Interview with Anna Pletneva for '7Days'. Anna Pletneva: “It’s very easy to build family relationships when millions want you: there’s simply nothing better for stimulating feelings

Before going on stage, I draw arrows, put on a revealing suit and become different - liberated, aggressively sexy. I feel good as a bad girl. I even have a doctor’s certificate confirming that split personality occurs during performances.

Remember, in the film “Station for Two” the train conductor Nikita Mikhalkov told the heroine Lyudmila Gurchenko, who came running to his compartment for a love date: “Sama-sama-sama!” Like, undress quickly, and no sentimentality. This phrase, alas, has become a catchphrase. Women were given equal rights with men and were freed from restrictions and dependencies. You are free! But if you want to be more equal, do not count on help and support. Probably, someone likes the conquest of emancipation, but I am sorry that men are losing the role assigned to them by nature as a protector, leader, provider, and women are increasingly saying: “Sama-sama-sama...” We are moving further and further away from harmonious relationships , as a result, families collapse, people break up.

I consider myself an independent person, with early years I worked and earned money, but I’m not at all embarrassed to admit: in my life I’ve had to lean on a strong shoulder more than once. Thanks to my beloved men, I am who I am.

The first person to whom I owe a lot is, of course, my dad. I was born in Moscow in a loving friendly family and grew up as the only spoiled child who was allowed to do absolutely everything. My parents, who are far from creative (my mother is an engineer, my father is a lawyer), nevertheless immediately understood what kind of girl they got, and did not try to change me, to squeeze me into a framework. I am very grateful for this - the freedom gained in childhood still lives in me. From the age of three, I did not hesitate to appear on the stage of holiday homes and boarding houses, where we vacationed as a family, danced, sang, recited poems and received well-deserved fees - dolls and sweets. At seven I started going on tour with the Ostankino ballet and was already earning real money. At the same time I studied at music school in piano class.

I remember the first time I went with dance group to Voronezh in the middle of a harsh winter. They settled us in a dilapidated house with amenities on the street. When I refused to relieve myself in the cold, they handed me a bucket, over which I shed burning tears for a day. Everything that happened seemed like a nightmare to the spoiled girl at home. Years later, already in the Lyceum group, all sorts of things happened: scrambled eggs with a live cockroach for breakfast, dented beds in torn hotel rooms... My colleagues were worried, but I remained calm and equanimous - since childhood I was accustomed to the life of a tour.

She has been on stage for twenty years, but there is no talk of any star fever. Sitting in the presidential suite of the Lotte Hotel, Anya simply, with laughter and self-irony, spoke about friendship, music, beauty and happiness. Everything was so relaxed that five hours of filming flew by in a flash.

- Came out just recently another job with Dj Smash, tell us why the choice fell on him for the third time?

– Indeed, I didn’t even think about how much I like working with Andrey. It combines huge amount qualities - this is the desire for adventure, and crazy luck, and endless energy. He is the person to whom certain things happen all the time. incredible stories, it’s incredibly interesting to communicate with him, make friends and, of course, create new musical compositions.

– Does the initiative come more from Andrey, or are these your joint ideas?

– Our first collaboration happened at a concert of the Vintage group. I invited him to Crocus for our performance, where he gladly came. Then quite a thing happened interesting story. I had many "clones" in social networks, and one of them wrote to Andrey with an offer to record a joint track. After some time, he calls me back, and we have a very funny dialogue. Andrey says: “Cool idea!” - “What idea?” - “Well, how? You yourself offered me to record a joint track?!” - “Yes?!” Well, let's write it down..." So the "clones" played with me good joke.

– Is this how the song “Moscow” appeared?

- Yes, and after that there was the song “Three Wishes”, and now “The City Where Dreams Come True.” Again, by the way, the unreal story that served as the beginning of the song. Andrey met the owner in Ibiza ostrich farm in Yerevan, who offered to go visit him. After the trip, the idea arose to create a new track and video, of course, with the Vintage group.

– Is it easier to work with men than with women?

