How to draw a portrait of a mother with short hair. Necessary materials for creating a beautiful DIY Mother's Day card

Mom is the closest and dearest person in every child’s life. Indeed, the role of the mother in education and development little man It’s hard to overestimate, because she’s the one for many years is nearby, protects and supports. Looking closely at children's drawings, most often you can recognize the mother in the touching angular female figure - children with special love and diligence depict small “identifying” details of hairstyle or clothing. So, how to draw a mother? We have selected the simplest step-by-step master classes with photos and videos of depicting a mother with pencils or paints - with a child, as well as a “family” drawing with a father, daughter and son. With the help of our lessons for children 8 - 10 years old, you can beautifully draw a mother’s portrait or a postcard with your own hands as a gift for a birthday, Mother’s Day, March 8th - from your beloved daughter or son. Inspired by our ideas, you can easily decide what to draw for your mother for any occasion. significant date or just like that. Happy drawing!

How to beautifully and easily draw a mother with paints - a step-by-step master class with photos for children 8 - 9 years old

Children's drawings always convey feelings, thoughts, emotions young artist- everything that, due to age, is difficult to express in words. How to beautifully draw your mother with gouache? For children 8 – 9 we offer step-by-step master class with photos on how to create a colorful portrait of your mother. Following the instructions of the lesson, each child can easily paint his mother’s portrait and present a surprise on Mother’s Day or March 8th. Undoubtedly, every mother will love such a touching gift from her daughter or son, lovingly made with her own hands.

Necessary materials for drawing a mother’s portrait with paints:

  • paints – gouache
  • sheet of paper
  • squirrel tassels of different thicknesses
  • glass of water

Step-by-step instructions for a master class on creating a beautiful drawing of a mother by an 8-9 year old child, with photo:

  1. First you need to mix white paint with red and yellow you get a nice flesh color.

  2. On a white sheet of paper we depict an oval-shaped face and a neck.

  3. Using red paint, draw the outline of the clothing and paint over it.

  4. It is better to make the background light - in our case it is yellow.

  5. When the paint dries, we begin to draw the hairstyle - we direct the strokes from the place of the “parting” down, along the hair growth.

  6. To depict the eyes, you will need a thin brush, which we dip in white paint and make a base. We draw blue circles on top - our mother’s eyes will be of this beautiful color.

  7. We make the lips red.

  8. We highlight the cheeks with pink color.

  9. Using a thin brush, draw the line of the nose and eyebrows.

  10. Using the same thin brush, paint individual strands of hair with a light shade.

  11. Make the neck color darker to highlight the face.

  12. For expressiveness, we outline the eyes with a thin black line, and also draw pupils and eyelashes.

  13. We draw a thin line-smile on the lips.

  14. We complement the portrait with small details - white earrings and beads.

  15. The finishing touch to the picture will be a bouquet of daisies in mom’s hands. First we draw the yellow center, and then the white petals.

  16. Leaves and flower stems are painted green and shaded with turquoise paint.

  17. All that remains is to decorate the background with small details in the form of flowers or leaves and that’s it – our mother’s portrait is ready! Such beautiful drawing can easily be drawn by a child of 8-9 years old as a gift for mommy for any holiday or just to please or cheer up.

How to draw a mother, father, daughter and son with a pencil - master class step by step on video for children

For children of any age, a family is loving and dear people, real support and support. In addition to himself, in his first drawings the baby usually depicts his mother, father, sister or brother. Over time, the drawings become more meaningful, but the essence remains the same - with the help of a pencil or paints, the child expresses his feelings for the close people around him and life events. With the help of our video master class, we will learn how to draw a mother, father, daughter and son step by step - this pencil drawing is easy for even the smallest painter to master.

Video tutorial on creating a family drawing - mother, father, daughter and son:

How to draw a mother and child with a pencil - a master class for beginning artists

Mom's hands are gentle, caring and kind. The child receives the first hugs in his life from his mother, and as he grows older, the need for a warm touch also grows. loved one. The most famous artists painted a mother with a child in her arms - many of these paintings can be found in galleries different countries peace. How to draw a mother and child with a pencil? Take our master class for beginners, and soon you will be able to draw a mother with a child in her arms with a pencil - a wonderful gift for the upcoming Mother's Day.

List of materials for a master class on pencil drawing of mother and child:

  • sheet of white paper
  • simple pencil
  • colored pencils or paints for coloring

The procedure for drawing a mother with a child in her arms - step by step:

  1. We start the drawing with a sketch of the head of the mother and child - with horizontal and vertical lines to mark the location of the eyes, nose and mouth. We outline the contour of the mother’s torso, marking the line of the shoulders, arms and back. We outline with strokes the child’s hand on the mother’s shoulder, as well as the line of the body. Then we give the faces an oval shape, and add an ear to the child.

