How old is the Russian singer Natalie. Natalie (singer) - biography, information, personal life

Natalie is a famous singer who in the late 90s conquered the musical space of Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union with the songs “The wind blew from the sea”, which is called her visiting card, and “Turtle”. The second wave of popularity came to the artist many years later with a cheerful composition "Oh God, what a man!". Fans appreciate Natalie not only for light dance hits, but also for the warmth and light that she is ready to generously give to everyone.


The real name of the singer is Natalya Rudina, maiden name Minyaeva. She was born on March 31, 1974 in Dzerzhinsk, a small industrial city in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Natalia's parents, Lyudmila and Anatoly Minyaev, were not related to the world of art, they were employees of the Dzerzhinsky Plexiglas chemical enterprise. Four years after the birth of their daughter, the twins Olesya and Anton appeared in the Minyaev family.

According to the star, music has always lived in her heart, but during her school years she did not dream of becoming a singer, although she studied at a music school, and she herself asked her parents to record it. In addition to piano and vocal lessons, Natasha taught herself to play the guitar and tried to match music to her poems.

Natasha was a very active girl, she tried to participate in all school evenings, and when she was sixteen, Leningrad filmmakers noticed a pretty blond girl, and she starred in the documentary directed by Yevgeny Ovchinnikov "My City". Natasha read a voice-over text about her hometown and its sights and played the main role. She looked as natural as possible, portraying the dreamy schoolgirl that, in fact, she was.

First steps to success

In high school, Natalya sang for a short time in the Chocolate Bar school group, in which her brother was a drummer, and in 1990 she became a member of the Pop Galaxy group.

One of the first performances of Natalie (1990)

The group released two albums, "Superboy" and "Star Rain", which became as popular as the songs of the groups "Mirage" and "Tender May", they were played in the yards, not a single school disco could do without them.

Especially the youth of new Russia liked the song "Superboy", which was actually a cover of Linda Joe Rizzo's song "You" re My First, You "re My Last", and the song "Love and Space", a rehash of The Flirts' composition "Helpless ".

After graduating from school, Natalya Minyaeva entered the Pedagogical College in Dzerzhinsk, but she did not have a chance to work in her specialty for long, only a year. In 1993, after graduating from college, she, already being the wife of Alexander Rudin, soon left for Moscow, where she began her creative career.


In the capital, her husband Alexander made several attempts to help Natasha break into the stage, and one of them was successful. According to producer Valery Ivanov, in the early 90s he was engaged in the sale and release of CDs, and a cassette with songs by Natalya Rudina was brought to him by his school friend, who convinced him to try to “unwind” the young singer. The first circulation of the album "The Little Mermaid" was only two thousand copies, but, to Ivanov's surprise, the cassettes sold well.

The project called "Natalie" earned in full force in 1996, with the release of the collection "Snow Rose", but despite all the efforts of the singer and her producer, he did not become popular. In the same year, Natalya and Alexander moved to Moscow, in anticipation of a breakthrough, she performed as an opening act for Kai Metov, but the breakthrough happened later when she showed Valery a cassette with songs that she sang during her school years. Among them was the song "The wind blew from the sea."

Valery Ivanov's intuition did not let him down, and soon after the release of the album, named after the title song “The Wind Blowed from the Sea”, the young singer, as they say, woke up famous, and he did not have time to answer phone calls with concert offers.

Natalie herself, according to her, did not expect such a success, because she knew this song from a young age, from the time she first heard how the older guys sang it to the guitar in a pioneer camp.

Ivanov was initially against the fact that the album indicated that the author of the song was unknown, but Natalie insisted on this point - she did not want to appropriate other people's merits. As a result, many poets and composers began to fight for authorship, for example, an ensign from Donetsk, a composer from the city of Yaroslavl and a former military man Vladimir Petrov. The composer Yuri Malyshev managed to prove the authorship of the music, and Elena Sokolskaya was recognized as the author of the poems, but even after many years, many continue to claim the authorship of the famous hit.

Natalie - The wind blew from the sea

In 1999, the singer released the album "Counting", which included fourteen songs, many of which she wrote herself. The Russians warmly received Natalie's new songs: "Boat", "Stars fell from the sky", "Smile" and "Clouds".

The listeners especially liked the new performance of the famous New Year's hit "New Year's Toys", but how could it be otherwise, because its authors were Andrei Dementiev and Arkady Khoralov, who sang it in a duet with a young singer. For the first time, residents of the USSR heard this song in 1988, it was published on the composer's album Strange World, and Aurika Rotaru, sister of Sofia Rotaru, sang it with him at that time.

Natalie - Turtle

Since 2000, Natalie's songs have ceased to be heard on the radio, however, contrary to rumors, she did not end her career, but continued to work on new material and released several albums between 2000 and 2012.

