A message about the Russian hero Svyatogor. The meaning of the word Svyatogor in a brief biographical encyclopedia

  • Performer: Oleg Martyanov
  • Ugly duckling
  • Type: mp3
  • Size: 25.9 MB
  • Duration: 00:28:21
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  • It was good outside the city! It was summer. The rye was already golden in the fields, the oats were turning green, the hay was swept into stacks; A long-legged stork walked around a green meadow and chatted in Egyptian - he learned this language from his mother. It was getting dark beyond the fields and meadows big forest, and deep blue lakes were hidden in the forest. Yes, it was good outside the city! The sun illuminated the old manor, surrounded by deep ditches with water. The entire earth - from the walls of the house to the water itself - was overgrown with burdock, so tall that small children could stand under its largest leaves at full height.

    In the thicket of burdock it was as deaf and wild as in a dense forest, and there a duck was sitting on eggs. She had been sitting for a long time, and she was quite tired of this activity. Moreover, she was rarely visited - other ducks liked to swim along the ditches more than sit in the burdock and quack with her.

    Finally the eggshells cracked.

    The ducklings began to stir, chattered their beaks and stuck their heads out.

    - Pip, pip! - they said.

    - Quack, quack! - answered the duck. - Hurry up!

    The ducklings somehow climbed out of the shell and began to look around, looking at the green leaves of the burdock. The mother did not interfere with them - green color is good for the eyes.

    - Oh, how big the world is! - said the ducklings. Of course! Now they had much more space than in the shell.

    – Don’t you think that the whole world is here? - said the mother. - What is it! It stretches far, far away, beyond the garden, beyond the field... But, to tell the truth, I’ve never been there in my life!.. Well, has everyone got out already? – Jonah rose to his feet. - Oh no, that’s not all... The biggest egg is intact! When will this end! I'm about to lose my patience completely.

    And she sat down again.

    - Well, how are you? - asked the old duck, sticking her head into the thicket of burdock.

    “Well, I just can’t cope with one egg,” said the young duck. “I sit and sit, but it still doesn’t burst.” But look at those little ones that have already hatched. Just lovely! All, as one, like their father! And he, the worthless one, didn’t even visit me even once!

    “Wait, show me first that egg that doesn’t burst,” said the old duck. - Isn’t it turkey, what’s wrong? Well, yes, of course!.. That’s exactly how they tricked me once. And how much trouble I had later with these turkey poults! You won’t believe it: they are so afraid of water that you can’t even drive them into a ditch. I hissed, and quacked, and simply pushed them into the water - they weren’t coming, and that’s all. Let me take another look. Well, it is! Turkey! Give it up and go teach your kids to swim!

    “No, I think I’ll sit,” said the young duck. “I’ve endured so much that I can endure a little more.”

    - Well, sit down! - said the old duck and left. And finally the big egg cracked.

    - Pip! Pip! - the chick squeaked and fell out of the shell.

    But how big and ugly he was! The duck looked at him from all sides and flapped his wings.

    - Horrible freak! - she said. – And not at all like the others! Isn't this really a turkey? Well, he’ll be in the water with me, even if I had to push him there by force!

    The next day the weather was wonderful, the green burdock was flooded with sun.

    The duck and his whole family went to the ditch. Bultikh! – and she found herself in the water.

    - Quack-quack! Follow me! Alive! - she called, and one after another the ducklings also splashed into the water.

    At first the water covered them completely, but they immediately surfaced and swam forward perfectly. Their paws worked just like that. Even the ugly gray duckling kept up with the others.

    - What kind of turkey is this? - said the duck. - Look how nicely he paddles with his paws! And how straight it stays! No, this is my own son. Yes, he is not so bad at all, if you take a good look at him. Well, quickly, quickly follow me! I will now introduce you to society - we will go to poultry yard. Just stay close to me so that no one steps on you, and watch out for cats!

    Soon the duck and its entire brood reached the poultry yard. My God! What was that noise! Two duck families were fighting over the head of an eel. And in the end this head went to the cat.

    – This is how it always happens in life! - said the duck and licked her beak with her tongue - she herself was not averse to tasting an eel’s head. - Well, well, move your paws! – she commanded, turning to the ducklings. - Quack and bow to that old duck over there! She is the most famous here. She is of Spanish breed and that is why she is so fat. See, she has a red patch on her paw! How beautiful! This is the highest distinction a duck can receive. This means that they don’t want to lose her - both people and animals immediately recognize her by this scrap. Well, it's alive! Don't keep your paws together! A well-bred duckling should turn its paws outward. Like this! Look. Now tilt your heads and say: “Quack!”

    The ducklings did just that.

    But the other ducks looked at them and spoke loudly:

    - Well, there’s still a whole horde! It’s as if we wouldn’t be enough without them! And one is so nasty! We will never tolerate this!

    And now one duck flew up and pecked him on the neck.

    - Leave him alone! - said the mother duck. - After all, he didn’t do anything to you!

    - Let's say so. But it’s kind of big and awkward! – the angry duck hissed. “It doesn’t hurt to teach him a lesson.”

    And the noble duck with a red patch on her leg said:

    - You have nice kids! Everyone is very, very nice, except for one, perhaps... The poor fellow was a failure! It would be nice to remake it.

    - This is absolutely impossible, your honor! - answered the mother duck. “He’s ugly, that’s true, but he has a good heart.” And he swims no worse, I dare say, better than others. I think over time it will even out and become smaller. It had been in the egg for too long and had therefore grown a little. “And she smoothed the feathers on his back with her beak. “Besides, he’s a drake, and a drake doesn’t really need beauty.” I think he will grow up strong and make his way in life.

    – The rest of the ducklings are very, very cute! - said the noble duck. “Well, make yourself at home, and if you find an eel’s head, you can bring it to me.”

    And so the ducklings began to behave like at home. Only the poor duckling, who hatched later than the others and was so ugly, was not given a pass. He was pecked, pushed and teased not only by ducks, but even by chickens.

    - Too big! - they said.

    And the Indian rooster, who was born with spurs on his legs and therefore imagined himself almost an emperor, pouted and, like a ship in full sail, flew straight up to the duckling, looked at him and began to babble angrily; his comb was filled with blood. The poor duckling simply did not know what to do, where to go. And he had to be so ugly that the whole poultry yard laughs at him!

    The first day went like this, and then it got even worse. Everyone was chasing the poor duckling, even his brothers and sisters angrily said to him: “If only the cat would drag you away, you obnoxious freak!” And the mother added: “If only my eyes wouldn’t look at you!” food for the birds, she pushed him away with her foot.

    Finally the duckling couldn't stand it anymore. He ran across the yard and, spreading his clumsy wings, somehow fell over the fence straight into the thorny bushes.

    Small birds sitting on the branches took off at once and scattered in different directions.

