The biggest lottery win in Russia. The biggest lottery winnings in the world

Who hasn’t dreamed of getting a cash trophy without really straining? But someone, as in that joke, asks God to win without bothering to buy a lottery ticket, and someone takes risks with the hope of luck and as a result becomes the owner of a large sum.

As a rule, newly-minted rich people prefer to remain anonymous and spend money on sales own desires or to help loved ones (most often for the purchase of cars, apartments, business promotion). Money makes some people happy, while others are upset that they couldn’t make good use of their chance.

How to spend 29 million rubles in 5 years?

As an example of the fact that big money is an obvious way to quickly become poor (the idea belongs to Veselin Georgiev), we can cite a family from Ufa. The unemployed Mukhametzyanov spouses were lucky.

Having made a spontaneous bet in the Bingo Show lottery in 2001, Nadezhda and Rustem instantly became millionaires. It seemed that here was a chance to make life better. However, the editors of uznayvsyo.rf sadly report that in 5 years, from 29 million, except for the purchased apartment, there was nothing left. Nadezhda fell ill and died. The tragedy was preceded by long-term alcohol abuse.

The money “catch” was invested in fishing

Muscovite Evgeniy Sidorov decided to spend the 35 million rubles he won in Gosloto on fish farming - carp breeding. In 2009, the former mechanic went with his family to the countryside to implement his plans. The happy transformation of a mechanic into a goldfish maker took place thanks to a bet of 560 rubles.

47 million – for the dreams of loved ones

The 42-year-old Voronezh resident, whose bet of 120 rubles in Stoloto made him a millionaire, shared most of his winnings with relatives, and spent the rest on home renovations and solving other everyday issues. The man hopes that he will be lucky again.

Instead of moving overseas - debts

In 2009, fortune brought fortune on a “golden platter” to a 36-year-old resident Leningrad region 100 million rubles. Having successfully guessed 6 numbers out of 45 in the Gosloto game, Albert Begrakyan began to change his life. I bought several apartments and expensive cars in St. Petersburg, and bought a plot for the construction of a hotel.

He lent an impressive amount - 12 million - to friends, who, however, were in no hurry to return what they had borrowed. As a result, after two years, the money won evaporated, and the debt to the state amounted to 4.5 million rubles. for not paying on time the tax on the winnings remained. According to Albert, if he had another chance, he would spend the money on traveling overseas.

Housing on the Mediterranean Sea

The super prize - 121.8 million rubles - was shared in June 2013 by Volgograd resident Olga, who received 61.5 million rubles, the rest of the amount went to Valery from Perm. Both lucky people decided to spend the money on buying real estate.

A childhood dream come true

In May 2015, the fortune of a 37-year-old resident of the Kaliningrad region increased by 126.9 million rubles. An engineer by profession became rich thanks to a ticket for 800 rubles, purchased at a mobile phone store. The winner said that he had played the lottery since childhood and dreamed of gaining fame thanks to a “lucky” ticket.

To warmer climes

184 million rubles - this lottery prize went to a builder from Omsk. The winning ticket cost the 48-year-old father of three children 810 rubles. The editors of the site clarify that a man named Valery decided to spend the acquired capital on buying a home by the sea.

Months of shock

A 45-year-old resident became rich by 202.4 million rubles in August 2014 Nizhny Novgorod Mikhail F. The father of two children received the cash prize a month after the drawing, because all this time he was in a state of shock. Its owner decided not to share his plans for spending his million-dollar fortune with the public.

Build a business in Moscow

A resident of Novosibirsk, who took second place in the ranking of the site in terms of amount cash prize, guessed 6 numbers out of 45 in Gosloto. This happened in February 2016. The lucky one did not immediately apply for his 358 million rubles. After reading the news about the super prize, the man at first did not understand that he himself had become the hero of these messages.

He compared the number combination on his ticket with the winning one several times before he was sure that fortune was on his side. 47-year-old doctor lucky bet made locally retail point, cost 1800 rubles. He took part in the lottery for two years in a row. The winner said that the money will be used to buy a house in the capital and develop a business.