  2. We make a parting on mom’s head, from which we draw wavy strands of hair. We depict the boy short hairstyle with bangs.

  3. We place the eyes on the top horizontal line face, outlining the contours of the eyelids and drawing eyeballs, pupils and eyelashes. We complement the eyes with arched eyebrow lines. We draw noses and lips stretched in a smile - along the previously outlined vertical and horizontal lines.

  4. We draw the child’s torso – shoulder, back, chest, as well as the arm and sleeve of the shirt. The fingers of the hand hugging the mother need to be outlined more clearly.

  5. Now we outline the mother’s back and chest, not forgetting to outline the sleeve of the dress. We finish drawing the hands hugging the child.

  6. That's it, ours black and white drawing Moms with a baby in her arms are ready!

  7. All that remains is to color the image with colored pencils or paints. For the hair of mother and child, you can take different shades of chestnut color, make the dress orange, and the shirt blue. A beautiful and touching drawing!

What to draw for a mother’s birthday from her 8-10 year old daughter – original ideas with photos

Every mother is pleased to receive main holiday a gift from your beloved daughter or son - a drawing or craft made with your own hands. So, what should you draw for your mom on her birthday? We have selected the most interesting ideas with photos of hand-drawn gifts for mom - any of the proposed options is quite within the capabilities of a girl of 8 - 10 years old. Complete the drawing with warm touching poems - with best wishes!

Photo ideas for children's drawings for mom's birthday

What to draw for mom just like that - a selection of beautiful drawings in the photo

The best drawings for moms - from children just like that, from the bottom of their hearts

How to draw a card for mom for Mother’s Day with your own hands - step-by-step master class with photos

On the eve of various holidays, children draw wonderful picture cards for their mothers with paints or pencils - the most “universal” gift and sign of attention from a loving child. So, how to draw a card for mom on Mother’s Day with your own hands? In 2017, we celebrate this wonderful holiday on November 26, so you can start studying our step-by-step master class with photo. A little perseverance and diligence, and you will get a beautiful hand-drawn card for your mother - for Mother's Day or another special event.

List of materials for a master class on creating a card for mom for Mother’s Day:

  • thick white paper or double-sided cardboard
  • acrylic - white, ivory
  • brushes - spatula, thin
  • simple pencil
  • watercolor paints
  • thin felt-tip pen

Step-by-step description of the master class “Hand-drawn postcard for mom” - as a gift for Mother’s Day:

  1. Paint the base of the card acrylic paint light color using a spatula brush.

  2. Apply to the surface of the sheet with a simple pencil individual details of the picture - flowers, leaves, stems.

  3. Mix yellow and orange watercolors and make a background for the flowers.

  4. We color the poppies red.

  5. For the centers of the daisies we use yellow paint.

  6. We paint the “core” of the poppies black.

  7. We outline the outline of the poppies with a thin black brush with black paint or a felt-tip pen.

  8. We paint the contours of the chamomile petals with white acrylic, shading each element. Complete this postcard congratulatory inscription and - the gift for Mother's Day is ready!

How to draw mom? Here you will find master classes with photos and videos for children aged 8 - 10 on drawing with pencil and paint a portrait of a mother and child, as well as a family drawing with a father, daughter, son. If you haven’t yet decided what to draw for your mom’s birthday, March 8, Mother’s Day, or just because, use our ideas and lessons. Following step-by-step instructions, you will beautifully and easily make a touching gift-card with your own hands. Undoubtedly, every mother will be happy with such a creative surprise from her beloved daughter or son.

All children love to draw. However, they do not always do this well. No one will argue with the fact that for a mother, even ordinary doodles drawn by her baby are the most expensive gift. However, a child can be taught to draw. And this is very easy to do. with mom? This will be discussed further.

About the psychology of drawing

Every children's drawing carries a certain amount of information. This should not be forgotten. Thus, portraits of mothers drawn by children can be very different: they can be bright or dark, beautiful and drawn - it all depends on the relationship between the baby and the parents. However, in this situation, we should not forget that a child’s drawing is a momentary state of his soul. Maybe the baby is just worried difficult period, that’s why his drawing is dark and gloomy.

