Mandalas are simple. Mandala for coloring antistress, health, attraction of love, money, fulfillment of desires, weight loss, harmonization of space, from loneliness, for forgiveness, for conception, protective: photo

Modern methods of getting rid of internal problems and relieving stress are rapidly gaining popularity. Not so long ago, people began to be interested in the question of how to draw a mandala. Every day more and more people learn about it, because this method has one considerable advantage, which is that the mandala can be easily drawn by yourself with pencils on a regular sheet of paper, without using any unusual aids.


Before drawing a mandala for beginners, you need to understand what its essence is, because this is not just a symmetrical drawing, but the so-called visual prayer.

Mandala is one of the most common symbols of Buddhism, and in translation this word means "wheel" or "circle". This pattern is always symmetrical, and it consists mainly of simple geometric shapes. The center of the mandala, as a rule, is not depicted visually.

traditional drawings

In the countries of the East, the mandala acts as a method of concentrating one's own consciousness, as well as overcoming its boundaries. The most common pattern is a circle, inside of which there is a square. He, in turn, contains another circle, consisting of exactly eight petals of a beautiful lotus. On each of the four sides of the square there is a T-shaped door, which faces, respectively, to all cardinal points.

It is customary for Buddhists to draw a mandala with sand of different colors. It is believed that it personifies the image of the entire universe and is dedicated to one Buddhist deity. The monks depict the pattern using an ancient technique called sand painting. It lies in the fact that colored sand is poured in a thin stream through a metal cone, due to which all lines are perfectly even.

While drawing a mandala, a person reflects his entire inner state on a sheet of paper. Identical mandalas, as well as completely similar people in everything, do not exist in the world.

Many philosophers argue that this visual prayer allows you to go beyond the boundaries of consciousness, thereby achieving inner integrity. It is able to bring order to the psychic universe of the individual.


As mentioned below, the mandala consists of certain symbols that have different meanings. Among them:

  • triangles - are a symbol of movement;
  • squares - mean house / temple;
  • circles - symbolize the Universe;
  • the star is an exclusively male symbol;
  • cross - shows the choice of the path;
  • flower - a symbol of the female;
  • lines of different widths - are applied randomly, depending on the state of the person in this moment.

A competent master can ask any person to draw a mandala, and then independently decipher it and draw conclusions about the deep state of the soul.

A wide line means the desire to isolate oneself from the outside world, aggression and withdraw into oneself. Thin and broken lines indicate that a person gets along quite well with others, is distinguished by sociability, smiling and responsiveness. If there are many winding lines in the scheme, then, most likely, the artist is a woman, moreover, overly emotional and sensual. But if the author is a man, then he is in a stressful state and cannot understand how to act in a difficult situation.

But how to draw mandalas step by step, using the necessary symbols, is written below. The most important thing is to clearly know which figures should be depicted in your own drawing.


Knowing only the meaning of the symbols, a person still does not know how to draw mandalas correctly. Colors are also used to create a magical picture, each of which has its own meaning:

  1. Red is the color of passion, strength and energy. It indicates the work of the heart in a slightly accelerated rhythm, the internal burning of fire. People who use this color have great potential, have clear life goals and always strive forward. The absence of red color gives cause for alarm. This means passivity, depression, or the standard lack of vitamins that the human body needs.
  2. Yellow - symbolizes excessive optimism and good spirits. This color is often used by creative individuals who have found their calling in the field of culture.
  3. Green is the color of life. He argues about the naturalness of man and his real sincerity. A large amount of green color in the picture speaks of peace of mind and the ability to combine two principles - masculine (which symbolizes yellow) and feminine (denoting blue).
  4. Blue - means calm and serious intentions. Color speaks of powerful intuition, wisdom and the ability to see and know more than others.
  5. Brown is the pure color of the earth. The abundance of this tone means a lack of a sense of security, and also speaks of a desire to land.
  6. Orange - reflects the internal charge of energy. People who use this color in the mandala are most often big bosses or simply leaders, as it means a thirst for self-realization and self-affirmation.
  7. Black - is the opposite of color or its complete absence. Since ancient times, it denotes emptiness, non-existence. Too much black tone in the mandala speaks of internal burnout, emptiness of the personality.