According to critics, many songs from the albums "First Love", "Don't Fall in Love", "Seventeen Moments of Love" and others were more worthy than a simple "yard" song about the wind from the sea, but to surpass its success, or at least repeat him, none of them succeeded. Perhaps the song "Turtle" from the album "First Love" came closest.

Where did Natalie go?

At the end of 2001, Natalie became a mother for the first time, after several years of unsuccessful attempts to have a child. According to relatives, Natalie never set the goal of life, fame and stage. She wanted to be a wife and mother, and therefore, without hesitation, she exchanged the changeable love of the public for quiet family happiness.

In addition, the singer began to have psychological problems. It always seemed to her that her popularity was undeserved, that the love of the audience was given to her in advance, which must be carefully worked out.

I always dreamed of being a teacher in elementary grades, I graduated from a pedagogical school ... Apparently, this was the root of my depression. I rotted myself so much that at some point I stopped leaving the house.

The listeners ignored the new songs and at concerts over and over again demanded to perform the song “The Wind Blowed from the Sea”, which, frankly, had already bothered the artist.

As a result, Natalie lost the joy of going on stage, then she began to be afraid of the crowd, bouts of depression began. In 2002, she refused the services of Valery Ivanov and disappeared from the radar.

Sometimes she reminded of herself, taking part in television projects like Superstar 2008 and Musical Ring (2011), and in 2009 she released a new album, 17 Moments of Love, which was left without attention. By the beginning of the 2010s, the singer was recorded in the "forgotten stars of the 90s" and "one-hit performers." But very soon, Natalie not only reminded of herself - she made a loud comeback to the stage, instantly excluding herself from the category of "downed pilots".

Return to the stage

In 2013, Natalie, who was predicted the fate of a one-hit performer and who, in her own words, did not write songs for three or four years, suddenly burst into the Russian musical space with the song “Oh my God, what a man.”

The triumphant return to the top of the Russian musical Olympus took place in the fall of 2012. As the singer said in an interview, the words of the song were sent to her by a woman named Rosa Ziemens, a Russian woman living in Germany, a freelance poet. After reading the poems, the singer was so imbued with their simple, but at the same time deep content, corresponding to her mood, that a melody immediately sounded in her head. According to Natalie, everything happened so quickly that she did not notice the birth of the song, which stunned her with a second wave of popularity.

Natalie - Oh my God, what a man

The extraordinary success of the song "Oh my God, what a man" returned Natalie to the number of the brightest stars in Russia and she was awarded several music awards. The song, which became Natalie's second calling card, did not leave the first line of the Golden Gramophone hit parade on Russian Radio for almost two months, and the video clip for it gained more than two million views in the first months alone.

In 2013, Natalie wrote the song "Nikolai", which she performed with Nikolai Baskov, amusingly beating the competition of a blond and a blonde on stage, and the next she presented the album "Scheherazade".

Nikolay Baskov ft Natalie - Nikolay

The video for the title song, in which she appeared in unexpectedly provocative images, secured her place on the Russian stage and gave her new fans. At the time of the release of the video clip, the singer was already forty years old, and the Russians could not help but note her excellent shape, to maintain which, according to her, she does not make any efforts.

In 2015, Natalie recorded a video clip for the song “You are like that”, which she performed with a musician from Uzbekistan, Dostonbek Islamov, better known as rapper Doni.

Natalie ft. Doni - you are

Work on the album "Oh, God, what a man!" Natalie and her team completed by 2016, the collection, which promised to be the most significant in the singer's creative biography, included fifteen songs, including the famous "The wind blew from the sea" and "Oh God, what a man", as well as new versions of the songs from previous albums.

Participation in a TV show

Returning to the ranks of the main domestic celebrities, Natalie became a frequent guest of popular TV shows. In the spring of 2014, the famous artist participated in the Just Like It project, in which she captivated both the audience and the jury with the images of Masha Rasputina, Lyudmila Senchina, Marina Ladynina and Christina Orbakaite.

When Natalie portrayed the singer Valeria, then Valeria herself allegedly unexpectedly appeared on the stage, but the singers turned out to be so similar that the presenter Alexander Oleshko began to see double. All members of the judicial commission, and Gennady Khazanov, and Leonid Yarmolnik, and Maxim Averin, and even the strict Lyubov Kazarnovskaya noted the professionalism and delicacy with which Natalie represented her colleague. Anna Shulgina, Valeria's daughter, stated that Natalie was able to very accurately notice and convey the movements of her mother's legs.

Exactly the same. Natalie as Valerie

A year later, Anna will also take part in the famous show and present Natalie with the song “You are like that”, and the charismatic Doni will help her in this. By the way, Anna Ardova and Leonid Yarmolnik did not recognize Anna Shulgina, and Gennady Khazanov thought that Elena Temnikova was on stage. I guessed that the singer was portrayed by Valeria's daughter, only Lyubov Kazarnovskaya.

