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Sandra Brown
Invisible link

© 1984 by Sandra Brown

By arrangement with Maria Carvainis Agency. inc and Prava i Perevodi, Ltd. Translated from the English Words of Silk

© 1984 by Erin St. Claire. First published in the United States under the pseudonym Erin St. Claire by Silhouette Books, New York. Reissued in 2004 under the name Sandra Brown by Warner Books/Grand Central Publishing, New York.

© Pertseva T., translation into Russian, 2013

© Edition in Russian, design. Eksmo Publishing LLC, 2015

* * *

To my four sisters: Melanie, Jo, Laurie and Jenny - each of you is beautiful in your own way.


With a shock that threatened to break all the bones of the passengers, the elevator hovered between floors. And at that moment, the light went out. Nothing foreshadowed what had happened: there was neither the grinding of the cable against the gears, nor the ominous flashing of light bulbs. Nothing.

Just a minute ago, the cabin was moving silently down, and now both passengers were swallowed up by impenetrable black silence.

- Wow! - remarked the man, judging by the accent, a native New Yorker, already accustomed to the rude jokes that the city so often played with its inhabitants. - Another accident.

Lainie MacLeod said nothing, although the man was obviously expecting an answer. She literally felt him turn and look at her. Paralyzed with fear, Lainie was speechless as well as unable to move.

She tried to convince herself. She insisted that it was due to claustrophobia, which made any such situation seem unbearable, that in the end everyone would survive, that such reckless horror was childish, bordering on the absurd.

But no amount of persuasion helped.

- Hey, how are you? In order?

"No! It's not okay!" she wanted to scream, but her vocal cords seemed to freeze. Her manicured nails dug into instantly sweaty palms.

She suddenly realized that she was standing, her fists clenched and her eyes shut, and she forced herself to raise her eyelids. But this did not change anything: there was still no light in the suffocating tiny space of the elevator of an elite residential building.

His own hoarse breath echoed in his ears.

- Don't worry. It's not for long.

Lainey was infuriated by his calmness. Why doesn't he panic?

And how does he know it won't last long? She would like to know more. Demand that he guarantee the inclusion of the light as soon as possible. Troubleshooting like this can take hours or days, right?

- You know, I would be calmer if you would at least say something. So you're fine, right?

She did not see, but felt a hand groping in the darkness. Just a second before a hand was placed on her shoulder, Lainey jumped.

"It's okay," he assured, pulling his hand away. - Are you claustrophobic?

She nodded frantically, against all logic, believing that he would see. But the stranger must have felt something, because his voice took on a soothing tone:

- There is no need to worry. If there is no electricity in the next few minutes, firefighters will start looking for people stuck in the elevator.

A light breath reached her. There was a rustle of cloth.

I take off my jacket and suggest you do the same.

A minute ago, when the man had just entered the elevator, she had only glanced at him, having managed to draw a rough portrait: gray hair, a tall, slender figure, dressed with careful casualness, a suit emphasized simple so as not to seem insanely expensive and pretentious. She averted her eyes and silently watched the flashing numbers on the scoreboard counting the floors.

Lainie sensed that he had been staring at her for a few moments after he entered, although he didn't say a word either.

Both fell victim to the awkwardness that usually occurs between strangers who find themselves in the same elevator car. He eventually followed her lead and stared at the scoreboard as well. Now she heard his jacket hit the soft carpeting.

- Can I help you? he asked with forced cheerfulness when she didn't move. Taking a step in the direction of heavy, uneven breathing, he raised his hands. There was a dull thud as Lainey instinctively recoiled, hitting her back against the wall panel. He touched her petrified body and hesitantly felt her shoulders.

He shrugged his unyielding shoulders reassuringly and stepped even closer.

- What are you doing? Laney squeezed out, although a second ago she was sure that her tongue did not obey.

I'll help you take off your coat. The hotter you get, the harder it is to breathe, and most likely, you will soon begin to suffocate. By the way, my name is Dick.

Her jacket is from a suit bought at the Sax. 1
Saks Fifth Avenue- the famous network of multi-brand stores. The company grew out of Andrew Sachs' shop, founded in 1867. Today, 47 stores of the company operate in 23 countries of the world. The chain stores offer luxury goods: Prada, Chanel, Gucci, Giorgio Armani and other well-known brands.

Only yesterday, was taken down and ruthlessly thrown to the floor.

– What is your name? What is this, a scarf?

She raised her leaden hands and fidgeted, constantly colliding with his fingers.

- Yes. I untied.

Unraveling the knot with difficulty, she handed him the scarf.

- Layne. Unusual name. Maybe you should unbutton a couple of buttons? This blouse is hardly breathable. Silk?

- Very beautiful. Blue, as far as I remember.

"You're not from New York," he remarked casually, working on the cuffs of her blouse. Deftly unbuttoning the mother-of-pearl buttons, he rolled up the sleeves of his blouse to the elbows.

- Yes. I came to stay for a week and should leave in the morning.

Do your friends live in this building?

- Yes. A college friend I shared a room with in college with my husband.

- It's clear. Well, you feel better now, right?

He straightened her unbuttoned collar. He lightly touched his waist with both hands.

- Would you like to sit down?

Damn it! Dick Sargent cursed himself for pushing. You can't scare an already frightened woman even more than that! She was still standing with her back to the wall, as if preparing to face the firing squad. And she breathed so heavily, as if every breath could be her last.

“All right, Lainey, it’s all right. You got me wrong...

The light flickered uncertainly, then flared up to full strength. The elevator motor, purring in displeasure, started up again. Another push from the elevator, soft this time, and the car started moving.

Two strangers, standing almost nose to nose, looked into each other's eyes. Squinted eyes. She was pale as a sheet. His eyes showed concern.

Smiling shyly, he wrapped his arms around her again. It looks like it's about to shatter into a million pieces.

- Here! See! I told you! Everything worked out!

