Pencil drawings beautiful eyes. How to draw eyes

And when entering special institutions associated with the profession of a painter, these skills are required.

And of course, the eyes are considered the most important element of the portrait, because the general atmosphere of the picture depends on how you portray them.

Through the look you can guess the mood of a person, his character. It reflects what we think and care about, what intentions we have. That is why, if you want to start working with images of people, you need to pay great attention to the eyes.

Despite the fact that the images of any object and object are the better, the more you have it, knowledge of the device and anatomy will help to simplify the task.

In this article we will look at how to learn how to draw eyes step by step quickly and beautifully.

Structure: how to draw eyes?

So, as mentioned earlier, in order to draw beautifully in stages, it is necessary to follow all the anatomical subtleties keep proportions.

The eye is a small sphere placed in the eye socket and covered with eyelids, which, in turn, are framed by eyelashes. The space between the eyelids is called the palpebral fissure. You should also pay attention to the third fold above the eye, located on the upper eyelid.

The part that is visible to us if the eyelids are raised is the protein coat, which turns into a slightly convex and transparent cornea. But already under the cornea is the iris. Iris has a curious structure: it is made of muscles, and this is where all the pigment contained in the eye is located.

As everyone knows, the hole in the middle of the iris is called pupil. Since muscle fibers tend to narrow, the pupil can change its size depending on how much light hits it. Therefore, be extremely careful, because if you depict a character’s face flooded with light or, on the contrary, he is in pitch darkness, the size of the pupil will vary.

The indentation in the corner is called the tear lake, which is designed to moisten the eye when you blink. Its inner part is always rounded, while the outer one has a sharper end. You should also pay attention to how the eyelid is placed and how it fits the eyeball. The extent to which it hangs over the eye can add a significant number of years to a person.

How to draw human eyes?

Drawing an eye with a pencil is not so difficult. To start drawing the following tools are required:

And now let's get to work. How to draw eyes correctly? Remember that the first time no one in life will ever be able to do this job well and correctly, so be patient and don’t give up! The more training and practice you have, the faster and better you will get every time.

  • Very easy and sketch without too much pressure eyeball, which is a regular circle.
  • Then draw it for centuries, while covering about one third of the eyeball with the upper eyelid and the same amount with the lower eyelid. The upper eyelid, or rather, its area should be slightly concave.
  • Note that the outer corner of the eyelid is slightly raised in relation to the inner one (the one closer to the nose).
  • Add to drawing lacrimal sac.
  • Now move on to creating the iris and pupil. Do not place the iris exactly in the middle of the eye, because this will make the look look aggressive. And also do not lower it too low to the middle eyelid. This part of the eye should be very slightly covered by the upper eyelid.
  • Adding highlights. This should be done not just like that, but based on which side the light falls on. Don't make the highlights too big, as this can reduce the expression of the eye.
  • Moving on to shaping. We start hatching from the most pigmented, and, consequently, rather dark part of the eye - the iris. It is important to know that its upper part is the darkest, slightly lighter on the sides, and the lower part is the lightest.
  • When hatching, it is important to draw the "rays" that come from the pupil. You don’t need to highlight them too strongly with a pencil: there should be a lot of them, but they should not be very noticeable.
  • Highlights can be left unshaded if you have already drawn them, or created with the tip of the eraser after the entire iris has been hatched.
  • To give more liveliness to the eyes, again, with the help of an eraser, several light rays should be depicted.
  • It is important not to repeat the mistake that many make, leaving the protein completely white. In nature, this does not happen, and therefore, the drawing will come out unrealistic. That's why add some gray shadows in the corners, as well as near the border with the upper and lower eyelids.
  • Let's start shaping the eyelids. The crease of the upper eyelid is the darkest place. After drawing it, slightly blend to lighter areas.
  • Let's move on to eyelashes.. They can be very different: short, long, fluffy and not very. All this is at your discretion. However, do not forget that each eyelash differs from the other in size and in nature they are not absolutely identical. The ciliary row begins from the very corner of the upper eyelid and ends closer to its border with the lower one.

