Cholagogue drug for the treatment of liver pathologies allochol

A popular drug for normalizing the functioning of the liver and improving the functioning of the intestinal organs is Allohol of completely plant origin, which can be given to both adults and children as a therapeutic agent, to prevent the formation of gallstones, and even for weight loss. Description of the choleretic agent Allohol indications for use, contraindications, dosage, regimen and price - is in this article.

The drug Allohol belongs to choleretic drugs with a natural composition (active substances that form the composition are extracts of medicinal plants and activated charcoal), which belong to the category of drugs with a cholekinetic and choleretic effect. The choleretic effect is expressed in a stable increase in the quality of bile secretion for 24 hours. Cholekinetic due to the fact that the drug prevents stagnation and outflow of bile.

Allochol tablets are able to restore the normal functioning of the liver and gallbladder.

Therefore, indications for use are diseases:

  • hepatitis (chronic type);
  • cirrhosis of the liver (at the initial stage);
  • cholecystitis and cholelithiasis (not complicated);
  • constipation that occurs against the background of a decrease in the tone of peristalsis (atony);
  • pathological deviations in the mechanism of the gallbladder and biliary tract (dyskinesia);
  • postcholecystectomy syndrome;
  • increased gas formation (flatulence).

Improves Allohol liver function in case of alcohol intoxication. Therefore, they are recommended to be taken in case of poisoning with alcoholic beverages. It is also advisable to take Allochol before surgery (to relieve pain) to cut out the gallbladder and after it, in order to prevent stone formation in the liver, because it is this organ that, in the absence of an excised bladder, is responsible for the flow of bile secretion.

After removal of the gallbladder, the remedy is taken in accordance with the instructions (or 2 or 3 times a day, 2 tablets per 1 dose).

Allohol is absorbed as a choleretic remedy by the gastrointestinal tract rather quickly, and therefore it begins to act almost from the first minutes after it enters the intestinal cavity. The chenodeoxycholic acid, which is part of the composition, is metabolized when it enters the liver, and in combination with cholic acid, it undergoes the process of semi-dehydroxylation inside the intestine.

The effectiveness of the drug is also determined by the plant components in the composition (extracts of dried garlic, nettle leaves, bile), which also minimize side effects and allow Allohol to be recommended for children.

A drug called Allochol, whose action directly relates to the secretory function of the liver, can be prescribed for the treatment of pathologies in children under 7 years of age and older strictly according to the instructions and after consultation with the attending physician, who will choose the appropriate Allochol treatment regimen.

With all its advantages, Allohol tablets are notable for their low price. You can buy it via the Internet or at the nearest pharmacy at a very democratic cost. So, the price of a package with a plate, in which 10 tablets, varies between 10-15 rubles, while 24 tablets on a blister will cost an average of 40 rubles per package.

The cost of a package with a plate of 50 tablets is about 45-75 rubles. To purchase such a choleretic agent, a prescription from a specialist is not needed. The drug is on free sale.

What is included in Allochol?

When and how to use

The drug Allochol, the release form of which is convenient for the administration of tablets for the liver, should only enter the intestines with food. In no case is it recommended to drink Alochol on an empty stomach. Before taking it, you need to eat something. At the same time, it is not necessary to force yourself to eat 3-4 times a day in order to take a pill later. It is enough to consume a small portion of food (toast, light salad, any fruit or vegetable you wish).

Such a specific requirement is explained by the action that Allohol has. Penetrating into the intestines, the herbal remedy dissolves and stimulates the stomach to produce hydrochloric acid. And, if there is nothing else in the stomach except for the pill, hydrochloric acid will corrode the mucous membranes of the walls of the stomach. In turn, this phenomenon can provoke a stomach ulcer, and after it the duodenal ulcer.

Allochol with cholecystitis (except for attacks of acute forms), with pancreatitis and other pathologies, it is strongly recommended to drink after eating. If there is a need for drug therapy 4 times a day, you can pre-eat a sandwich each time before taking the tablets. The main thing is that before the tablet enters the intestines, there is already food in it.

This is partly why you should take a choleretic agent for weight loss. After all, the bile that the body produces should help to better digest the food that has entered the stomach.

By improving metabolic processes due to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract system, the drug allows the body to process food residues more thoroughly, thereby contributing to weight loss.

Dosage and treatment regimen

Instructions for use of tablets allow treatment with Allochol for adults and children.

With a therapeutic purpose, they are taken from 3 weeks to 2 months, depending on the stage of the disease:

  1. In chronic diseases, you need to drink 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day for 20-30 days.
  2. In case of complications, the drug is taken according to the scheme - 1 tablet 2-3 times a day for 30-60 days.

