Oseev's day was sunny and the main theme was. IN

Kovaleva Galina Ivanovna

OKSOU Dmitrievskaya s(k)o boarding school of the V type


Working with a book. V. Oseeva “At the Ice Rink”


promote the formation of the skill of correct, conscious readingout loud in whole words;
- develop coherent speech, creative imagination, visual-figurative thinking, instill an interest in reading;

Nurture goodness respectful attitude children to each other, to others, responsiveness, continue to work on the formation of high moral feelings.


Printed text of the story for each child; cards with words for vocabulary work; a set of snowflakes for breathing exercises; signal cards; illustrations; colored pencils;exhibition of books by V. Oseeva, presentation for the lesson.

Progress of the lesson:

  1. Organizational moment

Guys, let's say hello

Hello, palms. Clap-clap-clap.

Hello legs. Tot-top-top.

Hello cheeks. Plop-plop-plop.

Hello sponges. Smack-smack-smack.

Hello, teeth. Click-click-click.

Hello, my little nose. Beep - beep - beep

Hello, guests. Hello!

Guys, let's sit down quietly.

Speech warm-up

“The snowflake is flying” - breathing exercises

B. Children, I’ll give you snowflakes now. First, we will blow lightly on the snowflake so that it moves a little. You need to blow on your tongue held between your lips. Do not puff out your cheeks. If your cheeks puff up, hold them with your palms. So, let's blow lightly on the snowflake so that it moves a little. Now blow hard to make it fly away. Well done.

  1. Introductory talk

Educator: Today I would like to start our lesson with very wise words spoken about the book.

Look at the screen, read aloud: “A day lived without a book is a day lost”

Well done! I hope today will not be a lost day for you. Slide 1

Educator: Guess the riddle to find outwhat time of year is it now?:

She walked along the road in a straight line with frosts,

And behind her, two snowstorms swept and blew snow. (Winter) Slide 2

B. What winter games and entertainment you know? Slide 3

D. Skiing, skating, sledding, playing snowballs; In winter you can sculpt a snow woman.

Q. Which ones are your favorite? Children's answers.

Q. Where can I go ice skating?

D. You can go ice skating at the skating rink.

Q. Today I want to introduce you to Oseeva’s story “On the Skating Rink.” Slide 4

You have already read other stories by V. Oseeva. Who remembers which ones? Slide 5

D. “The Magic Word”, “Before the First Rain”, “Blue Leaves”, “Sons”, “Good”, “Three Comrades”

III. Main part

Q. The works you read are included in the books presented at this exhibition. This book, for example, entitled “Three Sons,” contains 22 stories by the writer. These stories were read by your mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers at school. And I think that these books greatly helped many of them in their lives.

V. Let's take a closer look at this wonderful writer, Valentina Aleksandrovna Oseeva. Slide 6, 7

Valentina Oseeva was born on April 28, 1902 in the city of Kyiv in the family of a civil engineer. She grew up as a kind, inquisitive girl. Like you, I really loved reading short stories. I read it myself, without the help of adults.

One day her mother asked her: “Did you like the story?” Valya answered: “I don’t know. I didn’t think about him.” The mother was very upset. She said: “It’s not enough to be able to read, you have to be able to think.”

The girl remembered these words well and since then began to think about good and evil, about good deeds and bad ones.

Valentina Alexandrovna loved children very much. And she began writing stories for her students to help these children become better people. I hope reading these books will help you too.

Q. In the story you will hear unfamiliar words and expressions. Let's get to know them:

What a miracle - nothing special.Spun like a top- quickly around you. Wrapped up dashingly - sharply, unexpectedly. Remember what do these words mean

The teacher reads the story after asking a question.Children listen to the teacher.

Name the characters.

D. A little girl, three schoolchildren, one of whom is named Vitya.

Q. On your desks on sheets of paper there is a story by V. Oseeva “On the Ice Rink”.Let's read the story one by one.

Reading a story aloud to children. (Said begins: reads the title and author).

B. While we are reading, Marina, Alyosha T. and Said will color illustrations for our story.

IN. What time of year is described in the story? (Winter)

Q. What was the weather like? (It was sunny)

IN. Find words in the text that support this.

Q. Were there many people at the skating rink? (There were few people at the skating rink)

Q. Who do you think was older - Vitya or the girl? (Vitya)

Q. How did the little girl skate? Read it. Children complete the task.

Q. Why do you think she drove like that?

D. She still stood uncertainly on her skates.

Q. What was Vitya doing? Read it.

Q. What does this mean? How did Vitya skate?

D. Vitya was very good at skating.

Q. What happened while Vitya was showing his skating skills?

D. When Vitya showed his ability to skate, he ran into a little girl and she fell.

B. Find in the text and read,What did Vitya say to the girl?

Q. What did the little girl hit?

D. The little girl hit her knee.

Q. How did Vitya act? (At first Vitya began to help the girl, but then he turned away and left).

Q. Why did Vitya change his behavior?

D. Vitya changed his behavior because the rest of the schoolchildren began to laugh at him.

IN. What words did he say to hide his behavior? Find it in the text.

D. Vitya did the wrong thing by leaving the girl alone. Vita did not have to pay attention to the laughter of other schoolchildren.