    “It’s because I’m so ugly,” thought the duckling and, closing his eyes, he began to run, not knowing where. He ran until then. until I found myself in the swamp where they lived wild ducks.

    Here he spent the whole night. The poor duckling was tired and very sad.

    In the morning, wild ducks woke up in their nests and saw a new comrade.

    - What kind of bird is this? - they asked. The duckling turned and bowed in all directions as best he could.

    - Well, you’re disgusting! - said the wild ducks. “However, we have nothing to do with that, as long as you don’t interfere with our family.”

    Poor thing! Where could he even think about it! If only he were allowed to live in the reeds and drink swamp water, he never dreamed of anything more.

    So he sat in the swamp for two days. On the third day, two wild ganders flew there. They had just recently learned to fly and were therefore very self-important.

    - Listen, buddy! - they said. “You’re so wonderful that it’s fun to look at you.” Do you want to be friends with us? We are free birds - we fly wherever we want. There is also a swamp nearby, where lovely little wild geese live. They know how to say: “Rap! Rap!” You are so funny that, good luck, you will be a great success with them.

    Bang! Pow! - suddenly rang out over the swamp, and both ganders fell into the reeds dead, and the water turned red with blood.

    Bang! Pow! - it was heard again, and a whole flock wild geese rose above the swamp. Shot after shot rang out. Hunters surrounded the swamp on all sides; some of them climbed into trees and fired from above. Blue smoke enveloped the treetops in clouds and hung over the water. Hunting dogs scoured the swamp. All you could hear was: slap-slap! And the reeds swayed from side to side. The poor duckling was neither alive nor dead from fear. He was about to hide his head under his wing, when suddenly a tree grew right in front of him. hunting dog with his tongue hanging out and sparkling with evil eyes. She looked at the duckling, bared her sharp teeth and - slap-slap! – ran further.

    “It seems like it’s gone,” the duckling thought and took a breath. “Apparently, I’m so disgusting that even a dog is disgusted to eat me!”

    And he hid in the reeds. And over his head every now and then the shot whistled and shots rang out.

    The shooting died down only in the evening, but the duckling was still afraid to move for a long time.

    Several hours passed. Finally he dared to get up, looked around carefully and began to run further through the fields and meadows.

    There was such a strong headwind that the duckling could barely move its paws.

    By nightfall he reached a small, miserable hut. The hut was so dilapidated that it was ready to fall, but it didn’t know which side, so it held on.

    The wind kept catching the duckling, and I had to press close to the ground to avoid being carried away.

    Fortunately, he noticed that the door of the hut had come off one hinge and was so warped that one could easily get inside through the crack. And the duckling made its way.

    An old woman lived in a hut with her chicken and cat. She called the cat Sonny; he knew how to arch his back, purr and even throw sparks, but to do this you had to stroke him against the grain. The chicken had small, short legs, and that’s why it was called Short-legged. She laid eggs diligently, and the old woman loved her like a daughter.

    In the morning the duckling was spotted. The cat began to purr and the chicken began to cluck.

    -What is it? - asked the old lady. She looked around and saw a duckling in the corner, but blindly mistook it for a fat duck that had strayed from the house.

    - What a find! - said the old lady. - Now I will have duck eggs, unless it is a drake. And she decided to keep the stray bird with her. But three weeks passed, and there were still no eggs. The real owner of the house was the cat, and the mistress was the chicken. Both of them always said: “We and the whole world!” They considered themselves half of the whole world, and, moreover, the better half. The duckling, however, seemed to have a different opinion on this matter. But the chicken did not allow this.

    -Can you lay eggs? - she asked the duckling.

    - So keep your tongue on a leash! And the cat asked:

    – Can you arch your back, throw sparks and purr?

    – So don’t meddle with your opinion when smart people speak!

    And the duckling sat in the corner, ruffled.

    One day the door opened wide, and a stream of fresh air and a bright ray of sunlight rushed into the room. The duckling was so drawn to freedom, he wanted to swim so much that he could not resist and told the hen about it.

    - Well, what else did you come up with? - the chicken attacked him. – You’re idle, and all sorts of nonsense creeps into your head! Lay some eggs or purr, the stupidity will go away!

    - Oh, it’s so nice to swim! - said the duckling. – It’s such a pleasure to dive headfirst into the very depths!

    - What a pleasure! - said the chicken. -You're completely crazy! Ask the cat - he is the most sensible person I know - does he like to swim and dive? I'm not talking about myself. Finally, ask our old lady, there is probably no one in the world smarter than her! She'll tell you if she likes to dive headfirst into the deep end!

    – You don’t understand me! - said the duckling.

    – If we don’t understand, then who will understand you! You obviously want to be smarter than the cat and our mistress, not to mention me! Don't be a fool and be grateful for everything they did for you! You were sheltered, warmed up, you found yourself in a society in which you can learn something. But you are an empty head, and there is no point in talking to you. Believe me! I wish you well, that’s why I scold you. This is what true friends always do. Try to lay eggs or learn to purr and sprinkle sparks!

    - I think I better leave here wherever I look! - said the duckling.

    - Well, go ahead! - answered the chicken.

    And the duckling left. He lived on a lake, swam and dived upside down, but everyone around him still laughed at him and called him disgusting and ugly.

    Meanwhile, autumn has come. The leaves on the trees turned yellow and brown. They fell from the branches, and the wind picked them up and swirled through the air. It became very cold. Heavy clouds scattered either hail or snow on the ground. Even the raven, sitting on the fence, croaked at the top of his lungs from the cold. Brr! You'll freeze just thinking about such cold!

    Things were bad for the poor duckling.

    One evening, when the sun was still shining in the sky, a whole flock of wonderful creatures rose from behind the forest, big birds. Such beautiful birds the duckling had never seen before - all white as snow, with long flexible necks...

    These were swans.

    Their scream sounded like a trumpet. They spread their wide, mighty wings and flew from the cold meadows to warm lands, beyond the blue seas... Now they rose high, high, and the poor duckling kept looking after them, and some incomprehensible anxiety gripped him. He spun around in the water like a top, stretched out his neck and also screamed, so loudly and strangely that he got scared. He could not take his eyes off these beautiful birds, and when they were completely out of sight, he dived to the very bottom, then swam out again and still could not come to his senses for a long time. The duckling did not know the name of these birds, did not know where they were flying, but he fell in love with them. how I have never loved anyone in the world before. He did not envy their beauty. It never occurred to him that he could be as beautiful as them.

    He would have been glad if at least the ducks had not pushed him away from them. Poor ugly duckling!

    Winter has come, very cold. The duckling had to swim around the lake without rest in order to prevent the water from freezing completely, but every night the hole in which he swam became smaller and smaller. The frost was such that even the ice crackled. The duckling worked tirelessly with its paws. In the end, he was completely exhausted, stretched out and froze to the ice.

