What to do and how to improve relationships on the verge of divorce. Establish lost contact, internal community. How to build a relationship with your husband on the verge of divorce?

In every one, even the most loving family, sometimes crisis situations happen. It is especially difficult when problems appear at work and at home at the same time. Fatigue accumulates, nervous tension increases, and stress arises. There is no strength, no time, no desire left to maintain the former romance with the other half. At the same time, there is often a shift in priorities: the wife pays more and more attention to the children, forgetting about her husband; The husband is busy with his career and returns home late in the evening.

In one case, remarriage is impossible, in the other it is. The Bible explicitly mentions two grounds for divorce: sexual misconduct and desertion by a non-Christian spouse. Should we consider them the only two possible reasons? What, for example, is it like when a Christian spouse is guilty of desertion? Of course, the pastoral approach will force him to face it and work towards reconciliation. But what if he doesn't want to hear? Should we consider this unrelated? What about other situations like...

Or are situations infinitely more complex, when mistakes are difficult to identify, relationships have deteriorated over the years, and contempt has taken the place of love? Should we assume that there are no valid grounds for divorce? The whole question is whether the Bible contains an exhaustive list of exceptions or whether they are rather “standard exceptions”, the list of which is not exhaustive.

In the end, everything comes to the point that a once loving married couple does not find warmth and understanding in marriage. Now relationships are more like a battlefield with constant discontent, showdowns and mutual claims. The word “divorce” is being heard more and more often. It seems that there is no other way out. But is it worth ending the relationship?
Actually break family relationships much harder than it seems at first glance. A break means that life will have to start all over again, completely changing the usual way of life and environment. Children will have an even harder time than adults going through such life changes when there is a break between father and mother.

First, the grounds for granting divorce remain relatively vague. This is especially true in Deuteronomy. It remains in the mouth of Jesus. It may also be noted that the apostle Paul does not indicate the motive that motivates a non-Christian spouse to separate. This attitude of not giving too much detail - contrary to Shamma's example - seems significant to me. It is an attitude that strives for openness rather than closure. This reflects a desire to take into account each individual case, rather than to set precise standards that must be applied coldly, without regard to situations.

Before you go to file for divorce, psychologists recommend taking a break and thinking carefully about everything. Determine for yourself whether family life together has truly exhausted itself or whether this is a temporary situation - feelings still remain and there is a chance to save the marriage.

This method opens up the possibility of a certain freedom to adapt pastoral support and avoid the pitfalls of legalism. Jesus does not recommend the liberalism of Hillel, which is far from it, but he does not praise the severity of Shammai. If he is strong in his support for the city, he is also human towards the suffering of others. In this we can think that he modeled the attitude of Paul, who felt free, given the suffering of deserted spouses, to recognize the recognition of a new case of divorce.

We must then consider the nature of the biblical texts being studied. None of these are complete statements on the issue of divorce. All these are reactions to existing situations: casuistic law in one case, an answer to a question asked about the possibility of divorce for any reason in another case, acceptance.

How to save a family from divorce

Start moving towards solving accumulated problems; Having thrown away grievances, start talking. Now it is much more important to hear your partner than to speak yourself. To establish contact, psychologists recommend doing the following exercises:

To achieve improvement in family relationships, you need to understand that marriage is the result of the daily work of both partners. One of them cannot always be bad and the other always good. Everyone contributes to the treasury of family relationships. To restore normal relationships, you need to be prepared for changes. Special attention should pay attention to creating a sincere and warm atmosphere in the house, then after a difficult working day It will always be nice to return home. To do this, you need to show more attention, learn to respect your partner, control your emotions, and discuss any misunderstandings and problems that arise calmly without shouting and mutual accusations.

Position regarding situations arising from opposition to philosophy and views emanating from the pagan world in the latter case. No theoretical exposition, but reaction. This is why Paul does not mention the reason for the Lord's exclusion. For him it was not a subject. Given this reality, it is impossible to find a comprehensive account of divorce in any text. Each time we find an effort of contextualization. Every time we are talking about several parameters: God's thought about marriage, human thought greatly corrupted by sin, as well as the suffering that crises of marriage will inevitably cause.

How to improve the relationship between husband and wife and avoid divorce

Also, spouses need to set aside time to be alone. Sometimes it’s worth going to the movies, for a romantic dinner in a restaurant, or going somewhere for the weekend. Try to be more sensitive and attentive. Taking an interest in each other’s work and life is not at all difficult, and your significant other will be pleased that you think and care about him or her.