DIY mandala

Before you draw a mandala, you should know that you can depict it not only on paper. A visual prayer can also be painted with sand, woven or embroidered with thread, carved or burned into wood, and so on.

Drawing belongs to art therapy. When a person creates a drawing, he is completely immersed in this process and opens his inner "I". The mandala is a mirror of a person and his mental state, so you need to create it by listening to your inner voice.

Step-by-step instruction

Now it's time to learn how to draw a mandala. To do this, you need to take colored paints / pencils / pastels, a large sheet of paper (A4 and larger), as well as a simple pencil.

How to draw a mandala step by step:

  1. To begin with, a circle is drawn that fills the maximum space, and then 4 lines intersecting in the center.
  2. Next, you need to think carefully about which figures and in what order to depict.
  3. Now you need to start drawing the first figures, starting strictly from the center, gradually expanding the drawing. If a person does not understand well how to draw a mandala, then he should be given freedom to his hands, let them themselves reflect the state of the soul on paper. If the circle is not enough, then you can easily go beyond it.
  4. Having completed drawing the outline, it's time to move on to coloring. Colors must be selected intuitively or just close your eyes and choose at random.
  5. When the drawing is completely completed, you need to move it a little further from yourself and take a good look at it to find any flaws and correct them.

love mandala

Often people are interested in the question of how to learn how to draw love mandalas in order to attract a person they like. Indeed, many people put love in the first place. And even if outwardly a person denies this fact, then inside he has an insane desire to find that very "his person" and never lose him. Love is a real source of life, inspiration and unbridled joy, which is why it must be preserved and multiplied.

As a rule, an image of a flower is placed in the mandala of love, as well as lines of different widths and shapes. Colors are selected only in accordance with their own associations with romance, relationships, and so on.

Program for creating mandalas

Unfortunately, not every person can independently depict a pattern, despite its simplicity. But even if there is no time or desire, then a program specially designed for computer and mobile devices will help to draw mandalas much faster, and a person will only need to print the finished drawing and get motivation for new achievements from it.

Mandala Painter

The most common program is Mandala Painter, which is currently available for download in several modifications. It allows you to draw not only the main picture, but also the background to it, and for greater immersion in the process, special music is provided.

In the program, the user independently selects the shapes and their colors, and they are automatically arranged in a circle. Those people who want to color the mandala in reality can only draw an outline using the program, and then print the drawing.

Even those who have never tried to meditate can easily cope with these exercises, which are more like a game familiar to each of us since childhood. Give yourself pleasure! Take a set of beautiful colored pencils, make yourself comfortable in a bright place where you feel easy and comfortable, and start creating.

Coloring these mandalas helps to calm down and access your inner energy resources. You don't have to take on everything at once. Start with the one you like best.

Mandala 1: How can I feel better?

This mandala will help you determine what you need to feel better - both emotionally and physically. Pick one color first. And, without hesitation, paint with them those parts of the mandala that you want. The most important thing in this exercise is to do what the inner voice tells you to do.

Meditate on the undercolored mandala for a few minutes. Then take other colored pencils to complete it. Do not strive to make it beautiful, do not think about the compatibility of colors, let everything happen spontaneously! When you're done, look at the mandala. And write down the three words that first come to your mind. Reflect on the meaning of these words in relation to the original question that this mandala is meant to answer. Download mandala in PDF

Mandala 2: "What color is my breath?"

We rarely think about how we breathe. And even less often we do breathing exercises. So make time for it right now! Relax, look closely at the mandala and choose a color that represents your breath. Color them in the center circle. As you do this exercise, focus on your breathing.

Be aware of exactly how you breathe. Then color the rays of the mandala one by one. For this, take one or those pencils that you think will help “activate” breathing: make it slower, deeper, calmer. Now that you have completed coloring this mandala, you have come into contact with the deep energy of life that lives within you. Use it! Download mandala in PDF

Mandala 3: "How to find yourself?"

Choose the pencil you like best and color in the center circle. Then use a different color to highlight the part of the mandala that you like best. Choose it intuitively! Pass the pencil along the rays of the star located in this part, as if you were wandering through a maze.

Look at the resulting colored thread. And ask yourself: “What does this path remind me of?” Write down three words, phrases, or sentences that come to mind to describe your journey. Ponder over them for a few minutes. Download mandala in PDF

Mandala 4: "What energy state am I in today?"