    Early in the morning a peasant passed by. He saw a duckling frozen to the ice, broke the ice with his wooden shoe and took the half-dead bird home to his wife.

    The duckling was warmed up.

    The children decided to play with him, but the duckling thought that they wanted to offend him. He jumped out of fear into a corner and fell straight into a milk pan. Milk flowed across the floor. The hostess screamed and clasped her hands, and the duckling rushed around the room, flew into a tub of butter, and from there into a barrel of flour. It's easy to imagine what he looked like!

    The housewife scolded the duckling and chased him with coal tongs, the children ran, knocking each other down, laughing and squealing. It’s good that the door was open - the duckling ran out, spreading his wings, rushed into the bushes, straight into the freshly fallen snow, and lay there for a long, long time, almost unconscious.

    It would be too sad to talk about all the troubles and misfortunes ugly duckling in this harsh winter.

    Finally, the sun again warmed the earth with its warm rays. The larks rang in the fields. Spring is back!

    The duckling got out of the reeds, where he had been hiding all winter, flapped his wings and flew. His wings were now much stronger than before; they made noise and lifted him above the ground. Before he had time to come to his senses, he had already reached a large garden. The apple trees were all in bloom, fragrant lilacs bent their long green branches over the winding canal. Oh, how nice it was here, how it smelled like spring!

    And suddenly three wonderful white swans swam out of the reed thicket. They swam so easily and smoothly, as if they were gliding through the water. The duckling recognized these beautiful birds, and was overcome by some incomprehensible sadness.

    ‹I’ll fly to them, to these majestic birds. They will probably peck me to death because I, so disgusting, dared to approach them. But still! It’s better to die from their blows than to endure the pinch of ducks and chickens, the kicks of a poultry hen, and endure cold and hunger in winter!›

    And he sank onto the water and swam towards the beautiful swans, and the swans, seeing him, flapped their wings and swam straight towards him.

    - Kill me! - said the ugly duckling and lowered his head low.

    And suddenly, in water as clear as a mirror, he saw his own reflection. He was no longer an ugly dark gray duckling, but a beautiful white swan!

    Now the duckling was even glad that he had endured so much grief and trouble. He suffered a lot and therefore could better appreciate his happiness. And big swans swam around and stroked him with their beaks.

    At this time, children came running into the garden. They began to throw pieces of bread and grain to the swans, and the youngest of them shouted:

    - A new one has arrived! The new one has arrived! And everyone else chimed in:

    - Yes, new, new!

    The children clapped their hands and danced with joy. Then they ran after their father and mother and again began throwing pieces of bread and cake into the water.

    Both children and adults said:

    – The new swan is the best! He is so handsome and young!

    And the old swans bowed their heads before him. And he was completely embarrassed and hid his head under his wing, not knowing why. He remembered the time when everyone laughed at him and drove him away. But all this was behind us. Now people say he's the fairest among beautiful swans. The lilac bends its fragrant branches into the water towards him, and the sun caresses him with its warm rays... And then his wings rustled, his slender neck straightened, and a jubilant cry burst from his chest:

    - No, I never dreamed of such happiness when I was still an ugly duckling!

    It was good outside the city! It was summer, the rye had already turned yellow, the oats were turning green, the hay had been swept into stacks; A long-legged stork walked around a green meadow and chatted in Egyptian - he learned this language from his mother. Behind the fields and meadows there were large forests with deep lakes in the thicket. Yes, it was good outside the city! An old manor house lay right in the sun, surrounded by deep ditches filled with water; from the building itself right down to the water grew burdock, so large that small children could stand under the largest of its leaves at their full height. In the thicket of burdock it was as deaf and wild as in a dense forest, and there a duck was sitting on her eggs. She had been sitting for a long time, and she was quite tired of this sitting - she was visited little: other ducks liked to swim along the ditches more than sit in the burdock and quack with her. Finally the eggshells cracked.