Now, unless the mind of God changes in marriage, the reality of sin and the causes of suffering are manifold. And this forces us to constantly rework the work of contextualization. The Apostle Paul has an exemplary attitude towards us. He does not agree with the Lord's exclusion clause, but he accepts the same attitude as he does: he takes into account the divine thought of marriage, as well as the reality of sin and the suffering it generates. It is this work of contextualization that suggests that the pastoral approach, when confronted with a wide variety of situations, must be constantly reworked.

To save a family, you need mutual desire, but if you can’t establish a dialogue, you need to seek help from a psychologist.

Family life is impossible without crises. Just yesterday my husband seemed to be the most beloved and closest person in the world, but today he causes nothing but irritation. Quarrels on empty space, constant conflicts and misunderstandings, many days of silence and absence common interests... It seems that there is no longer any point in saving the marriage and all the plans that you made when you walked down the aisle have gone to dust. However, don't despair. Cooling down can happen in the life of anyone, even the strongest married couple. And in order to correct the situation, it is important to understand why the relationship between husband and wife may deteriorate.

Why do relationships between spouses deteriorate?

Psychologists identify several main reasons why the relationship between husband and wife can cool down:
  1. Constantly trying to change your spouse. Sometimes people, when getting married, believe that they will be able to change their partner, “relieve” him of his shortcomings and turn him into some kind of ideal. As a rule, such hopes do not come true: it is impossible to change an adult without his desire. As a result of unsuccessful attempts, dissatisfaction with the spouse and a feeling of disappointment occurs;
  2. Each partner thinks they give more than they receive. Sometimes a husband or wife gets the idea that it is he (or she) who is trying to do everything for his other half and gets nothing in return. This leads to feelings of resentment and irritation;
  3. Attempts to take control of your partner. Sometimes one spouse tries to completely subjugate the other, checking his text messages and email, seeks to find out what the spouse is doing when they are not at home. Such behavior only speaks of self-doubt or pathological jealousy and cannot lead to positive results. Constant reproaches will not contribute to increased attachment, but, on the contrary, to cooling and the desire to gain freedom from total control;
  4. Onset of pregnancy. Sometimes, after the arrival of a long-awaited event, spouses seem to stop understanding each other. A pregnant woman is irritated by everything; she wants care and peace. At the same time, it can be started by a spouse who also wants to receive his share of care and attention. As a result, mutual reproaches and quarrels begin. In addition, sometimes pregnancy makes you feel less saturated. sex life between spouses;
  5. Birth of a baby. It would seem that the birth of a child should bring husband and wife closer together. However, this does not always happen. Sleepless nights, a young mother's lack of time and energy to take care of herself, lack of finances for essentials... All this does not contribute to a positive family atmosphere and leads to constant quarrels and scandals. In addition, the wife's attention switches to the child, while the husband feels deprived and abandoned. By the way, within a year after the birth of a baby, many couples divorce;
  6. Difficulties at work. Difficulties at work often cause scandals in the family. It is important not to reproach each other with low wages or excessive spending, but to try to come to an agreement and solve the problem together;
  7. Treason. One can argue for a long time about what reasons can push a person to cheat. If you want to save your family, you need not to reproach each other and not try to blame your other half, but try to come to an agreement among yourself and do everything possible to prevent further “trips to the left.” You may need to seek help from a family psychologist who will help the husband and wife hear each other.
These are just the most common reasons that can cause family discord. What can be done to restore the previous harmony?

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Many of God's people, in the most different situations, have already expressed the need to continue these contextualization efforts. Beckwith evokes vicious cruelty, a husband's refusal to provide for the needs of his wife or children, and even deliberate opposition to the husband's reasonable decisions regarding important issues. Heinrich Blocher poses the question: Since the inspired apostle had the audacity to extend to desertion, what Jesus said only about fornication, can we, like him, lengthen the list, To extend to other serious faults? Somerville is willing to go in this direction, "provided that we do not place ourselves in a purely legal perspective, but rather in a pastoral perspective."

As a rule, it is women who are interested in advice on how to establish peace in the family. Therefore, the recommendations below are aimed specifically at better half humanity. So, what should you do to restore your relationship with your spouse?

