Sonya Shatalova: guest from the future. Sonya's prose and school work

Friends, many of you know Sonya Shatalova. The little girl with autism was touched by her talent, reading her poems and amazing aphorisms. “Shame is a fire that burns sin out of the soul.”
"The soul is empty space in a person, which a person can fill with God or Satan"
...The baby has grown up. I really need help.
This is what her mother, Evgenia Shatalova, writes on Facebook.
About Sonya.
Things are very difficult for her. If she is improving mentally, then physically she is very, very bad, and now she is already critically bad.
I have already written several times that she has a rectal ulcer and intestinal prolapse. I received many comments that ulcers are easy to treat, recommendations from various folk ways treatment, advice for rectal plastic surgery... For some, this is probably all true. Oh, if only all this were so in our case...
We consulted with almost all surgeons in Moscow who deal with such problems. Clinics Tsarkov, Puchkov, Institute of Coloproctology, Hospital No. 24... Everyone said that an operation was necessary, but no one risked doing it - the risk of postoperative complications is too great in itself, but because mental characteristics it increases many times over. We do not know how to care for such patients after surgery. I have all the refusal reports from these clinics in my hands.
Now Sonya has an ulcer that occupies the ENTIRE LENGTH of her rectum. Very frequent, almost daily, bleeding. And now the suppuration has increased.
Sonya experiences severe pain that cannot be relieved by analgin, nurofen, ketanol, etc.
The fact that she does not sleep at night is explained by these pains. Professor Vincent Gosha from France, having examined the ulcer, said that such patients are anesthetized with morphine.
On Saturday I talked with a surgeon and immunologist, and I heard that if we leave everything as it is, Sonya’s life expectancy is significantly less than a year. And the operation is very, very risky, but it can give a chance.
Today we had a consultation with another surgeon from the GMS clinic. He scheduled an MRI of the pelvic organs under anesthesia for Monday (to exclude a purulent process in the pelvis), and said that he would undertake to operate on Sonya. What a life threatening situation. And it needs to be done at the end of May or beginning of June, no later. Since it will be done in a commercial clinic, it will be paid (the bill will be issued after a second consultation, after an MRI). But we'll talk about the amount more than a million. I will contact the funds.
In the meantime, an MRI costs 27,200 rubles (an hour of anesthesia, contrast agent, the MRI itself, consultation with an anesthesiologist). There may be a discount, but so far this amount has been announced.
And the doctor prescribed a painkiller - Koletex-gel-DNA-L, two 40g syringes per day, the cost of one syringe is from 500 to 1000 rubles, depending on the pharmacy. I'll call tomorrow to see where they are.
Sonya is already completely exhausted...

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Sonya Shatalova is in a critical situation. We need help from everyone who can.

Who doesn’t know, Sonya Shatalova is a poet, a person of overcoming. WITH early childhood she suffers from autism, cannot speak, but writes poetry, aphorisms, fairy tales, and essays. Type her name into a search engine and read it.
There was a wonderful film about her called “Outside”.

Evgenia Shatalova

About Sonya.
Things are very difficult for her. If she is improving mentally, then physically she is very, very bad, and now she is already critically bad.
I have already written several times, h then she has a rectal ulcer and intestinal prolapse. I received many comments that ulcers are easy to treat, recommendations for various traditional methods of treatment, advice for rectal plastic surgery... For some, this is probably all true. Oh, if only all this were so in our case...
We consulted with almost all surgeons in Moscow who deal with such problems. Clinics Tsarkov, Puchkov, Institute of Coloproctology, Hospital No. 24... Everyone said that an operation was necessary, but no one risked doing it - the risk of postoperative complications in itself is too great, and due to mental characteristics it increases many times over. We do not know how to care for such patients after surgery. I have all the refusal reports from these clinics in my hands.
Now Sonya has an ulcer that occupies the ENTIRE LENGTH of her rectum. Very frequent, almost daily, bleeding. And now the suppuration has increased.
Sonya experiences severe pain that cannot be relieved by analgin, nurofen, ketanol, etc.
The fact that she does not sleep at night is explained by these pains. Professor Vincent Gosha from France, having examined the ulcer, said that such patients are anesthetized with morphine.
On Saturday I talked with a surgeon and immunologist, and I heard that if we leave everything as it is, Sonya’s life expectancy is significantly less than a year. And the operation is very, very risky, but it can give a chance.
Today we had a consultation with another surgeon from the GMS clinic. He scheduled an MRI of the pelvic organs under anesthesia for Monday (to exclude a purulent process in the pelvis), and said that he would undertake to operate on Sonya. What a life threatening situation. And it needs to be done at the end of May or beginning of June, no later. Since it will be done in a commercial clinic, it will be paid (the bill will be issued after a second consultation, after an MRI). But we are talking about an amount of more than a million. I will contact the funds.
In the meantime, an MRI costs 27,200 rubles (an hour of anesthesia, contrast agent, the MRI itself, consultation with an anesthesiologist). There may be a discount, but so far this amount has been announced.
And the doctor prescribed a painkiller - Koletex-gel-DNA-L, two 40g syringes per day, the cost of one syringe is from 500 to 1000 rubles, depending on the pharmacy. I'll call tomorrow to see where they are.
Sonya is already completely exhausted...

