Dominic biography. Dominic Joker: biography

Ukrainian and Russian singer Dominic Joker became famous wide circles viewers thanks to his participation as a singer at the “Star Factory” in 2004. He has already achieved significant success while embarking on this project: in the mid-90s, Joker was a member of the boy band “2+2”, recognized by the public. At the same time, he showed himself as a talented composer. After graduating from the “Star Factory,” Dominic organized the group “Banda” and its debut album broke all popularity records. After the group broke up, Joker began to do solo career, proving himself to be an excellent singer, arranger and producer. Having become a star, Dominic starred in several films and is now one of the recognizable and beloved performers on the modern stage. Very little was known about Dominic Joker's wife in the media until news of their separation appeared.

Albina Breslavskaya was the Joker's wife for many years and they have two sons: Martin, eleven, and Marcus, who is now eight. According to Dominic himself, his wife, a landscape designer by profession, was never particularly interested in his career and was busy with housekeeping and raising children. She is almost indifferent to music, and the boys born in 2005 and 2008 occupied all of her free time. Albina only has a little freedom left for the gym, beautician and shopping. In addition, the happy Joker, picking up his wife from the clinic after the birth of his second son, proudly and joyfully told reporters that they were planning to have another daughter, whose name they had chosen in advance, Eva. The growing boys are divided in their interests: Martin is most interested in sports, and his younger brother shows an aptitude for singing and performing arts.

What was the relationship between the Breslavsky spouses (the name given to the Joker at birth is Alexander Alexandrovich Breslavsky) is now quite difficult to say. Some media write that they deteriorated long before Dominic's infatuation with his new girlfriend, others write that nothing in the family foreshadowed his insidious betrayal of his wife. The only fact that can be considered in this whole story is that at the end of 2015 the public was stunned by the news that the Joker had a lover - 27-year-old singer Ekaterina Kokorina from Barnaul. This couple met on the television project “Battle of the Choirs,” in which Dominic was the star mentor of a group that arrived from Altai. There they met so closely that the 35-year-old Joker, leaving his family, moved to another apartment, which became their love nest.

An interview appeared in the press with Albina, who shared with journalists the difficulties she had encountered with her children: her mother even came to her aid. She said that for her birthday the boys gave her a drawing of a woman holding the hands of two children. The father is not in this picture. It is impossible to say how true this information is, because the singer himself offers a completely different interpretation of events. According to him, he and his wife have been on the verge of divorce for a long time and quite calmly discussed this among themselves, and Catherine appeared with him almost a year after the family broke up. His ex-wife already has another man and he is not against the fact that Albina’s sons will be in the care of both separated spouses. True, that fateful “Battle of the Choirs” took place in 2014 and gossips claim that the Joker’s relationship with his ward has been going on for more than a year.

In any case, officially the version of complete agreement, reconciliation and agreement between ex-spouses. Dominic insists that the boys calmly assess the current situation and “live with two families.” He even posted pictures on the Internet in which he and Kokorina take part in a walk with youngest son Marcus: Martin can't always afford it because he has busy schedule training on figure skating. The Joker's relatives have already managed to like Catherine and they accept her as a daughter-in-law. Dominic Joker's wife, according to him, also managed to “find mutual language with Katyusha” and “to create a good atmosphere, since children live so easily and calmly” after their parents separated. Where is the truth here and where is it not, perhaps it will become clear later.

Dominic Joker is known not only as the performer of his tracks, which have become popular short term hits, he is also a successful composer, poet and producer. But the artist does not stop there and is constantly improving, implementing new projects and plans. He recently opened music studio where professional teachers teach beginners acting, vocals and choreography. However, it was not only his creative career: in the singer’s personal life there is also everything to be happy: his beloved girlfriend, two children, as well as warm friendly relations with ex-wife.

Dominic (Alexander Breslavsky) was born in 1980 in Odessa. His father is a Polish Jew, and his mother is Basconian, so for a long time his parents could not decide in what faith to baptize him. Nevertheless, they agreed, choosing several names of saints for the baby: Alex, Dominic and Alexander. Soon the father left the family, and the boy was raised by his mother and stepfather. Also in early childhood he became interested in music and wrote his first poem. As he grew older, the boy learned to play various instruments and studied music, but he was not at all interested in studying at school.