Contribution to the party treasury

The “palm” in terms of lottery winnings is held by a resident of Sochi named Hasmik. She became the lucky winner of the record prize in May 2017. A fabulous 364 million rubles was brought to her by a bet of 700 rubles, paid with the help of mobile application, in the Gosloto lottery. The newly-made millionaire, who worked in the cultural sector, planned to contribute a third of the winnings to the election fund of one of the Russian political parties.

The largest lottery win in Russian history

In the fall of 2017, the largest winnings in the Stoloto lottery in Russia were registered - in the amount of 506 million rubles. It is noteworthy that the winner is a 63-year-old resident Voronezh region named Natalya Petrovna - at first she didn’t believe in her luck, and the organizers of the draw had to look for the owner huge money in two weeks. After the lucky girl finally came to Moscow to receive the certificate, she said that she was going to give part of the money to charity.

In any case, money is a temptation, but a very pleasant and desirable one. And, perhaps, we should agree with the opinion of Robert Orben, who believed that the phrase “money can’t buy happiness” is most often uttered by those who have neither happiness nor money. Often, rich people - especially the children of businessmen, who inherited luxury by birthright - believe that everything is allowed to them and that the law is not written. We invite you to read stories about rich young criminals.
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Incredible facts

Every week millions of members strive to get tickets for various lotteries, which can bring a huge fortune.

Tickets for such lotto can be purchased in local stores or through online sites for little money. But you can win great amount bills, which attracts millions of people around the world.

Who are they - lottery winners who have already hit the jackpot? How do they spend the money they win? And in general: do these amounts bring happiness?

Winning by truck number

The first millionaire on our list is a 58-year-old Stephen Chica, whose winnings amounted to 1 million pounds. The lucky guy bought the lottery ticket in a supermarket, where he went shopping with his father in a personal truck (Stephen is a truck driver).

Moreover lucky number he simply rewrote the ticket from your truck number.

The winning ticket brought 14 houses

Roy Gibney from England, the city of Grimsby, won 7.5 million pounds. With this money he bought 14 houses close to my hometown. He settled in the best mansion he bought himself, enjoying his own green terraces, a casino, a jacuzzi, a lake, gym, summer houses and a lake in which he fishes.

By order of a multimillionaire, they built huge chessboard where does he play ancient game with your friends. And nearby there is a swimming pool, at the bottom of which you can see big numbers his winning number.

Winnings spent on charity

However, the lady donated the lion's share of her winnings to various funds of charitable organizations, namely for good purposes she spent £26 million. Let's hope Margaret's kindness is appreciated.

An electrician won the lottery and went on a trip.

In 2014 Matt Miles Won the lottery at the age of 28 1 million pounds. Before that, he worked as an electrician, and after he became rich, he opened his own business with his brother. But first, Matt decided to have fun by traveling to Indonesia, Brazil and the USA.

The driver won money and spent it all on cars

And this is already Sharon Tirabassi - a single mother who lived in a small rented house and worked as a bus driver. But that was her life until Sharon won more $10.5 million.

After a woman became a millionaire, she had big house, several expensive cars, and she began to wear exclusively branded clothes. Parties became a regular occurrence in Sharon's house, and she fell in love with traveling.

Unfortunately, money is fast are over. Now the woman is again a bus driver and lives in a modest house. However, she managed to deposit undisclosed amounts into the accounts of her six children.

Winner's Greed

In 1993 Susan Mullins became the owner $4.2 million thanks to one of lottery draws. However, this case was unprecedented in that the woman did not want to withdraw the entire amount at once, but took it in parts for several years.

Susan became so accustomed to the luxurious life that her needs increased and the money she was given became sorely insufficient. She lent large sums of money. When Susan's $4.2 million dried up, the bank she borrowed money from sued her by 154 million dollars!

Garbage Man's Big Win

Working as a garbage man Mike Carroll won the lotto in 2002 15 million dollars. Then Mike completely relaxed and plunged into the world of entertainment, expensive cars, dissolute life and cocaine. But, as you know, money loves counting. The lucky one had just enough wealth for 5 years.

Now Mike Carroll is back to work as a garbage man.

A real win that ruined a man

Billy Harrpel was a preacher of one of the churches and worked in hardware store. He asked God for a long time for good luck, and apparently his prayers were answered: Billy won the lotto $31 million.

With this fortune he bought several expensive houses and cars. However, because of money they started argue relatives are with him. As a result, the preacher went bankrupt and divorced his wife, after which committed suicide.