– I do not share the “boy-girl” principle. I am very lucky - all the people with whom I have worked and work become very close to me. In general, I love people madly, I try to see only the right and good things, although everyone has their “cockroaches”, and it doesn’t matter whether you are a man or a woman.

– Do you have many friends?

– I have many associates and people whom I love and who love me. Friendship is not quite the right word, for me these people are more like family.

– How do you feel about criticism?

- Of course, I'm worried. I remember how after the song “Moscow” there was a huge number negative reviews from our fans, because it was new style for the group "Vintage". Everyone scolded us and said: “Vintage is something deep, but here dance music" But new fans joined us.

– Aren’t you afraid to be so open with your fans?

– On the contrary, it is very important for me. We often meet with the fan club and invite you to all our events. Even when performing in clubs where there is strict face control, there must be reserved seats near the stage for fans; this is a mandatory item in our rider.

– You’ve been on stage for a very long time, but your very first performance on big stage Surely you remember?

– Naturally, I remember my first performance, it was as part of the Lyceum group. I got into the group completely by accident, and a week later we were supposed to have a concert. For short term I needed to learn to play the guitar. Having rubbed all my fingers bloody, I still managed to do it. And then the day of the concert. I go on stage and see David Copperfield in the front row in the hall. This was just the peak of his career, it seems to me that all the women on the planet were in love with him. I looked at him and couldn’t sing a word, moreover, my microphone turned off, my hands couldn’t remember a single chord, in general, complete horror. After the concert, he came up and said that it was amazing, although I didn’t say a word (laughs).

– Do you still have stage fright?

“I’ve been going on stage for so many years, and every time for me it’s a test that I have to go through. This is an amazing feeling, every time I think it’s time for it to disappear, but no, it haunts me before every performance.

– Has anything changed in show business “then and now”?

“Several generations of listeners have changed before my eyes. A lot has changed, but we are still perceived as a fashionable youth group. And this is very cool!

– So what is the secret to always be in rotation, on TV, at the top?

“It’s like in Lewis Carroll’s book: “You have to run as fast as you can just to stay in place, but to get somewhere you have to run twice as fast!” Of course, we make mistakes, we learn, but we run, and each time we run faster.

– Is there anything you wanted to fix in the past?

– Today is the result of what you did and what you dreamed about yesterday. Therefore, it seems to me that in my past everything was correct, as it should have been. By the way, we recently recorded a song on this topic that will become the soundtrack to the TV series “Dreams.” And it talks about how you can influence the future by turning to your subconscious, which stores our entire past.

– Is there a place where you would like to be, but there was no opportunity?

– It would be more correct to say that there are places that I have not been to yet, but I will definitely go there. For example, in America...

– Can you call yourself a happy person?

- Certainly! I happy man who does what he loves and enjoys it. Besides, I can say that I can dream, and my dreams come true. Even the most incredible ones!

– I think it’s no secret to you that you are called a sex symbol, and which of the men can you call the sexiest?

- Carlson.

– New Year is coming, have you already decided where you will celebrate, or do you have work to do?

New Year- This family holiday. And unlike most artists, we never work on this day, but celebrate it with loved ones and family. But there is one obligatory tradition: at midnight we must certainly be together with Alexei Romanov, my friend and partner in the Vintage group. And then we can both be sure that the coming year will be successful for us!

Dress - Mania (@official_mania)
Jewelry - Yulia Logvinova (@okatava)
Shoes - Carlo Pazolini (@carlopazolini)

A woman's strength is in her weakness. A woman who takes upon herself to solve all problems and does not allow a man to do this is not so much strong as unhappy. You know, just over the past week, several of my friends complained to me that they have to do everything: earn money, feed the children, while their husbands sit at home. At the same time, neither the woman herself nor her lover become happier because they change roles. By remaining fragile and defenseless, you motivate men to perform great deeds. And you have to be strong to find your love, so as not to get used to loneliness, not to be afraid to change your life for the sake of love.