But instead of answering with a restrained smile and with cold politeness thanking the man for condescending to her foolish behavior, and at the same time putting her clothes in order, she suddenly threw herself on his chest and sobbed desperately. The front of his starched shirt was crumpled in her strong wet fists. There were mournful sobs. He felt the convulsions shaking her body.

God knows, she held back to the last. But when the danger was over, the nerves capitulated to the horror of pitch darkness in a confined space.

The elevator came to a slow stop at the first floor. The door swung open almost silently. Through the glass windows of the lobby, Dick could see pedestrians scurrying in both directions. On the avenue, cars were stuck in traffic: the traffic lights still didn't work. Chaos reigned on the pavements.

“Mr. Sargent,” the livery doorman began, hurrying to the elevator.

"It's all right, Joe," said Dick curtly, thinking, "It's not enough to have this woman thrown out into the street in her condition." He preferred not to explain anything to the porter. - I'm going upstairs again.

“You were in the elevator, sir, when—”

- Yes. But everything worked out.

He leaned Laney against the wall of the cab, reached for the close door button and another with the number 22 on it. The doors closed and the elevator swung up silently. But the woman went limp helplessly in his arms and seemed not to notice anything, shaking with quiet sobs.

- Everything is fine. Everything is fine. You're safe," Dick muttered, holding her close. An unfamiliar but very pleasant scent emanated from her, and he also liked to feel the touch of her hair on his neck and chin.

The elevator opened up on his floor. Pressing Lainie against the wall to keep from fainting, he bent down and picked up their discarded clothes, scarf and handbag and tossed them over the elevator threshold. Then he picked up the woman in his arms and carried her along the corridor to the corner apartment, where he carefully set her on her feet.

"Well, we're almost there," he whispered, taking the key out of his trouser pocket. The door opened wide. He lifted the woman up in his arms again, entered and laid her on the sofa, in whose soft cushions she immediately drowned.

He had already turned to leave, but she raised her hands imploringly, as if asking him to stay.

“I'll be right back,” he promised, and almost automatically touched her forehead with his lips. But he immediately rushed to the door, pressed the alarm buttons, which otherwise would have worked in fifteen seconds. Then he went and picked up the clothes and handbag heaped on the floor. When he returned, he locked the door again, turned on the hidden lights and adjusted the brightness. The room was bathed in a soft, pale gold glow.

In three long strides Dick crossed the room, knelt before the sofa, took the woman's face in his hands, and began to rub her cheeks.

Her eyes were still closed, but opened as soon as he spoke.

- How are you?

She gazed at him vacantly. Two transparent drops rolled down her cheeks. Unexpectedly, she covered her face with her hands and began to sob.

“I was so scared. It's all so stupid, childish. I know. Claustrophobia.

“Shhh…” he whispered, getting up from his knees, sitting down on the sofa next to her and hugging her so that she pressed her face into his neck. - Everything is over. You are safe.

He stroked her hair, kissed her temple. Then he kissed her again. His hand slid smoothly down her back, and the girl involuntarily leaned towards him.

Dick recoiled sharply and cleared his throat.

“Khhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, sure, you'd like a glass of brandy now?”

Someone, and he certainly would not refuse a sip of good brandy now. Therefore, he slowly freed himself from her hands, went to a small corner bar and splashed a fragrant drink into two cognac glasses, trying to follow the girl out of the corner of his eye. It seems that with tears she cried out not only panic, but all the forces. She rolled onto her side, tucked her legs under her, and pressed her cheek against the seat.

“It happens…” he thought with a crooked grin. Dick Sargent saved the lady in the elevator? Yes, even a real beauty, who then allowed herself to be carried to his apartment and was completely at his mercy! Shaking his head in wonder, he walked over to the couch. Just unbelieveble!

But what else could he do? Drive her out onto the streets of Manhattan in a semi-conscious state? What should he do with her now?

Why hadn't it occurred to him to call the other tenants and try to find the friends she visited? What does she have to do with him? However, now is not the time to reflect on the reason for the possessive instinct that has taken possession of him. Why did he imagine that she belonged to him? He must have had something to do with the touching curve of her hip as she lay curled up on his couch, her honey-gold hair tossed over the tangerine velvet cushions.

“Here, Lainie, drink this.

He sat down beside her again and, supporting her head, raised the glass to her tender lips. Her eyelashes fluttered up. Blue eyes, still wandering and confused, but still not haunted, rested on Dick before she took a sip of the best brandy in the world.

However, the exquisite taste of his favorite drink was not appreciated, rather the opposite - the girl's face wrinkled comically, and she coughed; Dick chuckled softly. It is difficult to call her a sophisticated woman, although a beautifully tailored raw silk suit indicated a delicate taste.

- More? Dick asked.

Lainie nodded and, oddly enough, covered his hand with hers and raised it, along with the glass, to her lips. And she began to drink brandy in small sips to the last drop. She leaned her head back on the seat and took a deep breath. The gesture was completely innocent, but at the same time her breasts rose, and her seductive outlines under the tight blouse aroused in Dick far from innocent desires.

Setting her glass down on the polished coffee table, he drained his own in one gulp. Yes, given the state a woman is in, staring at her is simply indecent, but he is only a man and never pretended to have a supernatural will.

Dick continued to study Laney, who was reclining on the sofa cushions, her head thrown back, her neck helplessly arched, her eyelashes lowered, her lips moist with expensive brandy exhaled a tart aroma. The face is too angular to be truly beautiful. The nose is a little short. Mouth…

But it's better not to linger too much on the flaws of her mouth...

The neck is long, slender, the clavicles are graceful. In the triangle between them beat an even, but slightly accelerated pulse. The breasts under the blouse looked so soft and natural - they begged to be held. Even though she was wearing underwear. He saw the edges of fine gossamer lace and spaghetti straps. The waist was unbelievably thin, like a model's. And the hips are slender too. Judging by what he managed to see, her beautiful legs are pulled into light-colored stockings. Even his hands itched, so I wanted to stroke them!

