Proper massage for a child in the first three months of life. Proper massage for a child in the first three months of life Massage for babies 5 months old

Physical exercise for children at 5 months should already be an important part. Surely you have already understood that if the child does not require special medical care, then a mother who does not have the qualifications of a trainer and masseur can do gymnastics and massage the crumbs. In this case, accuracy and the ability to adhere to the system are enough. And, of course, love is needed - after all, it creates a unique channel for conveying love, care and a sense of security.

The baby is growing day by day - attentive parents are happy to notice changes in his behavior, but it is still very early to rest on his laurels - until the baby has learned to crawl, stand up and walk on his own, you need to give him a daily load using the recommended set of exercises for children at 5 months . Some of the exercises are already familiar to you from previous recommendations, and some are new, the time for them has just come.

Flexion / extension of the legs

Last month, you already started the glide step exercise - it's time to complete it with simultaneous flexion and extension of the legs. Be careful and do not overwork the child - 5-6 repetitions are enough.

Massage of the dorsal and gluteal region

Massage of the back and buttocks of the child is done using several techniques: stroking, rubbing, “sawing”, tapping and pinching. Do it in that order, and finally return to stroking.

Massage of the abdomen

According to the same scheme, the mass of the abdomen is also made. Move in a circle, towards yourself and even obliquely. Make sure that your touches are not too heavy - massage should not bring discomfort to the child.

Exercise "fly"

At this age, the child should already be able to confidently hold his head and be able to lift his upper body from a prone position. Agree, this exercise evokes thoughts about flying - perhaps that is why kids like it.

sitting down

Some babies by this age are already trying with might and main to sit down on their own, but only a few succeed. Do not rush things - it will be worse if the baby sits unprepared. Until then, raise it yourself, encouraging you to learn.


Last month, you started stimulating the "astronaut reflex" in a near-standing position. Diversify the exercise, encouraging the baby not just to walk, but to dance - for example, to some funny song.

In addition to all of the above, do not forget about other exercises: continue to “brux”, stimulate crawling, massage the feet, arms and legs separately. Remember that your efforts are incredibly important for the physical development of the baby.

Many parents at this age notice a surge in the activity of the child - indeed, the baby is becoming more and more mobile, inquisitive, active. It seems that he is already moving a lot, but exercises for children at 5 months cannot be canceled.

  • Firstly, the activity and physical development of the baby that you are so happy with is the result of your directed efforts. It is thanks to the fact that you found time for classes that you have such a joyful result.
  • Secondly, the child still has a lot of achievements ahead - you need to learn to crawl, sit down, get up and walk. There is no way without training - otherwise you yourself will slow down the development of your baby, delaying each of its stages.

It also happens that parents simply do not have enough time to exercise for children at 5 months - this situation cannot be considered normal. Try to fix it using the time management of a young mother and enlisting the help of relatives and friends. In the end, there is always the opportunity to save 20-25 minutes in order to pay attention to the development of your favorite crumbs.

In order for the baby to form the correct movements, parents must, from the first weeks of the child's life, perform massage and gymnastics complexes that correspond to his age.

Every few months, the gymnastic complex for babies becomes a little more complicated, expands. This article is addressed to parents of babies 4-6 months old, contains a description of a set of exercises suitable for them and information about the importance of gymnastics at this age.


Physical exercises have a beneficial effect on the activity of all body systems - nervous, digestive, hematopoietic, stimulate the processes of respiration, blood circulation, metabolism, strengthen muscles.

Without gymnastics, the comprehensive upbringing and development of the baby is inferior, the formation of movements is delayed, they are not so accurate and correct.

Gymnastic complexes for young children are aimed at the formation and consolidation of coordination, balance, respiratory movements, as the child develops, new tasks arise that gymnastics helps to solve.


At 4-5 months of life, the infant's muscular system undergoes important changes that must be taken into account when selecting exercises:

  • Disappears, the activity of the flexors and extensors is gradually balanced;
  • The movements of the baby become more conscious, coordinated and purposeful;
  • The child begins to roll over on his tummy and makes the first attempts to crawl, exercises should help the formation of this skill;
  • The kid not only reaches for objects and grabs them, but can also hold them for quite a long time;
  • Passive exercises for arms and legs can be introduced into the complex, since their muscle tone has decreased;
  • There should also be simple active exercises in the gymnastic complex;
  • Movements are built on unconditional reflex reactions, sound and visual signals are used after six months.