How to draw eyes the same?

So, with how to draw one eye, we figured it out. But many artists who have worked out the drawing of all the small details perfectly have a problem in order to depict the second one as well. It should not mow, should not be more or less, corners, irises - everything should be the same. The task is undoubtedly difficult, but quite feasible. We recommend drawing two eyes at the same time.

Eye. Without a doubt, this is a favorite subject of many artists! The human eye is undoubtedly a window into the human soul. But how to portray it?

To learn to draw eyes, first I will ask you to take a small mirror. I want you to keep this mirror close to you while you paint. I want you to be able to look at your own eyes at any time while you are doing this lesson.

Mark Kistler picked up this technique from a visit with some alumni to DreamWorks a few years ago. The animators were working on Shrek, and their workstations had several computers, monitors, drawing tablets, and, interestingly, two mirrors flanking their desks. While the animators were working on various parts of Shrek, he could watch them frown in the mirrors as he drew Shrek's scowling face. Mark saw them holding their hands in different positions as they drew Shrek's hands. It was very interesting to see how world class artists brought Shrek to life. Now let's add life to your album - let's draw eye.

1. Sitting at the table, take a look in the mirror. Hold on for a few minutes... You are just a miracle. Just take a look! These eyes! These lips, nose, ears, hair, just a great model for drawing. You redrawn da Vinci in , and now you will draw from the most perfect eye model on the planet - from yourself! Lightly trace the shape of the eye. In this tutorial we will draw an eye that resembles the shape of a lemon, with a small tear duct. When you draw a lot of eyes (and you will undoubtedly draw more than a hundred of them, because they are so cool to draw), you will notice how many different eye shapes people have on the planet. In this tutorial, we are using a simple lemon shape.

2. Take a look in the mirror and examine your left upper eyelid. Notice how the folds follow the shape of the eye. Draw the upper eyelid starting from the inner corner of the eye.

3. Draw a perfectly round circle of the iris, bending a little under the upper eyelid. We use the law of overlap. Remember that the iris is a perfect circle, not an oval. Look in the mirror. Look closely at the thickness of the rim along the top of the lower lid. The interesting thing is that the smallest details, like this, are what you are looking for and drawing. These details really give a "wow" effect. Without them, your drawing will look unrealistic.

4. Take a look in the mirror. Look closer at the pupil in the center of the iris. Notice the perfect circumference of the circle. Notice the tiny highlights inside the black circle. Draw a perfect round pupil in the middle of the iris. Inside, draw a small circle for highlights.

5. Take a look in the mirror. Look closer at your pupil again. Look at the black pupil and the light highlight. Draw this dark black pupil with a light highlight.

6. Take a look in the mirror. Look closely at the surface of the iris around the pupil. Take a closer look. And further. Just an amazing play of light, color, humidity, shape, such details! When you fill in the iris, make radial pencil strokes coming from the pupil and use lines of various lengths: some short, some long. As you experiment with colored pencils, I would recommend that you start with this tutorial.

7. Draw your chic eyebrow. Make out each hair separately, starting from the bridge of the nose and moving along the forehead. Moving away from the nose, draw with more horizontal fluttering lines. Start shading the eyes along the inside of the eyelids.

8. Take a look in the mirror. Take a close look at your eyelashes. Pay attention to how your eyelashes are collected in small groups of two or three, and not from one eyelash. Notice how the lash clusters start from the nearest edge of the upper eyelid. Notice how your eyelashes curl from the eyelid, following the contour of the eye. Pay attention also to the location. Make sure you draw them on the very edge of the eyelid. Pay attention to the direction of the bend of the eyelashes. Be careful not to draw too many eyelashes, and also do not draw them too vertically (otherwise you may get a "spider web" effect).