Usually, when first becoming acquainted with Sonya’s work, people think that the author is an adult. And they are very surprised how a 13-year-old girl could write:

“What makes you go into immortality

The smallest particles of existence?

They are separated by stars and centuries,

And I disappear with them.

But disappearing, in the Universal Book

I leave clear features.

And in every atom, and in every moment

Bridges have been built between me and Eternity.”

Sonya's aphorisms are also striking. For example. The soul is an emptiness in a person that he fills with God or Satan. The cat is a symbol of cozy independence. Wisdom is the measure between “little” and “many”. It is necessary - a whip for freedom. A fairy tale is a longing for a miracle. Laughter is a doctor for a sad soul. A smile is the password of goodwill. Thought is the most powerful force in the world after love.

Sonya wrote these and other aphorisms at the age of 8-10. Since childhood, she saw the world differently than most children. Sonya - . This mental state of a person has not been solved by specialists. Autism was first described by Western psychologists in the mid-20th century. Some considered it a misfortune, others saw in autistics the originality of thinking, which can lead to significant achievements. The latter turned out to be right: for example, almost a quarter of programmers at Microsoft are autistic. True, this disease has a gradation from mild to severe. Sonya's is heavy. At the age of 8, when the girl was already writing aphorisms and poems, she could, sitting at the table next to a bowl of soup, cry from hunger. The fact is that autism is characterized by emotional and volitional disorders. Sonya's mother had to give her daughter commands: take a spoon, scoop up the soup, put it in your mouth. Sonya was scared strangers. Trip to public transport caused her shock; she could start screaming on the bus. The situation was complicated by the fact that Sonya did not speak. However, the parents fought for the child and took him to classes with teachers. “At the age of 7, a miracle happened,” her mother Evgenia tells AiF. - I was supposed to write captions for the pictures with Sonya’s hand, but Sonya stopped my movement and began to write herself. I just helped her hold the pen. Over time, my daughter discovered innate literacy.”

Better than Hollywood

Such miracles are not uncommon for autistic people. In one creative group The boy Lenya studied with Sonya. At 2.5 years old, Lenya was already reading, and at 5 years old, he was extracting cube roots from numbers in his head - an operation that an adult can only master with the help of a calculator. At the same time, outwardly Lenya could make a rather strange impression - he walked down the street and clapped his hands, talking to himself. If he stumbled, he had to come back and go through the path again. He could do this even on a busy highway, which is why he almost got hit by a car a couple of times. How can one not recall the Oscar-winning film where Dustin Hoffman played an autistic man. His character was very good at dealing with the world of numbers, much better than with real life, because of which his parents sent him to a hospital. Lenya's parents did not hide their child, but tried as best they could - themselves and together with psychologists - to help him adapt to society.

And they achieved phenomenal success. Lenya finished school very well. In the 11th grade he became a prize-winner All-Russian Olympiad in mathematics, thanks to which he entered the budget department of the Faculty of Mathematics of one of best universities Moscow. “At the institute they work wonderful people. They understand that sometimes it’s difficult for Lena, and they support him,” his mother Alla tells AiF. “Now my son is 20 years old, he has grown a beard, but when he goes to college, he can, like in childhood, jump around, clap his hands, and mutter something under his breath.”

