Main work and combination. Internal and external matching

Part-time employment is a form of secondary employment. Guided by the rights granted by the Constitution, citizens have the right to freely and at their own discretion dispose of their labor abilities. Prohibitions and restrictions are possible only in exceptional cases and only when provided for by law. Internal and external part-time jobs involve working outside of regular working hours. The article brought to your attention tells how to properly arrange an internal part-time job, contains a sample order for employment, tells about some relevant issues.

Internal part-time work: difference from external and from combining professions (positions)

The legislation provides for several ways to additionally work - combining positions, as well as external or internal part-time work. Despite the commonality of legal consequences, these types of labor relations differ in the requirements for their registration. So, when combining, unlike part-time employment, a new employment contract is not concluded. The entrusted "new" work (combined) is performed within the framework of an already existing labor agreement. In this case, the parties may sign an additional agreement to the main employment contract. This, it should be noted, is one of the reasons that part-time employment can be both internal and external (with another employer), and combination cannot be external. When working for another employer, a mandatory requirement will be the conclusion of a new employment contract (with a new employer). Yes, and the performance of labor duties for different employers within the same time is not provided for by law.

Legislative restrictions

Expert opinion

Andrey Leroux

More than 15 years experience. Specialization: contract law, criminal law, general theory of law, banking law, civil procedure

A number of articles of the Labor Code establishes prohibitions on attracting employees to internal part-time jobs. Yes, Art. 282 of the Labor Code prohibits the employment of:

  • underage workers;
  • workers employed in hazardous industries under the main contract, to similar work on a part-time basis;
  • workers with dangerous working conditions under the main contract, to work on a part-time basis, if it also belongs to the category of dangerous.

Art. 329 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prohibits the involvement of drivers and vehicles and dispatchers in managing the process of the operation of vehicles, if part-time work will also be related to driving vehicles.
In addition to the Labor Code, restrictions on internal part-time jobs exist in a number of framework laws that regulate the activities of certain state structures. Thus, in accordance with specialized regulations, operational employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its divisions, prosecutors, judges, as well as officials of state and municipal bodies cannot be involved in internal combination.

Registration of internal part-time work

Since internal part-time work provides for other work, when registering an employee, the following main points must be taken into account:

  • the presence of a position in the staff list,
  • the need to draw up a new employment contract,
  • issuing a job order
  • separate accounting of hours worked.

Despite the fact that the staff list is not mandatory for the employer, it is not possible to operate without this document, even if there is a minimum staff of employees. All positions occupied by employees or those that are only planned to be occupied must be taken into account in the staffing table. The position for which part-time employment is supposed to also be in the staff list.

The only document that, according to the law, is required when applying for a part-time job, to the same employer, is a document on education. But only in cases where such a document is required to perform such work (for example, according to the job description). Of course, in the absence of such a document in the personnel department of the employer, where it may be in connection with the performance of the main work. Accordingly, the rest of the documents for the employee in the personnel officer should already be.

An employment contract for the performance of part-time work is concluded in accordance with the general rules provided for employment agreements. At the same time, in addition to the basic information and conditions that should be included in it, the contract must indicate the nature of the work - part-time work.

This must be done because, firstly, it is a requirement of the law, and secondly, certain legal consequences are associated with this condition.

An employee working part-time must not perform work at an additional place of work for more than four hours a day, which is regulated by Article 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Due to this temporary restriction on the performance of part-time functions, Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation introduces requirements for organizing the accounting of working time spent by an employee on part-time activities.

Here it is worth noting that in the case of unemployment in the main job, the total work still cannot exceed the eight-hour norm established by law. In a normal case, at two jobs, the worker would work twelve hours. Since the payment for internal part-time work is made in proportion to the hours worked, the additional four hours will also be paid to the employee.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation connects with the possibility of concluding a fixed-term employment contract. Of course, it is not necessary to conclude an agreement for a period and such an agreement can be unlimited. But if the parties decide to indicate the term of the contract, and this is already the rule for fixed-term contracts, then a separate clause in the contract must indicate the basis on which the fixed-term contract is concluded - part-time employment.