In the fall of 2016, Natalie became the heroine of the show "The Battle of Psychics", sixteen magicians tried to "scan" her. The singer was especially impressed by the abilities of the outrageous witch from Riga, Julia Wang, who calls herself the embodiment of Evil, and the St. Petersburg clairvoyant Victoria Raidos. According to Natalie, during the recording of the episode, she believed that the magicians are real, and not guest actors.

The artist also said that participation in the famous show and communication with psychics helped her to rethink a lot and draw conclusions. Otar Kushanashvili, a well-known wit and joker, said on this occasion that believing that the participants in the show are psychics is about the same as believing that Natalie is a singer. An interesting fact is that Otar, who spoke so unflatteringly about Natalie and her musical abilities, in his own words, has been friends with her for many years.

Natalie's personal life

The only man in Natalie's life is her husband Alexander Rudin, whom she met when she was an eleventh grade student. As the artist says, already in those years she was a very serious girl, she dreamed of marriage from the age of fourteen, and the ideal for her was the touching and respectful relationship of her parents.

Alexander is only four years older than Natalia, they met in Dzerzhinsk, at a rock concert in the House of Culture, where she performed as part of a school group. Natalie says that on that day she was afraid of the public, because for the first time she appeared on stage in a short skirt and was not ready for the reaction of some of the audience, who were not at all shy in expressing their delight at the sight of her slender legs.

She was introduced to Alexander by Dmitry Gerasimov, a musician and her senior friend, who then worked as a sound engineer at the House of Culture. At first, Natalya thought that a tall dark-haired young man would invite her on a date or to the movies, but he offered to help her record her first collection, which was eventually released in 1994 and was called "Provincial Girl".

Natalie also says that she dreamed of becoming a teacher and did not think about a creative career at all, because music was her hobby. The idea to start playing music professionally belongs to Alexander, but two months after they met, Natalie realized that he was her destiny.

Seventeen-year-old Natalia and twenty-year-old Alexander were able to get married with the help of the parents of the young bride, who, as required by the laws of the USSR, provided a fake pregnancy certificate. On August 24, 1991, the lovers got married.

Preparing for the wedding, Natasha spent the entire fee for participating in the documentary My City, which amounted to 100 rubles.

According to Natalie, she grew up with Alexander, and at every stage of her life, he was perfect for her. Rudin never tried to control his young artist wife, did not show any signs of being jealous of her and gave her maximum freedom.

The couple tried for almost ten years to conceive a child, but in vain. At the age of 17, she lost her first child. A few years later, the situation repeated itself. The superstitious singer believed that this was retribution for a fake pregnancy certificate. Thoughts also came to mind that by constantly repeating the words “the wind blew from the sea, catching up trouble,” she really called out trouble. The artist began to go to church and pray to God for a child.

But the fears turned out to be unfounded. In 2001, her first-born Arseniy was born, whose birth Natalie perceived as a miracle. She did not even think about a second child until, at the age of eight, her son began to beg to give a brother or sister. So in 2010, Natalie became the mother of baby Anatoly.

The fate of man. Natalie

In 2013, just after the release of the hit "Oh my God, what a man", Natalie became pregnant again. Due to the collapsed attention, busy concert schedule and constant stress, the pregnancy froze. The singer had to have an abortion. After Natalie reproached herself for a long time for not being able to "stand and hide, save this child from hassle."

The third son of Natalia and Alexander was born when they both had already stopped hoping for another child, in 2017. At the time of the birth of Zhenya, the artist was already 43 years old.

Alexander is rarely seen in the photo next to his famous wife, and in her video clip he appeared only once - in the video for the song "The Wind from the Sea Blowed", a landmark for her creative biography.

Having become a guest of Lera Kudryavtseva in the Secret for a Million show, in which celebrities reveal their secrets for a monetary reward, the singer said that injections of hyaluronic acid and Botox help her maintain youthfulness and beauty of the skin, she also did a procedure using the so-called golden threads.

For many years, the impeccable figure of Natalie has been the envy of Russian, and not only ladies, but she is not at all the result of exhausting workouts in the gym. As the singer says, she does not adhere to diets, but she tries to eat little and does almost all the housework herself, refusing to hire an au pair. Natalie's hobby is esotericism, after participating in the show "The Battle of Psychics" she often consults with Victoria Rydos, who, according to the singer, helped her give birth to her third child.

Singer Natalie now

In 2018, one of the most famous blondes in the Russian show space became a guest of another famous blonde, Lera Kudryavtseva, and answered tricky questions, each of which, depending on the degree of delicacy, brought her large, and not very sums of money. Her mother, Lyudmila Pavlovna, and sister Olesya, with their daughter, little Serafima, came to support Natalya and help her cope with the excitement.