IN. What should Vita have done?What would you do if you were Vitya?

IN. Have you encountered similar cases in your life?

Q. What new things have you learned about human relationships?

D. There is no need to be ashamed, embarrassed to help another, ashamed to laugh at another person’s misfortune.

IV. Physical education minute

The wind swayed the branches (we sway with our hands)

Sharik also growled: rrrr (hands on the waist, bending forward)

The reeds whispered in the water: shh-sh-sh (hands up, stretch)

And again there was silence: shhhh (sit down)

V. Working with illustrations Slide 8

The teacher shows illustrations on the screen, children must choose an illustration that matches the text and explain their choice:

Q. Look, we have several illustrations on the screen. Look at them carefully and choose: which one is suitable for our story?Choose only the picture that matches the story.

Children choose an illustration, explaining their choice.

Q. What does the illustration show?

D. The illustration shows a little girl sitting on a bench, rubbing her bruised knee and crying.

Q. What happened before this moment that the artist depicted? Children's answers.

VI. Control and self-control of text understanding. Slide 9

V. And now I suggest you test yourself. Let's play the game "It was - it wasn't." We read the phrase on the screen, and if this was the case in the story, we raise up the red circle, and if this was not the case in the story, we raise the blue circle.

1. The story is called “At the Ice Rink.”

2. Vitya and the girl were the same age.

3. Vitya accidentally pushed the little girl.

4. The girl hurt her hand.

5. Vitya stayed to help the girl.

VII. Summing up

Q. What is the name of the story that we read today in class?

V. Today we read V. Oseeva’s story “On the Ice Rink”, discussed it and looked at the illustrations. What did Valentina Oseeva teach us?

D. In trouble, you need to help people, not laugh.

There is no need to be ashamed or embarrassed to help others.

V. Well done! And let's talk more often magic words, we will treat each other more attentively and kindly, we will not offend the kids, we will respect our elders. And I would like to end our lesson with a poem. Slide 10


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The main character of the story “At the Skating Rink” is the boy Vitya. He knows how to skate well and demonstrates his skills - he spins like a top, moves on one leg and rushes in a circle, doing at times sharp turns. The guys who came to the skating rink praise Vitya and call him “well done.”

There was a little girl at the same skating rink. She had not yet gotten used to the skates and moved carefully on them on the slippery ice. At some point, Vitya accidentally ran into her, and the girl fell. When she fell, she hit her knee and cried. At first, Vitya was afraid for the girl and began to make excuses to her, saying that he accidentally knocked her down. But when Vitya heard the guys laughing behind him, he decided that they were laughing at him and at his caring attitude towards the fallen girl.

Then Vitya turned away from the girl and went to the guys. Approaching them, he rudely called the girl a “crybaby,” after which the boys began to skate further. And the girl remained sitting on the bench. She was crying.

That's how it is summary story.

The main idea of ​​the story “At the Skating Rink” is that you should not base your actions on the reactions of others. At first, Vitya showed sincere compassion for the girl whom he accidentally pushed. But, hearing ridicule from the outside, he could not bear the fact that they were laughing at him, and left the crying girl, joining the boys. Oseeva’s story “At the Skating Rink” teaches you to be strong, be able to empathize and always act according to your conscience, regardless of the opinions of others.

Having left the crying girl because of ridicule from the boys, Vitya showed cowardice. He was to blame for the fall of this girl and should have, as an elder, more experienced and stronger, shown sympathy for her and provided help. But the fear of ridicule prevented Vita from doing as he was supposed to.

What proverbs fit the story “On the Ice Rink”?

Anyone can offend, but there is no one to feel sorry for.
Instead of boasting about your prowess, it’s better to help the weak.
Cowardice is the same cowardice.

Literary analysis works by V. Oseeva

"At the skating rink."

Completed by: Klimova O.K.

4th year 2013

The day was sunny. The ice sparkled. There were few people at the skating rink. The little girl, with her arms outstretched comically, rode from bench to bench. Two schoolchildren were tying up their skates and looking at Vitya.

Vitya performed different tricks - sometimes he rode on one leg, sometimes he spun around like a top.

Well done!” one of the boys shouted to him.

Vitya rushed around the circle like an arrow, made a dashing turn and ran into the girl.

The girl fell. Vitya was scared.

I accidentally... - he said, brushing snow off her fur coat. - Did you hurt yourself?

The girl smiled:


Laughter came from behind.

"They're laughing at me!" - thought Vitya and turned away from the girl with annoyance.

What an incredible knee! What a crybaby! – he shouted, driving past the schoolchildren.

Come to us! - they called.

Vitya approached them. Holding hands, all three merrily slid across the ice.

And the girl sat on the bench, rubbing her bruised knee and crying.

Literary analysis of children's work of art

Story V. Oseeva “On the skating rink”.

Subject story - children.

Idea story: show the influence of opinion strangers on a person’s behavior, that is, deviation from the rules of behavior, from one’s beliefs.

Main characters smallgirl and boy Vitya.

The girl is small, she doesn’t know how to skate yet, so “with her arms outstretched funny, she rode from bench to bench.”