At 5 months, gymnastics is carried out with the following goals:

  • Development of the support reaction of the feet;
  • Formation of the skill of holding things;
  • The development of a sense of rhythm, the complication of coordination of movements.


Regardless of the age of the child, certain rules must be observed during the exercises:

  • Perform exercises at an air temperature of 20-22⁰, in a well-ventilated room, in summer - with an open window;
  • An adult should wash, dry and warm their hands;
  • Cover the exercise table with a flannelette blanket folded in 4 layers, oilcloth and a sheet;
  • Maintain an interval of at least 45 minutes between exercise and feeding the child;
  • It is important to create a positive attitude in the baby, to talk affectionately with him, to smile.

There are some new rules in 5 months:

  • The duration of classes increases to half an hour;
  • A new massage technique is introduced - kneading;
  • It is advisable to use toys to stimulate the motor activity of the baby;
  • Exercises are best done under a clear score or rhythmic music.


In the complex for babies 4-6 months old, passive and active movements are combined, gymnastic exercises are combined with massage techniques that were previously performed are complemented by more complex ones.

  • Hand massage.
  • Gymnastics for hands- reduce crosswise on the chest, perform rotational movements, bend-unbend in the hands and elbows, 4-5 times.
  • Foot massage .
  • Sliding step. Lay the baby on the back, rest the feet of the legs bent at the knees on the surface of the table. Alternately quickly bend and unbend the legs so that the feet slide without tearing off the heels. 6-8 times.
  • Back and buttocks massage.
  • Floating on the belly. For a few seconds, raise the child, putting your hands under his chest and stomach, and resting his legs on his chest. The raising of the head, the deflection of the back is stimulated.
  • Belly massage.
  • Sitting down. Raise the baby lying on his back to a sitting position, in which to stimulate the extension of the back, running two fingers along the spine up. 1-3 times.
  • Turn from back to tummy. Gradually teach the child to roll over without the help of an adult, stimulating him with toys. Perform in both directions 1-2 times.
  • Foot massage and stimulation of their reflex flexion and extension.
  • dancing. Hold the baby upright, grabbing it under the armpits so that it touches the legs of the table, and the entire surface of the foot should serve as a support.
  • Breast massage.
  • Boxing. Grabbing the baby's arms, rhythmically imitate the movements of the boxer.
  • Bike . Press the legs of the child lying on his back to the tummy, alternately or both at the same time, then unbend.
  • Soaring on the back. Putting both palms under the back, carefully lift the baby and hold it half-vertically for a couple of seconds, each time moving further and further to a horizontal position. An exercise for children who can already tilt their head forward and maintain balance.
  • Crawling with kick off.

Massage for a 5-month-old child is carried out at home on his own or by a professional massage therapist according to indications. Daily sessions will be useful for every baby. Such procedures within 15-20 minutes can be carried out by the mother or another family member. In the event that an examination by an orthopedist and a neuropathologist has revealed health problems in a child, a lag in physical development, a low or high tone of skeletal muscles, classes with a qualified specialist are recommended for the baby. Massage by a professional will last 30-60 minutes. The course should include 10-12 procedures every other day. Massage for babies 5 months is a powerful tool for influencing physical development. It may very well be that during the course of therapeutic massage, the baby will catch up with his peers in muscle strength, mobility, and coordination of movements. If the child has no problems with health and development, then a massage course from a qualified specialist will be of a preventive nature. Home massage for a child of 5 months without developmental disabilities is considered quite sufficient.