An order for hiring a part-time job is issued after the signing of an employment contract and on the basis of the information contained therein. As well as it is necessary to indicate the duration and nature of the work. If the contract on part-time employment is urgent, you will need to indicate the date of termination of the contract. Since the working hours of a part-time worker will differ from the regime of other employees for whom it is established by local regulations (collective agreement, internal labor regulations), the start and end time for a part-time worker must be indicated separately. These conditions are also included in the order on the basis of an employment agreement.

The order by which admission is issued on the terms of internal combination of jobs must contain the following information:

  • Full name of the entrepreneur (name of the employer),
  • order number and date,
  • Name of the employee being hired,
  • the position for which the employee is hired,
  • subdivision (department, section) in which the employee is accepted,
  • date of commencement of work and end of work (for a fixed-term contract),
  • duration and mode of working hours,
  • probation condition,
  • signature of the individual entrepreneur (manager) in the order,
  • signature of the employee on familiarization with the order.

The law does not oblige the employer to enter information about part-time employment in the work book of the employee. However, by virtue of Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, he will be obliged to do this, if the employee wishes. To correctly draw up an internal part-time job, see the sample order for employment.

Part-time in one position: how to arrange

So sometimes it happens that for a long time, a job remains vacant. At the same time, other employees with sufficient qualifications and experience work in similar positions in the organization to take this place. For example, in the planning and economic department there is a free position for an economist. At the same time, several people occupying the same position as an economist work in the same unit. In such cases, employers are wondering: is it possible to have a part-time job in one position, and how to apply.

When deciding to accept an employee for a position identical to the one in which he already performs his labor duties, it must be borne in mind that the question of the possibility of combining jobs in the same positions is debatable. Such uncertainty arose in connection with the adoption of numerous amendments in 2006 to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If in the previous edition this normative act expressly prohibited such combination, then there are disagreements with the interpretation of the current provisions of the code. The well-known letter of Rostrud dated June 18, 2012 No. 873-6-1 did not change the situation.

The essence of the problem lies in the fact that part-time work, according to labor legislation, is understood as the performance of “other” work by employees. Some specialists understand this term as work under a different employment contract, while others mean work involving the performance of other labor functions. The Rostrud letter only stated the fact that the old norms were canceled (Article 98 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation became invalid), and new ones were introduced - Art. 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. From this information letter, no interpretation of the newly introduced norms is visible.

As a result, the employer is forced to act at his own peril and risk. As in every uncertain situation, the employer, when deciding on a combination of jobs in a similar position, must proceed from the inadmissibility of infringing on the basic labor rights of the employee. The labor inspectorate, during the inspection, will carefully evaluate each such case. And if, for example, it turns out that by concluding such an agreement, the employer sought to deprive the employee of the right to increased overtime pay, then the inspection will issue a decision to impose a fine. Therefore, in all cases, hiring for the same position must have objective and legal grounds. Such work should be beneficial to the employee and performed with his consent.

Registration of such a part-time job occurs according to the general rules for hiring part-time workers. At the same time, the corresponding similar vacant position should be provided in the staff list. When drawing up a contract, you need to pay attention to the fact that the time of the beginning and end of working hours under the new agreement does not overlap with the hours in which the employee will be busy with his main job. Otherwise, it will no longer be a combination, but a combination.

An order form for admission on an internal part-time basis can be downloaded from the website.

Combination and part-time work are quite often confused not only by employees, but also by employers themselves. However, the confusion of these concepts can lead to a violation of the rights of employees, which means negative consequences for the company.

From the article you will learn:

Main and additional work

There is no formal definition of the main job in the current Labor legislation. In practice, it is understood as the organization in which the work book of a specialist is located. Quite common - but not mandatory - signs of the main job are also the maximum amount of working time spent by an employee in this organization, higher wages compared to other places, and so on. A number of other conditions that may be useful for identifying a particular place of work as the main one, we provide in our .

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In today's realities, many professionals seek to increase their income by supplementing their main job with part-time work in other places. By the way, in some cases, additional employment may be the initiative of the employer, who thus seeks to optimize the number of employees and the payroll. At the same time, it is extremely important for all parties to clearly understand the format of such cooperation, as well as mutual rights and obligations. For example, the difference in combination and part-time work in terms of the amount of working time can be very noticeable.