Vitya is a schoolboy, he is older than this girl. He skates very well and skillfully, “does different tricks.” Vitya, a kind, well-mannered boy (he was very scared when he hit the girl), felt guilty and helped brush the snow off his fur coat. The boy has a sense of responsibility.

But what was more important for him was the opinion of strangers on the situation. The laughter of the boys he knew made Vitya change his behavior. It was as if he had been replaced in one minute, he became weak-willed, arrogant, arrogant, ill-mannered. Vitya behaved as those around him expected him to. He instantly adjusts his opinion in his favor. But maybe the schoolchildren didn’t laugh at Vitya at all, but among themselves.?!

For some reason, Vitya suddenly had this exact feeling: “They’re laughing at me!” – Vitya thought and turned away from the girl. But for complete self-confidence and to “raise” his authority in the eyes of the boys he knew, he shouted to the girl “Crybaby!”

Minor The heroes of the story are two boys. They “tied up their skates and looked at Vitya.” They really liked the way Vitya skated. One of the boys shouted “Well done!” The boys laughed when Vitya, dropping the little girl, brushed off her fur coat. The story does not say anything about the fact that the boys laughed at Vitya. IN this work we cannot say whether they were good boys or not. Although, they could approach Vita, cheer him up, help calm the girl down.

Plot the story is simple. The children were skating on the skating rink. Schoolboy Vitya knocks down a little girl. He feels guilty, he calms her down, brushes off his fur coat. The laughter of friends was heard from behind, and Vitya thought that they were laughing at him. He immediately left the girl, also shouting “What a crybaby!” Then all three of them merrily slid along the ice, not paying attention to the girl. And she rubbed her knee and cried.

Composition simple.

Exposition - Children are skating on the skating rink.

Stuck ka- Vitya knocks over a little girl.

Climax – change in Vitya’s behavior, his thought “They’re laughing at me!”

Interchange – Vitya remains hostage to his opinion. He believes that helping a person, even if you are to blame for his misfortune, is bad. As if nothing had happened, he moves on with the boys, leaving only one crying girl.

Genre - story.

Language – available for children's reading and perception. This is facilitated by the use simple sentences and dialogues in the story.

The story has great educational value.

Beyond the distant seas, at the foot of the Blue Mountain, above fast river Sorengoy, there is a small country called Aibolitiya. It is ruled by Doctor Aibolit, ruddy, gray-haired and kind. The main inhabitants of this country are swans, hares, camels, squirrels, cranes, eagles, and deer.

Next to Aibolitiya is the animal kingdom of Ferocity. There, among deserts and forests, live jaguars, jackals, boa constrictors, rhinoceroses and other bloodthirsty animals. The king of this country is Barmaley. Woe to anyone who gets lost and ends up in his kingdom!

But, fortunately, in the distance, on a wide plain, there is a mighty land of Miracles. There are millions of heroes in this country, and among them is the famous fighter, the valiant Vanya Vasilchikov. Listen to how he defeated Barmaley and saved Aibolitiya from a terrible invasion of wild animals.

Part one

Evil, evil, bad snake

The young man was bitten by a sparrow.

(It hurts the little sparrow, it hurts!)

He wanted to fly away, but he couldn’t,

And he cried and fell on the sand.

(It hurts the little sparrow, it hurts!)

And a toothless old woman came to him,

Bug-eyed green frog.

(Sorry little sparrow, sorry!)

She took the little sparrow by the wing

And she led the sick man through the swamp.

(Sorry little sparrow, sorry!)

A hedgehog leaned out of the window:

“Where are you taking him, green one?”

“To the doctor, dear, to the doctor!”

“Wait for me, old woman, under the bush,

The two of us will finish it sooner -

To the doctor, to the good doctor"

But there is such darkness all around,

That not a bush is visible in the forest.

And they got lost along the way

And they don’t know where to go.

Just suddenly a firefly came running,

He lit a wonderful lantern:

"Follow me, friends,

I feel sorry for your sparrow!

And they ran away

Behind his blue light.

And they see: in the distance under a pine tree

The house is painted,

And there he sits on the balcony

Good doctor, gray-haired Aibolit.

He bandages a jackdaw's wing

And he tells the rabbit a fairy tale.

Meets them at the entrance

Affectionate elephant

And quietly to the doctor

Leads to the balcony.

But he cries and moans

Sick sparrow

Every minute he

Weaker and Weaker:

The death of a sparrow has come to him!

And in the doctor's arms

He takes the patient.

And treats the sick

All night long.

And he heals and heals him until the morning.

And look - hurray! hooray! —

The patient perked up

He moved his wing.

Tweeted: chick! chick!

And he flew out the window.

"Thank you, my friend,

You cured me!

I will never forget

Your kindness!

And there the wretched crowd crowd at the threshold:

Blind ducklings and legless squirrels,

A lame frog with a sore stomach,

A thin cuckoo with a broken wing

And hares bitten by wolves.

And the doctor treats them all day until sunset,

And suddenly the forest animals laughed:

“We are healthy and cheerful again!”

And they ran into the forest to play and dance,

And they even forgot to say thank you

Forgot to say goodbye!