Butterflies are embroidered with shiny thread on the toe of beige suede pumps.

Under his gaze, she tucked one shoe into another and kicked them off. They fell almost silently onto the thick carpet.

He forced his eyes away from her legs and stared into her face. She looked at him without any interest in him or in his surroundings. And suddenly she said:

“I couldn't breathe.

Straight white teeth gnawed at his quivering lower lip.

He touched her hair. He ran a finger across his cheek.

“Of course it was terrible. But now it's all over.

Dick hastily embraced her.

“You were just scared. I'm really sorry.

She clung to him trustingly, so pathetically pliable that he mentally groaned as his body reacted instantly. She suddenly became not just a victim, in need of consolation and understanding. She turned into a soft, tender and fragile, such a desirable woman, as if destined for his embrace!

He called out to her.

She raised her head. And he drowned in her gray-blue eyes, the color of the mist that spread over the ocean in the morning. Wide open and pleading.

- Don't let me go.

“I won’t let go,” he vowed.

She seemed to calm down a bit and buried her face in his neck. As her lips slid over his skin, the touch, like an electric shock, reverberated throughout his being, reaching the masculine side. “I will hold you tight.

Without realizing it, he showered light kisses on her face and hair. It seemed so natural to lift her chin with her head thrown back! His lips touched the corners of hers a little before pressing against hers. He inhaled the scent of brandy still lingering around him. Only a eunuch in his place could have restrained himself! Dick never was.

He kissed Lainie passionately. He felt her tense for a moment, then relax in his arms. He slowly parted her lips with his tongue and slipped inside. At first hesitantly. But when she touched his tongue with hers in response, he lost all self-control. Growling softly, he became more insistent. His tongue explored her sweet mouth, touching and caressing everywhere.

Her hands grabbed handfuls of the shirt's linen, ruthlessly crumpling. She groaned in pleasure. God, did he really have a delicious erotic dream?

He ran his hand down her throat, intending to hug her even tighter. But her breasts turned out to be too much temptation, and he began to gently stroke the elastic mound. And only by an effort of will tore off his hand.

“So good…please, more…”

He tossed his head sharply, and Laney seemed to be pierced by a look of incredulous green eyes. Women, who usually enjoyed his caresses, considered themselves very sensual and wise in life. They loved to play sex games in which everyone had their own role, and each spoke their own dialogues. Each received his own, giving exactly as much as he received. It was the first time in his life that Dick had heard such an honest, direct request. Not a demand to please a partner in some ingenious way, but a quiet compliment to his caress and a plea to continue.

He kept his eyes on Laney's face as his hand went back to her breasts and caressed her in circular motions.

Laney's eyelids slowly closed. She took a deep breath, a slight smile twisting her sensual lips. He boldly approached the nipple and even through the blouse and bra felt his response.

“God, Lainie…” he whispered hoarsely before falling back to her lips. Kisses and caresses became more and more passionate. He persistently studied her body, finding intriguing curves and hollows, reveling in the rustle of clothes that made caresses even more forbidden and exciting.

The narrow couch that hindered their movements annoyed Dick. He got up and dragged Lainie with him. She reached up, but staggered and fell heavily on top of him. This brought Dick to his senses. If his body wasn't burning with desire, he would have laughed at himself and the situation.

Yes, she's drunk! And not from an instant flash of passion, but from almost a whole glass of brandy! Even the psychological trauma experienced today does not explain her absent gaze.

He sighed, called himself a fool and tried to cool his ardor.

Let's go, Lainey. I'll put you to bed.

He grabbed her by the shoulders, pulled her away and peered into her face - Lainie nodded solemnly. He took her hand and led her into the bedroom. She obediently followed him like a child.

Dick turned on the light:

- Wait. I'll make the bed.

He leaned her against the frame, stepped over to the wide bed, pulled back the blue suede coverlet, tossed the decorative pillows into the large armchair, fluffed up the rest, and smoothed out the immaculate, golden-brown sheets.

- Well, now you can ...

The words froze on his lips. She was still at the door. But there was already a small pile of clothes around. While he was making bed, she managed to take off her skirt and blouse. When he turned, she had just come out of her petticoat.

Petrified Dick watched as she removed her transparent pantyhose from her perfect legs and remained in shreds, which, with a big stretch, could be called a bra and panties. Her body seemed both slender and feminine at the same time.

None of his colleagues would have believed that Dick Sargent could be rendered speechless. But he stood and stared at her, like a teenager who saw the first naked woman in his life.

My throat is dry. He was in bed with so many seductive beauties that it is impossible to count. And most of them he undressed himself. He had dexterous and gentle hands. He could strip the lady of her clothes before she knew what was happening. But Lainie caught him by surprise, and he had no choice but to stare open-mouthed. But the biggest mystery was that she was not trying to lure him - she just took off her clothes.

Lainie smiled modestly as she walked past him to the bed, lay down and rested her cheek trustingly against the pillow.

“No one will believe that I refused this!” Dick muttered under his breath and smiled at Laney. “Good night, Lainey, whoever you are.

He kissed her on the cheek, straightened up, mechanically reached for the nightlight switch and pressed the button - the light went out.

- No! She jumped up, panting and fumbling helplessly for Dick.

"I'm sorry," he muttered, cursing his own stupidity and sitting up on the bed. He hugged her again, acutely feeling her almost naked body nearby, which instantly awakened all male desires.

- Stay with me. You promised,” she sobbed, wrapping her arms around his neck and clinging to him with her whole body. Feeling her full breasts, Dick instantly imagined them without a bra: mature, full, with dark nipples. You said you weren't leaving.

- Layne! he moaned. In his soul, conscience and the demands of the flesh fought not for life, but for death. You don't understand what you're doing...

- Please!

He allowed himself to lie down beside her. “Only for a minute. Until she falls asleep, he told himself.