It should also be noted that the more mother is in the child’s drawing, the more he loves her, the more significant she is for him. Depending on the relationship, the details of the drawing, as well as the color scheme, may vary. The amount of pressure applied when drawing also speaks volumes. Sharp lines indicate that the child has a negative attitude towards his mother, is afraid or afraid of her. If the lines are light and smooth, everything is fine in the mother-baby relationship.

Figure 1. The simplest

There may be answers to the question of how to draw a child with his mother. huge amount. But you need to start from the very simple options. Yeah, it could be simple schematic drawing for the little ones:

  1. First you need to draw an adult - a mother. The head is a circle, the oval is the body, the lines are the arms and legs. A child is drawn using the same principle, only smaller in size.
  2. To add beauty to the drawing, mother and baby can be dressed up. The mother may be wearing a simple triangular dress, and the child, depending on the gender, may also be wearing a dress or just shorts or pants.
  3. The easiest way is for mother and child to hold hands. You can draw a ball in the child’s free hand, or a flower in the mother’s.

Figure 2. In action

The next tip on how to draw a child with his mother: in action. They can feed the birds, lie on a towel by the sea, and play ball. There are many options. In this case, the child must decide for himself how he wants to see the drawing. Drawing of mother and baby on the beach:

  • First, a towel is depicted on which mother and child will lie.
  • Next, both figures are “placed” on a blanket or towels. Again, this can be as simple as a schematic drawing of a circle, an oval and straight lines.
  • In this case, it is important to draw the interior details, that is, sand, sea, sky, seagulls. You can draw protective and toys.

Figure 3. Portrait

When figuring out how to draw a mother and child step by step, you need to remember that the most difficult thing to depict is the face. So, you can try to create a portrait of mother and baby.

  1. Initially, you need to draw an oval - the mother's face. Then it splits down the middle vertical line and three horizontal ones - at the level of the eyes, nose and mouth.
  2. Using this marking, the eyes, nose and mouth are drawn.
  3. Next you need to draw hair and bangs. By the way, they can hide some of the nuances of the drawing. For example, if it was not possible to depict one eye well.
  4. Using the same principle, the baby’s face is drawn side by side.
  5. The portrait also includes shoulders and décolleté. This is all drawn schematically. First the neck is depicted, then the shoulders. The cutout can be depicted as a triangle. You can “hang” a pendant or beads on your mother’s neck.
  6. To make the drawing complete, you can draw a frame, as if the picture is already in the frame.

Figure 4. Child in a stroller

The next tip is how to draw a child with his mother: you can “put” the baby in a stroller. This is not difficult to do. So, first you can draw your mother. She can simply stand upright, with one arm extended towards the stroller. A stroller is drawn next to it, just a rectangle on wheels from which the child will look out. It's also easy to depict. You can simply draw a head with a funny curled curl on the forehead and a sweet smile. The picture is decorated bright colors and interior details - flowers, grass, sky, animals.

Other drawing options

  • Child in mother's arms. He can hug the parent by the neck, he can show something.
  • The child is in a sling (an excellent alternative to a stroller when walking with a baby), that is, tied to the mother with a special fabric.
  • The child and mother are sitting opposite each other. They can have lunch in a cafe or do other activities.

Original version

Very original version how to draw a mother with a child: depict a pregnant mother. However, older children who understand how people are born will be able to guess this. To do this, just draw a woman with a large round belly. Both original and the task completed.

Mom's portrait

And the last thing I want to talk about: mothers with a pencil. For children this task will not be very easy. After all, you will need to draw small details- nose, mouth, eyes, hair. This must be done according to the scheme described above, where an oval is first drawn, then it is divided by three horizontal and one vertical lines. After this, various small details are depicted. And to distract attention from unsuccessfully drawn elements, a child can draw large bright earrings or beads.

Mom is the most precious person for all of us! It is important for a child to give the most valuable thing to his loved one and to a loved one. What can a three or five year old child do on his own without the help of an adult? Draw, sculpt, glue ready-made self-adhesive applications. Let's see, preschoolers.

How do they draw mothers in younger groups?

Younger preschoolers do not yet know how to use their hands and hold pencils incorrectly. That's why children prefer thick markers, holding them in their fists. Their drawings are schematic, with imaginary lines.

Children who hold a pencil well draw their mother schematically: a round head, a triangle expressing the dress and body, arms and legs in the form of “sticks”. Few children draw eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hair.

During this period, it is important for educators to focus children’s attention on the fact that we are drawing mother in stages (head, neck, torso, limbs), and to pay attention to the details of clothing and body parts. Easier for children to draw plot stories, where they walk as a family, explaining their scribbles and color spots in words.