For more than two hours while the program lasted, Natalie shared with the audience the details of her life. She told about how she met Alexander, how she came to God and how she begged for sons from Saint Panteleimon. The singer did not explain how belief in God is consistent with trips to psychics and fortune tellers, but spoke about cosmetic procedures and aesthetic surgery on her chest, which she decided against the will of her husband, who feared for her health.

During the recording of the show, Natalie sang one of her last songs, a very touching and beautiful lyrical composition "How sweet it is to be a mother", and the audience listened to her with tears in their eyes. The music for this song was written by Natalie herself, and the words were written by Simon Osiashvili, who gave the Russians the songs "Old Grandmothers" sung by Vyacheslav Dobrynin, "Winter Garden" sung by Alexei Glyzin, and many other famous songs.

At the end of 2018, the hosts of the Muz-TV channel “asked for it” to visit Natalie, who moved into a new spacious apartment. Natalie showed the house, outfits and accessories, talked about the things she loves the most and shared family stories that are associated with them. After watching this episode of the show "Ask for It", the audience noted the modesty of the singer, her sense of tact and the complete absence of symptoms of star fever, which, unfortunately, struck many of her colleagues.

Asked for it. Visiting singer Natalie

In the same year, the premiere of the video clip for the song “I am without weapons”, which Natalie recorded with Sultan Hurricane, known for the hits “Valenki” and “Come in large numbers”, took place. The singer posted photos from the shooting on her Instagram, but the subscribers criticized her image and outfits and called her a forty-five-year-old girl, noting "an inappropriate emphasis on infantilism and even childishness." However, Natalia was mostly criticized by women, while men, on the contrary, spoke out in support of the new image of the singer, noted her beauty and excellent physical shape, which was so emphasized by provocative daring large-plaid tights, a romantic dress, pink lipstick and black patent leather shoes with spikes.

In the fall of 2019, after almost a year of silence, Natalie posted on YouTube the song "Dream Man", written for her by Pavel Vinogradov and designed in a signature retro dance style. The artist announced the premiere of the song on social networks, wished the fans love and joy, and expressed the hope that her song would fill the Russians with happy emotions.

Natalie (Natalya Rudina) is a Russian popular singer whose name has long been associated with the hit of the 90s “The Wind from the Sea Blowed”. Written at the age of 13, the song became the hallmark of the artist.

The return of the star turned out to be no less bright - the hit "Oh God, what a man!" gained worldwide popularity.

Childhood and youth

Singer Natalie, or Natalya Minyaeva (after marriage - Natalya Rudina) was born on March 31, 1974 in Dzerzhinsk. The girl grew up in a simple working family: her father, Anatoly Nikolaevich, worked as a deputy chief power engineer at the plant, and her mother, Lyudmila Pavlovna, was a laboratory assistant. 4 years after the birth of Natalia, two more children appeared in the family - twins Anton and Olesya. Later, the younger brother also went into show business and today is known under the creative pseudonym Max Volga.

From early childhood, Natalie showed organizational skills, she could not sit idle for a minute. She studied excellently at school, at the same time managing to participate in all creative activities. The girl was also popular with classmates, who easily recognized her as an informal leader due to her benevolent nature and sociability. The teachers also rejoiced at the talented and intelligent student, who was an example of ideal behavior.

In 1983, Natalie, along with her friends, visited a music school, after which she persuaded her parents to send her to a piano class. At school, the girl studied vocal performance for 7 years. Natalie began to compose songs, and also taught herself how to play the guitar. She participated in music competitions, and later, together with the creative team, performed at city festivals.

In 1990, the girl was invited to take part in the filming of a documentary film dedicated to her hometown. Natalie successfully passed the casting and got the main role in the film. She also traveled to St. Petersburg to the Lenfilm studio to sound the tape. Filming in the film to a large extent contributed to the popularity of the artist in her hometown.

Despite her musical activities, Natalie dreamed of becoming a teacher and applying her talents to educate children. In 1991, she easily entered the Dzerzhinsk Pedagogical School, and after graduation she got a job as a teacher at a local school. In 1993, she and her husband moved to Moscow. The creative biography of Natalia in the capital received a new impetus, which led her to all-Russian fame.


Natalie took her first steps in the music industry at the age of 16. When the girl was still at school, her younger brother Anton brought his sister to the Chocolate Bar musical group. The guys performed at local festivals and concerts. Then Natalie met Alexander Rudin, who later had a considerable influence on the life and work of the singer.

Thanks to Rudin, the guys recorded 2 cassette albums: Superboy and Pop Galaxy. The girl composed many songs on her own in the early grades of the school. A year later, she became the vocalist of a group that achieved greater fame under the name "Pop Galaxy".