Massage technique for babies 5 months

During the entire procedure, the baby is in a prone position. The purpose of the sessions is to develop manual skill, to learn to change the position of the body, including turns on the side, on the stomach, on the back. Also, the purpose of massage for a child of 5 months can be considered preparation for crawling. Your classes should be accompanied by rhythmic sound signals that play a role in the development of the baby's hearing. Performing movements, it is necessary to maintain rhythm by counting aloud. By the time the session begins, your child should be in a state of active wakefulness. After the last feeding, 1.5-2 hours should pass. Contraindications to massage for a child of 5 months are considered an infectious disease, fever, incessant crying of the baby. Regardless of who exactly performs the massage for a 5-month-old baby, a certain sequence of actions must be followed during the session. The first thing to do is to carry out grasping movements with your hands, moving your arms in different directions and crossing them on your chest. Next, the child is offered various toys. The kid should grab them and try to hold them in his hands. After that, the masseur proceeds to massage the legs. At this stage of the massage for a 5-month-old child, stroking, rubbing, kneading, and vibration techniques are used. After you need to perform several gymnastic exercises. Firstly, this is a "bicycle" exercise - passive movements of the legs with flexion at the knee and hip joints. Secondly, the exercise "sliding steps". The masseur holds the child vertically above the table surface facing him. The baby's feet lightly touch the surface. Further, the body of the child is slightly tilted and moved forward. The baby must make several movements that imitate walking. After exercise, the child is again placed on his back. The masseur helps him roll over on his stomach through his right side, stimulating this movement with speech commands. Further, during the massage, the child is 5 months old, the back is worked out. It is possible to use all massage techniques. Then the child turns on his back again, the masseur acts on the abdominal press, stroking the tummy clockwise, along the oblique muscles of the abdomen. Then follow the exercises for the abdominal muscles. The baby is supported by both handles laid aside, accompanying the movement with words, they lift the upper half of the body from a supine position. Massage for a 5-month-old child continues rubbing and reflex movements of the feet. Next, the masseur deals with the child's chest, focusing on the intercostal spaces and vibrational movements. The effects on the chest are extremely important, as they improve breathing and help prevent inflammation of the lower respiratory tract. Massage for babies 5 months ends with passive and active movements in the arms and legs.

What should be combined with therapeutic and wellness massage

For the harmonious development of the baby, one massage may not be enough. At 5 months, it is necessary to continue daily water procedures in warm water in the evenings. Massage for a child of 5 months should precede such a bath. Sea salt and decoctions of medicinal herbs can be added to the water. In the water, let the child move freely, stimulate his movements. Hardening of a child is also possible at this age. Pour the baby with water from a jug after the bath. The temperature of the water in it at first should be one degree lower than in the bath. Then gradually lower the temperature of the water for hardening (up to 25-28 degrees). Daily walks, breastfeeding, communication with relatives, playing with educational toys - all this will benefit your baby. Remember that the most important thing for a child is your love and attention. Performing massage for a 5 month old baby, you strengthen an emotional connection with him.

At 6 months, the child begins to actively explore the world: makes attempts to crawl, turns towards sounds, learns to sit and stand with support. So that such activity does not harm the health of the baby, he needs the right massage aimed at strengthening muscles, relieving tension, and relaxing. You can do it not only in special centers, but also at home: this will allow you to establish a strong emotional connection between the baby and parents.

A six-month-old child can hold toys in his hands, holds his back and neck, makes attempts to sit and stand up on his own, crawl on all fours. All this contributes to the rapid development of the musculoskeletal system and the strengthening of muscle tissue, ligaments, bones, and joints. To help the body cope with stress and do a special massage. The benefits of massaging a child are not limited to strengthening muscles and giving them elasticity.

It stimulates the activity of all internal organs;

  • Improves mood;
  • It has a tonic or relaxing effect, depending on the technique;
  • Relieves muscle blocks and tension;
  • Improves immunity;
  • Improves digestion;
  • Improves blood circulation and metabolism;
  • Increases muscle mass;
  • Prevents irreversible changes in the musculoskeletal system.

Therapeutic and strengthening massage for children 6 months old is a whole system, a complex aimed at strengthening children's health and the proper development of the child. Through the skin of the baby, an effect on the nervous system occurs. As a result, sleep normalizes, the baby becomes calmer, learns to understand emotions and respond to them.

Regular massage of a six-month-old baby will help prevent the development of flat feet, scoliosis, hypertonicity, and nervous diseases.

Features of massage for six-month-old babies

Hypertonicity of muscle tissue in five-month-old babies is already passing, so massage at this age is aimed at strengthening muscles, relaxing and relieving fatigue. They learn to control their movements, hold objects in their hands, pull themselves up. Correct and regular massage for a 5-month-old baby is necessary to prepare him for active movements: he teaches control and how to keep his knees bent or straightened, how to lean on the surface. Classes with six-month-old babies strengthen and develop these skills.

Massage for a baby at 5 months includes more exercises and techniques.