It is clear that the drawing will be very different from reality. Many mothers, when they are given drawings for March 8th, try to quickly fold them and put them in their bag, thereby giving the child the feeling that he has drawn worse than other children. Therefore, accept the drawing with love and gratitude, as the baby drew from the heart!

How to draw a mother in the middle group?

Five-year-old children learn to draw a person in accordance with proportions: a round or oval head, a small rectangular neck, clothes, hands with fingers and toes in shoes. Also, children do not forget about the face, ears, hair and accessories.

Here it is important for teachers to focus children’s attention on the individuality of each person. Otherwise, how will their mother recognize her portrait? That’s why the children tell us what their mother most often does, likes, and how she dresses. They draw mothers in their favorite clothes and with their favorite earrings, at work or in a hobby.

Preschoolers make “pencil outlines” and then paint with paints. Also at this age, children learn to draw portraits immediately with paints, understanding that the sheet should only show the face with all the details (eyes with eyelashes, eyebrows, nose, blush, ears), hairstyle, neck and part of the clothes.

mothers in senior and preparatory groups?

Children 6-7 years old have already created more than realistic drawings. They create portraits of mothers from memory and photographs, conveying the very essence of a person: sadness on the face, an open smile, eye color, squinting or wide open look, oval face.

Teachers devote two lessons to how to draw a mother. During the first lesson, children remember:

In the second lesson they finish drawing a portrait:

  • examine blank portraits, eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows, mouth;
  • draw eyes, drawing the pupil, eyelashes on both eyelids;
  • draw eyebrows, mouth, hair;
  • add decorations and background.

Now you know how to draw a mother, and using this plan you can help your child draw all the family members. The main thing is that the child must say what details should be in the portrait and find distinctive features each family member, which will allow you to immediately recognize your image.

Master class on drawing a full-face portrait using reference drawings in kindergarten.

Portrait "My Mother".

Safronova Tatyana Arkadyevna, GBOU School No. 1248 structural unit No. 6 (preschool department), teacher, Moscow.
Description: The master class is intended for educators preparatory group kindergarten. To draw a portrait in kindergarten, I recommend using reference drawings that show the sequence of doing the work step by step. I bring to your attention ten reference drawings, each of which involves a repetition of all previous and new stage. You can draw them yourself, following the recommendations of my master class, or print the ones I suggested. Portrait "My Mother" will be a good gift for mothers by March 8.
Goals: Prepare supporting drawings for teaching children how to draw a full-face portrait; teach children to draw a full-face portrait, taking into account proportions, trying to convey features appearance.
Tasks: Practice drawing skills with a simple pencil, changing the pressure on the pencil when drawing auxiliary lines, learn to use an eraser; develop artistic creativity children, interest in independent creative activity.
To work we will need:

- landscape sheet (or 1/2 album sheet) – 10 pcs.
- a simple pencil
- eraser
Preliminary work:
Read an excerpt from a poem by Alexander Kushner to the children
If you see what's in the picture
Is one of us looking?
Or a prince in an old cloak,
Or a steeplejack in a robe,
Pilot or ballerina,
Or Kolka, your neighbor, -
Required picture
It's called a portrait.
A portrait is a painting of a person. A portrait can be in profile - this is a side view or full face - an image of a person facing the beholder.
Look at reproductions of paintings with your children.

Bryullov A.P. Portrait of Natalia Goncharova

Makarov Ivan “Portrait of Countess M.S. Sheremeteva in childhood (married Gudovich)”

Rachkov N.E. "Girl with Berries"
In all these paintings we see a full-face portrait - the depicted faces are turned towards the viewer.
You and I will learn to draw a full-face portrait.
Draw a sample on the board, showing the corresponding reference drawing. Explain the sequence of work for each stage.
Step-by-step execution of work
Reference drawing No. 1
Draw the outline of the face in the form of an oval.

Reference drawing No. 2
Draw the hair (remember what kind of hairstyle your mom has, whether her hair is smooth or wavy or curly).

Reference drawing No. 3
Draw a line from top to bottom. The line divides the oval of the face in half vertically. This is an auxiliary line that will help place the eyes and mouth symmetrically on the face. Press the pencil lightly, then remove the line with an eraser.

Reference drawing No. 4
Draw two lines horizontally to divide the oval into three equal parts. This auxiliary lines, showing the level of location of the eyes, nose, mouth.

Reference drawing No. 5
On the top auxiliary line draw the eyes.

Reference drawing No. 6
In the middle part of the face, from the top to the bottom line, draw the nose.