However, she hugged him tighter and tighter, and her prayers were so tender and insistent that they drowned out the protests of his conscience. His hands began to caress her - but not to console and calm her. He wanted to quench his thirst. Her skin under his fingers was so velvety and warm! His lips found hers in the darkness and merged with them in a hot, passionate kiss.

They shouldn't. He didn't know anything about her. What if she's married?

But he had already checked her ring finger. There was no ring, though that fact doesn't mean a damn thing. For her, this may not be so important. But he can get into a big mess. It’s scary to imagine what a scandal would be if an angry husband with a special forces detachment and photographers burst in here at dawn!

Warnings whistled through his head like bullets. But her sweet mouth and soft skin drowned out the voice of reason.

Oh no! Dick Sargent was not a saint. He did not shy away from dirty tricks and all sorts of machinations to achieve what he wanted. But he had never taken advantage of a woman's helpless position so frankly. She was drunk and had no idea what she was doing.

But he knew and felt everything with every cell. And it was great!

He's much older than her. Fifteen years, no less.

Burn him for this temptation in hell forever and ever. But what a difference! It's already on fire!

Lainie woke up gradually. She lifted her eyelids. Once. Another. She yawned. She lazily closed and opened her eyelids again.

And then gasped. There's a head on her pillow! A complete stranger!

The stranger instantly woke up and whispered:

- Good morning.

Lainie gave a piercing shriek and tried to move away. But their legs were intertwined, and her knee ... gracious Lord! But his hand in a businesslike way lay heavily on her chest. Lainie shoved it away and spun until she managed to roll away from the stranger to a safe distance. He looked at her as if she had lost her mind, and blinked his green eyes, an unusually bright hue that even in a near-hysterical state she could not help noticing.

Lainie huddled in the corner of the bed and cowered, making what sounded like the cry of a wounded animal. Then she screamed again and convulsively pulled the sheet to her chin - she did not immediately realize that they were both completely naked.

– Who are you and where am I? she breathed. If you don't explain yourself immediately, I'll call the police.

The threat was ludicrous, and Lainie knew it. She had no idea what address to dictate on the emergency phone. Not to mention where the phone is in this apartment!

"Calm down," he admonished, holding out his hand. But she cringed and crawled away even further. He cursed softly.

"Don't you remember how you got here?"

“No,” she answered shortly. “I only know that I didn’t come of my own free will. Who you are?

He cursed again and rubbed his broad, hairy chest.

“I was so afraid you wouldn’t remember!” he explained, puzzled. “You drank too much brandy!”

- Brandy? she said with her lips. “You drugged me with brandy?” And what else? Drugs?

Judging by the panic notes, she is about to lose the remnants of self-control.

- Let me explain.

- Immediately! Explain immediately! And where are my clothes?

He pushed back the sheet and stood up. She turned pale at the sight of his manly strength. He managed to take two steps towards the closets before she screamed again in fright and put her hand over her mouth, examining the brownish-red stains on the sheets. She raised her unseeing eyes to him, and he muttered something in embarrassment, spreading his arms imploringly and obviously not realizing that he was standing naked in front of her.

How was I to know you were a virgin? And then it was too late, Lainey.

She slowly removed her trembling hand from her whitened lips.

“H-how do you know my name?”

He shook his head in bewilderment and somewhat sadness, went to the closet, took out a white terry-cloth robe, returned to the bed and handed the robe to her. When she didn't move, he put the robe on the bed and turned away.

We met in an elevator. Do you remember how we got there together?!

She hastily pulled on her robe and pulled it tight with a belt. Meanwhile, he rummaged through the drawer and finally pulled out his pajama pants. He put it on and straightened up, though he didn't look like someone used to wearing pajamas at night. He turned to face her again and asked:

Do you remember how you got into the elevator?

She brought her fingertips to her throbbing temple and began to massage it, trying to remember yesterday. Anything.

Yes. She visited Sally and Jeff last night. They had such a good time. Views of New York. An amazing lunch and a great Velvet Hammer cocktail for dessert. Two portions? Then... Yes. They said goodbye at the door, she hugged Sally and Jeff with a laugh, then... Nothing.

“You said you were visiting friends who live in this building,” the stranger said softly, giving her enough time to piece together the pieces and pieces of her memories.

“I followed you into the elevator. Suddenly the light went out. We were stuck for a few minutes. Just a few minutes. Not more. But you were in a terrible state, fought in hysterics, and I could not leave you or throw you out on the street. I brought you here. Decided to cheer up the brandy. I put my vest up while you were crying. You…

“That doesn't explain the fact that I woke up in your bed after being raped.

- Rape? he exploded.

- Exactly! I would never go to bed with you voluntarily!

Under her indignant gaze, he still managed to pull himself together. His face hardened with anger and irritation. He ran a hand through his gray-streaked hair, beautiful hair that set off his dark tanned skin and amazing green eyes so beautifully.

- You, I hope, know about your claustrophobia? he said at last.

She nodded dryly.

- Now your head is a complete mess, and in your memory the memories of the events of last night are confused, because you were shocked. His features softened, but she didn't know what she feared more, his anger or his tenderness. But I felt that I was able to submit to both. “As for the so-called rape,” he added softly, looking at the treacherous spots, “I assure you that I did nothing against your wishes.

She whimpered softly.

“I would like to talk to you about all this. Calmly. Over a cup of coffee.

He went to the adjoining door.

- This is the bathroom. Perhaps you want to take a shower. I'll bring your clothes or you can stay in your bathrobe if you're too lazy to get dressed. In the meantime, I'll make coffee, and we will gradually put the missing pieces of the puzzle together until you see the whole picture. Agreed?

They didn't agree on anything. But she still nodded in agreement.

He disappeared behind the door, but very quickly returned with a bunch of her hopelessly wrinkled clothes, shoes and a purse, after which he silently left and closed the door behind him.

Lainie didn't waste any time. Jumping out of bed, she rushed to the bathroom. I turned on the shower, but did not get under the water. Let him think that she is in the shower! To restore mental and physical balance, she had enough cold water in the sink.