Divorce after winning

Lottery winnings Denise Rossi made up $1.3 million. Already at that time Denise and her husband were in bad relationship, and after a big win she decided to quickly get a divorce without telling her husband anything.

But the husband turned out to be “no mistake” and immediately suspected something. He spent two years collecting evidence that ex-wife He was deceived and sued.

At Denise Rossi's ex-husband sued All$1.3 million.

An article about the largest lottery winnings - about jackpots in the USA, Europe and Russia. The winners themselves and the circumstances of their winnings are described.

Information is current as of early 2013. As more significant winnings appear, we will make the necessary changes. In the first part we will talk about world records. The second part is the most big wins to the lottery in Russia. Here we will tell you about the winners of the Russian Lotto, Gosloto, Sprotlotto and other Russian lotteries.

Many examples below prove that winning a fabulous amount Of course it’s not easy, but it’s quite possible.

First, let's look at the statistics of the largest jackpots in the world. Although the vast majority of winnings came from tickets purchased directly, the number of large winnings from bets made via the Internet is growing. For more details, see the online lottery article.

Most big win in Europe amounted to 185 million euros and took place on July 12, 2011. The winning ticket was purchased in Scotland. Note that this was a Euromillions ticket.

The largest jackpot in Australia on November 6, 2012 was shared by four winners. The winning amount in OZ lotto was AUD 112 million.

On December 31, 2010, luck smiled on four players in the Brazilian Mega-Sena lottery, who won 195 million reais. This is the largest win to date in Latin America.

741 million pesos- that’s exactly how much the largest one amounted to lottery jackpot in Asia. On November 29, 2010, it was drawn in the Philippine Grand Lotto 6/55 lottery.

Biggest winnings in the USA

It is known that the largest jackpots on the planet are played out in the USA. Below we present the largest winnings in the Mega Millions and Powerball lotteries and other American lotteries:

A man named Juan Rodriguez, living in the USA. Having immigrated from Colombia, as of 2004 he had not been very successful in achieving American dream. Working as a parking lot security guard, he made little money and was on the verge of financial ruin. He bought a lottery ticket with his last dollar, and this ticket brought him one hundred forty-nine million dollars to the Mega Millions lottery.

However, his story of winning the lottery remained without a happy ending. Read more.

And again megamillions. In 2006, a Virginia resident bought a lottery ticket for a challenge obtained from filling up his car. This acquisition made him richer by two hundred thirty million dollars. The gas station where the winning ticket was sold was also awarded.

On January 24, 2008, James Wilson, an eighty-four-year-old retired World War II veteran from Missouri, purchased a Powerball lottery ticket. After an hour he became richer by two hundred fifty-four million dollars. As a family man, he gave most money for your children.

Two hundred nine million- this is exactly the jackpot that a Massachusetts resident hit in 2004.

Andrew Jackson Whittaker, a resident of West Virginia, gained fame by winning the largest jackpot at that time in late 2002. And although Jack, as he is also called, was a wealthy man and was engaged in construction business, he was incredibly surprised by such a gift of fate.

The winnings were almost 315 million. By choosing a lump sum and paying taxes, he ended up with approximately 114 million in cash.
However, in future fate presented him with many unpleasant surprises. Read about this in the article Lucky and Unlucky.

In 2005, in Oregon, members of the same family - Bob and Francis Chaney, their daughter Caroline West and her husband Steve won about three hundred forty million dollars, becoming the owners of the second largest at that time. In total, the couples spent on lottery tickets 40 dollars. Frances Cheney, 68, bought the tickets. After winning, she admitted that she was scared by such an incredible amount. Her husband, on the contrary, was very optimistic about the huge win. Among other things, he planned to buy a yellow Hummer.

On May 9, 200, two US residents were lucky to hit the jackpot in three hundred sixty million dollars to the Big Game lottery (this is the predecessor of mega millions - the renaming occurred in 2002). Since both winners decided to receive the entire winnings, then, minus taxes, each will receive ninety million dollars. In an interview, one of them, Larry Ross, said that he was never particularly interested in lotteries. He got the winning ticket because the hot dog seller didn't have change from a hundred dollars, and Larry had to take it with lottery tickets.