And the tired doctor fell onto his chair,

He yawned, smiled and fell asleep sweetly.

But immediately someone

Knocking on the gate:

"Oh, doctor, quickly

Save the hippopotamus!

Hippopotamus has hiccups!

Only the hippopotamus hiccups,

Our poor swamp

So it will go smoothly!

Even elephants and boa constrictors

They fly, somersaulting, into ditches!”

"No, I won't go

Treat the hippopotamus

I need a hippo

Reluctant to treat:

Your hippopotamus -

Bloodthirsty villain

He strangled four swans!”

But then they came running

Rhinoceroses to him,

They screamed

On his doorstep:

"Save the gorilla,

The gorilla is sick;

Live wasp

She swallowed it!”

“Well then!

Swallowed a wasp!

I'm an angry wasp

I won't save you for anything!

And the angry gorilla

Let yourself suffer

Bye from gluttony

She won’t unlearn!”

But then a she-wolf comes knocking on Aibolit’s door

“I also want to be treated by you!”

“What makes you sick?”

“Yes, my teeth hurt.

I ate today

Twelve kids!

“Go away, you evil one!

I only treat the good ones,

You, bloodsucker,

I don’t want to heal!”

The she-wolf got angry:

“There’s no point in messing with them,”

With turkey poults, with hedgehogs,

Yes with kids!

If anyone dies,

No one will feel sorry for them!”

And the hippopotamus said:

“Look, you found someone to take care of.

These are all simple people

It doesn’t matter if he dies.”

And the shark Karakula

Her mouth opened wide:

“You heal my children,

Don’t you dare sparrows!”

And the jackal bared his teeth,

And he chattered his teeth:

“We don’t need doctors

For some sparrows!

We'll eat you now

We won’t give it to anyone!”

But he looks boldly

On enemies Aibolit:

“Well then!

I am at your mercy!

Tear me apart!

Grab me

And swallow me!

But know this, villains:

Myriad army

He will protect me!

She won't forgive

Will take revenge

She will stand up for me!”

And the fierce animals are getting angrier and angrier.

There will be no mercy from fierce beasts.

Their teeth, horns and hooves are terrible,

They will tear apart and kill Aibolit.

Poor, gray-haired Aibolit!

Who will protect him?

Then it flies into his window

"Don't be afraid, good doctor,

Don't be timid!

I will not part, good doctor,

I'm with you,

I am for you, good doctor,

I'll go into battle.

Because today, good doctor,

You saved me from death!

And for this, good doctor,

I will save you now."

And the gorilla bared his teeth,

And growling she said:

"We are fierce beasts,

We are bloody villains

We don't feel sorry for anyone

Who is kinder and weaker?

We are teeth, we are claws,

We are hoof and fang

These creatures are defenseless

We’ll tear you to pieces, we’ll gnaw you to death.”

Part two

War! War!

From all sides

Aibolit's house is surrounded!

There are walruses in the garden, and on the road

Hyenas, tigers, rhinoceroses!

“Well, doctor, go out into battle!

Now you and I will fight!”

And the villains set

Nineteen batteries

At the twentieth battery -

The robber Barmaley himself.

He stands and doesn't move,

Aims directly at Aibolit.

Sixty-four guns

He placed it at the edge of the forest

And together with the shark

Buried behind the stream

And he laughs and laughs,

And sharpens a crooked saber:

“Well, now Aibolit

He won’t run away from me!”

The good doctor answers:

“Wait, you beast!”

And the good doctor calls

Your faithful army:

"You grasshoppers


Run through the fields

To those green poplars,

And ask quickly

Magpies and bullfinches,

Where is the infantry

Hippopotamus -

Or by the swamp,

So that our cranes

They could have bombed it.

And put it at the gate

Long-range anti-aircraft guns.

To the arrogant saboteur

No troops landed on us!

You, machine gunner frog,

Hide behind a bush

So that on the enemy unit

Unexpected attack

You guerrilla eagles,

Shoot down enemy tanks,

And derail

Barmaleev steam locomotive!

You, dear sparrow,

Fly out to the field quickly,

And fly, fly like an arrow

Behind the furry bee,

So that the furry bee

Barmaleya drove away!

They laugh evilly

Sharks and wolves:

“No, Aibolit, the bees will not save you.

We have taken over your home forever

And we will never leave it!”

But with a cheerful buzz

From windows and doors

The bees, the bees, have swooped in,

Bees, bees, bees, bees,

Bees, bees, bees, bees,

Bees, bees, bees, bees

On frightened animals.

And let's stab them with stings,

Like sharp daggers.

Bitten by a hippopotamus

And the hippopotamus is in pain,

Mouth open like a gate,

So he fell into the swamp

And the beluga roars.

And they don't stop

They bite more than ever.

The rhinoceroses got scared

We ran along the road

And the rhinoceros is scared

The rhinoceros sat on the horn.

And above them there are a cloud of bees,

They sting and torment.

And cheerful on a branch

The sparrow sings:

“Oh yes bees!

That's how bees are!

They are stronger than all animals

And smarter and braver!”

And the chicks are ringing above them,

Like ringing bells:

“Oh, praise be to you, praise!

Labor, Combat,


Part three

Victory! Victory!