Natalie was well aware that she could not achieve popularity in a provincial town, and decided to try her luck in the capital. In 1993, she moved to Moscow with her husband and producer Rudin. Alexander made efforts so that his wife's talent was noticed. He went to the metropolitan producer Valery Ivanov and gave him the first tapes of Natalie for listening. Ivanov decided to take the young singer under his wing and started promoting her.

Natalie - "The Little Mermaid"

In 1994, Natalie released her first official album as a solo artist called The Little Mermaid. The record was released with a circulation of 2 thousand copies, but this did not prevent her from finding her own audience. At first, the singer was forced to be content with participating as a “warm-up” with eminent colleagues, hard times affected.

All-Union fame came to Natalie thanks to the performance of the song "The wind blew from the sea." The girl performed it on the guitar from the age of 13 and could not even imagine that it was she who would make her famous. The work of the composer helped the song to acquire a brighter and more memorable sound, it became the title track for the album "Wind from the Sea", which was released in 1998. The song became an instant hit, making Natalie a star.

Natalie - "The wind blew from the sea"

Not without incidents: on the cover of the album it was written "author unknown", thanks to which contenders for authorship immediately appeared. Numerous courts followed with those who wanted to share the success of the song, but legally the authorship was assigned to two people: Yuri Malyshev and Elena Sokolskaya. The composition was popular, at each concert Natalie was forced to perform it 3-4 times at the request of fans.

Natalie's creativity interested the listeners, the musical compositions written by her gained numerous admirers. One of the most beloved songs of the people was "Turtle".

Natalie - "Turtle"

Natalie continued to release albums and videos, but none of them were as successful as Wind from the Sea. Then came years of calm.

In 2012, the singer Natalie again broke into all the country's charts with the song "Oh God, what a man!". The lyrics for the song were written by freelance poet Rosa Ziemens, and the artist created the music within an hour of reading it. For the singer, the composition became a real salvation, since for a long time she was remembered only as a performer of one hit of the 90s.

Natalie - Oh my God, what a man!"

Thanks to this song, Natalie was nominated for the Comeback of the Year and Sometimes They Come Back awards. The clip was also a success with the audience, in 2 months it was viewed 2.5 million times.

Confidently returning to show business, in 2013 Natalie performed the duet song "Nikolai" with a popular singer.

Natalie and Nikolai Baskov - "Nikolai"

The composition was a success, and the singer began to be invited to television. She also received the Best Video Clip award from the RU.TV channel.

Another bright duet turned out for the singer with a rap artist, with whom Natalie sang the song "You are like that."

Natalie and Dzhigan - "You are so"

In 2014, on her birthday, Natalie released a new video - "Scheherazade". In the same year, an album of the same name was released, dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the singer and becoming the twelfth in the singer's discography.

In 2014, Natalie became a participant in the musical show Just Like It, where she performed songs by famous musicians. Even in the first program, she impressed the members of the jury, who did not recognize Natalie's image at all. Also during the project, she reincarnated as,.

Natalie in the image of Valentina Tolkunova on the show "Just the same"

Natalie was a participant in the show "Hit" and won it, performing the song "Come with me for the stars" in the final.

In 2014, the singer became a guest of the release of the next season of the Battle of Psychics. Natalie was greatly impressed by the rival magicians, who, according to her, made her think about many things in life. Most of all, the performer was struck by the prediction of the winner of the season, which was not even aired.

Natalie on the TV show "Battle of Psychics"

The future star of the show warned Natalie's youngest son against trouble, asking her to get rid of the bike that was given to him. At first, the artist did not attach any importance to the words of the witch, since no bicycle was given to the boy. However, upon returning home, she was informed that her grandfather had bought a bicycle for his grandson. Being amazed to the core, Natalie fulfilled the order and is still sure that she did the right thing and protected the family.

In June 2015, she was a TV presenter of the talk show “People Will Judge” on the Russia-1 TV channel. Natalie also voiced Joy in the cartoon "Inside Out".

In the same 2015, on the birthday of the President of Russia, Natalie presented the song "Volodya". In 2016, the single "Ask Prigozhin" was released. A year later, the artist delighted fans with a new hit "I only have you."

Personal life

Natalie met her future husband Alexander Rudin as a schoolgirl. They met after the girl's performance at a local rock festival, and a romance began between them. Alexander doted on his chosen one and tried to help her in everything. He initiated the idea to record her first cassettes. When Natalie was 17 years old, the couple got married.

The husband did a lot for his wife's career, he found producers and composers who worked with the singer. Together they moved to Moscow and fought for a place under the sun in Russian show business.

