Pencil drawing of thick and thin. Thick and thin

“The Death of an Official by Chekhov” - The same applies to the story “The Death of an Official.” Today we are talking about the evolution of the image " little man" An era of disappointment, an era of revaluation of values. It is hyperbole that emphasizes the horror of the “case” - voluntary servility. Story. Homework. The main idea of ​​the story. What is the comic nature of the conflict?

"Chekhov's Chameleon Lesson" - Excerpts from literary works. Where does the story take place? What do you know about admission speaking names? Chekhova, 69). By what laws were they created? humorous stories Chekhov? Analysis of A.P. Chekhov's story “Chameleon”. Accusatory - containing exposure, exposing. (Diatribe). How do law enforcement officers behave?

“Chekhov’s Melancholy” - Silence all around... Police warden Ochumelov in new overcoat and with a bundle in his hand. The position of the injured Khryukin changes in exactly the same way: Policeman Ochumelov and his assistant Eldyrin are walking across the square. The funny thing in the story begins right away with the speaking names: Ochumelov (plague, stupefied). A commoner is a person who lives by petty, personal interests.

“Vanka Chekhova” - Conversation on the content of the story. I wanted to run to the village on foot, but I didn’t have boots, I was afraid of the frost. And Moscow is a big city. How the letter is written: does Vanka follow the rules of Politeness? By literary reading on the topic: Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. "Vanka." Spandyr - a special shoe strap, whip.

“Stories of Chekhov and Bunin” - Korman B. O. Study of the text of a work of art. M.: Higher. school, 2002. Stories early Bunin distinguished by: Experience philosophical analysis. Nikolaeva P.A. - M., 1988. Tyupa V.I. Analytics of art. Khalizev V. E. Theory of Literature. I.2. “Chekhov’s” story is a special element of the writer’s innovation.

“The Life of Anton Chekhov” - Taganrog Library. Chekhov planted hundreds of fruit trees and rose bushes. House in Bogimov. Chekhov always had many guests in Melikhovo. Chekhov regularly received patients. There were also a lot of guests here. A.P. Chekhov with his wife. The owners of the village of Bogimov were the Bylim-Kolosovsky family. He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

There are 39 presentations in total

We continue the theme of opposites. common topic with all links:


The topic seems simple, but I didn’t find any material on it. So if you come up with anything, please share. Everything I managed to dig up is below. Added some of my own:


Show me the birch trunk.

Is it thick or thin?

Show the branches. Are they thick or thin?

Give the child a very thick fabric (jacket, blanket) and a thin one. Which fabric is thick or thin?

3. We take out a thick rope and a thin thread. Let's compare.

4. Thick pencil and thin. let's compare.

5. Compare the wheels of the car. Some are thicker, some are thinner.

6. draw a thick line and a thin line with a marker (paints)

Some pictures don't quite match the theme, but they're similar. You can remove them, or you can leave them and introduce them to parallel concepts (for example, fat - thin - thin)

find a pencil - thick and thin:

Well, that's all I found. Don't judge harshly for non-compliance. There's really nothing on the internet :(


Don’t forget to repeat the previous topics: look at the tree and compare how big and how small. Where the branches are short, where they are long. and so on

Chekhov's story "Thick and Thin"

The evaluative or value aspect of a work, its ideological and emotional orientation is called trend . In the literature of socialist realism, for example, the tendency was interpreted as partisanship, in the literature of the “sixties” - as freedom.

The ideological content of a work is the area of ​​decisions and conclusions. An idea is always something denies or asserts . In his short story “Thick and Thin” Chekhov brings straight to the forefront the idea of ​​affirming honor and rejecting servility. But when the idea of ​​a work is too prominent, sharply defined, the artistic value of the work falls - this statement is true for both a good idea and a bad one. That's why the story Chekhov“Thick and Thin” has negligible artistic value.

Story plot outline

Also of little value artistic point view of ideologized works from the genres " socialist realism", "anti-Soviet literature", "Nazi literature", "Zionist literature", "fascist literature", " Christian literature", "Muslim..." The dominance of political bias in a work means the collapse of artistry in it.

Only about artistic value story - not a word

More Marx pointed out that success could only be achieved by those press organs that guided public opinion on every issue. But in this case, it is better to write journalism right away - in it the bias looks organic. Many politicized science fiction novels are even very famous authors terribly weak in artistically: the author promotes one political idea (for example, anti-communism), and the characters only serve it, so they are poorly written, similar to each other, and all the collisions between them are subordinated to the implementation of the trend, so they do not touch the reader’s soul. When tendentiousness comes out rudely, the reader begins to resist the violence of the author.

