Can Pechorin be called a typical hero of his time? "Hero of Our Time", Pechorin: characteristics. Why is Pechorin a “hero of time”? Lonely and self-absorbed personality

The title of the novel suggests that
Lermontov wanted to delve deeper into
social life of his time. 30's years XIX
replaced the time of the Decembrists - these are the years
Nikolaev reaction. Main problem
this novel is the fate of the thinker,
talented person who couldn't find
self-use in public
stagnation Belinsky called him “smart
uselessness", " moral cripple”.

the problem of this novel is the fate of the thinker,
a talented person who couldn't
find application in conditions
social stagnation. Belinsky called him
“smart uselessness”, “moral
crippled." Lermontov showed Pechorin how
through the history of the “human soul”
through his destiny.

Pechorin “as a hero of his time”
reveals itself in relationships with others
characters who are not similar in any way
character, nor by position on Pechorin.
Of particular importance is the change of persons leading
narration. First about Pechorin
says Maxim Maksimych, “a traveler
Then the author-narrator speaks about him, and
further Pechorin reveals himself in his
diaries. Already the portrait of Pechorin
characterizes him as an extraordinary person.
His eyes “did not laugh when he laughed.”
He seems to be woven from contradictions: he is brave,
energetic, persistent, then quiet and meek,
deepened into oneself. He is just as uneven in
relationships with people, and these relationships are still
emphasize inconsistency more
Pechorin's nature.

Available in
Pechorin qualities that attract people, with
with whom he has to communicate. There are
situations where it even compares favorably
from others. Pechorin, no matter who he communicates with,
impresses everyone without making an effort
besides a lot of effort. Grushnitsky needs
spend a lot of effort to convert
pay attention to yourself. Grushnitsky's behavior
caused a feeling of irritation in Pechorin.
He used all his mind and energy for the sake of
petty, insignificant pleasure: “to piss off”
Grushnitsky. Pechorin made every effort,
so that Mary would love him. Emptiness of life
makes him act for the sake of sensation
life, which led to a duel with Grushnitsky.

Of all
The heroes of the novel Werner are closest to Pechorin
according to your intellectual level. He
smart, insightful, just like
Pechorin, Werner has an ironic mindset.
Werner - the only person with whom
Pechorin is easy and simple. They understand each other
a friend at a glance, and Pechorin values
Werner's opinion. In Pechorin's duel with
Grushnitsky Werner plays the role
second, but the outcome of the duel frightens him, and
Werner decides to say goodbye to Pechorin.

Neither deep
love, no real affection Pechorin
does not feel towards any of the women. He's with Bela
treats him like a boring toy. Playing
on the prejudices and instincts of the mountaineers,
Pechorin spends his mind and energy on the goal,
unworthy of a decent person.

In his
in relation to Princess Mary Pechorin looks
even more repulsive. He seeks love
young princess just so that
to annoy Grushnitsky, he didn’t even
thinks about what dooms Mary to

Is he capable
Do you like Pechorin at all? From attitude
Pechorin to Vera, we understand that he loves her.
This feeling manifests itself most strongly when
moment when there is a danger of losing
Faith: “...I prayed, cursed, cried,
laughed... no, nothing will express my
anxiety, despair!.. Faith has become for
dearer to me than anything in the world...” But such
Pechorin's condition does not last long. His
began to be overcome by questions, why should he “chase
for lost happiness”, what will give him
the last meeting, but most of all he
I was afraid that he might be seen crying. AND
Pechorin returns home.

Pechorin manifests himself in relationships with people
more than “empty uselessness”. This is about him too
Lermontov said in the Duma:

we hate and we love by chance,

sacrificing neither anger nor love,

And reigns
there is some secret cold in my soul,

When the fire
boils in the blood.”