Wedding of Natalie and Alexander Rudin

Spouses at one time could not have children. Natalie even despaired and, together with her sister, went to the local healers. She begged children from God, which she frankly spoke about on the air of the “Let them talk” program.

For 10 years, she had several miscarriages, and when once again the artist found out about the pregnancy, she was worried about the safety and health of the child. Fortunately, everything worked out, and in 2001 the Rudin family had a long-awaited first-born, who was named Arseny. After 9 years, their second son Anatoly was born.

The returned popularity forced Natalie to register in 2014 "Instagram". Now the singer maintains her account, now and then indulging her fans with photos from her professional and personal life.

In 2016, Natalie wowed fans with a model figure and numerous swimsuits. The singer today looks no worse than in her youth. With a height of 165 cm, her weight does not exceed 60 kg, although until adolescence the star did not differ in harmony. Parents monitored their daughter's "healthy" diet, feeding their beloved child with high-calorie meals. As a child, Natalia's father called her affectionately "My Bubble".

In her youth, the artist became interested in shaping and Pilates, and also switched her attention to diet foods in her diet. In addition to sports training, the original exercise, which Natalie calls the “corpse pose,” helps the singer to keep in shape. For 15 minutes, the performer lies down on a flat surface, successively relaxing all the muscles of the body, after which she observes a surge of strength in the body.

The main event of 2017 in the life of the singer is not related to creativity. 42-year-old Natalie again. According to the performer, she and her husband are happy, because Natalie had problems with childbearing.

On April 7, 2017, Natalie became a mother for the third time. She gave birth to a son in a Moscow maternity hospital - the baby was born with a weight of 3500 g and a height of 51 cm. The happy parents named the boy Eugene.

Already 3 months after giving birth, the singer, along with her husband and children, went on vacation to Greece. Natalya was worried about how the baby would behave in a new place, but Zhenya, like all family members, experienced the joy of being on a sunny beach and swimming in the sea.

The secret of a happy personal life, Natalya considers her profession, which helps her always look at her best. At the same time, the singer remains an excellent hostess: there is still no housekeeper in the Rudins' house, Natalya copes with all the duties herself. And being pregnant with her second son, she experienced such a craving for cleaning that she even regularly went out to wash the entrance, which shocked the neighbors every time.

Natalie now

In 2018, Natalie became a guest of the Secret for a Million program, where she spoke about her youth, the beginning of her career, and family life. TV viewers learned that the artist began to think about marriage at the age of 13 and considered boyfriends as potential husbands. But none of her peers suited the girl.

The first meeting with Alexander Rudin took place in a businesslike manner, although even then the future spouse had tender feelings for Natalya. The young man managed to draw the attention of the girl to himself.

Now the singer continues to tour the country and abroad with famous hits and appear on television. At the beginning of 2019, with the participation of Natalie and other stars of Russian show business, a festive release of the New Year on TV Center program is released.


  • 1994 - "The Little Mermaid"
  • 1996 - "Snow Rose"
  • 1998 - "Wind from the Sea"
  • 1999 - "Counting"
  • 2000 - "First Love"
  • 2002 - Don't fall in love
  • 2004 - "All I Need"
  • 2009 - "Seventeen Moments of Love"
  • 2012 - "Oh, God, what a man!"
  • 2014 - "Scheherazade"

In this article, we will tell you how old Natalie is, tell you how interesting her biography is, and also analyze the path she took to become famous. So, how old is singer Natalie? We answer: In 2017, she is 42 years old, she was born in 1974.

The beginning of Natalie's life path

The real name of the singer is Natalya Minyaeva. The small town of Dzerzhinsk became the birthplace for the singer. Natalya was born on March 31, 1974. The girl's parents were ordinary working people, Anatoly Nikolaevich and Lyudmila Pavlovna. Natalie's father worked as a power engineer at the plant, and her mother worked as a laboratory assistant.

From the earliest period of her life, Natasha was a very energetic girl who could not sit still even for 5 minutes. Thanks to this energy, she developed excellent organizational skills. She was especially active in her school years, when, in addition to studying, she found time for creative circles. Not a single school event could take place without young Natasha, she always took part wherever it was appropriate.

Due to her activity and determination, the future singer already had many fans at school. Needless to say, she was the undisputed leader in the class? The children trusted her with all their secrets, were always interested in her opinion and respected Natasha. As for the teachers, they could not get enough of what a wonderful girl is brought up in their school. They always set Natalya as an example to other children. These were the singer's school years.

Music has always interested the girl, therefore, in 1993, she, along with her friends, entered the city's music school. Most of all, Natalya liked the piano, so her parents allowed her to attend lessons on this instrument. Over the years, the girl studied vocal art and soon became a first-class singer. While she was studying at a music school, many songs were written to her. In addition to the piano, Natalia became interested in the guitar. After she perfectly mastered this instrument, she took many prizes at numerous music competitions in which the singer participated.