After graduating from school, the young man applied to become a sailor, while simultaneously studying at music school. In the mid-90s, taking the creative pseudonym Joker, he became a member of the boy band “2+2”, where he showed his talent as a composer, and already in 2004 he got into the project “Star Factory 4”. As part of this show, Dominic, together with other participants, created the group “Banda”, whose songs quickly gained popularity. After the collapse of the group, the artist began writing songs for Russian artists, and in 2008 he announced himself as a solo artist.

For a long time, the Joker hid his personal life, however, it was known that in 2006 he had his first family. His wife Albina gave birth to two sons to the artist: Martin and Makrus. However, already in 2013 the couple divorced. According to the singer himself, they broke up not because of betrayal, but because the relationship between them ended. The ex-wife remarried, but they continue to participate together in raising their common children.

In the photo Dominic Joker with his family: ex-wife Albina and sons

While working on the “Battle of the Choirs” project, Dominic met young participant Ekaterina Kokorina. The girl immediately liked the artist, who was one of the mentors. When the musician and the project finalists were in Sochi, where they performed in front of winter athletes Olympic Games, he confessed his love to Katya. And after a while she came to the Joker in Moscow, and for some time now the lovers have not parted.

The artist's children, who live in two houses, quickly became friends with new lover dads. The eldest son is engaged in figure skating, where he is already making great progress. The boy spends a lot of time training, and many coaches noticed him.

  • Russian singer, rap and r"n"b music performer, producer, songwriter, composer and arranger.
  • Dominic Joker(real name - Alexander Breslavsky) was born on July 19, 1980 in Odessa.
  • The creative path of Dominic Jocker / Dominic Jocker

  • The first popularity came to Dominic Joker like being in a boy band "2+2", which was popular in the mid-90s. Then Dominic for the first time declared himself not only as a performer, but also as a successful composer. Second round of popularity Dominic Joker was called television project “Star Factory - 4” (2004). As part of the project, Dominic, together with Timati, Ratmir Shishkov and Nastya Kochetkova create a group "Gang"- at that time one of the most popular groups in the country. The debut album of "Banda", the music for which was entirely written by Dominic, breaks sales records. After the death of Ratmir Shishkov in car accident the group was disbanded and the musicians took up solo careers.
  • After the collapse of the "Gang" came the real " finest hour by composer Dominic Joker.

    He collaborated with many Russian artists first echelon. For four years in a row - from 2004 to 2007 - he was recognized as one of the laureates of the Song of the Year television festival. In 2007, Dominic Joker realized another big project: During the television season, he worked on the show You're a Superstar.

    In 2008, a solo career began.

    On music channels Dominic Joker's first video appeared " Abandoned by God" And in 2009, Dominic released his debut solo album « Real people ", which included 20 compositions. According to the artist, the track list of the album could have been much more voluminous: difficult task became the choice of compositions, of which a huge number have accumulated over almost ten years of work.

    2012 was a very successful year for Dominic Joker.

    Sincere and heartfelt soul ballad " If you're with me"From the first days of the opening of iTunes - the official Apple music store - in Russia it was in the top 20 sales leaders. Experts and viewers of the hit parade “Red Star” (Channel One) included Dominic Joker’s hit among the 20 best songs 2012, and " Russian radio" marked his composition with the "Golden Gramophone" - one of the most prestigious music awards Russia. Without waiting for the end of the year, Dominic presents his fans with another surprise: a touching composition “ Goodbye", written on the poems of the classic Russian and Soviet literature Maxim Gorky. And one of the most famous directors and video makers in the country, Irina Mironova, turns “Farewell” into a pirate story, a romantic mini-film about love, friendship, passions, betrayal and betrayal, for just over three minutes, making Dominic Joker a real dramatic artist. Dominic started 2013 with the premiere of his new video for the song “Farewell.”

    Diploma of laureate of the television festival “Song of the Year” - 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2011. Russian Radio Golden Gramophone Award - 2012. Diploma of the “Red Star” program (20 best songs of 2012) - 2012.

  • Dominic Joker discography:

  • 2009 - “Real People”
  • With the group "Banda":
  • 2004 - “New People”
  • With group “2+2”:
  • 1998 - “Don’t say goodbye”
  • 2000 - “One, two, three.”