Next step - shading. This step makes the eye actually appear on the page! There are five specific areas for shading. The first is right above your upper eyelid, the entire length of your eyeball. The next area is along the lower eyelid, above the water line, directly on the eyeball. Shade lightly at first, then you can create a darker effect (if you shade too much it will look like a very heavy gothic makeup, but maybe that's what you're going for?). The third area is the small crease at the top of your eyelids, the line that separates your mobile eyelid from your upper, fixed eyelid. The fourth area is the lower part of the orbit, which is darker in the central corner near the nose and tear duct. This shadow is shaded and falls on the cheek.

Just as Leonardo da Vinci used feathering when shading Mona Lisa's eyes without hard dark lines, you also need to make the feathering very soft when shading the 3D eye. Be sure to shade and blend the fifth shading zone - the tiny "hidden" shadows at the corners of the eye sockets and eyelids.


I like draw eyes. The more you draw them, the more you enjoy them. Eyes are the most important element in drawing the face of a person, animal or magical creature. Draw some more eyes in your sketchbook, some looking at yourself in the mirror, some watching YouTube tutorials. There are incredible amateur lessons for you to enjoy.

We all love to draw something when we are bored. One draws squares at a meeting, the other displays beautiful flowers while waiting for a phone call. And there are real fanatics of the eye. Large and small, children's and women's, beautiful and simple, made of two lines and one circle - almost all the pieces of paper on their table are painted with such eyes. Without any tests and fortune-tellers, it is immediately clear that we have a visual person in front of us.

"The eyes are the mirror of the soul" - any visual person will confidently support this phrase. We, people with a visual vector, are sure that absolutely EVERYTHING about a person can be learned from the eyes. "Smart" psychological sites claim that strict people are born with blue eyes, romantic natures with green eyes, and witches, of course, with black ones. Life contradicts this, the real world shows that kind people we meet have different eye colors, as well as evil ones. And although we so much want to believe that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, in fact, everything is not so at all. Or rather, so, but only in part - the rule applies only to visual people. All the rest of the eyes can not understand absolutely nothing.

There is nothing wrong with the obsessive desire to draw eyes. In life, we, the audience, are very emotional. We constantly want to communicate with people, look into the eyes, experience feelings. But this is not always possible - you have to do something on your own, without people. Then the hand itself reaches for a pencil or pen - and an eye appears, or a pair of eyes. On paper. Drawn, not alive - but as a replacement - will do.

If we type the word "eye" into the search engine and switch to the picture mode, we will enjoy a huge number of eyes, of different types and calibers. Photographed, drawn and even fantastic.

Spectators are ready to look at some of them for more than one minute - as if under hypnosis, we are enchanted by this beauty.

Of course, I want to learn how to draw beautiful eyes myself. Ideally - in a huge variety. When the soul is sad - sad or tearful eyes, when we are in love - eyes full of feelings, etc.

But not everyone studied well in drawing lessons at school, so they are often upset that they do not get eyes that convey emotions. Or at least they're just beautiful.

In this article, we will not teach you how to draw such eyes as on the graffiti below, but a couple of simple tips will allow you not only to draw eyes and are afraid that someone will see them, but to proudly lay out your drawings for everyone to see. So, below you will find a simple tutorial.

How to learn to draw eyes

Like any real artist, start with the main thing - think about what you will paint and on what. To give yourself real pleasure, buy yourself a couple of sheets of good specialty paper and a professional pencil (best in an art supply store). You can also buy colored paper and crayons or charcoal - for later work, when you learn how to draw beautifully.

It is best to start practicing drawing beautiful eyes by drawing them from photographs or illustrations. Take any fashion magazine and find a portrait of a girl, for example, where the face takes up almost the entire page. Save paper and cut out an eye from a magazine. Put a piece of the picture and put it directly on the sheet where you will draw. This will allow you to maintain the ideal proportion. And although it will be just a redrawing, at the end of the work you will be surprised how talented you are at drawing eyes.

So, observing the proportions, easily outline the contours of the eye.

Then proceed to the outlines of the cornea. Remember that in order for the eye to turn out to be alive, not a single detail can be neglected. Be sure to carefully examine the drawing and determine where the glare is on the pupil - mark them immediately, at the time of drawing the pupil.