The following example shows that it is not only single people who are lucky. In Lincoln, Nebraska, eight workers at a local meatpacking plant regularly purchased Powerball tickets. In 2006, luck smiled on them. One of the most big jackpots - three hundred sixty-five million dollars they got it. In general, playing lotteries together is a fairly common phenomenon in the world. However, there are rules here too. Please read the article lottery tips. Perhaps the information contained in it will seem banal to you, but still it will not be superfluous.

Also, if we talk about playing the lottery together, we cannot help but recall the so-called lottery syndicates. In short, a syndicate is an association of players that increases the probability of winning for each participant, but the winnings are distributed among all participants. Read more in the article lottery syndicates.

One of the biggest winnings in the mega million lottery - three hundred ninety million dollars was played on the night of March 7, 2007. It must be said that at that time it was the largest jackpot in the world, which caused a huge stir. Long queues lined up in front of sales points and terminals.

As a result, we won two tickets. One of them was purchased at a grocery store in a small town in Georgia by truck driver Ed Nighbors. The second was purchased by Helen and Harold Mesner, a resident of New Jersey.

On November 28, 2012, the third largest lottery prize to date was won - $580 million. We won 2 tickets - one from Missouri and the other from Arizona. Missouri Powerball winners are Mark and Cindy Hill. IN Lately This couple had financial difficulties. Cindy was an office manager but lost her job in 2010. Mark worked in a factory.

The couple has three adult children and a 6-year-old adopted daughter from China.

Third largest jackpot size five hundred ninety million dollars On May 18, 2013 it was played in Powerball lottery. The winner, 84-year-old Gloria McKenzie from Florida, bought her ticket at a supermarket. “The man in front of me in line for tickets let me go ahead. Perhaps that’s why I got lucky,” Mackenzie said.
She found out that she had won their television broadcast, but did not immediately contact the lottery organizers to claim the prize; she first consulted with lawyers. Like many other lucky people, she chose to receive all the amounts at once, and received three hundred and ninety million dollars. On this moment This largest amount received by one person.

Two lucky winners, one from California and one from Georgia, shared the second-largest lottery jackpot in history - six hundred forty-eight million dollars. The MegaMillions lottery draw was held on December 17, 2013.
The lucky winner's name is Steve Tran. He often bought lottery tickets, and finally luck smiled on him. Steve is a truck driver by profession. He bought a ticket containing a winning combination - 8, 14, 17, 20, 39 and a bonus number - 7 in the city of San Jose, while there on vacation with his family. It should also be noted that in the USA there is a practice when lottery organizers also reward the distribution point - in in this case the gift shop received a million dollars.

At the first place - record jackpot in the amount of 640 million dollars. Once again, the MegaMillions lottery set a record. This happened in 2012. Won three tickets in three different cities- Red Bud, Baltimore and in one of the cities of the state.

This concludes the stories of winnings in American lotteries and now we’ll talk about our biggest winnings.

The biggest lottery win in Russia

In March 2009, a resident of Kolpino (a suburb of St. Petersburg) Albert Begrakyanwon the state lottery jackpot 6 out of 45. The winning amount was approximately one hundred million rubles. And today this is the most big jackpot in the entire history of Russian lotteries.

Albert Begrakyan with his wife and children came from Armenia to Russia in 2001. Fate was not always so favorable to him. At first he got a job as a security guard, then he opened a store, and after a while he became the head of a car service center. But Albert always believed in his luck, and therefore periodically purchased lottery tickets.

He used the received amount as follows: he invested 30 million rubles in the construction of his own hotel in Krasnodar region, purchased several apartments in St. Petersburg, as well as cars for myself and relatives. I simply spent some of it on travel and other pleasant things.
Even at the end of 2013, this is the largest jackpot in Russia.

On June 1, 2013, in the 585th draw of Gosloto 6 out of 45, two players guessed all six numbers. The first one made a detailed bet, and won according to a receipt worth 3,780 rubles 61,518,163 rubles. He bought his ticket at a cell phone store. The second is a resident Krasnodar region- also played with an expanded bet. Using a receipt purchased for 1,260 rubles, he managed to win 60,917,821 rubles.

In May 2009, the jackpot amounted to 35 million rubles was won by Muscovite Evgeniy Sidorov. Winning combination 27,8,31,22,4,7.