The personality of Dominic Joker has long needed no introduction. Every line in his tracks is a story in which the whole gamut sounds human feelings. Each of his songs is a hit, topping dozens of charts and federal radio stations in the country.

Today Dominic Joker - successful musician, singer, producer, who has managed to go far beyond the Russian stage over the past few years.

“If you are with me”, “Farewell”, “I breathe you” - these are only a small part of the artist’s popular compositions, included in the playlist of fashion clubs and karaoke bars, and the country’s prestigious awards and music awards (“Golden Gramophone”, “Song of the Year” ", "Red Star" of Channel One) only strengthen Dominic Joker's leadership position in the Russian music market and confirm his significant contribution to the development music industry.

Dominic Joker (Alexander Breslavsky) was born on July 19, 1980 in Odessa. He graduated from school there and entered the local conservatory, from which he was expelled for completely ignoring formalities educational process. There were no questions about talent and hearing.

The mass public first learned about Dominic Joker as a member of the boy band “2+2,” which was quite popular in the mid-90s. Then Dominic for the first time declared himself not only as a performer, but also as a successful composer. It was he who wrote the vast majority musical material groups.

Alas, like many production teams, the group “2+2” never became a “long-term project” and, having survived the crisis of 1998, happily broke up, releasing another album. But without Dominic Joker, who chose to choose solo work and working with my colleagues as a composer.

The second round of popularity of Dominic Joker was provoked by the television project “Star Factory 4” (2004), which, according to all television analysts, became the most rated season of all the shows filmed under this brand. As part of the project, Dominic, together with Timati, Ratmir Shishkov and Nastya Kochetkova, created the group “Banda” - at that time one of the most popular groups in the country.

The hit “Heaven is Crying,” written by Joker and filmed by Mikhail Khleborodov, turns into one of the main songs of 2005 and becomes one of the most rotated singles on domestic radio and TV. Before this, Timati and Alexa’s joint track “When You’re Near” by Dominic Joker “shoots out” just as powerfully. The debut album of "Banda", the music for which was also entirely written by Dominic, is breaking sales records.

Unfortunately, in successful destiny tragedy intervened in the team: one of the members of the “Gang,” Ratmir Shishkov, died in a car accident. His death shocked everyone so much that it was decided to put an end to the history of the Banda group: without Ratmir it would not have been the same group. The musicians took up solo careers.

After the collapse of the “Gang”, the real “finest hour” of composer Dominic Joker came. He collaborated with almost all Russian artists of the first echelon. " Inveterate scammers“they performed his hit “It’s Summer,” the sophisticated VIA “Slivki” sang “Above the Clouds,” Vlad Topalov told the whole country that he would do “For Love.” In addition to the fact that these songs by artists so different in style and style invariably entered the charts and hit parades audience choice, they had one more thing in common: the author of all the music for them was Dominic Joker.

As a producer, he even worked with People's Artist Russia by Oleg Gazmanov, which once again demonstrated the breadth of musical capabilities and talent of Dominic. For four years in a row - from 2004 to 2007 - he was recognized as one of the laureates of the Song of the Year television festival.

In 2008, Dominic Joker implements another big project: throughout the television season he works on the show “You are a Superstar,” one of the most popular projects of the NTV channel. In the same year, he formally announced himself as a solo artist. His first video, “Abandoned by God,” appears on music channels.

And in 2009, Dominic released his debut solo album “Real People”, which included 20 compositions (“Abandoned by God”, “Club Zone”, “If this is love” and others). Moreover, as the artist himself admits, the track list of a record or double album could have been much more voluminous: the most difficult task for him was the choice of compositions, of which a huge number had accumulated over almost ten years of work in the domestic show business.

But 2012 becomes a real turning point for him. The sincere and heartfelt soul ballad “If you are with me” literally explodes on radio and television, it is ordered at “order tables” and live broadcasts, voted for on the Internet and via SMS, discussed on forums and in in social networks. From the first days of the opening of iTunes - the official Apple music store - in Russia, “If You Are With Me” was in the top 20 bestsellers. Experts and viewers of the “Red Star” hit parade (Channel One) included Dominic Joker’s hit among the 20 best songs of 2012, and Russian Radio awarded his composition the “Golden Gramophone” - one of the most prestigious music awards in Russia.