Let the colors speak to you! Trust your intuition, color this mandala the way you want. The colors you choose will help determine the state of your energy. Look at the colored picture and write down the three key words that come to mind.

For five minutes, meditate on their meaning in relation to the question, “What energetic state am I in?” Please note that an excess of warm colors dissipates energy, cold colors paralyze it. And do not forget that the mandala reflects your state at the moment. Tomorrow it could be completely different.

Mandala 5: "What are my three best features?"

This beautiful mandala will help you identify what you like best about yourself. Think about what three traits make you happy? Write them below the mandala (for example, gratitude, honesty, kindness, creativity…) Choose your three favorite colors so that each symbolizes one of these qualities, and color the mandala.

When the drawing is finished, examine it carefully. Look at each color that embodies one of your favorite qualities separately. Try to figure out how you feel about these qualities.

Mandala 6: "Where can I find peace within myself?"

Choose a color that symbolizes inner peace for you. Use it to color all the central circles of complex shapes, some of which are intertwined. After that, take other pencils to fill in the outer circles of these circles one by one. Don't think, follow the inspiration.

When finished, look at the mandala. Try to remember three moments when you felt surprisingly calm during the difficult moments of coloring these intricate interlaced shapes. Write down those memories.

Mandala 7: "What prevents the free flow of my energy?"

Color this mandala, moving from the center, ask yourself the question: “What is preventing the smooth circulation of my energy?” When you have finished coloring the mandala, look at it for a few minutes. Do it calmly and serenely. Let go of your mind, let thoughts come and go like clouds in the sky.

Now look, what colors did you use - cold (green, blue, purple) or warm (red, orange, yellow)? The former "close" the energy channels, the latter "open" them. Take a close look at where you've placed these colors. Try to remember what images and emotions you had in those moments when you used pencils of different colors. And write down what you remember.

Mandala 8: "How to increase your energy?"

Starting with the central "flower" of this mandala, meticulously color its petals using three colors that appeal to you. For other "colors," change the pencils to those that you think will complement and enhance the first three colors. After that, choose a different color for the center of the flowers.

Breathe slowly, look at your drawing and write down three expressions that suddenly come to mind. Meditate on them in a calm environment.

Mandala 9: "How to balance emotions?"

Identify three negative emotions that particularly interfere with you (for example, fear, anger, envy…). List them under the mandala. Then choose three colors that will symbolize them. Following your intuition, paint the leaves in these colors. Take other pencils and use them to color the stems and background of the mandala. Relax, close your eyes for a minute. Then look at your drawing. Describe what you feel under the mandala.

Mandala 10: "I activate and harmonize my energy"

Look at this mandala for a couple of minutes. Then start coloring it from the central circle, choosing a pencil of your favorite color for this. Then take seven pencils of all colors of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet). Listening only to your feelings, paint each of the human figures with one of these colors.

In the final, you can paint the borders of the mandala with any color you like or the one that, in your opinion, will complement the drawing as harmoniously as possible. This exercise activates and harmonizes energy. Write down how you feel after you complete the drawing.

Traditional mandalas are used for meditation and are designed to improve well-being, healing and spiritual growth. Such pictures are painted in stages from the center to the outer ring and have repeating elements, various colors and designs.

Mandalas for children are mainly used as ordinary funny coloring books., but nevertheless they also have their therapeutic effect. The kids are asking for easier mandala coloring pages, which you can download below.

Children's mandala sketches tend to have larger images, lacking intricate details.. Our simple mandalas are easy to decorate and suitable for even the youngest children. While they are almost always circular, our designs may not have concentric circles.

The coloring page usually has a central element, such as an animal, leaves, hearts, or other designs of interest to the child. The central character can be repeated throughout the picture or supplemented with other related elements.