Start redrawing the smaller details. Many do not realize that to draw beautifully is the need to be very, very attentive to details. Do not postpone this moment for later, peer into the picture, look at the main details and carefully transfer them to your drawing.

Gradually, you will capture more and more details. Many beginners are surprised that a simple slate pencil has so many shades, from light light gray to black, and yet it is exactly so. When drawing, do not experiment, and do not deviate from the original - one stroke is wrong and the drawing will disappoint you.

Hello dear friends!

Today we have a very interesting and important topic, we will learn how to draw a human eye. The eyes, as you know, are the mirror of the soul, the most eloquent and attractive part of a person's face.


First, let's define the terminology, and for this, let's look at the general simplified structure of the eye:

This scheme is not for studying anatomy, but for understanding the drawing technique, all the most important parts are indicated here.

How to draw an eye

Steps to create a pencil sketch

At the beginning of the lesson, let's just try to make a light sketch, step by step. We use a pencil.

Now we will not delve into the nuances and features of the structure of the eyes.

How to draw eyes with a pencil:

  1. We designate the shape of the eye, enclosing it in the framework of an angular figure. We will also show the folds above the upper and lower eyelids.
  2. Weft shape, make the lines smoother, smooth the corners. We outline the eyebrow pupil and iris. Let's slightly denote the thickness of the eyelid and teardrop.
  3. We specify the thickness of the eyelids, designate a highlight on the iris, obscure the dark pupil, easily show the shadow under the upper eyelid on the sclera. Refine the brow a bit.
  4. We give color and pattern to the iris, opposite the glare, a reflex light spot is formed on the iris. Add shadows on the rounded shape of the eyeball. With the help of strokes, we shade the upper eyelid, select and refine the crease above it.
  5. We detail, refine the shadows and light, add eyelashes.

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The eyeball is shaped like a ball, which is attached inside the eye socket. We see only a part of this ball, covered with eyelids. When drawing an eye in any technique, you need to remember and understand that we show light and shadow on a spherical shape.

The lidded eyes are almond-shaped, this nut is the most accurate for comparison. In fact, the eye is an oval whose outer corner is pointed, the inner is rounded. This oval, like the almond nut, is not symmetrical, this is their main similarity. Look, if the eye is divided by a horizontal line, and find the widest place in the upper and lower parts, then we will see that these points are in different parts of the oval.

In the upper part, the highest point will be closer to the lacrimal gland, and in the lower part, to the outer corner.

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The eyelids are not flat, they have quite a noticeable thickness, enveloping the rounded shape of the eyeball. If you look at the face in profile, the thickness of the eyelids is clearly visible. The lower eyelid is deeper set than the upper.

thickness is indicated in orange

The upper eyelid and eyelashes cast a shadow on the eyeball.

Eyeball without eyeshadow and with shadow

The thickness of the lower eyelid is lighter than the upper one, since more light enters this part.


Above the upper eyelid there is always a fold of skin that covers part of it. In different people, this fold forms in different ways, sometimes hanging over the inner or outer part of the eye, and in Asians it completely covers the teardrop and completely the entire upper eyelid.

The direction and shape of this fold will help you draw the eyes more correctly and accurately.


In the inner corner of the eye is the lacrimal caruncle - an elongated convex semi-oval. There is no special attention or any nuances in the image of this part of the eye, but without a teardrop, your drawing will look implausible. You can mark it with a slight hint, or you can draw it to the details and veins, depending on the task, but in no case do not forget about this important part of the eyes.

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Pupil and iris

The direction of gaze can be determined by the position of the pupil, and with it the iris. The pupil is a perfect dark circle, it is always in the center of the circle of the iris.

In a resting position, the eyelids cover about 30 percent of the iris, sometimes part of the pupil.

  • To show wide eyes, open most of the iris (more than 30%) or draw it completely.
  • Covered squinted eyelids open only a small part of the iris and pupil.

If you look closely, look at the eye in profile, we will see that:

The iris has a convex shape similar to a bowl. The pupil is a completely flat black spot inside, it has no volume.