Russian women are strong in spirit from birth. This is about us - “stopping a galloping horse.” Why do you think we got this role?

We ourselves repeat all the time that we can stop a horse and walk into a burning hut... This stereotype developed in the Soviet past, when the most fashionable memes were a collective farmer and a woman with an oar. It’s just that someone needed it at one time - to turn a woman into labor... But we make our own choices now.

All previous Vintage albums were very conceptual. Each had some kind of idea that connected all the tracks on the record. IN " To a strong girl"There is no such thing. This is truly the story of three years of my life, my personal experience which I lived, felt and turned into knowledge. Summary the album is exactly that: three years in the life of Anya Pletneva.

What can the audience expect at the concert?

The main event, of course, will be our joint appearance on stage with Alexei Romanov. It's no secret that after many years of success and victories, our cooperation has reached some kind of dead end. We both didn’t understand what to do, where to move next. We didn't communicate at all for several months. And before the New Year we met, hugged, cried for several hours and decided that we would be together again. And although Lesha still categorically refuses to go on stage, at this concert he will make an exception. This will be a one-time exclusive on November 1st at Club RED.

The concert date is beautiful - 01/11, was it not chosen by chance? Do you believe in all sorts of esoteric signs?

The date is really beautiful. And, from the point of view of esotericism, it is not us who chose us, but she herself chose us. I became interested in spiritual literature; now I am reading the book “Inner Engineering” by the Indian yogi and mystic Sadhguru. She's amazing! Sometimes there is no time, and I may not open it for two or three days. But as soon as I pick it up again, I immediately find the answer to the question that interests me at the moment.

Your performances are always accompanied by bright and deliberately sexy costumes. She seems to be a petite little girl, but at the same time very outspoken. Why do you need such self-expression?

All images come out by themselves. I feel absolutely natural and comfortable. When I was a member of the Red Banner ensemble "Lyceum", the producer was constantly trying to change me somehow. He forced me to braid my hair and forbade unnecessary movements on stage. I suffered terribly, crying in the toilet before the concert. I unbraided this stupid braid, for which I was fined many times. They made me into someone I really wasn't. But in the “Vintage” group, when I was already my own mistress, I was able to do whatever I wanted. And I still continue to experiment. You can't even imagine what I'll look like on November 1st! I can say that for my costumes I had to buy 150 Barbie dolls...

Your daughters are already quite old - 15 and 13 years old. How do they feel about these mom experiments on stage?

They like it. Children adore the Vintage group, and this helps me not to doubt the correctness of the chosen image. Parents often come up to me and tell me that their kids know all our songs. After all, you can’t fool children; they have a very clear lie detector. They don’t analyze what Anya showed and how she dressed. I hope that years from now my children will still perceive me today.

There was a simply mind-blowing story in your life when one of your fans wanted to push you out of your own life. Like in Sergei Minaev’s book “Selfie”, where the hero is completely replaced by a double.

Yes, quite a long time has passed since that incident, and I can talk about it, although I don’t like to remember it. It started when a girl approached me, introduced herself as an aspiring writer and offered to write a book about me. After reading some of her work, I agreed. It was supposed to be a novel about a teenage bully at school, a “rebel” in the “Lyceum” and a “bad girl” in the “Vintage” group. Of course, it had to be about love, my family, children. We began to communicate almost 24 hours a day, Lena almost moved into my home. She was interested in everything: what clothes I wear, what toothpaste I use to brush my teeth. We became very good friends. For short time she learned so much about me that some people didn't know in a while for many years communicate with me. After some time, I began to notice that Lena was becoming more and more like me: the same hairstyle, the same style of clothing, facial expressions, gestures... At some point I even felt creepy, but the process of working on the book was in full swing - I was completely satisfied with the content, and I drove away bad thoughts.