But the enemy is not defeated!

The villain Barmaley stands behind the river.

He's standing

Barmaley, and yawns,

He spits on meadow flowers,

And his saliva is poisonous:

Wherever you spit, there are snakes and lizards.

He stands with his boa constrictors,

With your bloody wolves.

There are nasty baboons around him

The drunks were lounging on the grass.

He stands above the cheerful villages,

He stands over the fields cheerfully

“Exterminate! Destroy!

Destroy! Kill!

Destroy! Bomb it!

No people

No children -

Spare no one!”

And behind him are crocodiles and gorillas,

With his stupid boars

Repeat night and day:

“We’ll gnaw on you!” Let's cripple! Let's kill!"

Long Doctor Aibolit

He looks at the robber:

“There’s nothing to do!

We'll have to

Fight this reptile

Otherwise all the people

He will die from the monster, -

There won't be any people left

Only sharks and tigers have teeth.”

Four blackbirds from a big nest,

They shouted:

“Trouble! Trouble!

Run to shelter quickly!”

And immediately in the darkness, like four beeps,

Four bulls mooed in the distance:

"Anxiety! Anxiety! Anxiety!"

The doctor came out onto the balcony and quietly looked into the sky:

“Yes, there is a plane above us,

There's a hippopotamus on the plane,

That one has a hippopotamus

Rapid fire machine gun.

He flies over the swamp

It flies like a low-level flight,

A little lower than the poplars,

And he shoots from a machine gun

In frightened children."

Oh, trouble! trouble! trouble!

Children are rushing in all directions.

And the bunnies run

For the hedgehogs,

And they scream and roar,

And they scream

He flew up into the sky

Soared like a black raven

And throws bombs, bombs

To the meadows and forests.

And sighs and is sad

Good Doctor Aibolit:

Will it help me?

Who will destroy the pirate?

Who will rise up and knock down

This black plane?

"I!" - the sparrow chirped,

Jumping among the branches:

“Or I will die in battle,

Or I’ll knock him down!”

And the sparrow rushed

Past enemy batteries:

“Fly out after me,

Eighteen cranes!

And they flew over the fields

Cranes after cranes,

And they rushed to attack:

“Well, damn it, watch out!”

We ran into the beast,

The plane was surrounded

And he grunted with fright

Crazy hippopotamus.

Over the dark plains

They fly after him

And very long

Crane noses

They're hammering him, they're hammering him.

They tortured him in total,

They stabbed me like pikes

Tortured, wounded,

Pierced, rammed,

And they're still hammering him

They're hammering him, damn it,

They hammer, they hammer, they hammer:

“So here you go! So here's to you,

Unscrupulous pirate

So as not to dare to shoot

Helpless guys!

And look: he’s spinning,

The plane spun

And fell and crashed

Stopudovy hippopotamus.

And the doctor bowed and said to the cranes:

“Thank you, thank you, brave ones.”

Then he said to the daring sparrow:

“I will never forget your service.”

And the birds responded:

"We are glad to serve you,

The fierce bastards would rather perish!”

Part four

But the battle does not subside.

And then in the morning

In a quiet clearing in a pine forest

The radio is heard cheerfully:

"Today we captured

One hundred and fourteen hyenas

Captured ten pillboxes

Eighteen planes

One hundred and one motorcycles

One hundred and one bicycles

We got trophies:

One hundred and four batteries

Three hundred boxes of grenades,

Field balloon

And one hundred and twenty million

Unfired cartridges.

And when we drove the enemy

To the starting lines,

They sneaked across to us

Three hundred seventy walruses:

“We don’t want to serve a bandit,

Let’s serve Aibolit!”

While retreating, the enemy set fire

Swan town,

But the eagles effortlessly

They extinguished everything with their wings,

And near the city of En-En

We captured a gorilla

And saved five hundred seals

From destroyed villages.

True, the enemy is still strong,

So it’s rushing from all sides.

On his left flank -

Fierce orangutans,

And on the right - a hundred regiments

Mad wolves.

But victory is already close

Above the cannibal's horde.

"Soon, soon he will be

Defeated and crushed


But gray-haired Aibolit is quiet and sad.

He sits on a stone, sighing heavily

And he listens to the ringing radio.

And he thinks about great fighters.

About their noble and brave hearts,

Those who died for their free homeland.

But suddenly the cranes flew to him:

“We brought you bright joy!”

There is a wonderful country in the east,

It is called the Power of Glory.

(Listen! Listen! Listen!)

She is free and strong and proud,

She never surrenders to the enemy.

(Listen! Listen! Listen!)

And she has many mighty knights,

But more noble, stronger and braver than all

Valiant Vanya Vasilchikov.

He sends you, doctor, heartfelt greetings

And so he says: “If an evil cannibal

Will burst into your Aibolitiya, -

He will instantly fly to your aid

And he will crush his fierce enemy.

With all his mad hordes!

And Aibolit is glad,

And the people rejoice:

“Now the villain will not break through.

Drive Barmaley away from our gates

Vanya Vasilchikov will help us!”

Part five

And the evening came.

And in a quiet clearing

Merry deer laugh and dance,

And squirrels, and hares, and swans.

