Salsa Los Angeles. Salsa (LA, NY, Casino) - bright and passionate Cuban dance

Salsa Los Angeles is one of the varieties of Cuban salsa, characterized by dynamism, expressiveness and many choreographic combinations. The uniqueness of the dance, harmoniously combining club simplicity and improvisation with brightness staged shows, is precisely the factor that ensured the undying popularity of the Los Angeles salsa style.

How did Los Angeles Salsa dance come about?

Modern Los Angeles is relatively young and was born about 20 years ago. Its authors are married couple Luis and Joby Vasquez, founders of the Salsa Brava Dance Company, and Luis' brothers Johnny and Francisco, founders dance company Los Rumberos, currently one of the most famous in Los Angeles.

It was from them that the Los Angeles salsa movement was born, which with truly phenomenal speed won the hearts of dancers not only in America, but also in other countries of the planet. Today it is a whole industry with its own festivals, shows and congresses.

It is impossible to name clear reasons for such rapid popularity. This was largely facilitated by the organization of regular competitions in Los Angeles salsa style, ending with magnificent and memorable costume shows. The largest event of this kind was the Mayan Club, a championship whose program included competitive performances, and demonstrative.

Johnny Vasquez won every Mayan Club competition until he left for Europe in 2002. Since then, his skill has not been challenged by anyone - there have been no rivals in technology. However, despite the loss of the competitive atmosphere, the Los Angeles Salsa Championship is still held and is one of the largest in the world.

The main difference between this style is that Los Angeles salsa movements include many elements borrowed from other dance styles: hip-hop, jazz, ballroom dancing, swing. It is extremely interesting for the viewer due to the presence of virtuoso lifts, turns and acrobatic elements.

What are the features of this dance style?

The Los Angeles salsa style is built on the “basic” - the main step and the “cross-body-lead” movement, which involves moving the partner in a straight line, which is what gives the dance pattern geometric precision.

The rhythm of the dance is based on 8 counts with pauses on the counts “4” and “8”. At “1” the dancer takes a step forward with his left foot, at “2” he takes a step back with his right, at “3” the body weight is transferred to the left leg, at “4” there is a pause. After this, exactly the opposite, movements are made to “5-6-7-8”. In fact, in the Los Angeles salsa direction, the main step is practically no different from Casino salsa, where on the count of “4” and “8” a false step is performed without transferring body weight.

The “Cross Body Lead” is one of the distinctive movements of Los Angeles salsa, which is a principled pattern of changing positions between partners. The presence of pauses at “4” and “8”, if necessary, allows them to slow down or speed up the speed of movement without disturbing the rhythm. As a result, those very “interruptions” are created that emphasize the flexibility of the dancers and distinguish the Los Angeles salsa school from others.

Thanks to movement in a straight line, it became possible to introduce elements into the dance pattern that somewhat complicated it, but at the same time seriously enriched it. Such Los Angeles salsa movements include, for example, changing the distance between partners.

At the Los Angeles School of Salsa, the “cross body lead” is performed in three ways: parallel, opposite movement of both partners, or unilateral, in which the partner remains in place. Each of them allows you to develop huge amount development options that can emphasize the expression of dance and its beauty.

One more distinctive feature Salsa directions Los Angeles - "Shines". These are improvised solos of partners dancing separately. “Shines” are based on performing complex movements with the legs, arms, and body in the most climax when the conga starts playing. The dancers, having dispersed, begin to compete in the virtuosity of performing the elements, igniting everyone around with their passion.

Swiftness, dynamics, splendor. It's all about salsa Los Angeles!

– this is not just a dance. It is also an explosive mixture of hot temperament, sultry sun and the rustle of the sea surf. Even just the sight of dancers leaves no one indifferent, and dancing salsa is simply an extraordinary feeling.

This Cuban dance tears off the outer protective shell from the soul and makes you love, flirt and enjoy life, learn true values peace. There is a romantic hidden in each of us, and isn’t it time to let him express himself in the unrestrained rhythm of salsa?

In fact, salsa is now called more than just one dance. This is the name given to several directions at once, for example, bachata, reggaeton and others, but salsa itself is only one of them, although it is the most noticeable. All over the world, in all countries, in many cities, there are Latin American dance clubs, where any visiting salsa lover can go and dance to his heart's content, even if he does not know the language of the country. And that's great.

Salsa has a completely different purpose than many others. Latin American dances, which are more competitive in nature. This same dance is intended for relaxation. Its main goal is that everyone can learn to dance and can do it for their own pleasure, whenever they want. And here there is no need to have one permanent partner - you can and should dance with different partners, and at the same time improvise.

Anyone can learn to dance salsa. You don't need any special talents to do this. You just need to contact a good teacher and show hard work in learning. If you also do training at home, the results will not be long in coming. And very soon you will see that gray everyday life is no longer gray at all, life is full of positive things, bright colors and new impressions. These are not just words - they are a proven fact. Is it worth depriving yourself of this joy?

Features of salsa

Now there are many styles of this dance. They all have not only differences, but also common features:

— all steps are performed to 4 beat rhythms;

fast pace dance;

complex drawing movements;

As for emotions, passion, temperament and extraordinary sexuality are manifested here. A man dancing salsa is almost a god in the eyes of the audience. Women forget their feminist sentiments and happily spin around in in capable hands partner. This is truly a dance of the soul...