Sincere love

Try to understand whether you truly love your husband. After all, only sincere love will help you overcome all trials and overcome grievances and disappointments. If you and your husband love each other, then you will be able to solve all your problems!

Think about what your spouse needs

Very often, women are offended by their husbands because they allegedly give them too little. It's about not only about money, but also about attention. However, few people think about the question of whether a spouse gets what he really needs in marriage. After all, it is important to be able not only to take and demand, but also to give: only then will the relationship between spouses be truly harmonious.

You should never open the door to weakness. The sincere and massive support of God's Word for marriage must remain a strong guide. This outspoken support should discourage marriage from being tied to grounds for needless breakups. Our texts clearly deny remarriage when the reason for separation is not a direct attack on the heart of the marriage and the commitments on which it is based: thus, separation for a purely personal, selfish motive. But it was also recognized that where the reason for separation was a direct attack on the heart of the marriage and the commitments on which it was based, for example, a refusal of fidelity or common life, then marriage became possible and therefore legal divorce.

Remember when you were last time did something nice for your husband, like cooking for him favorite dish, went to his favorite movie together, bought a nice gift for him. If it was a long time ago, you should change your behavior. Think about it: if you were a man, would you want to live with your wife as you do?

Stop nagging your husband

Give up petty reproaches. After all, the little things that cause conflicts are often not worth the wasted nerves and damaged relationships. Carelessly thrown socks, a dirty mirror in the bathroom, an unclosed pack of ketchup - all this is hardly a worthy reason for a scandal or even divorce. You may feel like you are trying to teach your spouse how to behave. Does this give the desired result? Most likely not: your husband’s behavior does not change, and instead of cleaning up after himself and fulfilling your demands, he stops seeing you as a woman, perceiving you as a real “saw.” Of course, you shouldn’t remain silent if your spouse’s household habits greatly irritate you: this can turn you into a dumb household “robot” who constantly cleans up after those around you. Try to calmly agree on how to behave in everyday life, talk about certain rules.

Talk to each other more often

Don't be afraid to ask each other questions. What do you expect from the relationship, what should your future be like, what is your spouse dissatisfied with and what would you like to change? Don’t be afraid to speak openly: this will help establish harmonious relationships and come to mutual understanding.

Don't be afraid to leave your husband alone

Some women are afraid to leave their spouse alone, believing that he is obliged to pay attention to his other half, and not to himself. However, it is important to give the person the opportunity to think, collect his thoughts and rest. Every person should have personal time and space. There is no need to pester with questions when your husband has just come home from work or is engaged in his hobby. The same should apply to the wife: it is important that she devotes at least half an hour a day to herself, and not to her spouse, children and household responsibilities.

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Such elements can determine discernment and pastoral support. For marriage to work, both spouses must participate. It requires attention, effort, willingness and good communication. Many women take stock of everything they do for their family and know where their husband is, analysis by Christine Davin, psychologist and New York mediator.

These women believe that they carry the weight of the couple on their shoulders. They're doing big emotional work and always have to find new things to do to save the relationship. Frustration sets in when the attention they receive in return is not equivalent. After a while they say to themselves: “What is the benefit?”

Try to get rid of negative emotions

Often women accumulate grievances and discontent, exploding from time to time and giving out mountains of reproaches. You shouldn’t do this: talk about your feelings with your husband in order to find a way out together. difficult situations. This is very important: problems must be solved as they arise in the most constructive way possible.

Say nice things to your husband

Don’t be afraid to compliment your spouse, wish him well and happiness. This will benefit the relationship: you will quickly feel how your spouse responds to you in kind.

Don't forget to take care of yourself

For relationships to be harmonious, it is important to seek harmony within yourself. Don't forget about your own needs. Only happy woman can give happiness and joy to others. Therefore, it is important to learn not to deny yourself rest, pleasant shopping and interesting pastime.

Don't make mountains out of molehills

Try to soften sharp corners. If your husband is unhappy and you understand that he is about to say something offensive to you, do not start provoking a conflict. Just come, stand next to me, hug. Men are often quick-tempered, they react sharply to certain situations, for example, at work. You should not fan the fire from a spark, but try to be peaceful and realize that any person sometimes becomes irritable.

Believe in your husband

Try to criticize your spouse less. Instead, tell him that you believe in his strength and that he can achieve everything he wants. It is important to inspire a man to achieve great feats: praise all his achievements and turn a blind eye to his mistakes, and in case of failure, just say that next time everything will certainly work out.