Almost all the illustrations for the story “Thick and Thin,” like the text, are extremely straightforward, aimed at indoctrinating schoolchildren

The Russian writer is closest to socialist and liberal ideas in literature. Lenin demanded: literature must “become part of the general proletarian cause,” “ integral part organized, systematic, united social-democratic party work.” For the Bolsheviks, the literary cause was inseparable from the cause of the socialist revolution. If anyone thinks that today something has changed for the cause of the Russian liberal counter-revolution, he is deeply mistaken. Today, according to the ideological order of liberals, literature serves the ruling capitalist class, and whoever of the creators does not want to serve it is “not allowed in” and persecuted, unless they are imprisoned and killed in the gateways. Writers serving the liberal idea denounce everything Soviet and Russian, Lenin And Stalin, our victory in the Second World War, our science and technology, our youth, our peasants, they strive to instill in the Russian people a sense of inferiority and secondary status. This liberal sabotage against one’s own people is nourishing food for many modern postmodernist writers. If you want to be published, write a tendentious thing, even complete nonsense and terrible harm, but under a liberal idea. How in Soviet times everyone is tired of “industrial” novels, so today the reader is disgusted by the piles of invented horror stories about Stalin and communists, about homosexuals and drug addicts.

Regarding bias, Dostoevsky many consider him a reactionary and unpleasant writer: they say that he is more of a Christian ideologist than a writer. Atheist readers Dostoevsky literally muzzled by an obsessive Christian ideas- a cross-cutting theme that passes from novel to novel. "Crime and Punishment" - too an ideological novel, social and philosophical in theme, tragic in the nature of the problems posed, adventurous and criminal in its plot.

Seriously spoils anything works of art and the prevailing nationalist idea. However, sometimes, although it is carried out by the author throughout the work, it is not strongly emphasized.

A Jewish speculator calculates the profit from the sale of a half-dead old cow.

For example, in the novel “The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik” Hasek provides six episodes in which minor characters Jews perform. In all episodes, the Jewish heroes are exclusively swindlers: one sold the same wagons with fodder to the imperial Austro-Hungarian army twice; another sold deadly self-made moonshine to soldiers and officers of the Czech army under the guise of French cognac; the third thrust a barely alive skinny little cow into the regimental kitchen for the price of a well-fed cow cow, which they took only so that he would fall behind, not crawl on his knees and grab the officer’s legs, begging him to buy the dead meat... None of those taken out Hasek(in a book about the First World War!) Jews did not serve in the Austro-Hungarian army, were not at the front - everyone just cheated, profiting from a terrible war.

A Jewish speculator slipped the emperor's soldiers moonshine in cognac bottles

Another example of the “soft” implementation of nationalist bias is shown to us today by creativity Dina Rubina: in her works, no matter the Jewish hero, he’s handsome, smart, well, just an angel in the flesh and an object of adoration, and no matter the Russian hero, he’s a disgusting person, blah, you can’t wipe your feet on someone like that. But Hasek brings out the Jewish scammers kindly, organically, with great humor, just like all the other heroes of his novel, and Rubina does not care about a sense of proportion in a subtle ideological issue and displays Russian characters with barely restrained authorial hostility, contempt, not to say hatred. That is why, in episodes colored by the idea of ​​nationalism, anti-Semites Hasek reads well, and Russophobe and Israeli citizen Rubina- No.

Remember this at the right time

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In black and white graphics there is a minimum of means of image transmission - a dot, a spot and a line. Today we will try to learn about the properties and expressive features of a simple line - the mark that a pencil leaves when we touch it to the paper.

A line drawn along a ruler is called a “drawing line”; most often it is straight and thin. Artists do not use it because of its monotony. The line in the artists’ drawings is unusual, it is “living”, that is, dynamic, changing, elusive. Drawings made with a simple line are usually called linear; they convey the silhouette and contour of the depicted object.

(A. Matisse “Girl with Flowing Hair”)

Lines have their own characteristics; they can be thin, thick, wavy, swift, broken, light and airy. The line carries information about the image: the artist cannot do without it in his work. It is used by sculptures, architects, painters and designers.

Look at the works famous artist Van Gogh. How he, with the help of various lines (short and long, thin and thick, rough and graceful), conveys space and mood in the landscape.

To better master the capabilities of a line, let's do an exercise on types of lines.

You will need:

  • 2 sheets of thick paper for graphics, A-4 or A-3 format;
  • simple pencils of different softness (HB, B, B2, B4);
  • eraser;
  • planer or breadboard knife for sharpening pencils.

Stages of work:

  1. Draw several straight lines on the sheet, using pencils of different softness so that the lines are not the same. In the drawing, horizontal lines create the impression of peace, balance, and silence.

  1. Draw straight vertical lines and diagonal ones nearby. Vertical lines create a feeling of height, strength, energy, harmony. Diagonal – ascending, active lines. They give the drawings aspiration and dynamism. Parallel – rigor, harmony, coherence.

Using diagonal lines you can perfectly depict rain and gloomy skies.

  1. Now draw broken lines. Curved, broken lines are used to convey certain emotions, objects with sharp and prickly shapes.

  1. Draw several types of wavy lines side by side, and try to press the pencil differently to make the lines vary in thickness. With the help of such calm and soft lines you can depict clouds, water, snowstorms, flowers and leaves.

  1. On the second sheet, draw your fairy world plants, flowers and insects using only a line. But your lines should not be simple, but straight and wavy, thin and thick, light and airy, in a word - “ LIVE».