Types of additional work

Depending on the conditions of employment of an employee in the main job, its complexity, the presence of restrictions on employment in this position and a number of other factors, he can carry out additional labor activities in the following formats:

combination under Art. 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

combination under Art. 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, despite the absence of such terms in the current Labor Code, in practice it is customary to distinguish between internal and external part-time jobs. The combination of professions and positions, however, should not be confused with these concepts;

performance of the duties of an employee who, for one reason or another, is temporarily absent from work. This situation, in turn, should not be confused with combination and combination.


The combination is the performance of additional labor duties within the established working hours for the employee at the main place of work.

Based on this definition of this type of employment, it is obvious that work in the mode it is possible to carry out only with the same employer that provides the specialist with the main place. In this case we are talking about internal combination: internal combination is a different type of activity, which we will consider in the corresponding section of our material.

The main condition that is necessary to attract a part-time worker to work in this mode is his consent to this type of employment. Such consent must be expressed by him in writing in order to avoid discrepancies. This is due, among other things, to the fact that the concept of combination, as well as part-time employment, is interpreted by the Labor Code quite widely. In particular, this term includes:

  • an increase in the number of operations performed in the same profession or specialty in which the employee is engaged in the main job. According to Part 2 of Art. 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this is called the expansion of service areas or an increase in the scope of work being implemented;
  • expanding the range of executable functions;
  • performance of fundamentally different types of work, including official duties in another profession or specialty.

However, for design purposes required documents and charging additional pay, the distinction between these situations, as well as the difference in part-time and combination, can be very important. Check out our to understand what are the main differences between them.

Payment for combination

The fulfillment of additional duties or the expansion of their scope in accordance with the current Labor Code will require the employer to make additional payments to this employee. The general procedure for determining the amount of additional payments may be established by local regulations or collective agreement between employer and company employees.

However, the financial conditions for attracting an employee to work in a combination mode (as well as part-time work) must be clearly recorded on an individual basis. The main document that is used for these purposes is an employment contract with an employee. It indicates the full conditions for calculating additional payments to an employee for performing additional duties, which, as a rule, is carried out taking into account the actual volume of work performed and their complexity. Many organizations consider it appropriate to determine the amount of additional payments to a part-time worker based on the amount of working time spent on additional duties. In our we give an example of such a calculation.

Registration of combination

As Art. 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, obtaining the express written consent of the employee to work in the combination mode is a prerequisite for involving him in such work. In practice, such written consent is often formalized as part of an employment contract with an employee. In this case, two options are possible:

  • If combination is offered to the employee immediately at the stage of employment, and he agrees to such an offer, the conditions for the performance of work, including the amount of additional payment for additional functions performed, are prescribed directly in the employment contract. Otherwise, the employment procedure is carried out according to the standard algorithm, which includes issuing an employment order and filling out documentation for a new employee;
  • if the combination is issued for an employee who previously worked in the organization, the conditions for performing new tasks for him are fixed by concluding additional agreement to an employment contract. In this case, it will be necessary to issue an order to combine positions or professions, indicating the main conditions listed in the additional agreement.

Note! In both cases, the employee must be familiarized with the content of the relevant order against signature.

It is not necessary to fill out any other documents on the fact of attracting an employee to work on a combination basis. This applies, among other things, to the issue of entering such information in the work book: Instructions for filling out these documents do not require fixing such information. At the same time, if labor activity within the framework of an additional position or profession involves regular contact with material values, it is advisable to conclude with an employee .

Canceling a Combined Job

As a rule, the period during which the employee will perform certain duties in the combination mode is negotiated at the stage of discussing this type of work. Specific time limits for this period are fixed in the employment contract or an additional agreement to it. By the way, it can be set in the form of a specific date or an indication of a particular circumstance - for example, the return to work of a temporarily absent employee. However, any of the parties can prematurely refuse to continue cooperation in the combination regime - the current legislation grants such a right to both the employee and the employer.

Intention to terminate the agreement

According to Art. 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the initiator of such a decision is obliged to warn the other party of the intention to terminate the cooperation agreement in this area no later than three working days before its execution. This should be done in writing: this method will clearly fix the date of termination of the agreement and can become an argument in case of a conflict situation. Based on such notification, the employer issues an order to cancel the combination.