If necessary, Allochol for pancreatitis and cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and for the treatment of other pathologies can be used for a repeated therapeutic course. Between them it is recommended to take a break (from 90 days).

For children, therapy can last as long as for adults. A child, depending on his age, can drink 1-2 tablets per day for 2-9 weeks.

The course of treatment with tablets, if it is necessary to treat a chronic disease in remission, can be 3-4 weeks, while for the treatment of exacerbations of pathologies, it will be necessary to give Allohol to children in a course of 1-2 months.

Cholagogue tablets Allohol, the use of which is relevant for gastritis, common liver diseases and other pathologies (Allohol for pancreatitis, alcohol poisoning and after surgical removal of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy), has various regimens.

Herbal tablets are suitable for cleansing the body of harmful elements accumulated in it, toxins, bile. Before carrying out the procedures, it is strongly recommended to consult with your doctor about the absence of contraindications. Cleansing the liver with Allohol can last no more than 2 weeks,

To cleanse the body of toxins and small stones, you should drink one tablet daily, gradually increasing the dosage during the first week (that is, one tablet on the first day, and seven on the seventh), and vice versa for the next seven days (that is, eat on the eighth day - seven tablets, and on the fourteenth day - one).

If the cleansing of the liver by Allochol is accompanied by side effects, the prophylaxis should be stopped.

Treatment of the same organ with tablets is carried out to improve its functioning. During therapy with Allohol, various liver pathologies are eliminated, secretion improves and the likelihood of stones forming in it decreases.

Treatment of the liver with the drug is also carried out to normalize bile formation, stimulate the production of bile in the right amount and increase the motor ability of the digestive tract.

Application for children and pregnant women

Due to the fact that the drug has a herbal composition, Allohol can be given to children; instructions for use indicate that treatment with this choleretic agent is carried out taking into account the age of the patient, the type of disease and the nature of its course. So, children of preschool age (up to 7 children) should be given to drink Allohol 2-3 times a day, 0.5 tablets.

Children of primary, senior school age and teenagers can drink 1 whole tablet 3 times a day. In the case of therapy for chronic pathologies, children can drink 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment can be from 20 to 60 days (you need to take into account the type and nature of the course of the disease).

It can also be used for Allohol therapy during pregnancy instructions for use and doctors say that such a choleretic agent is safe for use by expectant mothers, as it has a herbal composition. However, while taking the drug, a woman in position needs to monitor her well-being and that of the fetus. The same applies to the lactation period - at the first appearance of discomfort, it is better to stop taking the remedy.

The standard regimen for the use of the drug during pregnancy is 1 tablet 2-3 times a day for one or two months. Adjustments to the use of the drug can be made by the attending physician, so consultation with him before using the drug should be mandatory.

Many use Allochol for weight loss, because this choleretic drug is considered an ideal assistant for those who seek to lose weight. Of course, using only these pills, you will not be able to noticeably lose weight. But it will turn out to normalize the functioning of the liver and set up the correct metabolism.

However, in an effort to lose weight, you can combine taking the drug with physical activity and proper nutrition. In this case, the result will appear much faster.

For weight loss, the drug can be drunk for a month, 2 tablets 2-3 times throughout the day and not on an empty stomach. You should first eat at least a small amount of food in order to start the correct processes in the intestines.

Before you start losing weight with Allohol, you should consult a doctor, because this drug has contraindications.

With heartburn, adults and children can also be given choleretic tablets to drink. Allochol tablets of plant origin help if a person feels a burning sensation or bitterness in the gastrointestinal tract for a long time. Being a consequence of disorders of the liver, intestines or stomach, such a phenomenon can be quickly eliminated with the help of this choleretic agent.

What are the contraindications for Allohol? Despite the herbal composition of the drug, there are several conditions in which it is not recommended to take it.

When you should not take Allochol for pancreatitis:

  • individual sensitivity to components;
  • hepatitis, pancreatitis, enterocolitis of acute forms;
  • liver dystrophy, occurring in a subacute, acute form;
  • jaundice that arose against the background of blockage of bile duct stones;
  • the presence of stones more than 10 mm, which provoked cholelithiasis;
  • peptic ulcer affecting the stomach and duodenum.

In other cases, Allochol is an excellent remedy with a choleretic effect that helps in the treatment of liver pathologies and other pathological conditions in children, pregnant women and adult patients and does not require dilution of the regimen by other means.