And Bunin’s clean Monday arguments. Read an essay on the theme of love in Bunin’s story “Clean Monday” for free

// / The theme of love in Bunin’s story “ Clean Monday»

One of the most frequent themes raised in Russian and world literature is the theme of love. The theme of the relationship between a man and a woman, the theme of their feelings and emotional experiences. Many writers and poets wrote about love, and each in their own way tried to show and explain this multifaceted feeling. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was no exception and also shared with us his thoughts on this issue.

The author’s love work is reflected in the collection “Dark Alleys”. This collection consists of 38 stories dedicated to the theme of love. Each of the stories presented is original in its own way. When reading them, we will not come across two identical stories, but after reading them all, we understand that the theme of love is so diverse and multifaceted that we can write about it forever.

The story "" reveals to us a love story between two people. Bunin does not name their names, simply saying - He and She. Heroes of this work were young people who lived in abundance and prosperity. They had everything you could want. They dined in restaurants, attended theaters, social evenings, and were the center of everyone's attention and admiration. But despite such external similarity and unity, the main characters of the story differed from each other in their inner world.

He was "blind" to his beloved. Every day I tried to please her, inviting her to restaurants, to social evenings, to the theater. On weekends He spoiled her with “fresh” flowers, sweets, new literature. He was blinded by his feelings for her. Feelings of love did not allow him to look into her inner world, understand its versatility. She remained a mystery to him. More than once he was perplexed by her behavior, by their relationship, without ever trying to understand it. He once said about their relationship: “ Odd love! He is surprised by her behavior in moments of intimacy; he does not understand why she constantly rejects conversations about their future.

Bunin does not endow his hero with the depth of emotional experiences that he gives to his heroine. She indifferently accepts all gifts and visits entertainment venues. One day She decides to declare that she wants to visit Novodevichy Convent, because restaurants are already extremely boring. The main character does not understand such thoughts and conversations of his beloved. It turns out that He does not know her at all. Her passion for Russian legends and Russian chronicles becomes a real discovery for him. In her free time from entertainment events, She goes to the Kremlin cathedrals. But all these stories are alien to him; it is important for him to be close to his beloved and enjoy every minute spent with her.

For love lyrics Bunin is characterized by what the author does not show us further development love relationship two people. They don't end happy marriage, strong family. The main character of “Clean Monday”, sharing a bed with the main character, left without saying a word. She sent him a letter in which she asked him not to look for her and said that she had gone to a monastery. For a long time she could not make a choice between pleasure and harmony. And only Clean Monday finally determined the choice main character and became decisive in their relationship.

In “Clean Monday” Bunin showed us love as a feeling, as a test, as great mystery of the universe.

The theme of love in the story

The story “Clean Monday” was written in May 1944, when the writer was already in old age and was in exile. The story was included in the series “Dark Alleys”, entirely dedicated to love. Thus, main topic The story “Clean Monday” is also love, multifaceted, mysterious and mysterious. The story involves only two characters: he and she. Even though their names are hidden, we can see how their relationship develops. The author portrays his heroes as young, beautiful, rich and full of strength, which involuntarily arouses sympathy among the reader. However, external similarities are emphasized by internal differences.

He is a passionate young man, blinded by his love. It does not have the depth that is characteristic of the main character. Visiting her every evening, visiting restaurants and concerts with her, he does not even notice how absorbed she is in other values. In his eyes, it’s just her mystery, strangeness and originality. He spends all his time recklessly, since he is quite wealthy and is not forced to think about anything. The only thing that has consumed his thoughts since they met is the uncertainty of the relationship. This love sometimes seems “strange” to him or “not love” at all.

She, in turn, is silent and reserved. There is something strange in her behavior that defies logic. Sometimes she attends some lectures and says that she likes history. He never thought about why she came to Moscow and rented an apartment overlooking the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. To him, these are just “fads.” And this is exactly where it lay main secret girls. The heroine was seriously interested in religion, church rituals, admired monasteries, loved visiting cathedrals. Perhaps that is why she liked Moscow - the city of cathedrals and Kremlin towers. After living there for some time, she became even more convinced of her desire to take monastic vows and enter a monastery.

However, the hero never fully understood what was going on in his beloved’s soul. They spent the night of Clean Monday together, and then she disappeared from his life forever. After some time, he received a letter from Tver, in which she explained her action with love for the church and asked, if possible, not to look for her and try to forget. For young man who sincerely loved and believed in reciprocity, it was ordeal. He tried to get through it by visiting taverns and drinking alcohol. Over time, the pain subsided, but did not leave him. Once it even seemed to him that he saw her among the singing nuns of the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent.