Experts agree that it is not necessary to conclude a new supplementary agreement to the employment contract in this situation, since the termination of the combination is carried out in a notification manner. However, if the cancellation of work in this mode involves any additional conditions, for example, the payment of compensation to the employee for the early termination of this arrangement, such an agreement can be signed. And what to do if the employee who worked in the combination mode completely leaves the organization, we will tell in this .


According to Art. 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee has the right, at his discretion, to dispose of time free from his main job, including spending it on other paid activities. If such work is performed on a regular basis with a fixed amount of payment for the performance of specific functions, it is called part-time work. In turn, Chapter 44 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is devoted to the regulation of the labor activity of part-time workers and their interaction with employers.

Note! The labor legislation does not contain restrictions on the scope of work and the number of employers for which an employee can work part-time.

At the same time, attraction to work on a part-time basis is possible if the following requirements are met:

  • the employee has already reached the age of eighteen;
  • if part-time work involves the impact of harmful conditions on the employee, his main work is not related to the influence of such factors;
  • the employer and the employee entered into an employment contract on part-time work, in which they fixed all the conditions for such cooperation.

Note! For some categories of specialists, for example, heads of organizations, additional conditions have been established for part-time work.

The main types of part-time jobs

Art. 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation directly prescribes two main types of part-time jobs, depending on how the main and additional places of work of a particular employee are related:

if an employee carries out labor activities in his spare time from the main job with the same employer, we are talking about internal combination (internal combination, which should be distinguished from this work, involves the performance of duties within the main working hours);

if an employee works on a part-time basis with another employer, this is called an external part-time job.

Registration of part-time employment and conclusion of an employment contract

The difference between combination and part-time employment lies, among other things, in the procedure for registering such an employee for work. So, if we are talking about internal part-time work (like combining, it is carried out by the same employer), the employee does not need to provide the latter with any documents, since he already submitted them when he was employed at the main place of work. In the case of an external combination of jobs, the list of documents to be provided is regulated by Art. 283 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It includes:

  • passport or other document used for identification;
  • for work requiring a certain level of qualification - a document on the existing education;
  • for work with harmful conditions - a document from the main place of work, indicating that there is no impact of such conditions.

Note! A work book for part-time employment is not provided, since it is kept by the main employer.

An important requirement of the Labor Code is the condition that each employer for whom a specialist works part-time concludes a separate employment contract with him. It should contain an indication that work in this position is work on a part-time basis. Moreover, such an agreement may have both a limited and an unlimited duration. You can find other requirements for the content of such an agreement in our does not give him such an opportunity. However, the corresponding entry must be made by the main employer who keeps the work book: we will tell you how to do this in this article. .

Part-time work time limits

Combination and part-time - what's the difference? - this question is asked by both employees and employers. One of the aspects of the answer to it is the limitation in terms of the duration of part-time work, established by Art. 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Labor activity is carried out within the framework of a regular work shift when combined, and part-time work is limited to no more than four hours a day.

This limitation, however, applies only to days when the employee is busy at the main job. On days that are days off at the main place, he can work a full shift at the additional place. At the same time, the employer who provided the employee with a part-time job must monitor the total duration of his work during the month. What limits apply in this regard, we describe in detail in our material.

Compatibility and combination: what is the difference

What is the difference between combination and part-time - Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other countries answer this question differently. However, in our country, both of these concepts are clearly fixed in the current Labor Code, which makes it possible to quite specifically determine the difference between part-time employment and combination.

The main difference between these concepts is that part-time work is carried out in their free time from the main work, while work in the combination mode is performed within the main work shift. At the same time, internal combination and combination can be performed with one employer, while external combination involves labor activity in different organizations. In addition, in order to get the most complete answer to the question of external, internal combination, part-time work and what is the difference between them, a number of important points should be taken into account:

  • vacation and sick pay;
  • recruitment of special categories of employees;
  • transfer to another job;
  • provision of guarantees and compensations;
  • other aspects of the implementation of labor legislation.

The most convenient form of comparing the main differences between part-time work and combination is a table that lists the relevant characteristics for each type of work. We have compiled a convenient table on the difference between combination and combination in 2017 especially for you.

Due to operational necessity, one employee may be assigned cases that are not part of his duties. Here internal combination and combination can be used, what is the difference between these two concepts, we will understand in this article.

