian soldier in full equipment

The banner of the Motherland plays very well for the soldier important role. This is a symbol of their country, a symbol of everything that is dear to their hearts. That is why we will depict a flag in the next picture. And at the same time we will learn how to draw a soldier step by step.

First, let's draw the fighter's head and shoulders. Wide cheekbones, a stern facial expression, a helmet, powerful shoulders - everything, as befits a real warrior.

Then we outline the torso. It will also be quite powerful. Pay attention to the special protective pads on the chest and arms.

At the next stage, we will draw the fighter one leg in a heavy boot and “give” a rifle into his hands.

In the other hand is a flag with three stripes. Obviously this will be a flag Russian Federation. Let's also draw his second leg.

Now let's add some color to our picture. The soldier's uniform will be green and his protective pads will be black. And the flag, as expected, is white, blue and red.

The picture is ready - everything turned out just great!

English soldier during the First World War

In the 20th century, many armed clashes took place around the world, but most of all, humanity was shocked by two terrible wars, later called World. In the first of them, which lasted from 1914 to 1918, Great Britain, among others, took part. Today we will try to draw a drawing of a British army soldier during the First World War.

In the first step we will draw the head. A brushed mustache, small black eyes and a peculiar headdress - before us is a real English gentleman.

Then we will depict the torso in a long jacket and hands firmly holding the rifle. This one certainly won’t give up without a fight!

Let's draw the backpack on the back and add details to the jacket: pockets, buttons, etc.

Now let's add his feet in retro boots with round toes. And the waves on the floor are the spreading poisonous gas used in that war.

Let's add flowers. All of them will be shades of beige and khaki. Yes, this is understandable - army uniforms are not supposed to be bright.

That's all, the drawing is finished.

Surely your children know who soldiers are. After all, many books and poems have been written about these valiant warriors. And on the street, a person in uniform is not uncommon. Well, let's learn how to draw a soldier easily and simply.

First, let's draw the fighter's round face and a cap with a visor and a star in the middle.

Then we’ll add a short, straight-cut peacoat.

Then - legs in straight trousers and black boots.

At the finish line, we’ll paint the soldier’s uniform green and make the star red.

Now the picture is ready - you are just great!

Step 1. We will use this photo as a basis. This is not the most best photo, but it can be used to define the basic shapes of a future helmet icon.

Step 2. To begin, cut out the helmet image from the background. This can be done with a tool Pen Tool(Feather), Lasso(Lasso) or in any other way convenient for you. Then copy this photo to new document and resize the image according to your future icon, for example 128x128px. You could create, for example, a new 128x128px document and drag the helmet image onto it, but I recommend using a larger document to give yourself more space to draw on.

Step 3. Let's choose a tool Pen Tool(Feather) and outline each part of the helmet. Let's start with the visor. Before stroke, do not forget to select in the Tool Options panel Pen Tool(Feather) first icon Shape Layer(Shape Layer) so that you can edit this layer in the future.

Please note that we are just tracing the edges of the visor, it is not necessary to trace it very precisely (we will adjust it later).

Step 4. Create the second part of the visor by copying the previous layer with the command (Ctrl + J). And move the selected points up with the tool Direct Selection Tool(White arrow).

Step 5. Then outline the main part of the helmet as shown below.

Step 6. Don't forget about the protrusion of the middle strip (enlarged in the next screenshot). You don't have to be afraid to make it bigger, as the protrusion will add volume to the helmet.

Step 7 Draw the side of the stripe on a new layer (see screenshot). Start with the right part - which is in the shadow.

Step 8. Then duplicate this layer (Ctrl + J) and use the tool Direct Selection Tool(White arrow) move the points from right to left. This way, the right side of the shape fits perfectly with the left side of the previous layer.

Step 9 We are ready to begin the next stage. Hide the photo (or move it to the side), you can now see that the basic shape of our icon is done. You should have five shape layers. I will address them in the order they were created from 1 to 5.

Step 10 Hide all layers except the first one and fill this layer yellow(#FFDF14). Next, create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + Alt + N), and group it with the previous one (Ctrl + Alt + G). In this screenshot, this is layer (2). In this layer we will make several strokes with a large soft brush with more dark color(#D59D00) so the layer will be darker on right side. Next, load a layer selection (4), invert the selection (Ctrl + Shift + I), create a new layer (3) and again use a large soft brush to create a shadow on the right side (#3B1C02).

Step 11 Make the layer visible (4), and set the opacity to 50%. This way you can see the shadow from the previous layer - slightly pronounced. At this point the visor is done and we can continue working on the rest of the helmet.

Step 12 Now, display the main part shape and fill it in yellow(#FDDB13). Again, create a new layer, group it with the previous one (Ctrl + Alt + G), and in the marked areas (see screenshot), use a large soft brush with a darker color to make a very large shadow...

Step 13 Unhide the middle stripe layer, color it dark yellow (#AA6F00) and add layer mask. In this mask, paint with a large black soft brush (as shown below), the shadow effect will only be visible on the edges.

Step 14 Display the last layer, the main part of the stripe. Repaint it yellow (#FBD500). In this step you can also darken main part helmet to match the picture.

Step 15 To make the helmet shape more defined, use this simple technique: Give each helmet shape a one-pixel stroke.

Start with the second layer of the visor. Load a selection (Ctrl+click on the layer), create a new layer and select the Stroke function from the Edit menu. Set the width to 1px, color white.

Step 16 Add a layer mask and fill it with black. Then select a large soft brush and, while in the layer mask, paint where you want the light to shine.

Step 17 Use the same method for other shapes.

Step 18. Draw shadows on other parts of the helmet in places where the contrast between parts of the helmet is too low.

Step 19 To make the icon better, you can add a highlight with a different color.

Load a selection of all shape layers (Ctrl + Shift - click on layers). Create a new layer, select Select > Modify > Contract(Select - Modify - Shrink) at 1px, use a large soft one brush to draw the highlight as shown by the arrows. Use any color you like: blue or purple work well.

Step 20. Create a new layer, select a tool Pen Tool(Pen), in the options bar, turn on the middle square Paths(Outlines) and draw window shapes.

Step 21 Duplicate this layer (Ctrl + J) and blur it with a filter Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur(Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur) and set a small radius.

Step 22 Now use a large white soft brush to make a few strokes (as shown below) to give some light to the windows.

Step 23 That's it! Let's look at our final version.

As you can see in this picture, the helmet is more pronounced on dark background, so don't be afraid to experiment and try to create icons from different photos. Good luck in your work!