In those days, Natalie had already created her first musical group, with which she took part in music festivals and competitions.

In 1990, filming of a documentary film began, which told about Dzerzhinsk, the city in which Natalya lived. She was offered to star in this film, and the singer gladly agreed. True, to participate in the filming, it was necessary to participate in the casting, but Natalya quickly passed it, charming all the directors. In the same year, the singer went to St. Petersburg to sound the tape at the Lenfilm studio. After that, the young singer gained wide popularity in her hometown.

So, in the first years of the beginning of her musical career, Natalie managed to:

  • Take part in numerous music competitions.
  • Create your own musical group and perform with it at music festivals.
  • Shoot in a documentary.
  • Sound the movie.

Gaining Popularity

Despite the fact that the singer adored music, she began to pay attention not to her own musical development, but to the development of others. In other words, Natalie began to teach music to children. Thanks to her love for children and music, the singer graduated from the Pedagogical Institute in her city and received the profession of a music teacher. In 1993, she got married, after which she moved with her husband to the capital.

The singer called her first musical group "Chocolate Bar". Alexander Rudin, who assisted the singer in her professional realization, helped the young team record their first albums. By the way, it was for him that Natalie married. Album titles:

  • "Pop Galaxy".
  • "Superboy".

Most of the songs that were present in these albums, the singer wrote herself while studying at school. Both Rudin and Natalie understood that they would not be able to achieve great fame in Dzerzhinsk, and since both spouses were purposeful and ambitious, they decided to go to Moscow and try their luck there. The singer's husband gave all his best so that Natalie's talent was noticed. And his efforts were not in vain. In the capital, Rudin managed to contact a producer named Valery Ivanov, who arranged an audition for the singer. After the audition was over, he decided to take Natalie under his wing to help her gain popularity. A year later, Natalie released her first professional album, which she called "The Little Mermaid". The first few years after that, Natalie had to be the "warming up" at the concerts of her colleagues. However, after a while, the singer's audience grew, and this allowed her producer, Ivanov, to organize concerts only for Natalie.

So thanks to what song did the singer gain all-Russian fame? It was the song "The wind blew from the sea." Few people know, but it was this song that the singer composed at the age of 13, and when she learned to play the guitar, she herself wrote music for it. Perhaps, after this composition "came out" and every second began to sing it, Natalie herself was in a pleasant shock.

A more modern stage of the singer's work is associated with the release in 2012 of the song "Oh God, what a man!".

Singer's personal life

  • Alexander Rudin is Natalie's first and only husband, the first producer. They got married when Natalie was 17 years old. Alexander Rudin has always been very kind to his wife, doing everything for her career and success. Until now, the couple is happily married.
  • Natalie and Alexander have two sons. The eldest is called Arseny, and the youngest is Anatoly. For many years, the couple could not have children. Natalie had many miscarriages, and so she decided to go to the healer to help her. True or not, but after that the singer became pregnant and safely gave birth to her first son.
  • Despite their musical career, Natalie and Alexander plan to have a third child, this time a girl.

Natalie's life path is full of ups and downs, but she experienced all this with her husband, whom she never ceases to love to this day.

Singer Natalie, whose biography is probably known to many fans and fans, is adored by more than one connoisseur of domestic pop music.

For those who listen to her work, every stroke of the life of an idol is of undoubted interest.

Of course, the name Natalie is a stage name behind which is the famous Russian pop singer Natalya Anatolyevna Rudina, who had the surname Minyaeva before her marriage. She is not only a performer of songs, but the author of many of them.

Like many famous Russians, Natalie's biography began in the small town of Dzerzhinsk, where she was born on March 31, 1974. Her parents, Lyudmila Pavlovna and Anatoly Nikolaevich Minyaev, worked at a chemical plant. The family also has younger twin children, Anton and Olesya (born in 1978).

Since 1980, Natalya studied at secondary school No. 37, where she received a certificate of secondary education. School teachers and classmates still remember her restless character, organizational skills and immense popularity among her peers.

For all her restlessness, she studied well. After an accidental visit to a music school, the girl persuaded her parents to send her to study music. Since 1983, Natasha studied piano for 7 years at a music school, which developed her musical abilities.

1990 was also an important period, when the future singer caught the eye of the filmmakers of Lenfilm, who were filming a film in Dzerzhinsk dedicated to the anniversary of the city. Natalia passed the appropriate selection and played the main role in the film.

To voice the role, the girl went to the Leningrad film studio with her mother, where for the first time she felt the real breath of the big city.