Children's similar pictures differ in size, shape and design. Some of the coloring pages aren't even mandalas in the traditional sense, but kids love them nonetheless. Some common mandala themes for kids:

  • Nature- These mandalas may include natural elements such as leaves, seeds and trees. They can also display natural phenomena: the water cycle, the change of seasons, rain, etc. Such pictures can be used as a teaching aid.
  • Animals - like natural mandalas, this can be as one specific animal or contain images of numerous animals, such as animals or animals in a zoo. These mandalas are also popular for learning.
  • Fantasy / Fairy tale- in these mandalas, the main theme is represented by books or cartoons. They can be used with preschoolers to teach children to retell stories.
  • Holidays Holiday and seasonal mandalas are very popular with children as they allow children to explore the changing world around them and celebrate the holidays and the changing seasons. For example .
  • Food Most children enjoy coloring pictures of their favorite foods. These mandalas can also be used to introduce preschoolers to various foods, their properties, and talk about healthy and unhealthy foods.
  • Geometric - Mandalas are responsive to children's desire to experiment with patterns and color. They develop creativity and creativity well. They can be applied in the study of the foundations of mathematics.

The use of children's mandalas-coloring books

Some children's coloring mandalas with geometric patterns or floral patterns can be used directly for meditation.

However, experts in the field of Art Therapy believe that in order to achieve a therapeutic effect, children simply need to color the mandalas and fill in the silhouettes as well.

Physicians and school psychologists can use our mandala to help children in concentration and relieve stress and anxiety.

Art teachers can use mandalas to teach children about design and color, understanding the emotional impact of a work of art.

Teachers use mandalas to reinforce knowledge in the classroom, and parents often encourage children to color these circles as a form of entertainment or as a way to reduce emotional stress.

Decorated and decorated, mandalas can be wonderful room decorations or given as gifts for grandparents or other significant people on your child's list.

Mandala templates for coloring

You can find a wide variety of mandala coloring pages on our website in the templates section. You can also buy a special coloring book online or in a regular bookstore.

Fairy mandalas

Mandala is a sacred symbol that can help a person get closer to what he wants. It works by meditation while coloring and setting the mind in a positive way.

Mandala - an unusual word denoting the name of a geometric pattern. This drawing is not simple and represents geometric matrix. If you literally translate the word "mandala", then it stands for "circle" or "circle". In fact, it is: a mandala is a square inscribed in a circle and decorated with many decorative figures, as well as patterns.

Each drawing located in the mandala, all figures and ornaments are located symmetrical to each other.

It is interesting to know that in the East this drawing is very holy. He is recognized Buddhism and Hinduism. Moreover, in order to draw a mandala, it is necessary to follow a certain ritual. The monks draw it and see in the image not just a drawing, but a real one. object of worship which, with all its beauty and depth, symbolizes the Universe and the cosmos.

A person to whom such a culture and faith is alien cannot understand: why is a mandala still needed? The answer is simple: this drawing allows open the subconscious. The sacred mandala is capable of bring harmony between man and nature. Of course, in order to achieve such a result, it is necessary to be carried away by the knowledge of the inner world and be a spiritual person who knows how to meditate.

Each mandala drawing accumulates during creation in itself positivehuman energy. That is why many Buddhist and Hindu temples are decorated with mandalas. Some call the mandala "frozen prayer", as it is able to express the inner world of a person at the time of drawing.

mandala - sacred drawing or image

How to color mandalas and what is better?

Mandala is always color image. An exception in this case may be applied to the body with black paints. If we talk about real mandalas, then it is worth noting that in the original they are painted by the monks with colored sand on a flat surface for two months. They need this process only as a means meditation. After the drawing is ready, they simply blow it off and start a new one.

It does not matter what goals you adhere to if you draw a mandala. Main - know how to do it right. sacral image always colorful. For this reason, any writing multi-colored stationery tools will come in handy:

  • pencils
  • ballpoint pens
  • gel pens
  • oil handles
  • markers
  • any paint
  • liners (felt-tip pens with the thinnest tip from 0.1 mm)
  • rapidographs (pens with a tube for ink)

Drawing a mandala is not difficult even with the help of a special computer program, if you have certain knowledge of the ability to use a graphics tablet or mouse.

sand-painted mandala

The meaning of colors in the mandala, how to color the drawing?