Among the many styles of dance, a few are especially worth highlighting. They differ in execution technique and may look like different dances but still, it’s all salsa.

Los Angeles style (LA)

This trend originated in Los Angeles in the 90s, which is why it got its name. Here there was a mixture of salsa with hip-hop, jazz, breakdancing and other vigorous trends. Therefore, LA style is very bright and energetic. It has a lot of different movements, and this allows you to dance out any of your fantasies. Dancers can appear before the audience both as a couple in love and as seducers.

Here the partners emphasize movements on the first beat of the music, that is, “on 1.” This is the main difference from other styles. There are also a lot of acrobatic effects and quick combinations used.


New York style (NY)

This trend appeared in New York. It differs in that here the emphasis is on the weak beat of the music - “on 2”. The partner starts with a step forward and thus all the attention seems to be focused on her. This is the ideal style to show your partner in all her glory, while the man remains the center of everything that happens and the leader.

This style also has a dynamic tempo and linear movements, but overall it has a softer, “cat-like” character. There is much less acrobatics used here than in the LA style, but here it is not necessary.


Casino style

This direction is perhaps the most widespread in the world. It is danced not only in Latin America, but also in Germany, Ukraine, China... Wherever there is salsa, there is this style. Its other name is “Miami”.

Casino’s peculiarity is his openly Cuban roots. There are many complex combinations, movements and turns used here. At the same time, you can dance it in rueda - when several couples dance at once. In this case, couples can exchange partners with synchronized movements. This is not possible in other styles.

Casino mainly uses circular trajectories, that is, rotations are used. The center is the partner, and the partner seems to revolve around him. Complex figures and feints are also actively used in hand movements.


The characteristic features of salsa are 4/4 time signature, phrasing with a period of two bars, fast tempo, complex rhythmic pattern, which is a combination of “tumbao” and “son clave” rhythms.

There are two types of salsa: large directions: “circular salsa” and “linear salsa.” Circular salsa includes such styles as Salsa Casino, Dominican salsa and Colombian salsa. Linear salsa includes Salsa LA, Salsa NY and Salsa Puerto Rico.

With minor adjustments for various styles salsa, the basic movements consist of fast-fast-slow steps to the four beats of the music. Every fourth count is used for a slow weight shift, a pause, or, in some styles, a kick or tap. A number of styles have a clear definition of the beginning of the dance. Los Angeles (also London) - begin on the count of "1" - a strong beat. New York, Puerto Rico, Palladium - start on the count of "2". Casino (Cuban style), Colombian, Dominican styles start dancing at any count.

Salsa Casino

The style is based on traditional Cuban music and dances of son and guaracha. Basic step begins on any beat, the rhythm is maintained throughout the dance. Geometric pattern dance - circular. The center of the circle is usually the center between the partner and the partner. Characteristic feature Cuban style are knots (complex hand figures) and “lever” dribbling without impulses. The hands of the partner and partner are very rarely torn, so there are almost no female hand movements in the casino. A lot of musical improvisation. In many countries, dancing casinos use the so-called tap(short and light blow with the toe or heel of the foot on the floor).

Dominican (Venezuelan) salsa

Colombian salsa

Salsa LA

The modern style of LA salsa was created around the 90s in Los Angeles by the founders Luis Vazquez, Joby Vazquez and two of Luis' brothers - Francisco and Johnny. The basic step of this style is danced to the strongest beat of the music - on the count of 1, the geometric pattern of the style is linear, based on the cross body lead movement (translation of the partner along the line), salsa LA is characterized by a fast and dynamic tempo, many quick combinations, fewer improvised solos, but a lot of women and men's style. The dance is aimed at speed and precision of execution, characterized by the use of acrobatic elements that demonstrate and emphasize the skill of the dancing couple.

Salsa NY

Geometric pattern of the style - linear, fast and dynamic pace, but at the same time soft and delicate leading, figures are made in short impulses. Characterized by the presence of solo compositions, pauses and delicate accents in the music. IN to a lesser extent acrobatic elements are used. It looks like a “cat”, soft style of dancing.

Salsa Puerto Rico

National style of salsa in Puerto Rico. Characteristic difference is that girls step 2 not forward, but backward. This is where some peculiarities in the management and execution of various figures come from.

Salsa Rueda de Casino

This is a group dance, several couples participate in it. The geometric pattern of the dance is circular. All figures are performed synchronously at the command of the leader or singer (comandante). Rueda is somewhat reminiscent of a round dance, but is danced in pairs with frequent changes of partners. Rueda is characterized by figures based on knots with a very clear and accurate exit, without releasing the partner’s hands until the pairs are exchanged. Partners pass their partners around in a circle and improvise according to the music. Now in Cuba the rueda de casino of the so-called new style has become widespread, which is characterized by a restructuring from a circle into a line within the framework of the rueda dance, the formation of several rueda circles either side by side or one inside the other and the so-called dua-elements that dance within the rueda in twos couples who, after finishing the figure, return to the general circle, as well as the use of acrobatic elements. Also for modern figure Characteristic is a more frequent change of partners and partners, so during the execution of one figure, partners and partners can change several times. The rueda is assessed with a single mark for all participants. This dance must be viewed from above, since the constantly changing pattern is visible only this way.