    Pi! Pi! - was heard from them, the egg yolks came to life and poked their noses out of the shells.
    - Alive! Alive! - the duck quacked, and the ducklings hurried, somehow climbed out and began to look around, looking at the green leaves of the burdock; the mother did not interfere with them - green light is good for the eyes.
    - How big the world is! - said the ducklings.
    Of course! Now they had somewhere more space than when they were in the eggs.
    - Do you think that the whole world is here? - said the mother. - No! He goes far, far away, beyond the garden, into the priest’s field, but I haven’t been there in my life!.. Well, is that all you are here? - And she stood up. - Oh, no, not all! The biggest egg is intact! Will this end soon? Really, I'm tired of it.
    And she sat down again.
    - Well, how are you? - the old duck looked at her.
    - Yes, there’s one more egg left! - said the young duck. - I sit and sit, but there’s no point! But look at the others! Just lovely! They look an awful lot like their father! But he, such a worthless wretch, never visited me even once!
    - Wait a minute, I’ll look at the egg! - said the old duck. - It might be a turkey egg! I was cheated once too! Well, I was tormented as I brought out the turkey chicks! They are passionately afraid of water; I already quacked, and called, and pushed them into the water - they won’t come, and that’s the end! Let me look at the egg! Well, it is! Turkey! Drop him and go teach others to swim!
    - I’ll sit still! - said the young duck. “I sat for so long that I could sit a little longer.”
    - Whatever! - said the old duck and left. Finally the shell cracked and big egg.
    - Pi! Pi! - and a huge ugly chick fell out of there. The duck looked him over.
    - Terribly big! - she said. - And not at all like the others! Is this really a turkey? Well, yes, he will visit me in the water, even if I had to push him there by force!
    The next day the weather was wonderful, the green burdock was all flooded with sun. The duck and his whole family went to the ditch. Bultikh! - and the duck found himself in the water.
    - Follow me! Alive! - she called the ducklings, and one after another they also splashed into the water.
    At first the water covered their heads, but then they emerged and swam in such a way that they could not. Their paws worked like that; the ugly gray duckling kept up with the others.
    - What kind of turkey is this? - said the duck. - Look how nicely he paddles his paws, how straight he holds himself! No, this is my own son! Yes, he’s not bad at all, no matter how good you look at him! Well, quickly, quickly, follow me! I will now introduce you to society: we will go to the poultry yard. But stay close to me so that no one steps on you, and watch out for cats!
    Soon we reached the poultry yard. Fathers! What was all the noise and commotion here! Two families fought over one eel's head, and in the end it went to the cat.
    - This is how things go in this world! - said the duck and licked her beak with her tongue: she also wanted to taste the eel’s head. - Well, well, move your paws! - she said to the ducklings. - Quack and bow to that old duck over there! She is the most famous here! She is of Spanish breed and that is why she is so fat. Do you see the red patch on her paw? How beautiful! This is a sign highest distinction, which only a duck can receive. People make it clear that they do not want to lose her; both people and animals recognize her by this patch. Well, it's alive! Don't keep your paws together! A well-bred duckling should keep its paws apart and turn them outward, like dad and mom! Like this! Bow now and quack!
    They did so, but the other ducks looked at them and said loudly:
    - Well, here’s another whole horde! There really weren't enough of us! And one is so ugly! We won't tolerate him!
    And now one duck jumped up and pecked him on the neck.
    - Leave him alone! - said the mother duck. - He didn’t do anything to you!
    - Let’s face it, but it’s so big and strange! - answered the bully. - He needs to be asked well!
    - Nice kids you have! - said the old duck with a red patch on her leg. - Everyone is very nice, except for one... This one was a failure! It would be nice to remake it!
    - No way, your honor! - answered the mother duck. - He is ugly, but he has a kind heart, and he swims no worse, I dare say, better than others. I think he will grow, get prettier or become smaller over time. It stayed in the egg, which is why it was not entirely successful. - And she ran her nose over the feathers of a large duckling. “Besides, he’s a drake, and he doesn’t need beauty that much.” I think he will mature and make his way!
    - The rest of the ducklings are very, very cute! - said the old duck. - Well, make yourself at home, and if you find an eel head, you can bring it to me.
    So they began to behave like at home. Only the poor duckling, who hatched later than everyone else and was so ugly, was pecked, pushed and ridiculed by absolutely everyone - both ducks and chickens.
    - He's too big! - everyone said, and the turkey, who was born with spurs on his legs and therefore imagined himself to be an emperor, pouted and, like a ship in full sail, flew up to the duckling, looked at him and began to babble angrily; his comb was so full of blood. The poor duckling simply did not know what to do, what to do. And he had to be such an ugly laughingstock for the entire poultry yard!
    The first day went like this, then things got even worse. Everyone chased the poor thing, even his brothers and sisters angrily told him: “If only the cat would drag you away, you obnoxious freak!” - and the mother added: “My eyes would not have seen you!” The ducks pecked at him, the chickens plucked him, and the girl who gave food to the birds kicked him.
    The duckling could not stand it, ran across the yard and - through the fence! Little birds flew out of the bushes in fear.
    “They were scared of me - I’m so ugly!” - thought the duckling and set off with eyes closed further until he found himself in a swamp where wild ducks lived. Tired and sad, he sat here all night.
    In the morning the ducks flew out of the nests and saw a new comrade.
    -Who are you? - they asked, and the duckling spun around, bowing in all directions as best it could.
    - You are ugly! - said the wild ducks. - But we don’t care about that, just don’t try to become related to us!
    Poor thing! Where could he even think about it! If only they would let him sit here in the reeds and drink some swamp water.
    He spent two days in the swamp, on the third two wild ganders appeared. They had recently hatched from eggs and therefore performed with great force.
    - Listen, buddy! - they said. - You’re such a freak that we really like you! Do you want to wander with us and be a free bird? Not far from here, in another swamp, live some pretty little wild geese. They know how to say “rap, rap!” You're such a freak that - what a blessing - you'll be a big success with them!
    “Bang! pow!” - suddenly rang out over the swamp, and both ganders fell into the reeds dead: the water was stained with blood. “Bang! pow!” - it was heard again, and a whole flock of wild geese rose from the reeds. The shooting began. Hunters surrounded the swamp on all sides; some of them were sitting in tree branches overhanging the swamp. Blue smoke enveloped the trees in clouds and hung over the water. Hunting dogs splashed across the swamp; the reeds swayed from side to side. The poor duckling was neither alive nor dead from fear and just wanted to hide his head under his wing, when lo and behold, in front of him was a hunting dog with his tongue hanging out and sparkling evil eyes. She brought her mouth closer to the duckling, bared her sharp teeth and - plop, plop - she ran on.
    - God bless! - the duckling took a breath. - God bless! I'm so ugly that even a dog doesn't want to bite me!
    And he hid in the reeds; pellets flew over his head every now and then, and shots rang out.
    The shooting died down only in the evening, but the duckling was still afraid to move for a long time. Several more hours passed before he dared to get up, look around and start running further across the fields and meadows. Dul like this strong wind that the duckling could barely move.
    By nightfall he reached the poor hut. The hut was already so dilapidated that it was ready to fall, but it didn’t know which side, that’s why it held on. The wind kept catching the duckling - you had to rest your tail on the ground!
    The wind, however, grew stronger; What was the duckling to do? Fortunately, he noticed that the door of the hut had come off one hinge and was hanging completely crooked: he could freely slip through this gap into the hut. So he did.
    An old woman lived in a hut with a cat and a chicken. She called the cat son; he knew how to arch his back, purr and even emit sparks if he was stroked against the grain. The chicken had small, short legs, and was nicknamed Short-legged; she laid eggs diligently, and the old woman loved her like a daughter.
    In the morning the alien was noticed: the cat began to purr and the chicken began to cluck.
    - What's there? - asked the old woman, looked around and noticed a duckling, but due to her blindness she mistook it for a fat duck that had strayed from the house.
    - What a find! - said the old lady. - Now I will have duck eggs, unless it is a drake. Well, we'll see, we'll try it!
    And the duckling was accepted for testing, but three weeks passed and there were still no eggs. The master of the house was a cat, and the mistress was a chicken, and both always said: “We and the light!” They considered themselves half of the whole world, and, moreover, the best half of it. It seemed to the duckling that one could have a different opinion on this matter. The chicken, however, did not tolerate this.
    - Can you lay eggs? - she asked the duckling.
    - No!
    - So keep your tongue on a leash!
    And the cat asked:
    - Can you arch your back, purr and emit sparks?
    - No!
    - So don’t meddle with your opinion when smart people speak!
    And the duckling sat in the corner, ruffled. Suddenly he remembered fresh air and the sun, and he really wanted to swim. He couldn't stand it and told the chicken about it.
    - What's wrong with you?! - she asked. - You're idle, and that's when a whim creeps into your head! Lay eggs or purr - the stupidity will pass!
    - Oh, it’s so nice to swim on water! - said the duckling. - What a pleasure it is to dive headlong into the very depths!
    - Good pleasure! - said the chicken. - You're completely crazy! Ask the cat - he's smarter than anyone I know - if he likes to swim or dive! I'm not even talking about myself! Finally, ask our old lady: there is no one in the world smarter than her! In your opinion, does she want to swim or dive headfirst?
    - You don't understand me! - said the duckling.
    - If we don’t understand, then who will understand you! Well, do you want to be smarter than the cat and the lady, not to mention me? Don’t be a fool, but rather thank the Creator for everything they have done for you! You have been sheltered, warmed up, you are surrounded by a society in which you can learn something, but you are an empty head, and it’s not worth talking to you! Believe me! I wish you well, that’s why I scold you: this is how true friends are always recognized! Try to lay eggs or learn to purr and let off sparks!
    - I think I better leave here wherever I look! - said the duckling.
    - And with God! - answered the chicken.
    And the duckling went away, swam and dived headlong, but all the animals still despised him for his ugliness.
    Autumn has come; the leaves on the trees turned yellow and brown; the wind picked them up and swirled them through the air; Above, in the sky, it became so cold that heavy clouds were pouring hail and snow, and a raven sat on the fence and croaked from the cold at the top of its lungs. Brr! You'll freeze just thinking about such cold! Things were bad for the poor duckling.
    One evening, when the sun was still shining so gloriously in the sky, a whole flock of wonderful large birds rose from behind the bushes; The duckling had never seen such beauties: they were all white as snow, with long, flexible necks! They were swans. They let out some strange cry, flapped their magnificent large wings and flew from the cold meadows to warm lands, beyond the blue sea. They rose high, high, and the poor duckling was overcome by some strange excitement. He spun around in the water like a top, stretched out his neck and also let out such a loud and strange cry that he himself was frightened. The wonderful birds could not leave his mind, and when they were completely out of sight, he dived to the very bottom, emerged again and was as if beside himself. The duckling did not know the names of these birds, where they were flying, but he fell in love with them as he had never loved anyone before. He did not envy their beauty: it could not even occur to him to wish to be like them; He would also be glad that at least the ducks didn’t push him away. Poor ugly duckling!
    And the winter was very, very cold. The duckling had to swim through the water without rest to prevent it from freezing completely, but every night the ice-free space became smaller and smaller. It was so freezing that the ice crust was cracking. The duckling worked tirelessly with his paws, but in the end he became weak, stopped and was completely frozen.
    Early in the morning, a peasant passed by, saw a frozen duckling, broke the ice with his wooden shoe and brought the bird home to his wife. The duckling was warmed up.
    But then the children decided to play with him, and he imagined that they wanted to offend him, and out of fear he jumped straight into the milk pan - the milk all splashed out. The woman screamed and threw up her hands; Meanwhile, the duckling flew into a tub of butter, and from there into a barrel of flour. Fathers, what did he look like! The woman screamed and chased him with coal tongs, the children ran, knocking each other down, laughing and screaming. It’s good that the door was open: the duckling ran out, rushed into the bushes straight into the freshly fallen snow and lay there for a long, long time, almost unconscious.
    It would be too sad to describe all the misadventures of the duckling during the harsh winter. When the sun again warmed the earth with its warm rays, he lay in the swamp, among the reeds. The larks began to sing, the red spring has come.
    The duckling flapped his wings and flew; Now his wings made noise and were much stronger than before. Before he had time to come to his senses, he found himself in a large garden. The apple trees were all in bloom, fragrant lilacs bent their long green branches over the winding canal.
    Oh, how nice it was here, how it smelled like spring! Suddenly, three wonderful white swans swam out of the reed thicket. They swam so easily and smoothly, as if they were gliding through the water. The duckling recognized the beautiful birds, and was overcome by some strange sadness.
    “I’ll fly to these royal birds; They will probably kill me for my insolence, for the fact that I, so ugly, dared to approach them, but let them! It’s better to be killed by them than to endure the pinching of ducks and chickens, the kicks of the poultry house, and endure the cold and hunger in winter!”
    And he flew into the water and swam towards the handsome swans, who, seeing him, also rushed towards him.
    - Kill me! - said the poor thing and lowered his head, expecting death, but what did he see in the water, clear as a mirror? His own reflection, but he was no longer an ugly dark gray bird, but a swan!
    It doesn't matter if you were born in a duck's nest if you hatched from a swan's egg!
    Now he was glad that he had endured so much grief and disaster: he could now better appreciate his happiness and all the splendor that surrounded him. Big swans swam around him and caressed him, stroking his feathers with their beaks.
    Little children came running into the garden; They began to throw bread crumbs and grains to the swans, and the smallest of them shouted:
    - New, new!
    And everyone else chimed in:
    - Yes, new, new! - they clapped their hands and danced for joy; then they ran after their father and mother, and again threw crumbs of bread and cake into the water.
    Everyone said that the new one was the most beautiful of all. So young and adorable!
    And the old swans bowed their heads before him.
    And he was completely embarrassed and hid his head under his wing, not knowing why. He was too happy, but not at all proud: a kind heart does not know pride, remembering the time when everyone despised and persecuted him. And now everyone says that he is the most beautiful among the beautiful birds! The lilacs bowed their fragrant branches towards him into the water; the sun was shining so gloriously... And then its wings rustled, its slender neck straightened, and a jubilant cry burst from its chest:
    - No, I never dreamed of such happiness when I was still an ugly duckling!