There is no cure for autism. What is important here is a set of classes with specialists who have devoted themselves to this mysterious disease. Fortunately, they are available in Moscow. For example, a somatosensory specialist correctly discovered Sonya’s so-called information perception fields and concluded that at school a teacher must always approach the girl from the side and hand textbooks and notebooks from the side as well. And if information falls into the field of perception of an autistic person, he remembers it forever. Even years later, an autistic person can remember in detail a certain page of a book he once read. Sonya, at the age of 10, shocked her parents by describing her experience, which she experienced at the age of 6 days! She was never told about this event, but Sonya's memory in a unique way saved the information, which she presented on two pages.

The sun's glare

Sonya has had a very clear worldview since childhood. At the age of 8 she wrote: “Why do people live? When God sends him into this world, he says to everyone: “Work and glorify Me with your deeds.” I think so, for me these are poems. It’s impossible for me not to write them, otherwise I’ll die from pain, burst from the pressure of words in my head.” Sonya’s mother says: “In baptism, my daughter is Sofia. She is a religious person, although she rarely attends church services - it is very difficult for her to endure large crowds of people. Only in the summer, in a camp for families with “special” children in the village of Davydovo, Yaroslavl region, Sonya can freely visit the temple - everyone is there. And at home, in our small town near Moscow, peers on the street can point a finger at Sonya, laugh, and adults can shake their heads with pity... In one of the churches where Sofia was at that moment, the priest, at a sermon dedicated to the sin of judging one’s neighbor, pointed at his daughter and said: “Do you think she can only moo and behave strangely? But you don’t know, what if great wealth is hidden under this shell?”

When we met Sonya, I wanted her to sign a collection for me that included her poems. But instead, the poetess enthusiastically wound a thread around her finger. Then she swung on the chair like a pendulum, and then she had to go to class. But I knew that perhaps in the evening, or in a day, or in a week, Sonya would take it and describe our meeting.

She understands perfectly well the impression she makes on others.

"Mute, inept,

From the world beyond the wall.

Called autism

My damned illness"

- she wrote at the age of 9. Why is she acting this way? Judging by her poems and writings, Sonya herself suffers: “I live in several realities simultaneously and constantly. And my connection with everyday reality is the weakest, and the weakest at the bodily level.” And at the age of 14, the girl gave her own definition of mysterious autism: “This is life in nowhere and never and at the same time everywhere and always.” She understands that many children with a similar disease were handed over to the state by their parents. Some, thinking that Sonya was a “vegetable” who doesn’t understand anything, said to her mother right in front of the girl:

“Why don’t you send your daughter to a boarding school? At least you can breathe easy." After which Sonya’s hand wrote the lines for her mother:

“I endured so much grievance,

Holding the family like the sky of Atlas.”

“Why are you sometimes so sad,

Is your face so beautifully thoughtful?

You weren't like this in the first place

And there was a sparkle of sunshine in the smile...”

Sonya recently turned 18 years old. She graduated from 11th grade with excellent results according to the usual school curriculum. “Problems with soup” are also a thing of the past. Thanks to the help of specialists, her connection with everyday reality is becoming stronger. Corrective classes take place several times a week. However, getting to Moscow from the Moscow region by public transport is still a problem for her. You have to use a taxi.

And with the same driver. So Sonya is calmer. Every trip is a hole in the family’s budget, where mother does not work, and Sonya, as a disabled person, receives a meager pension. Dad's salary is barely enough to pay for food. And one more thing - in our country, the diagnosis of “autism” is given only to children under 15 years old, and then they change it to schizophrenia, which is fraught with defeat for everyone civil rights– a person cannot study, work, manage money. Sonya knows this.

Encourages himself:

“The storms of life cannot

Hide me at the bottom."

She doesn’t even think of being offended by the world around us with its rules. On the contrary, he wants to save:

“For some reason I really need

Glass burgundy sunset

Turn into an orange morning.

Color with your joy

Houses, fences,

Crying and tears

Wash all windows and roads.

All the trash of life

Powerful blood flow

Tear it down and burn it in your heart.