In almost all the stories in the cycle " Dark alleys"love is doomed. It does not develop into real earthly happiness. So in the story “Clean Monday,” love appears as a great sacrament, an incomprehensible riddle, bringing both happiness and torment. This story is considered one of the best in creativity

I have before me the topic of the essay “Reason or Feelings?”, which interested me because these concepts are constantly opposed to each other. After all, intelligence is the ability to think logically and creatively. And feelings are the ability to realize and experience something based on sensations. But how to do it right choice: follow the dictates of the heart or accept the hint of the mind? Probably the answer lies in the fact that a person himself must decide what is for him. higher value. Fiction convinces me of the correctness of this point of view.

Let's remember the works in which this topic is revealed. Reflecting on the difficult choices in people’s lives, I cannot help but turn to the work “Clean Monday” by I.A. Bunin. Depicting the luxurious life of the young Moscow intelligentsia, the writer describes with particular passion a couple of young people.

These are the most ordinary residents of the capital, whose life boils and rages at an unbridled rhythm, but their main difference is that they are rich, healthy and very good-looking. Conversations about their future never continue, so main character is in constant tension. The girl plays with his feelings, pushes him away from her, but never lets him go completely. At the end of the work, events change and the heroine decides to disappear from the young man’s life, leaving him a letter asking him not to look for her. This story fully shows readers that making a choice between feelings and reason is an unbearable burden for most people.

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Man, like no other earthly creature, is lucky to have reason and the ability to choose. A person chooses his whole life. Having taken a step, he is faced with a choice: to the right or to the left - where to go next. He takes another step and chooses again, and so he walks until the end of the path. Some walk faster, others slower, and the result is different: you take a step and either fall into a bottomless abyss, or your foot lands on an escalator in the sky. A person is free to choose his job, passions, hobbies, thoughts, worldviews, love. Love can be for money, for power, for art, maybe ordinary, earthly love, or it may happen that above all, above all feelings, a person places love for his homeland or for God.

In Bunin's story “Clean Monday” the heroine is nameless. The name is not important, the name is for the earth, and God knows everyone even without a name. Bunin calls the heroine - she. From the very beginning, she was strange, silent, unusual, as if a stranger to the whole world around her, looking through it, “she kept thinking about something, it was as if she was delving into something mentally; lying on the sofa with a book in her hands, she often lowered it and looked questioningly in front of her.” She seemed to be from a completely different world, and just so that she would not be recognized in this world, she read, went to the theater, had lunch, dinner, went for walks, and attended courses. But she was always drawn to something lighter, intangible, to faith, to God, and just as the Church of the Savior was close to the windows of her apartment, so God was close to her heart.

She often went to churches, visited monasteries and old cemeteries. And finally she made up her mind. IN last days worldly life, she drank its cup to the bottom, forgave everyone in Forgiveness Sunday and cleansed herself of the ashes of this life on “Clean Monday”: she went to a monastery. “No, I’m not fit to be a wife.” She knew from the very beginning that she could not be a wife. She is destined to be an eternal bride, the bride of Christ. She found her love, she chose her path. You might think that she left home, but in fact she went home. And even her earthly lover forgave her for this. I forgave, although I did not understand. He could not understand that now “she can see in the dark,” and “left the gates” of a strange monastery.

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Brief Analysis story by I. A. Bunin
"Clean Monday"
Who doesn't know what love is?
I. Bunin "Clean Monday".
Man, like no other earthly creature, is lucky to have reason and the ability to choose. A person chooses his whole life. Having taken a step, he is faced with a choice: to the right or to the left - where to go next. He takes another step and chooses again, and so he walks until the end of the path. Some walk faster, others slower, and the result is different: you take a step and either fall into a bottomless abyss, or end up with your foot on an escalator in the sky. A person is free to choose his job, passions, hobbies, thoughts, worldviews, love. Love can be for money, for power, for art, it can be ordinary, earthly love, or it can happen that above all, above all feelings, a person places love for his homeland or for God.
In Bunin's story "Clean Monday" the heroine is nameless. The name is not important, the name is for the earth, and God knows everyone even without a name. Bunin calls the heroine - she. From the very beginning, she was strange, silent, unusual, as if a stranger to the whole world around her, looking through it, “she kept thinking about something, it was as if she was mentally delving into something; lying on the sofa with a book in her hands, she often lowered it and looked in front of her questioningly." She seemed to be from a completely different world, and just so that she would not be recognized in this world, she read, went to the theater, had lunch, dinner, went for walks, and attended courses. But she was always drawn to something lighter, intangible, to faith, to God, and just as the Church of the Savior was close to the windows of her apartment, so God was close to her heart. She often went to churches, visited monasteries and old cemeteries.
And finally she made up her mind. In the last days of her worldly life, she drank her cup to the bottom, forgave everyone on Forgiveness Sunday and cleansed herself of the ashes of this life on “Clean Monday”: she went to a monastery. “No, I’m not fit to be a wife.” She knew from the very beginning that she could not be a wife. She is destined to be an eternal bride, the bride of Christ. She found her love, she chose her path. You might think that she left home, but in fact she went home. And even her earthly lover forgave her for this. I forgave, although I did not understand. He could not understand that now “she can see in the dark,” and “left the gates” of a strange monastery.

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