    Andersen G.H.

    Current page: 1 (book has 1 pages in total)

    Hans Christian Andersen
    Ugly duckling

    It was good outside the city! It was summer, the rye had turned yellow, the oats were turning green, the hay had been swept into stacks; A stork walked along a green meadow on long red legs and chatted in Egyptian - this language was taught to him by his mother. Behind the fields and meadows there was a large forest, deep lakes hidden in its thicket. Yes, it was good outside the city! The sun was shining old manor, surrounded by deep ditches with water; the entire strip of land between these ditches and the stone fence was overgrown with burdock, so tall that the small children could stand under its largest leaves, straightening up to their full height. In the burdock thicket it was as deaf and wild as in a dense forest, and it was there that the duck sat on her eggs. She had been sitting there for a long time, and she was pretty tired of it, because they rarely visited her - the other ducks were bored hanging around in the burdock and quacking with her, they liked swimming in the ditches more.

    But finally the eggshells cracked. “Pee! Pee!” - was heard from them. These embryos became ducklings and poked their heads out of their shells.

    - Hurry! Hurry! - the duck quacked.

    And the ducklings hurried, somehow scrambled out into freedom and began to look around and examine green leaves burdock. The mother did not interfere with them: green good for the eyes.

    - How big the world is! - the ducklings quacked.

    Of course! Now they had much more space than in the shell.

    “Don’t you think that the whole world is here?” - said the mother. - No! It stretches far, far away, beyond the garden, to the pastor’s field, but I’ve never been there in my life... Well, are you all here? - And she stood up. - Oh, no, not all! The biggest egg is intact! When will this end? What a disaster! How tired I am of this!

    And she sat down again.

    - Well, how are you? - one old duck asked, looking at her.

    “Yes, there’s still an egg left,” answered the young duck. “I sit and sit, but it still doesn’t burst!” But look at the kids - how good they are! They look an awful lot like their father! And he, dissolute, never visited me even once!

    “Let me look at the egg, which hasn’t cracked yet,” said the old duck. - Probably turkey! I was cheated once too. Well, I was tormented when I brought out the turkey chicks! They are passionately afraid of water; I already quacked, and called, and pushed them into the water - they won’t come, and that’s all! Let me look at the egg. Well, it is! Turkey! Drop it; Better teach your ducklings to swim.