You are free to draw a mandala use absolutely any color. It is worth highlighting the most popular shades, since most often they have a certain meaning:

  • red - color of blood, color of survival, love and passion
  • black - color of darkness, death, despair, danger
  • yellow - symbolizes prosperity, joy, happiness
  • orange - ambition, emotionality, controversy
  • blue - symbolizes the source of life, water and sky
  • blue - mysticism, mystery, conflict, intuition, fear
  • green - support, understanding, willingness to help
  • light green - weak energy field
  • violet - emotional dependence
  • lilac - feelings, anxiety, well-being

Coloring the mandala follows from the middle of the image and gradually reaching the edge. So the drawing will turn out organic and will not be spoiled by your palm.

drawing a mandala with felt-tip pens - bright and beautiful

Mandala for the fulfillment of a desire is very strong: photo for coloring

All mandalas can be divided into several subspecies: for the fulfillment of desires, for attracting money, for happiness, and so on. Choose exactly the coloring template that you need at the moment. Peculiar meditating and thinking about your goals while coloring will help you achieve what you want as soon as possible and set you up to be more confident in yourself.

Wish Fulfillment Mandala Coloring Templates:

mandala for coloring number 1

mandala for coloring number 2 mandala for coloring number 3

Mandala to attract money and material well-being: photo for coloring

It's no secret that someone wants to fulfill their desire, while the other wants to attract financial well-being. In this case, help comes the other mandala is the mandala of attracting money. What is the secret of such an image? The answer is very simple: while coloring, you will be able to clearly concentrate all your thoughts on how to come to your financial well-being as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Coloring the mandala should only in good spirits, so that your drawing is not only beautiful, but also contains only positive energy.

Mandala coloring pages to attract money:

mandala to attract money, template number 1

mandala to attract money, template number 2

mandala to attract money, template number 3

Mandalas for space harmonization: photo for coloring

It is not uncommon for a modern person to find it difficult to acquire harmony with the environment. Most often, complexes, an abundance of problems and misunderstanding interfere with him. A magic mandala will help to establish your world inside the body and the world around you. Set up your workspace, choose a coloring template and have plenty of colored pencils ready.

Try to finish coloring immediately after you start it (on the same day). Do not quit such work and do not throw away the drawing.

Coloring mandala templates for finding harmony:

mandala for finding harmony, template No. 1 mandala for finding harmony, template number 2 mandala for finding harmony, template number 3

Coloring mandala: antistress

Currently very popular, the so-called, antistress coloring pages. The principle of their action is to distract a person from problems and envelop them with an interesting therapy of colorful drawing and transformation. Coloring-mandala works on the same principle, but its magical abilities not only relax the human soul and body.

Mandala attracts everything positive to a person, what can be taken from the environment.

Templates for interesting anti-stress coloring pages:

coloring-antistress, template number 1

coloring-antistress, template number 2

coloring-antistress, template number 3

Mandala of love, happiness and relationships, female happiness: photo for coloring

love mandala is designed to help a person find romantic feelings and understanding of a loved one. You need to color such a mandala carefully and slowly. While working with a drawing, you should only think about romance, relationships and pleasant things.

If during coloring love mandala you will be in a bad mood or depression, you will not be able to charge your magical drawing with positive energy.

Love mandala coloring templates:

love mandala coloring template #1

mandala of love, template for coloring number 2

mandala of love, template for coloring number 3

Mandala from loneliness - for love and marriage: photo for coloring

It's no secret that some magical things can influence the outcome of many events. So the mandala acts as a kind "push" which gives a person the courage to carry out his plans.

Mandala of marriage, capable accumulate and exude positive energy for humans, especially women. Such a mandala is necessary so that a woman does not lose confidence in herself and can find happiness in marriage.

Happy Marriage Mandala Coloring Templates:

mandala "marriage" for coloring, template number 1

mandala "marriage" for coloring, template number 2

mandala "marriage" for coloring, template number 3

Mandala for conceiving a child: coloring

Every adult wants to prolong the race. Sometimes stress, health problems and negativity become an obstacle to conception. Drawing and coloring a special mandala will help get pregnant safely and find peace within the soul.

Coloring templates:

conception mandala, template No. 1

conception mandala, template No. 2

conception mandala, template No. 3

Mandala for Forgiving Yourself: Photo for Coloring

Often the inner world of a person is very restless. It also happens that calmness borders on depression and apathy. Man is like a sponge absorbing a huge amount of negative that surrounds him every day. No one is immune from the fact that he can make a large number of mistakes, wrong actions and insults.