Everything changed in one second. One day Lena forgot her phone with me, the phone rang and I answered the phone automatically. The man who called was sure that he was calling Anna Pletneva. But I understood that the phone was not mine! When I opened the “Photos” folder, I was horrified - there were only photos of me and my family and not a single one of Lenina! In addition, I found out that she communicated on my behalf not only with Vintage fans, but also with my acquaintances! When Lena returned a few minutes later for the phone, I demanded an explanation. She burst into tears and, after threatening to call the police, showed me a brand new passport, where it was written: “Anna Pletneva.” Somehow she managed to obtain such a document. According to the girl, she was pushed to such an act by her unsettled personal life, she really wanted to feel loved. “Everyone loves you, but not me, I want to be like you!” - Lena repeated. Despite the raging inside of me negative emotions, I decided to help Lena. She underwent treatment from a psychologist friend of mine. Through my friends I find out how Lena is doing. Now she is doing well, she is working. But I don’t communicate with her personally and have never met her again.

In one of your interviews you called leaving the Vintage group a difficult divorce. Usually, a woman who has left always tries to show her ex-partner that she is doing well without him, even better. Was this the case for you?

Not really. We tried to change the composition of the Vintage group, but the attempt was unsuccessful. It turned out to be impossible to separate me and Vintage. And now on the poster of our performance it is written: Anna Pletneva “Vintage”. When I talked about divorce, I meant our creative relationships with Alexey Romanov. I didn’t want to prove anything to anyone. It was just hard, that's all. Over the 10 years of working together, we have become family to each other. And everything that happened to us was like a crisis within the family - mutual claims, resentments... We were both tired, and we needed a break.

You once said that to improve your quality of life, you need to smile every day. Do you adhere to this rule?

Certainly! This is a simple physiological law. Our mind and body are inextricably linked. If you just smile for at least a minute, even for no reason, positive thoughts will begin to come to your mind, your mood will improve, everything will turn out easy and simple, and life will become better.

In an interview with Radio “MIR”, she spoke about her work, the evolution from a “bad girl” to a “white queen” and shared her impressions of the holiday on the occasion of the 432nd anniversary of Voronezh, which our radio station helped organize.

Anya, this time you performed in Voronezh under creative name Anna Pletneva, group "Vintage". You're not part of the group now, are you? Would it be correct to say that “Vintage” works on its own, and you come out as solo singer with your band?

“Vintage” is a brand, it is, one might say, a religion that we once created together with Alexei Romanov. This is our show, this is ballet, these are musicians, this is the music itself. I believe that the Vintage group is part of me, and I am part of Vintage, we are inseparable.

Your creative “eras” last about ten years. First you were the soloist of the Lyceum, then the leader of the Vintage group. Now you are Anna Pletneva “Vintage”. How has the image of Anna Pletneva changed during this time?

I worked in the Lyceum ensemble for eight years, until I internally felt that I had simply “outgrown” the state when I played the role invented for me by the producer (Alexey Makarevich - ed.). It wasn't me at all. After all, I was just studying. This was the Lyceum for me - the present educational institution. Then, together with Alexey Romanov, we created the Vintage group, and this was my brainchild. There I was able to become my true self.

As a “bad girl”?

(laughs) Well, I can’t be “ bad girl"with a whip, and at the same time not growing in any way. The Vintage team has a lot of songs that are not about sex at all, they are completely different, deep. I wish people could hear it.

Can we say that the “bad girl” has now grown up and turned into a “white queen”?

In general, in a surprising way, some songs influence my life, my consciousness, and my image as well. “Bad Girl” is such a very strong Egregor, to whom we once became attached quite by accident, without thinking about this story at all. It happened that way. And it turned out very funny. We wanted to laugh at this story, but everyone took it so seriously, it stuck to me like the “maternal girl” at one time to Madonna, now nothing can be done about it.

Are you comfortable working in a new, more adult image?

To be honest, I'm not good at change. I had this idea: I’ll change, throw away my whip, put on long, decent dresses, and become like “auntie.” But so far this is not working out completely. As soon as I hear music, a “rebellion” begins in my soul.

Tell me, after your creative break with Alexei Romanov, did the group’s fans become divided, or did you become the full legal successor of “that Vintage”?