And the doctor is in thought

Sits at the table

With a brave deer

And the wise eagle,

And the plan discusses a great battle,

To defeat the enemy tomorrow.

He sits and doesn’t know

What a secret path

Snuck in here

From the forest thicket

Cunning evil fox.

As for the house itself,

She crept up

That the villain got up

In the darkness by the window

And it lurks in the dark nettles.

Barmaley himself sent her here,

But the doctor doesn't know

Doesn't know about her

And he speaks frankly

One hundred thousand fighters

I'm leading against the enemy.

But woe: we have

There aren’t enough shells!”

“Where are the shells?” —

The eagle screamed.

And the doctor responded:

"Between the cliffs and rocks

On Blue Mountain

Under the lonely pine

I buried them myself

In a deep cave!

“Hurry up for them! —

The deer exclaimed. —

The night has already brightened

And the day is coming."

And he galloped into the distance

Along a quiet clearing,

And after him -

Swift-footed fallow deer.

Didn't say a word

Wise eagle.

He flapped his wings

And went into the sky -

To that Blue Mountain,

To that distant peak,

Where are the shells hidden?

In a deep cave.

And flocks of eagles

Soared above the forests,

And into the starry sky

They rushed after him.

And kindly the doctor

He looks after them:

"Now to the villains

There is no salvation!..

Victory is mine!”

And the evil fox

Snuck into the bushes

And he rushes towards the robber.

And everything I overheard

There by the window

Now he

She told.

And shouted cheerfully

Villain Barmaley

With your bloodthirsty

"To the Blue Mountain

Run quickly

To distant cliffs

And the rocks

And there's dynamite

Blow up the cache

Where did he hide the shells?

Crazy old man!

And instantly the jackals

They sped off into the distance

And the cannibal is glad,

And with a bloody hand

He gives as a reward

To the crafty fox

Live scolopendra

Big medal

And the Order of Woodlice,

And the Order of the Hyena -

"For lies"

"For deceit"

“For the meanness of treason”...

And the doctor is on the dark

The balcony is worth

And into a darker sky

He looks from the balcony.

Oh, if only sooner

Through the black clouds

To the blue top

The eagles have arrived!

Oh, if only there was a deer

Through the thorny bush

I got there quickly

To the desired rock!

Oh, if only in blocks

Snow avalanches

Crushed in the mountains

Fierce jackals!

Part six

And the morning came.

Fireflies in the garden

Already paid off

Your own lights

And the volleys rang out

Mighty weapons

And the doctor to the troops

Rode on a camel:

We are going on the offensive!”

"Follow me,

All the way!

We will sweep away

Hurricane fire

Those black tanks

What's there in the clearing?

They stand, hiding,

Behind the high hill

On the wolves

We're on the attack

Then the jaguars

We will knock out

And if by noon

We'll get the shells

We are the enemy's night

We will defeat you without mercy!”

And with joyful cries

He rushed into battle

And all your army

Led along:

We are going on the offensive!”

And she ran away

Cannibal horde

And the doctor behind her:

"Victory! Victory!

We are going on the offensive!”

How fun it is to drive

Crazy animals

From peaceful villages

Your homeland!

And the doctor screams

To your faithful warriors, -

Bears, elephants,

And seals and chamois:

“Thank you, heroes!

Glory and honor to you!”

And suddenly it spread

Terrible news:

"Defeat the enemy

Our soldiers are happy

But we ran out

Their live ammunition."

What to do? What to do?

Gray-haired Aibolit

Both in the sky and in the field

He looks sadly.

Looks to see if they're flying

Through the black clouds

Eagles after eagles

On mighty wings?

Looks to see if he's running

To native shores

Brave deer

Through green meadows?

Then he looks at the sky,

Then he looks into the field,

But there is no one -

Only the wind is humming.

And he looks from afar

Villainous fox

And her vile heart

Having fun.

Part seven

And the ferocious beasts

As if the chain had been broken

And bloody

We rushed through the swamp.

Tanks, tanks, tanks are rushing,

And behind them on the wolves

Fierce orangutans

With mortars in hands.

And they rush into attack

Behind the macaques are macaques,

And they shoot from the clouds

Thousands of stormtroopers.

Black-winged owls and kites!

But, without flinching, he says

Good Doctor Aibolit:

“I will fight to the end.

I will defeat the insolent one."

And he himself looks and looks and looks at the distant

Blue rocks,

And he sees: the jackals have already galloped to the rocks.

Now the villains will run to the cave, to the secret cave,

And dynamite the cave - yes, dynamite! - will blow up.


Oh, happiness!

He flies, flies over the rocks,

The majestic eagle is flying, flying with his eagles!

And right at them, at the jackals, it pecks them and beats them with its wings

And the evil jackals fall, fall, fall from the heights.

The damned animals died, died,

And no one made it to the cave -

Praise be to you, blue-winged eagles!

And now from the mountains through a green meadow

Cheerful deer run after the deer -

They are carrying shells and shells.

And Aibolit is glad, and his soldiers are glad:

“Now we will defeat the enemy without mercy,

Now you are gone, monster!

But then four blackbirds arrived,

Four blackbirds from a large nest.