God! What did she do? After going to New York for just a week, she managed to get drunk on some killer nasty thing called Velvet Hammer and get into bed - IN BED - with a complete stranger!

She had not yet had time to truly realize the full horror of the perfect ...

With trembling hands, she pulled on her skirt and panties, and stuffed the rest of her underwear into her purse so as not to waste time. Then, with trembling hands, she began to pull on tights, a blouse, and a suit.

However, she doesn't know and doesn't want to know.

Lainie carefully opened the door and peered out. Somewhere a radio announcer hummed, reporting the weather for today. Good day to get the hell out of town!

She crept to the front door. Passing by the kitchen, she saw the back of the owner, who was making coffee. He didn't seem to be upset at all and carried himself with the smugness of a man who has lured a woman into his bed and then into his shower.

Obviously, scenes like today's were quite frequent and familiar to him.

“Good-bye, Mr. Whats-You-There,” she whispered with her lips alone, slipping out the door. She tiptoed to the elevator and pressed the button. It took forever for the cabin to climb up to the twenty-second floor and then down to the lobby even longer. Did he notice her absence? What if he called the porter to detain her?

Lainie sped past the doorman, who cheerfully wished her good morning. Without stopping, she ran two blocks before she risked stopping, taking a breath and hailing a cab. If she hurried, she could get back to the hotel, pack up, and catch her flight at LaGuardia.

Lainey's head hit the hard vinyl seat cover. She had never felt so tired before. The body was unusually aching in those places that are not customary to speak out loud. She wished she could ignore this pain!

I wonder how all this could have happened without her knowing?

Lainie closed her eyes and tried to suppress her curiosity. But nothing came out.

He must have been gentle with her, otherwise she would have remembered the pain. But how did he persuade her, Lainie MacLeod, to make love to him?

"Oh my god," she sighed, covering her face with her hands. It is not known whether she regrets that she does not remember anything, or that she must now atone for her guilt and be responsible for all the consequences?

Who is he? What if he's married? Or something sick? Or a pervert?

She laughed mirthlessly. Most women would consider her lucky as hell.

At least the worst will not happen to her. Her inability to have children was a shield against any relationship with men. The reason is that until now she was alone.

Lainie almost rejoiced at her infertility. And although she may have to endure a lot because of last night, at least she definitely won't get pregnant!

© 1984 by Sandra Brown

By arrangement with Maria Carvainis Agency. inc and Prava i Perevodi, Ltd. Translated from the English Words of Silk

© 1984 by Erin St. Claire. First published in the United States under the pseudonym Erin St. Claire by Silhouette Books, New York. Reissued in 2004 under the name Sandra Brown by Warner Books/Grand Central Publishing, New York.

© Pertseva T., translation into Russian, 2013

© Edition in Russian, design. Eksmo Publishing LLC, 2015

To my four sisters: Melanie, Jo, Laurie and Jenny - each of you is beautiful in your own way.

With a shock that threatened to break all the bones of the passengers, the elevator hovered between floors. And at that moment, the light went out. Nothing foreshadowed what had happened: there was neither the grinding of the cable against the gears, nor the ominous flashing of light bulbs. Nothing.

Just a minute ago, the cabin was moving silently down, and now both passengers were swallowed up by impenetrable black silence.

- Wow! - remarked the man, judging by the accent, a native New Yorker, already accustomed to the rude jokes that the city so often played with its inhabitants. - Another accident.

Lainie MacLeod said nothing, although the man was obviously expecting an answer. She literally felt him turn and look at her. Paralyzed with fear, Lainie was speechless as well as unable to move.

She tried to convince herself. She insisted that it was due to claustrophobia, which made any such situation seem unbearable, that in the end everyone would survive, that such reckless horror was childish, bordering on the absurd.

But no amount of persuasion helped.

- Hey, how are you? In order?

"No! It's not okay!" she wanted to scream, but her vocal cords seemed to freeze. Her manicured nails dug into instantly sweaty palms.

She suddenly realized that she was standing, her fists clenched and her eyes shut, and she forced herself to raise her eyelids. But this did not change anything: there was still no light in the suffocating tiny space of the elevator of an elite residential building.

His own hoarse breath echoed in his ears.

- Don't worry. It's not for long.

Lainey was infuriated by his calmness. Why doesn't he panic?

And how does he know it won't last long? She would like to know more. Demand that he guarantee the inclusion of the light as soon as possible. Troubleshooting like this can take hours or days, right?

- You know, I would be calmer if you would at least say something. So you're fine, right?

She did not see, but felt a hand groping in the darkness. Just a second before a hand was placed on her shoulder, Lainey jumped.

"It's okay," he assured, pulling his hand away. - Are you claustrophobic?

She nodded frantically, against all logic, believing that he would see. But the stranger must have felt something, because his voice took on a soothing tone:

- There is no need to worry. If there is no electricity in the next few minutes, firefighters will start looking for people stuck in the elevator.

A light breath reached her. There was a rustle of cloth.

I take off my jacket and suggest you do the same.

A minute ago, when the man had just entered the elevator, she had only glanced at him, having managed to draw a rough portrait: gray hair, a tall, slender figure, dressed with careful casualness, a suit emphasized simple so as not to seem insanely expensive and pretentious. She averted her eyes and silently watched the flashing numbers on the scoreboard counting the floors.

Lainie sensed that he had been staring at her for a few moments after he entered, although he didn't say a word either.

Both fell victim to the awkwardness that usually occurs between strangers who find themselves in the same elevator car. He eventually followed her lead and stared at the scoreboard as well. Now she heard his jacket hit the soft carpeting.

- Can I help you? he asked with forced cheerfulness when she didn't move. Taking a step in the direction of heavy, uneven breathing, he raised his hands. There was a dull thud as Lainey instinctively recoiled, hitting her back against the wall panel. He touched her petrified body and hesitantly felt her shoulders.