In any difficult situation, no matter what happens in my life, the same divorce with Alexei Romanov... every time the fans clearly make it clear: we are on your side; we are with you! It’s as if I have another husband who always says: “You’re the best!”, “You’re the coolest!” My beloved and dear fans, I am incredibly grateful to them! They are amazing, they live our music, they believe in me, support me endlessly, and this is very important. Well, they make sure that all the concerts go off with a bang!

Name three situations that you would change if you were able to live your life again, but with gained experience?

To be honest (I thought about it), I probably wouldn’t change anything. There were, of course, a couple sad stories in my life. At some point in my life I would like to be, say, not as indifferent as I was. I would have paid more attention to something. But in general, I am not prone to reflection in life; I believe that every person should be free from this. If you make your mistakes, you have the right to do so, you are human. You make a mistake, give thanks for the experience and move on.

What would you wish to the residents of Voronezh who celebrated their 432nd birthday?

My first tour in my life with the dance group of the Ostankino ballet happened in the city of Voronezh. For the first time, at the age of seven, I was torn away from my mom and dad and put in some old house, where I sat on the floor and cried for two hours. The toilet was outside, there were a lot of cats, it was such stress for the pampered Moscow girl! But I am very grateful to these tours, thanks to them I became much bolder, after these impressions there was little in life that could scare me. This time Radio “MIR” organized a fantastic holiday in Voronezh. Stage, light, sound - everything is at a very high professional level! It was late evening and the darkness allowed us to convey the beauty of our show. Evening Voronezh is a real beauty and you can probably not fall in love with it only if you don’t see anything. I was amazed by the warmth of the welcome and to all residents of Voronezh I would like to wish that your beloved city continues to flourish, so that every day you sincerely appreciate everything that happens in it!


According to the spectacular brunette, there was no drama or conflict at the time of her farewell to Vintage. Colleagues in the group reacted with understanding to Anna’s decision to perform solo. “When it became known that I left the group, they started asking me: “What happened? Didn’t you divide the money?” And I didn’t even have anything to answer. Apparently, over all these years I was never able to become a person in show business, because I couldn’t come up with a scandal,” Pletneva noted with a smile.


Alexey Romanov, who created “Vintage” together with the performer, responded to her resignation letter due to at will surprisingly calm. “He answered me only one thing: “Thank God that you suggested this yourself: I didn’t know how to tell you the same thing.” He felt that I was becoming cramped within the group and I was ready to move on,” explained the ex-soloist “Vintage.” “In this situation, he behaved like a friend, not like a colleague.”

39-year-old Pletneva, who always performs in erotic outfits, promised that she will continue to remain a “bad girl.” “I chose this stage image consciously. Fortunately, no one dictated to Lesha and me how to behave, how to dress and what to sing - we were our own producers. I can’t say that solo singer Anya Pletneva will be very different from soloist of the Vintage group Anya Pletneva, because it was also me,” the star emphasized.

However, the singer made some adjustments to her appearance. “Of course, there will be changes, otherwise why would I leave the group then? I have many serious songs that I have not performed at concerts before, and I want them to be heard. This does not mean that I will now sing exclusively lyrical ballads, I’ll turn into a kind of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva and become correct. No, I’ll still remain a hooligan and a “bad girl,” HELLO! magazine quotes the performer.

By the way, earlier Pletneva admitted to journalists for the first time that in her youth she was crazy about Vladimir Presnyakov. At the same time, at that time Anna did not perceive the artist’s beloved woman, singer Kristina Orbakaite, as a rival. “I saw him on TV and fell in love, despite the fact that I was brutal in my musical tastes, I listened to St. Petersburg rock - Tsoi, “Nautilus Pompilius”, and so on. The Doors, Björk. Pop music didn't interest me. But Volodya appeared, and I stopped eating, sleeping and breathing without his music,” the artist recalls. – I didn’t perceive Kristina Orbakaite as a rival; she seemed to me a temporary phenomenon in Presnyakov’s life. My intuition did not disappoint."