Fifty-year-old Evgeniy has been playing draw games for many years since Soviet times. numerical lotteries. He invested the winnings in agricultural business.

In 2001, Ufa resident Nadezhda Mukhametzyanova became the owner of almost twenty nine million rubles. She hit the Bingo lottery jackpot. However, this win did not make her happy. Read about her misadventures in the article Lucky Losers.

On April 7, 2013, in the 1232nd draw of Gosloto, 5 out of 36 prizes of eighteen million eight hundred fifty thousand rubles was received by the player who purchased the ticket online.

In the 1253rd draw of Gosloto 5 out of 36, which took place on May 8, 2013, a ticket purchased in Moscow won. The winning combination consisted of the following numbers: 5,7,10,17,20. Sum - fourteen million rubles.

JSC Russian Railways, a monopolist in the railway transportation market, also organized its own lottery. To participate you must pay an additional hundred rubles. And then railway ticket will also become a lottery. In the summer of 2012, a prize was drawn - 11.5 million rubles. The winner was a businessman from Stavropol. And the amount he won is the largest in the history of the Russian Railways lottery. The lucky one decided not to reveal his name.

June 2, 2013 for the first time in modern history“Sportloto 6 out of 49” one of the participants in the 23113th draw won a super prize. He guessed all 6 numbers and got 10 million rubles.
Unfortunately, the winners of the Russian Lotto lottery are not presented in this article, since the authors do not have any reliable information about them.

They say that the main difficulty for beginners is choosing the lottery itself. And of course, no one hides the fact that the size of the super prize plays a vital and even decisive role when choosing a lottery. We decided to make the task easier for our participants and tell you which of the Russian state lotteries you can win the biggest super prizes in.

"Russian Lotto" and Jackpot

When we hear the word “Jackpot,” we immediately think of the lottery “ Russian lotto"and its permanent presenter Mikhail Borisov. It is he who reminds us every time that the lottery Jackpot will be played on the 15th move, minimum size which is 100 million rubles. Why do we say "minimal"? Because the Jackpot is cumulative and grows from draw to draw. For example, in March 2017 it reached 139 million! And if you want to win the largest Jackpot in Russia, then hurry up to purchase Russian Lotto tickets for the next draw.

The Russian Lotto jackpot is played on the 15th move

Biggest lottery win

Surely you have heard about the great event that took place in February last year. A resident of Novosibirsk has won more than 358 million rubles in the history of Russian lotteries. He managed to do this thanks to a detailed bet in Gosloto “6 out of 45”.
“Gosloto “6 out of 45” is one of the most popular lotteries. The largest super prizes in Russia were awarded here. The minimum guaranteed super prize is 50 million rubles, but, as in the case of the Russian Lotto Jackpot, the super prize is cumulative. And it accumulates in Gosloto “6 out of 45” very quickly, so big wins are not uncommon here.

Largest guaranteed super prize

“Gosloto “4 out of 20” is a lottery sensation of last year, the appearance of which has been talked about for several months. The lottery instantly became one of the most beloved and popular among our regular participants, because the guaranteed super prize here is a record 300 million rubles!

Guaranteed super prize “Gosloto “4 out of 20” - 300 million rubles

The first draw of Gosloto 4 out of 20 took place on December 31. Then she was riveted Special attention, after all, in honor of such significant event, like the first edition, and such have a wonderful holiday, How New Year, it was decided to increase the super prize to ! The whole country watched the drawing of the largest super prize in Russia. live NTV channel. Then the Gosloto “4 out of 20” super prize was not won, but all participants immediately fell in love with the lottery.

Now you can compete for the largest super prize in Russia three times a week. The lucky person who managed to guess four numbers in field 1 and four numbers in field 2 will win the coveted 300 million rubles. Why don't you be that lucky one?

Become a lottery millionaire

Large super prizes in Russia can be won in different state lotteries. For example, in Gosloto “7 out of 49” the guaranteed super prize is 100 million rubles. Agree, this is a very impressive amount, for which you want to compete.

A large super prize in Russia can be won in various lotteries

Gosloto “5 out of 36” also often offers big super prizes. The winner of the 1349th lottery draw won more than 47 million rubles. By the way, in an interview the millionaire admitted: despite the fact that he won so a large sum, he is not going to stop there and believes that luck will smile on him again.