They shouted:

“Trouble! trouble! Look, along the dark road

Rhinos are running towards the deer!

Here through our forests

The villainous fox brought them secretly!

Now from ambush

They will attack him

And our shells

They'll take it from him!

O brave deer!

He stands before them

Like granite!

But he fell and didn’t get up!

He's killed! He's killed! He's killed!

They gored him with their horns!

They trampled him with their feet!

And he, lifeless, lies in the clearing,

And the timid deer ran away!

And the villains got our shells,

And our soldiers were left without shells!

“Oh, woe to us! woe to us! woe to us!

And everyone started crying:

“What a disaster!

We didn't know this one

Never before!”

And here with his pack

Barmaley has already rushed over.

He ran into Aibolit

And he croaked angrily:

“Yeah, gotcha, my dear!

I’ll deal with you!”

And over the gray head

He waved his curved saber.

But suddenly...


What's happened?

The villain's hand dropped.

And he turned pale and trembled,

And he ran through the swamp...

But no! the villain cannot escape!

And he looks up in horror,

And there, above, under the black cloud

He sees death imminent.

Part Eight

There's a plane flying there

There is a pilot on the plane,

This is him, this is Vanya Vasilchikov!

He opened his parachute.

And look: he’s here, -

He runs to the damned cannibal,

He runs and shouts:

“Wait, bandit, you will remember Vanya Vasilchikov!”

And to his shark

Barmaley says:

"Help me,

Shark with teeth!

Behind you.

Like behind a strong wall.

I’ll hide from Vanya Vasilchikov.”

But Vanyusha takes out a revolver from his belt

And with a revolver he attacks her like a hurricane:

“Listen, you toothy reptile,

I'll tell you without bragging:

If you want to swallow.

Swallow a hippopotamus

But you can’t handle me, shark,

You, shark, will choke on me!”

And he hit Karakul

Four bullets between the eyes

And run, run, run

Through the swamp behind the enemy.

2 There's a furry gorilla here

Vanya blocked her way:

“Wait, where are you going? I won't let you in!

I’ll tear you to pieces, trample on you!”

But he waved with all his strength

With a sharp saber once and twice,

And from a mad gorilla

The head flew off.

And like a bomb over the swamp

I flew to the hippopotamuses,

Mutilated ferrets

Crippled the wolves

And I fell into a ditch,

Where did you kill the crocodile?

And the boa constrictor shell-shocked the fierce one.

Just look, the fox is sitting

By the icy stream:

“Hello, Vanya, brave knight,

I am your ally!

But without wasting a minute,

He stabbed her with a bayonet

And into the ravine an evil fox

She rolled head over heels.

And the dead one fell into the nettles.

And the villain rushed up the mountain

Along a steep slope,

So that from there somehow

Fly away into the dark forest.

But Vanyusha

Behind the pirate -

Through the field

Through rye:

"No, damn it,

You're going nowhere

From retribution

You won’t leave!”

And he threatens Barmaley

With your sharp saber.

Barmaley became intimidated and stupefied

And Barmaley turned white as chalk,

And Barmaley burst into tears,

And Barmaley fell before Vanya:

"Don't destroy me,

Don't cut me down

Have pity on me, have pity on me!”

But Vanyusha grinned,

Turned left and right

And asked the bears,

For eagles and swans:

“Should Barmaley be spared?

Bloodthirsty villain?

And now from the forests

They shouted: “No! No! No!

May the cannibal perish!

There is no mercy for the executioner!”

And they rushed in on a tank

Three guerrilla eagles

"You are a traitor and a murderer,

Marauder and flayer!

Listen, bloodsucker,

The popular verdict:




And immediately on a quiet autumn morning,

At eight o'clock on Sunday

The sentence was carried out

And so much stinking poison poured out

From the black heart of a murdered reptile,

That even hyenas are nasty

And they staggered like drunken people.

Fell into the grass and got sick

And every one of them died.

And the good animals were saved from the infection,

They were saved by wonderful gas masks

Part nine

And the cubs laugh

The walruses are smiling

And with the furry ones


Hedgehogs are tumbling.

The whole earth is glad, glad,

The groves and fields are glad,

Glad blue lakes

And gray poplars:

“Barmaley is not in the world,

Bloodthirsty villain!

The fierce Barmaley disappeared,

The world has become more fun!”

And the crows over the fields

Suddenly the nightingales began to sing.

And streams from underground

Sweet honey flowed.

The chickens became peahens,

Bald - curly.

And a cow along the village

Jumped joyfully

Glad, glad, glad

Light birch trees.

And on them with joy

Roses are blooming.

Glad, glad, glad

Dark aspens,

And on them with joy

Oranges are growing.

It wasn't rain that came from a cloud

And not hail.

It fell from the cloud


So many gingerbreads and apples

And sweets

Suddenly it rained out of the cloud

For children

What guys three weeks

Ate, ate, ate, ate

And with a full belly

Collapsed under a bush

And then let's start first

Eat to your heart's content,

And there's still a lot left

Uneaten candies and nuts.

Geese and turkeys dance

And daisies and cornflowers.

Even the mill

She danced near the bridge.