The situation can only be corrected by forgiving yourself and accepting yourself. Finding the way to it will help magic mandala which, through drawing and coloring, will reveal the most beautiful sides of a person's soul and allow him to think about himself.

Forgiveness Mandala Coloring Templates:

coloring-mandala "forgiveness", template No. 1 coloring-mandala "forgiveness", template No. 2

Mandala for health and healing: photo for coloring

Even doctors often say that a person's recovery depends only on his desire to get well. This theory is far from a myth, but a scientifically proven fact. Improve your mood and inspire yourself to recover coloring mandala.

Health mandala templates for coloring:

health mandala pattern for coloring number 1

health mandala template for coloring number 2

Coloring mandalas for kids

Every parent should try instill in your child a sense of beauty. For this, simple mandala coloring schemes that you can color together in your free time will come in handy more than ever.

Simple coloring templates:

mandala for children, template number 1

mandala for children, template number 2

mandala for children, template number 3

Mandalas for coloring for weight loss

The mandala does not have any restrictions and therefore is able to help a person. to acquire any thing and achieve any goals. This also applies to slimness. Just visualize your dream and start coloring the pattern.

coloring-mandala "health, weight loss"

Coloring Pages - Art Therapy: The Most Difficult Mandalas

For those who have a “creative touch” and like more difficult tasks, more detailed “mandala” coloring templates will come in handy. Such mandalas are oriented towards careful work, concentration and immersion in the deepest thoughts.

Complex Mandala Templates:

intricate mandala #1 intricate mandala #2

complex mandala number 3

10 mandalas to bring back the brightness of life

Improve mood and relieve the state of your soul not only coloring the mandalas will help, but also their contemplation. It is necessary to attach the image of the mandala in a conspicuous place so that it is constantly came within your field of vision. mandala "passion and joy" Protective mandala for coloring
mandala "successful business"

Video: “Music and mandalas. Meditation"

Mandala is once a mysterious word, beckoning into the depths of age-old wisdom. Today, mandalas and their creation are a big trend, a philosophy, a hobby... There is something for everyone. One thing is certain - this is the place to be and mandalotherapy, as one of them, works and helps, heals and inspires.

Today, mandalas are drawn, painted, embroidered, weaved, laid out, knitted, glued, sculpted...

To talk on this most interesting topic, I invited a specialist - a psychologist and fairy tale therapist - Anya Kutyavina. She leads us into the unique world of creating mandalas for children and adults.

Mandalotherapy for children and adults

What is mandalotherapy and how is it useful? What exercises can be done at home? What are the features of working with children and adults? About this - in our article.

According to sources, mandalas appeared in India, and this happened a very long time ago - several thousand years ago. They were actively used as a sacred tool for meditation in the Hindu and Buddhist traditions. In psychotherapy, mandalas began to be used by Carl Gustav Jung as a method of studying the unconscious. Nowadays, mandalas also do not lose their relevance and are often used in work with adults and kids. What is the secret of the mandala?

The secret meaning of the mandala

Translated from Sanskrit, the word "mandala" is translated as "disk, circle." The circle is closed, it has neither beginning nor end. And this circle symbolizes the image of a single universe.

There are many types of mandalas in the world. They can be created in various ways, for example, coloring ready-made pictures, drawing with paints or pencils on paper, sculpting from plasticine, creating bulk mandalas from flowers, natural materials, colored sand, weaving mandalas from threads, etc.

In psychology, the mandala personifies a symbolic image of the inner world, thoughts, feelings of a person. All of this is in the safe form of a circle. K.G. Jung said that the mandala is a universal mental image that symbolizes the self - the deep essence of the human soul.

In fact, the mandala is a bridge between the inner and outer worlds of a person, between his consciousness and subconsciousness. When we create a mandala, we put deep meaning into it. We depict our soul and can look from the outside at the processes taking place in it. To see the most subtle experiences that are difficult, and in some cases impossible to express in other ways. And this is the path to finding integrity. It is not surprising that mandalas have gained popularity in the work of psychologists, psychotherapists, art therapists around the world.

Mandalotherapy is a large area of ​​art therapy. And she really works wonders. ?

What do colors mean in mandalotherapy?