The illustration shows what the eye looks like in profile, the shape of the iris and the pupil. If you wear contact lenses, then you know perfectly well what is at stake. Do not draw the pupil at the edge of the iris.

Draw a person's face in profile

Glare and reflex

The glare will lie down in a rounded shape, a reflex is formed opposite the glare - a spot of scattered light. The glare is formed on the side where the light falls, and the reflex is on the opposite side.

Green is the highlight, and orange is the reflex.


A beautiful expressive eye can be depicted without eyelashes, although this will be a little unnatural. Eyelashes are a detail that needs to be added at the very end of the work, when everything is ready and looks pretty decent without them.

Let's see how it is, and how not to mark eyelashes.

Eyelashes are thicker, at the base of the eyelid, it is more noticeable than at the tips. Eyelashes have different lengths, and next to a long eyelash are short ones. Naturally, in different people they are of different lengths and thicknesses, twisted up or directed straight. If you want to highlight the eyelashes, don't draw them in the same length and thickness.

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Directions and Landmarks

Superciliary arches and eyebrows protect our organ of vision from various external stimuli, so they always rise above the eye, which is located in depth.

The eyebrow is always located above the eye, moves forward. The lower eyelid is slightly deeper than the upper. These directions must be observed, they are shown in the picture with red lines.

Proportions relative to the head

It is important not only to show the eyes beautifully, but also to place them correctly, observing the basic proportions of the human head.

We have already studied many rules in the previous lesson: how to draw a face. For example, how to find the line of the eye and determine their size.

How to draw human eyes:

Line of eyes in the middle of the head, wings of the nose on the same vertical axis with teardrops

  • To correctly place the eyes, draw a horizontal axis in the center of the head.
  • The inner corners of the eyes are always in the same vertical line with the wings of the nose, no closer and no further (second part of the illustration).

And painting, depict eyes, then, most likely, he will draw two ovals with a circle in the center. This is what is the simplest sketch of the eyes. But in order to understand how to draw eyes with a pencil correctly, you need to carefully consider each individual part.

What do you need to know about eyes?

It is necessary to properly consider the subject of your interest before wondering how to draw eyes with a pencil. For beginners, the structure of the organ of vision and the ratio of chiaroscuro on the iris will seem unusually complicated, but you need to start somewhere.

The darkest part of the eyes is the pupil, which is a black circle in the center of the eye. Around the pupil is the iris, it is she who determines the color of the eyes. If you look closely at the iris, it will seem very complex - a lot of shadows and highlights, some lines, spots and an incredible variety of shades. It is very difficult to convey this complexity in a pencil drawing, without the right balance of dark and light, the eyes will look flat and inanimate.

It is important to remember the shape of the eyeball - it is a ball, and that is why the shadow and highlights on it are uneven. In order for the eye not to lose realistic volume, it is necessary to learn how to apply strokes correctly. Below is an instruction explaining how to draw eyes with a pencil in stages. To do this, you will need paper, pencils of different hardness and thickness, an eraser and a pressed cardboard blender.

Step 1 - sketch

Drawing an eye with a pencil for beginners starts with drawing a contour. We need to depict a minimum of details, but in such a way that the shape of the eye, pupil, iris and main highlights is visible. It is important to avoid deep fat contours, it is difficult to get rid of them later.

Fill in the pupil with a soft pencil, 6-8B. It is better to apply several layers than to press hard on the pencil. We try not to touch the highlights, because they should remain almost white.

Then, with a less soft pencil, for example, 2-4B, we easily paint over the outer part of the iris. We smooth the strokes with a cardboard blender so that a smooth, light layer of graphite is obtained.

Step 2 - Adding Details

Are you thinking about how to draw eyes with a pencil in the most realistic way? A simple and very short key to success will be the word "details". They are very important in any pencil drawing, because they convey not only the texture, but also the color, depth and shape of objects.

On the shaded part of the iris, draw lines using a thin, hard lead. A mechanical pencil is perfect for this purpose. The messier the lines, the more natural the result. We will be guided by them when applying shadows and highlights.