Believe me, there are such huge winnings in the lottery that the numbers just don’t fit in your mind. Another question is whether the data on winnings is true, whether dummies received them, whether they received them at all, etc.

Such stories are needed, at a minimum, so that people continue to buy lottery tickets, feeding the founders of the business.

Today we will talk about the biggest lottery winnings.

Just recently I heard on TV that the Russian family (mother and adult daughter) won 500 million rubles in the lottery, they were photographed for the media, smiling (we are talking about the November 2017 win, Voronezh). And evil commentators echoed - “they are stupid, they will be found and robbed, it’s obvious that they are from the village,” “the ex-husband will now find out about the situation that has befallen his head and will supposedly come to restore the family, new relatives will appear.”

But I had other thoughts: “well, a person can’t win 500 million rubles in our country... and he can’t win abroad either... especially a billion dollars. And if anyone got such a prize, then they were probably “dummy people,” but they look too simple to be dummies.”

Do you believe that a person on the street who buys a random lottery ticket can win huge sums of money, hit the jackpot, as they say?

We see many stories on TV where mere mortals have won lotteries; neighbors give interviews, confirming that these same “Petya and Vasya, Masha and Sasha” from the first floor, always unemployed and cheerful, won a couple of million rubles. And no one expected it, but it got lucky. Usually, no one tells us, the viewers, where the newly-made millionaires spent their money, or they provide meager information... However, about several families, especially those who squandered great wealth to nowhere, few details are known. For example, about the family of Nadezhda Mukhametzyanova.

But this is all on the screen, but have you personally had examples when your neighbors “hit the Jackpot”?? I have no. Except that I myself have won several thousand rubles in competitions a couple of times, but this is not a lottery. Among my friends, including those who actively buy lottery tickets, there is not a single one who has won. I don’t know whether it’s true or fiction that it’s possible to win, but a person, especially a Russian, will always hope for chance and luck more than anything else.

Let's talk about the largest lottery winnings among Russians.

Yuri Ivanov from Tolyatti won about 1 million rubles. As the hero says, he has been buying tickets regularly for 23 years, and the numbers winning ticket he dreamed about it in a dream. Well, this story is quite capable of cheering up those who have spent several salaries on lottery tickets and half their lives waiting for a prize - wait, perhaps there is still more to come!

A resident of the village of Vargashi won 1 million rubles Kurgan region , and became the luckiest villager, who hit the jackpot in lotteries, because before that, residents of the outback did not receive more than 200 thousand rubles.

Alexander Osterenko from Samara region won 2.5 million rubles in 2011.

A Russian Railways passenger once won 11 million rubles on a passenger ticket, they searched for him for two weeks. Yes, according to the media, this is possible - winning a multimillion-dollar sum just by buying a Russian Railways ticket. A little later, another lucky person from Russian Railways won 8 million rubles.

On December 30, 2001, Nadezhda Mukhametzyanova, with her husband and children, won 29 million rubles in the Bingo Show. At the same time, as sources say, the spouses bought two apartments and two cars with the amount they won, but they spent a lot of money on drinking and slot machines. The cars broke down after accidents, the apartment burned down in a fire, the wife died a few years later from a trophic ulcer, and the husband lives unsociable in the second apartment with his sons.

In 2009, Moscow resident Evgeny Sidorov won 35 million rubles in the Gosloto lottery. The man spent his winnings very wisely: he left with his family for his homeland, in the Lipetsk region, and organized his own farm and production for breeding carp.

100 million rubles went to Albert Begrakyan from St. Petersburg in 2009 (“Gosloto 6 out of 45”), Of these, the lucky one built a hotel for 16.5 million rubles, bought real estate, a car, and helped his relatives.

In 2015, a resident of Kaliningrad won 126.9 million rubles in the mobile phone lottery.

In 2014 (“Gosloto 6 out of 45”) Omsk resident Valery T won 184 million rubles. His lottery bet was 810 rubles.

In the same 2014, a certain Mikhail from Nizhny Novgorod won 200 million rubles.

In 2016, a resident of Novosibirsk hit the jackpot in the Gosloto lottery with as much as 358 million rubles, The lucky guy kept his name secret.