Pechorin himself
says about himself: “Two people live in me:
one lives in the full sense of the word,
another thinks and judges him.” Pechorin -
vigorous, smart person but he can't
find applications for your mind, your knowledge.
Pechorin is a cruel and indifferent egoist,
because he causes misfortune to everyone, with
who he communicates with, and he doesn’t care about his condition
other people. But Belinsky said that he was “suffering
selfish” because he blames himself for
his actions, he is aware of his actions, and
nothing brings him satisfaction.
It's all the fault of the society in which
talented people appeared, but who did not
were able to demonstrate their abilities, convert
your energy for good and necessary deeds.

criticism could not give proper assessment
image of Pechorin. F. Bulgarin appreciated
everything in the novel is positive except the main thing
hero, as if thereby rejecting that
a merciless verdict on living conditions
Russian society, the product of which was
Pechorin. It is characteristic that Bulgarin’s assessment
coincided with the assessment of Nicholas I,
at first I decided that the hero would be old
servant Maxim Maksimych. When was the affair
finished reading, the king came to the conclusion that the image
Pechorina is a tribute to Western fashion. That's exactly how it is in
letter to the empress appreciated by Nicholas I
his brilliant contemporary, whom
he hated it. Pechorin was a product
Russian reality, not only a hero,
but also a victim of his time.

Tasks and tests on the topic “Why does the author call Pechorin a hero of time? (Based on the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov, Hero of Our Time.)”

  • Changing past tense verbs by gender and number - Verb as part of speech grade 4

    Lessons: 1 Assignments: 9 Tests: 1

“A Hero of Our Time” is a novel “in which the century is reflected and modern man is depicted quite correctly.” Its main character is Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin, a deep, contradictory and unhappy personality.

He is a gifted nature. Smart, can experience strong passions, can control himself. Pechorin correctly judges people and himself. The characteristics he gave to his contemporaries are correct. Pechorin's heart beats evenly, although "mad impulses" overcome the hero. Grigory Alexandrovich wants to be useful people, but almost always his attempts end in failure. Why?

Lermontov considers Pechorin a “moral cripple” because he acts contradictorily. There is also a contradiction in appearance. He does not laugh when there is a smile on his face, his gait is careless, although firm, his build is strong with nervous weakness. Maxim Maksimych, good friend, notices that from time to time Pechorin is sad, wrapping himself in warm clothes, although the sun is outside the window, or he can open the window and go to the wild boar - and not say a word about the fact that it was cold.

“My whole life has been just a chain of sad and unsuccessful contradictions to my heart or mind,” - this is how he thinks about himself

And how does this manifest itself? Firstly, in his view of the world. After all, he lives “out of curiosity,” wanting to create. Secondly, he does not believe himself, because he thinks with his head, but does not feel anything. His heart is warm, capable of understanding others, but...

Contradictions in the character of the hero are manifested in his attitude towards women; he seeks their attention out of a desire to conquer, fall in love and abandon. This happened with both Bela and Mary.

Pechorin is an egoist, but he is capable of love to the point of unconsciousness. Without making out the road, he drove after the dying Vera, who became for him more valuable than honor, life, happiness. Not having caught up, Grigory Alexandrovich lay down on the grass and cried like a child. Then reason prevailed, and the soul of the “moral cripple” began to act according to the usual laws.

On the eve of the duel, Pechorin thinks about the purpose for which he was born. After all, he kills Grushnitsky, destroys the lives of smugglers, gets rid of Mary’s illusions, communicates coldly with best friend Maxim Maksimych. His actions are petty, no matter what he wrote in his diary. Pechorin loves the whole world, but the world does not protect his surroundings. That's why he's doomed.

Who is to blame for the terrible fate of the hero, the “smart uselessness”? Upbringing? Secular society? Himself? Why did Lermontov call Pechorin a hero of his time?

The answer lies on the surface. Time gives birth to its heroes and its non-heroes, depending on what qualities are needed or not needed by modern society. And then the person does not fit into the system, he turns out to be EXTRA. Smart, critical thinkers could not find themselves, because they were not needed in the thirties of the 19th century, when silence rather than action was a priority. However, Pechorin himself is to blame, for everyone is his own director...

Why is Grigory Pechorin called a hero of his time?

In his novel “Hero of Our Time,” M. Yu. Lermontov depicted the 30s of the 19th century in Russia. These were difficult times in the life of the country. Having suppressed the Decembrist uprising, Nicholas I sought to turn the country into a barracks - everything living, the slightest manifestations of free thought, were mercilessly persecuted and suppressed. Two years after “A Hero of Our Time” appeared in print, A. I. Herzen wrote: “Will future people understand and appreciate all the horror, all the tragic side of our existence?”