Using the same hard pencil, lightly paint over the middle part of the iris, right around the pupil. Don't forget to carefully avoid round highlights. With the help of a blender, we smooth out the last strokes, simultaneously mixing them with the border of the pupil. This will add depth and realism to the pupil.

Add some shadow to the middle part of the iris of our eye. We try to make these shadows random and uneven.

Step 3 - Smoothing Out the Details

Using a blender, we draw straight lines from the pupil to the border of the iris, while avoiding glare. As soon as the lines are evenly spaced, you can roughly see the future application of shadows and reflections.

We outline the contour around the iris with a 4B pencil, try not to put pressure on the stylus, this makes it harder to erase it if necessary.

With the help of a nag, we determine the first reflections of light around the pupil. In order to apply them correctly, you need to determine from which side the light falls, that is, which part of the iris will be darker and which part will be lighter. Accordingly, there should be more reflections on the light part.

Step 4 - Finishing the Iris

Thinking about how to draw eyes with a pencil, we subconsciously divide the whole process into stages and try to predict the most difficult of them. So, working on the iris is the hardest part. It is almost impossible to provide a sufficient amount of highlights, their intensity and contrast with the shadows.

Using a blender, smooth out the reflections and shadows so that they smoothly blend into each other. If the result seems too light, add some more shadows. Now we smooth out the borders of the pupil so that they blend a little with the middle part of the iris. The border of the middle and outer parts of the iris of our eye should be slightly darkened.

Using a soft pencil, make the outer border of the iris a little darker, from the contour inward. We try to do it unevenly, creating an uneven, trembling circle. The outer side of the circle should not be much darker than the inner, and the borders are best smoothed out.

Using a nag, add unevenly spaced reflections of light along the perimeter of the border of the inner and outer parts of the iris. You can add more subtle highlights coming from the pupil itself. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Step 5 - the whites of the eyes and eyelid

Rainbow is over. However, this is not the whole answer to the question of how to draw eyes with a pencil. Of course, you can still play with shadows and highlights to improve the texture and depth of the iris. However, now we are taking on giving volume to the visible part of the eyeball. To do this, with light strokes, we apply a layer of graphite to the upper part of the proteins. Using a blender, smooth out the strokes. For the eyeball it is very important to convey the shape of the circle, for this we add strokes to the corners of the eyes. That part of the proteins, on which the rays of light fall, should be much lighter than the opposite. From the inner edge of the eye, it is necessary to leave an unpainted corner, with its help the texture and volume of the inner eyelid are transmitted.

Now unevenly darken the contour of the lower eyelid and deepen the shadow of the upper part of the eye. The upper eyelid, into which part of the iris goes, is drawn quite darkly and clearly. We also highlight the fold of the upper eyelid with relatively dark strokes.

On round highlights in the very center of the iris, add a reflection of future eyelashes, draw them with a soft pencil, unevenly and towards the center of the pupil. After that, with a very hard pencil, for example, 4H, we apply a light fixing layer over the entire iris. With the same pencil, draw uneven capillaries from the corners of the eye to the center. We draw them very thinly, but clearly, giving them the shape of cracks or lightning strikes. Add shadows to the upper and lower eyelids.

Step 6 - eyelashes

Lastly, add the eyelashes. Thinking about how to draw eyes with a pencil, many consider drawing eyelashes the most difficult stage of the process, because they are so small and uneven. In fact, the process only takes a few minutes. Eyelashes should be on top of all layers, so they are drawn last. The shape, length and thickness of the eyelashes are uneven, this is what adds realism to the eyes. The main thing is to show the bend correctly.

Lastly, add thin lower cilia. They should be not only thinner, but also lighter, so it is best to use a 2H pencil. Just like the upper lashes, the lower lashes are not straight, so it is important to convey their curve correctly.

Here is the answer to the question of how to draw eyes with a pencil in stages. At first glance, it seems complicated and time-consuming, but the more often we draw, the easier the process goes, and the better the end result. Don't worry if the first time it doesn't work out as well as you expected. The first pancake is always lumpy. The main thing is not to despair and continue to draw.