Reference drawing No. 7
Draw a mouth in the middle of the lower part of the face.

Reference drawing No. 8
Carefully remove all auxiliary lines with an eraser.

Reference drawing No. 9
Draw the neck and shoulders. Please note that the shoulders are wider than the head.

Reference drawing No. 10
Draw mom's dress.

The portrait is ready!
Read the poem by Boris Prakhov to the children:
I am drawing a portrait of my mother
Watercolor on sheet.
And even if the portrait is without a frame,
And, albeit not on canvas.
Not everything in the portrait was successful,
But dear to mom
I tried. After all, in the world
There is no other better mother!
Guys, you will draw a portrait of your mother. This will be a gift for her on March 8th. Before you start drawing, imagine your mother, remember what her eyes, hair, hairstyle, smile are like.
Children draw a portrait on their own using reference drawings located on the board. Then the portrait is painted with paints. This is what the guys did - well done!

Congratulations to all mothers on International Women's Day on March 8! Valeria Zhilyaeva

Every mother rejoices at any sign of attention from her own child. It does not matter what exactly the child presented - a drawing, appliqué, origami or embroidery. This is probably the only person on the whole planet, who will be delighted with every little thing. Moreover, it’s not difficult to give a gift - easy drawings for mom for her birthday are available to everyone.

What can you draw for your mother's birthday?

So, what should you draw for your mom’s birthday with her own hands? Composition developmentimportant stage. Despite the fact that your mother will like any “flight of creative thought,” you still need to think through the plot.

Take the occasion, according to which the drawing will be awarded. We are talking about a birthday, which means images of a cake, flowers, balloons, ribbons and bows. Candles can be drawn on the cake; an image of a gift box or representatives of the fauna is allowed.

What will be depicted in the drawing for mom depends not only on imagination and creativity, but also on the reason for giving the gift

If you have any difficulties choosing a composition, always you can use other people's ideas. In our age, it is not difficult to pick them up. It is enough to use the Internet, printed publications or old postcards.

It is necessary to take into account mother’s preferences. To get an idea of ​​what the end result will look like, use the draft. You can schematically depict the future masterpiece and only then transfer the idea to a clean sheet of paper.

How to draw a picture for mom with your own hands?

After defining the concept, you need to figure out how to draw a beautiful drawing for your mom as a birthday gift. The next step in the algorithm for creating a gift image will be a sketch.

To make a sketch, a simple pencil is used. Be careful not to press on the paper. Otherwise, you risk leaving dents and cuts.

If you make a mistake, use an eraser. Carefully remove the resulting “pellets” so as not to stain the future drawing.

If your experience in drawing pictures is not great, it is better to complete the basic elements in stages. After drawing the sketch, the drawing needs to be decorated and added color.

In this case, the following subtleties must be taken into account:

  1. To make the image more expressive, you need to outline it in black gel pen. A thin felt-tip pen is also suitable for this purpose. The color should be applied after the outline has completely dried, otherwise you risk accidentally smearing it and ruining the masterpiece.
  2. If colored pencils are used for coloring, all lines are drawn on the paper in the same direction.
  3. When working with paints, the brush needs to be rinsed more often. This way you will keep the shade saturated. Remember that paints require complete drying. It is not recommended to move the drawing until this point.

The gift can be decorated additional decorative details. For these purposes, sparkles, special ornaments, rhinestones and other elements are used. All this can be purchased at stores specializing in handicrafts.

Add a beautiful congratulatory text with warm wishes to the created image

Draw flowers step by step

Well, what woman would refuse a bouquet of flowers? Such a sign of attention is always pleasant, especially if it is received from those closest to you.

And who said that the bouquet should be real? The original solution would be draw flowers on paper. For example, it could be several gorgeous roses. The image is complemented by a luxurious bow and congratulatory text framed in a decorated frame.

We offer simple step by step instructions, which, thanks to schematic images, is understandable even to children. The proposed version of painted flowers is made in retro style. This gives the picture a special charm. Mom will most likely have pleasant and warm memories, which she will happily share over a cup of aromatic tea.

How to draw flowers for your mother’s birthday step by step, watch the video:

A drawing as a gift for mom requires original design. Buy a harmonious frame made of wood or plastic that matches the shades used in the gift picture. This is a gift that mom can be proud of.

Now you can easily draw a bouquet of flowers for your mother’s birthday, complemented by other holiday attributes. The main thing to remember is that the image should be liked primarily not by the artist, but by the recipient of the gift.

Gifts for mom January 23, 2018