“A hero of our time,” says Lermontov in the preface to the novel, “is a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation, in their full development.” Lermontov expressed “caustic truths” about the life of this generation, about its inaction, wasting energy on empty pursuits. The author showed in the novel a typical young man of that time - Pechorin. What is a hero like? early XIX century in Lermontov's view?

His fate is tragic. Grigory Pechorin was expelled from St. Petersburg for a certain “story” (obviously, for a duel over a woman) to the Caucasus, several more stories happen to him along the way, he is demoted, goes to the Caucasus again, then travels for some time and, returning home from Persia , dies. During all this time, he experienced a lot himself and influenced the lives of other people in many ways. During his life Pechorin destroyed a lot human destinies- Princesses Mary Ligovskaya, Vera, Bela, Grushnitsky... Why did this happen?

After all, Pechorin can be called a very extraordinary, intelligent, strong-willed person. He has a broad outlook, high education and culture. He quickly and accurately judges people and life in general. In addition, he is distinguished by a constant desire for action. Pechorin cannot stay in one place, surrounded by the same people. Is this why he cannot be happy with any woman, even with the one he is in love with? After a while, boredom overcomes him and he begins to look for something new, without thinking about those with whom he was close. Pechorin writes in his diary: “...the one in whose head more ideas were born acts more; because of this, a genius, chained to a bureaucratic desk, must die or go crazy...”

The hero of Lermontov's novel is not satisfied with this fate, and he acts. But at the same time, Pechorin wastes his energy on actions unworthy of him. He destroys the nest of “peaceful” smugglers, kidnaps Bela, achieves Mary’s love and refuses it, kills Grushnitsky in a duel... We see that Pechorin does not take into account the feelings of other people, practically does not pay attention to them. We can say that this person's actions are deeply selfish. All the more selfish because he justifies himself. Explaining to Mary, Pechorin says: “...this has been my fate since childhood! Everyone read on my face signs of bad qualities that were not there; but they were assumed - and they were born... I became secretive... I became vindictive... I became envious... I learned to hate... I began to deceive... I became a moral cripple...”

But it seems to me that one cannot blame only Pechorin himself for the fact that he “became a moral cripple.” Society is also to blame for this, in which there is no worthy use best qualities hero. The same society that interfered with Onegin and Lensky, which hated Chatsky, is now Pechorin. So Pechorin learned to hate, to lie, he became secretive, he “buried his best feelings in the depths of his heart, and there they died.”

Thus, we can say that a typical young man of the 30s XIX century, on the one hand, is not devoid of intelligence and talents, “immense powers” ​​lurk in his soul, and on the other hand, he is an egoist who breaks hearts and destroys lives. Pechorin is both an “evil genius” and at the same time a victim of society.

In Pechorin’s diary we read: “...My first pleasure is to subordinate to my will everything that surrounds me; to arouse feelings of love, devotion and fear - isn’t this the first sign and the greatest triumph of power.” His attention to women, the desire to achieve their love is the need of his ambition, the desire to subjugate those around him to his will.

This is evidenced by his love for Vera. After all, there was a barrier between Pechorin and Vera - Vera was married, and this attracted Pechorin, who sought to achieve his goal despite any circumstances.

But Pechorin’s love for Vera is still more than just intrigue. When he received it last letter, then “like a madman, he jumped out onto the porch, jumped on his horse and set off at full speed to catch up with her.” He did not catch up with Vera, remaining in the steppe without a horse, which fell under him. Then he fell on the wet grass and cried, writes Lermontov. Vera was the only woman whom Pechorin truly loved. At the same time, only Vera knew and loved Pechorin, not the fictional one, but the real one, with all his advantages and disadvantages. “I should hate you... You gave me nothing but suffering,” she says to Pechorin. But, as we know, such was the fate of most people with whom Pechorin came close...

In a moment of sadness, Pechorin reasons: “Why did I live, for what purpose was I born? And, it’s true, it existed, and, it’s true, there was a high purpose for me, because I feel immense strength in my soul. But I did not guess my purpose, I was carried away by the lures of empty and ignoble passions.” And in fact, did Pechorin have a “high purpose”?

I think that if this person had been born at a different time, he would have been able to realize his talents for the benefit of himself and those around him. It is no coincidence that he occupies one of the central places in the gallery literary images“extra” people. On the other hand, Pechorin is a hero of his time, because the tragedy of his life reflected the tragedy of an entire generation of young people talented people, which have not found a worthy use.