Both types of employment are regulated by the labor code. When hiring part-time, you must be guided by articles 60.1, 282-288. When it comes to combining duties, the legal issues are regulated by Articles 60.2 and 151.

Part-time employment implies the performance of other work by an employee outside the established working hours. Part-time obligations are not fulfilled in regular time. This type of work has the following characteristics:

  • the presence of a separate employment contract that is not related to the main labor relations;
  • regularity of work;
  • payment for the performance of their functions.

The combination causes the employee to perform additional work during the working hours established for the main position. The employee assumes responsibility for the performance of his main and additional duties.

Varieties of combination and combination

The main difference between these concepts lies in whether it is possible to work for several employers at once by combining and part-time work. Separate part-time internal and external, the combination of professions / positions is possible only within the same organization.

If an employee performs other obligations in the same organization during non-working hours, then we are talking about internal part-time work. When applying for another job, a person becomes an external part-time worker.

It cannot be combined with different employers. It is only internal. This is due to the fact that when combining, the duration of the working day does not increase, for the same time the employee performs additional duties.

Design features

Both in combination and in combination, the consent of the employee to perform other or additional work is required. The paperwork will vary.

Part-time employment requires the preparation of a new employment contract that is in no way connected with the main one. With the consent of the employee, an appropriate order is drawn up for his internal combination.

When combining a new employment contract is not drawn up. An additional agreement is concluded with the employee, in which he gives his consent to the performance of specific duties to the specified extent. Only after the preparation of this document, the employer issues a combination order.

For more information on how to properly arrange a combination of positions, read in.

Duration of duties

By accepting a person as a part-time employee, the employer may conclude an employment contract with him for a specific period or without determining the terms.

Drawing up an additional agreement on combination implies the need to determine the duration of additional work. The employer sets the term, but only after obtaining the consent of the employee in writing.

Is the working day longer?

The combination takes place within the framework of the work shift. The employee does not have to work additional hours.

Part-time employment also involves the performance of duties in additional time, not included in the duration of the work shift for the main job. The duration of part-time work is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. There is a monthly rate from which you need to proceed when drawing up a schedule. Read more about how many rates can be arranged for a part-time job, read in.

Payment order

The combination involves the receipt by the employee of an additional payment to the main salary. The size is determined in accordance with an additional agreement. When calculating, the volume or quality of the additional work performed is taken into account.

Part-time job involves a separate salary. When calculating the amount due, usually pay attention to the number of hours worked.

Additional terms of remuneration for both combination and part-time employment are reflected in the employment contract or agreement to it.

Same or different jobs?

When combined, the employee performs work no longer in his own, but in another position or profession. Internal part-time work involves holding different positions, while external part-time work may involve the same person holding the same positions in different organizations.

The admissibility of using the same positions with internal part-time employment is debatable, since the legislation does not regulate such a situation in any way.

Termination of employment relationship

Both the employee and the employer can terminate the combination agreement ahead of schedule. They must notify each other of this at least 3 working days in advance.

A part-time employment contract can be terminated on the grounds prescribed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If the employer has found a part-time employee for whom this position will be the main one, he can terminate the employment contract. But at least 2 weeks in advance, he must notify the part-time worker about this.


There are many differences between combination and combination. Even small nuances matter.

Any citizen who has entered into a standard employment contract can indicate the desire to receive additional income in free time from the main duties. Such work will be considered part-time work. You can choose different options for cooperation and rewards.

On the concept of combination: external and internal types

Internal combination - when additional duties are performed by the same employer with which the original employment contract is issued. External involves the presence of several employers. Making an official document Necessarily Anyway.

Base on legislation

Chapter 44 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation describes in detail Basic Rules associated with partnerships. additionally reveals the concept of internal combination.

The working day becomes one of the main features. For example, work outside the main position can take a maximum of 4 hours a day. On his days off at his main job, a citizen can work additionally up to 8 hours a day.

There are fundamental differences, although they are not so many.