Don't forget about your own development

Don’t turn into a “clown” whose interests are limited to home and television shows. Read good literature, watch movies, develop as a person. Of course, you need to remember that content and form must be in harmony: watch your figure and carefully select your outfits. A woman should have her own interests, career, hobbies. So you can be interesting personality, and not an appendage of her own husband.

Add variety to your life

Sometimes family life turns into a routine. As a result, people begin to look elsewhere for emotions. This should not be allowed. There is no need to limit the topics discussed to the child’s illnesses and supermarket purchases. Joint trips to interesting events, new experiences, carefully organized holidays: all this will do life together interesting and will not let you get bored with each other.

Overcome difficulties together

Illness, financial difficulties, job loss: all this - severe trials families for strength. It is important to solve any problems together, and not try to find someone to blame and shift responsibility.

If both husband and wife try to make life easier for each other, then they will be able to find a way out of any difficult situations.

Many couples who participate in couples therapy have been struggling with the same topic for years. When their needs are not met, resentment sets in, which is fatal to the relationship, says Olga Bloch, a couple therapist and family who moved to Rockville, Maryland.

“When a woman feels that she cannot bring about change, we begin to hear things like, “You never listen to me,” or, “Your excuses are worthless,” Analysis of Mrs. Bloch. This is especially difficult if the problem is drug addiction. The woman will eventually give up the relationship and look for a way out because he has no other choice.

Visualize your ideal future

In psychotherapy, a technique such as visualization is often used. This brings noticeable results: the subconscious mind tunes in the right way and begins to influence your behavior, bringing the future you want closer.

Imagine more often ideal relationship with your husband: your time together, financial well-being, feeling of happiness and joy. And then all this will certainly come into your life.

For most couples, sex is a good barometer of the health of the marriage. When a woman complains about her sex life, there are often other problems going on in the bedroom, says Devin. "Women who upset marriages, sexually speaking, feel exhausted and in affective demand," she continues. Sometimes the problem is rather whether a couple can show love without it always leading to sex. Sexual intimacy can easily become an issue that partners against each other in a marriage.

Many women married for a long time begin divorce proceedings because they feel more connected to their husband emotionally, Ms. Wilke analyzed. "Honestly, this main reason, according to which women get divorced,” she said. "The vulnerability caused by this problem can lead to an extramarital affair in the unhappy wife, who seeks that lost connection elsewhere."

Read conspiracies to improve relationships

On the Internet you can find many conspiracies to improve relationships. Don't be afraid to read them from time to time: it works in much the same way as visualization.

Video: How to improve relationships without experimenting on your family?

Inevitably, people evolve as people during romantic relationships. It becomes a real problem when they leave and that one partner is resistant to the idea of ​​getting back together, said Anne Crowley, a psychologist in Austin, Texas.

The Woman does not want to repeat the same unhealthy patterns while the Husband wants to maintain the status quo. Research literature about the impact of separation and divorce on children's coping, as well as on children's responses to these events, shows that children's needs during marital breakdown vary depending on age and their situation, and that many parents are unable to meet the needs of their children, especially in the period after departments.

Quarrels can occur even in the most harmonious married couple. To restore relationships, psychologists offer the following recommendations:
  • Discuss the conflict, find out what its cause is. Let everyone admit where they were wrong and listen to the opinion of their other half. There is no need to look for someone to blame: a conflict always involves two people, which means both are to blame;
  • Don't delay reconciliation. Don’t be afraid to take the first step forward: think whether your “pride” is worth a long-term damaged relationship;
  • Resolve the issue not with hysteria, but with constructive conversation. Screaming, crying and breaking dishes can either frighten or cause irritation. Try to conduct the dialogue not in a raised voice, but as calmly as possible.
Remember: conflict can only be resolved if you show patience and kindness.

Is it possible to improve your relationship if you are on the verge of divorce?

Sometimes a husband or wife gets the idea that it’s time to stop family life, and family conflicts have gone so far that the only solution is a divorce. If the decision to divorce has already been made, this may be true. last method restore calm. However, if there is any doubt, it is worth trying to restore the relationship.