The events described in the novel “A Hero of Our Time” take place in the 1839s. Several years have passed since the execution of the Decembrists, which occurred in 1825. The mood of the youth, the younger generation of that era was negative, they constantly doubted something, did not believe.

The progressive youth of those dark days completely rejected all the principles by which for a long time their fathers and grandfathers lived, seeing the failure moral values previous generations. Young people cannot find themselves, they do not see where they could direct their energy and strength. That's why the famous literary critic Belinsky quite rightly wrote at that time that “Pechorin is suffering, Onegin is bored.”

“Hero of our time” - Pechorin came from noble family. Foreign teachers and governesses hired by wealthy parents were engaged in his education and upbringing. Like many young people from his circle, having escaped from family care and “poisoned by heady freedom,” Pechorin began to play cards, communicate with women, etc.

The hero is smart and cold-blooded, he impartially and objectively evaluates those around him, without mincing words, he judges both them and himself. While still young, Pechorin was tired of the various pleasures that could be experienced for money, and he was disappointed in his life. He becomes bored and sad about life.

It is boredom that forces Pechorin to cut off all ties with society and go to fight in the Caucasus. Resigned to a boring life, he nevertheless dilutes it with mortal dangers.

Various contradictions in Pechorin’s character are most reflected in his relationships with the opposite sex. He claims that he seeks their love solely out of a sense of ambition. In relationships with women, he looks like a real egoist, while, as it turns out later, Pechorin is still capable of sincere love. Just read the story of their relationship with Vera.

However, it seems to me that negative aspects Pechorin's character has much more positive characteristics. So why does Lermontov call him “Hero of our time”? The reason is that in our case, the hero is not an example to follow, but an image of an entire generation, which includes all the vices of the people of those years...

Why Yu.M. Lermontov called his novel "Hero of Our Time"?

In my opinion, the novel “A Hero of Our Time” is named this way for several reasons. First of all, main character inextricably linked with his era, with the life of the nobility, with his attitude to the world. Lermontov shows us a man full of contradictions, but, nevertheless, in search of truth. But does he find what he is looking for?

No, Pechorin, like Onegin, does not see his happiness. Boredom and selfishness are explained not by the inner emptiness of the hero, but by deeper reasons. " Modern man"Lermontov is not guilty of his uselessness for society. The author seems to present his hero with complete freedom of choice, however, Pechorin’s actions imperceptibly demonstrate not only his will, but also the power of circumstances behind them, and most importantly, the influence modern society.

People like Pechorin, in noble society Nikolaev Russia was not much. And yet, in this unique, exceptionally gifted person, Lermontov showed a typical noble hero 30s.

The hero not only has nothing in common, but is also deeply hostile to the philistine, everyday attitude towards reality that dominates in noble society. Critical view intelligent and observant Pechorin on the reality of his time largely coincides with the views of the author himself.

The time of creation of the novel is rich in significant events in public life. The ideas of Hegel and the writings of the utopians - Fourier, Rousseau and others - began to reach the Russian public. At the same time, in Russia there was a noticeable revival of social thought, and Slavophile ideology was born. This was the time of the emergence of numerous trends that had not yet been formalized, but had already declared themselves. In this era of emerging literary ideas Lermontov creates a novel that absorbs all the “incompleteness” of the era.

You should also take a closer look at the word “hero” in the title of the novel. This word itself carries several meanings. The hero is main character novel, and, at the same time, a bright personality of the era, who somehow deserved this title. The question immediately arises: “Can Pechorin be considered a hero, because his actions and actions are not always heroic character? Lermontov's hero is unusual, “strange,” and all the events in which he participates are just as unusual and strange.

Pechorin is an established character who finds himself in unexpected situations. He is presented as a historically logical hero of the time. Probably, such an era could not give birth to other heroes.

Despite his “strangeness” and dissimilarity from others, Pechorin is, nevertheless, a typical hero of his time, since not only the main character of the novel, but also the whole society as a whole is sick with selfishness, contradictory character, and melancholy.

Thus, by calling his novel this way, Lermontov wanted to show that Pechorin is “ business card"of his era. His image, according to the author’s plan, combines the typicality of such a person in society and its uniqueness, because in other times the fate of the main character would have turned out differently.