  1. In the first option, the employer is the same, in the second - there are several of them, all different.
  2. Internal part-time employment assumes that the work book is already being maintained by the leadership at the main place. There is no separate document for external employees. If desired, they can enter additional information in the book on the main place of work.
  3. If the contract for internal combination is broken, then it is converted into an external one. With the suspension of only external part-time jobs, serious consequences do not occur.
  4. With internal part-time work, you do not need to collect and present documents - the original employer already has them. In other cases, you can not do without a passport and documents on higher education, to confirm the absence of harmful and dangerous working conditions.
  5. Internal combination means that one manager is also responsible for the payment of benefits. And the external one allows you to choose the place where exactly the funds will be paid.
  6. The same rules as for benefits apply to sick leave.

In addition to the main contract, internal combination is additional agreement. Even in the same position, this type of cooperation is quite acceptable. For example, teachers can give lectures on several subjects at once.

Such types of cooperation are most often based on the desire that comes from the employee. And employers agree, because the scheme of work is greatly simplified.

At external combination the employee is employed by another organization for an additional job. At the same time, there are no restrictions on the number of organizations where the same person can be registered.

Who Can and Cannot Be a Companion

Any citizen has the right to combine, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. There are exceptions for the following categories:

  1. Some categories of civil servants.
  2. Employees for whom the main work is related to driving, if part-time work involves the same actions.
  3. Citizens who have dangerous or harmful conditions at their main place of work.
  4. Under 18 years of age.

Features of internal part-time work is that the employee already performs any duties at the enterprise. The execution of a separate employment contract becomes compulsory.

Documents needed are the same as in the case of a regular job application.

The procedure itself is next sequence:

  1. Drafting an application.
  2. The conclusion of an employment contract, with a mandatory note of part-time work. It is necessary to prescribe all other conditions that may become essential.
  3. Making an order.

The statement and order are listed below:

Additional agreement, work book, order

Add. the agreement is drawn up on the basis of the desire expressed by the employee. This is a mandatory annex to the main contract. If the contract is terminated, then a corresponding agreement is drawn up.

If desired, it is allowed to make entries about part-time employment in the work book drawn up for the main place.

The issuance of the relevant order is the last step. It needs to reflect the following information:

  1. Full name of the employer or full name, if it is an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Date of publication of the document together with the serial number.
  3. Full name of the employee applying for a part-time job.
  4. Job title.
  5. The division or department where the work will be carried out.
  6. Work start and end date.
  7. Information regarding working hours.
  8. Description of the trial period along with conditions.
  9. Personal signature of the employer.

Only information that fully corresponds to the original employment contract is entered into the order. The employee must be introduced to the order, under a personal signature.

About accounting and hours of work

A part-time worker should not work more than 4 hours on normal days. Full-time work is acceptable if no duties are performed at the main place at this time. For a week, the working time for a part-time worker is equal to maximum 20 hours. Accounting is carried out according to standard rules.

There are no special features and restrictions on payment for part-time work. If the system is time-based, respectively, the time intervals actually worked out are taken into account. The piecework option involves accounting for production. Initial conditions are always defined only by employment contract.

Some people are set normalized payment option. That is, remuneration is received for the amount of work actually performed. It doesn't matter how much time it takes to complete a task. Part-time workers also have the right to receive compensation and allowances if they are required by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or a collective agreement at a particular enterprise.

Vacations and sick days

Rest time at the main and additional work must match each other. Vacation can be granted in advance if the employee has not worked for six months in a part-time position. Compensation for unused rest time is transferred according to the standard rules.

At the same time, any employee has the right to take leave without pay for any time.

Employers have the legal right to send part-time workers to business trip. But this is possible only when there is time unoccupied by the main work. At the same time, wages for the entire period of time preserved.

Features of dismissal

Dismissal for part-time workers is permissible for any of the grounds provided for by current labor legislation. Eat a few basic rules:

  1. Dismissal during vacations or temporary disability is unacceptable.
  2. The part-time worker must be warned if there is a reduction in staff.
  3. Part-time workers can be fired if they find an employee with the necessary skills and knowledge, for whom the position will become the main one.

The final calculations also assume adherence to standard rules. There should be no delay in resolving this issue.


When considering part-time employment, the main thing is do not forget about the normative side. This is especially true for the procedure for concluding an employment contract and determining its constituent clauses.

All rules prescribed by the current version of the legislation must be observed. Such attention to detail will help avoid disputes with any employees and protect the rights of both parties.

Below is a video explaining the main aspects of part-time work.