    “No, I think I’ll still sit,” responded the young duck. “I’ve been sitting here for so long that I’ll have to endure it a little longer.”

    “Well, as you know,” said the old duck and left.

    Finally, the shell of the largest egg cracked. “Pee! Pee!” - and a huge ugly chick fell out. The duck looked him over.

    - That's how big she was! – she grunted. “And he’s not at all like the others.” Is this really a turkey? Well, I’ll still have him swim: if he gets stubborn, I’ll push him into the water.

    The next day the weather turned out to be wonderful, the green burdock was all flooded with sun. The duck took his whole family and hobbled towards the ditch. Bultikh! – The duck plopped into the water.

    - Follow me! Hurry! - she shouted to the ducklings, and one after another they fell into the water.

    At first they disappeared under the water, but immediately surfaced and swam merrily, their paws working hard; and the ugly gray duckling did not lag behind the others.

    - What kind of turkey is this? - said the duck. - Look how nicely he paddles his paws, how straight he holds himself! No, this is my own son! And, really, he’s not bad-looking, you just have to take a closer look at him. Well, quickly, quickly, follow me! Now let's go to the poultry yard, I will introduce you to society. Just stay close to me so that no one steps on you, and beware of the cat.

    Soon the duck and ducklings reached the poultry yard. Well, there was noise here, what a din! Two families fought over the eel's head, but the cat eventually got it.

    - This is how it happens in life! - said the duck and licked her beak with her tongue: she also wanted to taste the fish head. - Well, well, move your paws! - she ordered the ducklings. - Quack and bow to that old duck over there. She is the most famous here. Spanish breed, that's why it's so fat. Do you see the red patch on her paw? How beautiful! This is the highest distinction a duck can receive. It means that the owners do not want to part with it; Both people and animals recognize her by this patch. Well, hurry up! Don't keep your paws side by side. A well-bred duckling should hold its paws apart and askew, just as your parents hold them. Like this! Bow now and quack!

    The ducklings bowed and quacked, but the other ducks only looked at them and said loudly:

    - Well, there’s still a whole horde! As if there weren't enough of us! And one is so ugly! No, we will not accept this!

    And one duck instantly jumped up and pecked the duckling in the back of the head.

    - Don't touch him! - said the mother duck. -What did he do to you? After all, he doesn’t bother anyone.

    - That’s right, but he’s very big, and kind of weird! – the bully duck remarked. - We need to give him a good beating!

    - You have nice kids! - said the old duck with a red patch on her leg. - Everyone is very nice, except for one... This one was a failure! It would be nice to remake it.

    - No way, your honor! - objected the mother duck. - True, he is ugly, but he has a kind heart, and he swims no worse, perhaps even better than others. Maybe he will become prettier over time, or at least become shorter. It lay in a shell, which is why it was not entirely successful. - And she ran her nose over the feathers of a large duckling. “Besides, he’s a drake, and a drake doesn’t really need beauty.” When he grows up, he will make his way!

    – The rest of the ducklings are very, very cute! - said the old duck. - Well, make yourself at home, and if you find an eel head, you can bring it to me.

    So they began to behave like at home. Only the poor ugly duckling - the one that hatched later than the others - was pecked, pushed and ridiculed by the inhabitants of the poultry yard from absolutely everyone - both ducks and chickens.

    - He’s too big! - they said.

    And the turkey, who was born with spurs on his legs and therefore imagined himself to be an emperor, puffed up and, like a ship in full sail, flew at the duckling and began babbling so angrily that his comb was filled with blood. The poor duckling simply didn’t know what to do or what to do. He should have been born so ugly that the whole poultry yard laughs at him!

    This is how the first day passed; then it got even worse. Everyone chased the poor guy, even his brothers and sisters shouted angrily at him:

    “If only a cat would drag you away, you unfortunate freak!”

    And the mother added:

    - My eyes would not look at you!

    The ducks pecked at it, the chickens plucked it, and the girl who fed the poultry nudged the duckling with her foot.

    But then the duckling suddenly ran across the yard and flew over the fence! Little birds fluttered out of the bushes in fear.

    “They scared me, that’s how ugly I am!” - thought the duckling and took off running, not knowing where. He ran and ran until he came to a large swamp where wild ducks lived. Tired and sad, he sat there all night.

    In the morning, wild ducks flew out of their nests and saw the newcomer.

    - Who are you? - they asked; but the duckling just fidgeted and bowed as best he could.

    - That's ugly! - said the wild ducks. - However, this is none of our business. Just be careful not to become related to us!

    Poor thing! Where could he think about marriage! If only they would let him sit here in the reeds and drink swamp water - that’s all he dreamed of.

    He spent two days in the swamp, on the third two wild ganders appeared. They had recently hatched from eggs and therefore performed very proudly.

    - Listen, buddy! - they said. “You’re so ugly that, really, we even like you.” Do you want to fly with us? You will be a free bird. Not far from here, in another swamp, live some lovely wild geese. They know how to say: “Rap, rap!” Even though you are a freak, who knows? - maybe you will find your happiness.

    “Bang! Pow!” - suddenly rang out over the swamp, and the ganders fell dead into the reeds, and the water was stained with blood. “Bang! Pow!” - it was heard again, and a whole flock of wild geese rose from the reeds. The shooting flared up. The hunters cordoned off the entire swamp, some took refuge in the branches of trees hanging over it. Clouds of blue smoke enveloped the trees and hung over the water. Hunting dogs splashed through the swamp and, making their way through the reeds, swayed it from side to side. The poor duckling, neither alive nor dead from fear, wanted to hide his head under his wing, when suddenly a hunting dog bent over him, sticking out his tongue and sparkling with evil eyes. She opened her mouth, bared her sharp teeth, but... slap! slap! – ran further.

    - It's gone! - And the duckling took a breath. - It's gone! That means how ugly I am - even the dog is disgusted to touch me.

    And he hid in the reeds, and shots thundered over his head every now and then, and pellets flew past.

    The shooting died down only in the evening, but the duckling was still afraid to move for a long time. Several hours passed, and finally he dared to get up, look around and set off again through the fields and meadows. The wind was blowing, so strong that the duckling had difficulty moving forward.

    By nightfall he reached some wretched hut. She was so dilapidated that she was ready to fall, but she had not yet decided which side to fall on, and therefore she held on. The duckling was caught in the wind and had to sit on the ground.

    And the wind kept getting stronger. What was the duckling to do? Fortunately, he noticed that the door of the hut had come off one hinge and was hanging crookedly - it was not difficult to slip inside through this gap. So he did.

    An old housewife lived in this hut with a cat and a chicken. She called the cat “son”; he knew how to arch his back, purr, and when they stroked him against the grain, sparks even flew from him. The chicken had small, short legs - that’s why it was nicknamed “short-legged”; she laid eggs diligently, and the old woman loved her like a daughter.