For informational purposes, I offer you general interpretations of colors in mandalotherapy. But be careful with direct transcripts! We are all different, and the same color for one can mean positive, and for another - negative. And in general, lately art therapists have come to the conclusion that the universal characteristics of colors do not work very well. The most important are the feelings, sensations of the client associated with a particular color. But sometimes it is useful to look deeper, passing through the general formula.

Mandala meaning. What do the different colors mean?

- Red. It is generally accepted that this color symbolizes strength, energy, passion. Red is fire, the beating of the human heart. A lot of red in the image of the mandala can indicate a person's high life potential, the presence of bright aspirations, goals and ways to achieve them. The complete absence of red can tell us about a person's physical or emotional fatigue, his passivity, lack of "fire", or even depression.

- Green. The color of life. In nature, living things are most often represented by green color - grass, trees, bushes. When a person actively uses green tones in his creative work, it can be assumed that he is prone to naturalness, spontaneity, honesty. If there is a lot of green in the picture, this often speaks of the harmony of the feminine and masculine principles in a person, his peace of mind.

- Yellow. This color tells us about optimism, joy of life, good spirits. Often we can notice that active and non-standard, creative people with artistic talents like to draw in yellow.

- Blue. This color symbolizes calm, seriousness. The presence of blue in the mandala can speak of strong intuition, the wisdom of a person, his deep understanding of the situation.

- Orange. Pure energy flow. If there is an orange color in the mandala, most likely, a person fulfills himself, asserts himself, moves towards the goal.

- Brown. Traditionally, we associate this color with the earth. The abundance of brown in the mandala may indicate a person’s lack of a sense of security, his desire to stand on reliable ground, to ground himself.

- Black. In fact, it is the absence of color. Black indicates emptiness, oblivion. The abundance of black in the mandala can tell us about the emotional burnout of the painter, his emptiness or even a depressive state.

How does mandalotherapy work?

There are several main uses for mandalas in psychotherapy. So, mandalotherapy can be:

  • active - the client is invited to create a mandala on their own;
  • mixed type - the client chooses from the ready-made coloring mandalas offered to him;
  • passive - a ready-made mandala is offered to a person, and he works with it.

The process of creating a mandala in psychotherapy

While working with a psychologist, the client is not limited to rigid principles and rules. It is important that the creation of the mandala occurs easily, unplanned, spontaneously, in the process of releasing experiences.

What is so special about a mandala? It would seem that you just draw a circle, there are some lines and images in it. But everything is much more interesting than it seems at first glance. A person is most often unable to feel and realize all the multidimensionality and depth of work with this symbol. And the mandala, like a kind of energy matrix, receives information directly from the subconscious, connecting it to an energy source. This is the uniqueness of mandalotherapy, its uniqueness.

Materials for creating a mandala

Most often in modern psychotherapy, the client will be offered the following materials to create a mandala: A4 or A3 paper, brushes, paints, pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens.

Where is mandalotherapy applicable?

As for the scope of mandalotherapy, it actively helps in:

  • Working with depression;
  • Working with impaired self-esteem;
  • Correction of internal imbalance;
  • Working out fears;
  • The return of the colors of life, the fight against pessimism;
  • Correction of aggression, irritability.

Mandalotherapy works both in individual counseling and in parent-child relationships, in family therapy.

Very important points: the plot of the mandala should be chosen by the client. And you can draw him as much as you want, until you feel “enough”. At the same time, the specialist fixes his condition, observes non-verbal reactions - gestures, facial expressions, breathing. The psychologist never evaluates the work of the client and does not interfere in the process. After all, the main task of this work is for a person to find contact with his inner “I”, get to know the real himself, see the answers to questions. And all this is possible only in the absence of strict control and a directive approach on the part of a specialist.

Mandalotherapy in work with children

How can mandalotherapy be useful for children? The answer is simple. Often children cannot adequately express their emotions, as well as correctly assess the emotions of others, including other children. All this makes it difficult to build warm, friendly relationships. Using a mandala can help impulsive, anxious children stabilize their emotional background, develop self-regulation skills, relieve tension, express emotions and feelings. In addition, the “side effect” of using mandalas in working with children is the development of creativity, artistic and spiritual self-expression of children.