So run after me

To green meadows,

Where above the blue river

The rainbow-arc has risen!

We'll climb the rainbow

Let's play in the clouds

And from there - down the rainbow

On sleds and skates!

And with cheerful Aibolit

Vasilchikov himself is coming.

Before the famous hero

The people make way:

"Glory, glory to the winner,

Our homeland's savior!

And to the hero Aibolit,

Smiling, he says:

“The victory was not easy

Above the cannibal horde,

But then it spilled

Our valiant blood,

So that everyone gets it

Only happiness, only joy,

Only affection and love!”

Tatyana raw
V. Oseeva “On the skating rink”. Literary reading in III grade

Goals. Shape reading activity; expand your reading horizons; cultivate kindness and responsiveness.

Equipment. Printed text of the story for each child; cards with words for vocabulary work; several illustrations for the text (one suitable); sheets of paper with numbered phrases, notebooks on reading.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment

The teacher checks the students' readiness for the lesson.

II. Introductory talk

Teacher. What time of year is it now?

Children. It's winter now.

U. What winter games and entertainment do you know?

D. Skiing, skating, sledding, playing snowballs; In winter you can sculpt a snow woman.

U. Which ones do you like?

Children's answers.

Where can you go ice skating?

D. You can skate on skating rink.

U. Today I want to introduce you to a story Oseeva"On skating rink".

The teacher reads the story after asking a question.

Name the characters.

D. A little girl, three schoolchildren, one of whom is named Vitya.

Vocabulary work

Words for analysis and expressions with marked stress are printed on cards and posted on the board. Work is being carried out on the assimilation and understanding of individual words and phrases by students; in this case, one can use such techniques as analyzing the word by composition, explaining the meaning of its root, selecting words with the same root, indicating the history of the origin of the word, establishing associative connections, explaining the meaning of the word, introducing the word into an understandable phrase.

Nevidal - extraordinary; haven't seen (that's what they said before). “What a surprise..?” - how can I say this differently? (nothing special).

Spun like a top - quickly around itself (make a connection with a children's toy - spinning top).

He turned dashingly - sharply, unexpectedly.

Cards with words and phrases should not be removed during the lesson so that children have the opportunity to refer to them.

U. Who do you think was older - Vitya or the girl?

D. Vitya was older.

U. Why? Support with words from the text.

Children complete the task.

Sh. Text analysis

U. How did the little girl skate? Read it. Children complete the task.

Why do you think she drove like that?

D. She still stood uncertainly on her skates.

U. What was Vitya doing? Read it.

Children complete the task.

What does this mean?

D. Vitya was very good at skating.

Children re-read the text with a question.

U. What happened when Vitya showed his skating skills?

D. When Vitya showed his ability to skate, he ran into a little girl and she fell.

U. What did the little girl hit?

D. The little girl hit her knee.

U. How did Vitya act?

D. At first Vitya began to help the girl, but then he turned away and left.

U. Why did Vitya change his behavior?

D. Vitya changed his behavior because the rest of the schoolchildren began to laugh at him.

D. Vitya did the wrong thing by leaving the girl alone. Vita did not have to pay attention to the laughter of other schoolchildren.

U. What new things have you learned about human relationships?

D. There is no need to be ashamed, embarrassed to help another, ashamed to laugh at another person’s misfortune.

IV. Physical education lesson - game "Forbidden movement"

The teacher shows the children a “forbidden movement” that cannot be repeated. Students reproduce various movements after the teacher, except for the “forbidden” ones. If a child makes a mistake, he can be put back in his place. In the end, the most attentive one is revealed.

V. Working with illustrations

The teacher shows illustrations, children must choose an illustration that matches the text and explain their choice:

U. What is shown in the illustration?

D. The illustration shows how a little girl sits on a bench, rubs her bruised knee and cries, and three schoolchildren, holding hands, skate away.

U. What happened before this moment, which was depicted by the artist?

Children's answers.

VI. Outlining a Story

The teacher reads part of the story, the children orally draw a picture of what they read.

("verbal drawing") and give it a name.

U. How many pictures have you and I drawn?

D. We painted three pictures.

U. Each picture corresponds semantic part story. How many meaningful parts are there in the story?

D. The story has three parts.

U. We gave each semantic part of the story a name, and we got a plan for the story.

The teacher writes the story plan on the board.

On the board.

1. Children on skating rink.

2. Incident.

3. Vitya’s behavior.

Children retell the story according to plan.

Children are given numbered sheets of paper. The teacher reads out a set of numbered phrases that correspond or do not correspond to the content of the story. Students must put a “+” or “-” sign next to the phrase number. There is minimal time to think. Students must justify their answer if they put a “-”. Or the student explains why he chose an answer option that does not match the standard.

1. Vitya and the girl were the same age.

2. Vitya accidentally pushed the little girl.

3. Vitya stayed to help the girl.

VII. Summing up

W. We read a story today Oseeva"On skating rink", retold it and looked at the illustrations. What Valentina taught us Oseeva?

D. In trouble, you need to help people, not laugh.

There is no need to be ashamed or embarrassed to help others.

The teacher gives marks for work in class.

VIII. Homework

U. Write a description of Vitya in your notebooks.