    In the morning the newcomer was noticed: the cat began to purr and the chicken began to cluck.

    -What is it? - asked the old woman, looked around, noticed a duckling, but blindly mistook it for a fat duck that had strayed from the house.

    - What a find! - she said. - Now I will have duck eggs, unless it is a drake. Well, let's wait and see!

    And the duckling was accepted for testing. But three weeks passed, and he still did not lay a single egg. The master of the house was a cat, and the mistress was a chicken, and both always said: “We and the whole world!” They considered themselves half of the whole world, and its better half. It seemed to the duckling that there could be a different opinion on this matter. The chicken, however, did not tolerate this.

    -Can you lay eggs? - she asked the duckling.

    - So keep your mouth shut.

    And the cat asked:

    – Can you arch your back, purr and let off sparks?

    – So don’t meddle with your opinion when those who are smarter than you speak.

    So the duckling continued to sit in the corner, ruffled. One day he remembered the fresh air and the sun, and he was dying to swim. He couldn't stand it and told the chicken about it.

    - Look, what did you come up with! - she responded. - You're idle, and that's when a whim creeps into your head! It’s better to lay eggs or purr - that’s when the stupidity will go away!

    - Oh, how pleasant it was for me to swim! - said the duckling. – What a pleasure it is to dive into the very depths!

    - Good pleasure! - the chicken exclaimed. - Well, of course, you're completely crazy! Ask the cat, he is smarter than anyone I know, does he like to swim and dive? I'm not even talking about myself. Finally, ask our old landlady, there is no one in the world smarter than her. Do you think she also wants to swim and dive?

    – You don’t understand me! - said the duckling.

    – If we don’t understand, then who will understand you? Maybe you want to be smarter than both the cat and the owner, not to mention me? Don’t be stupid, but rather thank the creator for everything they did for you. They sheltered you, warmed you up, accepted you into their company - and you can learn a lot from us, but it’s not worth talking to such an empty-headed person like you. Believe me, I wish you well, that’s why I scold you - true friends always do this. Try to lay eggs or learn to purr and let off sparks!

    - I think I better leave here wherever I look! - said the duckling.

    - Good riddance! - the chicken responded.

    And the duckling left. He swam and dived, but all the animals still despised him for his ugliness.

    Autumn came, the leaves on the trees turned yellow and brown, the wind picked them up and swirled them around; It became cold up in the sky; Heavy clouds hung over, from which snow pellets fell. The raven, sitting on the fence, croaked at the top of his lungs from the cold: “Krra-ah! Krra-a!” Just the thought of such a cold could make you freeze. Things were bad for the poor duckling.

    One day, in the evening, when the sun was setting so beautifully, a flock of wonderful large birds rose from behind the bushes; the duckling had never seen such beautiful birds in his life - snow-white, with long flexible necks! They were swans. They screamed in some strange voices, flapped their magnificent large wings and flew from the cold meadows to the warm lands on blue lakes. They rose high, high, and the poor ugly duckling was overcome with vague excitement. He spun like a top in the water, stretched out his neck and also let out such a loud and strange cry that he himself was frightened. The wonderful birds could not leave his mind, and when they were completely out of sight, he dived to the very bottom, emerged, but still could not come to his senses. The duckling did not know the names of these birds and where they flew away, but he loved them as he had never loved anyone in the world before. He did not envy their beauty. Be like them? No, it never even occurred to him! He would be glad if at least the ducks didn’t push him away. Poor ugly duckling!

    And the winter was very, very cold. The duckling had to swim without rest to prevent the water from freezing, but every night the ice-free space became smaller and smaller. It was so freezing that the ice was cracking. The duckling worked tirelessly with its paws, but in the end it became exhausted, froze and froze to the ice.

    Early in the morning, a peasant passed by and saw a frozen duckling. He broke the ice with his wooden shoes, took the duckling home and gave it to his wife. In the peasant's house the duckling was warmed up.

    But one day the children decided to play with the duckling, and he imagined that they wanted to offend him, and out of fear he jumped straight into a bowl of milk. The milk splashed, the housewife screamed and clasped her hands, and the duckling flew up and landed in a tub of butter, and then in a barrel of flour. Oh, what he looked like! The peasant woman screamed and chased him with coal tongs, the children ran, knocking each other down, laughing and screaming. It’s good that the door was open: the duckling ran out, rushed into the bushes, straight into the freshly fallen snow, and lay in a daze for a long, long time.

    It would be sad to describe all the misadventures of the duckling during this harsh winter. When the sun began to warm the earth again with its warm rays, he lay down in the swamp, among the reeds. The larks began to sing. Spring has come.

    The duckling flapped his wings and flew away. Now his wings made noise and were much stronger than before - before he had time to come to his senses, he found himself in a large garden. The apple trees were all in bloom here, fragrant lilacs bent their long green branches over the winding canal.

    Oh, how nice it was here, how it smelled like spring! Suddenly, three wonderful white swans swam out of the thicket. They swam so easily and smoothly, as if they were gliding on water. The duckling recognized the beautiful birds, and was overcome by some strange sadness.

    “Let me fly to these royal birds! They will probably kill me because I, so ugly, dared to approach them - well, so be it! It’s better for them to drive me away than to endure the pinching of ducks and chickens and the kicks of the poultry woman and endure the cold and hunger in winter.”

    And he flew onto the water and swam towards the handsome swans, and they, seeing him, also rushed towards him.

    - Kill me! - said the poor thing and lowered his head, expecting death.

    But what did he see in the water, clear as a mirror? Your own reflection. And now he was no longer an ugly dark gray bird, but a swan!

    It doesn't matter if you were born in a duck's nest if you were hatched from a swan's egg.

    Now he was glad that he had suffered so much grief: he could better appreciate his happiness and all the beauty that surrounded him. Large swans swam around him and stroked him with their beaks.

    Small children ran into the garden, they began to throw grains and bread crumbs to the swans, and the youngest shouted:

    - New, new!

    The others chimed in: “Yes, new, new!” - and clapped their hands, dancing with joy, then they ran after their father and mother and began to throw crumbs of bread and cake into the water again. And everyone said that the new swan was the most beautiful. So young, so wonderful!

    And the old swans bowed their heads before him.

    And he was completely embarrassed and involuntarily hid his head under his wing. He didn't know what to do. He was inexpressibly happy, but not at all proud, - good heart arrogance is alien. He remembered the time when everyone despised and persecuted him; now everyone said that he was the most beautiful among the beautiful! The lilac bowed its fragrant branches into the water towards him, the sun caressed him and warmed him... And then his wings rustled, his slender neck straightened, and a jubilant cry burst from his chest:

    “Could I have dreamed of such happiness when I was an ugly duckling!”