Try to remember the beginning of your relationship. Answer the question: why did you choose this particular person as your husband? You can write down your spouse’s merits on a piece of paper to evaluate them more sensibly and think about whether it’s too early for you to get a divorce. Talk to your spouse, discuss your grievances and complaints. At the same time, it is important not to become personal: you should not blame your husband, but try to explain to him what does not suit you. At the same time, be prepared to listen to your spouse’s complaints: most likely, if you are both thinking about divorce, he will also have something to say.

Typically, the family breakdown is stressful situation for parents and children. Researchers acknowledge that during this period, most children and parents are very worried, both from an emotional rather than a psychological point of view, and in children this phase lasts about a year after separation.

However, a recent summary of more than 200 studies reports that children typically waste little time and end up disappearing. Similarly, a group of American experts recently concluded that after an initial period of suffering and problems, most children of separated or divorced parents become adults with no identifiable consequences, social, psychological or other negative consequences in their lives.

Consider the inevitable impact divorce will have on your children. Of course, strive to save your marriage with a husband who regularly beats you and shows emotional abuse, no need. But if there is a chance to improve everything, you should definitely use it.

Perhaps a family psychologist will help save the relationship. The specialist will play the role of a mediator between husband and wife and help to sort out the accumulated problems without scandals and quarrels.

Research shows that children's responses to divorce and separation from their parents vary greatly. In fact, some children become happier and less anxious when their parents separate. On the other hand, some studies have found a general evolution of children's reactions during the first two years after their parents' separation and divorce depending on gender and developmental stage. There is almost no research on the reactions of infants or children reaching postsecondary age.

For children between these two age groups, you can summarize your reactions in this way. Preschoolers These children are too young to understand what divorce is, and so they may be embarrassed and afraid of losing a parent who does not have custody. These children understand enough about divorce to be depressed, grieving, or sad about the loss of their family. Many of them still want their parents to reconcile. They may also have deep concerns about loyalty to their parents. They are self-centered enough to imagine it is a personal failure, but they can also be mature enough to blame others, usually one of their parents. Children in this age group may fall behind in school and have difficulty interacting with others. Half of the children's teachers in the case study said their behavior had changed. Older children school age. These children may also be depressed, sad and upset, but they are also more likely to blame or be angry at one or both parents, but children in this age group may also understand their parents' point of view and so they may begin to play the parent role with their father or mother or younger brothers or sisters. Teenagers are less dependent on family, and therefore divorce seems less important to them. However, their self-esteem often decreases during their parents' divorce. This can cause teenagers to question their own future ability to form a long-term relationship with a partner, and many become very angry with their father or mother. Additionally, divorce can delay or speed up entry into adolescence.

  • They tend to blame themselves for their parents' divorce.
  • Many of them fall down and become aggressive and angry, especially boys.
  • Small school-age children.
Research also shows that it can be very difficult for a child of a first marriage to remarry his or her parents, as well as for the remarrying parent to have other children.

Video: How to maintain a relationship with your husband?

Is it possible to restore a relationship if a husband cheats?

Restoring family harmony after betrayal is only possible if your spouse sincerely repents of what happened and wants to save the family. At the same time, it is important to explain that this should not happen again and if the husband cheats again, divorce is inevitable.

After a husband’s betrayal, both spouses need to work on the relationship. You need to understand what caused the betrayal and what emotions the husband was looking for on the side. It is important to hear from your spouse, although after cheating due to resentment, this may not be easy. There can be many reasons for betrayal: the wife’s emotional coldness, lack of attention, problems in the sexual sphere. Having found out the cause, you can begin to eliminate it.

How to improve relations with your husband after your wife cheats?

It is much more difficult for men to forgive an unfaithful wife. However, it is also important for them to know that a woman will not cheat just like that. Psychologists say that two people are always to blame for betrayal. The husband must find out what prompted his wife to cheat. Perhaps he did not satisfy her sexually, did not show affection and tenderness, was too withdrawn into himself and paid little attention. Women are less likely to decide to cheat than men, so, as a rule, the reason is quite significant. Men should not forget about this.

A woman who wants to earn her husband’s trust again after cheating should try to please him every day and strive to assure him that the betrayal will not happen again. If both husband and wife want to save the family, then this is quite possible even after a woman’s infidelity.

Pregnancy and conflicts

A woman must remember that she will not always be pregnant. Whims and strange desires are quite natural, but the husband is a living person who gets tired at work and worries about the arrival of the baby no less than you. There is no need to constantly get on your husband’s nerves: get plenty of rest and try to get pleasant impressions.