Lesson from teacher Anna Malysheva


Materials and equipment: thick and thin socks according to the number of children, thick and thin threads according to the number of children, thick and thin books according to the number of children 15-20 cm long, 1 large box for books, 1 small box for books, thick and thin felt-tip pens according to the number of children, sheets of drawing paper, a scarf made of opaque fabric, a small sofa cushion

Preparatory work: paint different lines thick and thin felt-tip pen.

Progress of the lesson.

Children sit on the carpet or on cushions on the floor.

Educator:(holds two different socks: one is thick and the other is thin) Children, look what I have in my hands? (socks). They are identical? (No). Yes, indeed, the socks are different. One sock is thick. (the teacher raises his hand with a thick sock up), and the other sock is thin (the teacher raises his hand with a thin sock)

The teacher once again raises one hand with the toe up and asks the children: “What kind of sock is this?” (thick). “What kind of sock is this?” (thin). Do you want to touch your socks?

Each child is given two socks, one thick and one thin.Children feel their socks.

Physical education minute.

Take a thick sock and raise your hand with the sock up. Stretch your hand high, high, and now wave your toe, like waving handkerchiefs goodbye. Put your hand down.

Take a thin sock in your other hand and raise your hand with the sock up. Stretch your hand high, high, and now wave your toe, like waving handkerchiefs goodbye. Put your hand down. Well done!

(children keep socks)

Educator:(holds two different threads in his hands: thick and thin, 15-20 cm long). Children, what do I have in my hands now? (threads). Are the threads the same? (No). Yes, indeed, the threads are different. One thread is thick. (the teacher raises his hand with a thick thread up), and the other thread is thin (the teacher raises his hand with a thin thread)

The teacher once again raises one hand with the thread up and asks the children: “What kind of thread is this?” (thick). “What kind of thread is this?” (thin). Do you want to touch the threads?

Each child is given two threads: thick and thin. Children feel the threads.

Physical education minute.

Take a thick thread and raise your hand with the thread up. Stretch your hand high, high, and now wave the thread, like waving handkerchiefs goodbye. Put your hand down.

Take a thin thread in your other hand and raise your hand with the thread up. Stretch your hand high, high, and now wave the thread, like waving handkerchiefs goodbye. Put your hand down. Well done!

Educator: A thick sock was knitted from a thick thread. The teacher places a thick thread on a thick sock. And a thin sock was knitted from a thin thread. The teacher places a thin thread on a thin sock. Now you yourself put a thin thread on a thin sock, and a thick thread on a thick sock.

(Children leave socks and threads near their places.

The teacher asks the children to get up from their seats and go to the table where different books (thick and thin) are laid out. Children stand around the table.

Educator: Look how many different books are on the table! This book is thick. (the teacher takes a thick book and shows it to the children) Let's put it in a big box. ( puts the book in a large box that stands on the floor.)

This book is thin (the teacher takes a thin book and shows it to the children) Let's put it in a small box. (puts the book in a small box that stands on the floor.) Now you yourself put the thick books in a large box, and the thin books in a small box.

Children complete the task, and the teacher monitors the correct execution.

Well done! Everything was done correctly!

The teacher asks the children to sit on the chairs at the tables. Drawing paper is laid out on the tables, divided into two parts by a line. (any format). On the teacher’s magnetic board there is also a sheet of paper, divided into two parts.

Educator:(holds 2 markers (thick and thin) in his hands). What's in my hands? ( felt-tip pens). What kind of marker is this? (thin). What kind of felt-tip pen is this (thick one). A thin felt-tip pen draws fine lines. (The teacher draws straight, wavy and zigzag lines in one of the parts of the sheet of paper.)

What lines did I draw? (thin). What kind of marker is this? (thick). A thick felt-tip pen draws thick lines. (The teacher draws straight, wavy and zigzag lines on another part of the sheet of paper.) What lines did I draw? (thick).(Children are given two markers (thick and thin).

Children, please draw thin lines in one part of the sheet with a thin felt-tip pen, and thick lines in the other part of the sheet with a thick felt-tip pen.

Children complete the task, and the teacher monitors the correct execution.

Well done! Everything was done correctly!

Educator: Now let's play! (children leave the tables into the free space of the room)

Educator: (mysterious voice): Look what I have! (shows the children a large painted scarf made of opaque fabric measuring 80 by 80 cm.) This is a magical scarf! He turns children into fat bears, and then back into children again! Who wants to hold the magic handkerchief?

Two children come out and hold a handkerchief on outstretched arms like a screen. These two children are facing the other children. Another child is selected. He will turn into a fat bear.

The selected child goes behind the screen-scarf. Children at this time say any “ magic words-conspiracy"

At this time, the teacher places a small sofa pillow under the child’s shirt. The screen scarf opens and the child, with a hidden pillow, depicts a fat and clumsy bear.

(Waddles around with his arms spread wide.)

Educator: Oh, what a fat bear came to us!

Children can freely communicate with the “bear”.

The screen-shawl covers the “bear”, the children say “magic words” and the child comes out from behind the screen in his usual form.

The game is repeated several times with other children.

Previous articles:
  • Summary of a lesson on speech development using mnemonic tables