    The Holy Mountains are high in Rus', their gorges are deep, their abysses are terrible. Neither birch, nor oak, nor aspen, nor green grass. Even a wolf can’t run there, an eagle can’t fly by, and even an ant has nothing to profit from on the bare rocks. Only the hero Svyatogor rides between the cliffs on his mighty horse.

    The horse leaps over chasms, jumps over gorges, and steps from mountain to mountain.
    An old man rides through the Holy Mountains.
    Here the mother of cheese earth shakes,
    Stones crumble in the abyss,
    The streams flow quickly.
    The hero Svyatogor is taller than a dark forest, he props up the clouds with his head, he gallops through the mountains - the mountains shake under him, he drives into the river - all the water from the river splashes out. He rides for a day, two, three - he stops, pitches his tent, lies down, gets some sleep, and again his horse wanders through the mountains.
    Svyatogor the hero is bored, sad, old: in the mountains there is no one to say a word with, no one to measure strength with.
    He would like to go to Rus', walk with other heroes, fight with enemies, shake his strength, but the trouble is: the earth does not support him, only the stone cliffs of Svyatogorsk do not crumble under his weight, do not fall, only their ridges do not crack under his hooves heroic horse.
    It’s hard for Svyatogor because of his strength, he carries it like a heavy burden, he would be glad to give half of his strength, but there is no one. I would be glad to do the hardest work, but there is no work I can handle. Whatever you touch with your hand, everything will crumble into crumbs, flatten into a pancake.
    He would begin to uproot forests, but for him forests are like meadow grass. He would move mountains, but no one needs that...
    So he travels alone through the Holy Mountains, his head weighed down with melancholy...
    - Eh, if only I could find some earthly pull, I would drive a ring into the sky, tie an iron chain to the ring, pull the sky to the earth, turn the earth upside down, mix the sky with the earth - I would spend a little power!
    But where can you find it - cravings!
    Once Svyatogor was riding along a valley between the cliffs, and suddenly - a living person was walking ahead!
    A nondescript little man walks, stamping his bast shoes, carrying a saddlebag on his shoulder.
    Svyatogor was delighted: he would have someone to exchange a word with, and began to catch up with the peasant.
    He walks on his own, in no hurry, but Svyatogorov’s horse gallops at full speed, but cannot catch up with the man. A man is walking, not in a hurry, throwing his handbag from shoulder to shoulder. Svyatogor gallops at full speed - all the passers-by are ahead! He's walking at a pace - he can't catch up with everything!
    Svyatogor shouted to him:
    - Hey, good passerby, wait for me!
    The man stopped and put his purse on the ground.
    Svyatogor galloped up, greeted him and asked:
    - What kind of burden do you have in this purse?
    - And you take my purse, throw it over your shoulder and run across the field with it.
    Svyatogor laughed so hard that the mountains shook: he wanted to pry the purse with a whip, but the purse did not move, he began to push with a spear - it did not move, he tried to lift it with his finger - it did not rise...
    Svyatogor got off his horse and took right hand I didn’t move my purse by a hair.
    The hero grabbed the purse with both hands and pulled with all his might, only lifting it up to his knees. Lo and behold, he’s sunk knee-deep into the ground, not sweat is running down his face, but blood is flowing, his heart is frozen...
    Svyatogor threw his handbag, fell to the ground - a rumble went through the mountains and valleys.
    The hero barely caught his breath:
    - Tell me what you have in your purse? Tell me, teach me, I have never heard of such a miracle. My strength is exorbitant, but I can’t lift such a grain of sand!

    Why not say it, I’ll say it; in my little purse all the earthly cravings lie.
    Svyatogor lowered his head:
    - This is what earthly craving means. Who are you and what is your name, passer-by?
    - I am a plowman, Mikula Selyaninovich.
    - I see kind person, mother earth loves you! Maybe you can tell me about my fate? It’s hard for me to ride through the mountains alone, I can’t live like this in the world anymore.
    - Go, hero, to the Northern Mountains. There is an iron forge near those mountains. In that forge, the blacksmith forges everyone’s destiny, and from him you will learn about your destiny.
    Mikula Selyaninovich threw his purse over his shoulder and walked away.
    And Svyatogor jumped on his horse and galloped towards the Northern Mountains.
    Svyatogor rode and rode for three days, three nights, did not go to bed for three days - he reached the Northern Mountains. Here the cliffs are even bare, the abysses are even blacker, the rivers are deep and raging...
    Under the very cloud, on a bare rock, Svyatogor saw an iron forge. There is a bright fire burning in the forge, black smoke is pouring out of the forge, and there is a ringing and knocking sound throughout the area.
    Svyatogor entered the forge and saw: a gray-haired old man standing at the anvil, blowing the bellows with one hand, hitting the anvil with a hammer with the other, but nothing was visible on the anvil.
    - Blacksmith, blacksmith, what are you forging, father?
    - Come closer, bend down lower!
    Svyatogor bent down, looked and was surprised: a blacksmith was forging two thin hairs.
    - What do you have, blacksmith?
    - Here are two hairs, a hair with a hair - two people get married.
    - Who does fate tell me to marry?
    - Your bride lives on the edge of the mountains in a dilapidated hut.
    Svyatogor went to the edge of the mountains and found a dilapidated hut. The hero entered it and put a gift on the table - a bag of gold. Svyatogor looked around and saw: a girl was lying motionless on a bench, covered with bark and scabs, and did not open her eyes.
    Svyatogor felt sorry for her. Why is he lying there and suffering? And death does not come, and there is no life.
    Svyatogor pulled out his sharp sword and wanted to hit the girl, but his hand did not rise. The sword fell on the oak floor.
    Svyatogor jumped out of the hut, mounted his horse and galloped off to the Holy Mountains.
    Meanwhile, the girl opened her eyes and saw: a heroic sword was lying on the floor, a bag of gold was on the table, and all the bark had fallen off her, and her body was clean, and her strength had returned.
    She got up, walked along the little hill, walked out the threshold, bent over the lake and gasped: a beautiful girl was looking at her from the lake - stately, and white, and rosy-cheeked, and with clear eyes, and fair-haired braids!
    She took the gold that was lying on the table, built ships, loaded them with goods and set off blue sea trade, seek happiness.
    Wherever she comes, all the people run to buy goods and admire the beauty. Her fame spreads throughout Rus'.
    Now she reached the Holy Mountains, rumors about her reached Svyatogor. He also wanted to look at the beauty.
    He looked at her, and he fell in love with the girl.
    - This is the bride for me, I’ll marry this one!
    The girl also fell in love with Svyatogor.
    They got married, and Svyatogor’s wife began to tell him about her former life, how she lay covered in bark for thirty years, how she was cured, how she found money on the table.
    Svyatogor was surprised, but didn’t say anything to his wife. The girl gave up trading, sailed the seas and began to live with Svyatogor on the Holy Mountains.