And this is not a sacrifice, no,

But simply helping a lost world.”

Sonya's greatest desire is to speak. Experts believe that there is such a chance. God willing, then Sonya will tell us with redoubled force about something that we might never have thought about without her help.

P.S. Sonya’s mother didn’t even give a hint about help, but those who read her diary on the Internet in LiveJournal know that the family needs money to pay for taxi trips to specialists in Moscow. You can contact Evgenia and Sonya at email: [email protected]

Sonya Shatalova, a ward of our Center, urgently needs help.

Evgenia Shatalova, her mother, wrote today on her page on LiveJournal: “Today, from 6 am, Sonya is in the hospital. By ambulance. And until the last second I prayed that this would not happen. The hospital is not important. We must look for where to transfer her We are talking about paid hospitals."

Sonya Shatalova, without exaggeration, is the most famous girl, suffering from autism, living in Russia. She writes poetry, films are made about her, but for us she is just Sonya, and we love her very much. For us, she is not a genius or a seer, she is just a girl with a subtle, vulnerable soul. All people with autism are very fragile, and Sophia couldn’t stand it and broke down.

She was very ill for several weeks. All this time she begged not to be sent to the hospital, but things got so bad that it was impossible to avoid hospitalization. The psychiatrist diagnosed acute emotional psychosis with complete loss of self-control. Now Sonya is in the district psychiatric clinic. This means bars on the windows, bare walls, tightly closed rooms, and not a single loved one near. She is only 19, she is still a child, and it’s scary to imagine how scared Sonya is now.

She can't do without now medical care. The Center for Curative Pedagogy recommended a private clinic where Sonya can survive the crisis without being separated from her loved ones, and where they will at least try to really help her.

The Tradition Foundation agreed to pay for Sonya’s immediate three-day stay in the clinic, and we need to raise money for further time. The total amount will be approximately 235 thousand rubles. Sonya is talented, vulnerable person, who is now in great pain and bad. She wants to go to her mother, wants to sleep on a normal bed and receive human attitude. Please help Sonya.

UPDATE from Evgenia Shatalova
About the funds raised:
as of today 13:00 on the Sberbank card there are 150,000 rubles, on the alpha bank card there are 80,000 rubles, and today I received 43,000 rubles in cash from the staff of the Free Development school (director Igor Moiseevich Chapkovsky). THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! At the end of the week, I think on Thursday, the invoice for further treatment will be ready, and I will ask the doctor to decide on the timing - will 30 days be enough? Or maybe the bill will be ready on Wednesday.
At the Mental Health Clinic, Sonya is examined very carefully and comprehensively. Sonya has never had such a detailed examination, even in childhood. They are interested in the question - what happened, why did she lose it like that? And what was the matter with her, why did her autism manifest itself in this way? So far they told me that it doesn’t look like schizophrenia, and there is severe depression. More precisely, it will be clear when all the tests are done and all the specialists look at it. She is brought out of the state after the “treatment” - the “withdrawal syndrome” is mitigated, at the same time the correct treatment is selected, and neuropsychologists and an art therapist have already begun working with her. It’s still difficult, but according to the doctor, Sonya should recover from her acute condition by Wednesday.
Sonya is already making contact with them, trying to write with the support of her hand.
And with me - she writes poetic lines, these are not poems, separate lines, there is pain in them, but she writes them!

At the moment, there are 123,000 rubles on the Sberbank card, and 75,000 rubles on the Alpha Bank card.

Sonya was taken to the Mental Health clinic - her attending physician there came to pick her up.
Sonya was taken out, supported by both arms - she could barely move. Loaded beyond capacity. Looking into nowhere, pale and swollen. During these days, judging by the smell, she had never been washed. She saw my father and me and moaned briefly. Even the doctor was amazed at the condition she was in.
And these, from the dispensary, these...(i.e. bad people) - it seemed like hell for her there.
Sonya ate well in the new place and even smiled a little.
And on our account present moment 100,000 rubles on a Sberbank card and 40,000 rubles on an Alfa Bank card.
This is for another ten days. And I wish I could dial another ten!