Don't whine without reason: if you want something, say it directly, not in hints. Men cannot read minds: they need specific instructions for action.

How to normalize relationships after the birth of a baby?

So that after the family is replenished, it does not break out family crisis, it is important to follow the following recommendations:
  • Involve your spouse in caring for the baby. There is no need to put everything on yourself and drive your husband away from the child, as many anxious young mothers do. While taking care of a child, a man will become attached to him: paternal feelings, unlike maternal ones, do not appear immediately. In addition, while dad fulfills his duties, mom can relax and take care of herself;
  • Talk about how your sex life will soon improve: the child will grow up and the body will return to normal;
  • Walk with your husband, discuss topics that concern you, hug more often;
  • Don't nag your spouse for doing something wrong: sooner or later he will learn how to care for the baby.

Is it possible to get love back after a breakup?

Perhaps your relationship has deteriorated so much that you have decided to break up for a while. Many people say that this is the first step towards divorce. However, after a “break” the relationship can be restored.

Start meeting on neutral territory and talk about what caused the conflict. Give each other time to improve your relationship, be gentle and attentive. Do not accumulate anger and irritation: often discuss issues that concern you regarding relationships.

Video: How to preserve and not kill love in the family?

How to restore a relationship after a divorce?

When divorcing, thank your other half for good points that were between you. Communicate that you are open to dialogue and accept any decision of your ex-husband. After this, do not try to push for pity: get busy with your life, while simultaneously thinking about your mistakes and the experience gained in marriage.

Often, after a divorce, people realize that they cannot live without each other and get back together. At the same time, it is very important not to repeat past mistakes that led to divorce.

Women's mistakes in marriage

How not to behave with your spouse? Here are the main causes of conflicts:
  • Excessive control. If you try to watch your husband's every move, he will perceive you as a mommy, and not as a woman;
  • Don't give ultimatums or give orders. In this case, the spouse can start looking for a more affectionate woman;
  • Don't try to become the head of the family. It is important that a man feels like a leader in a relationship;
  • Don't lose yourself in your spouse. A woman should have her own interests and hobbies;
  • Don't compare your husband to other men. It hurts a lot;
  • Don't try to take your entire salary. Your husband is an adult who is capable of managing his own money. If he doesn't give enough money for household needs, talk to him about it.
Psychologists recommend the following to improve the climate in the family:
  • Don't whine and don't turn into a saw. No man can stand constant accusations against him;
  • Surprise your spouse. Is your husband used to you devoting all your time to home and cooking? Find yourself a hobby: let your spouse be interested in you and let him not always know where you are;
  • Speak to your husband kindly and tenderly;
  • Remember what you were like before marriage. Let your husband fall in love with you again;
  • Find a common hobby. This will bring the family together and provide a lot of topics for conversation.

Other questions

  • What to do if your husband often gets tired at work and breaks down?
No need to burden your husband everyday problems during such periods. Let him rest and restore his strength at home. There is no need to nag him or make complaints.
  • What to do if the family does not have enough money?
Swearing and scandals will only escalate the situation. Talk about alternative sources earnings, as well as ways to save. Do not compare your husband with other men who earn more than him: this will only cause resentment and lack of faith in your own strength.

Is it possible to restore a relationship if the husband does not want it?

If your husband does not make contact after a quarrel, just give him time. Let him calm down and be alone with himself. If words about breaking up were spoken in a quarrel, just say that you got excited. Drop the accusations and take the first step forward.

How to return your husband's love after divorce?

If you want to get your husband back, follow these recommendations:
  • If you have children, do not prevent them from meeting with dad; on the contrary, try to make sure that they happen as often as possible. During meetings, be calm and friendly;
  • Do not interfere with the restoration of intimate relationships;
  • Do not sort things out during meetings, behave with dignity. Of course, we must not forget about appearance: at ex-husband you should always look simply stunning.

What to do if your husband doesn't want to talk?

There is no need to try to forcefully involve your spouse in a further showdown. Let him know that you are ready for dialogue. Let him think about what happened and calm down.

Video: Correct relationship between husband and wife!

What to do if your husband is rude?

If the husband is rude, rude and says offensive words, say that you are not going to tolerate this kind of attitude towards yourself. Do not respond to rudeness with rudeness: be calm and restrained.

These simple tips will help restore harmony to your family relationships. Remember: change needs to start with yourself. Decide what your life with your spouse should be like and strive for the ideal!