This is explained by the activation and development of different muscle groups, strengthening of ligaments and joints, improved blood circulation, oxygen saturation of tissues. At 6 months, the active movements of the baby naturally develop these muscles, and the purpose of the massage is to relieve fatigue and blocks, relax, calm, saturate with oxygenated blood.


Small children do not get massage when:

  • fever;
  • tuberculosis;
  • Atrophy of muscle tissue;
  • Active inflammatory processes on the skin and in the subcutaneous layer;
  • Acute forms of arthritis;
  • diathesis;
  • rickets;
  • Heart disease;
  • Hernias.

If you have a cold, accompanied by fever, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician before a massage session.

How often should a baby be massaged?

The frequency and duration of massage depends on:

  • The general condition of the baby;
  • Indications;
  • The presence of comorbidities.

The first massage is given to newborn babies at the age of three weeks. Treatment time is up to 10 minutes. By six months, the time of classes is increased to 30 minutes (including the gymnastics complex). If there is no negative reaction and the baby is healthy, then massaged daily.

When performing a massage, the following rules must be observed:

  • Conduct a session no later than 8 pm;
  • An hour should pass after feeding;

The surface on which the massage is performed should be flat, safe and comfortable for the child.

The room must be ventilated in advance, and for the duration of the session, close the windows to avoid drafts. Optimum room temperature +21+24 °C..

Basic exposure techniques

The main types of massage for a child of 6 months include:

  • Trituration;
  • stroking;
  • Pat;
  • kneading;
  • Vibrations.

During stroking, the movements are slow and light, rhythmic. Spend it with your palms in the direction from the bottom up. This type of massage has a beneficial effect on the normalization of metabolism, soothes the baby. Another type of stroking is rubbing. It passes with a little pressure, which improves the condition of the skin, reduces the deposition of subcutaneous fat, strengthens the superficial muscles. More active rubbing - felting, is carried out with short movements with strong pressure. A small fold of skin forms between the fingers. This type of massage works through the deep layers of muscle tissue, improves oxygen supply to the muscles.

Patting is carried out first with one finger, then with two, three and four. Short rhythmic pats break up subcutaneous deposits, improve skin condition, and increase muscle tone. Vibration has an analgesic effect. They do it gently, but rhythmically and quickly with progressive movements of the fingers.

How to do massage

Before the session, wash your hands and lubricate them with oil. Artificial and synthetic creams are not suitable for babies. It is better to use natural olive or coconut oil, jojoba oil, argan oil, shea oil, or a mixture of them. Massage at 6 months begins with stroking the entire body. Accompany the process with a voice: the baby is asked to give a hand, sit down, roll over. Over time, the connection between word and action will be strengthened. The intensity and complexity of movements increase gradually.

The hands are massaged first: stroking the hands and palms is replaced by rubbing them. Then each finger is gently massaged: this stimulates the development of fine motor skills, which are closely related to intelligence and speech. After the fingers, they move to the wrists, rising higher to the elbow joint and shoulder. Following the massage, an exercise is performed: the baby's arms are brought together and spread apart. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times. Move on to foot massage. The legs begin to massage from the foot to the lower leg and above. The first technique is stroking, then rubbing and patting. Finished with knee flexion. Repeat the reception 2-3 times, then make a few light stroking movements.

Additionally, you can do a foot massage: the thumbs are located to the right and left of the center of the foot. The legs should be kept bent, and the movements of the fingers should be rhythmic, circular and soft. During the massage in the lower leg area, you can slightly increase the pressure and intensity of movement.

The next area of ​​study is the stomach. The oblique muscles of the abdomen are stroked and rubbed, making oncoming and circular movements clockwise. They try not to touch the navel area. Do about 5-6 repetitions, and go to the baby's chest. The chest is massaged in the same way: stroking, patting, light vibration movements. Circular massage is done in the direction from the ribs to the shoulders.

After a breast massage, an exercise is done - soaring. The baby is picked up under the tummy and raised. This technique develops the vestibular apparatus, coordination of movement.

After soaring, the child is laid on his back and turned to the left, and then to the right side on his stomach. Massage of the buttocks and back is performed from a position on the stomach. Massaging the spine is unacceptable: hand movements should not affect it. Stroking and rubbing is done from the buttocks to the neck, up the surface of the back. Then pats and tingles are done in the same direction, and again they move on to stroking. This develops muscle mass. To strengthen the muscles after the session, soaring is repeated, but only the child is already held behind his back. Children's massage ends at 6 months with gymnastics.