Mandalotherapy is often used in kindergartens, starting with younger groups. Children are offered to color ready-made coloring mandalas, as well as create their own mandalas from pebbles, chestnuts, acorns, colored sand, and other natural materials.

The process of creating mandalas helps to develop imagination, creativity, fine motor skills of hands. The creation of sand mandalas has a good effect on hyperactive children, improves concentration, and lowers the overall level of anxiety.

The main conditions for the use of mandalas in working with children:

  • Show the child at the very beginning the entire set of mandalas so that he himself can choose the one he likes;
  • You can turn on background music;
  • Do not overload the psyche - in one lesson, offer the child work with only one mandala;
  • Tools for work than to draw or lay out a mandala, the child must choose for himself;
  • After creating the mandala, it is necessary to carefully ask the child about his experiences and feelings.

To create a real mandala, it is important to tune in to work, find peace of mind, “immerse yourself” in your inner experiences. The best way to do this is to use relaxation techniques. Tell your child a beautiful story, for example:

“Now we will go on a fabulous journey. Sit or lie down comfortably, close your eyes, take a deep breath. Now imagine that you are in a magical land. This is your favorite place, you are the boss here. Again, take a deep breath, exhale, relax even more.

Keeping your eyes closed, look around. Try to remember what you see. Take a close look at the pictures, the colors that surround you.

Once you're ready, slowly open your eyes. Let's try to draw everything you saw in this circle."

It is difficult to say how much time is needed for meditation and the creation of the mandala itself. Someone needs more, someone less. Don't rush your child. He will show himself that he is ready. Then it’s good to come up with a name for the drawing and sign it.

After finishing the creative work, it is necessary to ask the child what he painted. You can ask him to come up with a story or a fairy tale about the mandala. Such work is very useful for developing interhemispheric connections, improving the ability to express one's thoughts, transforming sensory images into verbal ones.

You can invite the child to draw a family, a kindergarten, a school, a mother, etc. in a circle.

Mandalotherapy in work with adults

You can do mandalotherapy not only in the office of a psychologist, but also at home. The most affordable option is to buy ready-made mandala drawings in the store, or download pictures for coloring on the Internet. But it is best to draw a mandala from scratch.

We offer you a simple exercise that you can do at home. To do this, take a plate and circle it on an A4 sheet. Fill in the circle. In the process of drawing, focus on internal sensations. Let your hand guide you to the answers. Then fill in the rest of the space with shapes, lines, images. In choosing colors, rely on intuition.

Then come up with a name for the mandala, write it down. Consider the mandala. What associations do you have? Write an essay about your mandala.
Having finished your creative work, try to decipher the mandala.

How to decipher the mandala

You can use the following conditional reference points:

  • If there is a clearly defined center in the work, this may indicate the maturity of a person;
  • An asymmetrical pattern may indicate internal stress;
  • According to the zones of the drawing: from top to bottom - spiritual-social-physical; from left to right - past-present-future;
  • If there is a lot of white space left in the drawing, this may indicate caution, fear of being active, as well as a lack of information;
  • The lack of links in the essay may indicate internal contradictions.

But do not rush to become attached to ready-made interpretations. Let your soul open up and tell you the important things. Accept them with love and gratitude. Think about what can be improved in the current situation. What actions need to be taken?

By itself, awareness, without active action, alas, will not change life. So after you see a picture of the future, live it mentally, immediately proceed to implement your plan. Plan specific steps and get started today. You will certainly succeed. After all, the road will be mastered by the walking one, right? And creativity will always help along the way. Prompt, direct, relax and surprise.

Create! And may your life be full of bright colors and delicious images!

Anna Kutyavina,

Indeed, there is a special charm in mandalas. And you can meet them everywhere... And in the coils of a rose, and in the waves of the sea, in snowflakes, and also in lace napkins and in kaleidoscope patterns...

Mandala coloring book

At the end of the conversation about mandalotherapy, we offer you a few mandala templates for coloring. You can download, print and color them for your own pleasure. Or you can just take as a basis and draw your own unique mandala.

I also suggest watching this video about mandalotherapy:

I once tried to color the finished drawings of mandalas. I like it. This process really relaxes and distracts, tunes in to a creative calming wave...

Tell me, did you draw or make mandalas from any materials yourself? Did you enjoy the process? What emotions did it evoke? Share in the comments!
