Magnesia for newborns: injections, dropper, compresses

Many parents of newborn babies are concerned about issues related to the use of magnesium. Often, doctors prescribe it to very young children. What is it for, how to apply it, and most importantly, will magnesia harm the baby?

What is magnesium?

Epsom salts, magnesia, magnesium sulfate are all names for a drug whose main element is magnesium (Mg). It is used in almost all branches of medicine (gastroenterology, neurology, gynecology), including in babies from the neonatal period.

Why is magnesium important? Its role for the development of the body, ensuring the main processes of its functioning cannot be overestimated. All body cells, bones, teeth, blood include magnesium. The body of an adult contains about 30g of it. This element affects the formation of bone tissue, the transmission of muscle impulses.

A micronutrient deficiency in a mother causes a lack of it in a child. To prevent the development of unhealthy conditions, mothers are prescribed the intake of special vitamin preparations for nursing.

For a day, a baby up to 6 months needs 40 mg of magnesium, up to 1 year 60 mg, up to 3 years 80 mg. An infant under 12 months of age receives magnesium in breast milk, 100 g of which contains 4 mg of the microelement. Until the age of six months, when breastfeeding, a child receives 25-40 mg of magnesium per day. Thus, the requests of the baby in the element are fully satisfied.

Babies who are not breastfeeding get the required amount of magnesium through formula. With the introduction of complementary foods, the baby receives magnesium from products -,. Assimilation of the element is hindered by illness, stress.

Manifestations of magnesium deficiency

The lack of a trace element in a newborn is determined by the presence of:

  • muscle pain, cramps;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • tics, twitches, tremors (trembling of the chin), twitching of the eyelids;
  • headaches;
  • decreased attention, memory;
  • constipation, colic;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • high blood pressure;
  • weather sensitivity.

Neurological consequences of micronutrient deficiency:

  • the appearance of phobias (fears);
  • hyperexcitability, emotional lability;
  • tearfulness, capriciousness, irritability, increased emotionality;
  • nightmares, poor sleep, difficulty falling asleep;
  • hyperacusis - the inability to tolerate sounds of a certain frequency.

The use of magnesia

For the treatment of various painful conditions of newborns, magnesium is widely used. The use of the drug as an antispasmodic, analgesic, vasodilator is known. It has anticonvulsant, laxative, moderate diuretic, sedative, antiarrhythmic effect.

Children's neurologists prescribe magnesium sulfate as a means that has the ability to reduce intracranial and arterial pressure, to calm. Indications for use are:

  • epilepsy;
  • increased sweating,
  • nervous excitability;
  • wound treatment,
  • infiltrates;
  • ventricular arrhythmias;
  • constipation.

Epsom salts are available in ampoules with a 25% solution, in the form of powders for the manufacture of suspensions. There is a release form - briquettes, balls.

The solution is used:

  • for compresses,
  • lotion,
  • electrophoresis,
  • local effect on wounds,
  • medicinal baths.

The manifestation of the properties of the drug depends on the method of its introduction into the body: intravenous drip, intramuscularly or orally in the form of mixtures, suspensions.

The doctor should prescribe treatment - an overdose of the drug can be harmful to health. Magnesium sulfate solutions have a number of side effects and contraindications. For infants, excessive doses of medication administered intramuscularly or drip are more dangerous than for adults.


Intramuscularly, drip magnesium preparation for children is prescribed to reduce intracranial pressure, relieve severe asphyxia. To eliminate microelement deficiency, to stop arrhythmias, newborns need to drip the drug intravenously. The doctor selects the dose of medication individually, taking into account the weight of the baby. The introduction is carried out once, repeated as needed.

Magnesia injections are rarely prescribed to a newborn, as they cause pain. In infants, a ready-made solution of 25% in ampoules is used for intramuscular injection. After the injection, the medicine begins to act after an hour and lasts 3-4 hours. Magnesia is injected intramuscularly to stop seizures, for which a dose of up to 40 mg / kg is used.


For intravenous drip in a medical institution, the drug is diluted. Its overly rapid introduction in undiluted form causes complications. Drip administration is sometimes accompanied by a slight burning sensation along the veins. After the end of the infusion, the pulse and pressure are monitored. Systemic effects when administered intravenously appear instantly, the action lasts 30 minutes.

A solution of magnesia is used for jaundice in newborns, for which they put droppers. With high levels of bilirubin, magnesium sulfate gives a choleretic effect.


Epsom salts are used to apply compresses, lotions. Often in infants after birth, inflammatory processes of the mammary glands occur. Mastitis is treated with magnesium-based compresses.

A compress of magnesia for newborns, lotions with Epsom salts have a beneficial effect on seals formed after injections, vaccinations, and facilitate the resorption of bruises. Magnesium solution improves blood flow in skin structures, provides pain relief, resorption effect.

It is easy to prepare a compress from magnesia:

  1. The contents of the ampoule (10 ml) warm up to 38 degrees.
  2. Moisten a small gauze, tissue swab with a warm solution, wring it out, put it on the surface of the bump.
  3. Create additional warmth by covering the top of the fabric with plastic wrap.
  4. Lay a layer of wool on top of the film for insulation.
  5. Fix the lotion with adhesive tape. In order not to damage the thin skin of the newborn, it is preferable to use a clean sterile bandage for fixation.
  6. Change lotion every 3 hours as it dries.

A magnesia compress is used for a compacted navel during the healing period. You should know that the lotion helps the resorption of the infiltrate, but an abscess will require surgical intervention.

By adding dimexide (an extract from garlic), water, dexamethasone, eufillin to magnesia, compresses are made on the chest when coughing.

Oral medications for hyperactivity

Signs of hyperactivity are found in young children. Such babies try to get out of diapers, it is difficult to calm down, they protest when they are tightly swaddled and dressed. The first year of life, the crumbs fall asleep heavily, cry loudly, are easily excited, and sleep poorly. Hyperactivity can lead to increased muscle tone.

One of the causes of hyperactivity, neurological disorders is magnesium deficiency. Its lack contributes to impulsivity, uncontrollable behavioral disorders during stress. The diagnosis should be made by a pediatric neurologist.

Why use potions with magnesia and citral? To reduce intracranial pressure, correct the restless behavior of infants. The medicine relieves spasm of blood vessels, improves the outflow of fluid, helps to stabilize the state of the body. The medicine is prescribed for infants with congenital anomalies of the brain, with complex neurological pathologies. Do not prescribe to children with individual intolerance to the components, dysbacteriosis.

Take for a month ½ teaspoon 2 times a day. Due to the fact that the medicine contains glucose, kids drink it with pleasure, doctors do not advise mixing it with milk.

Popular with parents of babies is the homeopathic preparation of Magnesia phosphorica from soda phosphate and magnesium sulfate. It is used to alleviate the condition with colic, high blood pressure, headaches. When teething in infants, phosphorica helps to cope with whims, pain, fever.


Magnesium deficiency adversely affects the condition of newborns. Special preparations will help to overcome the consequences of a deficiency. Remember that magnesia is a serious medicine, it is used strictly according to the pediatrician's prescription. Do not self-medicate.

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