Sonya reads, instantly “photographing” the text, and composes poetry. She has her own system of ideas about the device subtle world and original terminology, which partially overlaps with the terminology of Daniil Andreev, although Sonya has not read “The Rose of the World”. When asked, “How do you know this?” – she replies: “I always knew that.” Lenya Yanushevich believes that Sonya knows THIS “from the same place where Daniil Andreev comes from.” Like everyone else, I had heard many stories about telepathy, but now I came face to face with this phenomenon: it turned out that Sonya can read minds.
Sonya is 11 years old, but she behaves like small child. She is diagnosed with childhood autism.

When you address her, you get the impression that she neither hears nor listens, and is incapable of listening. It's disabled. In everyday life, she is as helpless as a one and a half or two year old child, incapable of the simplest handmade(water flowers from a watering can), and last year, as I was told, she walked monotonously around the yard in a circle for hours, and even earlier, she also spent a long time screaming for hours.

What can a sick ten-year-old girl write?

“I like night and day.
I like their difference.
I also like their sewnness
Embroidered with stars and the sun's rays.
I like their wonders and mysteries.
The silliness of the great Book of Events,
The book that God writes about the world."
“For some reason I really need
Glass burgundy sunset
Turn into an orange morning.

Color with your joy
Houses, fences,
Crying and tears
Wash all windows and roads.
All the trash of life
Powerful blood flow
Tear it down and burn it in your heart.

And this is not a sacrifice, no,
But simply helping a lost world.”

“People are different, like stars
I love everyone
The heart contains all the stars of the Universe"

“What makes you go into immortality
The smallest particles of existence?
They are separated by stars and centuries,
And I disappear with them.

But disappearing, in the Universal Book
I leave clear features.
And in every atom, and in every moment
Bridges have been built between me and Eternity.”

Sonya gives a definition not in childish words:
“Science is a system of knowledge based on doubt.”
Those who are familiar with the sciences from the inside will be surprised at the accuracy of the words. Doubt is one of the methodological pillars of science (the other is faith*).

But the girl is asked further. What is “thought”? How will she define her understanding of “thought”? When you ask Sonya, she does not (cannot look) at you. When he writes the answer, he does not look at the sheet of paper. Looks to the side, sometimes the opposite. And somewhere behind his back he writes.
Again she gives her answer (I repeat, she was only eight years old):
“Thought is the greatest force in the world, after love.”
What is shame?
“Shame is a fire that burns sin out of the soul.”
Well, what is the “soul” itself?
Which of us, adults and smart, will dare to answer the question of what the soul is? I wouldn't dare. I can hardly think of anything other than a tautology.
Sonya writes:
“The soul is an empty space in a person that a person can fill with God or Satan.”

Sonya has been writing poetry since she was six years old. From the age when the parents first learned that the girl understood human speech (they previously thought that she did not understand anything), and even somehow knew how (learned) to read, although she was not taught.
At eight, there was a problem teaching her to use a spoon. The girl was sitting in front of a full plate, and was hungry, and the spoon was lying right there. But she cannot take a spoon and eat. She was crying from hunger - and was absolutely helpless. She could not do these voluntary actions. And her mother had to tell her: “Sonya, take a spoon.” Then only Sonya was able to take her. “Scoop it up.” Scooped it up. “Put it in your mouth.” And so on.

The cat is a symbol of cozy independence.
The museum is a preserve of time.
Thought is the most powerful force in the world after love.
– what distinguishes peace from chaos.
The bird is the embodied thought of God about song and flight.
Laughter is a doctor for a sad soul.
Shame is a fire that burns sin out of a person’s soul.
A hurricane is a wind gone crazy.
Humanity is all people together, if we consider them as one big person.
An essay is an emotion expressed as a thought.

"In the rhythm of fire
there are very strange pauses.
They excite me
And at the same time they are fascinating.

I remember something ancient
And it’s no longer me, but someone,
Who once lived, probably
And once he came out of the swamp,

And I saw a burning tree.
And God told him: “Use it!”
And he believed in this voice so much,
That a Man was already walking through the forest..."

He and Prof. Arkhipov, who is leading her, has the same opinions: this girl is very unusual, but she will talk, and in general the prognosis is very favorable.