At the beginning of 2013, Dominic presents his fans with another surprise: the touching composition “Farewell”, written to the poems of the classic of Russian and Soviet literature Maxim Gorky. And one of the most famous directors and video makers in the country, Irina Mironova, turns “Farewell” into a pirate story, a romantic mini-film about love, friendship, passions, betrayal and betrayal, for just over three minutes, making Dominic Joker a real dramatic artist.

Inspired by the success of the song “If you are with me,” in the fall of 2013, Dominic Joker released the lyrical composition “I Breathe You,” which becomes a continuation of the love story of the popular hit. However, in new song Dominic Joker takes on the role of the “storyteller” exclusively, incredibly touching, and most importantly the most real history the love that flares up between young people here and now.

In September 2013, Dominic Joker was invited to take part in the major all-Russian project of the Russia-1 channel “Battle of the Choirs” as a mentor of the choir of the Altai Territory and Siberia. Over the course of three months of daily grueling training, choreography and vocal classes, members of the Dominic Joker choir reach the finals and take third place.

The non-standard approach to the selection of musical and stage material for each competition number is noted not only by television viewers, who award the choir of the Altai Territory and Siberia the title of “The Most Dancing and Singing Choir,” but also by the organizers of the upcoming Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi.

Having recorded the Olympic theme song “Climb Olympus” at the request of the organizing committee, Dominic Joker, together with his charges “Angels of Siberia”, goes to Sochi to meet delegations of athletes from the countries participating in the 2014 Games. The result of the trip to Sochi is a video filmed by Dominic and the choir during breaks between performances and meetings of delegations. In the clip telling about the life of the participants Winter Games, also used footage famous athletes and top officials of the state.

Returning from Sochi, Dominic shoots a new video for the song “I Breathe You” and presents the video on February 14, as a gift to fans for Valentine’s Day. The long-awaited novelty of the music industry is the result of a creative symbiosis between director Alexey Golubev and Dominic Joker.

In the video, everything is built on details, both in the images of the characters and in the camerawork itself. As lovers - one of the most beautiful and young couples Russian show business: star of the “Holidays in Mexico” project Olga Savchenko (known under the pseudonym “Nezlaya”) and LIL’ARCHI, the official Back MC of Dominic Joker and the artist’s nephew.

In December 2014, Dominic Joker moved out of his and his wife Albina’s shared apartment in the center of Moscow. As it turned out, the reason was banal - the artist had a new lover - singer Ekaterina Kokorina. " We really love each other, but for now I’m afraid to tell the details: it could harm my new project,” admitted Ekaterina.


Little is known about Kokorina. She came to conquer Moscow from Barnaul. Despite all the hardships metropolitan life, the 27-year-old blonde still managed to make it to the finals of the “Battle of the Choirs” show, where she represented Altai choir. It was there that the aspiring star met Dominic Joker, and later became a participant in the show “The Voice.”

Friends and relatives took the breakup of the family calmly, as if everything was going that way. Two sons are suffering from the incident: nine-year-old Martin and six-year-old Marcus. They practically stopped seeing their father. Albina’s wife is also worried, but tries not to show that she is offended.

“My mother and our nanny are very helpful with the children now, sometimes my mother-in-law comes, the teacher comes to improve her English. The eldest son is engaged in figure skating, we are still thinking about where to send the youngest. Our dad rarely sees his children. Very busy. Recently they went to play paintball. And November 4th was my birthday. We got together with friends at the Uryuk restaurant. The husband, of course, was not there. He's on tour. He called, congratulated, and promised to give a gift later. The children presented a drawing in which a woman holds two boys by the hands - the father is simply not there. And they wrote to back side: “Mommy, we love you!”, quotes Dominic Joker’s wife Albina Starhit.

Dominic himself spends all his free time with his new lover. The other day the couple attended the opening of the musician’s art studio. As it appears, the singer's new passion was able to quickly find a common language with his mother. On Larisa Breslavskaya’s VKontakte page, Ekaterina Kokorina is included in the list of relatives along with the woman’s son, the publication notes. Dominic himself is in no hurry to share the news about his divorce and introduce Kokorin secular society as new girl. On the artist’s social media page, his marital status – married – has not changed.