He shrugged his unyielding shoulders reassuringly and stepped even closer.

- What are you doing? Laney squeezed out, although a second ago she was sure that her tongue did not obey.

I'll help you take off your coat. The hotter you get, the harder it is to breathe, and most likely, you will soon begin to suffocate. By the way, my name is Dick.

Her jacket, from a suit she'd just bought at Saks the day before, was taken off and ruthlessly thrown to the floor.

– What is your name? What is this, a scarf?

She raised her leaden hands and fidgeted, constantly colliding with his fingers.

- Yes. I untied.

Unraveling the knot with difficulty, she handed him the scarf.

- Layne. Unusual name. Maybe you should unbutton a couple of buttons? This blouse is hardly breathable. Silk?

- Very beautiful. Blue, as far as I remember.

"You're not from New York," he remarked casually, working on the cuffs of her blouse. Deftly unbuttoning the mother-of-pearl buttons, he rolled up the sleeves of his blouse to the elbows.

- Yes. I came to stay for a week and should leave in the morning.

Do your friends live in this building?

- Yes. A college friend I shared a room with in college with my husband.

- It's clear. Well, you feel better now, right?

He straightened her unbuttoned collar. He lightly touched his waist with both hands.

- Would you like to sit down?

Damn it! Dick Sargent cursed himself for pushing. You can't scare an already frightened woman even more than that! She was still standing with her back to the wall, as if preparing to face the firing squad. And she breathed so heavily, as if every breath could be her last.

“All right, Lainey, it’s all right. You got me wrong...

The light flickered uncertainly, then flared up to full strength. The elevator motor, purring in displeasure, started up again. Another push from the elevator, soft this time, and the car started moving.

Two strangers, standing almost nose to nose, looked into each other's eyes. Squinted eyes. She was pale as a sheet. His eyes showed concern.

Smiling shyly, he wrapped his arms around her again. It looks like it's about to shatter into a million pieces.

- Here! See! I told you! Everything worked out!

But instead of answering with a restrained smile and with cold politeness thanking the man for condescending to her foolish behavior, and at the same time putting her clothes in order, she suddenly threw herself on his chest and sobbed desperately. The front of his starched shirt was crumpled in her strong wet fists. There were mournful sobs. He felt the convulsions shaking her body.

God knows, she held back to the last. But when the danger was over, the nerves capitulated to the horror of pitch darkness in a confined space.

The elevator came to a slow stop at the first floor. The door swung open almost silently. Through the glass windows of the lobby, Dick could see pedestrians scurrying in both directions. On the avenue, cars were stuck in traffic: the traffic lights still didn't work. Chaos reigned on the pavements.

“Mr. Sargent,” the livery doorman began, hurrying to the elevator.

"It's all right, Joe," said Dick curtly, thinking, "It's not enough to have this woman thrown out into the street in her condition." He preferred not to explain anything to the porter. - I'm going upstairs again.

The fact that a person can communicate freely without using any telecommunication devices was claimed by Alfred Einstein. Invisible communication waves, unlike radio waves, are capable of traveling vast distances, including in outer space, finding an unmistakable addressee. Unfortunately, it is still unknown how this technology works, but people who possess it have not entertained the public in the circus for a long time, but are involved in resolving the most serious issues.

These abilities are associated with the activation of certain areas in the human brain, which in most people are in a depressed state. It has long been proven that absolutely anyone can have such abilities, but for the connection to begin to work, something must happen that has a strong effect on the cerebral cortex. The most common causes are the death of a loved one or another incident associated with death. As a result, the same notorious third eye opens, allegedly located at the junction of the superciliary arches of the face. Researchers claim that such abilities were possessed by ancient civilizations - the Atlanteans and the Hyperboreans. For some people, the ability to telepathy appears from birth, which is explained by a genetic connection with peoples that once existed, and such owners of the gift begin to hear the thoughts of other people from childhood.

The possession of the ability to telepathy is far from a pleasure, as some ordinary people might imagine, especially for a person who previously did not have such abilities. He always feels stressed when he opens a channel of telepathic communication and at that moment begins to hear an unpleasant mixture of sounds, which is reminiscent of a situation with an untuned radio. During this period, it is very important to curb the uncontrolled information flow by force of will, highlighting only the necessary component in it. If the gift is inherited, then the person is prepared in advance and the period of adaptation passes more gently, but those who acquired it on their own have to make superhuman efforts to withstand such a load. There are frequent cases when a person could not stand it and committed suicide or died from an overdose of drugs and alcohol.

Many viewers remember the sparkling comedy "Love and Doves", where in one of the episodes the main character was popularly told about who telepaths and psychics are. Then it was perceived with humor, and no one could imagine that after a few decades people with such a gift would really help various special services. Today, telepaths are unofficially included in the investigative teams involved in the search for missing people or criminals who have committed murders. Such a narrow specialization is explained by the peculiarity of the situation compared to other types of crimes. It is at the scene of the murder that a strong energy field is created that records the thoughts of everyone who was here on the eve of the murder.

Even an experienced specialist gets extreme overload when reading information, since he himself has to feel everything that happened, while at the same time he sees events from both the victim and the perpetrator. The use of telepathic capabilities has become relevant since the mid-1960s, when the next round of the Cold War followed. And although the official position of the domestic authorities remained unchanged - the possibility of telepathic practice was denied in every possible way, the special services en masse recruited people who had inclinations.

The space that is scanned by a telepath cannot be measured in any way, there is no concept of time, that is, in fact, it is a global information network of the future, an analogue of the current Internet. Experienced specialists who have worked and are working for government agencies say that, like on the Internet, you can easily get to know both people and other creatures. Communication is carried out in a certain universal language, and none of the telepaths could convey it in their own language after leaving the state of contact. Many of them say that this happens automatically, in addition, they see various visual images.