Gaining Popularity

Natalie became a singer in her school years. The first vocal and instrumental ensemble with her participation was the school ensemble "Chocolate Bar", where she became a soloist in 1990 and where her brother, who participated in it as a drummer, brought her. At numerous concerts and rock festivals, the girl also performs her first own songs. Even before completing her studies at school, the singer records the first magnetic albums "Superboy" and "Pop Galaxy".

At the end of school, Natasha enters the Pedagogical College in Dzerzhinsk, where she receives further education. Until 1993, she managed to work as a secondary school teacher, and in 1993 she moved to Moscow with her husband. Husband Alexander Rudin played an important role in the development of the young singer.

It was thanks to him that the first albums were recorded. Upon arrival in Moscow, Rudin was able to meet with music producer V. Ivanov, to whom he handed over the recordings of his wife's songs. The producer liked the young singer, and he agreed to work with her.

Already in 1994, the singer Natalie first appeared: under this name, the first official professional solo album "The Little Mermaid" was recorded. Although the circulation of the album was not large (only 2000 copies), it did not go unnoticed and found its admirers. At the same time, the basis of the girl's performances for a long period was the so-called warm-up - the performance of songs at the beginning of the concerts of other famous singers.

Popularity came to Natalie after the performance of the song “The Wind Blowed from the Sea”, which was conceived at the age of thirteen, but with the participation of the composer A. Shulgin became a real hit. In 1998, Natalie recorded an album with this song and became famous.

The continuation of the popularity was the hit "Turtle", which gained numerous fans. The singer began to actively record new albums and videos. However, there was a lull in creativity for several years.

Rise of popularity

The return to the peak of popularity for Natalie begins in 2012 with the release of the hit "Oh God, what a man!" (words by R. Ziemens). The music of the song was written by Natalie herself almost immediately, as soon as she read the words. The composition broke instantly into all Russian charts. The singer received the Comeback of the Year and Sometimes They Come Back awards.

In 2013, the song "Nikolai", performed in a duet with N. Baskov, thundered. This work was awarded the "Best Video Clip" award.

As a result, Natalie became a frequent guest of various television concerts, which increased her popularity. Many people remember the performance of the singer in the show "Just Like It", where she captivated the audience with the creation of the image of V. Tolkunova.

In March 2014, a new clip "Scheherazade" was released, which was appreciated by the audience. The popularity of the singer Natalie is at a well-deserved, very high level.

Family life of the artist

When a biography is described, the personal life of a star is of particular interest to fans.

The singer met her husband, Alexander Rudin, as a schoolgirl, and the wedding took place when she was 17 years old.

Like the whole biography, Natalie's personal life is stable. The entire career of the singer passed in front of her husband and with his active participation. He contributed to her popularity as much as possible and did everything to make it possible to move to Moscow.

Children did not appear in their family for a long time, but finally, in 2001, the first-born son Arseniy appeared. In 2010, the number of children increased to two: a son, Anatoly, was born.

Natalie is rightfully considered a popular Russian pop singer. She has a huge number of fans. Of course, her biography is far from complete, and she will surely please her listeners with new hits.

45-year-old singer Natalie (Natalya Rudina) shared tips on how to keep passion in bed with her husband. The star is sure that it is possible to maintain a man's sexual interest in family life only by accepting and loving himself.

According to the artist, it is very easy to get bored in marriage, and only self-sufficient people who have their own hobbies can form truly happy and strong unions. The performer admitted that the profession helps her maintain a spark in relations with her husband, 49-year-old Alexander Rudin.

“I have an interesting image - Sasha likes to see me different. Probably, the man is in principle worried. Many women dress like actresses, make up, create a holiday to please their beloved, to surprise, ”Natalie explained.

The appearance of children, according to the star, also strengthens the family. According to the singer, her husband Alexander did not ask for heirs, and she had to persuade him for a long time. “When the first one was born, he didn’t even think that there could be more, since he himself is the only one in the family, such an egoist. Now three sons - it happened, I somehow persuaded him. Each time he made round eyes: “Where from?”, ”says the star.

The performer of the hit "Oh my God, what a man" considers self-love the main condition for harmony in intimate relationships. “When you are notorious, you won’t be able to fully engage in sex or experience passion,” Natalie was quoted by StarHit.

The actress also exposed the stars who love to be naked in public. She explained that in fact such people suffer from a lack of sex and complexes, and on stage they learn to accept themselves.

Keith Urban, husband of Nicole Kidman, also opened up in a conversation about intimate. The artist wrote a song about his wife, in which he called her "a maniac in bed."

Gwyneth Paltrow and her boyfriend Brad Falchuk openly share the details of their personal lives. Recently, the couple had their routine on the advice of a sex guru. Now friends are jealous of their perfect marriage. The daughter of Hillary and Bill Clinton, Chelsea, also resorted to the help of a sex coach. After his consultations, she found happiness in a relationship with Mark Mezvinsky and