At the end of autumn 2017, a pensioner from Voronezh won 506 million rubles in the Stoloto lottery(although earlier they said it was a man). And this is the biggest lottery win in Russia. People comment on this event in different ways, and that now the grandmother will have to hide, otherwise, out of stupidity, she appeared on TV, that they will be persecuted, and others write:

“Don’t worry, no one will hide anywhere, because there was no woman from Voronezh who won 500 million rubles. This lottery is promoting itself so that fools1 buy tickets more actively. Do you really think that an ordinary person can win 500 million rubles?”

“They found a grandmother from a remote Siberian village, gave her 50 thousand or whatever she needed, called her by a different name and now, buy our tickets to NG, what kind of PR we did for ourselves throughout the country, how sales will increase2.

“Yes, there is no 500 million. And this grandmother was paid 20 thousand. For this number on TV. Now she sits in the village of Glukharevo and no one will find her....”

There were several well-known cases when big wins(26 million rubles) were not given to the Russians, for example, one person has been trying to get his winnings released for several years to no avail.

And now about the biggest ones lottery winnings in the world.

In 2000, the American received $363 million.

In 2002, a West Virginian ripped off D jackpot of $314.9 million.

Colombian Juan Rodriguez, who worked as a watchman, won $149 million in 2004.

In 2004, a US citizen won $209 million.

In 2005, the American won $340 million.

In 2006, the American won $230 million.

In 2006, again in America, the winnings were $365 million.

In 2008, an 84-year-old Missouri retiree won $254 million.

In 2007, Mega Millions gave away $390 million.

In 2013, three US residents won $488 million, the prize was divided among three.

In 2014, a California retiree hit a $425 million jackpot.

In 2012, two US residents won $587 million each, the prize was divided in half.

A Florda resident won $590 million in 2013. At that time, such a jackpot became a record.

In 2012, Mega Millions gave away as much as $640 million!! The prize was shared by two lucky winners.

Well, now it’s an unrealistic amount!! And to be honest, I don’t believe that it went to ordinary people.

In 2016, the world's largest winnings occurred in the Powerball lottery - $1 billion 586 million, which went to three lucky ones, half a billion dollars each.

So far the records for the world and for Russia are as follows: in Russia the biggest win was 500 million, in the world 1.5 billion dollars for three.

In Russia, only 1% of the population plays lotteries, while for example in France, the USA, 65-70% of the population plays.

Is it true. That's how long I don't go to the post office - half the line is buying lottery tickets. I can’t imagine how things are going in France then, if there are 70 times more lottery fans there than here.

One of the problems with quick wins is that they are ephemeral. Gifts of fate, “freebies” disappear as quickly as they appear. And the millions that have fallen on our heads sometimes bring more troubles than joy. For example, a person who did not know the value of earning money does not know how to behave with it, he begins to spend everything chaotically or is afraid of it. Families break up, people become greedy and evil. But of course, good examples There is. When people used their winnings in a profitable business, but for this it was necessary that the person initially had business experience and knew how to earn money. And everyone who lived by drinking and partying - they spent it all on them...

« A person has a material threshold: the amount of money that he is used to managing. It is installed subconsciously. As a rule, income increases gradually: the salary is increased - the psyche has adapted to the increase. And when a huge sum falls from the sky, it is too much work for the body. A person simply does not know how to manage that kind of money. Doesn't know what to do with them. It becomes a burden rather than a joy.

Plus they start to announce distant relatives and old acquaintances. This is additional stress. And here mechanisms that are not subject to consciousness come into play. You're just trying your best to get rid of money. That is why such winnings often simply go down the drain. Or even worse - they get drunk very quickly. This makes it easier. It is almost impossible to cope with such stress on your own. It’s better to seek help from professional psychologists.”

Of course, I would like to say - someone is lucky, I wish it were like that, at least a couple of million just like that!!! But as the sage said, it is better to teach a person to fish than to give it to him... Those who do not know how to fish will eat and be hungry again, and those who know how to catch will always be full.

Excerpt from an old man's dialogue Soviet film, when a Sportloto ticket cost 60 kopecks, and the maximum winnings were 20 thousand rubles:

“Win or win, what difference does it make? Not in this case! And the fact is that for 60 kopecks I have hope of winning 10 or 20 thousand rubles!!!”