Such a description would look quite fantastic, but the “king of electricity” Nikolo Tesla described something similar in his research. “While conducting experiments, I discovered that there, beyond reality, there is no death, I freely communicated with Newton and Pythagoras, as well as creatures not from our world” - these words of the scientist confirm that telepathy does not operate at all on the principle of radio communication, but allows you to enter a space. This explains the ease of communication in it, regardless of the real location of those communicating.

Thus, the search for other intelligent life forms in the universe ceases to be a difficult task, because any highly developed civilization, like the same Atlanteans, freely communicates using telepathy, which means it will be able to answer the request of humanity. Wait for a response from the probes that were launched several decades ago and it is not known whether they will reach the final goal, or is it still to give preference to the development of telepathic abilities?

Enthusiast researchers argue that in many developed countries that have their own space program, they have long paid great attention to telepathic communication with extraterrestrial civilizations and, depending on this, make adjustments to space exploration plans. Judging by the fact that no one is going to fly beyond the planetary orbit, and the construction of a base on the Moon has remained in the plans, we can say that representatives of other civilizations are in no hurry to give earthlings new technologies. Such ignoring, and at the same time, the frequent arrivals of UFOs, speaks of the non-fulfillment by the earthlings of some agreements, after the fulfillment of which, they would receive the necessary information.

Guessing thoughts from a distance back in the early twentieth century was fun, so no one could have imagined that in less than a hundred years such abilities would be used on an industrial scale. Not a single even the most modern digital communication line is capable of ensuring the security of transmitted secret information. Hacking the database by hackers or connecting third-party devices to the line itself is always possible, it's just a matter of time, and the special services will always have the necessary equipment in service. It is impossible to steal information while being transported through a telepathic channel, not a single technique is able to track its movement, and the data itself can be located arbitrarily in the cerebral cortex. Himself, having telepathic abilities, may not remember what exactly was transmitted to him, however, the introduction into hypnotic sleep allows you to accurately reproduce all the data.

The project to transfer important information using the human brain as a carrier is not so new. So far, there is no other way to reproduce the received information, except by hand writing down on paper, but even so, the researchers managed to identify many interesting features of this process. Naturally, before the time when a connector for connecting an external drive is integrated into the skull of each person is still very far away, but the prospect here is quite impressive.

Far from everyone has telepathic abilities, so it’s not yet possible to talk about using them by all people as a means of communication, but this does not mean that this is impossible. Compared to the current civilization, the Atlanteans did not have artificially created telecommunications, as they were replaced by natural telepathic abilities. Scientists came to the conclusion that this ability was laid down in them at the genetic level. It also made it possible to communicate with the inhabitants of other planets, and it is possible that it was thanks to such opportunities that they were able to leave the Earth in time before the disaster. Only by activating the gene responsible for telepathic communication, the current inhabitants of the planet could do without telephones and the Internet, however, how to do this? Although the mass introduction of such abilities is not planned, which is naturally not in the interests of the special services, scientists are developing a universal methodology that allows any employee to quickly master skills.

Experts believe that such weapons will allow not only to work for the benefit of society, but also to establish total control over every person without the use of material technical means. No matter how miniature video cameras and microphones are, they will always require special conditions for installation and power supply, moreover, it is impossible to control human consciousness with their help. Some researchers believe that already now, to control mass gatherings and especially protests, the authorities of some countries use strong psychics. Having such opportunities, one can not only suppress protests, but, on the contrary, incite conflicts in one’s own interests, therefore the legality of using such a means is quite controversial, although officially any special services deny the existence of something like this.

The human body is one of the biggest mysteries that remains almost unsolved, and this especially concerns the activity of the brain centers. Where do dreams come from or how can thoughts be transmitted at a distance? There are still no even approximate answers to all these questions, but the possibilities of the brain extend much further than telepathy alone, and if someday they are revealed to us, it is possible that all current technologies will be unclaimed.

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M. Fateeva

On one planet lived an evil king. He offended children and adults, hated everyone, was a vile and vicious tyrant.

One day, on a summer day, the king looked out the window and saw a wanderer at the walls of his palace, around whom a crowd had gathered. The Stranger was telling something, and the people laughed in response. The evil king did not like laughter and joy. He ordered the guards to seize this man and imprison him. Which is what was done.

The day ended and the king went to bed. Sitting comfortably on the plush bed, he closed his eyes. And already the dreams began to unfold their pictures in front of him, when suddenly the king saw the wanderer.

“What are you doing in my bedroom,” the king shouted indignantly, “you have to sit in a dungeon ?!

– You shouldn’t, – the wanderer said with a sly smile, – I am not a simple person, but a magician. And so now we're going on a journey.

– Guard!!! the king yelled in horror, but it was too late. Everything swirled before his eyes, and the bedroom disappeared.

He found himself in a big beautiful city, there were a lot of people around. But there was something strange about this picture. Looking closely, the king saw that all people were connected by thin luminous threads. Moreover, the same threads stretched from people to animals and plants.

- What is this? the king asked in surprise. He easily passed through these threads, as if through rays of light, without violating their safety.

– It is the connection between everything that exists on the planet. All its inhabitants depend on each other, and animals and plants depend on them. They are parts of the same organism. These threads are the energy of goodness and love, which allows everyone to live well and happily. Destroying this connection with malice, hatred, deceit, greed, people bring down misfortunes and grief on their heads. Having acted badly even with one person, you can cause the death and misfortune of many people, destroy animals and plants - destroy life ...

- All this is nonsense, - the evil king exclaimed, - and what kind of planet is this ?!

“This is your planet,” the mage replied. I just gave you the opportunity to see what is invisible, but exists. Exuding evil, you destroy not only the world around you, but, in the end, destroy yourself.

- Nonsense! It can not be so! the king shouted. At this time, they were crossing the bridge, and the evil king pushed one of the passers-by into the river, because he was in a hurry and accidentally hit the king. The magician shook his head reproachfully, waved his hand and...