“The command to survive is timeless.
Inhale-exhale - air excitement -
Inward-outward. Imagine
A sudden timelessness.
And your survival will become a question.
Inspire the will with memories,
Remembering the mutuality of delight
With the Almighty. Eternity ahead! »

According to L.N.’s advice, increased demands began to be placed on Sonya, almost like a healthy girl and in a fairly solid form.
At the first lesson she was even confused. Firstly, she was asked to go through a whole obstacle course with the dog, and she had to either climb over or crawl under the same obstacle. The dog tells you exactly what needs to be done. Secondly, she now has no opportunity or time to run away, hide, etc. And you know? When she heard that she could work like a fifteen-year-old girl, she started working!
The only problem for her the first time was... showing where the dog's head was and where the tail was. I really didn't expect it. But by the second lesson she was already coping with this.
Sonya is studying in the public school program in the 8th grade at the Kovcheg school, and she is an excellent student. Teachers who are specially trained to work with such children work with her. Since the age of seven she has been writing essays, poems and fairy tales. Three times took part in the all-Moscow competition for children and youth literary creativity « Magic word"(held once every two years). The first time she received an incentive prize for poetry, the second time - 2nd prize for poetry, the third time - first place for fairy tales and third place for poetry. In all cases, according to the terms of the competition, the jury did not know that Sonya was disabled. This became known only when the award was presented. That is, in all cases, she competed with ordinary, fully-fledged children, as an equal child.

“It’s me Sonya! I was in Moscow yesterday! In dogs and in sunflowers! I did it! But I'm so tired. I came home and cried. And then she misbehaved. But I was able to go and study! The pendulum has moved from its place and ends. But how annoying is all this mental mess hanging in the air? But Tanya said that I’m great!”

I have so much to say!
Who thinks that gold is in silence?
The road is blocked by a stone
words from the heart - well, isn’t it sad?
This “gold” is so oppressive.
It lay like a rock on my chest.
IN past life I was the one speaking.
How can I regain freedom of speech?

Dream within a dream

We spend all of our lives sleeping.
We sleep at night - and often in reality.
I also sleep and I dream,
That I live a different life.
I speak, I write, I sing.
Yes, yes! I sing with words!
I sang a song to my mom!
And all my previous life -
Like a dream -
In my dreams I remember.
Is this really all happening to me?
I'm afraid of everything, I'm afraid of everything,
Awkward, dumb -
Come on, is it me?
Then I wake up.
Yes, it's me. And the songs are a dream.
Or maybe I'm sleeping now?
I'm confused, I don't know!
When will I wake up?
Tell me, I pray, O Lord,
I appeal to You!

Ask me
O heart,
What's in the Sun's depths
It beats.
Ask me
About the song -
She is my heart
And I will give two answers
In one word:
Ask me
About the stars
What's in mom's eyes
They shine.
Ask me
About the luminaries
Myriads of eyes looking.
And again two answers
They will merge together:
How amazing
The word is Love!

You and me

You and me, together we can
Do many different good deeds.
We can stitch events together like this,
That sewing will conquer all evil.
You just need to be able to put up
with your own soul,
And then make peace with God's peace
it will be easy for us.
You and I are the Power of the World,
And we can live in love.

My dreams

I can do a lot: model worlds with a dream, silently have mercy with prayer; and think. With the power of thought I can instantly – or maybe slowly – create a mosaic of my Metagalaxy.
All people dream, even those who say they don’t like to dream. The more often a person dreams, the more interesting his life is.
But I think for dreams to come true, you need to be able to dream correctly. After all, a dream is a model of the desired future in three levels: the first in imagination, the second in desire, and the third in mental stitching of events. To dream correctly means to correctly take into account all the already existing connections of oneself as a dreaming person with the world around us. And understand what new connections are needed, and then stitch events together. And all the time we need to look at how stitching affects the connections that already exist in the world.
I also like to dream. I dream of a future where I can talk and sing songs and can do everything myself. I will have many friends and a job I love. I will help people stitch events together correctly and work as a dream consultant.
But for such a future to take place, it is necessary that as much as possible more people accepted God and came to Him. So I will help people with this first. How? Most likely in a word: poetic and prayerful.
In order for everything to be like this, we need to correctly stitch together events now. And I try.
8 years

Now Sonya is 19 years old.
- material taken from the site.