Exercises for babies 6 months

Classes for a 6 month old baby are aimed at developing coordination and motor skills, strengthening the back and the press. In order for the baby to sit down, mom or dad pulls the crumbs by the handles towards themselves. The child may grasp the thumbs of the parents with their palms, or the parents hold the baby by the fists.

Another useful exercise: grab the chest and back of the child with your palms, lift it up. The correct reaction is that the baby bends his back and raises his head. Hold in this position for no more than 20 seconds. To develop the ability to crawl in an infant, the following exercise is performed: the baby lies on his stomach, mom or dad puts one hand under his chest, the second bends his legs at the knees. Then he lifts the child so that he can lean on his arms and legs. The duration of the exercise is no more than a minute.

The effect of massage and gymnastics strengthens swimming well: daily water procedures have a positive effect on the state of muscles, the development of skills, movements, and increase lung capacity. And to distract the baby during the procedures, you can turn on calm meditative, classical or soothing music.

Massage and gymnastics for children 5-6 months.

Baby massage is a fairly ancient practice of child care, common in many cultures. A lot has been said about the benefits of baby massage and gymnastics.

Dear readers of the site! In today's article, we will continue to write about baby massage and gymnastics.

Regular massage is known to help premature babies gain weight. With the help of massage, colic in babies can be reduced, it helps to strengthen the immune system.

Massage and gymnastics for children help in overall growth, as well as in the proper development of the child's musculoskeletal system.

Do not forget that a relaxing massage helps to calm the child, a good, good sleep. You can talk endlessly about the benefits of massage and gymnastics ...

And today we, our dear readers, will get acquainted with the complex of massage and gymnastics for children 5-6 months old.

I remind you that before you start massaging your baby, it is advisable to read the recommendations and.

So, the complex "Massage and gymnastics for children 5 - 6 months."

1. To perform this exercise, we put the baby on the back and take him by the handles. He should grab your fingers. But if that doesn't happen, no big deal. We cross the baby's arms on the chest and take them in opposite directions, as if the baby is hugging himself. We repeat 6 - 8 times. For us, even a small resistance of the child will be a good indicator. It resists - it means that the muscles tense up, and this is exactly what we need.

2. We do a massage of the handles - from the fingers to the shoulders. We apply rubbing, stroking, kneading - all 3 times. This exercise improves blood circulation in the hands.

3. Massage of the child's legs - we perform the same techniques as when massaging the arms, from the feet to the pelvis 4 times each.

4. This exercise of our baby massage loads the legs. Take the baby by the feet. In this case, your thumbs are on the sole of the baby. We bend and unbend the legs, bringing them to the tummy. You can have one, or you can have two. We repeat 8 - 10 times. The child resists - it means you are on the right track.

5. Starting position - baby on the back. Take it by the right handle (if at the same time the baby holds on tightly to your fingers - very good) and turn it onto the tummy through the left side. We repeat the same with the left handle.

6. Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the back and neck of the baby. The starting position of the baby is on the tummy. Take the baby under the chest and tummy and slightly lift it up. A few seconds are enough. We do it 1 time. In this case, the baby raises his head and bends his back.

7. The back exercise continues our baby massage. Starting position - the baby lies on the tummy. Exercises are performed along the spine, from the sacrum to the shoulder blades. We apply kneading (without effort), rubbing, stroking - all 3 times.

8. Tummy massage. Baby on the back. We perform stroking of the chest and tummy of the child clockwise, in a circle.

9. The baby is back on his back. We take him by the shoulders and quietly bring him to the “sitting” position and just as carefully return him back. As with many massage and gymnastics exercises for children, if the child resists even a little, this is very good. So his muscles are working.

10. We rub and knead the child's feet - from heels to toes. If your baby is ticklish, slightly increase the pressure during the exercise.

11. Flexion and extension of the baby's arms - 8 - 10 times.

12. And finally - a vibration massage of the chest - with the fingertips we lightly tap on the front wall of the chest, the side walls and the back.

Massage and gymnastics for children 5-6 months old takes a little time - only 5-6 minutes. And the benefits are huge! Be sure to perform baby massage with your baby every day!

In the next article we will write about a set of physical exercises and massage for

Elena Medvedeva.

P.S. I bring to your attention a video on the topic "Video fun" about bathing babies.