The king woke up in his bedroom, the mood was disgusting. He immediately sent to the dungeon to check the wanderer-magician. But the dungeon was empty. The magician is gone. The evil king, in a rage, called the executioner to execute the guards. But it turned out that the executioner was blind. Because early in the morning a fiery star flew past the planet, which deprived everyone who looked at it of sight. And almost everyone watched, since the entire population of the planet went to work with the sunrise, as required by the king.

Where were the stargazers?! the king yelled furiously. After some time, it turned out that the astrologers knew about the fiery star and sent a messenger to warn everyone. But someone pushed the messenger off the bridge and he drowned.

Most of the inhabitants of the planet have lost their sight. Law enforcement officers were blinded, janitors were blinded, and chaos reigned on the streets of the cities. Blind peasants could not work in the fields and take care of animals. Domestic animals ran away from hunger into the forests and became wild. All the flowers in the flowerbeds withered because there was no one to water them. The gardens are deserted. There was no one to work, no one to produce goods, no one to serve the king. The planet was terrified.

Hungry, frightened and unhappy, the king locked himself in his chambers. And suddenly he saw a magician. The evil king jumped up and was about to pounce on him, when he suddenly saw a luminous thread connecting them both.

"So it's all true, then?" - in horror, clutching his head, said the king.

"True," replied the mage. Now you yourself see how everything is interconnected, how we all (all of us) depend on each other. I gave you a chance to see it. And what did you do?!

“But how to be now,” the king shouted, “how to return everything back?!!

But the magician chuckled and... vanished into thin air.

The king woke up standing at the window. It was a summer day outside the window, people were walking by, everything was as usual. He saw a wanderer at the walls of his palace, around whom a crowd had gathered. The Stranger was telling something, and the people laughed in response.

– Guard! - the king shouted and froze for a second, - approach this man, offer him shelter and food. And ask if he needs anything else.

And as soon as he said this, he saw that everyone around was connected by luminous threads. And since these threads glow, then the energy of goodness and love flows through them. And that means everyone will live well, happily ever after. In goodness and joy, in harmony and love.

The Stranger was telling something, and the people laughed in response. The evil king did not like laughter and joy. He ordered the guards to seize this man and imprison him. Which is what was done.

The day ended and the king went to bed. Sitting comfortably on the plush bed, he closed his eyes. And already the dreams began to unfold their pictures in front of him, when suddenly the king saw the wanderer.

“What are you doing in my bedroom,” the king shouted indignantly, “you have to sit in a dungeon ?!

– You shouldn’t, – the wanderer said with a sly smile, – I am not a simple person, but a magician. And so now we're going on a journey.

– Guard!!! the king yelled in horror, but it was too late. Everything swirled before his eyes, and the bedroom disappeared.

He found himself in a big beautiful city, there were a lot of people around. But there was something strange about this picture. Looking closely, the king saw that all people were connected by thin luminous threads. Moreover, the same threads stretched from people to animals and plants.

- What is this? the king asked in surprise. He easily passed through these threads, as if through rays of light, without violating their safety.

“It is the link between everything that exists on the planet. All its inhabitants depend on each other, and animals and plants depend on them. They are parts of the same organism. These threads are the energy of goodness and love, which allows everyone to live well and happily. Destroying this connection with malice, hatred, deceit, greed, people bring down misfortunes and grief on their heads. Having acted badly even with one person, you can cause the death and misfortune of many people, destroy animals and plants - destroy life ...

- All this is nonsense, - the evil king exclaimed, - and what kind of planet is this ?!

“This is your planet,” the mage replied. - I just gave you the opportunity to see what is invisible, but exists. Exuding evil, you destroy not only the world around you, but in the end you will destroy yourself.

- Nonsense! It can not be so! the king shouted. At this time, they were crossing the bridge, and the evil king pushed one of the passers-by into the river, because he was in a hurry and accidentally hit the king. The magician shook his head reproachfully, waved his hand and…

The king woke up in his bedroom, the mood was disgusting. He immediately sent to the dungeon to check the wanderer-magician. But the dungeon was empty. The magician is gone. The evil king, in a rage, called the executioner to execute the guards. But it turned out that the executioner was blind. Because early in the morning a fiery star flew past the planet, which deprived everyone who looked at it of sight. And almost everyone watched, since the entire population of the planet went to work with the sunrise, as required by the king.

Where were the stargazers?! the king yelled furiously. After some time, it turned out that the astrologers knew about the fiery star and sent a messenger to warn everyone. But someone pushed the messenger off the bridge and he drowned.

Most of the inhabitants of the planet have lost their sight. Law enforcement officers were blinded, janitors were blinded, and chaos reigned on the streets of the cities. Blind peasants could not work in the fields and take care of animals. Domestic animals ran away from hunger into the forests and became wild. All the flowers in the flowerbeds withered because there was no one to water them. The gardens are deserted. There was no one to work, no one to produce goods, no one to serve the king. The planet was terrified.

Hungry, frightened and unhappy, the king locked himself in his chambers. And suddenly he saw a magician. The evil king jumped up and was about to pounce on him, when he suddenly saw a luminous thread connecting them both.

"So it's all true, then?" - in horror, clutching his head, said the king.

"True," replied the mage. “Now you can see for yourself how everything is interconnected, how we all depend on each other. I gave you a chance to see it. And what did you do?!

“But how to be now,” the king shouted, “how to return everything back?!!

But the magician grinned and ... disappeared into the air.

The king woke up standing at the window. It was a summer day outside the window, people were walking by, everything was as usual. He saw a wanderer at the walls of his palace, around whom a crowd had gathered. The Stranger was telling something and people laughed in response.

– Guard! - the king shouted and froze for a second, - approach this man, offer him shelter and food. And ask if he needs anything else.

And as soon as he said this, he saw that everyone around was connected by luminous threads. And since these threads glow, then the energy of goodness and love flows through them. And that means everyone will live well, happily ever after. In goodness and joy, in harmony and love.